Return of the Swallow


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“If it’s a barbarian you want, then it’s a barbarian you’ll get!”

Reclaimed by her noble family after being swapped at birth, Qin Yining is bestowed a hellish family instead. Just as she turns her situation around and gains acceptance, her country is plunged into danger instead.

Shades of gray color the world. No side is completely good, and no side is completely evil. Refusing to be a trophy won by men, Qin Yining carves her own path instead. In this absolutely riveting and spellbinding tale, what does our MC do when an entire dynasty is at stake?

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Recommendation Lists
  1. CN w/ Excellent Plot (BxG)
  2. Ancient china
  3. Switched at birth and/or secret young lady/master
  4. Cliches, Classics, Goats
  5. Fantasy Recommendation

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107 Reviews sorted by

readingjenny rated it
January 10, 2021
Status: c504
Around 4 stars. I enjoyed it very much, But I have an issue with one character in the later arc that I've read.. It's Anari.

... more>>

Anari is the first female Khan. I am not familiar about their culture, but surely being the first FEMALE KHAN must be a feat. Her character had so much potential, especially because there are no other female character as good or strong other than the MC. She was foreshadowed and I was nervous cause I thought she'll be a threat. She is not. She is just annoying

Anari's character exposes the female lead halo of Yinning.

Like Yinning is a good hunter and physically stronger than average women. She is also good at equestrian. I get it. I can accept that. Usually, she is not that op (it's reasonable), and her skills are believable because she is contrasted with other people who are better in her in that field. Like she is smart, but sometimes reckless. There is also her father who is probably as smart but with more experienced. Pang Xiao and other characters are also on par with her. That is one of the reasons why I liked her.

Maybe I expected a lot of Anari. I just see it as a huge misopportunity that Anari is reduced to some reckless and jealous woman She is trained rider since childhood and she can freely ride horse. But somehow, Yinning who have no training in riding a horse and has completely smaller amount of experience, is better than her. We can say Yinning is talented. However, at least be on equal footing.

Maybe I expected a lot of Anari. I just see it as a huge misopportunity that Anari is reduced to some reckless and jealous woman. She is also easily manipulated. I wish Siqin character did not exist and just merge some of his characteristics to Anari. We don't need more characters who lust for fl

Anari can be a strong antagonist. She can serve as foil with their contrasting culture and morals.

Now, Anari became a reminder that Yinning is either a God or a man. QY feels like a "not like other girl".


the Tatar arc is just exhausting to read. Luheng is pretty decent to read but other than his characterization, everything is either boring or annoying. I skimmed through it. And I'll probably wait for more chapters to release so I can skip those parts.

The romance is very good. Their interactions are so cute and warm. I love them.

Qin Huaiyuan is the best father I have read in a Chinese historical novel.

There are so many good male characters (I'm not talking about morals but as a character in a novel).

Aside from Tatar arc, it is worth reading. If you're reading from the future, you can skip it. Here's the summary.


Luheng and Yinning is kidnapped to the Tatar by Siqin, the khan consort/ Anari's husband/ Tatar general, to help find the treasure. They did not find the treasure and did not help at all in finding the treasure.

Siqin half pretended to like Yinning, which is highly effective. Anari is jealous. Soothsayer is here and said that Yinning has the same fate as Anari and might affect her fate Mu Jinghu is also here

Anari goes ballistic with jealousy and tried to arrange a gang r*pe and eventually kill Yinning. She is saved by Luheng and Mu jinghu by knocking out Anari.

Siqin killed Anari and frame it LH and QY. His purpose is 1. Usurp the throne and 2. Provide reason to fight Great Zhou. Apparently, that is his plan all along since kidnapping both of them.

Luheng and Yinning are now on the run with some minor tribe (who has grudge to Anari for killing their kin and helped LH and QY because they thought they killed Anari). You can now read c504.

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wispybits rated it
November 21, 2020
Status: c349
Okay, so I've read up to 349 chapters now and girl, can the grandmother just get lost or live a life worse than death lol.

I really just want too cook her like what she did with riceball


Anyway, the mother's character development though. Wow. Although it took a while, but she's very loving towards the FL now.

Also, I feel like this book is titled as such because she literally is swallowed with problems. Lol

The plot was definitely great. Although this was so political, it wasn't boring and it was well translated, making it very fun and insightful to read. There was romance ofcourse but for me, it was just enough to not spoil you and still have you wanting more.
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Zemmiaphobia rated it
November 4, 2020
Status: c527
Probably one of the most amazing novels I've read, period. The characters are all very well fleshed out, even the worst villain is believable with impeccable motivation. The MC is fascinating and multi-dimensional, with flaws. Also, her relationship with her father is the sweetest and most touching parent/child relationship I've ever read in a CN novel, especially as she didn't grow up with him. Overall, this novel deserves praise, recognition, and admiration!
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Kusamochi rated it
September 23, 2020
Status: c511 part2
A rollercoaster of emotions, this novel is a frustratingly delightful read! As others mentioned, the only downside is that this novel is not yet fully translated.

Also, hat off to Volare staff whose translation is very smooth and regular despite all.

Will update this review but the MC is an astute, clever and beautiful girl whilst the ML is a reliable and strong general. They're from two different countries/kingdoms but both have wits and morals. Yet for me the appeal was the side characters: most of them are fleshed out, their feelings... more>> understandable (except for one, whom I would like to personally push off a cliff) if not acceptable and their role quite important too - low-key fangirling over auntie Cao. <<less
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An Extra
An Extra
December 1, 2019
Status: c80
I've only just started this novel, but I'd recommend it to anyone who's looking for a good historical web novel. The protagonist is likable and capable and makes you care about her fate and gets you angry at the enemies. The antagonists range from s*upid to crafty, and it's an amazing feeling to see the protagonist slap ALL the faces! If you're looking fro a good read, look no further. It's refreshing to see a lead who isn't reliant on some sort of system or op future knowledge (although that... more>> can be done well) and just navigates the currents with wit and skill. <<less
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Sayu-rin rated it
November 14, 2018
Status: c40
This story is amazing. The MC is a breath of fresh air, truly amazing. I have never liked a protagonist faster.

Unfortunately the ML rubbed me the wrong way from his first appearance, and I don't think I'll ever get to like him. I don't even know why myself. I've had to stop reading before I fall victim to second ML syndrome and break my own heart.

But this is a great novel, with an excellent storyline and well fleshed out characters. I'd recommend it to anyone.
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Lenva rated it
June 5, 2018
Status: c99
This story is exceptionally good! It feels like reading the female version of Grandmaster Strategist, a masterpiece and one of my personal favorites. Such an enchanting piece, I read all 99 chapters available just in 3 days and craving for more. And, two thumbs up for etvolare for her excellent translation quality.
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soomubs rated it
May 25, 2018
Status: c20
Honestly, I wasn't very into this when I first started because it felt very slow. But 20 chapters into it, I realised that the slow pace of the novel is what gives it its momentum. It feels slow because the author spends a lot of effort describing every detail of the scene, which gives you a clear image of what's happening as well as a lot of depth.

The MC didn't come from the future or has supernatural powers. All she has is her wits, instincts and experience, which she uses... more>> to a great degree in order to do some high level face slapping!

The characters can get kind of confusing given that there are quite a few characters, but that's something you'll learn to live with. <<less
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Lightsyde rated it
May 24, 2018
Status: c86
Haaaaah. Return of the Swallow is quite the eye-opener. The feeling I get reading it is like a pirate who is forced to walk the plank, abandoned to sea by trusted crew-mates - but instead of sinking to his death, he falls into the lost island of Atlantis, where it's citizen crown him their Godking and obey his every whim.

The Good

  1. Emotional content. A great author knows how to play with the emotions of his readers like a fiddle, and to their immense enjoyment. This story is filled to the brim with all the wonders that only a rich, vibrant and varied spectrum of emotions can give a story. When Yining is greeted with rejection on her very first day of arrival, you are not just told, you're made to really feel it. From Huining's vile machinations to the warm love of the Sun family Duchess, you're wrapped in layers of emotional intensity so well done that the story comes alive!! When the quality of emotional content in a story reaches this level, it becomes a work of art. Reminiscent of One Piece, enough said.
  2. Intellectual content and emotional intelligence. Characters that have a good head on their shoulders are a delight to read. The MC of this story is very intelligent, using her head to solve her problems a lot of the time, with a high level of situational awareness to the point where it's inspiring. Her emotional intelligence is also very high, and she has a heart that makes it very fun to see her display her intellectual prowess. Habitually manipulates her opponents into revealing themselves while keeping a great grasp of the the big picture. Very entertaining.
  3. Characters - very complex and consistent characters, diverse in their behaviour and predictable once you figure out their personalities - just like real life. Nee sun, old dowager, Huining and Yining's father are great examples of this. Filled with uniqueness in their world and fun to love and hate, as they should be.
  4. Great translator. Communicative and fun.
The Bad

  1. Not my niche. Falling in love with a story and knowing it's not battle-oriented is an unexpected and bittersweet experience. Damn a certain someone who tricked me into reading it.
  2. Not really too pleased with the plot. Novels like these run a high risk of becoming too complicated for their own good.
  3. I don't like the underlying trend of present and (hints of) ultimate subservience in the story. I don't want my MCs subservient to anyone.
Final Rating ; 4.5/5. No matter your reading preference, Return of the Swallow is definitely worth trying, at least from the first to the 86th chapter. I only hope it will continue in this fashion. Highly Recommended.
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Ayustat rated it
May 24, 2018
Status: c86
Its a interesting story of drama and intrigue in an old civilization. Nice to see something more than just fighting and cultivation happening at such times. Also refreshing to have an MC who ain't reincarnated but through life just became that hardminded.

Good story with both good and bad moments but not too cheesy or obvious "it's here cause I need it to move to the next stage". Instead there's a nice flow to it with all events lining up to match the lore. Also intriguing setup with the ... more>>

"evil" prince who was responsible for the switch up and now loves her which could become very interesting if the author makes use of all the potential that he has created with that story line.


In general it's a good refreshing read with a female MC for once who can fight and be just as good as the guys which is rare to find. <<less
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May 23, 2018
Status: c85
** five stars**

ROS is a very different kind of novel for me, its not fantasy or wuxia. There arent superpowers or OP martial techniques. However, its still very addicting, surprisingly. The novel is fast-paced, in the sense that there is always something happening. I haven't seen any fillers yet, nor any chapters that feel excessively drawn-out.

In most CN, MC's will have an endless supply of items or techniques to respond to all kinds of situations. In this case, Qin Yining doesn't have an endless supply of trump cards, just... more>> a few tiny bits here and there, but she knows how to make the best of them in order to get the best outcome.

The plot is very realistic, as opposed to traditional wuxia or xanxia... It is set in ancient china and more focused on politics and surviving as a girl in a world ruled by men.

Qin Yining is very witty and refined. Her upbringing is uncommon, to say the least. But it gives her an edge a noble lady doesn't have otherwise.

I feel like this novel is a female version of The Grandmaster Strategist in a sense. <<less
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cheongzewei rated it
May 23, 2018
Status: c20
Dramas is a hit or a miss at times, and this novel isn't an exception.

For me, I rarely read dramas, as I just in all honestly do not enjoy them, but I found some enjoyment in that there isn't any wuxia cultivation loop, but instead that situations are dealt with smartly and with wits and sometimes a little luck.

Translations are well done, and chapters are long enough for bite size reading. If you like dramas, then you'll likely enjoy this.
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jordanyak rated it
May 23, 2018
Status: c404
Edit to the edit: 5 star (12/1/2019)

One year later, and the series is still as good as ever. I highly recommend this novel to those who want more than an MC who overpowers all. The side characters are not forgotten, and the development of the relationship between our Male and female leads as well as between her and the supporting characters are beautiful. Sometimes the typical tropes happen, but the developments definitely keep you on your toes. Edit: 5 star rating

Wow. I caught up with the current chapter... more>> in one go. This novel is incredibly heart-wrenching, and while I don't know if I actually like where the plot is going, it cannot be doubted that I have completely fallen in love with the novel and can't wait to see what happens next. Not only is the MC good, she is not in the typical "whole world is against her" situation, nor can she miraculously save everyone every single time like Chu Feng, Jiang Chen, or Xiao Yan can. She is very much only human and can only try to do her best, and the realistic-ness of that is captivating. Highly recommend the novel!

Original post: Generally, Chinese novels with female MCs are iffy because the emphasis is so different. With the typical Wuxia, it's all about the guy getting stronger and conquering foes, amassing friends as they go along. Sometimes it's cheesy and the plot armour is unbelievable, but it's entertaining. With female protagonists, however, it's all about negotiating and navigating the muddy waters of relationships and politics and backstabbing and insinuations. There's no valiant camaderie, no conquering or some giant foe. There's just bad attempts at acting, some girls who always have ulterior motives and are sneaky about it, and a lot of shrieking. It gives me quite a headache sometimes, how s*upid the non-protagonist girls can be in the novels (and I say that as a girl).

However, ROS is a pretty good novel within the genre. Yining is a girl I would root for, and I love how BA she is. Like, I wish I had her mettle and gaze of steel. :P The supporting characters are also realistic and not completely one dimensional, and I appreciate that there are characters who are actually wise instead of just selfish. The translation accurately yet eloquently depicts the intricacy of Chinese politics, and it also manages to convey the surprisingly detailed narrative. All in all, I enjoyed it more than I thought I would've! <<less
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Euxine rated it
May 23, 2018
Status: c85
This novel is an interesting read with a female protagonist. As you read along, you will find yourself empathizing with the MC's trepidation and success.
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DDominus rated it
May 23, 2018
Status: c85
I actually think I need to make a review on this novel, partially because I watch translator wrote someone give a 2 star review on this novel. I of course respect that review, everyone is free to give review, its their rights.

So, This review is made to encourage people to read the novel, with a fair warning... this novel is NOT a xian xia novel. doNOT expect some higher plane god or whatever to come down from the sky and give ML some super duper move to kill the enemy,... more>> or super cheat or whatchamacallit. This novel is about a girl (beautiful as always) that try to save her family from ruin since the nation has an emperor who has a D*CK as his brain... with political battle abound...I must say though that I really really enjoy this kind of novel, rather than some generic xian xia novel (I also enjoy IET novel btw). so, if you looking for smart ML, no xian xia, with brain in her head, no poison, assasin skill, cheat code, that strive to her best with what card she have to face, this novel is a safe bet

the translation quality is good, as volare always has. so enjoy this novel. I also hope the novel quality don't worsen with every arc concluded <<less
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honglath rated it
May 19, 2018
Status: c73
Biased rant:

I don't like it.

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The country is dying, the emperor is a lustful ret*rd and characters that are supposedly smart act dumb just to add drama and tragedy.

Everyone knows the emperor is a piece of dung who thinks with his lower half and is purely a toy of the sl*t empress, but no, they keep going with 'the emperor is wise, he'll see the way, he'll be better' even as more and more heads pile up before their eyes.

Something avoidable was forcefully pushed in a way that creates a very much unneeded suffering for the MC and it's crap.


I simply can't like it. I may be wrong, but I just don't like it. <<less
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saosaosmr rated it
March 11, 2024
Status: c182
Surprise Mary Sue. The beginning was very promising, that our MC was beating up her antagonist was hilarious to me. But she settles in to her new role as a noble daughter easily, and all her education is off screen. So what you get is the perfect, cunning, clever and of course beautiful protagonist with almost no work. There is some very endearing humanity in how the MC and ML interact, though it is overshadowed by how self serving the rest of the story is.

I don't understand yet why the... more>> author seems to love Bintang so much and wants us to sympathize with her without putting in any work. She is unnaturally cheerful until she is reminded by her past, very oddly skilled for her age and station (the poison curing bit, oh dear) and is determined to serve MC as her maid! She openly started beefing/flirting with ML's body servant in front of MC, as her maid. The "friendships" portrayed feel shallow, and forced. None of the interactions feel real, just happens because we need the MC and her maids to have a deep bond.

I do like her father and mother's development so far, everyone else is a mixed bag.

There is an emphasis on blood, ie Qin Huining being of unknown origin of course turns out to be a bad seed because she came from bad seed. Meanwhile of course Yining is perfect because she comes from her father who is the perfect politician, and gentleman.

Also, every single event that happens is an excuse to circle jerk over Qin Yining's beauty, unparalleled wisdom, political acumen, courage, etc. It gets boring pretty fast.

The plot itself is also underbaked and underwhelming, it tries very hard to appear clever. Every turn and decision is either obvious or s*upid, and yet they spoon feed you the rationale anyway. And there's the issue that it's just so lame. Azure Justice? The Silver Masks? Solve it man Steward Zhong? I am very surprised at the high ratings on this novel, given how incredibly bad the story is. Disappointing. <<less
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May 3, 2023
Status: c153
The villains can be obnoxious but this novel is def better than most of this genre. The main character is actually intelligent for once. The male lead isn’t a rapist and the family dynamics as well as the response to the trope of switched at birth feels painfully realistic.

I’m starting to get bored due to the focus on romance but the overarching political plot is interesting.
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tilsychari rated it
February 6, 2023
Status: c260
OKAY, so this is a very good read, but so much is happening all the time I need to have a break lol. Sometimes I wish we were back at the start where her only troubles was the inner residence lmao.

I didnt like the ML around chapter 100ish and almost dropped it with how pushy he was at this moment, thought it was going to be one where he forces himself without caring about the MC, but I kept on and surprisingly real fast started to like him.
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amelya rated it
October 13, 2022
Status: c576
Everyone has been singing praises for this novel and I can see why.

But what frustrates me is WHY IS THE MC TOLERATING PEOPLE WHO BULLIES HER FROM C1 TO C500++??? Okay so you don't want to eliminate them because "they're family". You have the power, authority and the rights so just leave and distance yourself from them??? And yet she prefers getting bullied why "ignoring" them. Such simple matter to solve yet the author likes to prolong these lousy acts. I can only surmise that the author created the MC... more>> as a pure masochist.

Still a 5 star though. No doubt. <<less
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