Renegade Immortal


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Wang Lin is a very smart boy with loving parents. Although he and his parents are shunned by the rest of their relatives, his parents always held high hopes that he will one day become someone great. One day, Wang Lin suddenly gained the chance to walk the path of an immortal, but found that he only had mediocre talent at best. Watch Wang Lin as he breaks through his lack of talent and walks the path towards becoming a real immortal!

Associated Names
One entry per line
Hain Ölümsüz
Tiên Nghịch
Xian Ni
الخالد المتمرد
Related Series
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A Record of a Mortal’s Journey to Immortality (10)
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174 Reviews

SK Labib
New SK Labib
May 04, 2024
Status: --
Ignore all the review like MC is ruthless, heartless............ Just read it. If you have a good test then you won't regret for reading this novel. Yes, sometimes MC being extreme, but if you think about the situation then there is no other better choice. And in terms of romance it has a satisfactory ending.
1 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
May 16, 2016
Status: Completed
Finished reading Xian Ni (Renegade Immortal) and I would definitely say that it's one of the better Chinese novel out there. Don't worry the review doesn't have spoilers :)

The ending was satisfying. The only disappointing (and frustrating) part was the boring romace.

The storyline focus on different phases of MC's life (innocent toddler to eccentric expert). Er Gen has done each phase very well.

For the first time readers the starting 100-150 chapters might seem bad. I can understand that as those chapters focus on MC's transction from a naive... more>> child to a ruthless cultivator instead of action. Later on you realize the importance of those chapters when the series take a dark tone. The starting chapters are light hearted and yet tell the dark side of world.

At start MC is hesitant to kill even after learning that the world follows the law of jungle. Er Gen smartly wrote the transction of a naive child to a ruthless cultivator. You could actually feel the hesitancy MC shows as he steps on the dark side. Later on he becomes totally ruthless but the starting of series provide the reasons.

Some would say that it's a revenge story. Believe me this is not the usual s*upid revenge tale. Xian Ni is 2K+ chapters but the revenge part hardly last for 100 chapters and even in those chapters more than 50% of them are focused on outside adventures. In other tales you always root for MC but in Xian Ni you would actually feel sad for the bad guys.

The revenge arc was full of bittersweet moments. The best part was the epilogue of revenge arc...I won't spoil them for you but believe me they are the most beautiful chapters a xianxia series can have.

The most unique part of the series is that Wang Lin's life is full of tragedy unlike other xianxia. Sure MC is lucky in cultivation but he's hardly happy. The storyline is grim and even the death of minor characters would make you sad.

A novel worth reading even though it gets dragged out later on. I would call it my favorite novel but sadly the annoying romance stopped me. But still worth a read. <<less
206 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Aug 06, 2016
Status: c2088
Xian Ni.. It was a series that I was very reluctant to read or even try to read due to all these comments about it not being a very good story or MC being too heartless and not likable or no character development or there being no romance.

Honestly speaking I dont regret a single moment since the first time I started reading to the point I am at currently. It has a great story with a world that just keeps getting bigger and bigger. MC feels very unique... more>> and likable. He is smart and cunning.. Not just from the perspective of the characters inside the book, but you feel it yourself while reading it. On top of that you can tell exactly how brilliant Er Gen is from the way he writes his character. They all feel unique and fun to read about, the characters make you emotional, mad and sometimes you just cant help but have a dumb smile on your face. I also want to point out that MC doesnt get Super strong from the start and he has to actually struggle and fight with his mediocre talent, you can actually see him struggling which I find very refreshing.

To summarize, you see a little innocent village boy with almost no talents in cultivation, a person who is just trying to make his parents proud by following the so called immortal cultivation path slowly getting to know how ruthless the cultivation world actually works, which in turn end up turning our MC into a ruthless cold hearted person who will kill anyone that means to do harm to him or anyone close to him.

All in all I dont think this is a story for everyone. There isnt alot of romance, MC doesnt do good deeds to save people to get glory, there are some humor which are really fun to read and finally there is no drama which I find intriguing. Its a very straightforward story of a innocent boy who turns into a cold hearted person due to the environment around him. If you are looking for romance, harem, drama, and are expecting the MC to be kind and nice to people that try to kill him.. Then you are looking at the wrong novel. <<less
76 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Mar 05, 2017
Status: c375
This story is SERIOUS. I liked Er Gen for I Shall Seal the Heavens and A Will Eternal, but the feeling I got from this story was completely different. I was deterred from reading this story for a long time by a review that said the MC became an arrogant and horrible person. The MC goes through immense struggles and turns into a ruthless person, but he's never a cruel person. It's just a cruel world. The MC may act like a demon sometimes, but his pain and emotion is... more>> just as prominent.
I have never been as emotionally invested in a character as in this one. Having caught up to the translations, I am feeling so sad that I'm writing a review for the first time in a few months.
I can firmly say that this is my favorite story ever. Please read this story.

I'm surprised this isn't higher rated. Usually with bad stories I can understand why they dislike it, but a lot of the reviews seem ridiculous to me.

Yes, he is not the kindest person ever. That's because the author is willing to make a complex character. In most Xianxia you have an amazing person who is never put into a situation complex enough to result in anything hurtful happening to anybody not a horrible person, and everybody who is not on the MC's side is a horrible person.

Yes, the heavenly artifact is put aside a lot. I find that a lot more interesting than Wu Don Qian Kun, where the artifact gives him everything he ever needs. The MC actually needs to work hard and have more than just an artifact.

No, to the people saying he has no clear goal. There was only some time after the revenge plot before he has a very important purpose again, and that's not the bead. Even if you don't include that, Er Gen really likes to focus on how power is everything. The MC obviously wants the power to protect his friends. Most Xianxia protagonists just cultivate for no reason.

Please try this story. <<less
65 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Aug 06, 2016
Status: Completed

One of the better Xianxia you'll find. The story is not as formulaic as other xianxia and it always keep things interesting by mixing it up. The MC's adventure is interesting to read and not just go here -> insult this generic villain -> find treasure -> kill villain's entire family. Villains in this novel has personality and not just some jumped up rich boy who gets offended by everything that the MC does.

The pacing is also excellent. You don't feel like the MC is rushing from one thing to another with no stop like some other xianxia (cough cough Martial World). Took off one star for the horrendous romance. Er Gen knows how to do many things but romance is not one of them. The main love interest is a non-character that is somehow the "driving force" for MC even though their time together is shallow to say the least. There's a quasi harem that gets going but you will end up feeling sorry for the harem member more than anything else.

Overall, if you discount the romance this is a must read. Especially if you are tired of formulaic and repetitive xianxia.

63 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Mar 09, 2017
Status: c112
I see a few things people complain about a lot that I'd like to retort.

1) The MC is too ruthless/evil

He's not evil, he doesn't go around killing people for fun or kill someone just because they annoy him. He doesn't kill people even if they have something that benefit him, he'll ask them first and only if they try to kill him will he kill them. Although this is a fantasy world, at least this type of personality is much more aligned with the real world. Real men will do... more>> whatever it takes to get what they want, and destroy anyone that stands in their way. As you can see all the most powerful and wealthy people in the world aren't saints. Either way, this is how it should be. If God stands in your way kill God, if Buddha stands in your way kill Buddha. The Christian God wipes out the entire planet, wages war, and mass mu*ders regularly throughout their bible. Why do they still worship it? Because power is everything. With power, it doesn't matter what you do. Might makes right.

2) He doesn't have a reason to get stronger
This is a idiotic complaint because this is like telling people in our world that they don't have a reason to become rich so they shouldn't bother trying to get money. In the novel you have to be strong to stay alive. Also there's no need for a grand reason to become stronger, just like there's no need for a grand reason to try to obtain wealth in our world. That being said, this novel is following the adventures of the MC, just like most novels are. Reasons for doing things will reveal itself eventually, they don't need every single goal listed from the start. <<less
50 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
May 03, 2016
Status: --

“The initial arc tries to remind us that Wang Lin has emotional ties to his parents, and yet time passes as if it means nothing. Months and years are written off as the MC secluded himself and cultivate multiple times, making you wonder what’s the point of all the characters introduced so early if they aren’t used regularly. What you are going to encounter after the dramatic defeat of the MC’s sect is chapters and chapters of struggling to power-up while in life-and-death circumstances. Lots of description of seclusion and powering up. Lots and lots of it. Power up yes, but to what end? I appreciate the efforts of the translators, but there is no driving force, no motivation to the MC’s behavior except to survive. It’s like reading on and on about some kid painstakingly solving his math homework. The only mystery is in his cheat item which houses a powerful immortal (as usual), but after 90+ chapters I am not aware of any long term goal set by the MC. Initially he wanted to take revenge on the said arrogant cousin, but after the authors made the time skips, the goal seemed insignificant compared to the power scale being talked about.”

Have to agree this is an accurate summary of the story at least up to chapter 300 which is where I dropped it. He powers up, gets revenge, then continues powering up for no apparent reason (oh yeah, to free that old man in the marble, I forgot that since it literally happened 400 years ago).

The comment about time scale is extremely accurate. MC secluding himself and training for 400 years straight is considered NORMAL. There are people waiting THOUSANDS OF YEARS for a plan to hatch. Distances in the millions of kilometers are used to describe the length of an ocean. There are Gods who can literally eat planets, and these Gods have physical bodies which survive for MILLIONS OF YEARS that MC can somehow travel in. The sense of time and space is totally distorted. I heard by the time MC travels back through the ocean to his love interest she died of old age already... that is in line with the rest of the novel. Lightning bolts... yeah, you can’t eat them. Don’t know if this is a translation error but... yeah, you can’t eat lightning bolts, sorry. idk why the author thinks you can eat lightning bolts as if they're physical objects or something.

Also, MC comes back to avenge his family... in the process of doing so he causes the death of his only surviving family member. This guy is not smart, I’ll tell you what.

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Queen of Sheba
Queen of She
Sep 06, 2017
Status: c599
How to start. Let's see. One of the greatest novels possibly ever written in the Chinese Xianxia/Wuxia genre. The depth of this story is many fold that of any other. From its character development, of its protagonists, to the world of struggle, and conflict that surrounds him (Wang Lin).

Only novel in this entire site that I have little to no qualms regarding. Wang Lin matures, grows, and develops alongside his experiences. After experiencing betrayals, Wang Lin becomes averse to trust, after experiencing immense bloodshed, he becomes willing to spill blood... more>> all the more. It's miraculous. It really is. Wang Lin actually changes! From chapter 1, to chapter 500, the events shape him to be the 'monster' he has become. It's really beautiful. It's not like several novels that should not, and cannot be named for simply copy-pasting the same personality over two thousand chapters. <<less
31 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Jun 06, 2016
Status: c224
This is novel is a whole new take on cultivation novels. This story is so compelling that in all my years of reading xianxia this is the first one to make me attempt learning Chinese. That should be enough to explain it.
31 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
May 09, 2016
Status: --
Slower pace than ISSTH, but no less inferior. Read up to chap 238

As a novel created by Er gen, we can expect great things such as a story that stands out among the many generic wuxia/xianxia novels, a smart main character with an equally firm determination, immersive world of immortals, and unique ways of fighting and cultivation methods. Since this novel proceeded issth, you can clearly see many similarity and will be delighted to see where the author gets its inspiration on writing things we loved from issth. The pacing... more>> is a bit slower than issth which provides the story to develop with a clear understanding. The main character has a similar personality as meng hao, especially at the beginning of the story, just a lot colder and less comedic because of things that happened in the story. Revenge seems to play a big part in the current arcs, but I can see him moving past this after we move on the story and delve into bigger issues as the main character is becoming more involved in the events of his world.

If you liked issth, you shouldn't miss out on this. Trust in Er gen, the plot master to give you high quality story. <<less
28 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Jun 12, 2016
Status: c254
AS of C254 you can scratch Romance and Beautiful female lead from the tags. Maybe in the future, who knows? At this time The MC is just a spoiled brat who got bullied and decided to take revenge not taking into account the consequences.

The MC is not likable in any way nor is he a saint or a justice seeking person. He is just a person full of hate and kills anyone who looks at him wrong.

The Author wrote the story at the 3rd grade level and there is no... more>> plot but just the flow of life theme. This is more slice of life than adventure with lots of killing. It is basically the life of a killer. The story itself is confusing and in no way has any direction but goes on the whim of the author who decides "oh yeah let throw in a grandson to taunt the MC and let the MC kill him so his grandfather can try to kill the MC and kill his entire family... good plot (pat on back) ".

As for love interests...... none.... nada..... ZERO........... do not get me wrong, girls like the MC, but he is blind, not dense, but blinded by hatred.

THe new arc starting at 252 may improve upon the story, but I am not getting my hopes up for this one. <<less
25 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Jun 09, 2016
Status: c253
When I started reading I thought that it was the usual revenge story with the MC being OP thanks to his secret treasure and the secret technique left by the usual grandpa and I dropped it. Later I started again and I have to say that I misjudged it.
25 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Jun 14, 2017
Status: c702
Initially, I was conflicted about picking up Xian Ni due to the mixed reception from readers. However, after reading Meng Hao's fight with the 10th Wang Patriarch in ISSTH and Deathblade's footnotes, I got curious about how the MC of Xian Ni would develop as a character and as a cultivator. So I decided to finally give Xian Ni a shot. I have to admit I was very surprised by how much I would enjoy reading this novel.

Wang Lin's cultivation path is dark, tragic and bloody but it emphasizes the... more>> basic law of a cultivating world better than most novels; kill or be killed. Although the story's pace is a lot slower and the writing is less distinctive compared to Er Gen's later novels, you can see Er Gen's skills develop as you read along. Despite not having any of the shameless and silly antics enjoyed in ISSTH and AWE, Xian Ni makes up for it by beautifully showing Wang Lin's transition from a naive youth to a ruthless and calculating immortal. What makes Xian Ni more realistic and enjoyable to read is the fact that Wang Lin is the antithesis of almost all the stereotypical cliches seen in most Xianxia/Xuan Huan novels. Although Wang Lin develops into a cruel and ruthless person as expected in most xianxia novels, he is a complex character that has shown multiple sides to his personalities through his few enduring relationships with characters such as Situ Nan, Li Muwan, Zhou Rou, his family, and the mortal family he lived with. Another element that makes me want to continue reading Xian Ni is Wang Lin's developing cultivation techniques. I really enjoy how Wang Lin develops his arsenal of abilities such as his Ji Realm, creating devils, the restriction flag, the mosquito beast, and attaining part of the Ancient God bloodline. Since I have read ISSTH, this makes me feel excited about what new discoveries he will make and the people he will encounter. To sum it all up, Xian Ni is a great book to read. I'm really looking forward to how the story will develop in the near future. <<less
22 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Nov 02, 2016
Status: c301
This is a fantastic novel!

I keep reading for the worldbuilding. The concepts are just so fresh compared to the other xianxia novels I've read! Or they at least put a new spin on things. Like (I don't think these count as spoilers? But just to be safe)

... more>>

weird cultivation methods and creatures, mysterious law-defying trial realms, soul devourers and wandering souls, different cultures, and -- this part really stands out from most xianxia -- having to revert to a mortal to make a breakthrough. I also find it refreshing that not all foreshadowings actually come true in this novel, and that he joins so many sects at different points in time XD.


Admittedly, some ideas have holes in them like being able to travel through space, but I'm the type of reader that's like meh.

The MC is likeable. He's decisive and smart, and he knows when to take risks. He's ruthless but he has his reasons for it, plus he mellows over time, in certain situations. He's not humorous like Chu Yang (again, Lone Wolf tag), but he's not bad compared to other MCs.

There is some romance. Barely. Sadly.
But it really is impractical for him to have a serious romance at this stage, as an unaffiliated lone wolf. That would just get the both of them killed.

Sometimes there are clusters of chapters where he just fights and it feels tiring to read. But his devils give some comic relief in the middle. And it all pays off when you get to his experience in the mortal world! It reminds you that our MC is still human. Plus, it's NOT just fight-kill-repeat. His situations and environments change enough that it keeps you interested and on your toes.

Overall: MC is average. Romance and humor are nearly nil. 3 stars for being likeable.
BUT BUT the worldbuilding is awesome!!! Plus that heartwarming experience in the mortal world. So 5 stars!!!

PS: I nearly missed out on this amazing novel because of the 4.0 rating. More people, please rate it 5!! XD <<less
21 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Apr 24, 2016
Status: --
The story isn't that different form Er Gen's other works, but the character is. He is not the typical hot headed cultivator. But he is calm, collected, and apathetic. He has no lust (so don't expect a harem much), which is always a good thing, but there is almost no comedy in this series.

More than anything, it is the author's attempt at creating a darker hero. Which is good, since it is fresh, compared to the other MC's out there. Most of whom are psychopathic killers who always think they... more>> are in the right. He knows he is doing bad things, but he just doesn't care, because he isn't morally righteous, nor does he pretend to be. He is unforgiving and merciless, and pretty much treats everyone equally bad (even females, so at least he isn't a pe*vert). And he is silent. He barely talks at all. But its part of his persona.

His talent in cultivation is low, but he still relies on some "luck", but its mostly just preparation beforehand and strategy that he uses to defeat stronger opponents (in fact, he usually has to rely on tricks to beat them). But yes, he does end up OP later on, but I don't really read this for the fighting.

I read it because the main character is interesting. There is almost no plot (which is common for Xian xia series), except for the cultivate to become a god goal. The world itself is large, but it only gets slowly revealed over time. There are other planets out there with alien cultivators and the like, in massive universes, where it isn't just "human" cultivators.

Unfortunately, it also falls under the "side characters don't really exist or don't matter" category as most xian xia series do. Its sort of like the blazing sun character where everyone else is outshined or doesn't matter.

But, there is character development (which is more than I can say for most xian xia series), but it happens slowly. The story also progresses slowly (which is as expected for chinese webnovels). However the world itself and the character more than makes up for the slow pacing.

Lets see... the action is fine. There is actually less "skill spam and skill name calling" and more descriptive fighting style. But they are ergen style cultivation battles, so it isn't that exciting (compared to say... Blood and Steel, which has some of the most amazing fights ever). But at least its better than "He uses a technique. It insta kills. Battle over" (though this is only for when he fights people that are equal to him).


If you are looking for something a bit different, but still has the classic ergen style xian xia, than this is probably for you.

If I had to compare this to ISSTH, I would say the main character in this series is more interesting to read and more my style than ISSTH. I prefer more calm and apathetic characters than... well... Meng Hao type characters. <<less
18 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Aug 19, 2017
Status: Completed
This is one of the rare tragic stories that I read completely, there is no plot armor in the story and it's a sad as MC doesn't trust anyone unless they sacrifice themselves or something for him, and is stubborn on accepting love, at-least the ending is good and justifies his character.

it's hard to read when MC commits genocides but if you keep reading it worth the time spent.
17 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Sep 23, 2019
Status: --
I tried so hard to like Xian Ni but I always end up dropping it many times out of frustration. It's not because the novel is bad or anything, in fact, I can say it's quite good; possibly better than ISSTH in some aspects. The story is very fleshed out, with a heavy tone, great philosophical depth, and world-building that entraps you and is superior to ISSTH (Likely because Er Gen had the chance to write more chapters for things to develop) Also, expect lots of unnecessary filler chapters.

Er... more>> Gen really took his time in planning out the important details so we end up with a superb convoluted plot. But even with all of that I still find reading the novel to be heart-wrenching.


It's simply because I can't stand the MC, Wang Lin. He is utterly unexciting as hell and boring as f***! The only redeeming thing about him is how after everything, he's still that innocent lonely child who's just trying to survive in the brutal jungle that is cultivation.

Other than that, He is your average Eastern Fantasy - bland, unemotional, ruthless, kill-a-holic protagonist, whose author describes him as having cold eyes, cold gaze, cold look, cold face, to the point that you start wondering every chapter how he hasn't been turned to a block of ice. He also never loses a fight, always gets the last laugh in every situation, always on a superior level no one from past or present can ever compare to even though his talent is supposed to be shit. It's so bad that some characters in the novel think he's the reincarnation of a fourth step cultivator (Which is actually true in a mind-bending way and could also be a subtle explanation for his unbelievable plot-armor and convenience)

An overpowered MC! Awesome right?

F*** nooo, it's not awesome. It's a freaking nightmare!

The OPness of Wang Lin isn't the same as characters such as Saitama or Li Qiye. Those guys have always been portrayed to be s*upidly overpowered from the start, with no known limit to their ability. That's why we find it funny when idiot fodders that don't realize the depth of the OP character, overestimate themselves and get stomped. We also anticipate the arrival of a worthy opponent who will push the OP character to new limits never seen before. To help illustrate the aspect of the book I have a deep hatred for, here a somewhat long story I just cooked up.



In a small village between the Red Dragon Mountains far away from the Immortal City of Liyan, day has turned to night and night to day as the heavy wind and rain of the long-anticipated blue season came and went. The appearance of the Blue Season signified a coming period of bountiful harvest for the hard-working farmers and joy to the modest people of Bai Long Village.

As everyone brimmed with joy in this delightful period, in the crop fields at the edge of the village, a skinny young man of average height and looks could be seen with a face full of heaviness, which stuck out like a large beacon to the heavens in the current blissful atmosphere; a true oddity he was.

"Hey, Dong Zhou. What's with that annoying expression on your face? Have your cattle all been r*ped to death?" A burly man with a deep voice laughed as he uttered those words while approaching the skinny man.

The newcomer was a neighbour of the skinny young man named Dong Zhou and had come over after noticing the strange behaviour of his neighbour.

"Snort! Old Rat, if my cattle were ever r*ped to death, it could only be mean you've finally succumbed to your hidden lust for your own kind, " replied Dong Zhou.

"Hahaha! To think I was worried about you. You're still as crazy as ever, Dong Zhou. But, casting jokes aside, what's really bothering you?" Old Rat enquired.

"Sigh! It's the coming Blue Festival...I don't think I will be participating..." said Dong Zhou in low spirits, but also with deep determination.

"Dong Zhou, have you gone mad!? You are well aware of the significance and truth of the Blue Festival.. Have you forgotten what the consequences of offending them will be?" Old Mice tremendously shocked by what he had just heard, said in a heavy voice.

"I know, " replied Dong Zhou. "The blues festival is a festival to thank the almighty Blue Deity of the Red Dragon Mountains for providing us with the rain and sunshine of the blue season that will let our crops grow plenty folds, and usher our village into another prosperous period."

"If you know then wh... "

"I hate it, that's why!" Dong zhou with a twisted face replied sharply before Old Rat could even finish his words.

"Even if the Blue God sends us rain, why must we give them nearly all our crops to thank him in return! I work hard day and night all year just to grow and cater to those crops and now I have to give up nearly all of it; give up months of sweat, blood, pain, and suffering, just because he gave us rain?" Dong Zhou fury began to boil as he uttered those anger soiled words.

Old Rat's shock and disbelief only continued to grow. He couldn't believe what Dong Zhou had just said. He always knew Dong Zhou to be a hard-boned, stubborn maniac who was even more ruthless to himself than to others, which is why he had the best crops and largest fields in the entire village. But he had never expected... never thought that he would dare defy the Blue God. The Blue God was a mysterious Deity rumoured to reside in the highest peak of the Red Dragon Mountains; a place said to be unreachable to mortals. He is an almighty being capable of parting the heavens with just a decree; turning the moon and stars with the flip of a palm and bringing death and desolation to the earth with only the drop of a finger.

Such a divine being was worshipped by all and was known to greatly punish those who dared oppose him just as he sends a great reward to those faithful to them.

Dong Zhou is just a mere mortal, how can he hope to defy a God? He's only bringing death to himself. It's best I steer clear from such lunacy before I become implicated in this, Old Rat thought.


3 months later.

The blues festival had come and gone, the village was filled with tranquility as villagers went on about their daily business. But suddenly, an extraordinarily loud screeching noise followed by the sound of heavy thunder was heard all over the village. Following immediately, the sky began to change greatly: the clouds parted until they faded away, the sun and moon shrieked in fear as they disappeared into an abyss that now became the sky.

The only thing left in the chilling dark vault above was a blood-red star that had begun to multiply at an alarming rate. The strange things that had just happened painted the ghostly phenomenon of a pitch-black sky with an eerie red glow. It was truly a heaven-shaking and soul-trembling sight. But oddly, the villagers though heavily shaken with fright didn't seem all that puzzled about the change of the sky as if they had an idea of the strange occurrences.

"Oh heavens! Divine judgment has come. The heavens are angry, the heavens are bleeding!"

"It's retribution. Finished. We are all finished. The land will weep today.

"Who is it! Who shamed this village and brought ruin to our people? Who has dared to anger our great provider, the Almighty Blue Deity??"

"I-it-it's Dong Zhou that madman! He had told me personally he won't give offerings last festival."

"Dong Zhou? Oh son of zhou, why? Why have you done this to us? Why!!!"

"The Almighty, please spare us all. We have greatly erred; please forgive our sins, All-Merciful One."

Amidst the wailing and pleading of the villagers, another great change was currently taking place in the sky. The thousands of red stars all began to accelerate towards the central area and in a moment's notice, they had all joined together. The resulting form from their fusion was what appeared to be an unbelievably enormous pair of eyes that covered nearly half of the sky. The eyes were of a deep devilish-red and also seemed to be weeping blood: A truly nightmarish sight it was.

Seconds after, the eyes had opened and looked to be focusing on a particular spot or a particular person, it may seem.


A loud thunderous voice reverberated throughout the world. The voice was extremely strange: seemingly both deep and shallow, clear and obscure, neither male or female, and though the words were of an unknown language, their meaning was crystal clear as it passed through their ears.

"The Decree of the Blue has been challenged!"

"The Blue is merciful; The Blue is all-giving."

"Why. Must. You. DEFY THE BLUE!!!"

Thunder raged and the earth quaked, as if in accordance with the tempestuous rage of the Blue God. Dong zhou who had been standing there with shaking feet and trembling fists all this time, threw his head up furiously to the sky and howled: "I will never bow my head and let anyone trample all over me, even if it's God himself! All must yield to me, even God and heaven aren't excluded!"

Although his voice was extremely tiny and perhaps negligible in face of the overwhelming, heaven-breaking might of the blue deity, it still carried with it a frenzied determination and unshakable will that shook one to the bones.

"Blasphemy! Blasphemy! You dare speak blasphemy in front of the Blue!!!"

"The blue has decided... "

"Punishment is..."

DEATH b*tch!!!

With that final word uttered, another change occurred!

The red stars dispersed and exploded one by one at a shocking speed. The explosions resulted in large swathes of red dust filling the black sky. The dust then pulled towards a central point and swirled into an enormous red cyclone. The cyclone spanned tens of thousands of kilometres and had fully formed in less time than the blink of an eye.

The blood cyclone then spun at a speed incomprehensible to mortal beings. It spun so fast that its appearance changed and it now looked like there was a deep red hole that led into the heavens. What was on the other side was a great mystery, but before anyone had the time to think about it, great amounts of blinding blue light poured out of the red hole.

The blue light then parted, and a deep-blue finger was revealed!

This finger didn't look large. In fact, it looked extremely small if compared to the red hole behind it, but it was even more terrifying.

It was a finger that could crush mountains and tear oceans!

Before anyone could react, the finger expanded. It continued to expand quickly, so quick that it would only take a few seconds to reach the earth and more importantly, its target!

Dong zhou with eyes that could explode, stared furiously at the incoming finger. He knew that he couldn't escape this finger! This finger wasn't something he could resist but still, he wouldn't allow himself to be crushed like an insignificant bug. He was a bug that would bite back even if it dying.

You want to kill me? Ok. But I'll have you pay a price!

As the distance between the finger and him shortened to only a few feet, Dong Zhou let out a howl of madness and shoved his hunting spear with a force far greater than he had ever mustered. The force was so great that it didn't even seem to be human.


A great explosion resounded throughout the world. Everything within a 1000km radius were instantly turned to ruins. The shock and tremors even went much further than that. Even the distant Immortal City of Liyan was shaken by the aftermath.


After a long time that seemed to be forever, dust eventually settled and the area of the explosion had more or less returned to tranquility. The heart-stopping bloody hole and the blue finger that brought despair to the world had long since vanished, but the heaven-shaking events of that forsaken day will forever be etched into the heart and soul of those few who had witnessed the events and were lucky enough to survive.

As the inner area of the explosion began to come into full clarity, something could be spotted in the centermost area if you looked close enough. Looking even closer it appeared to be something strange: A large spear firmly rooted to the ground. What's even more shocking is that the spear was covered in a thick blue-ish substance that resembled blood!

Moving even closer, something unbelievable and mind-bending was seen: A badly mangled body half-buried in dust and the unknown blue substance. The body was one that could easily be mistaken for a long-dead person but if you observed it for some time, you'd notice faint movements occasionally. But that's not even the end of it. Something a thousand times more shocking than the body situated nearby:

A lacerated chunk of blue-colored flesh with fresh bite marks on it!



Lol, I just had to go extreme! But this is how most sh*t in Xian Ni goes. Just as how in my story, an ordinary mortal was somehow able to survive and even injure a god's finger that could destroy mountains and seas, the MC of Xian Ni is always fighting people who are described to be multitudes stronger than him and can crush him like a bug, but just by the author saying he has a face of madness, he can somehow overcome all of those situations. The author just refuses to have Wang Lin take an L. Even if the opponent is like a billion times more powerful.

And so my Love-Hate relationship with Xian Ni continues. If there was no Wang Lin this could have been a nearly perfect Xianxia Novel in my opinion. <<less
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Dec 20, 2017
Status: --
One of the best if not the best xianxia/xuanhuan novels.

Since its Er Gen's first novel, it feels unpolished and clunky at times compared to ISSTH and AWE. However at the same time, gives a distinct raw and earthy feeling to it.

The cultivation world is vicious with cultivators using the weaker ones as furnaces and turning them into spirit stones. To be kind to someone in this world is to be cruel to themselves.

The antagonists, the side characters and the old monsters who've lived for thousands of years act their... more>> age and are not obsessed with face. The plots and strategems between MC and others are brilliant. Unlike some other novels, the reader themselves can feel it and donot need to be told by the author "how smart the MC and the antagonists are". See MGA.

The MC. Wang Lin is a naive child who is forced to be ruthless, calculating and cold in order to survive in the vicious cultivation world.

At the same time, hes a deeply sentimental person. Coming from a cold and ruthless person, his filial piety, love, guilt, kindness seem much more powerful and meaningful.

The tragedies that befell him, and his life experience has given him maturity and a touch of humanity, separating him from cold and emotionless characters like Leylin from WMW or Gu Daoist Master.

It also separates Wang Lin from the 1000 year old reincarnated MC's who act like teenagers in heat, obssessed with face and pretentious and moral hypocrites. See Li Qiye, Yun Che, Chu Feng and co.

All in all, just read it. You won't regret it. <<less
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Nov 16, 2017
Status: c627
I've read a lot of cultivation category fiction and this series is the best by far for a few reasons. The author's description of the MC's lack of cultivation talent holds up throughout the story. Many other series start off with the same premise but abandon it and allow the MC to rapidly rise in power due to finding some legendary item or bloodline inheritance. In this story the MC makes up for his lack of talent with cunning, intelligence, and perseverance. These qualities are inherent in other series' characters... more>> but the difference in this novel is that the author goes to great lengths to explain the MC's schemes, deductive processes, and cautious nature rather than lazily making the claim that because the MC was smart he/she immediately saw through his/her opponent's plan. While some might still say that Wang Lin is talented by simply looking at his cultivation speed this was completely negated when considering the introduction of the Red Butterfly and her ability to reach late stage soul transformation in only 100 years while it took the MC 500 years to reach that point, even with his great fortune and intelligence. With respect to the criticisms I have seen regarding the MC's character development claiming he is too arrogant and ruthless I would argue that their reality's moral compass is different then ours and the might is right philosophy is omnipresent in that world. It is required and commonplace for cultivators to act in that manner. In fact, after the Heng Yue sect arc I can't recall Wang Lin ever meeting a fellow cultivator that wasn't aggressively opportunistic or predatory. Even Situ Nan suffers from that fault and I would bet money on the All-Seer following that route as well by using Wang Lin as a sacrificial lamb like Qian Feng. While this is the inherent nature of a cultivator, the mortal emotions of characters aren't disregarded and contrast and complement their cultivating nature. The best examples of this are Zhou Li's obsession with the Celestial Emperor's daughter, Wang Lin's platonic relationship with Li Miuwan, and Wang Lin's time spent as a mortal and seeing the differences in how they operate peacefully when compared to cultivators. Eventually, even the MC understands this dichotomy and chooses to embrace it as a way to defy the heaven's will. I now realize that I have written too much so TLDR: The story's character isn't stereotypical and, with the author's great imagination, uses his cunning and wariness to ascend in a brutal world. <<less
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Jan 12, 2017
Status: c320
First of all, the complaints about the story is one of the most idiotics.

How come readers can complaint a about it when the story goes after beseech the devil. Of course there is a lot that we don't understand given that none of us completely read BTD.

And yes there is no romance. This is not because of the author since it was the MAIN plot of BTD. And there is a reason to this.

in chapters 1200 issth we learn that she goes with another one he didn't care enough for her and solely focused on cultivation


He doesn't have a clear goal except staying alive. What's wrong with that ? He is an everyday people. He doesn't want to dominate the world nor save everybody. He just enjoys life and keeps loving it in it's on way of a lone slaughter. Later on if you read ISSTH you willl know what he became.

Er gen does things in a good way with his hidden plot between the sequels. There is a good story plot sonce cultivation isn't just about power up. And people complaining about Wang Lin being heartless isn't true. He is the wang clan patriarch and I won't say more go re-read it. So yeah go read it but if you don't want to get spoiled don't read ISSTH first otherwise it will become tasteless since you lnow what will happens.
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Sep 03, 2019
Status: --
For me. This author is one of the most hypocrite author for me. Why?? He made an idea that the MC would defy the heavens and control his destiny. But if you read carefully the story, the moment the MC got the Heaven Defying Bead, he was already fated to become a super strong individual. Why did I say that? If you read this story carefully, one would almost every few or tens of chapter, there would be always a coincidences, to the point that the story seems like just... more>> a series of coincidences, and dont forget, there were no series of coincidences that would happen because if that happened, it was not already a coincidence, it was already fate. And the annoying thing is, many of this coincidences or 'Fate' was so beneficial to MC that made him powerful. So how would he defy and control fate, if the fate is the one that gave the power to you. Right? And because of this series of coincidences or 'Fate', do you really think that the MC control his own fate? Ha! He was just still in the palm of Fate and the MC did not even think or know about it. Sigh!! The MC wants to defy heaven but his power also came from Heaven's Fortune. Ha! Just read it seriously and you would know what Im saying.

And the MC here was so fcking spoiled by this hypocrite author. Why? Most of the time when he survived a life and death situations, there would always a big reward and there were even many times that some coincidences happened in that life and death situation that benefits the MC. Fvck!! Haha!! Defy the heavens my ass!! Control the fate my ass!! Hypocrite!! And there were always some old monsters who suddenly showed up out of nowhere to help the MC in some things. For example, when he was a mortal to comprehends heaven, the messy old man suddenly showed up to help him comprehend, there were also Mo Zhi that helped him cultivate. And there were also Master Flame (something) that also helped him, and his former teacher All-Seer also helped him when he was comprehending the life and death domain. And the reasons of this old monsters to help him? It was because they were fated. Ha!! Control and defy the fate my ass!! Hypocrite!! You created a main idea but the supporting ideas for it was contrary to the Main Idea. Hypocrite!!

There were also this some things that the MC did that was so s*upid. He knew that there were things that there were 95-98% that he would failed or die, but he would still do it. He did not even think that when he failed or die in that scene, he would not be able to keep his promise and revive Li Muwan. Ha!! Yes there were many times that happened. For example, when he went to Dong Lin Planet, he made a deal to trade most of his lifespan for a small chance to awaken Li Muwan. He did not even think that if it failed and when he was already so weak, he may not have a second chance to awaken her again. Because if he was already so weak and old, how would he make himself strong again to find a way again to awaken her, right?? He was so smart and cunning but he did not even think about it. Contradicting again to the character of the MC. Ha!! Of course, our hypocrite author would say about this was "there were some things that a man should do even if it fails or he dies". Ha!! For me, it was a cowardy, you just want to escape responsibility and became reckless to escape!! A man my ass!! Hypocrite!! Almost all of the happenings in this story was so contrary to the main idea, if its not hypocrisy, then what? Haha!!

And the MC always seeks trouble. Then when he survived that, there would be another fvcking huge reward. Then a coincidence would happen again. And at the end of this coincidence he would reap benefits. Then after that, he would have another enlightenment out of nowhere. This was always the series of happenings in this novel. Let me ask you this stupif author. Where is the Controling his own fate there? Almost all of happenings in this novel was based on fate and you said controling fate? Its okay if there is a coincidence sometimes but here, almost every few chapters there would be a coincidence and you said that it was controling ans defying fate? Wow!! S*upid!!

In fact, you just write things but you did not think about it carefully. He have heaven defying bead, so he should have already defy heavens fate when he obtained, so there should be a domino effect and everything that happened should not according to fate. But the things happened here was like according to fate. In fact, Qing Lin was able to devine that Wang Lin would save him, so where is the defying in the bead? Hoo!! FVCK YOUUU!! So why the bead was heaven defying if it could not even escape fate? Ha!! You made a main idea about character and thing but the story you tell was contrary to it. Hypocrite.

And the way the MC was always enlightened, fck, how did he enter enlightenment easily, there were many geniuses in this novel and we could see that they only enter enlightenment a few times. But this MC always entered it. Why?? Im sure the author would say that it was because of the Mc's experiences. Nah! We could say that there many people in this novel have the same experience, in fact, there were even who had worst. So we could say that it was because the MC was fated thats why he entered enlightenment easily, or it was because of the heaven defying bead. Sigh!! And you say control your own fate my ass!!

And there were also the MC ancient thunder dragon soul. He was so reliant to the ability of his soul to control thunder that he did not even try to comprehend the laws of thunder. In fact, Shengong Hu's comprehension on thunder law was so much deeper than the MC. Ha!! The MC just wasted his thunder soul fck you! He have a thunder dragon soul but his comprehension on thunder law was fvcking shallow. How lame!!

And there were many hidden plot armors here. For example the old monsters that helped the MC out of nowhere, or his continuous enlightenment to the point that almost in all of the places he went he would have an enlightenment. Or his huge fortune in all of his battles, there would be no battles that he did not have a big reward. How spoiled this MC is by this hypocrite author. If you really think about it, it was a hidden plot armor, because it always continuous and bring continuous benefits to MC. Just read it carefully and you will understand, you know, a hypocrite person was good at hiding things. Ha!!

In fact, if you read it carefully, it seems that the heaven defying bead forced him to cultivate and comprehend dao. It seems most of his comprehension was due to heaven defying bead. If you look at it carefully, his dao seems related to heaven defying bead, Life and Death and Karam with yin and yang fishes. There were also yin and yang in heaven defying bead. And when he completed some things for heaven defying bead, and he entered a door, it seems that it wants him to comprehend what it want for him to comprehend. And there was also this time when he fed the bead an extreme yang, in only few days he entered a enlightenment and was able to create a spell relatad to sun and the was yang, right? In fact, it seems that it was not self created but was given by the bead. Tsk, Is that controling his fate for you? Sigh!

In fact this MC was so fvcking tr*sh for me, he did not even know how to enjoy himself sometimes, he always said that he wants to control his own fate but he always bet on luck. Why did I say that? There were many times here that the MC go to a extremely dangerous place that he only had 5% or lower chance to survived, but he have a choice to improve his strength first but he would still go and the reason was "there were some things that a man should do". In fact its already s*upid if you still go even if you have a choice to strengthen yourself first. But the MC did not, he still go, and itss already betting on luck. Its not decesiveness but s*upidy. Who's smart and cunning person would go to a place that there only pitiful chance to survive? Unless he bet on his luck thats why he went. Ha!! Then you said you fcking hypocrite author about controling fate. How would you control your fate if you always tend to luck. Hmp I really want to slap you many times.

Situ Nan was even more interesting for me, he was even more heaven defying for me. He did not really work hard and even enjoyed his life but he was still able to become strong and even create his own techniques using his own hard work and brain, unlike the MC that only created one but only through lucky enlightenment. Ha!!

And the way he repaid kindness was too fvcking s*upid, he would repay a kindness even if he faced death by repaying it. Yeah, its good to repay kindness but there should be a limit, not to the point that you would sacrifice your life just to repay it right?, your dao was karma but your s*upid in terms of repaying gratitude. Ha!!. He did not even think that if he died, then his promise to his beloved and son that he would revive them would not come true if he died. Then dont just casually promised things s*upid. Is that a smart person would think? No, he was so s*upid to the point that I want to slap him too many times until his head rotates many times. You would promise someone to your beloved but you did not even treasure your life, how you would accomplish your promise if you are dead? S*upid. You promise some things but the way the things you did was contrary to the things that you should do. Hypocrite. Your just a coward. Situ Nan was even more interesting than the MC. The MC was just spoiled by this fvcking hypocrite author.

And the thing that made me think was how Qin Lin devine that Wang Lin would save him? Eh the reason that wang lin became strong was due to heaven defying bead. So the heavens should not know that Wang Lin would become strong right? Its because heavens would not guess that Wang Lin would obtain heaven defying bead and become so strong because heaven defying bead should not included in heavens fate. And many changes should occur in heavens fate. But they did know thar Wang Lin would become strong. And Qing Lin manage to divine what would happen accurately So the heavens already knew that Wang Lin would become strong. And it means that they somewhat unconsciously or consciously included heaven defying bead in fate. So how is the bead heaven defying if it was included in heavens fate? Right? So it was contrary again to the main idea.

In fact, I dont even know what his dao heart is. Is it his love or rather obsession for Li Muwan? If thats it, then it was so corny if his reason was for a girl that he did not even have a romantic scenes. Thats right theres not even a single love scenes between these two haha. How lame! And if his dao heart was defying heart, then he could only say it, but in fact if you read this novel carefully, you would see that his strength was like a gift from heavens then everything happened to him was like according to fate. So wheres defying there? Sigh
And Im really disgusted by this author, he made the MC's reason to cultivate was to revive Li Muwan, but Im sure that the MC was nog even sure to his feelings. Its okay okay for a reason to cultivate was to revive someone but make sure that he really love that someone, but here, there were not even a single romantic scene between the MC and her but it was a reason why the MC wants to cultivate. How lame!! How shallow!! One of the most tr*sh reason to cultivate. Fvck you author, Im so disgusted by you!! Youre an author but you did not even know how to differentiate the word 'obsession' to 'love'. He struggled very hard to revive a girl that he did not even know his feelings with, but he just let his parents be taken by the reincarnation cycle. And his son was only his second priority. What a 'great' man. Im sure that the author is also such a 'great' man. Haha!! What an ungrateful bastard!!

So basically, based on the things that I pointed out, we could conclude that this fvcking author, Er Gen, was a hypocrite. If I dont have a habit that I would finish a novel once I read and started it, then I would immediately drop this novel because of his hypocrisy. Sigh!

And I could not think why there were many 5 stars that rated this. Maybe those people that rated this 5 stars was also a hypocrite or they did not read this carefully. Ha!! Sorry if Im so direct, but I love reading novels and I could not control myself if there were some things that annoyed me a lot in the novel that I was reading. <<less
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