Release that Witch


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Chen Yan travels between worlds, ending up becoming an honorable prince in a medieval fantasy world. Yet this world was not quite as simple as he thought. Witches with magical powers abound, and fearsome wars between churches and kingdoms rage throughout the land.

Roland, a prince regarded as hopeless by his own father and assigned to the worst fief, spends his time developing a poor and backward town into a strong and modern city, while fighting against his siblings for the throne and absolute control over the kingdom. Join Roland as he befriends and allies with witches and, through fighting and even farming, pushes back invaders coming from the realm of evil.

Associated Names
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Fang Kai Nage Nuwu
Fangkai Nage Nuwu
Fàng kāi nàgè nǚwū
마녀 사용설명서
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361 Reviews sorted by

singlespace rated it
May 30, 2018
Status: c795
This is easily one the best stories on this entire site. Release that Witch takes the premise of a reincarnated in a fantasy world story, but sets it in a realistic world with a fairly accurate depiction of science, technology, and industrialization.

You might read some reviews that criticize the plausibility and how realistic the depiction is, but you need to consider this in context of all other stories of it's kind: it's likely that there is no other story on this site that tries to adhere to the reality of... more>> engineering, industry, and science more than this novel and I say that as someone who has a background in the sciences. Its obsession with the history, trajectory, and details of industry is what makes it even possible to criticize how accurate its depiction is. You won't see these kind of criticisms of other stories on this site because they do not provide even a remotely plausible setting and events, hence you have to entirely suspend your disbelief. Not so with Release that Witch.

Release that Witch delivers a light novel like story with a bit of a touch of capital L literature. From one perspective you have characters who's motivations and actions are exaggerated and implausible, from the other perspective you have far more varied characters who are actually driven by hopes and emotions that are established and comprehensible as opposed to just paper thin arch types and tropes, which comprise the overwhelming majority of stories here. You can tell that its' characters have been tempered by a perspective outside of the author's (and that's a good thing) and while the narrative definitely has the underpinnings of a power fantasy and is self serving to a degree, it tries to deliver more.

Does it succeed? Debatable. It starts a bit awkwardly, and takes some time to find it's legs, but what's certain is when it does, Release that Witch delivers a unique experience that no other story here even attempts. On those merits alone, you should give it a shot. <<less
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ABPhoenix rated it
May 18, 2018
Status: c942
Yes, it may be a little unbelievable at times and can be a little boring with all the technical mumbo jumbo, but it is still an enjoyable novel to read. In the beginning, I read it because it was unique and I thought that it was one of the best things I had ever read, I don't think so now but it is still a very worthwhile read.

Would highly recommend you give it a go if you have not already.
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Judgecutioner rated it
May 9, 2018
Status: c800
So to be honest, this novel is really hard for me to be objective about. If I went full fanboy on it, I'd probably give it 5 stars despite knowing it does not really deserve it. Conflict of technology and magic is my great weakness, and this novel executes is quite well.

Let's first address some problems - near omniscience of the main character. While there are many comments criticizing this, and while this point is true, it's not as bad as other commenters are making it. The main character is... more>> an engineer working with blueprints and therefore, provided studying blueprints was also his hobby should have a deeper pool of knowledge, even in less related fields like chemistry. However, it's true that depth of his knowledge in chemistry appears to be too much, as he seems to know not only rough formulas but also details. As for military command, all I've seen him use is the general use of common knowledge, such as the importance of information, and using the fact that he has witches who can scout and enemies do not.

To me, a much bigger problem was the appearance of books out of nowhere. The main character never invented book print, as far as I'm aware, yet seems to have no lack of books. Let me just say this, without book print, there's no way he would have enough materials to teach his people to read and write. While to others this might seem a minor detail, to me it is very distracting.

As for characters, lots of them lack proper depth, but usually, they're not part of the main cast where it doesn't matter as much. However, problem is that even the main cast somewhat lacks the proper depth of character. For example; Anna and Roland as the main pair appear to have bland personalities and their actions are more being pulled along by the story and less of actively choosing something. Therefore they are easily overshadowed by side characters with more interesting motivations and struggles.

However with me saying that the story has a lot to offer. It's very entertaining and most importantly internally consistent approach to technology x magic, and it quite well shows how much change did invention of the gun bring into warfare. With quite a few interesting side characters and their own side stories, you'll rarely have a chance to feel bored. <<less
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Hollowed rated it
May 3, 2018
Status: c905
This is my first review, sorry for my weird English, I wanted to defend this novel because I love it and it is not like the others here. In short, it is simply a novel building the kingdom, there is science in the middle ages and the pace is slow in the right direction.

This novel is not the author's wet dream in the form of a novel... It's not erot*c at all, there's romance and there's a second love involved. Nothing else.

About technology, what is shown is true, there are... more>> many technical descriptions, do not worry, the author does not make too many details and yes everything he does is possible only with the help of witches, they are essential and serve as valuable tools.

The novel has some problems, there are too many characters and enemies don't distrust the hero enough, I like antagonists when they are unpredictable and powerful but there are none.

For the serious part:

It's a clash between culture, religion versus science. Feudalism versus federalism.

It shows what the modern world has to offer in a magical medieval world.

People who cannot stand the fact that the Church is criticized or that science is used to solve many problems will hate it. You have to put the novel in context. The author is Chinese.

Communism is anti-religion by nature. Besides, as it says in the novel, the church is not like our church. The author took a simplified version of the church and kept almost only the worst sides. They do bad things and they know it but they think it must be done for a good reason, they think it is a necessary evil.

Some will see a bad demonstration of science against ignorance, others will see the demonstration in an imaginary world of what science has to offer and, in opposition, blind believers who make things worse. In any case, the novel shows several sides, egoism with the nobles, sacrifice and determination with the church and union with the hero. (Yes, the name of the witch group symbolizes that)

Yes, it is a bit like propaganda of a certain vision of society, you will probably notice it easily because you are not accustomed to this kind. Here, the idea of a group is promoted, order and loyalty for the common good.

There is a good example, in a modern war, soldiers are not important, what is important is equipment, ammunition and other things, these things are produced by workers, work is important, the economy is power for war, the power of an individual does not matter.

If you think about it, Hollywood is much worse. Hollywood is only emotions, zero rational thinking, they promoted the individual for consumerism, the freedom to do everything above all the freedom to do anything, long live guns and cigarettes.

So if you are a more rational person than a non-rational emotional person, you will love this novel. It is not for everyone, it has a political and economic vision of what the world should be and many will not share it.
It's a unique novel.

The author is not afraid to show his ideas, even if there are flaws. (The Dream World is very poor and has little to offer, I see no other goal than to give a little power to the MC in the eyes of old witches for the moment. I don't see any hidden meaning either, weird choice.) I'm gonna give five stars, I want more politically engaged novels. <<less
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castiel101 rated it
May 2, 2018
Status: c786
Love the story so much... I just cant put it down... I love the plot story.. Its interesting... I like how it shows different povs of some characters... I know that his forte is industrial advancement using machines but I would like to see a bit in farming... But overall I still love it..
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ziki rated it
April 4, 2018
Status: c568
Very good story and I enjoyed it a lot, at one point placing it in my top 3. But recently I can't really get myself back to it at all. And the reason is simple, at one point the story really becomes non-MC focused. Don't get me wrong I love good stories with multiple perspectives and such BUT here it's not that. Rather than having MC and other important characters having their perspective from time to time, here we keep on getting random plebeians getting their own chapters and those... more>> chapters all serve the same purpose which is to glorify MC and his genius. We get entire set of chapters spent only on random guys that never had any sort of importance to the general plot-line... worse off all unlike most stories the general plotline is actually quite good which makes those random chapters do even more evil for this story.

This issue does not appear very quickly at mass but at the time I am right now it's really... I want to get back to the story but chapter after chapter is about some random people that never appeared before and will never appear again. If those characters hold any importance overall it wouldn't be so bad but here... it's only makes me sigh as there it is really large flaw in this great work... as to why I write this review, well it's because it's a flaw that I don't encounter often but also it doesn't seem like anyone points it out in reviews. <<less
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Rakka rated it
March 24, 2018
Status: --
I don't really remember what chapter I stopped reading this story, it's when the whole kingdom-ish world began to war here and there.

I'm confused, really. Like a Reaally confused.

People has a vastly different reason when they read some thing, and for me this novel give me the best example of :

  • Tech-Gap genre,
  • Lifestyle-Gap,
  • Something-Gap, ect.
  • along with some psycological thingy about Witch Vs. Chruch.
But after the witch expedition to the deep forest to search for a holy land and the found some thing else, author just suddenly switch the story to... more>> some kingdom politic...

What de..? Is it Supposed to some kind of


Too much premise.. and seriously I can't stand it.

It's a good read.. The first few dozens chapter. <<less
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Aziru rated it
March 23, 2018
Status: Completed
Easily one of the best novels I've ever read. Its now in my top 3 favorite novels, next too Lord of the Mysteries.

I love all the characters, the kingdom building, the politics, science, magics, everything.


I feel like this novel might've been better without the demons and instead focused more on human efforts/wars, politics, and kingdom expansion. But I'm happy with the amount that was provided.

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7thsin rated it
March 20, 2018
Status: c700
I actually want to rate it 3.5. This story is quite good and enjoyable read. However, there are some points that I don't like about this story.

... more>>
  1. Roland himself, he has this kind of knowledge that general mechanical engineer wouldn't have. First gun and cannon. I mean did you learn that in university? Or is it your hobby? Also steam engine. As far as I can tell he came from modern era and in modern era engineering they won't teach you about this kind of stuff of an old age. Second about gunpowder and chemistry. I can understand if you know the basic stuff, but to the point that you can build these stuffs are just convenient plot.
  2. Everything seem to develop to suit his convenience. Want to develop new stuff? Here new witch! Want to improving stuff? Oh, surprised! Witch power has evolve! You can enjoy this story if you didn't seek for more realistic or struggling story though.
  3. Very slow romance. This story considered to be harem. However, his relationship with Nightingale didn't proceed to a satisfactory level yet even if it's already 700+ chapter.

The last review complain about Roland acting unreasonable. Now, I think you don't understand his character. First of all, I think he didn't rule his land with rule of law to begin with. Rather he use rule by law. I'm not sure which came first, but you can see this point when he want to change every country under his control to use his way of govern. Those noble who object will be kill or demote. You see this is not act of the king who said his people will have their right protected. He will change anything to his liking. For killing Hutty Morgan without trial, why did he do that? It's simple because rather than letting her live to uphold justice and have all other witch have bad impression of him. He rather kill her to gain support of another 100+ witch instead.

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March 7, 2018
Status: c637
I'll be short.

Release the Witch is the story of what would happen if a normal acting Sheldon Cooper was reborn in a medioeval fantasy world (why sheldon? Cause I can't think of any other uni graduate with enought knowledge to f*cking replicate hundreds of years of human history).

Also the whole world turns around him, it seems obvious by this point that nothing too bad can happen to him no matter what.

All in all it's a good and nice story worth a full 4 stars, just don't expect any thrill... more>> from this story. <<less
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Ruman rated it
February 21, 2018
Status: c110
My god is this novel good. I started reading it a week ago and I can stop. If you like a great story with great characters and the best world building I have ever read dont miss this one. You'll not be dissapointed by it
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1life4death rated it
February 21, 2018
Status: c716
This is one of my most favorite and one of the best novel I read so far. The characters are amazing and likable, story is great, the world is interesting and rich with lore, even the whole modern technology in a fantasy-western medieval world is entertaining.

I have to give my props to the author, you can clearly tell he/she spent their time researching western medieval genres, because I have to say I often forget that this is a chinese novel. Would highly, highly recommend this to anyone who enjoy a... more>> good fantasy novel. <<less
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Derael rated it
February 1, 2018
Status: c693
I've read some good and bad reviews, and decided to write one myself.

First of all, regarding MC knowledge. He sure has wast area of knowledge and it's hard to determine what exactly was his profession before reincarnation based on that. People say that he knows too much.

But why can't he be just some industrial enthusiast? Maybe reading about some technology and design was his hobby in addition to his profession. After all, for some reason it was him who got reincarnated, so he should have some specific talent/knowledge/character fitting to... more>> rule the humans of that world in order to save them.

That's why guy with wast knowledge and good memory can easily know all that stuff. I myself know quite a lot about chemistry despite being a mathematician simply because I liked chemistry in school and studied it additionally. That's why complaints about MC knowing too much are invalid, he has read quite a lot of books and with his great memory he can remember a lot, that's totally realistic.

Pacing is indeed a bit slow. But QI even though I don't like their ways, doing a good job with translating 2 chapters per say, so progress is actually quite fast. But recently paid only chapters started to appear, so if it will become impossible to read without paying, they would lose readers immediately.

Overall the world is well made, characters are not very deep but quite likeable, plot is relaxing, and you can expect smooth sailing for a very long time, so if you like struggle and hardships, this novel is not for you, but if you want to enjoy a good read with some unexpected twists, you might enjoy it. Newest part of the story also looks promising and witch abilities are creative. <<less
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wait321 rated it
January 25, 2018
Status: c651
Finally, I found a story that isn't about a cliche hero beating down everyone with brute force. It's refreshing to see a main character that uses technological knowledge to build a nation. There's fantasy elements to that prevent the story from becoming one-sided. There's also a mystery surrounding the history and demon race of the planet that keeps you guessing.

However it just kept going downhill after awhile. The witches and their interactions were entertaining at the beginning but there's too much filler stories about insignificant tests, adventures, etc. I want... more>> to read about the progress of a nation not the antics of child detectives. The later introduction of the dream world resulted in tons of boring chapters about parties and s*upid slice-of-life events. The ending was such a letdown too. It's like the author changed halfway because the first half is way too different from the second. It just became a nonsensical fantasy. <<less
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arnoldstrife rated it
January 4, 2018
Status: c637
This is an Isekai set in a fantasy medieval time. What makes this different is that the MC brings to the fantasy world communism (Or rather China's brand of communism) and part of it's industrial revolution. It of course doesn't flat out say it outright, but look at the policies he's making and think about it for a moment, you'll find parallels to Chinese Communist Revolution.

The various witches that the MC finds are basically Deus ex machina for solving various issues to bridge the gap of industrial and social reform.... more>> For example 1 witch can smelt steel in the iron age and thus now we have steel and can make guns. They do really just randomly appear at just the right time to solve whatever plagues the MC. But each witch is a fully fleshed out character with personality and backstory so it's somewhat forgivable for the incredible plot convenience it brings.

The pacing is also fairly fast in the in-story timeline. It's so fast that I honestly don't know where the MC and the various witches have time to do everything they said they are doing. Some of the more useful witches are assigned dozens of task and they somehow find time to do all of them so the industrial revolution can go on. This is offset by the much slower reading time since as I said before it tends to flesh out all the characters and give backstory and personality. There's over 1 million words from chapter 1 to 600 but only 1.5 year has passed in the story.

up till c637 He made a new city with 30 times the population of before. Invented guns and howitzers on a mass production level, solved all social and economic problems. Introduced sanitation, taught a majority of people to read and write and finish taking over the world (as he knows it).


Besides it's various problems. It doesn't change the fact that I enjoyed it and liked the various characters. It's not perfect, but the problems are minimal enough not to worry over. <<less
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Ginvegan rated it
January 2, 2018
Status: c634
Pretty good story, it seems like it has a direction and follows it. There are some boring parts to it, but overall I think the story flows really well. The fact that he was transported to another world always plays a role. Unlike other novels where the character is transported and ignores any of his previous worlds knowledge. I do think Roland is boring, but I say the other characters overcome it. I highly recommend the story to anyone who is looking for meaning story, full with progress and struggles.
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December 13, 2017
Status: c585
One of the best novels of this era, IMO. It's a real novel, not just a no-brainer MC who always thinks he's a god.

You will read the story from the perspectives of various characters. From a beggar, knight, king, children, etc., this shows that the author knows how to write a good novel. Not just a bullying or show-off power plot for the MC.

And seriously, this is one of the best time travel novels. MC uses all knowledge in the modern world to help solve another world's problems. While I... more>> always doubt the others novels, what's the point of being a time traveler in theirs when the MC rarely or never uses any advantage from the modern world? Why not just let MC be born in that era instead of time traveling? <<less
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SimonsaysLOL rated it
July 31, 2017
Status: --
honestly the novel is pretty good, I like the world that is told and it's definitely an enjoyable read, although there are times when problems come up in the story for me that breaks said enjoyment. most of the problems that I have with this novel is the the MC Roland who usually takes things upon himself to do such as overseeing experiments, going through designs and drawing them, and even acting as judge and jury for trials. where does it get all this time to work and do so... more>> much sh*t in one day? and you can't say he alternates on which day he does what because if you ever actually worked in a office with so many things going on. you don't just sit back and compartmentalize all that work into spaced out days considering he takes on most of the work himself and he is on a short timetable with war and such. you think its easy to draw up designs of things he really shouldn't know much about and those designs be able to be produced to workable models?

that's another thing, I could be wrong but I'm pretty sure that this Cheng Yan who transmigrated into Roland is some dude who just finished university and is about to enter the life of a average SALARY MAN. why the f*ck does this guy know so much about chemistry and armaments. I personally never attended a chinese university but im pretty sure when you attend you don't go into taking course in chemistry when your going to be a salary man not to mention weapons manufacturing, but lets say he did, even though he mentions he is meh with chemistry himself and basically has pockets of missing knowledge, its still really weird that he knows as much as he does, disregarding the gap between usa and china education capacities the difference as far as I know don't incorporate college level chemistry and weapon designing. you dumb if you think chinese gov't going to teach their young impressionable university students how to many weapons to step up their violent protest game. this is a really big WTF for me as I read this novel, where is he pulling this knowledge in weaponry from, I can take basic chem, like small things that might relate to everyday things in life. but come on creating black powder is as far as it should really push it, then we see him make primitive guns going on into revolvers too, not to mention bullets that come in one package being casing, powder and cap all together, which in itself was a huge arms innovation btw too many iterations to get to that point. next we are going to see gatling guns... oh oh maybe a f*cking rail gun too, outfitted on a submarine that can fly as well. even going as far as distinctions of smokeless powder. is china lax of their gun ownership? it almost feels like this Cheng Yan was from arizona given how familiar he is with guns.

there is also the part where I'm not exactly sure what is up with the transmigration, roland wants to explain but goes into vague details or just deviates into weird areas. such as acknowledged real roland died and he took over, and him accepting he is now roland but then explains it in a way that what he got was just memories of Cheng Yan that made roland a new man, but from what we can see is totally untrue as it really is just Cheng Yan that took control and all that is left is roland's memories in his body. it's always pretty weird when he gets cornered and reveals his origins. although he could have used the Cheng Yan only being memories thing going into roland when talking to tilly to ensure a amicable relationship. but was is needed to begin with the guy even said the two don't have a good relationship and I doubt tilly would have cared much if she found out roland was already dead and this new guy was riding his meat suit.

and another thing, he keeps making seem like he is going to make an "empire" that would be utopia like for witches and ordinary folk alike but the work he's doing heavily relying on witch powers. ie witch who creates id cards that are used it almost anything related to official documentation and other productions that rely too much on one witch with her ability. whats going to happen when roland dies, cause he's going to go be it death by assassination or death by old age, idk but going dead at some point in his roland life. how the hell will the country function when that witch is gone, if the witch who makes the invulnerable id cards is dead who going to make the new ones, going to make different ones using different materials? this is a important point, added with witches being so heavily relied on you would think the country would just accept them more rite? wrong, witches will be more successful in life in the coming years of this "roland empire" and disparities in financial categories would only create new divisions. honestly I don't really think he plans ahead he he's being portrayed. think jews and hi*ler germany, where the german pushed blame onto the jews because of envy of financial security that they possessed relative to the rest of the population and started their "witch hunt". they already different, wouldn't take much for them to get ostracized, might not be witch hunts because of fear of power, but exile because they be jelly they don't get them gold coins as much as witches with their inborn gifts.

so yeah other than how time is managed for roland to be able to do so much is unbelievable, s*upid amount of knowledge that really shouldn't have been known given his chinese guy on earth role, and the fragile nature of his super chill "empire" that was suppose to be built for long term futures of witch kind, being built upon weak foundations would probably fail and forget most of the witch equality act within a hundred years... two hundred max.

4/5 : one point off for problems stated above. <<less
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Akanome rated it
July 30, 2017
Status: c337

Never in my imagination that web novel could be this awesome! And it's rare to see chinese novel that doesn't looks like chinese novel at all, It's more like a western fantasy novel with a story as awesome as Game of Throne!
    • Story 5/5 : the earlier premise is a bit dull since so many thing is still a mystery, but as the story going on the mysteries will be revealed so beautifully that you would realize how awesome and original the story is. The pace is a bit slow but it was compensated with many interesting things. World building was so structured and planned really well that every mysteries that revealed was feel so epic
    • Character 5/5: Almost every character in this novel have a character development and every now and then some chapters was dedicated to other pov to make everything more immersive and we know about their feeling, their story, and their opinions.
    • Translation 4/5: the translator of this novel really doing an awesome job, they rarely have any grammar error, and the pace of the translation was like many othe chinese novels (almost updated everyday)
Conclution 5/5: This is an awesome read that will make you craving for more and more chapter of this (I can't stop reading this and catch up to the newest chapter in just a week).

I would recomend it to anyone who love isekai novels, fantasy novels, science type novels, war novels, economic and management novels
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Benzo Steez
Benzo Steez rated it
July 17, 2017
Status: c13
A good read so far.

Author has a decent level of skills in writing. Uses 'show' even though there is a lot of 'unnecessary explanation' that can break the flow of the story (could get tedious in the long run).

I personally find this novel interesting in many ways and most of the positive reviews sum everything up perfectly. I would just like to address a few points talked about in negative reviews and hope to convince readers to give this novel a shot, because it deserves it.
Hello to anyone reading this.

I advise readers to not transpose their ideals to novels (in general and this one in particular). The author creates a world and develops it into a living thing. Reading a novel shouldn't be an idle activity as the reader should think and deduce things even when they are not specifically spoken about. like in real life, society, people change. The author won't always hold you by the hand (and shouldn't, if just for that design).

  1. - About the MC being too smart - The premises clearly illustrate a fantasy world so I don't think that some of the reviews criticizing the political system are justified. Keep in mind that he transmigrated to a medieval society by chance... He is not a messiah, merely struggling to achieve his objective. He is in no way benevolent. In that sense almost everything he does is to ease the process of becoming King. As for feminism.... First it is an overstatement. Second, Even if somehow you get to this conclusion, in a world of objectified female characters, Alpha males and over the top machismo it is a fresh outlook that doesn't remove the brilliance of the story. Also, although the MC seems overly smart, it is based on the fact that in his previous life he was a mechanical engineer (The technicality of the vocabulary employed by the author is just a refection of this, Engineers are educated this way, its is just to reinforce the MC's identity), plus he has knowledge of a more advanced civilization, he probably knows the workings of politics through historical readings (this justifies the fact that he is 1000 steps, and once again this is fantasy).
2. Some of the reviewers yearn for realism in a fictional fantasy novel. It is preposterous.

If you are one of those, this novel is not for you. 'Fiction' means there will be exaggerations, plot armor, above the average MC, that is how things are.... But for those that like a good read and can manage to let their imagination wander, this is an above average work worth the read.

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