Release that Witch


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Chen Yan travels between worlds, ending up becoming an honorable prince in a medieval fantasy world. Yet this world was not quite as simple as he thought. Witches with magical powers abound, and fearsome wars between churches and kingdoms rage throughout the land.

Roland, a prince regarded as hopeless by his own father and assigned to the worst fief, spends his time developing a poor and backward town into a strong and modern city, while fighting against his siblings for the throne and absolute control over the kingdom. Join Roland as he befriends and allies with witches and, through fighting and even farming, pushes back invaders coming from the realm of evil.

Associated Names
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Fang Kai Nage Nuwu
Fangkai Nage Nuwu
Fàng kāi nàgè nǚwū
마녀 사용설명서
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361 Reviews sorted by

Dethnado rated it
June 25, 2017
Status: c327
This novel is a lot like Warhammer without orcs, elves and dwarves. There is the empire and the grail knights ... more>>



The MC reincarnates in a splintered kingdom as the prince with the worst reputation. Everyone still lives in a feudal world with knights supressing serfs with medieval technology. Luckily the MC is a mechanical engineer, so he basically becomes KARL FRANZ. Https://www. Youtube. Com/watch?v=HyU_1-Py0dA

So yeah, there are various factions and the way they struggle against each other is pretty well written. The author didn't flesh out his characters well in the beginning, but he becomes much better at developing them out later. He also doesn't waste your time with overflowerly prose or dumb harem antics. His main characters are pretty much all sincere with each other and that feels pretty refreshing.

But what makes this novel really good to read is that the main character truly is smart. He knows a lot about physics and science, but there are limits to what he knows so he employs people passionate in the fields he lacks knowledge off and gives them the basics of modern science. He also tries to better the common people by giving them rights like education, wealth and weapons, so his people can advance to modernity and kick the ass out the backwards feudalists.

But yeah the science behind everything is well written. The main character really reads like a smart engineer. In fact he is a lot like another guy who has been advancing a backwards society with stuff like artifical intelligence, implantable brain computer interfaces, reusable rockets, solar energy, tunneling, electric cars and tube trains. OMG ELON MUSK IS A REINCARNATED PERSON FROM A MORE ADVANCED SOCIETY. THAT'S WHY HE IS SAYING WE ARE LIVING IN A SIMULATED REALIITY. WE ARE LIVING A s*upid ISEKAI NOVEL.

Oh, and a quick comment on that review about the morality on guns. The reason that you have rights today is because your ancestors were able to fight for your country because of guns. Instead of relying on a warrior class that you had to pay all your possesions to, now everyone is able to protect their neighbours and family. Think about that. <<less
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pomoli rated it
June 1, 2017
Status: c303
Great novel:

  • The MC is interesting, because he's actually not powerful at all, but uses his head and is really knowledgeable in science. Plus, he's resolute yet kind, a rarity in the mostly psychopathic Chinese WN I read until now.
  • Antagonists are interesting, and certainly not black and white (OK, maybe the Church is kinda too much).
  • Side characters are ALL developed, and aren't just here as the MC admirers, but also as full fledged personalities.
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-faded- rated it
May 19, 2017
Status: --
I've never read an Otherworld novel where MC makes use of modern knowledge as well as in this one. Usually it's either just grade school knowledge, full of holes, or just inaccurate. But this one is really well written.

No complaints about the plot or world building and the characters are interesting the description on the cover page really doesn't do it justice. I tore through translated 300 chapters + 400 raw in a blink of an eye. And I'm already showing withdrawal symptoms for more.
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chewy562 rated it
May 10, 2017
Status: c300
How can you give it a low rating because the author decided to bring technology from his own world and bring it into this one. I am currently on chapter 300 and I completely love where the author is going with this novel. The world building and the amount of detail the author puts into it is something I enjoy greatly. I read a review where someone (clearly bias towards guns) was complaining that it was good until the introduction of guns and then went on to preach about how... more>> bad guns are. His bias for guns is the reason why he rated the novel two stars and I find that to be a shame which does not give the story justice. If you do not like guns fine but do not just base your review off of one part of the story you might not like. I love seeing how the MC is using his knowledge from the other world to defend his town and fight for the throne. It is a must read! <<less
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Scholek rated it
May 9, 2017
Status: c273
This is amazing. A reincarnation story where the Main Character isn't just intelligent, but brilliant! This is the might of an reincarnated engineer! All the decisions that he (Mechanical Engineer) makes are exactly what I (Physics Robotics) would have done... it's almost creepy.

This main character is actually smarter than me in real life... like if high school education was 2.2/100 smart, bachelor's degree was 4.7/10 smart, I'm 5.6/10 smart, this guy is like 7.7/10 smart, einstein would be around 9.6/10.

Normally I like the lighthearted stories more and am often put... more>> off by many Chinese novels for their power tripping, and nearly delusional main characters and themes, but Release Witch is so well written, interesting, and sensible. There is nothing to complain about. The main character Roland actually doesn't even have magic or a superpower and still rocks everyone's socks with the power of a real (Science Degree) modern education. Just imagine if he had an arts degree how impotent he would be. <<less
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SmurfMeRunning rated it
March 24, 2017
Status: c186
To me this is the best example of a world building fantasy novel that I've found outside of a JN. The plot is interesting and the pacing is consistent. I always want to see where the world will go next. To those who don't like that he brought guns to the world, I disagree. Guns are the most efficient killing tools for the job he needed done. He absolutely needed them to overcome his shortcomings at the time.

This is a wonderful blend of fantasy and technology that is... more>> delivered with a consistent narrative. <<less
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Mango Guy rated it
March 12, 2017
Status: c259
Ok, now that the cover has been changed... here is a review from me. First of all!! RTW is actually a secret program by the Chinese government to educate NEETs and other such people who are not interested in studies. And they nailed it. Why? Cuz even I got hooked.

Seriously, there is a reason why this novel is so hyped and popular. It has got a harem environment, but there is no harem. It has got magic, but not everyone has it. It has got a smart engineer transmigrated MC... more>> with NO powerup other than his knowledge from past world. And he does a fantastic job as the Lord of a town. The bad guy organisation is pretty dope. They are well made, with a hugely mysterious past. A lot of foreshadowing so far.. The characters are lovable. There is NOT much of comedy tho. There is plenty of science and other educational stuff tho. Also, the world's side characters are also very well made.

World Building:4
Read it. It is worth it. <<less
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radikai rated it
March 8, 2017
Status: c251

For me who's already a bit bored with xianxia-ish novel, this story really breathes a fresh air. We have Roland here, who's reincarnated from earth modern era to the medieval era where witches are everywhere but are hunted by the church. Using the unique abilities of the witches, he created numerous invention that helped him in his kingdom building. Of course, the most interesting thing is that his way of thinking isn't common in that era and that lead to people seeing him in a different light.... more>> Wise ruler + Great invention + Modern Era thinking= Roland.

Also, him not having any magic or power is a great limiter to further enhance the interesting aspect of the story. It's not like gun-ota where the MC create his own gun easily using magic and goes bam-bam-bam, it's far more complex and real-life like. I rarely give 5 stars to a novel. This one here will be my first one.

Don't read this if you want to see a tr*sh MC with insane powerups and growth steamrolling his enemies who are supposed to be smart but become very dumb when facing him. Wow, that's a long sentence. Not sure if the grammar's right. <<less
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Aelfric rated it
February 22, 2017
Status: c599
I felt compelled to create an account to write this review. Having read many novels, both English and Chinese, this is one of the rare novels that I would enjoy reading the whole story more than once.

5 stars in plot - This is a combination of "A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court" and "Game of Thrones". The protagonist is a mechanical enginner who uses his knowledge to develop a crappy border town in Medieval setting to battle for the throne.

6 stars in depth - The author took great length... more>> to develop the characters (not just the protagonist), culture, history background to an extend that even surpasses many conventional novels!

4 stars in translation - the starting chapters are just "okay", but soon the translation has improved and becomes much more readable. Some chapters are as decent as an actual English novel.

4 stars in realisticity: The plot progression are generally logical. My slight complaints are that there are no harsh setbacks for the protagonist, and the pace of city development is a bit too fast. But afterall, this a novel (not a history book) so I can give it to the author.

In summary, while "Release the witch" is not perfect (as no books are), it is definitely a top tier 5 star web novel. <<less
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CowTemplar rated it
February 11, 2017
Status: c1
This novel takes some of the best tropes in fantasy literature - attractive witches, world building, time travel - and puts them all together to create something incredibly unique. The closest thing I can compare it to would be A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court, only Release That Witch is much more enjoyable to read and takes itself more seriously (a webnovel takes itself more seriously than an actually published novel? Wtf). The author does a great job immersing you into the world, by constantly changing perspectives to show... more>> how our main character Roland impacts society around him with his ideas and inventions. It's disturbingly enjoyable to see how an invention from the present that is taken for granted is seen as incredible by people in the medieval ages. Yet the novel is not merely historical fiction. As per the title, there are witches, and each of the witches have their own special abilities and rules that evolve throughout the novel. In addition, it's hinted that the church, the bad guys of the novel, have their own methods of magic that Roland will have to figure out and overcome. Something else that the author does great is add little pop culture references that have the inner nerd in me laughing. Roland introduces Gwent and adds plenty of WoW, LoL, and OW references that go right over the witches' head.

Complaints are minor but present. Although I am incredibly grateful for the fast translation speed, there are definitely editing mistakes, and these are quite regular. I think the pace of the novel is a bit unrealistic when you really sit down and think about it. Finally, and this applies to all webnovels, not just this one, there is typically a lack of real conflict. Oh no, the enemies are coming! --Enemies proceed to get wiped out a few chapters later-- Oh no, this enemy is much stronger than the previous enemy! -- Enemy gets defeated, no casualties suffered-- I get that in these kind of novels, readers don't enjoy seeing the MC suffer, but for the sake of realism and plot there needs to be some setbacks to the MC. All in all, fantastic novel with lots of potential for growth. I'll be eagerly anticipating this each week. 5/5. <<less
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kshatriiya rated it
January 22, 2017
Status: c544
I have read a lot of western novels, the game of thrones, harry potter, hunger games, lord of the rings etc. As well as numerous Japanese light novels. This is the only one that I wish I could erase my memory and read over and over again.

You follow the journey of a modern Engineer in a backward, medieval Europe-like era. You'll find engaging use of modern knowledge in nation building, serving justice to arrogant aristocrats and assembling a harem of very lovable witches. When I say harem, please don't be... more>> alarmed. This is nothing like those Japanese anime/light novel type of pointless harem that leads to no where and serve no purpose then to cater to Japan's 2D loving otakus. There is very tastefully done romance and maturity in its delivery. You will follow along the main character as he transform the backward society he has woken up to, transform the mind of those around him and how through his civility, wisdom and charm recruit a vibrant cast of characters that you will grow to love as you grow attach to this wonderfully written story. If you like nation building and science, you will love this novel. If you like an engaging, mysterious story with a fantastic cast of female characters you will love this novel. If you want to see a peasant militia transform into a napoleon army and brings down justice on corrupt aristocrats and authority, you will love this novel.

Go and read, it is highest rated novel on this site for a reason! <<less
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arcadefire35 rated it
December 25, 2016
Status: c186
Characters are unique and they really do build up a personality. The world is really established and you can really feel a sense of scale. Some other stories they don't really describe the world or the situation very well, but RTW does a really good job of making you have a sense of who is where and what places look like. The translation is also very good that it can just pass as a English novel written by a western author.

So far at 186 chapters it is still very interesting.... more>> There are so many things to discover, and our protag has so many things left to do. I can't wait to see what is causing the *spoiler* and what new thing the protag is going to bring into this world. Of course, one of the most important things in this kind of story is how the protag makes use of his other worldly knowledge/powers. In this case, the author explains very well in a scientific way. It's clear that the author has a scientific way of thinking. The protag doesn't seem overpowered if he was just given flat stats like other reborn/timetravel stories. <<less
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Fierem rated it
December 10, 2016
Status: c80
Splendid world building. The character development is detailed and integrated. The author spreads the narrative to multiple characters to build the story. It's a bit similar to A Song of Ice and Fire but lighter in content. For once, the reincarnated character actually applies his previous life's knowledge in full use. He doesn't just abandon his previous life and go gungho with the current lifestyle. It's enjoyable because the characters are rich instead of the usual novel with the one man show MC.
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Zelloss rated it
December 4, 2016
Status: c163
Really awesome.
Everything is fairly realistic, and the author and trad do a really good job with this.

-MC is clever, many knowledges, but sometimes realistic smalls holes of memories on his school knowledge.
-Romance is really mature. Slow, but not with s*upids misunderstandings.
-What is magic, why random common girls,... MC tries to discover all the mystery.
-MC really uses all his modern knowledge thoroughly (and you know it's so, so rare...).
-Sciences are really important, with many details, and the MC, not like others novels, really try to teach all is knowledge (atoms, chemistry, machines, weapons,...).
-Church, like in reality, have many ulterior motive for the witch hunt, but it's not just for Crowd control terror...

Really, but really a good surprise.
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NoobaLoob rated it
November 18, 2016
Status: c427
While this may not be the best reincarnation/rebirth novel to be ever written it is certainly in the top category of them. The worst part about this novel is the title. Unless it is a foreshadow to something much later then the MC saving witches, while critical to the story, is in no way the central theme of the book.

The MC is a modern mechanical engineer. He dies from over working and is reborn into the body of a recently assassinated wastrel 4th Prince. The Prince was sent to a... more>> tiny village called 'Border Town' during a competition the King made for his children, which was, the child with the most economic power after a period of 5 years would become the next King.

The MC (named Roland) does not have supernatural power, but with his knowledge he reforms the tiny village into the most advanced/prosperous city in the Human lands. The novel is very detailed about how he goes about this. Little is given for granted, and most of the political aspects are realistic as one of the first things Roland does is hand positions of management to his subjects instead of bringing in nobles to do the job of mundane government (mundane because he still sets the policies).

The MC does not take women, but unlike in other novels it is explained well why he doesn't. Which is a mixture of embarrassment of asking his servants to arrange a chambermaid and he doesn't want to put out the wrong image to the people/witches that follow him (and he claims he can 'handle' himself until the time comes). There is little to no chance for a harem as there are only 2 potential love interests (and there's really only 1... the 2nd is like... it 'could' happen but probably not). The MC cares for all the witches under his leadership, and is empathetic to the hellish life they lived before, but there is a clear separation between care and romantic interest.

I have read 427 chapters, there is literally only 1 major complaint I have with the book.


While the MC battles the Church, Devils, and his brothers Kingdom, he constantly speaks about how modern government works. He creates legal, police, educational systems and more as time goes on. Yet once, around chapter 420, he captures a Church Official and instead of giving the man a trail he basically sets up a witch hunt (the irony). He brings the Official in front of a mob of his citizens and basically doles out mob justice (when the people agree the Official is a bad guy Roland has him executed).

The reason why this is such a bad moment is that it sets a precedent that the normally intelligent Roland should have considered (he even bills it as a 'public trail'). So a hundred years after Roland dies, people will look back on their great founder/savior and use how he governs as a model. How could he not see the ramifications of that is beyond me.

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ElBurritoLuchador rated it
November 7, 2016
Status: c128
Hello! So you wanted to know my opinion about this novel?

Having read this as of Chapter 128, this series is a solid 5 out of 5! Seriously.

If you have read and love [Gate - Thus the JSDF Fought There!] then you will be at home at this one but not quite. This is a story of a modern man who awoke in a body of a lousy prince in a medieval age where magic exists, exiled into a frontier town during a battle of succession for the throne.

Unlike other... more>> novels, this guy wasn't bestowed with powers and his background of modern technology is neglected. NO! This novel right here uses that, it revolves itself around that knowledge of a man who have lived in the 21st century. Steam Engines, Blast Furnace, Guns, Concrete, etc... this is a pragmatic story where he is put in a dire situation and his tools are human resources, his knowledge, and the heaven-defying magic then you get that right mixture of OPness but not to the point of ridicule. He also uses his insight on Army structure and training, contracts, pension and benefits, and of egalitarian rights.

This is a power fantasy by means of technological might rather than powerful cultivation/martial arts. You know that feeling in Civilization where you already have Tanks while you're enemies are stuck with Knights.

Magic here is that of fire wielding, flying, plant control, etc... nothing spectacular like "PULVERIZES MOUNTAINS, DESTROYS THE SEAS". The niche magic is more of a means to production more than anything though some of them can still kill.

If you have read other reviews, there is one who cries "B-b-but guns are evil" or "Guns in sword and magic world is s*upid" and uses that to judge the novel as bad is wrong in so many levels. [Because I hate "X", this uses "X", therefore this is bad] is not a good review and downright disregards story. <<less
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Raneday rated it
October 4, 2016
Status: c85
Really love this novel. Pretty refreshing for me who always saw xianxia novel it let to have a change of pace in reading. Well this novel could also competed to the fantasy themed western novels. So if you're still not reading this, then it's your lost
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Parth37955 rated it
July 25, 2016
Status: c27
Interesting concept. MC has pretty much the bare minimum in terms of lands and resources. So he decides to utilize witches as well as his modern knowledge to make up for the difference. So far he hasn't tried changing the mindset of his people but instead has tried to stabilize their lifestyle which is pretty smart. The reason people believe in superstition is due to fear and a sense of helplessness. By empowering his people, it will become easier to make people drop the stigma against witches and side with... more>> him rather than the church. <<less
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October 11, 2023
Status: Completed
This took me 2 weeks to read, I enjoyed it quite abit and have no regrets picking it this up. It's quite refreshing to see a MC having no special abilities or major super powers, while he's started off with a bad hand surrounded by the unknown and he have to play it by the cards, building his place step by step. Eventually it comes downs to My guns are better than your swords so stfu and lay down. MC coming up with all sort of technology advance weapons to... more>> crush his enemies. I learned alot of Chemistry, Physics and territory management thanks to this novel, even it drive me crazy to fast forward sometimes because its takes alot.

The romance are not my interest, but it's healthy relationships, so I didn't mind it. They confess early and hit if off so they did a good job, not too much drama.

I love the Witches they all have their stories and different personalities. Their magic isn't overpower, there's flaws and training need to be done. Anyway fk the church!

I really enjoy others characters POVs in this novel, it's feels more alive and apart of this novel universe. Their happiness, pain and backstories. I enjoy their reactions to MCs place when they see new things, how they love the place and all their emotions. I think it's the favourite parts about this novel for me.

Though downside it gets boring when it gets too much into making things and explaining procedures in too much details especially when it became magic. Politics are cut short with power over BS. Game of thrones didn't play out like I want it too. I was disappointed about that. Also some relationships didn't finished writing like some between some witches and people. Like Paper and snake tooth. Also our boy Carter like he's just gone and do nothing after a while.

Overall Release the Witch is well written novel, everybody should give it a go. I am surprised how it doesn't have much attention as I thought. Maybe it go too much detail into making things in the middle. People want more action or more game of thrones less demons etc. <<less
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DaoistKushMountain rated it
November 8, 2022
Status: Completed
Honestly, it's a great story. The worst part of it being the main character and the female lead.

All of the side characters offer a different perspective to the narrative and the experiences of each varies.

The plot was great. It gets a bit convoluted when it tries to explain science using big words, it takes them 3 big paragraphs to explain simple concepts and offers no ELI5, for example the simple gravity siphon, which could be explained with steam pump puts water in the high tower and then it falls to... more>> the tap.

MC is the bringer of big knowledge from the future. He goes from being a lord only in name to a platoon commander, and gradually his forces grow so much that the later part of his story only have him reading reports of the battles a few months after due to distance. He grows to be hypocritical, being and idealist in feudal times of wars, switches between detrhoning and offering refugees jobs to forceful conscription as the story goes by. And most of all is how backwards he is when it comes to romance.

The female lead, well I can only describe her personality as a wet mop. Aside from being described as a combat witch, who only maybe fights twice, she is mostly used as a soldering gun, and sometimes as a wall to bounce "novel" concepts with the MC using big words. Personality wise she is almost non existent. Which is a shame because she ends up with the MC. Literally even coach drivers that get 2 chapters have more in depth character and development than her.

All things considered it's a good story, you get to see the growth in all the side characters and the town from border town to empire and the department ministers. <<less
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