Reborn into A Slash Game


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Suo Fei, a veteran NEET has spent three days and three nights strategizing his way through the highly explicit H danmei game masterpiece “Yalance”. Furthermore, he was able to capture all nine little shous from the nine great races. However, as the final, 10P feast was approaching, he unexpectedly transmigrated. He transmigrated into the real country of Yalance…

Suo Fei: Hey, hey, hey, can you delete these files and let me restart? What the hell did Laozi transmigrate into!

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Related Series
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Recommendation Lists
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  2. Read (did not love)
  3. Danmei I Want To Read [part 2]
  4. Chrysanthemun (Reading Completed)
  5. Want to Read

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103 Reviews

New RavensChrome
May 15, 2024
Status: Completed

This has to be one of my favorite story yet. There js a level of depth that is both simple and yet so elegant in how it's written. The romance and story are so well balanced out that I'm seriously disappointed that it ended.

First of all, the summary is very deceiving. It makes you think that it's a harem story but the MC and ML are very much loyal to one another. The gradual romantic progression makes sense. Their love is very sweet but the author wastes very... more>> little time in getting them together once the plot is out of the way.

There is smut. But again, the summary and the way the story starts out deceives the reader thinking there's going to be frequent smut but there's refreshingly little of it. The smut is a tool the author uses to push the MC and ML's feelings for each other.

Next, the plot is very exciting! The drama and plot twists run deep but the author only highlights on what the reader needs to know in order to tie up any really big plot holes. The rest is up to reader imagination which I think is very well executed. No need to waste time on unnecessary filler and moves the story along smoothly without breaking pacing.

I really loved MC's character and his development. He is the definition of 'idk what's going on but imma stick to my gut and what I know and move on from there' type of guy. Although he is hesitant to make big decisions, he knows he needs to make decisions and can't waste time. MC knows how to cast his pride aside for what's important and I really like that. It's logical and in character the way he goes about it.

What really disappoints me is the ending. It's a happy ending! But it's an ending. I really wished that there was an extra that sets a few years later to show the results of what everyone's hard work. The ending is meant to be left to the reader's imagination but I feel so unfulfilled but that's how I know this is the conclusion this story is meant to have.

Please read this story. <<less
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Jan 04, 2020
Status: Completed
Everyone this is our dear long Qi's first work and it is a very cute story.

In case you don't know who long Qi is, they're the author of some novels such as Reborn As A System and Need to Propose to 7 men. What to do?

Aiya, looking at Long Qi's fetus days made me laugh because in their notes they complained about how they were envious of other writers well developed plots and characters. Lmao.

Although, there's problems with the plot here and there and the shou may rely on... more>> the gong a lot BUT the story is good for a first work. It's a refreshing premise with the fantasy setting.

If it was fleshed out more and if the plot improved, the story would have been perfect.


Plus, I love an Elf and a dragon. *Dirty thoughts*


Anyways, it's a very good story for a first work and you can see the development of the novel and the author's writing.

And let me say, Long Qi has has come a long way.

It's a lighthearted read just for fun.


Adieu and enjoi!

P.s. The smuts great ^ ♡^ <<less
57 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Dec 15, 2019
Status: Completed
The synopsis may be misleading and readers might think that it's a harem but in reality, it's a cute & fluffy (w/ a few smut scenes >///<) 1v1 western fantasy story between a shou MC who believed himself to be a gong and a gong ML who had a tragic past.

Possibly because the shou was loyal to the gong, the gong wasn't that black-bellied but was sweet and caring towards the shou throughout the story.

The romance development between the MC and ML was very natural, and the plot was also... more>> concise and fast-paced (I wish it was longer though ㅠㅠ).

As the novel was an early work by Long Qi, plot-wise, it was a bit immature and some things didn't make sense but you'd see the standard literary style of Long Qi which I'm quite fond of. :")

Reader's kinda-spoiler short summary:


MC transmigrated and became a hidden character in the game, the ultimate shou character. As he played the game as the ultimate gong, he was disinclined.

After the plotline unfolded, he encountered the ultimate gong ML who was still a teenager who had not fully blackened yet. The MC thus started a journey with the ML to change his destiny.

42 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Aug 15, 2020
Status: Completed
You know when you're reaching the end of a novel and there's not enough chapters left for everything you want to happen to happen? That's this novel.

There was a compelling plot and good characterization, but this novel was too short. It really seems as if this novel was truncated, because there was a lot of build up for what culminated into a wholly unsatisfactory ending.

It starts with the story of MC transmigrating into the body of a hidden character. He quickly makes contact with the ultimate gong, ML. They become... more>> companions who help each other out to reach their ultimate goal. However, I'm not really sure about the ending.


At first, they were supposed to rescue and then later resurrect MC's host body's mother. But then the bad guys came to attack them, MC got mind controlled and saw ML's past... And then somehow MC forced ML into stabbing MC in the heart to undo a curse. ML regains his memories from a bajillion years ago. Some big f*cking deus ex machina happens where MC's mom sacrificed herself again because apparently MC's host body was adopted (??). Then they resurrected the dragons. Somewhere, somehow, ML takes control of his body at the time of MC and ML's first meeting and kisses MC, which is why their first meeting started off with a kiss... I guess? The end.

What happened to the other races? Is the continent still about to implode? Where did all the bad guys go after MC got mind controlled? What about the whole slash game part of the novel? Where angry mind control man go? What about our little tiger buddy? Who the hell is MC even? Is ML some sort of demon/dragon hybrid now? Who, what, when, where, why, how???

Keep in mind that this is all in the last 3 chapters.


Nevertheless, I still enjoyed the novel as the dynamic between MC and ML was very sweet and MC's inner dialogue was pretty funny. <<less
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Dec 10, 2019
Status: Completed
Sweet and fluffy with a good story and a sexy scene or two as fan service. What more could you ask for?

*\ (^o^) /*

It's funny because MC is in the mindset that he's "top" just because he often like to play that role in the games much like a person who thinks they can drive well just because they play racing games.

ML, the actual "top", becomes sweet and not pushy at all, slowly takes his time with MC as they go on their adventures.
18 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Jan 31, 2021
Status: Completed
A sociophobic gong discovers that he is actually an ultimate shou

MC is 27, a virg*n, & your typical definition of a NEET who can only devote his time in playing erot*c slash games at home. After finally managing to conquer all nine shous in the game, he suddenly transmigrates into it. Not only did he not transmigrate into the world's ultimate gong character, he instead ends up taking over the body of the game's ultimate shou.

I made the mistake of shelving this novel because I was under the notion that... more>> it was going to be too harem-esque. I suppose I thought that MC was going to be fought over by the characters in the fantasy game & I wasn't up for that kind of dog-blood, nonsensical plot. However, it's actually a really good story. This novel is straight to the point, fluffy, & holds some decent plot. World-building & overall plot execution is lacking as a whole, but my overall enjoyment in MC's journey overpowers any major gripes about the story's inconsistencies. If anything, stay for the smut because I found it godly. I would probably reread those moments.

The thing I found most unforgivable is the ending... like it's terribly short & bafflingly crammed. With the novel being squeezed into 81 chapters, I understand that there's literally no room for my arguments, but FOR THE LIFE OF ME, CAN'T LONG QI ADD IN MORE EXTRAS??? Because of that I can't express my full enjoyment for this novel.. if it was longer, it would've been phenomenal. <<less
12 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Oct 16, 2020
Status: Completed
I didn't read this for the longest time because the cover art and summary made me think it's going to another yandere situation where the MC is going to be harassed and forced until he 'loves' the ML.

wow it is the complete opposite. The MC and ML are friends and partners before anything. They have their own skills and the MC actually TRAINS and while not as strong as ML, his strength is on par with the strongest of this world. Usually in transmigration stories the MC is dependent on... more>> the ML for survival which makes things weird when you try to write an equal romantic relationship. While this does start of like that, the MC can stand on his own two feet and I felt strangely proud of him.

The communication problem is weird? But it does stop so if it annoys you, don't worry it gets better.

Overall a lot of fun, good supporting characters and an MC and ML who have other friends too. Darker themes and fluff both keep things interesting and I felt it was easy to read.

The ending is a bit jarring, but in a good way? I don't want to spoil too much but I think it took a really good look at what it means to break your promise, even if it was for a good reason. I felt bad for the ML and MC but both the anger and guilt is understandable and they are dedicated to each other. Very understandable mixed feelings and while another chapter would've been better, at the same time forcing a perfect happy ending wouldn't have fit either. I kinda hope the author does write an extra of like 5 years later because it felt slightly unfinished. But still 100% worth it. <<less
8 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Feb 26, 2020
Status: Completed
Don’t be fooled by a silly drawing and a very misguiding introduction

this is good heroic fantasy - with heroic and fantasy, a bit of fun, cute and feel good, all of that without being dumb

i’m not sure I like the MC background, but it doesn’t matter, the story flows at a good pace, the variation of the universe is nice enough, and the story has everything to keep it interesting and fluff without loosing time or focus

it certainly won’t make anyone smarter but it’s definitely a good pick for a... more>> light read

it never made me feel bored or irked by s*upid cliches,

the feelings and romance were true enough for me to be happily reading, instead of chocking at how ridiculous or boring it could be... hence I found it perfect for what it is ! (i even honestly found it a tad bit short :))

ML is very readable, but of course, the translation is way better :)

so thank you for that very nice discovery ! <<less
8 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Jul 17, 2020
Status: --
It's a really good entertaining read. All the characters are very well fleshed out. My suggestion is that after reading this novel if you want to read others like this one then try " The Reader and Protagonist Definitely Have to Be in True Love ".
7 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Jul 04, 2020
Status: c29
My expectations, based on summary, premise, and familiarity with some of the author's other work, was light easy fun reading.

I was not expecting plot heavy, kinda dark, deconstruction of the harem genre. The book starts with a game where a gong character has a harem of nine shous. Then its like, yeah, and if that was real, exactly how messed up is everyone involved for being in that situation? And then it runs with it. All the stock character types are expanded into multi dimensional characters with complex motives. There's... more>> a lot of plot and world building.

(the mc's transmigration character, the ultimate shou, also is given an explanation for why tf he's being pursued in-game by nine different gongs, as well.)


There's a scene where the ML goes berserk from almost dying. I fully expected the MC, who has a kissing healing power, to kiss him back to awareness/sanity. Nope, the MC barely escapes alive by using every single one of his defensive buffs at once (destroying them all), an entire city gets annhilated, and their enemies get a massive power up. That is choosing plot progression over easy romance points and I was impressed!


Finished the story update: OK, so, the big flaw with this one is the ending is rushed. I mean that big plot reveals are happening 3-4 to a chapter, that big villains are revealed and defeated within two chapters, etc. The underlying story is still a basically solid premise but the pacing falls off. It would have benefited from, like, 50 additional chapters to spread the last 20 over, to give emotional beats more impact when they landed. Instead it felt a bit like reading the plot summary of a longer work. I still feel like the author had a really cool underlying premise but it definitely suffered for being rushed. <<less
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May 14, 2021
Status: c50
Hahhh, I can't enjoy this. Mainly because of the MC's personality. I don't know if he's s*upid, but he's certainly not the sharpest knife in drawer. I don't like this type of MC the most, he's so fixated in his game knowledge especially regarding other characters personality that even when he's aware of it, he's still make countless remarks about the original game characters personality. He's practically digging pits for himself! One star 🙃
5 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Jun 10, 2021
Status: Completed
Self proclaimed "gong" MC transmigrates into "ultimate shou" character of his favorite BL harem game. ML is "ultimate gong" character that MC previously played as before transmigrating. MC's personality was adorable and his internal monologues were quite humorous. Excellent translation. ML and MC have great chemistry and the romance is developed at (imo) the perfect speed - with some excellent smut at the end.

The plot had wonderful potential but ultimately led to a somewhat unsatisfying ending. Multiple subplots left unresolved and a massive scene between ML/MC resolved abruptly without delving... more>> into the psychological implication of its fallout. (See below for *massive* spoilers)


to save the fate of the world MC forces ML to stab him in the chest, betraying his promise to never leave ML alone. ML is "awakened" and regains past memories (assuming based on previous plot points - but never acknowledged) that would cause massive xenophobia towards elves (MC's race). We as readers never receive proper closure as ML/MC never discuss this in detail nor do we ever hear ML's thoughts on the matter.


Overall - worth a read - but not an absolute favorite of mine. Tons of potential but we needed another 20 chapters to wrap everything up properly. <<less
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Apr 15, 2021
Status: c80
So there were parts of this story that worked. But the plot was... incoherent at best. When the ... more>>

competition for treasure/rare items began

it felt like the author had pasted two different books together. Characters that got developed in the first half disappeared, a whole new set got introduced, the premise changed, and the explanation of what the world was came out of left field. It's a mess. And the personality of the MC did a fairly major sideways move with little explanation. There were definitely scenes that were effective individually, just not as a whole. <<less
4 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Nov 18, 2020
Status: Completed
I've always enjoyed Long Qi's work and this novel was also enjoyable to read.


The story follows Suo Fei, a hikkikomori NEET gamer, as well as a self-proclaimed gong who gets transmigrated into the game world "Yalance" that he had been playing before he got transmigrated. Sounds like just another transmigration novel, right? Well, not quite.

The setting of the novel itself is fantasy. To be honest, the setting of this novel is quite similar to "The Reader and The Protagonist Has to be True Love". So definitely check that one... more>> out if you haven't yet and if you enjoyed this one. The difference lays in the fact that our protagonist is a not just an observer, but also plays an active role together with the ML as they explore the plot.

The plot was honestly a rather refreshing take on transmigration story. Our MC is not transmigrated into a background cannon fodder or some villainous cannon fodder. MC also does not have the godly knowledge of knowing the plot, which makes the story all the more interesting because even MC did not know what would happen beforehand.

The best part of the plot was the finale to be honest, where things just really picks up and keeps you at the edge of your seat. However I still think that the ending could be improved upon slightly, since there are still some loose ends that didn't get tied up properly. Still, considering that this is Long Qi's first work, I think this novel was quite well-done already.


This is definitely one area to be improved upon.

I really liked how MC was written. He was relatable, his motives were clear and easily understandable. Also, he was really hilarious. The same cannot be said for our ML. Throughout the novel, I can't really seem to see ML as more that an OP ice-block. Which was kind of sad, considering he's supposed to be a second protagonist. ML feels more like a generic ML character than anything else. I also do not feel much chemistry between MC and ML.

The supporting characters were definitely some of my favorites, however. MC and ML numerous pets (ahem, beasts) were really adorable. And the dwarves were also very fun to read. I would have liked to find out what happened to the dwarves in the end.


I have always enjoyed Long Qi's work and this also extends to her writing style. Her pacing of the story was impeccable, as always. Not too fast and not too slow, just perfect. The comedic effects that she uses also hits and overall give the story a really nice, light hearted feelings.

However, this I have to say. It is completely acceptable and understandable that she would use western name for her characters in this western fantasy setting but I wish that she had done more research while writing her novel. The English names for some of the characters were just super awkward to read

List (by most memorable) :

  1. MC english name is Sofey (I get that she wants to make it sound like his CN name, but Sofey? Really??)
  2. Who in the right mind would name their kid Vixanne??? (It sounds like vixen to me, which is so not flattering)
  3. An elf-prince called Manzy???
  4. The naming of the dwarf king, which is Tilly Lannis (definitely not inspired by Tyrion Lannister)
  5. A God (that's right a god, not a goddess) called Cindy?
There are probably more of these weird-ass name. But I can't remember them all now. This is a minor thing, obviously, but it just bothers me so bad.


I still would put this novel as recommended if you enjoy fantasy novel. It is a light, fun read that won't take much of your time. <<less
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Apr 08, 2020
Status: c35
Very entertaining! I really like it so far.

The only flaw I can find in the story is the whole anti-social or social anxiety thing at the beginning. I don't buy, it's poorly written part and it gets in the way most of the time. When it stopped to e mentioned the flow of the story became really nice.

But the rest of it is enjoyable. Pretty upbeat story. Not very smart MC, but I hope he learns along the way. Decent ML and his nice attitude towards MC. I rarely come... more>> across some fantasy novels, usually they are just arcs in QT genre I adore, but if there this story goes on and maybe becomes better then it's definitely should be on the "reading" list of fantasy BL lovers. <<less
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Feb 21, 2020
Status: Completed
The story although set in western fantasy was absolutely immersive and a fast-break too.

But, the story ended way too quickly with a pot-sized plot hole. What happened when MC went into coma the second time during the siege by various species? It wasn't mentioned by ML as he didn't want to reveal it but others too were afraid do so and they skipped the topic in a roundabout way. Even the author didn't clear it out.

But it was too intriguing and when it ended this suddenly, it disappointed and dissatisfied... more>> me... saddened too... ?

As for BL scenes... there are many fluffy parts and the serious ones only occurred two times highly detailed. ?


The first time after MC woke up from the coma the first time. He and ML copulated and this healed ML's broken back wings.

The second time after MC woke up from the coma the second time. They still did it...

What's with this coma trigger for MC?....

4 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Apr 22, 2022
Status: Completed
this was a great read, and I didn't expect it to be that good, honestly. the foreshadowing was good but not that good. the two NSFW chapters are quite... yes, quite fluffy yet at the same time hot too. yes.

firstly, the MC and ML. both remind me of Xiu (ML) and Du Ze (Du Ze), ML's feelings didn't come so suddenly, and slowly finds himself trusting, and eventually liking MC, I like that. MC, our lovable transmigrated self-proclaimed gong, is naive but not so naive. he's reckless and is kinda... more>> 'selfish' but I've seen so many selfless MCs so his character is really refreshing. it's funny how he always tells himself that he is a gong, that he could top the ML too.

secondly, the plot. I expected that it would mostly contain romance but it focused more on adventure and action. I am not complaining, it was well written after all.

the ending, I have so much to say about it. I feel like it was rushed, the endings of a lot of characters were not thoroughly explained which only leaves you to wonder what really happened to those characters *cough* the ML's former harem members, emia and the dwarves. *cough* I would have given this a 5 star if the author explained how they ended up. they had some potentials but too bad, they were discarded later in the story. <<less
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Sep 22, 2021
Status: --
This novel is great for someone who is looking for action, romance and a little~~.

I like the plots and it is really funny.

i like how the main gong isnt the only one trying to become strong but the shou is also

to be honest its been a while since I read this novel when I am writing this review so it wasnt very impressionable for me.

It is still avery good novel to read and is reconmended!!
3 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Sep 04, 2021
Status: Completed
It's not bad!! It was just not what I expected loll, I mean considering the 'theme' of where he transmigrated, I thought there would be more love dovey and all that, but it was more focused on the action? It's not necessarily a bad thing, I was just surprised that it was gonna be a real adventure lol.

... more>>

My favorite parts are still Suo Fei's monologues in his head lol, he was just funny and I actually felt so embarrased/shy when they were in salgov's treasure?? Where they were seeing illusions of them papapaing lol. I felt what it was like to blush from embarrassment. Their dynamic was alright? Cause samael's just legit op and suo fei's is just idk HAHAHA either way I'm happy for them. Pity that it was short so the author wasn't able to tell more about why he transmigrated and he didn't say that he wasn't the real Sofey, which is what I always want to see in QTs ehehe


The whole story just really caught me off guard, cause it wasn't consistent with the picture and the summary lol, it was so much deeper so if u came here expecting for the 🥵, there isn't really much

there was even an unnecessary smexy scene with aryan? And the troll who didn't really matter lol


A nice read but not much romance I think?? Reread is a nah <<less
3 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Jul 21, 2021
Status: Completed
Honestly this is the best BL I've ever read! Thanks to the author for writing such a wonderful work and my thanks to the translators for allowing me to get to know this work! ♡
3 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Oct 14, 2020
Status: Completed
Comedy ✓
World building ✓
Action ✓
Interesting plot ✓

My overall rating should be 5 stars because I really like the plot, pacing and comedy of this story and also I really did enjoy the author's other novel as well. But sadly, just like the other reviews, the conclusion was wrapped up but is actually really really really rushed like the last 3 chapters should be 10. So I'll rate 4.5 (round up to 5) stars.

MC is a great character here, very funny especially when he always thought that he's a gong and his inner monologues. The Japanese actually adds to the comedy as well, I forgot how many times I choked when reading his 'daijobou'. Trust me, it's funny. ML, the ultimate gong-kun, is a bit generic, handsome, OP, slight yandere, etc. Other characters were also very interesting but sadly they didn't really get that much screentime.

I really do recommend this even though the ending was rushed. The ending doesn't really bother me since it kinda wrapped up everything that needed to be wrapped.
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