Rebirth of a Cannon Fodder from a Novel


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As the only girl born in the four generations of the Mo family – a prestigious and powerful family in Hua Xia – Mo Liu Gui has been adored since the day she was born. She is gorgeous, naive and intelligent. Behind her is the noble Mo family and by her side are countless excellent pursuers. Whether in career or relationships, she’s the heaven born life winner.

It’s a pity that Mo Di is not Mo Liu Gui but a tragic contrast of what one would call life winner.

He has been disliked by everyone in the Mo family since the day he was born. When he left the incubator, the whole family was competing for his sister but left him in the hospital corridor overnight. He never took a sip of his mother’s milk because it was just enough to feed one child. He has not been held by his father once because his father was extremely disgusted with the culprit who robbed his darling of nutrition in their mother’s womb.

His five brothers never looked him in the eye. When he was six years old, they even ganged up to beat him till he had a fractured right leg which almost left him permanently disabled, all because he scored first place in his grade while his sister scored third, making Mo Liu Gui sad to the point of crying.

Countless scolding, neglect, double standard treatment, and even abuse in the name of education have been habitually done to Mo Di. Finally one day, the Mo Di who has been soft and obedient for eighteen years turned black.

He was no longer a soft and sensible man but had become gloomy and aggressive. He ran away from home, started his own company and made new friends. Everything is booming but when his company was about to go public, he was found by the Mo family. During a struggle with Mo Liu Gui who was asking him to come home, she fell and almost had a miscarriage. This incited everyone’s anger and they forced him into a mental hospital.

In the end, he died on his 25th birthday…
Afterwards, he was reborn.

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Recommendation Lists
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Xiu_er rated it
November 11, 2020
Status: Completed
Characters: 3.5/5

There were a lot of situational 2D characters. Although, they head a reason for being like that. The thing that bothered me the most was Modi, the main character. He basically regresses to a child whenever Mu Tianheng is near and after some time he is like that basically 24/7. Sure, he could be traumatized from being neglected and tortured in his last life, but he doesn't really act like it much. I just feel weird whenever authors write about late teens/almost adults like they are small children. They... more>> should have been 17 at one point in their life and should know that teenagers don't act like toddlers.

As for side characters, they don't receive much attention and are therefore not very memorable.

Plot: 4/5

There were quite a few twists and struggles the leads had to overcome. They always managed to overcome each villain/hurdle so it was quite satisfying to read, especially because all villains got their just deserts.

Reading this novel is like playing a pokémon game. You walk a few steps in the grass and suddenly you have to fight against a Rattata. After defeating it you walk another few steps and some kid challenges you to a fight. Rinse and repeat. The villains in this story are like those wild Pokémon and fight-loving kids, coming out of the woodwork right after each other only to be defeated by the leads. If I had to go through this irl, I would die from exhaustion. But at least, it never gets boring. <<less
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mameko rated it
November 4, 2020
Status: --
This is hard to read because it's so one-sidedly brainless and numbing. It's so s*upid. It takes too long to read the same rhetoric (brainless) and justification/ explanations (ignored). It feels like the brainlessness are set up so the justification rhetoric sounds good. But it's just not satisfying with no one listening in their brainwashed manner.

The other reborn novels, with standard concubine or internal maternal family fights are way better, they are satisfying and easy on the brain and emotions. Even though they feel copy paste. I don't get how... more>> this novel is quality, at 3.9 rating. <<less
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Baiyu rated it
October 19, 2020
Status: Completed
OMG........ This novel I..I can't take it. It's so stress inducing that after reading it, I need to read some fluffy and no drama novels so that I could get rid of the sh*t left over emotions after reading this, I'm surprise that I didn't get an aneurysm while reading it, make you really want to enter the novel just beat the sh*t out of that girl I mean most of the people there.

I'm really not that against any dog blood drama novels, but this make it to my list... more>> of novels that I wish I did not read, and still here I am, who managed to finish reading it by mtl......... And completely regret it.

Ehh translations fine for me, just don't like the story. <<less
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Laviie rated it
July 22, 2020
Status: Completed
Its an ok read. The villains are hateful but they all get their taste of karma in the end. The journey towards the revenge is also exciting so if you like revenge plots, this is for you. The twist in the end was also surprising. All in all, a good way to pass time.

MTL is easy to understand.
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June 10, 2020
Status: --
Incredibly dog blood, super melodramatic. The MC is bullied to the point it’s ridiculous. I know the author said clearly it’s that kind of tragic setting, but no way. I feel choked up with how angry I get reading about his evil family.
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April 27, 2024
Status: c1
Pure dogblood drama with brain-dead characters and a brain-dead plot. Very predictable, plenty of face-slapping. If you don't want to do deal with logic and just want s*upid drama then this is it.

Sadly enough, still had elements that left a bad taste in my mouth

... more>>

ML acknowledges right in the beginning that he can't pursue the MC bcs of their age gap (11 years with MC being 17 when they met). No other character thought of this except ML but eventually it was the ML who threw caution to the wind and decided to pursue his love (even made a pact to not confess until his 18 bday which he failed). From here in out every character mentions at least once that the ML is a beast for poaching someone this young.

Now I have nothing against age gaps in fiction, anyway I'm reading a super illogical novel but why mention something sensible repeatedly to remind me that one of them is child? If you are going to fck around with age gaps at least don't blatantly write that they are wrong and still go ahead with it? Idk it felt very off. Like the author was trying to defend themselves for the plot.

Another point was when the couple first gets intimate. ML gets MC drunk on purpose to get certain answers out of him and then proceeds to sleep with him. The drunken sx could have been added later as a honeymoon plot, would have been more fun. Also, the way he felt distress but was not heartbroken watching his lover cry his eyes out (after he confessed his secret? The one for which you got him drunk??)

About the MC, I really wish they had fallen in love naturally without any of the planning plotting from MC's side. While I completely understand why he did that and hey, they did fall in love but if we are going down the brainless plot route, let's follow it to the T, right?


I came for dogblood drama and I received it. <<less
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honmeikyuu rated it
April 7, 2023
Status: Completed
Yes this is the novel that got me out of reader's block. It was heartwrenching enough to make me shed tears AHHHH I LOVE THE PAIN! 🔥

The face slapping is absolutely satisfying as well. Read some comments saying they don't like the novel because the villains are braindead,

... more>>

I just think of them being zombies since their minds got manipulated by the system though lol


But for real, felt like some parts are too repetitive... not that I don't like it though, it's still entertaining to read, but because of that, I'm taking away a star

Love the ending as well, cried a lot 😭 <<less
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jeniflee6112 rated it
March 10, 2023
Status: Completed
This novel is definitely a 4.5 for me, because rebirth stories are my cup of tea. Sometimes I was sad for the MC and sometimes I wante to punch those disgusting tr*sh, they just made my blood boil. So whenever MC was with ML or his friends grinning unconsciously. That revenge was very sweet.


MLG, if you were homophobic then why were you even reading a BL book and even remember the details


If you are reading this sorry for my bad English.
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March 1, 2023
Status: Completed
This is the second time I've read this. I forgot to leave a review the first time. It's a relatively short read, and in my opinion, left enough of a good impression that it's worth a re-read occasionally.

I think this deserves a very solid 4 stars, possibly 4.5. I'm not quite sure why I feel it's not up to five stars, maybe just because in my mind I'm weighing and comparing to others that I've read.

Anyway, it starts out the typical MC (Mo Di) was abused in his past life,... more>> had a horrible ending, and gets reborn just before all the worst stuff starts to happen. But make no mistake, not early enough to avoid all of it. And he is scarred from the first life, though some of that fades as the story goes on.

The story is kinda slice of life while also being revenge seeking. And then there's the slow romance--which I feel is just about right in this case.

I also do love that Mo Di isn't only after revenge with this new life. He also wants to keep going and create games like he did in his last life. That is, he has hobbies and aspirations that aren't about revenge as well as the ones that are. This makes him feel like a more fleshed out character, I think.

As for the ml, Mu Tian Heng, I like him. I kinda feel like the bar for ml's in bl chinese web novels is rather low, so the fact that he

falls in love first yet is willing to wait to even confess till the MC is 18 is pretty good. He also holds himself back and places a lot of emphasis on what's best for Mo Di. And honestly, the age gap isn't that bad because Mo Di has been reborn and isn't mentally 17 when they meet. Granted, Mu Tian Heng doesn't know that, but as I said, in chinese web novels, I've seen way worse ml's, so Mu Tian Heng being doting, supporting Mo Di in his hobbies and waiting till he's 18 and confirming that Mo Di also likes him before doing anything--while being close to the bare minimum, is leaps and bounds better than some webnovel ml's, so I think it's fine, since this is in fact, a novel.


The side couples in this are cute as well. I won't list them here since that feels like major spoilers since I don't think any are together at the start of the story (and the names do get mixed up in my head since there are three characters with the same character in their names... like I know which is which when reading about them, but can I remember each name? nope.)
On the subject of side characters though, there is at least one female side character who is NOT a bad guy. So yay! Actually, now that I think about it, I think there's two? They don't get a ton of screen time, but enough to let you know they exist.

Of course there's the not really needed third act drama between our MC and ML who have to that point, had no issues with communication or misunderstandings. In this case, I do like how it was done and that it's actually resolved relatively quickly, all things considered. And it was resolved because our MC talked about it. Communication is key!

Also the starting to sum up stuff and explanations at the ending...I was amazed that it covered most loopholes and explained a lot!

That they did meet in their past lives but couldn't be happy... that was so sad!


Oh goodness do you hate Mo Liu Gui by the end of the novel. At first it seems a little like she's your typical Mary Sue and is really as dumb as she seems. But as time goes on...

First the whole "I'm not against gay people, but it's wrong" thing she thought about, (which shows she is completely homophobic), the constant "oh but I'm sure he didn't mean it" and "he's my brother I'll forgive him" when Mo Di has done absolutely nothing wrong; she uses these kind of phrases to incite others on her behalf. Then later the "Why won't Mo Di leave me alone?" when he's extracting revenge like she hasn't been trying to throw him under the bus for stuff he didn't do the entire novel and in their past life. And then we find out that she knows everything that happened the past life and still blames Mo Di for things this time because she's not the complete center of attention anymore.... and then when she remembers everything hoo boy does she deserve what she got as an ending.


I also like the ending--both of them. You'll have to read to see ;) <<less
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ebichu rated it
January 25, 2023
Status: c129
Gosh, this couple is so stinking cute, and the final scene *chef’s kiss*. Adorable.

Towards the end, the story does a good job of explaining the sister’s halo effect and certain people’s obsession with her. And, no, not everyone is obsessed with her, and not everyone treats the MC like sh*t, thank god. There’s plenty of face-slapping and revenge but also sticky sweet love and good friendships. I liked the MC despite a couple of TSTL moments and loved the ML. ❤️
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October 27, 2022
Status: Completed
Well the novel itself was about a dog blood novel where all the characters were loving the protagonist unconditionally, so of course all the villains were braindead. When the MC was reborn of course he should face them again.
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CappuccettoRosso rated it
September 26, 2022
Status: c129
This was something. It wasn't particularly good but it wasn't too bad. I actually had to put it to side after getting to like chapter 44 because it was getting a little boring. Like there is only so much one can take for mindless vicious behavior and these people, the MC family, are vicious. And even toward the end, none of them truly repented but whatever. I took a break, gathered myself and read the rest. Toward the ending, the story took an unexpected turn:

... more>>

the love interest regained his memories, the FL regained her memories and one of the MC regained their memories so randomly. And apparently there is a system that is homophobic (???) And the story gained a life of its own that it tried to save iself (????).


I'm still trying to process it and understand. What I do appreciate is the happy ending. So thanks to both the writer and translators. You guys did a good job. <<less
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September 23, 2022
Status: Completed
It's a fun and interesting read! I don't think I've seen a story with such a big net for villains (aka. revenge mats).. anyways, I think overall it's pretty good. Surprised me because there's layers and substance to the story, even if I just touch the surface and didn't think much, there'll still be moments that just - catches me by off-guard, and made me feel pleasant and like it was handled well + scene was done justice. Most of the time it's the emotional part (some? like when 3rd... more>> brother understood at the end that MC wasn't wrong. Or when the ML had to confront the MC's 'memos' -- these are difficult situations but I felt like it was satisfactory and was handled well)

They did it well. It's a work crafted from love, and even though it can be brainless and gary-stu (especially involving the cannon fodders/side-charas around them) but there's some parts that the author wanted to convey delicately and they did a great job.

Anyways, I liked it and binged this in one day. But would I do it again? Probably not... maybe across 2 days. But it was still a good experience especially if I haven't read alot of novels with this revenge plot <<less
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September 11, 2022
Status: Completed
This is easily the most satisfying rebirth story I have ever read and now I am going to be comparing every single rebirth story to this! It’s perfect and the ending is the sweetest.

I do wish we could have seen what the original world was like before lil miss white lotus (sarcasm) was there. Other then that this was very satisfying and 10/10 would read again and recommend.
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moon17lover rated it
August 4, 2022
Status: --
Lame beyond belief, I thought I could endure it but I was really disappointed the story and MC has great potential at first but he turned it into little boy /daddy realtionship and lost his edge his ruthlessness his darkness you cant see it you cant see it was someone who was abused by various methods or affected in anyway and how can a 25 years old guy act like a sweet baby in front of a 28 years old man and still mean it I was first tolerant because... more>> it was explained as an act and not something real, I was in for a ruthless independent man not this idiot kid he even wanted to give him his company as compensation well I get that it his first time getting kindness and all but dont you have a sense of survival wanted to give him your mean of living fot the rest of your life what kind of bullsh*t is this, as for his family well they are brainwashed by the plot and they cannot even make a convincing act out of it falling like leaves one after another, I couldnt complete it but I guess the only convincing villian is that qin guy, the ML is soo boring and not suitable for the MC I also want the MC to have a domineering ceo boyfriend but he is overshadowing him and intevening too much in the mc's life without permission and I hate how the MC is riduced to acting innocent and pitiful to get what he wants just because ML likes the obediant cute him not the one owning up to his decisions and putting the borders that he wants he really soured my mood <<less
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CRY_ rated it
July 23, 2022
Status: c1
Definitely 1 star for me.

The synopsis sounded intriguing but I ended up only reading to chapter 23 before dropping it.

Of those 23 chapters I read, everything was just wayyy too repetitive so it got super stale fast!!

Almost every character was braindead to the point that you're wondering "why?" every time.

There was no logical reason or explanation to hate Mo Di other than just because they can.

In all honesty, I would not recommend reading this novel but of you can get past the repetitiveness, you might like it.
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Reeviiii rated it
July 20, 2022
Status: Completed
I LOVE IT 😘😘❤️❤️ ESPECIALLY THE ENDING IT WAS SO SATISFYING AHHHH HIS LITTLE ONE!!! The translation was superb although I was really frustrated about the mo family and that white lotus b*txh their retribution was kinda lacking compared to what happened to my baby but its still worth it. Love it, I binged read this for 2 days, I cried in some parts 😭😭my poor baby. But it's good just not for everyone
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June 21, 2022
Status: Completed
High quality book that has revenge, fluff and a ending that is satisfying!

4/5 stars
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OuRyed rated it
June 13, 2022
Status: Completed
At first I felt heartache for the MC while I couldn't understand why everyone hated him, until the end (the series of course and effort was like 'so that was happened'), but soon I was satisfied with the amount of face slapping, the happy expression with every little victory on the MC was rather cute, the ML was pretty caring and very supportive, and of course the as always villains (Chinese) with their lack of logic and brainless way of the thinking managed to be a bit of an obstacle... more>> to the MCs otherwise it wouldn't be any fun.

It was good novel <<less
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May 28, 2022
Status: v10c17
I am still reading it but I came across a spoiler (which I don't mind cause now I can completely hate the mc's b*tchy sister with all my heart..

... more>>

so basically this bit*h was a homophobe, read a bl novel (even though she was a homophobe) transmigrated into the book to change the plot by gaining some system and s*upid halo, made the poor boy's life miserable and then another reader read the book (she changed the plot by transmigrating) and OBVIOUSLY didn't like it so that's why the original MC of the novel was reborn to correct the plot!... this b!tch did that just because she was homophobic! Wtf! Dude... learn to mind your own business... the MC and ML were the original leads of the book... she came and changed the plot just because she didn't like two men loving eo XD wtf is wrong with you

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