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As Shin Youngwoo had an unfortunate life and is now stuck carrying bricks on construction sites. He even had to do labor in the most popular VR game, Satisfy!

However, luck would soon enter his hopeless life. His character, ‘Grid’, would discover the Northern End Cave for a quest, and in that place, he would find ‘Pagma’s Rare Book’ and will become a legend…

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Torina rated it
October 18, 2017
Status: c14
tbh the novel is not really that bad, but due to the precedence of LMS or Ark, the elements that we enjoyed in both of them (shamelessness/selfishness/workaholic and many more) seems a little bit overused to me now and making my interest on reading the novel wane a little bit. Oh add in the fact that he seems to just easily gain skills compared to other people. But I'm still hoping that we could read/see something new or unique in the near future of the novel
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GodofDeath69 rated it
June 6, 2023
Status: c426
Starts fine but after around 250 chapter it is just lazy writing. I would liked it more if it was not a VR game or if they were stuck in VR game, because the part writtien when MC is outside the game is just shit. After some chapters, its starts to be all about korea. That would have been fine but Author just starts degrading every country.

I dont know what author was trying, sometimes other country decides to ignore them but attack them in the competition together. The reports out... more>> of the blue hate for korea, I dont know where it comes from.

Please see some of the lines author writes.


“He was acknowledged by the racists filled with the ideology of white supremacists, and even some terrible terrorist groups in the Middle East supported Grid. It was an amazing phenomenon.” Wtf is this line, why is isis supporting grid is important and most importantly why would they ???

“the French person who called Koreans uncivilized because we eat dog meat! The French eat foie gras, which is far more atrocious! A pot calling the kettle black. ” Wtf is this, does author hates france ??.

““Everyone seems to have misunderstood. I’m not a victim of this patch.”<--- MC said after reporters were asking him about nerf of his power.


The French journalist was embarrassed and the audience was agitated”<---- here why should the journalist be embarrassed and why is the fkin audience is agitated. It should be confusion right.I dont know if its tranlsation mistake, assuming its not, that just confused me, is this supposed to some comeback MC made.


The game part was okay, even though it was clear author just has some weird idea about rpgs. The manhwa is better (just a little) because art is fine and action helps hidding the clear flaws.

Only thing I liked is the charater Piaro. <<less
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NineStarVenerate rated it
February 16, 2023
Status: c1550
This novel doesn't start out any different from any other VRMMO novel, it doesn't really stand out at first, the MC is a sleazy guy, doesn't really have anything respectable about him, pushing 30 but playing games 24/7 and can't hold a job etc. The novel writing, story etc. Wasn't anything impressive or original either, it was just as I said your typical VRMMO novel.

But what I didn't expect was the fact the author consistently kept getting better and better, most writers either stagnate or regress this guy only got... more>> better. His writing, story, everything just got so much better.

Grid also gets a ton of characther development, the most I've seen in any korean novel, by the time you caught up he has already become a respectable person and someone you can put your trust into.

If you like VRMMO novels Overgeared is one of the best ones you can pick, it has been the number 1 novel on wuxiaworld for quite a few years now, and it has a 89% rating as well, damn near 90% at 1800 chapters long. <<less
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November 17, 2022
Status: c1645
The Legendary Moonlight Sculptor (rating 4.2 on the site), a novel so much more worse than Overgeared is somehow popular.

In truth, if Overgeared is 80/100 (which it is) m, TLMS is 30/100. The author isn't done right of his capabilities.

Maybe it's because people drop it at the beginning. I am on chapter 1645 and I don't remember the beginning that much as most of the reviews are from beginners some 40+ chapters in. Really impatient.

The novel is easily an 8/10 overall.

  • The story got great with time. Actually great. Twists, turns and secrets etc.
  • The fight scenes are fleshed out and not long.
  • Fast-paced and non-repetitive.
  • Characters are not that fleshed out but not exaggeratingly bad either.
  • The negative reviews about nationalism or feminism etc. May be right but that's only for half a chapter at most. No impact in the story, at all.
  • MC becomes better than the other players at one point and the story focuses on plot gradually. But it only elevates the quality to be honest.
Overall, I've also read top-tier novels like Reverend Insanity, Lord of the Mysteries, The Legendary Mechanic, Kidnapped Dragons, The Perfect Run and many more.

Even in comparison to these, Overgeared is a good novel.
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heminasti rated it
April 20, 2022
Status: c1654
Note: Spoiler tags used for your convenience; text within is vague

It makes me so sad to see such a low rating for this novel. It's subjective, of course, but I love this novel so much. The other reviews aren't exactly wrong... no, they're right... but... still.

Greed's personality

... more>>

Greed is definitely a jerk at the beginning. He changes a lot. It's a relief because he's less frustrating, but a shame because his attitude often led to funny situations. Either way, he has his moments, but this is a "what happens" story more than a "who he is" story.


The plot


Same plot as dozens of other things. Guy in debt who is obsessed with a video game turns his life around by getting good at the game. In this case, a VRMMORPG, so it's like he has a second life in a fantasy world. There's a checklist of elements for those stories which are accounted for here. The story is about his 'real life, ' his game life, and the storyline of the game. It's more focused on the game. Within the game, there is questing, blacksmithing, just-talking, and fighting.

I skipped over this for a long time, because I thought a blacksmith sounded boring. I was wrong, those were some of my favorite parts.

Greed has important in-game relationships that get a lot of screen time. The plot has had some inconsistencies, but not so many given the length. It's obviously not a story with many surprises or much subtext.


The characters


The characters aren't deep, but with familiarity came affection. I like Greed's relationship with his "rival" Kraugel (my novel crush, I guess?) enough to be annoyed they don't hang out more. Faker the assassin is a sweetheart (maybe my real novel crush). Lauel is hilarious... or annoying... Regas the martial arts fanatic and his bickering with Pon are amusing. Braham <3 was a happy surprise as a character. By default, I am anti-harem and didn't find this one too bad. In this case it was a mix of coming to like the two women, as well as it not getting too much attention; Greed plays alone a lot. I ship Euphemina and Agnus, though I suspect it won't happen. There are many characters I enjoyed besides those mentioned here.


The good enough


What I like about it is all about wish fulfillment. There's very little tragedy and individual crises are resolved quickly. Greed gets steadily stronger and more skilled throughout. The story delivers on any expectations it raises. There are conflicts, frustration, looming tension, hateful enemies, near and actual deaths, wins that lead to worse losses, etc. But the way it's handled feels... kind, like the story is working to make you happy instead of upset.

(You'd think most stories are, but oh man Korean fantasy romances can sometimes be brutal places dreams go to die. And there's also grimdark.)

It was simply on my wavelength most of the time. If I thought, 'it's been too long since the last blacksmithing session, ' one would happen soon. If I got antsy and ready for a fight, an opponent would show up. If I missed Kraugel, there'd be an update about him... and so on.

There are some things I hold a grudge about, though. Magic :- (


The so bad it's good


It's bad in an endearing way for me.

  • The game company scenes made me roll my eyes, but I also started to find them funny. They're freaks who constantly spy on the players and know their most intimate secrets, but won't manage the game at all. The author has to be making them weird idiots on purpose.
  • There are channels and news shows devoted to just this one freaking game. It's excessive. Current events within the game are reported on the regular news where they talk about politics. It's absurd. The government is super hot for Yura and Greed because of the game, but they aren't even actual monster hunters like in some stories.
  • Greed becomes the biggest Gary Stu I've ever read. There are whole chapters where nothing happens except other characters telling him how amazing he is. Everyone is impressed with him. He's the most important person in the game and in all of Korea.
  • It's so sappy. Lots of super sentimental backstories and quests. Mushy lovefests all the time because everyone cares so much for each other that they stand around complimenting and reassuring each other. Not just Greed gets this treatment.
  • Greed gets rich, that's normal. But he buys more than a house and car. He becomes quite a landlord. A little extreme, but some MCs build their own towns, so. Afterwards several characters move to Korea and live there with him, just because 'why not.'
  • People must have become able to read each others' minds at some point, I assume, because some later conversations went like this:

A looked at B and saw that B was thinking a thing. A knew that B might feel a way about it.

"It's not that thing you're thinking, B. In fact, it's something else."

B looked at A and thought something about A. B remembered the time A had done something. B thought that A might think of something unrelated from the past at this moment and wanted to help.

"A, you know that what happened at that time was such and such."


The ugh just bad


Some of it is bad. Silly dialogue, smug narration, awkward plotting, stalled arcs. Some chapters are cloying or boring. Those lovefests are too present in the later chapters. They're often terrible. There's one with Hayate that made me almost queasy, though I like Hayate... but now that I think back, I laughed quite hard at that. Still, it was not good writing.


I binged most of it over several days. I actually got asked if anything good happened because I seemed happy. I just had a good time reading it.

I would say it's an objectively mediocre novel. Not much different from or any better than the many similar novels and manhwa I've read.

Unfortunately, it does feel like the author might be getting bored in the latest chapters.

The translation


It was fine mostly. But something happened with the translations of the later chapters. It became more awkward and hard to understand with more mistakes, for some reason. You'd think, since it seems to be the same translator, they'd get better instead?


The supposed nationalism?


I gotta. There are very nationalistic characters in this--but they are played for laughs! People clearly think they're annoying!

It's just about a dude who is generally satisfied with where he lives and with his own culture. And, like anything set anywhere, important things happen and important people exist where the novel is set.

Maybe the problem is when there are international competitions? I mean, nations are relevant to international competitions. It's my understanding that gamers do have international competitions.

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hose246 rated it
April 8, 2022
Status: c1546
Ngl, I almost have a heart attack trying to get through the first 200+ chapters.

This novel is one of the most frustrating and anger inducing novels I've ever read in my whole d*mn life. During the first 60 chapters, I actually dropped the novel but picked it back up again later because I have nothing else to read. And I heard that it gets better past chapter 100 so I continued to read without stopping. And guess what? This novel only gets good when you reach chapter 200+ lol. When... more>> I finally get past chapter 200, I honestly felt like I've reached Nirvana, the pick of human mind.

You don't really need to use your brains too much when you read this novel, the characters aren't incredibly complex, and the world building isn't too hard to understand. There's also some pretty epic scenes in the novel, which people will like quite a lot.

The quality consistency of the novel continues from chapter 200 all the way to chapter 1400, where the quality drops again. This time, however, the chapters past chapter 1400 doesn't make you frustrated like the starting 200 chapters. But instead it makes you feel bored.

Many things starts to get repetitive, an example of this is "xxx does this despite this not because of this but because of the overwhelming trust he have in grid". Just imagine that sentence, but repeated over every single action chapters. It just felt like the author isn't trying anymore, and even he got bored of the novel.

The epic scenes no longer felt very epic, and the characters becomes the same with the "xxx does this despite this not because of this but because of the overwhelming trust he have in grid" thingy.

And well, that's my conclusion for this novel. <<less
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atomsphere rated it
April 4, 2022
Status: c500
Pretty good start but it gets worse as the MC gets "better". I see lots of people shitting on his early personality, but I'm tired of reading about emotionless mu*der hobos, heroic virtue signalers and vapid pushovers. Any personality, especially a rotten one, is a breath of fresh air. Probably its best feature is that the MC is dumb by design. Lots of novels have "genius" characters that behave like morons. Grid on the other hand is dense af. There's a ton of little things that you'll notice if you've... more>> played games for a long time (like thinking "my rng" is a thing and not just probability being probability).

Narration is all over the place. Any random character can have their thoughts broadcasted through narration like it's fact. Because of the ADD narration, scenes with a multitude of characters fighting at once feel cumbersome instead of epic.

One thing, that's really just a genre wide problem, is I don't understand why the author bothered making it a VRMMO (instead of just transmigration/reincarnation isekai) if there wasn't going to be a sizeable real world presence. There are absolutely novels that do a worse job of weaving two worlds together, but this one still falls short of having it feel compelling.

It's very readable though. <<less
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February 10, 2022
Status: c582
Almost at chap 600.

Its good, survive the first 100 chap, but as I read it. It become too wholesome. Also the badluck is over use that you can clearly see that the author is just using that ‘badluck’ thing as a reason to make a scene/plot happen. The author also seems like he cant keep track of what he writes sometimes. Early example is the first national ranking. Then on some scenes, the life steal and some passive are forgotten. Those passive will appear again in the future, but in... more>> your mind youll think that if author dont forget about that skill, MC can do better in that moment. Honestly its frustrating to read.

And in the recent chap where he needs money to do something. Author again forget that he do a contract with a ‘bj’ and a gaming studio that if added with his current balance. Its exactly the amount he needs. The war is already frustrating to read cuz of MC constant late appearances cuz by his badluck.

Over all; MC dont have gamming sense. MC is ignorant. MC is s*upid. MC is pathetic. Im not saying this just to diss MC. When you read this novel youll also describe MC like the one I mentioned. And this is after the curse first 100 chaps.

Some scenes are super force with his badluck as the reason. Like author will make a scene in advance to show mc’s badluck. Then some scene or different pov to not make it looks force. Then the scene that happen cuz of his badluck happned. Its like super force even if author cover it with other scenes and convo of other character to make us forget that the scene that will happen nxt is cuz of the force badluck that happen for no reason. <<less
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Taffyman rated it
November 28, 2021
Status: c165
This review has some minor spoilers but I read only like 165 chapters so idgaf, it won't spoil you too much if you're planning to read 1000+ chapters. I picked this up and force-read it since "it gets good later" but I'm not gonna waste anymore time on it.

I heavily dislike that every fight the MC wins with a cheap shot like dealing critical damage and 1% chance of multiplying it to a ridiculous degree. MC should've lost ALL the fights he participated in if not for this s*upid 1%... more>> chance to instantly kill your enemy, not forgetting his OP total invulnerability gimmick. Nobody would play this MMO, where it is dominated by some legendary class players that can instagib a raid boss. This isn't competitive at all, at best it would function as a Second Life/VR chat replacement.

Another grief is that EVERY fight is won by the MC, except when he was heavily outmatched by Yura and quest NPC at the start. MC losing repeatedly could have been the real character development, not some sudden transformation because he grinded some mobs and people acted nice to him. I also feel no excitement for fights, since I know Black Smith Mary Sue will pull another critical hit to save his ass.

A bit on the women, I also don't understand why Yura would go out of her way to participate in South Korean team in the competition and her fervent nationalism, considering her character type. It feels very out of place and forced. Grid marrying Irene was also a brow-furrowing moment, everyone should have known that Irene is an NPC AI that'll be used as a m*sturbation toy (it doesn't matter if it's limited to 1 month), it's not a real person. It's just like those guys who marry their s*x dolls and body pillows. Everyone's reactions were fairly forced to this. Realistically, the women should've scoffed while the men should've should've had only a little bit of envy for him because of the cool new m*sturbation toy that nobody has. Not because he married a "beautiful woman" or whatever.

I don't think the slog that you have to read through is worth it to get to the "good stuff". <<less
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PayAttention rated it
November 22, 2021
Status: c1000
Getting bored after chapter 1000. Hell yeah pay to win is the way. There's improvement on his personality, obviously no one is perfect. I just feel like the author intentionally extended the story without a clear plot and less of surprise thing that will make it into an interesting story. That's why it's boring.

About nationality thing, well, it's a bit intensive but I think it's a normal thing. Who isn't proud about his country, or perhaps a kind of mission to author. Who knows.

Probably, I'll read it again when it's... more>> ended. <<less
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sabbath rated it
November 19, 2021
Status: c864
Doing my first review, hope it helps. Let's start from the beggining, the novel feels a lot like lms, the story wise is good somewhere between 700 chapters, after that the author is just milking the series over and over. The characters development is decent, he doesn't really change it feels like he's just forced to change, the romance is slow which is very annoying and unsettling. The fights are becoming kinda meh. Now for the good parts, I like how the detailed items and lvls are updated. The game... more>> has some strong game elements. The comedy is decent, the female characters are cute but they always go head over hills for him, with no real explanation. I feel like there are more cons then pros for this series. But still it was an amazing read. The first novel I stuck for so long. I'll keep reading it, but do I recommend the novel? For beginners yes, for veterans no. <<less
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August 30, 2021
Status: c1485
I'm really not sure if I can recommend this to a new reader unless they're looking for a very long novel to burn time. The beginning of the story is pretty awful, and the writing isn't fantastic. Questionable stuff happens pretty often in the early chapters, to the point where I dropped it out of frustration.

However, the author actually learns to write partway through and the later chapters past the 1000 mark are just really good. I'm not sure if they're just good or really good due to stockholm syndrome,... more>> but it is satisfying to see an author improve alongside their main character, and the chapters are just getting better with time.
When Overgeared finishes I'll be excited to see what they come up with next, and hope it has a better start.

Unless you're missing braincells, you will probably not like this novel in the beginning. But if you can stick with it, there's a lot to enjoy. <<less
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AchillesKevin rated it
June 3, 2021
Status: c701
No story will ever appeal to everyone, no matter how good it is, everyone has their own preferences. On that note, this is a great read (I started at 152 because I was reading the manhwa.)

I have read a few virtual reality stories but this by far is the best one I've read so far. The amount of chapters was very intimidating but I came to appreciate it once I realized how the author was constantly building the future storyline. The biggest down draw at first was the MC... more>> personality but even that became null and void because it is a story about growth. Growth in the game and as a person. The read is definitely worth it if you're into this kind of genre. If it doesn't suit you, move on to the next, there's no need to bash it and the readers who do enjoy it. <<less
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knighvrea rated it
December 14, 2020
Status: c1340
MC is so arrogant and greedy from the beginning to even in the late chapters, so unlikeable. Most of his relationships stemmed from them misunderstanding him in better lighting leaving good impressions despite his dubious thoughts. And he barely appreciate anything unless its too good. Although he does get better, but the change is from being a tr*sh person to just about a normal person. MC is described to have the worst luck ever but in reality, everything he's enjoying is a result of tremendous luck snowballed that started with... more>> him finding a book. Sure he persistently works hard, but that doesn't excuse his attitude. MC is basically a harem protag. Everything revolves around him, serving him for reasons.

It honestly feels like the author manipulates opinion through the in-story internet comments, nameless character conversations and media, its so cringey. The Korea number1 notion is all over this story. Some characters even mention "the korean DNA shows excellence" or something along these lines. Its like reading indoctrination propaganda. Just f*ckin cringey for a nonkorean like me.

Author's Korean sentiment against Japanese, and Chinese shows through.


It feels like this could be better without the VR part. Players talking about enlightenment, sword techniques, magic calculation and whatnot ingame is just bad.

The company of the VR game has a no-involvement policy in-game but they give out in-game rewards of the highest quality materials for the IRL national competiton. Like wtf.

The way Grid treats Damian though.

Specially love Piaro. A sword saint candidate who became a farmer that could fight with farming techniques.


Although I have many complaints I have read through 1340 chapters, its not boring at all. The in-game story Plot is quite Epic. <<less
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zereviewer rated it
December 5, 2020
Status: c1200
TLDR: Well written story with great worldbuilding and really, REALLY flawed logic and videogame logic. If you ignore that (or skip it like I did) its fairly fun

-Fun worldbuilding, there are insanely many details and characters which makes it fun to read

-Dumb characters, although they arent annoying they are often pretty one dimensional

-Every characters sacrifices their earnings all the time for the MC, the author tries to balance it by saying that in between time skips he crafted something for them, but it really feels like after every raid his... more>> teammates will give him all the earnings for dubious reasons

-The writter often judges statements from the characters, for example a character may say something controversial like "Blue is the best color" and the author would write -"This is absolutely correct because X"

-The game is unbalanced and not many people would play it if there was decent competition, big games like WOW, LOL, CSGO, DOTA, Elder Scrolls or whatever are mostly balanced because people hate unbalanced games...

HOWEVER in this story there are legendary classes that are WAY stronger than other classes "Because there are always people that are stronger than others in the real world"??? In any competitive BALANCED game, THERE ARE TOO PEOPLE THAT ARE BETTER, BECAUSE OF TALENT NOT LUCK

-The Competitions dont make sense at all, people of different levels with different classes and different items compete and 99% of the cases the winner wins because of either his items or class... WOW HOW FUN

-NPC will go extinct, killing hundreds of NPC is easier than protecting them, if you are cought you get executed and can respawn and kill NPC again... Same for destruction. If satisfy was a real game griefers would pretty much destroy everything and nothing can stop them.

-There are gods in a videogame... WHY? Because.... Greek mythology.... YEAH! <<less
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KirbyReviews44 rated it
November 29, 2020
Status: c150
The story is a VRMMORPG where the MC has a legendary class that no one else has. Thus, we are treated to a game system that is inherently unfair and the MC suffers from Jesus complex. He cannot be killed, he can kill everyone, and he will naturally be the best ever in a game because reasons. That said, I think this novel does some things well and some things terribly.

Good and bad:

  1. Unique quest lines. The premise is that there is a super-computer that is almost an AI that can generate quests for players. These quests are actually quite interesting by themselves. In this sense, some of the plot in the story is actually quite interesting.
  2. Overpowered items. The premise of a player becoming overpowered by being overgeared is a funny concept and pretty fresh in the genre. However, this gets old pretty fast.
  3. Terrible characters. The NPCs in the story have more character than the human characters.
  4. Terrible fight scenes. The fight scenes don't make sense for an MMORPG. It is basically the MC absorbing all boss attacks with his op skills and then killing bosses with one op skill after another. The fights basically goes like this. Boss casts one shot attack, MC blocks with op defense skill. MC activates op attack skill #1. MC activates op attack skill #2. MC activates op attack skill #3. Boss dead, profit.
  5. Relentless slog to read. The author pads the word count and basically not much happens to the plot for 5-6 chapters. You can skip all the stat screens and dragged out fights and not miss much of anything.
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Jadecocoon rated it
September 25, 2020
Status: c300
I am expecting something good out of this novel, The game element is okay but the others fall short. We have a main characters that has a flawed characters at the beginning and somewhat become better latter. The romance is very awful, girls flock to him and just suddenly fell in love without sufficient reason despite his awful character and introvert personality (who would fall in love in reality when u are given one legendary equipment in game?). Plot armor and forced accident (just after he managed to pay... more>> his loan his father suddenly say he has a huge loan from a friend that run away so as his son he decided to gain money again) seriously such a forced development. And the quality goes downhill in later chapter when it is just become a wish fulfillment novel with no brain and patriotism.


  • Good game element
  • Good World Building
  • Nice pacing

  • Awful Romance (I assume the authors never fall in love before)
  • Plot Armor (he can suddenly forge legendary equipment in a crisis situation when the rate is only 1%)
  • The author trying to make the MC as a god when we don't have sufficient reason to even like the MC, He is not smart, not handsome, not kind only money grubbing MC and somehow all the top beautiful girl in the world fall in love with him because he have a unique korean face??.. Wtf
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doyouknowgodgrid rated it
September 17, 2020
Status: c1290
This is the most entertaining novel I've read on this site. The main character is great from the start, in fact I like the MC more at the start than when he becomes more "mature".


Grid early on is greedy, lacks self-awareness and makes many questionable decisions. He's pretty much like a teenager who's not that good at the game even though he plays it all the time and complains when everything doesn't go his way. He is the type of... more>> person who whines like a baby about imbalanced items and abilities when other people get them, yet shamelessly praises the devs when he gets lucky and receives one. He is the type of person that sees a hate thread about him online and spends hours creating fake accounts praising himself and pretending to be anonymous users and then gets called out. He is the type of person who gets extremely jealous when he sees someone more successful than him and takes it personally. He is the type of person who always complains when he gets unlucky and thinks he deserves it when he gets extremely lucky. Basically, Grid is a shameless, petty, hypocritical manchild. And you know what I love about this character? This is the personality of 99.999999999% of MMO players I've ever met INCLUDING the top players! This is what top twitch streamers act like (look at xqc or asmongold etc), this is what a lot of pro league and wow players act like, THIS IS THE BEST ADAPTATION OF THE MIND OF A TOP SOCIALLY INEPT NO-LIFE GAMER I HAVE SEEN!

As the story progresses Grid becomes more mature, as he gets more powerful he becomes more self confident, as he meets new people his social skills improve, as he ages he becomes a bit more self-aware and a lot less insecure. He understands his failings and has comrades take over where he lacks. Even so, as of chapter 1290 Grid still has many traces in his personality from how he is in the start. And that's no problem for me because I find who he was before fun to read about. If you're the type of person who loves Esports and twitch and finds people like Doublelift or xqc funny/entertaining/relatable, you will probably like Grid. If you're the type of person who hates these streamers and pro players and only likes people who behave in the way society demands everyone behave then you probably won't like Grid.

The side characters are good, there's a good mix of fiery individualistic personalities as well as more tempered and chill friends that have their own fun stories. One thing I will say that has been pointed out in other reviews: the characters like Grid too much. This makes sense for NPC's because of things like Grid's dignity stats but players seem to be just as loyal and trustworthy of him. It seems like every person that joins Grid's guild just becomes perfectly content with everything he says and they never have serious disagreements with each other that isn't easily mediated. This is not very realistic as the majority of guilds in MMOs are plagued with petty infighting. I can understand why the author doesn't write about it though, because I personally doubt I would like to see something like this written and it would probably be pretty boring to see office politics make it's way into the novel when everyone wants to see the world develop or a world championship instead.

Another common complaint is that everything in the world seems to be conspiring to help the MC. Well, that's pretty true but this is extremely common among light novels (maybe you still don't like it oh well I honestly don't mind it too much.. As long as there's a decent explanation). I will say there are various things the author tries to write in to rationalize why the character is so successful and they are plausible enough to not take me out of the story.
    1. At the start of the story, the MC gets unlucky all the time so the extremely good luck he gets at the start is kind of balancing things out. Later on, the character's luck stat steadily improves so it makes more sense for him to get lucky procs and abilities.
    2. The MC works really hard. Obviously all the top rankers work like hell so hard work is not the deciding reason Grid is so successful. That being said he does put in the effort that would be expected of a top MMO player.
    3. The MC is different from most people in that early on he treats NPC's as real people and develops deep relationships with them. These deeper relationships lead to unique circumstances that have more complex quests and reward structures that favor Grid. I also have a pet theory that Morpheus the supercomputer likes Grid's total immersion into the world and is basically like God favoring one of his subjects.
There are many more positives and negatives I could write about how I like the worldbuilding or how it is easy to dislike the korean nationalism but I don't want to write too long of a review. I strongly recommend people to give this novel a try. <<less
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Vall rated it
September 17, 2020
Status: c589
Got angry with the author who forced a character to be Overpowered without logic that had builded the WN world.

... more>>

Lord the grid son is supposed to be Overpowered Characters, but the author forced it to soon. On LV 40 and 4 years old and only in first Stat advancement he fight with 2 unofficial ranker that has LV 300++ and have epic class or rare class and third Stat advancement.

Logic that is used in building game system :

1. Every 10 LV different has effect to reduced 10% of total damage did to you if your LV are higher.

2. Total Stat have higher value if the advancement is higher. For 1st Adv it's said that every 1 point in stamina give 10 Hp, for 2nd Adv it give 20 hp, and for 3rd Adv it's give 35. Other stats also follow this rule.

So, how the hell an attack from LV 40 Lord can treaten and hurt Black and White whom have 200++ LV higher than him. It's so unscientific...! And Crazy.


I really hate author who forgot the rules of the world that he created In story, just to give plot armor for a character. <<less
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EricG36 rated it
August 24, 2020
Status: c1277
To me, OG is one of the best VRMMO novels I've read in a long time. The first 400 chaps were a bit tiring (ngl, I absolutely hated the MC and only read it cause I liked Irene and the events that happened during that period), but after that chapters were done, I absolutely loved it. So, for all who are trying to read this, if u wanna read this novel in all its glory, u'll have to go through some tiring times, but trust me, its worth it
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