Omniscient Reader’s Viewpoint


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Kim Dokja does not consider himself the protagonist of his own life. Befitting the name his parents gave him, he is a solitary person whose sole hobby is reading web novels. For over a decade, he has lived vicariously through Yu Junghyeok, the main character of the web novel Three Ways to Survive the Apocalypse (TWSA).

Through Junghyeok, Dokja has experienced secondhand the trials of repeatedly regressing in time, in search of an end to life-threatening “scenarios” that force people to act out narratives for the amus**ent of god-like “Constellations.”

After reading 3,149 chapters—long after all other readers lost interest—Dokja finally resigns himself to the story ending. However, he receives an enigmatic message from the author, stating that the story will soon be monetized, before his surroundings suddenly go dark.

He swiftly realizes that fiction has become reality and he is now living through TWSA. Although he is the singular omniscient reader of the events yet to come, his success in the scenarios is not guaranteed—but perhaps his advantage will empower him to step into the protagonist role that never suited him before.

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Omniscient Reader
وجهة نظر القارئ كلي العلم
전지적 독자 시점
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444 Reviews sorted by

Firerubynat rated it
October 5, 2022
Status: Completed
ORV's definitely got its faults (stares very hard at the peaceland arc and the gaybaiting) but honestly its pros outweigh the cons by so much that I'd 100% recc this to anyone looking for an action-packed, plot-ridden, non-romantic long read wherein so many tropes get used, parodied and re-interpreted. Lots of references to various alternate interpretations of multiple mythologies - but ofc Korea is the most since it's mostly set there - and sometimes this feels a lot like reading an UF novel but with too many twists. Companions in life and death, please, who do you both think you're fooling XD
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JoyArenas rated it
September 17, 2022
Status: --
I tried to like this novel. I really do.

Many people say it's greater than Solo Leveling... but no it's not. I dropped it on 300 something chapter. The protagonist just let the people walk over him.

Okay, the novel he's reading became reality. Then, he met the protagonist of that novel... so what did he do? Be a coward. Because it was described in the novel that the protagonist of the novel is crazy and arrogant, so he let him do his way and let him walk all over him. He... more>> doesn't have the guts to say no when the protagonist of the novel say "this is mine" even though he's the reason why the good items dropped. Everything good has to be given to the so-called protagonist of the novel. f*cking annoying.

I also super hate the character Lee Jihye, the sidekick of the protagonist of the novel. She's always super disrespectful to our protagonist. Always blaming him for everything and calling him ugly, likes to shame him, always rude to him even though he's the reason why she's alive til now. Ungrateful b*tch. I hope she dies. Lol. <<less
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November 2, 2021
Status: Completed

This novel is amazing. I can't say it into words about how much I love this novel to bits.

Kim Dokja has got to be one of the best characters in the novel world, you can sympathize with him a lot, hes so well rounded, he experiences a lot of things, us (no offense) losers experienced, the being ugly thing (he was even named Ugly Kim Dokja) lasted awhile, he even wanted to keep a permanent fake face because he wanted to be handsome, hes just.. So relatable in so... more>> many ways, it makes you feel as if you're friends with him through a screen. This novel reaches out to us readers.. It's such a great novel, Solo Leveling can't even compare to the greatness of this novel (Solo leveling used to be one of my favourites, so don't hate me for saying this)

I was one of those people who convinced myself to continue beyond chapter 60-70 where things started getting boring. But that doesn't compare to the things beyond those chapters. Continue, don't stop, it's really a great novel. Beyond chapter 100 is where the real sh*t starts happening alright? So continue, persist!

Don't listen to anyone who gave this a low review, finish the whole damn thing (You may have noticed how the low reviews came from people who didn't even reach the 200th chapter mark) , and you won't regret it. The one that had a low review and had a lot of likes, barely even finished the novel. Simply comparing it to other novels like goddamn? Don't give out such a strong opinion when you showed that you were still at chapter 61. Along with the person who said this novel was sh*t when they were at chapter 31 💀

I can understand people who gave this 3-4 stars, people have different opinions of course, ALSO because they didn't impulsively make the review at like chapter 200 and below. Where things start drastically changing from Seoul to another world

Also, there is a con in this novel. The fact that it's extremely long, I took a long time reading this partially because of this con, you may lose interest in it a few times but you come back 2 days later and then get immersed into it again. Take breaks once in awhile if you feel exhausted reading the action and all that. I took breaks and the reading experience was still the best for me.

The person who said this novel was confusing? Maybe no offense you're just s*upid? I mean like, have you even watched Inception? That's whats good about Inception, it's because it makes us feel trippy.

Along the way, you may feel like his powers are too overpowered and all, but his powers eventually stop working, and he even vowed to himself not to use it anymore. He's not even OP in the slightest, he's literally the brains of the group.

No character? Lmao are you blind? I'm not gonna say anything more about his character, as that pretty much spoils the whole thing by then..

The side characters are *chefs kiss* as equally as lovable as the MC, I even cried multiple times because of them. I even cried more when it came to the main three. If you like overpowered MCs then this book may not be for you.

MC and Co had a lot of help from different people actually, if you like independent MCs that can kill a whole bunch of people with a snap of their hands, then shoo, you won't like this novel. But you can still try it out for yourself and see if you like it or not.

The women here are bad ass, they aren't damsels in distress, you may even have a crush on them if you like independent and powerful women (just like I did *cough cough being bi has its perks cough cough*) And they're even worthy to be shipped with the protagonist, though they don't end up together, there will be slight hints of romance in the first few chapters (though that romance completely disappears in the middle and late stages of the novel.)

This novel introduces depression, PTSD, and su*cide by the way. But that only shows up in like, 350 chapters and above.

This novel, made me so attached to everyone in a span of 3 months. If you're wondering why I took so long trying to read this novel? Merely because I didn't want it to stop. I took like a 2 month break after crying the sh*t out of reading it, but when I came back again at chapter 497, I started crying all over again.

Also tip, if you reach chapter 517 and feel like this conclusion is good enough for you, then stop. 518-551 makes you cry a lot, but the conclusion is as good enough as chapter 517. You can choose not to continue, it gives you two endings, the authors making you two great endings. It took me a whole month to read chapter 518-551 to recuperate after a whole rollercoaster of emotions during the reading of 518 and below.

Anyways, to summarize, this novel is amazing, don't listen to the bs the people who gave low reviews without even reaching chapter 200, MC has character, the side characters are amazing, MC isn't op, the novel made me cry a lot. JUST wait until you reach chapter 300 will then you be qualified to give a review (in my opinion.)

This novel is unique in its own way, and its also interesting. <<less
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Foxy-nalune rated it
July 25, 2021
Status: Completed
Khem... how do I say this...

Okay, it was probably one of the best novels I have ever read.

Such complex world building and beautifully uniting story (not only between characters but between us too (ReaderxORV)

And oh my don't get me started on plot twists. You think it's that way? Well it could be but then it says not that's it's not really true. Wait I was right all along? Didn't expect that.

  1. (I think u get the gis) Everything from beginning to the end of the novel is throughly connected and even seemingly insignificant dialoge is connected to the end too.

    At first (200+) chapters I wasn't really into it. It was interesting for sure but kind of bland. BUT theeeenn it got really interesting. It made me read this novel though nights without sleep, that is how much I was engaged in this amazing story.


    train scene really broke me. The fact that he choose to be there just for sake of others happiness without thinking about his own happiness is truly devastating. And it's not like he was there for a small amount of time. No he suffered many years while watching others happiness. And although he was somewhat envious his priorities (happy life for his comrades) won. Now when I see the train scene I have deep emotion of helplessness..

    Just his dedication...



    also the fact that we could reincarnation of Kim Dok-Ja/ or contributer to his happiness and coming back home though reading this story and dreaming is truly amazing. Never ever was I so involved in a novel


    There's also theories that are really unique, as well as own rules that are really well thought.




    The only side effect is that my standards for novel increased again, and thus it will be hard to be satisfied, which is really important to me as reading is an art of escapism. Bc we all know the relationships that are portrayed there are unrealistic.

    I hope the authors will be rewarded for this novel... btw the fanarts of this Fandom are one of the best too.

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March 6, 2021
Status: Completed
This is probably one of my favorite webnovels of all time. The plot is interesting, and it sometimes makes you think. There were times where I had to stop reading to wrap my head around what was happening. Dokja is such a good MC, I really like him. Joonghyuk is a bit of a lovable cold prick, which is understandable due to his circunstances. I also really the side charactes, even though not all of them were developed fully.

ORV is not for everyone, as you may have guessed from other... more>> comments. I hightly suggest you give it a try. I could not put it down. <<less
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chynonm rated it
February 18, 2021
Status: Completed
A horribly beautiful story.
It starts strong with the classic korean-novel like regression and litRPG elements and brutal nature but betrays itself after a couple hundred chapters, when it turns into a complete lalaland. It does manage to redeem itself in its 40 chapter long epilogue but by then most my interest on the story was gone and while the package was nicely wraped-up and with a beautiful first apearance, the content is rotten.

I'm personally glad I pushed through the story to it's end thanks to sunk-cost fallacy but to new readers I advise against reading this novel. The beginning is too strongly disconected from what this story truly is, it's like you start reading game of thrones but mid-way the story got swapped with a disney fable and in the end swapped to a zero escape game.

The story's true overall plot is it's biggest strenght yet it's only rly at it's best during it's epilogue with few moment given to shine between each arc.
The system governing the novel power system starts seemingly rigid but towards the middle of the novel becames completely lax to a frustrating degree. Every fight seems like it may go whichever way with any possible conclusion which is heavily disliked. Over and over again the characters survive impossible situations due to luck, new allies apearing out of thing air and opponents giving up due to being "too expensive" to deal with, only to later have them spend more and more and depite having things described as being expensive everyones pockets are emptyless and they aways drive the characters just to edge of defeat. It trully becames annoying after seeing it happen the third time, only to ahve it happen next to 10 times through the story.

Throughout most of the novel the fights are embarassingly long, convuluted and eratic with too much words wasted on the constelation messages which by then are just repetitive. The fight's description are also as lax as you can get and there are always insignificant sacrifices and at least 3-4 plot-twists or new challengers showing up to be defeated by new allies or unexpected power-ups.

Most of the cast is a bunch of irredeamable idiots with an extremelly bland and hypocrit MC even by MC standards and there is little character progression and only superficial interactions between the cast.

Even after finishing this story, most characters are too foreign to me. They are either too idiotic to be predictable or too unpredictable to be real. Everyone's end-goal keeps changing along with their bottom-line.


We then cap it off with being on what's truly a fantasy universe with fantasy rules which can be made up or broken when plot convenient. Probability is the most ret*rded thing to exist in this novel.


Above all this novel doesn't know the concept of pacing at all, it's one emergency after another to the point the reader can't help but realize they're just there for shock and to delay any meaningful plot development.

TL:DR- Novel is bait, it's a disney like fantasy which a SAW like start and litRPG elements just to bait you in. It's awfully repetitive and boring. Characters have no interaction between them with a couple baits at potention romance which doesn't even sprout much less bloom.

My advise, don't read this novel, if you have aready been baited by it, after 150 chapters, read chapters 291-300, then read the last 40 chapters, there is nothing important in the middle it just meanders and goes downhill from there.
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teoradom rated it
January 30, 2021
Status: c70
I don't know about this novel...

It starts out strong, but really falls short very quickly. I really tried to read until ch 100 hoping it'd get better there, but I don't feel enough attachment to the characters nor faith in the story progression to force myself to do so.

The setting involves players clearing mission like scenarios. Basically, once they clear one mission, they'll have to move on to the next. And this keeps happening in succession, and you are constantly feeling the same exact tension without catching a breath. The... more>> characters never have any freedom because they are limited by the scenarios, and as a reader I feel trapped by that restriction. The restriction is not simply "you can't do this" but more like "you MUST do this, or DIE!!" and everything feels soooo linear. The characters have 0 freedom.

I f*cking hope that the scenario system gets destroyed, but I don't think it'll happen soon.

Also, the plot device of MC knowing what to do and preparing his items beforehand gets really overused to the point that that's all the MC really does. At first you'll find the MC really ingenious, but then you slowly wonder, what else is there to the story other than the MC being very prepared for his upcoming challenges? Completely takes away the thrill from uncertainty.

The ML doesn't play a big role in the book, the MC practically does everything for him. His importance in the story is really diminished by the MC despite the ML being a cooler character.

And also, the MC forcing himself to not kill another person to retain a skill. is very frustrating. <<less
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Eclat123 rated it
September 22, 2020
Status: Completed
This novel is just too meta and geeky for me. Seriously, this is the geekiest novel I've ever read, and not in a good way. The only ones who'd enjoy this are hardcore gamers, and super geeks.

The first few hundreds of chapters are still good enough and entertaining, but the last hundred, especially the ending, is just too damn confusing and kinda silly.

The author had a very big problem since the beginning as he took on a heavy meta-themed story by breaking on the reader's fourth wall (the real one,... more>> not talking about MC's skill). And for me, it didn't work, it just seemed extremely silly and geeky. The mystery conclusion is definitely not well-thought out. The author took the easy way out to bring it to conclusion, which involved some suddenly appearing complicatedly entangled unsatisfying silly subplots.


Turned out MC is the 'God' and the regressions are actually his own work, TADA!!!


It's such a nonsense that it made the months long I spent reading this from the beginning seemed like such a huge waste of time.

Honestly, reading the ending made me wanna punch the author in the stomach. <<less
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Derpy rated it
October 2, 2018
Status: c74
(Read up to c74) (Sorry for grammar)

The unpredictable novel I've read so far, in a good way of course. When you expect a typical Korean Novel with typical plot after reading the early parts, then BOOM! Stuff happens that you never think happens. It is refreshing to read as you were so used to the morals of Asian culture and want a change of pace.
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mysticfuji rated it
November 20, 2023
Status: c551
No words can fully capture the essence of this captivating masterpiece. I cannot put into words the journey this novel took me through, and I think it's one of the best novels ever written. Thank you SingShong and everyone else- : (-for telling this story, it needed to be told.

However, I have one thing to say for those who want to read this: please do not spoil yourself. Do not worry about the ending for now, as it can only be understood when you read everything else in the... more>> novel. Its meaning will truly be lost if you spoil yourself so this is a great warning before you open any spoilers in the other reviews or online. <<less
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rizuuumi rated it
May 30, 2023
Status: Completed
If you're planning on reading this, do not listen to the bad reviews!

This novel made me cry like a baby. When I first began to read it, I couldn't get enough and I eventually found myself reading whenever I had free time. Of course, the story isn't perfect and has its plot holes occasionally, but they were nothing major. What really makes this novel so lovely is the fact that everything is so intricately woven together without any flaws. Not only this, but the words the author chooses to use,... more>> and the sentences that they put together are so beautifully chosen that you'll want to take a minute to just digest it all.

I'm not lying when I say that this has to be the best novel I've ever read! Every character that is introduced has so much depth to them that it leaves you wanting to know more. This may seem like a typical game-based survival novel, but it has so much more to it. Every chapter has managed to give me chills, and I am still finding myself near tears every time I see anything ORV related on social media... <<less
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parkmoondaeourpuppy rated it
March 6, 2023
Status: Completed
Beyond amazing, it's simply a masterpiece.

2 years ago, I crossed upon this novel and god I'd pay the price just to be able to experience the ride again for the first time.

I can still remember how overwhelmed I was when I reached the end and realizing that everything is connected. Everything. And the fact that the ending is so free- open yet endless. I felt so overwhelmed, I cant get over this novel until like a month later bcs its just too beautiful.

In this 2 years i've been searching for... more>> another good novel but I havent found it yet hahaha (side eyeing tocf and ex rank role's replay, lets see how those two ends) <<less
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danilou rated it
February 14, 2023
Status: Completed
this is the bestest thing I've ever read. I relate to the MC so much and when I first read it, I can't stop. Its too addicting. The fact that I take my time to read this and try understand it better makes it more enjoyable to read. The characters and their character developments is so good and the multiple pov's to understand the thoughts of other characters. I love every chapter of this story, it never gets boring
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RheaLee rated it
January 17, 2023
Status: Completed
It was interesting and entertaining in the beginning but it got boring towards the end. In the beginning it was a story of a group of people trying to survive with MC who have read the novel able to navigate the task to complete the scenarios, But towards the middle it becomes MC vs everything (doekkebi, constellations, gods, demons) that its becomes repetitive. The MC said he's not the protagonist but he act like like one & the only reason he confess to his team about having read the novel... more>> because he got caught. All his sacrifices is selfish, there's a review saying that his so call sacrifices is traumatising his team, and I totally agree with that. <<less
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taohua098 rated it
January 11, 2023
Status: Completed
A beautiful, heart-wrenching story of struggle, sacrifice and friendship.

Words cannot describe how this story made me feel so I won’t even try, all I can say is please read this novel - you will not be disappointed.

Once I reached the end I just laid there, feeling empty, staring at the sky and stars for a long time...
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secondthots rated it
September 10, 2022
Status: Completed
This novel made me so emo

For the most part, I really did enjoy this novel more than I thought I would. Perhaps it’s partly because the translations were phenomenally done or maybe just because it was an all-in-all a worthwhile epic. Though the latter half decimated half of my brain, the world-building & characters are well-written. I want to emphasis the characters because regardless of timelines, they each have their respective gravity & likable traits. It’s nice to see a story that emphasizes the importance of cohesion in teams, not... more>> so much pushing for solely the advancement of the main character. I love Kim Dokja Company’s nebula as a whole not an individual.

Would I ever read this in one sitting ever again? Probably not anytime soon. The clash of timelines & time paradoxes really did a lot more damage to my head than necessary. Might I also include the amount of emotional harm granted from reading through the torture that is ‘regression’. I’m not lying when I say that this story has some truly EMO moments. Imagine living an apocalypse more than 1000x times? Couldn’t be me.

It’s a story that leaves room for thought. A love letter to readers- to imagination- to the gravity of literature & what the latter is capable of. It can also be dubbed as a masochistic novel to read as the characters you’ve grown to love are never given a break. Read with an open mind! <<less
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elliepot rated it
July 30, 2022
Status: Completed
I remember I was reading this novel in between classes last year, it was a whole riot. I remember I would read it instead of studying, I found the fantasy aspect of this story to be very original until the very end. Our trio consisting of a reader, protagonist, and author makes up for an incredible storyline. I mostly enjoyed the last two arcs and the epilogues, I felt high and emotional reading those parts. I feel like I wasn't in the right mind, the plot twists near the end... more>> are amazing. The prior arcs were able to properly and smoothly build up the story until it reached the climax and conclusion.

I also relate with the MC a lot, I also love stories more than anything, stories are what inspire me to continue living. Interestingly, Kim Dokja reminds me of Cale, they've always been the selfless type even if they won't admit it. They like to do everything in their power to reach their ideal ending or conclusion where nobody is hurt (except for them). I guess I find these types of MCs very endearing.

This novel literally is one of a kind. It could be regarded as an action, adventure, and fantasy novel but it's also more than that, it's a novel that literally gets you thinking and will hit you with the feels here and there. I can understand why there is a psychological and drama tag. Reading this novel is like entering a dream. <<less
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Jyuuuuuyu rated it
July 28, 2022
Status: Completed
I finished this novel months ago and the only reason why I'm rating this a 4 is because of the sheer sadness and despair this novel has put me through.

Every arc has its own uniqueness and this novel is actually one of the longer novels that I've finished without rushing through. This took me about a month or more to finish and I stopped reading a few times due to it having 551 chapters but I always ended up picking it up again and overall I really recommend this if... more>> you like companionship, sacrificing, relationships (platonic), and more importantly, angst. I think I cried a few times during the epilogue, it was my favourite arc if you even count that as an arc. <<less
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OuRyed rated it
February 6, 2022
Status: Completed
This novel is simply to great, I've read more then once and still not bord of yet, the MC is Op understandable that what was the tilte said, the "protagonist" is abnormal !! Of why wouldn't he, he has kept regressing so it would be more surprising if he wasn't especially in such a broken world.

I almost cried my heart out at the 516 after seeing "The End" but I calmed down after continuing on reading, I've experienced ups and downs with this novel, that my sis has to remained... more>> me that it just a novel. The crying and laughing, angry... etc Me:"... " ashamed. jpg

Nice Remainder: please don't confuse non reader's with your bad reviews, since there are some people who read no more then 30 or so chapter, saying it's tr*sh. What are you guys saying that the MC consider the people around him as NPCs !????? Nonsense, who who sacrifice his life over and over again for NPCs, and what's the problem with having the plot and being omniscient it was written in the tilte above so if you don't like it don't click from the start, and it's not like his super strong that he can crunch anything that came his way. Not alone. And please don't insult my favorite novel, I can accept criticism on one premise that you understand what are talking about, some people make me confused, which novel there talking about. <<less
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Helverda rated it
January 22, 2022
Status: c551
"Is the story really over when the author stops writing it?"

My heart hurts so much goddaaaaaamn

But despite my internal turmoil and tears streaming down my face like water from shower head, I find it incredibly funny how the ratings mirror the rating of a novel which became Kim Dok-ja's reality - "Three Ways to Survive in a Ruined World". It, too, had people stop reading it after 30s, 40s, 50s, 100s chapters, readers finding it unreadable, confusing and lacking any structure to speak of. And that's because that story... more>> wasn't for them, duh.

Now I will be taking back the words I previously wrote that you would never see, because I erased them, BUT, you know, this IS, PRECISELY, a story about transmigraaaation in a noooovel that some dude apparently read and now can overthrow mountains, cut the seas and "fix" the initial story so it's now the Supreme™️ version. It's TOO a subversion of such story, where the aforementioned dude IS simply a normal human being and thus suffers quite a lot before the grand ending, which may not be better, but simply 'his own'. But it's not at all only that. And there is no grand ending. And the dude is not normal. May he live happily ever after in my thoughts, amen.

This is a story about stories. How they are made and how they end, how they are able to impact someone's life, be it to save it or destroy it. Maybe even save AND destroy, at the exact same time.

This is a story about what it means to be a reader. How you interpret stories, how you imagine their continuation, over and over again, deconstruct and reconstruct them, and ultimately love them.

It's also about what it means to be a writer. To be a character.

If your existence was a story, if the world around you and everything in it was one, how do you think it would end? Will it end at all? Will others end it for you or continue it for you? Will you yourself strive for it's end or wish for an eternity?

It's a story that has been planned from the start to an end. Which is a rarity, since most are planned from chapter to chapter.

But it starts slow, like any other transmigration novel, before blooming into something else.

It takes all those common tropes in modern novels - reincarnations, transmigrations, regressions, and milks them for all their worth, opening grand new possibilities. The only other "story of other stories" that I can think about that is on the same level as ORV in it's themes is "Umineko no naku koro ni", and even it is a loooot different, while the EMOTIONAL DAMAGE is quite the same.

['Reading comprehension' is too low to properly convey the themes of this story.] Sorry, sorry. Had always been bad at analyzing literature, but I need to convey my feelings somehow.

In the end we have a rather vague description, but I find it hard to describe this novel as anything else. It is, undoubtedly, worth seeing for yourself, preferably to the very end. I totally would recommend reading manhwa first though, for visual references, it will help quite a lot if you find it tedious to read at the beginning.

The "omniscience" may annoy you. But if one story was everything for you, your only reason to continue living, wouldn't you know it the best?

The sacrifices that main character makes may cause you to roll your eyes after a second, a third, a forth, a fifth. Or shed a tear, since hurt inflicted from those sacrifices stays. They are not meaningless, nor are they forgotten.

The dialogs and info being hidden from you before crutial events - the absence of foreshadowing in a few places may cause your mood to sour considerably. Maybe even enough to drop the novel altogether.

But it still would stay with you, influence you for a bit. Or a lot.

May even cause you to write nonsensical, "tryin'-to-look-cool", full of fake depth, pretensions reviews like this one, be it to praise the story or condemn it.


The end of the novel is GEUFUUDJUTG ARGHHHHH I. I don't like the endings which are basically. "Imagine your own end, cos we're lazy so. Yeah. Think for yourself and all jazz" LIKE, NO, WE KNOW FOR SURE WHAT HAPPENED

dokja for sure gets reformed, but the rest is simply. Not written

and so the countless readers are now dreaming about the continuation of their own happy end

eeeh I think I finally stopped grieving the ending so. Happy thoughts happy thoughts!! *Gets depressed and shuts down*

also the prologue is basically the end.

"A web novel platform filled the screen of my old smartphone. I scrolled down and then up again. How many times have I been doing this?

“Really? This is the end?”

I looked again, and the ‘complete’ was unmistakable.

The story was over."



circle is complete

I finished reading like two hours ago I'm still high




in conclusion: read this one it's good, I'm swearing on my mom's grave (she's still alive but I didn't tell you that so shhhhhh) <<less
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