Oh no! After I Reincarnated, My Moms Became Son-cons!


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One day, I fell into the river and drowned. The God of River looked at me, and said: “You’re very brave, young one, so let me give you a mother as a reward. Would you like a golden-haired big-breasted elf mother with an extreme yandere personality, or a black-haired big-breasted sadistic human mother with a tsundere personality?” Me: “I choose… your mom, dammit! What I really want is to quickly reincarnate!!” The God of River smiled at me: “You are a honest lad indeed, so let me gift you both mothers. From now on, you will have two mothers!” Me: “Did you even listen to what I said?!”

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Oh no! After I Reincarnated, My Moms Became Son cons!
Related Series
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When TS High School Boys Are Too Adaptable (1)
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11/06/19 Wu Jizun v19c23
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125 Reviews sorted by

Armenius rated it
September 29, 2017
Status: v3c18
Son-con is a completely tasteless novel. 2 moms are in mad love with their child, almost to the point of in*est. There are unlikable characters (ahem, Nier). But the story continues to pull me in. The main character I witty and reacts to his new world like you would expect a normal human too. He doesnt go out and make a harem because he's super nice. Hes a normal guy. Theres a lot I enjoy about this story, but much it stems from how much I appreciate the MC.

Great novel.... more>> If you like "non-harem" (it kind of is, because of his moms and potentially Nier, but as of now, he only has one love interest), isekai novels, this one is high on the list. Most the characters arent just tropes and have good development, but it can also just be taken at face value and make you smile.

Thanks for translating for translating this, Wu Jizun. <<less
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Chico rated it
September 29, 2017
Status: --
This is one of the series that had attracted my attention and always anticipated its releases. Sure it has the same setting like reincarnating in a different world but not really as annoying as other novels, but it also has some differences with other like having the mc's mothers as part of the harem. Though it has in*est it doesn't really bother me that much. And the translation is easy to read and understand. Kudos to the translator and ofcourse the author who made this story.
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Noitrus rated it
September 29, 2017
Status: v3c18
After dying and reincarnating you suddenly find yourself being a son of an elven mom, but wait she's a queen of elves, and she's unparalleled sorcerer, and she cares about nothing but you - her son!

What's this? You also have another mom?! And she's the empress of humans?? And an ultimate swordsman and sadist?? And also cares about nothing but you - her son?!

Can this life be any more crazy?
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KatanaAssassin rated it
September 29, 2017
Status: v3c17
  • I'm actually enjoying this series a lot. This series hads a seemingly unique and interesting concept and watching the moms interactions with the MC is fun to read. The MC seem like a generic protagonist but I feel like he might grow into an awesome kill annoying people protagonist with some character development.
  • The tsundere mom is creepy but also cute when it comes to interactions with the MC. She is also a complete badass and also has a yandere personality when something comes up about her son which makes me personally like her even better
  • . The yandere mom is also a complete badass who will do anything in her power to make sure that her son is not in any trouble. She will behead someone for even criticizing him.
  • Though this book it not perfect especially with how the MC is now I think it's still a good Read.
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Incoming Cliff
Incoming Cliff rated it
September 29, 2017
Status: v3c18
I found this novel to be very enjoyable. The premises is definitely ridiculous which you can imagine from reading the title. However to my surprise it actually has a good story in my opinion. (Wasn't the reason why I read the novel in the first place though)

The character interactions is my favorite part of this novel. Especially Troy's thoughts to all the shenanigans happening around him. I feel like in volume 2, the characters could've been written better but wasn't much of an issue with me personally since I... more>> preferred the elves anyway.

Troy's character himself might be off putting for some as he is the typical beta main character but thankfully its hinted that he won't be like that forever and will be stronger.

I won't mention too much about the mothers, just expect them to be crazy and obsessed with Troy.

Overall I hope many will give this novel a try. Its a fun novel with a bit of seriousness. <<less
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hillmon02 rated it
September 29, 2017
Status: v3c11
Taking the name dubious, the series is really good, going beyond an isekai harem generic, for a truly good work

Different from a Japanese isekai, he does not try to recreate the environment to which he was before, he is not overpower, and until the present moment he is not being a great playmaker in the lore of this world, the characters are fabulous, with all their reasonable characteristics.

Has a lot of potential and as I said before, do not judge the series by its title, you will be missing a... more>> funny reading. <<less
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Laundrysauce rated it
September 29, 2017
Status: v3c18
To be honest, I was kind of hesitant to read this at first.

I had started to prod the story a little, because of the taboo duh, but after a while I got invested in it whitout really noticing.

Some people may not like it, but I find it appealing, how the MC isn't an all powerful being as soon as he sets foot in the new world for example, and the selling point of the novel (which if you've read it, you would know what it is *wink wink*)

But all... more>> in all I find it pretty comfy, how both of the MC's mothers compete for jis favor, and how he even has two love interest outside of his mothers in each empire, it's also kind of cool the concept of him having to come and go from elven and human empire, y'know kind of how a divorced couple has the coustody of a child.

All in all it's great and hope to see more of it in the future. <<less
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Lokey47 rated it
September 29, 2017
Status: v3c11
I started reading the novel when it just at chapter 1, and while at first I was only reading it just for the Yandere I have come to really like the novel for it's characters.

For me at least Troy does stand out as being more brains than brawn in the situations that he faces and while some of his actions are not very reflective of this genre of light novel it adds an added sense of realism especially in volume 2.
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gunguk7676 rated it
September 29, 2017
Status: v3c18
Splendid world-building, and surprisingly impressive character development for multiple characters.

The main character isn't a powerful or talented man by any means. He is witty and cunning at times, but he's not some genius and he's fully aware of that.

Story progresses at a good pace, not too fast to be at a loss to what the hell is going on, but not too slow and boring either.

... more>>

Can't really help but feel that the elf mom is portrayed in a better light a lot of the times. Perhaps it is intentional, but still one of the only gripes I have with the series.

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June 24, 2022
Status: v13

Even though this reads like some eroge or fanfic. The reason you clicked on this is exactly what you'd expect - to read some ero story with different female heroine fetishes - non-human, mothers, childhood friend, maid, cold b*tch, sister and the list goes on.

The reason why this missed out on being one of the best secret pleasures is the MC is incredibly dumb and it seems the author can't do anything better than make the MC do incredibly dumb things to "move" the plot forward.

... more>>

When the MC wanted to help out his dragon "mother" out, I completely lost my sh*t because he's basically committing su*cide. I knew some weird plot armor was going to happen again and couldn't read it anymore.

I've read this on and off over 3 years or so. Every time the MC pisses me off a lot I stop reading it. <<less
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DeadOpossum rated it
August 20, 2020
Status: v4
It starts as an interesting and original idea, but it becomes a line of boring quests.

The protagonist is extremely dumb, he plays "I have no money" game while he is an emperor, allows his fiance to be sent with a weird cause, walks with a single bodyguard outside and even goes into dangerous places. All the problems he has steam from the protagonist's s*upidity. This is just boring. And yes, after his accomplishments he gets praised for being very smart. Boring and annoying.
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August 5, 2020
Status: Completed
What I think from this novel is almost perfect isekai. What attracted me about this novel is the strong character development, very realistic personality (almost every character in the novel has a backstory). It deepens the story from usually japanese isekai move-on style (from one place to another and met character A and B and C and more).

Every single place gave you the settings and story, so you can map it in your minds. The minus is weak ending but emotional (to me). Like, I need more story or extra... more>> chapters.

1. Believable character.
2. Believable settings.
3. Although its illogical (magic and things) but physics exist and logical.
4. If you have harem, theres no way it will be peaceful if they meet. <<less
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missingmoney rated it
June 22, 2020
Status: --
I stopped reading after the rebellion arc so I don't know what comes after. Anyway, here are my two cents.
The good... The world is simple, but easy to understand.
MC has a goal he wants to accomplish. He has two great mothers, and he wants to stand out and make a name on his own. There is progress that can be seen throughout the story. He has a goal and he works towards it. And that's about most of the good stuff I can or rather will say, because the bad stuff overshadows most of the good. In fact I'll just say what I hate most about this story instead.

The characters and mostly the characters... Especially the main character. And no, I don't hate or dislike weak MC's. Some of my favorite Isekai stories have weak protagonist. While his wimpy, spineless and idiotic personality did rub me off the wrong way at first, I thought to push through with it. After all, I have seen weak people grow better. The problem is that his character is inconsistent and his hypocrisy. Character development takes forever. Other protagonists in similar situation only need a fraction of the time to learn and develop and yet their development feels more natural than his.
Now the human side, is also like this. Very inconsistent, especially his human mother. She's overprotective one moment, a twisted individual who kills people over slightest thing the next. She wants to protect her son, but she lets him throw himself into dangerous situations with no protection and only moving after he barely manages to scrap out of the situation at which point the crisis is over.
Not just her, most of the human characters are either inconsistent or undergo character development from a 0-100 in the blink of an eye. The elves don't really play any real role other than filler until much later in the story.
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SomeGuyIncognito rated it
September 15, 2019
Status: v17c9
Like many other reviewers here I found myself frustrated reading the early volumes of this series, the MC just seemed too pitiful and lacked agency. However that becomes less and less an issue the longer you read. By vol 4/5 I was already invested in this series, that's about when all the heroine dynamics start to really take form including those with MC's mothers.

There's plenty of raunchiness for those coming here for that, not so much in the early volumes though.
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Reader12221 rated it
November 19, 2018
Status: v8c12
I started reading this novel for a light read and some fun. This was partially achieved.
I don't really want to talk about the MC because even after 8 volumes I stil can't stand the him but i'll have to because he's the novels problem. The only redeeming qualities he might have is ''bravery'' and ''heart''. He's not intelligent, strong, badass or anything. Simply weak and his idea of getting stronger is getting more troops instead of training himself. (mind you his mothers are the strongest beeings there but for some reason the don't want to train him. Even tho he could make them if he tried) Basicly he hasn't touched a sword or done physical training as of Volume 8. Only weapon he has is a gun.

Also i'll keep it short but his inner monologue/inner thoughts are the dumbest things i've heard and constantly contradicts itself.


Take the part of Nier for example. (don't remmeber chap) He doesn't get why he falls in love with Nier after only 2 months. Meanwhile he loves Lucia (other fiance) because of the amount of time they spend together. While here I am sitting... you spend 2 months with both only since you reincarnated. The other parts before he reincarnated should have no value to your relationship with Lucia... This happends multiple times with multiple people. One moment it feels like he took over all memories and feelings and the other moment he has none because he just reincarnated.


So while it stil passes as a casual read. It's far from good and can ruffle your feathers the wrong way. As of now I'm stil wondering why I even read it but it does have something that keeps you reading. (atleast for me and for now but I do skim most inner monologues)

That all said it does have it's redeeming qualities because interactions between the characters is fun. You might even say that the only true problem with the novel is the MC.

Edit: I just ranted about the inner monologue of this novel and now I read one again.I'll put it in the spoiler below.


He just had a ''lovers quarrel'' with his bodyguard and was mad. (i think so, not 100% sure but he wasn't truly ''broken'')

'That was akin to a dream now that I think about it. I never thought I'd kill someone just like that, but I was truly broken at the time, and yet someone still dared to harass people around me, so naturally, I killed him.'

'The same applies now, of course. If somebody dares to hurt the people around me, I'll kill him, too. I've long become sick of killing. I sat on a mountain of corpses while in front of me was sand drowned in blood, as well as more and more corpses. I do, however, still try to refrain from killing senselessly. Even now, I would still criticise Nier, who was the first person who killed in front of me.'

'Killing isn't a result, but a process.'


If this novel dind't have so many inner monolgues I might have actually liked it much more then I do now.
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yamibae rated it
July 15, 2018
Status: v5c2
People have exaggerated the novel in my opinion. This is a very realistic MC compared to the ones usually found in isekai. He has no OP cheat, he isn't a natural leader, he isn't a strategist or born king. His only advantage is his background which is fine to me. His mothers are lovely and you can see that they both love him as well.


There is a large difference between the elves and humans in terms of how it's ruled but it seems realistic to me.

The elves all seem very loving and obey the queen but for humanity, the queen is only obeyed through fear. Is this not a very good juxtaposition of two kingdoms?


EDIT: Pretty tr*sh ending tbh
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julkar rated it
June 11, 2018
Status: v7c1
Well this novel has a creative plot. Although so far the story is rather slow there is much room for development. But the Character development has serious flaws. Moreover the MC's various conduct s are unreasonable specially his serious lack of knowledge about the world. Thus as long as the MC's character is improved it will be a nice novel. I think the character development of the first vol was decent. But gradually author became a little derailed. But still it can be quite nice.
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raidou99 rated it
January 9, 2018
Status: v2c30
Don't let the name deceive you. This is a pretty good novel. Although the start is a bit boring and volume 1 might make u wanna drop the series, it gets really good in volume 2.

The politics, the war and everything is a nice mix. Quite surprising.
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October 10, 2017
Status: v3c17
First of all.

This novel is good. Reading it I got many good emotions. May be in some first chapters you will be disappointed with Main Character, but during the process of reading you will be able to see how he transform into a good man and ruler. I really want to see the end of his story, to see all his road.

I will recommend this novel for readers who want to get a rest while reading.


Good humour, beautiful female characters and magic.
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SmerchOleg rated it
October 3, 2017
Status: v3c13
I like unusual stories such as this. There are intresing characters, good story, well written atmosphere and absolute crazyness here. I like everything except for MC, who only irritates me and other readers, but without thi irritation the story wouldn't be interesting to read.
I recomend this to people who like unusualstories.
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