Mystical Journey


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One moment, Luo Jing was at the brink of death after accidentally touching a power outlet while showering. The next, he was in the body of a man named Garen, with memories of a past he was never a part of flowing into his head. As he slowly gets used to the body of Garen, he begins to explore a planet beyond his own logical comprehension. His journey will see him go from surviving in a planet locked in the 20th century, to wielding secret techniques so powerful that they level cities overnight. However, his journey doesn’t end with Garen. Instead this is but the first of many bodies that Luo Jing will come to wield in his mystical journey between worlds.

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48 Reviews sorted by

avidnovelreader95 rated it
February 4, 2021
Status: c1013
i was originally going to wait till I finished the whole novel before I wrote a review but I'm doing it now because I might forget some of the points that I came across.

so for this review I'm going to talk about multiple works from this author because i've read several and i'll be comparing and contrasting them to show some good things and some problems that occur.

first of all I really like how this author builds up from normal martial arts to the typical cultivation technique, you can see... more>> this in nightmares call, way of the devil, and this novel. Some have also mentioned this but the dark themes of the novels I generally prefer this type of setting more in a cultivation type novel just because it fits better.

now lets get to the problems this will be way longer then the pros. So the author pretty much always starts strong except it always also quickly falls off a cliff somewhere. Ex in way of the devil during the empire arc the whole cultivation got so messed up it barely made sense and the non stop world jumping with barely any development behind it, in mystical journey the mecha arc literally the worse arc in the novel by a long shot. I've always thought this that cultivation and mecha just don't go together and its been shown in so many novels such as forty million years of cultivation, and now this. The impression that cultivation gives from dozens of xianxia novels is that its the basis of strengthening your body to the max and essentially evolving the a higher form whereas mecha is the reliance of external sources in which case behind technology to get more strength they're literally polar opposites to each other. And in the mech arc it was a literal sh*t fest the author himself probably didn't know what he was writing cause the lack of description on the cultivation and the powers etc.. Whereas if you compare it to the previous totem world arc its clearly explained the pros and cons of the cultivation system in comparison to the past world. Next I think even the author himself realized he was only digging his grave cause out of nowhere in the middle of the mech arc he pulled out a new proffession out of his ass literally and just so happens MC is crippled in mech piloting so woo hoo MC is a energy machinist now and guess what this system is also another sh*t fest not explained, probably wasn't even thought through cause later on the author just pretty much made it the psuedo secret technique system yep.

also another thing that ticks me off, i've read 3 of this authors novels and from what I see he follows a kinda flow chart in the way he writes because all 3 have pretty much copy paste developments and conflict and fyi this guy doesn't know how to write conflicts cause often or not its someone close to him gets into a sh*t storm then hes involved or either some random ass villian out of nowhere is trying to track MC for god knows what reason the author came up with. Essentially the conficts are all just so sporadic theres no deeper reasons behind them.

next thing I really hated this MC he was so bland just like in nightmares call both MC are like a carbon copy. Probably the best MC from this author was lu sheng from way of the devil. While lu sheng was definitly a muscle headed idiot that was pretty much his personanlity and he did go all in on that because he idolized strength whereas in mystical journey the MC is just kinda breezing by and gaining strength for no reason essentially no true purpose.

third the whole f*cking numbers game thing is just disgusting. This problem isn't just this novel its with dozens of chinese novels. The author can't seem to differentiate between quantitative and qualitative. I'll give an example so in the novel when the MC goes to the mech world and learns shit, one of the people at his sect essentially beats him at martial arts yep makes no sense already but roll with it and the author essentially is trying to justify it by saying shes essentally has a 1000 years of experience meanwhile the MC at the time is probably at the mental age of around 110- 120 so the difference is definetly big but heres the issue just because shes has 1000 years of experience it doesn't meant that 1000 years of experience is better than his 110 years of expeiernce because quantity aside theres also quality for example if a 80 year old does nothing but has lived his whole life within his neighborhood while theres a 30 year old who lived his whole life traveling the world, the 30 year old would have significantly more worldly experience than the 80 year old despite the 80 year old being older. And frankly speaking what I was going to mention earlier it already makes no sense that shes better than him in martial arts why? Simple the f*cking mech world system isn't on martial arts its some kinda bioengineering sh*t that the author whooped out of his ass last minute save that he doesn't explain well. And plus if we look at the other side of the equation the MC has been to 4 f*cking world already learning 4 different types of system like literally no one in that f*cking universe would be as experienced as him in terms of pure cultivation because hes had to build up 4 times from scratch and 4 different types of systems.

anyways ill finish this when I finish the novel as of now its not looking too hot to me the first 3 arcs were okay decent with problems here and there but the mech arc was just literal cancer even if the other arcs were 5/5 the mech arc just f*cked everything up so yeah. <<less
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Cole rated it
May 1, 2020
Status: Completed
this is a good novel, I really like the plot. There's no face slapping the young masters here, no romance and harem, only pure character development, action and the plot. Each arc is also interesting.

the only downside for me is about the character of the MC, he seems to change his mindset quite often since mecha arc, which made it a bit confusing on what really is his goal. Nevertheless, this is an enjoyable read for me.
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legend143 rated it
February 19, 2019
Status: c773
The premise of the story is nothing new but is more of a departure from normal "reincarnation/summoner to another world" genre. That is its strength. As said in other reviews, the story fails mostly on character development. The MC is like a combination of twenty personalities in one. I feel like the author took a bunch of MC's from different novels and jammed it all in his MC. The power system is also a hot mess, for example, the power (Hydra Totem) Garen (the MC) got in the totem world... more>> somehow merged with his soul, but when he travelled to Neo-Earth that power was gone. He now needs to use the power of some Living Secret Technique he acquired to survive and grow strong in the new world. What is the use of that Hydra Totem merged in his spirit if the author is gonna replace it after Garen leaves for a new world?! I get it since the story mainly revolves around the MC going to different worlds and growing strong, there will be sacrifices on plot development but the problem is there really is no plot to the whole novel. A character was introduced seemingly someone who is going to be pivotal to the story on one of its arc's, but then suddenly after three chapters on who this person is, the author will suddenly abandon the character altogether. It is all buildup and no payout. I have so much more issue with the whole novel and I decided to stop reading it altogether. It was a good read if you wanna get confused. <<less
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Gsichtselfmeter rated it
July 12, 2018
Status: c388
For me the novel feels as if the author just wrote down whatever random inspiration he just got 5 minutes before. The story is jumpy and confusing and often inspired by other works (as in: the author just watched that movie and now has to advance his plot in that direction or introduce the core tech of that specific work). It has heavy WTF moments, but it is still very interesting to read and kept me for almost 400 chapters, so I give it a solid 4.

The MC transmigrates into... more>> the body of Garen, a nobody in an alternate world. There he gets a interface where he can level up his attributes.

It starts Konan-esque by solving mysterys to get relicts that provide skill points. The MC often has no idea what to do even though he has an attribute called Intelligence. Instead he levels his strength to pick up martial arts. The martial arts take over and the story evolves into Fist of the North star. This goes on until Garen becomes the strongest man alive, fighting a sorcerer community until someone drops a nuke onto him. The end? No! Garen gets transmigrated another world where he starts similar to Warlock of the Magus world, but with totems instead of spells. Some more random acts happen until Garen transforms himself into another uber-mensch, going on another rampage. I stopped when he got a device that reminded me of the scanner in DBZ. Its over 9000!

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Darkzeta rated it
June 8, 2018
Status: c381
I am a 5 star person. (UPDATE 102819, COMPLETED NOW)


    • MC isn't super OP off the start. He actually has to start working his way to it. Maybe about 80- 100 chapters later we start seeing his power creeping up.
    • I liked the world setting. It's really like the 1930-1940s setting. You get that old chop suey gangster black and white feel. Pre WW2 setting or about so. Almost expect to see some old Charlie Chan to come out and stuff. So if you like that old 1930 to 1940's settings, you may like this.
    • Martial arts vs Guns. Basically its like that at times. The world is advancing and as time goes by, hand to hand vs guns is bumping heads. Course... you start to see Gun Kata Martial arts come out too. Our MC is NOT a Gun Kata martial arts master. He's old school. I kind of liked that feeling the story created. You can see the frustration of the old school as it clashes with new Gun Kata users.
    • Then... there is a twist to this. No spoilers. But you'll see what it means "journey"
    • Support characters had enough presence that I could recognize them. They didn't have a strong enough presence to stand on their own though. So don't expect TOO much from support characters.
    • overall liked it well enough to keep up with the rest.
side note: do check out his other story: Way of the Devil, especially if you like the idea of a MYSTICAL HULK vs SUPERNATURAL MONSTERS. Good times.

My update to this review: 102819:

wow. what a ride. I discovered this story a year ago. Kept with it, and stuck with it when Qidian took it from the translators. And all the way, I wondered if this story would conclude in a satisfactory way.

And as we all know, the end is part of the journey. And in this case, the beginning as well.

Read this story if you want reincarnation, a mean MC, a badass MC, good and bad arcs. Interesting arcs. Yes, cultivation exists, so do mecha later... Go figure.

And sadly, an MC who doesn't get the S.x. Poor MC actually doesn't get much snu snu, so if you want that from an MC... don't expect too much from him.

Overall, I'd do a regression and read the story again if I go back in time 10 years from now, after I battle it out and die from the hands of my enemies.

See you in the side bar of life!
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boread rated it
October 15, 2021
Status: c1013
I got mixed feeling about this novel. Its hard to say whether this is a good novel or bad novel. Especially the mech world arc, really make me frustrated.

The things about this novel is, while the idea is good, this story can be a bit confusing. There were so many typo, that I often confuse whether some characters are male or female.

Then the author might be a bit bias on secret art. I means no matter which world the MC goes, whatever power system exist there, secret art somehow also... more>> exist and also powerful in that world.


Like in the blood breed world, Garen said that in this world, the supernatural doesn't influence the world much. They just do their own things in some conner of the world. Then it was being portray like Garen martial art super op in the world as it can effect vampire and blood breed. Then suddenly come those guy from the east who as strong as garen's discipline, as strong as upper layer blood breed. This clash with earlier information.

Then in totem world, where it was said that even the strongest secret art user cannot match the lowest level totem user. Then suddenly the people of that world who had achieved certain level all using secret art.

Then in the mech word, pilot is the dominant force in this world, martial art or secret art next to useless against this level of technology. Then suddenly come those energist and biochemist. Then it was portray that energist is the strongest, they dominate the world. Suddenly, they use secret art and garen even learn from them.

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PoSunBanYi rated it
January 15, 2021
Status: Completed
I dont like short stories.

I even less like sudden intense situations, even more so for times when you know a story is gonna be meaningless.

Enormously disappointed ive gotten.

... more>> Its not about "bad" writing or not the story I was presented at- first.

Is about the decision of the whole story, at first it sounds amazing and f*ck lets see how it develops... I didnt like at all how it developed.

First world is so f*cking dull, boring, full of any boring sh*t but excitement, fear not for this is not a failure from Get Lost, but his choice, and theres more things and things like that; even then, is just great. Just never near something I would EVER like.

I felt disgusted.

Quite amazing novel.

Read if it suits your tastes. <<less
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Sinshydra rated it
August 15, 2020
Status: Completed
I think this novel is very good because in this novel there are many interesting elements, I know why many people say that this novel is inconsistent, it is because they only read this novel at the beginning of the story or in the first world (martial art world). Even though at that time the MC is still in the first world, only the beginning of the story (as explained in the synopsis), they don't read this novel from start to finish, because most people are bored when MC is... more>> still in the martial arts world, if I'm honest, I'm also very bored at the time the MC is still in the martial arts world but I keep reading this novel to the end, because after MC reincarnated in another world, the novel's story becomes more interesting and makes me even more interested, there are also boring parts, but if we look at the whole story in the novel This is so amazing, except


The ending is super rushed and bad. It feels like author wanted to jump to new novel and just ended it right there. Half finished. Many questions are left unanswered (I took this from AvERaGe's comments because I have the same opinion with him)


that's all my opinion, sorry for my bad english <<less
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anjaana7877 rated it
April 20, 2020
Status: Completed
There are times when you keep delaying to read some novel due to various reasons and finally end up reading, cause you literally don't have anything else to do... this is one such times where I picked up Mystical Journey and I don't regret it.

If you like novels such as Warlock of Magus World, Carefree path of dreams etc. Then most probably you would like this one.

If I have to pick one negative thing about the whole plotline, then it would be about the confusing nature of MC. At times,... more>> he wants to find his way back to earth. Sometimes hez worried about dying, and then again hez tired of his long life (I mean he is not even 1000 years old in actual life if you don't count his time spent travelling in mother stearm, yet he keeps sighing more than the true souls and gods who lived for tens of thousands of years.

This happens at every start and end of his reincarnation. Maybe it's because the author thought that he needs to give a reason for continuation of MC's journey or for other reasons. But finally hez not able to determine what MC really wants.

Except that, I didn't find anything else to nag about. It's really a good novel if you are into anti-hero protagonists who won't jump at every moment ready to make the whole world as an enemy. <<less
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Dg2 rated it
April 19, 2020
Status: Completed
Got to say, this fic is under rated. I'll give a brief summarization.


Garen is in a new world. He has a system that powers up from souls/lingering magic. The first world he is in is down really well and this is carried over to the second one too. After that we get to see what happens in the first world and then the MC starts his big journey through the multiverse.

The biggest selling point of this novel is how thought out each world is. They have there own unique powers, governments and cultivation/technology. Unlike Carefree Path of Dreams, this novel does not have any Chinese propaganda. It remains true to its adventure style writing until the very end. Where the MC ends up discovering a group of 'leeches' who are destroying the mother stream from the reverse reality. After the MC deals with them the novel ends on a cliff hanger. And from that cliff hanger comes the biggest negative thing of this whole story. So take my advice and don't read the last chapter.


Overall I give this a solid 4.3/5
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Ignus rated it
December 16, 2017
Status: c37
An interesting read. Worth picking up, even though I only gave it 3 stars.

The story setting itself makes it stand out, and worth reading. It is like a detective story during the start of the 20th century, just add western mysticism/ghosts and martial arts.

The problem lies in transition. When scenes change, or time skips occur, it takes a few paragraphs to figure out what has happened. This leads to confusion, and a break in immersion. It also leads to loose ends, and parts of the story not matching up to... more>> well. Basically, events and timelines are pretty spotty, giving the story a feeling that it was not well planned out and organized to begin with. <<less
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Jamhallche rated it
July 20, 2021
Status: c425
I really don't like the storyline of this novel.. Where MC who travels (reincarnated) between worlds and the MC forgets his family life in his previous life.. And this happens over and over again
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selweron rated it
November 1, 2019
Status: c1375
I thought I would give you a brief description of the direction the plot moves to as all the reviews are super vague (which made me drop the novel in the past two times in the first arc) and I hope it will be of help to all indecisive people. Of course, I have plans to dig the chapters at a stable pace and may update this comment later on.

First of all, this novel is no gem - the concept is pretty unique and battles do it a big favor,... more>> but if you have read all other works of the author like me, you will notice the same shortcomings, inconsistences and similarities troubling Mystical Journey. To name a few, MC's actions scream personality disorder, plot holes scream writing chapters on the spot, and anticlimatic endings in certain situations or their lack of closure is a bummer. In general, Mystical Journey looks and sounds in and out like a beta version of Way of The Devil mixed with elements of Wizard World.

But... this novel is still worth reading if your expectactions don't include consistent and logical plot. The main strength are obviously battles, development in different world environments and unique systems. As MC travels to different worlds, a bigger picture behind the curtain is slowly unraveled to a reader.


Ruthless warlocks, undefeated and all-powerful, expanded like crazy and conquered many worlds, planes, and universes. Too bad for them, there was a different race - Void Creatures - who did the same thing, and as such, they clashed for eons till they pretty much wiped each other. Both sides, scattered and weakened, had to recover. Thousands of years later, Ancient Endor civilization succeeded Warlocks and swore an ancient oath to battle with Void Creatures until one of the races went extinct, and Void Creatures did the same thing. Some period of time later comes our MC, who explores the legacies and marks Ancient Endor left in the worlds of his universe and at some point gets detected by a Void Creature due to his own carelesness, and thus has no choice but to swear the oath as well. This sealed his fate.


@edit Nov 9, 2019

I have reached the ending. Tbh, the last but one world was kind of boring and repetitive at this point, while the last one was rushed and a total BS. At least the fourth half of the very last chapter was somewhat intriguing... but the author wasted a lot of potential with meaningless bullsh*t along the way. <<less
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hartatoss rated it
September 29, 2019
Status: Completed
It's good there's is a little cliff but this is the first time I see a novel end this way.
Back to the starting point and resume.
This novel give a lot of thrills with some wuxia, magic, sci-fi then end it all with race extinction war.
And I got to say the author do a good job to present it.???

Note for the author: if you want to make a sequel of this novel, I give you my full support (3 power stones for webnovel and 5 stars for novelupdates) ???
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RedPlays rated it
September 28, 2019
Status: Completed
This has been a great novel well except for the start the story is truly amazing. I wonder if there will be a sequel for this. It is a shame that a cannot see the last two chapters. It has been a 'Mystical Journey' with Garen.

... more>>

Also if there is a sequel im very curious what Luo Jing Garen will be afterall he is a reset or the true/origin Garen. Im curious what his reaction to Garen will he become Garen once again or will he be different?. Thank you translator and author for such a wonderful novel.

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Alfha Robby
Alfha Robby rated it
August 7, 2019
Status: c97
the Main Character Garen Lombard is a Muscle Brain Idiot who always prioritise his own strength and mostly neglect his agility, vitality and especially intelligent.

the plot basically is about how MC have a strong offense and Defense yet mostly Lack Agility and Ingenuity in order to defeat the enemy, even though he already swear to balancing overall of his attribute he keep insist on adding point into strength even though he aware that dong so is detrimental and damage his internal Organ & body

but then again if author make the... more>> MC slightly smarter by adding point into intelligence I doubt he could write the plot since the plot literally get dragged simply because MC's s*upidity and Plot Armor.

WARNING I advise thou to avoid reading this novel unless you want to quickly kill your brain cell due to the absurd s*upidity of MC. <<less
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yinko rated it
June 22, 2019
Status: c650
I genuinely enjoyed the first arc, and once he dies and goes to the next world I eventually came to enjoy that as well, but I did pick up on a bunch of persistent flaws that made me drop the story.

The worst of it is that the author doesn't keep track of what he's doing or what he's going to do. So at the beginning he establishes that the character can upgrade any skill, then he loses that ability. He nerfs the ability to upgrade everything and the ability to... more>> gain upgrade points, then gives them back in the next setting before nerfing them again. As a martial artists it took a nuke to kill Garen but in the next arc they hand out crystals that explode strongly enough to destroy someone four ranks higher than that, those explosions alone should be enough to decimate major cities.

He also loses track of the cultures as well. As was previously pointed out, these worlds are supposed to be set in older-European type cultures, but every time they quickly develop into what amounts to a modern Chinese setting with merely semi-Western names, though even the naming conventions remain Chinese.

The thing that really irritated me was that he went into the Luminarist world claiming that martial arts had hit their peak, that local martial arts were inferior. After he hits rank four he then says that the highest rank martial arts can reach is rank four and that local martial arts are superior. If this was the case he could have just ignored all this from the beginning and just focused on the original powerset. Then I'm sure the same thing will happen again and again and again.

Plus he never upgrades his skills to the top, why go into a fight with people who have trained for their entire lives without fully mastering the basics when you have the chance? <<less
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DaoOfTheReaper rated it
December 31, 2018
Status: --

I don't like the fact that he left the martial arts world and was never able to go back. I also don't like that nonscence with totems or tokens or whatever they were called, it just made me feel like it was not his own power. This was so good at the beginning, what a waste.

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DaDeDiDoDu rated it
September 28, 2018
Status: c300
Before you talk about the world concept, the characters or any other things that you might see in the story, the biggest problem that is prevalent in the story is in its horrible, messy, and weird pacing that makes you say wtf!

Also, there are many plot holes and questionable jumps in logic that happens in important moments. There are things that the MC did that wasn't really necessary AT ALL. There also the habit of the Author in forcing stuff to happen, hence the jumps in logic.

Well anyway, it's still... more>> a decently unique read compared to most so I still recommend this novel. <<less
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expertsource10 rated it
September 17, 2018
Status: c71
Bad plot, bad author, bad MC, even the qidian comments are bad as they're full of how s*upid the plot and the MC is.

There's so many sh*t text.
And a plot going nowhere.
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