My Wife is A Sword God


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In the world of demons and demons, a hundred ghosts travel at night.

Qin Feng, who accidentally crossed over, came to this troubled world with no lofty ambitions.

He only wanted to protect himself and enjoy the rest of his life safely.

But the sky does not fulfill people’s wishes, excellent men are so outstanding everywhere.

The ancestor made a marriage contract, and the talented young lady of the Liu family became a wife.

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  2. GrimVeilRules Recommendation List 2

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New gottesurteil rated it
June 8, 2024
Status: c474
I honestly adore this. Quite possibly my favorite xianxia of all time. But as a fellow reviewer said, the beginning might be difficult to get through. Though in this case, it's more of a matter of managing your expectations. As LongXi said, you MUST read this as a comedy. The MC is utterly goofy at the beginning before he finds his pace. He definitely wakes up as a transmigrator, and immediately starts looking for his 'special skill that will make him OP' or such. Frankly, he's reallllllly chunibyo lmao.

But... more>> as mentioned, once he gets over himself and realizes he's not actually a protagonist of a tr*shy isekai novel (lol) the story absolutely takes off. Don't get me wrong, the beginning isn't bad by all means; it's legit hilarious how cringe and goofy he is, but as a reader if you don't expect that,... yeah he's cringe lmao. But his personality is great through out the entire story, with a hilarious blend of being a really good guy, while still being shameless and petty about certain things (yet still utterly caring towards his family and waifus). Him thinking 'the world has malice towards scholars' is a running gag, where due to him being a scholar who have weak physical bodies (to start), he's constantly overshadowed by the strong, such as his brother, wife, bodyguard... well, ALL his acquaintances lol.

To be clear though, he's not a weak protagonist who survives off of cunning. He definitely has his own strengths, and the 3 cultivation paths are fascinating. The martial path is the most familiar to readers I'm sure, but the Yin path (Ghost path) is really interesting. The path he follows is of the Literary, which is SUPER RARE in fiction; I've only come across it twice, and one of them was a manhua. For example, he pretty quickly becomes completely immune to poisons and illusions. Just flat out immune. That is something that is literally just mentioned offhand as part of the Scholar/Literary path, which considering it's often highly coveted in other media as like the 10, 000 poison body or something, it's interesting.

The waifus are freaking amazing. In fact, ALL the characters are amazing. One of the other reviews mentions that there's no filler at all, and all chapters actually provide meaning, and that's 100% true. More to the point, they develop the characters, and with the exception of actual faceless NPCs, every character is EXTREMELY well defined.

On that note, one of my favorite parts about the story is how human all the characters are. And by that I mean that they're all petty as fu** lol. When you think about the average person gaining power, it's a standard trope in Chinese fiction that they become super flanderized. Young Masters are arrogant and face slapping and YOU DARE??? Old Fogeys have no shame and beat up the MC, etc. Well here, people with strong power are just... people with strong power. I can honestly say that there aren't any 1-dimensional characters. They're just... people. They have quirks and habits and beliefs and get annoyed and can be shameless, even while being good people. And outside of the true villains (small group of 'pure evil' psychopaths and such), even the antagonistic humans are still very well done. Honestly, the entire cast as a whole is hands down one of the best I've ever read. Very few can even come to mind with how... broadly well done the cast is. I've read stories with a strong cast, but that 'strong cast' is never as close to fully complete. Like a strong cast may be 50% of the total characters. Here, 98% of the characters are well done. It's fantastic.

So yeah, as long as you understand that the start has to be read as comedy and you get through the first 20 chapters, you'll love this. And contrary to how the start seems, the author actually gets drastically better at writing romance too. There are some truly adorable romantic scenes.

Oh, and as a side note, for the Fellow Men of Culture out there: the MC does have SnuSnu (not shown), and it is a true harem.


As of 474, he is actually married to two of them, with (my best guess) 1 more guaranteed and another probable on the way.


All in all, I absolutely do recommend this. <<less
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Ziegfreed rated it
October 29, 2023
Status: c8
the wife is mentioned briefly in a single chapter completely out of the blue and ignored shortly after, prior to chapter 7 it seems like a breath of fresh air because it skirts around the tropes normally associated with cultivation novels but once you hit chapger 7 it falls into the pit of all Chinese novels where the MC is instantly more knowledgeable than professionals in their dedicated fields and by face slapping them completely unprovoked, which is what ch7 is basically about he gains a huge power boost. That... more>> sets the very low bar early on that this will be nothing more than another Chinese face slapping novel.

What makes it unique is that the face slapping is unprovoked and the wife in the title will probably only make a brief appearance 300 chapters in and return to face slapping for another 800 chapters before MC is op and will have a huge harem out of nowhere and his wife will probably never make a true appearance except to pad word count and talk about how great the omnipotent and omniscient MC is. Expect all characters to lose their significance by chapter 40.

Tldr 3 stars because its gonna be the same as any other chinese cultivation novel thus it falls right in with the rest of the novels in this category with some deviation in the early chapters but will fall in line before too long guaranteed <<less
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Yandere Connoisseur
Yandere Connoisseur rated it
December 10, 2023
Status: c97
Not sure if I agree with the previous review who believes that the story will become a typical Chinese novel of faceslapping and power ups after only reading 8 chapters. To summarize, it is not. The MC does not become super powerful instantly, he has a subtle transmigration cheat, he struggles, and everything does not become easy. He also follows a very interesting/unique branch of cultivation that I find a breath of fresh air compared to 'typical' Chinese novel MCs and their dragon killing prinordial ultimate star destroying god strengthening... more>> cultivation techniques. We follow the different adventures of the MC, with finance, business, literature and medical areas coming into play, as well as some combat. Definitely reccomned to all those wanting to try something new and well done <<less
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XXXXX rated it
January 23, 2024
Status: c182
Solid 4/5

Not the greatest masterpiece, it has a few problems

Pretty big hiccup around 20-ish chapters in with how the marriage was handled

... more>> If you get past that, it's very interesting

The translation quality is good but the site itself is incredibly bad

Normally I don't mind ads, they pay for the site I'm using, but seriously I'm trying to read a book here.... I don't want blinking nonsense on the left, right and bottom of the screen with a video loading at the top

Totally unrelated... did you know that in google chrome settings you can disable javascript which removes a lot of fancy functionality from webpages giving you the barebones html/css? <<less
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DeludedOne rated it
February 14, 2024
Status: c232
This is a surprisingly good novel. While the MC has a few shameless qualities they are largely underplayed and he never becomes one of those face-punchable narcissistic and overly arrogant MC types (like Mo Fan from Versatile Mage or worse, Fang Ping from World's Best Martial Artist).

His cultivation path is also interesting. While I have heard of literary cultivation, this is one of the few novels that actually has the MC take this path, most of the other MCs are all focused on the Martial Path so this is truly... more>> a breath of fresh air. Plus, and it's a BIG plus for me, the cultivation requirements for each level as well as the distinction between them are detailed and well thought out. It's not like some novels where the only difference between the cultivation realms is that "the higher realm is "stronger" than the lower one" with no explanation of what the distinction of "stronger" even means. I'm a sucker for novels where cultivation or power demarcations and levels are presented clearly and in detail, and this one, while not the most nuanced and detailed out there, is a good enough presentation of this concept. Am expectant regarding what the higher levels of literary cultivation entails.

As for the wife, yeah she's much stronger than him, which is in the title of the story. I don't know why people are complaining about who she's not relevant because she is, her relationship with him grows organically and she is even able to assist him later on when:


He heals her meridian injuries


Their relationship is a mix of naive and sweet it's quite a romantic relationship actually and akin to something you might find in a novel targeted at women, though with much less emphasis on the romance aspect than those of course.

I especially like the interactions between his harem members. Yeah it's a harem even though he has a wife, but the members aren't all just forced onto him (with the apparent exception of one, not sure why she fell for him apart from his looks) and they do develop their relationship with him somewhat organically:


Harem Members:

-Liu Jianli: The official wife, overpoweringly strong and among the strongest of young geniuses. Injured when trying to breakthrough to the next level of cultivation by the tribulation lightning and was married off to MC. Knew only cultivating and swords before meeting MC so is a blank slate in terms of romance. Becomes attracted to the MC as he is the first one to show genuine concern for her as a person, not just some sword prodigy. Their relationship deepens as she is charmed by his ongoing concern for her in details both big and small, subtle and otherwise. Is usually cold and largely emotionless towards most others except to her husband and her "sister" and junior sister. Has snu-snued with MC once as of chapter 230.

-Lan Ningshuang: Swordmaiden to Liu Jianli, cultivator of the martial path though below Liu Jianli in terms of cultivation. Her relationship to Liu Jianli is one of sisters and they are very close. Fell for the MC through daily interactions with him as well as seeing how far he was willing to go for his wife during the whole wedding reception that everyone seems to be complaining about. Was willing to "sacrifice herself" and sleep with MC in place of his wife on the night of their wedding though their MC declined. Is a virg*n and a noob in romance, learned all she knows about relationships between men and women from her "aunt" and later on through "romantic novels" (with le*d illustrations). It was through her that Liu Jianli also started reading these novels and their reactions regarding them and the embarrassment they display when doing so is cute. Is wary of Cang Feilan the Demon Slayer girl and has competed with her a few times (since she is mostly the one who accompanies MC whenever he goes out)

-Cang Feilan: Mysterious beauty, her face is always covered by a scarf and we later find out that it's because she's only allowed to reveal her appearance to the man she would marry and to no other man (a rule that applies to all females in her family). Unsure how and why she fell in love with MC, the first time we see her she was simply assigned as someone who would treat him and investigate him after he suffered an attack from a demon (which was what likely killed off the original host's soul). Shows feelings for MC after that and has escorted him a number of times. Was the one who introduced MC to the Listen to Rain Pavilion that was like a giant library with many books which helped kickstart his cultivation. Is hiding her true power which seems to be related to the color of her hair changing. Her family is rich and might have something to do with dragons (she shows a strong aversion to MC asking to "borrow" dragon saliva for healing purposes). Has competed with Lan Ningshuang several times over MC.


There is also the Hundred Ghosts Path (which is an orthodox path despite the name) as well as a number of other cultivation paths both orthodox and not which aren't depicted in too much detail. The MC is not overpowered though he has his means and his intelligence is what usually plays a role in dangerous situations.

I suppose the one thing I find annoying is how the villains always seem to be in the shadows and having the advantage, even in some of their scheming. And this is even when considering that they face off against the human elites. Apart from that I do't have many complaints about the story. The pacing is good and it doesn't seem that repetitive or boring with many new developments that don;t seem forced or rushed. <<less
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drago44dd rated it
May 17, 2024
Status: Completed
A fairly decent story with rarely any fillers. All chapters count. It's not some high class blood-boiling or touching story but it's quite enjoyable at a steady pace.

The title of the novel is totally misleading though.

Yes his wife is a sword god. Is a heavenly genius and super strong, but if you name the novel that way the wife should at least take action 50% times? Nope, she rarely gets involved in the story and 90% of the story revolves around the male MC. So don't get into the story... more>> expecting something like op wife taking care of her husband and getting lovey-dovey. The husband is the main character and the story is about him rather than him having a sword god wife.

The author is not good at writing romance but not bad either. The author struggled very hard with starting relationship, 'how to get the male and female characters fall in love with each other'. It's done kind of forcefully. But once it gets going it's fairly well written but still not good enough.

Overall, a fresh idea poorly executed but well written story. A 3.5 to 4 in-between rating. <<less
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Chayle rated it
January 22, 2024
Status: --
I thought it would be a cliché sham marriage where the cold female lead immediately leaves to cultivate once the marriage of convenience is fulfilled, and the MC would be left behind to vow of becoming strong enough for her (blergh).

That didn't happen, the execution was positively different. The MC isn't arrogant nor overpowered, but still keeps surprising everyone. Interesting side characters as well.
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LongXi rated it
January 6, 2024
Status: --
I feel that if you read the intro of this story wrong you’ll drop it. The first 10 chapters are mostly comedic satire of the MC looking around for cliches that would propel him to being op, only for him to find that it’s all blocked and all he could do is rely on his minor cheats and tread the path the original body was already taking, only this time with a transmigrated soul.

After realizing that, this novel became pretty much a comedy with hints of parody here and there.
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Hate_filler rated it
January 3, 2024
Status: c144
I almost never write reviews but decided I would because of the 3 star review before me that misrepresents this novel as bad. To be brief, there's little to no face slapping. MC is more knowledgeable then professionals for valid reasons explained in novel a little later on. He doesn't get a "huge power boost" just a bit of a cheat (xray + faster reading/cultivating speed) that's not even that crazy, the MC is weak and relies mostly on others so far. Wife is not forgotten and is frequently talked... more>> about. Characters are very recurring even for people I wouldn't have expected.

This novels a breath of fresh air (MC cultivates the Dao of Literature) and even though its not perfect its definitely worth a read. <<less
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LostHarem rated it
January 22, 2024
Status: c220
Awesome story! Main character is smart, strong, and funny. However, he is not crazy op that it makes the story boring! He is strong for sure and is a great doctor, however he can die in much of the story and its thrilling. Female leads are unique and add to the story.
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February 21, 2024
Status: --

reading this is really very refreshing, each character has its own characteristics, the story has a clear goal and the delivery of the story doesn't feel slow or too fast, there are almost no complaints / annoying things in this novel.

except at the beginning of chapter 20 about marriage which was a bit of a blunder from the author but the rest was really extraordinary

If you are really fed up with stories of hunters, regressors, MCs who pretend to hide their strengths, MCs who are adventurers who don't clearly go... more>> around on various missions, MCs whose powers are outrageous, MCs with plot armor with an unreasonable thickness, MCs who say they want to live peacefully but instead be adventurouswho likes to interfere. This novel is like a breath of fresh air <<less
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