My Five Elements Lack You


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Shocking! An innocent civil servant was reborn into the body of a swindler, only to be forced by a man to do this sort of thing…

In the feng shui community it was said that Lin Zhushui was omniscient, but now it seemed his only miscalculation was his marriage to Zhou Jiayu.

Zhou Jiayu had a warm nature, thin and tender skin, and soft and brittle bones. He never expected what he worried about the most after his rebirth was to not make a certain someone angry.

Zhou Jiayu: Before I was reborn, I always thought that I would be a staunch socialist successor, until I became a swindler and met a fortune-telling big shot.

Lin Zhushui: Are you unhappy being with me?

Zhou Jiayu: I’m happy, I’m so happy I could die, I’d be even happier if Boss could stop thinking about me being on the menu every day.

Lin Zhushui: Not possible.

Zhou Jiayu: …

Feng shui novel, blind feng shui bigshot gong x fake swindler socialist successor shou, super sweet, sweeter than first love.

Associated Names
One entry per line
I Am Incomplete Without You
My Five Elements Are Short Of You
Wǒ wǔxíng quē nǐ
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Latest Release

Date Group Release
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06/23/23 Chrysanthemum Garden c2
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09/19/20 inversetranslation c37
08/31/20 inversetranslation c36
08/09/20 inversetranslation c35
07/29/20 inversetranslation c34
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30 Reviews sorted by

mercyriddle rated it
November 22, 2019
Status: c21
This had absolutely shot up the ranks to become one of my favourite novels. The characters are slowly built up and fleshed out, and the world building is as important as the relationships, but isn't delivered in a info dump or anything.

It's funny too, genuinely funny.

I also appreciate the lack of internalised h*mophobia. I hate reading stories where the character spends a bunch of time hating gay people and loathing the concept of them being gay.

In this, the MC knows that he is gay, he's just a shy... more>> man who hasn't made a move on anyone before.

The conflict between him and the ML is about personality, history and power differentials. That's so much more interesting then someone freaking out over liking a boy.

The translation is crisp and smooth, very nice to read. The notes at the end are very informative as well.

Also I really appreciate the translator giving a warning for a joke about skin colour. I have fallen in love with danmei novels but so often there will be ableist slurs or ideas and colourism.

Its thoughtful and caring to let the audience know about potentially hurtful content and as a reader I was very impressed by the translator's integrity <<less
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ThisisJust2Good rated it
March 31, 2024
Status: Completed
4.4 The horror aspect was done very well. There was an over-reaching plot element, broken down into several situations that really kept the momentum going. Also, props for the comedic voice. However, there was one aspect that was definite lacking: the slow burn romance was closer to a gas fireplace's pilot light; just a lonely flickering fire waiting for an ignition cue from a remote filled with dead batteries. Also, a personal pet peeve: if one of the leads has a disability, please honour that disability. Being blind is a... more>> major ass inconvenience to the person suffering from it. Show that. More than once I felt like the author forgot the ML's original character setting. <<less
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harukoyoshi rated it
December 3, 2022
Status: --
This is my very first review as the novel is really worth reading. Fair mixture of comedy and fluffs on horror genre. Interesting plots and characters. I so wish someone could translate this interesting novel till the end. I have to MTL the rest since I couldn't drop.


Wish I could have more scenes on Xiao Jin and Lin Jue

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July 11, 2022
Status: c40
The story is focusing on the supernatural/ghosts and the romance is slow burn, but omg the story is so funnnn! MC personality is also funny and interesting! I’m sad that there’s only MTL version available after chap40 (difficult to understand for me), but thank god it is soon to be sold and transplanted into my native language!

highly recommended!
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September 16, 2021
Status: Completed
It was so beautiful I like how all the main chara not a single dog but still dare to abuse the single dog.
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SpicaGG rated it
March 11, 2021
Status: Completed
it's quite cute, the adventure is so so, the romance is quite slow but still got it's sweet moment in the middle. No real conflict and dog blood drama.I would actually gv it a 3.7
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September 30, 2020
Status: Completed
I want to say that the horror element in this story is really100x thrilling! I got goosebumps all over reading this!

Regarding the romance, it is slow-burn, but the MC fall in love with ML pretty early in the story. And the ML, he is quite restrained in his action, thus u can't really understand his emotion towards MC at the beginning. But is obvious from his actions that his attention & care towards MC is special.

Last, the translation quality is really superb! Unfortunately there's no progress anymore that I end... more>> up MTL-ing this novel. I still can enjoy the novel, and the horror is still there though it become lesser due to reading from mtl. <<less
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ashiiknees rated it
May 5, 2020
Status: c22
I really love this story. It’s very entertaining and it has some really cool elements that make it a super enjoyable read. I really like the feng shui (i hope I spelled it right) aspect of the story. Very, Very excited for future updates. Thank You translators for all your hard work! Because of you I got to read this so I’m super happy and grateful.
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cmd35 rated it
February 17, 2020
Status: c26
Interesting story. A good balance of funny and serious interactions. I like the characters, though maybe too much humor is at Shen Yiqiong's expense. Poor kid. Funny author's notes +1.
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so1thought rated it
December 2, 2019
Status: c21
Excellent quality translation. Explains relevant terms, retains elements of the chinese language humour; just all-round fantastic.

The novel itself is interesting, and fun. Highly recommended!
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