Miracle Throne


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The youngest Wiseman of the continent, Chu Tian, has traveled 30,000 years back in time to the age of antiquity due to an accident.

This is a prosperous era. Rare herbs, minerals, treasure relics and monsters can be easily found throughout the land.

However, this is also an undeveloped era. Communications, traffic, martial arts and technology are in its early stage of development. Prosperous cities lack lighting while its citizens are uneducated.

Our decisive MC using his future knowledge creates Magic powered light bulbs, magic powered telephones, magic powered cannons, magic powered computers, artificial intelligence, psyche internet. 30,000 years worth of knowledge allows him to create miracles and shine brightly in this era. Allowing him to conquer the land and sit firmly on the throne of the 10 realms.

Associated Names
One entry per line
Kỳ Tích Vương Tọa
Related Series
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Recommendation Lists
  1. Leidos
  2. Male Protagonist
  3. everything little little in to the middle
  4. BEST WorldBuilding
  5. Reborn in Another World/Game & Transmigration

Latest Release

Date Group Release
04/10/19 Radiant Translations c538
04/09/19 Radiant Translations c537
04/07/19 Radiant Translations c536
04/06/19 Radiant Translations c535
04/05/19 Radiant Translations c534
04/03/19 Radiant Translations c533
04/02/19 Radiant Translations c532
03/31/19 Radiant Translations c531
03/30/19 Radiant Translations c530
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03/27/19 Radiant Translations c528
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46 Reviews sorted by

deathcoy rated it
February 1, 2017
Status: v6c589

After reading 6 volumes, I recommend just reading Release That Witch instead. Its the same thing except cultivation is replaced with magic, much superior read.

Setting is a world of cultivation and the protagonist gets send back into the distant past, revolutionizing the undeveloped era, introducing inventions of the future and monopolizing the trade and commerce as well as centralizing the government and political structure.

The xianxia part really gets into the way of the novel, with its cliche plotline, monotonous characters and unimaginative narrative. You'll be seeing a lot of the "saving the helpless princess" scenario or a cast of incompetent companions and a protagonist that magically has the answer to everything to badly written antagonist with very dumb schemes that'll make you facepalm at the uninspired turn of events. Throw in boring combat where fighters take turns shouting the name of their powers, skills, moves till an anti-climatic final showdown and it gets extremely tiring. Predictable and boring.

The entire cultivation and technology concept is also poorly thought of. There is very little synergy and makes no sense. Author blatantly throws anything we find in our modern world into the olden cultivation era. Cultivation is in itself a very powerful tool so much so that it makes technology pointless and vice versa. Author tired to make both aspects sync and compliment each other but the ideas are just too far fetched and redundant. In my honest opinion, author took a wrong approach in combining cultivation with technology, its definitely a plausible concept but it also needs logic.

Furthermore, the idea is not very fleshed out, lots of "short cuts" were taken to make the synergy work. Whatever intricate technological workings that are required, are replaced by and explained by cultivation Qi. It is just too convenient. Don't get me wrong, guns in a xianxia setting is realistic and possible but the most important factor is how you weave the 2 vastly differing ideas together and make it sound convincing. Skyfire Avenue and Release That Witch are a good examples of how its done.

If you're bored and looking for something to read to pass time (like me), then this novel ain't too bad. If you want a worthwhile and fulfilling read, then avoid this.

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MyRAMEN rated it
July 1, 2019
Status: c98
I love these types of novels but this one was truly an upset. The author put all his bran into first 50 chaps, everything after is likem god its like isekai. Would do 3star for the quality but good idea for story etc. but let me state something here-


Ive tried/read over 500 translated novels and kept about 100 on my reading list with reading another 100 for a while before dropping it and I can say that like 70% of the... more>> novel is from other works but with some minor differences with also the name/place/circumstance and/or rewards from it also being changed. Even the characters had similar personalities to others Ive read before... Oh also cliche dull chinese plot of Oh Im rich, do stuff and flae people, beat them up, which I dont count as copy as it is just cliche.

I cant provide direct references to the book names or character names but I can provide examples that maybe someone other than me will remember which novel it is from.


First time MC went out of city he went to a ruin trial. The first stae of tria was walk forward a small path where jumping off path will kill you, while there are rewards off the path but the wind will kill you before you can get there or back. This is copied from a novel where same scene but they r being chased while falling off path wll just teleport u back to entrance, this was either a clan or sect trial I dont remember


Business circumstance thing was copied from Returning From Immortal World

Characters also strikingly similar to other novels, Im too laxy to point though...


Cultivaters here get spirit in 9th realm, copied from the astral spirit things as even description and what it does is very similar


Lots more like even the medicine but theres so much that I dont want to waste my time as this is already long.

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Eriht rated it
January 1, 2019
Status: c97

It is not bad novel but that only don't make it good either, just decent.

Fights take few line, rest of chapters is filled with taunting and threats. When author is in mood, MC will evade *traditional 10 moves* only to one shot later. Then again, since fighting are sooo meaningless, enemies are mass produced with +2 of protagonist current cultivation and - 10**x intelligence.

Romance can be described as masochistic virg*n Japanese. Statistically half of females joined harem by buttock spanking, yet few chapters later they tr*sh our once dominant MC for random reasons. Enjoy, since its all comedy available.

Genius protagonist - not really, since he just pull *insert invention* randomly when he fell like it - mostly to show off. Thinking about it, most of transmigrators do this -.-

Rant: Cultivation, you would think that MC speed/age will be best in *region*, however first 2 females, while being untalented af before, are always ahead of him for no reason. Soon I just wished for their tragic deaths and author even builded setup for it - only to grant them plot armor surviving strike from 5* cultivation levels above.

tldr: Rated 2.9992 for: ok - just not for me
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Lynxfury rated it
November 22, 2018
Status: c151
This novel has both good and bad points, but the flaws are mostly the same flaws that most Chinese novels have. As I am reading a Chinese novel I cannot expect to detract stars for things that are to be expected. It would be like picking up a harry potter book and getting upset about the magic not making sense.

The good points however are such that I rate this novel highly within its genre.

It's setting is fairly unique, not ancient china but more borderline industrial age. They have printing presses... more>> and newspapers, companies and stocks. Some things are above that line, others below it, and some are in the fuzzy grey zone that occurs when you bring in magic, cultivation, and tamable magic beasts. Why develop a car when you can tame a giant bird and fly though the sky kinda situations.

The females have actual personalities AND character development. It's not top notch development true, but its much better than most other Chinese novels I've read. They feel closer to real people with all the good and bad that entails.

Yes the MC for all his smarts does do some very s*upid things sometimes, relying on deus ex machina to survive the situations he could have easily avoided being in in the first place with the tiniest bit of prudence. Once again, This is a chinese novel. They WANT their heros to be able to bulldoze though all opposition through strength and/or luck. At least this one adds in intelligence and (godly/uncanny/unlikely) foresight into his means of dealing with situations and you often cant help grinning at the sheer bravado and skill with which he takes down his enemies in those situations. <<less
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Davr rated it
June 16, 2017
Status: c77
July 8, 2017:

Decided to give this novel a second chance, but was disappointed by the repetitiveness of the plot and dropped it again. June 16, 2017:

This novel could have been better. The author also nailed the arrogant and eccentric character traits for the MC. But, the reason I'm giving this novel two stars is because the author places a huge limiting factor on the MC from the start in the form of two girls. The author also decided to make the MC start his business with these two girls, foreshadowing... more>> that these girls will continue to make appearances throughout the rest of the novel. In the end, the two girls will become burdens for the MC before he is strong enough to properly take care of them.

This is the classic case of the author being too anxious to show off the MC's superior knowledge without sufficient world-building and character development. <<less
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Iris Lazuli rated it
February 23, 2017
Status: c81
The plot armor here is strong and no tension/suspense at all for the MC 'cause he'll just force his way to solve most of them

The novel premise started out good but then it just suddenly follow the typical xian xia cliche, where some young master or older generation will find the MC as irritating or something else and will provoke them and as we all know how it goes on cliches they will meet their end on the hands of MC.
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storybookknight rated it
February 5, 2017
Status: c61
A shallow, insipid story with a one-note main character and an almost complete lack of anything resembling dramatic tension. There are plenty of good stories with overpowered main characters, but this isn't one of them.
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May 27, 2023
Status: c90
Do not be fooled by people claiming this is commerce building novel and gets better after how many chapters. It's a bog standard trope filled xianxia.

The commerce building and inventions are a small part that when finally completed, give no return to MC because as always, the money the shop makes quickly becomes useless as MC skips few levels of power. It's like fighting for million gold coins, but the next day the needed currency are spirit stones and he needs 100 of them and one spirit stone is 10... more>> millions coins - this is only comparison.

So if inventions are not useful and are only used to slap few faces, what is left?

We are left with cruel MC that kills almost all enemies and cripple the rest. While threatening to r*pe someone 15 to 20 times (MC's words, not mine) a While author has the audacity to write a sentence that says the MC almost never kills. It's the worst kind of white knight hypocrisy. Where pretty girls don't get killed, even when they attack him to kill him, but anyone else gets killed.

The only saving grace are the female cultivators that have more personality than just lusting for the MC. But even that gets pushed back as they become background characters.

So if not inventing or running business, what did MC do? He explored typical xianxia ruins and got typical xianxia inheritance, that despite MC constantly claiming future skills are better, somehow is amazing. <<less
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OldManGu rated it
January 11, 2022
Status: c25
I highly suspect that the author of this novel was a child. He was probably around 14 when he wrote this. Every character acts straightforward and childish. They all have mental issues. The villains are all the epitome of evil and can’t just be your average cultivator trying to get ahead. His allies are all filled with love and goodness. They have the hearts and minds of a newborn baby. The MC doesn’t care that he has the strength of a weak little ant. He makes enemies with everybody he... more>> meets and lets his plot armor bail him out. He’s not like Li Qiye who can get out of any situation with his endless knowledge and schemes. This MC has stated that he would be killed from a 6th Level Body Refinement Realm cultivator when he was in the 3rd Level. He said that he needed to reach the peak of the 4th realm to beat him. This is from the same MC that killed a cultivator at the 3rd Level like it was nothing when he wasn’t even at the 1st Level. The MC was shocked when a enemy tried to kill him after he destroyed his clan. How would a person called the Youngest Wiseman not understand that people wanted him dead after making countless enemies. I’m shocked it was just that guy and not the alchemist in the spirit awakening realm that he cursed for being lower than a dog. This MC is literally leaving his life in random peoples hands. He has the blind belief that they will wish and be able to protect him. Everybody knows how that the MC understands insanely valuable information and yet nobody strong ever comes and takes him. It’s not like he has some powerful 24/7 bodyguard to keep the bad guys away. He’s always by himself with the weak girl. It would literally take nothing to capture him. There is a difference from being brave and s*upid. For example jumping off a plane with a parachute is brave. Jumping off without one is s*upid. This MC is the type to jump off without one and hope a magical wind catches him. It also looks like he has the worlds strongest chick magnet. He already has 3 harem members in the starter village. That may be a new record or at least a tie. <<less
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TundraDweller rated it
February 5, 2021
Status: c82
I'll revise my originally scathing review. This novel has one good point: after the initial wave, there are no more arrogant young masters jumping out for the rest of the novel. The MC is surrounded by female characters and the author makes it clear it will be a harem. But the novel doesn't reach that point because it was discontinued. There are no male supporting characters aside from one or two in the earlier parts who are completely forgotten once the MC and his entourage of females move on.
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AlexCavallero rated it
September 19, 2020
Status: --
Its good though there are some boring chapter but its nice, its similar to release that with but with other concept. The MC is c*cky and arrogant but at the same time not cold and willing to protect his allies with his life unlike other generic MC. The author had some wild imagination and good naration.
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Alfha Robby
Alfha Robby rated it
October 31, 2019
Status: c658
already finish reading this novel which I think is pretty much bland or even bad sometime since its all about the all knowing great sage were return to the past (approximately around 30.000 years in the past) where the world is still on feudal age where Human race on the rise, theres no industrialization yet so main character decide to make use of his knowledge to start a Business Empire in order to quickly accumulate resources and yes main character were so successful that he literally become the strongest Being... more>> in His Plane in just around 5 years which normally even imperial family of strongest country need to cultivate around 300 ~ 500 years in order to reach the peak existance in the plane.

well here's the good part.

1). Main Character were Alpha Character where he won't even hesitate to offend opponent that were more powerful than him if they get on his way.

2). Also there's no that much romance and the harem qere somewhat vague since its only the two sisters they have romantic interest toward MC while the rest of female simply thought of him as a good person that always protect them and they always try to repay MC kindness by working harder at managing his Business Empire.

3). I love how the author always manage to create a great Story Line in order to make reader not feel the story felt repetitive

despite author always use same formula (MC accumulate resources -> other family were jealous of his success and arrogant pick fight with him. -&Gt; MC literally kill every single one of them -> MC become the peak existence of said place -> MC move to higher rank country and repeat back to MC gain sucess and, arrogant family try to pick a fight with him)

, for example there's this female that always try to kill him numerous time but in the end he decide to save her life, and surprise to think the MC intend to make use of that female family influence in order to help protect and work together with aid family since he really need backing due to him literally offend most powerful family in said territory, really like a businessman where there's no eternal enemy only eternal interest so nope MC didn't save the arrogant female simply for cliche but because the well thought of plan from MC.

well heres the bad part of this story.

1). Although the story is about technology and territory the story felt somewhat lackluster in this area which make it simply a cultivation story instead of improving technology and Business to accumulate resources.

2). Although the antagonist isn't s*upid but they're still predictable due to pride and arrogance blind their judgement also MC literally kill his enemy way too swiftly so it doesn't fell really satisfy reading their downfall.

3). The story near the end kinda felt rushed. <<less
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HaxersDoom rated it
September 6, 2019
Status: c600
Well... I got to the part where some stuff happens that left me pretty puzzled as to how the story would continue. Felt like the scope of the MC's influence was extending too fast and too much compared to how small the world seemed to be.

I go back to Novel updates to check how many chapters the novel has, and it seems to have been dropped 50 chapters later. Funny how you can already see the signs of a novel running into a dead end 50 chapters in advance.
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odernatter rated it
May 5, 2019
Status: c274
Not quite bad and also not very good novel. MC is from the future, but technology in this world isn't science but cultivation based. So he knows more advenced talismans and alchemy arrays not gunpowder, making this much more interesting read. At the beggining cliches are apparent but bearable unlike much of other CN. But there are two typical character traits which are escalating quickly: arrogance and women caused brainmelting.

... more>>

He constantly kills or cripples people with powerful backing without any valid reason. At some point he killed King's Envoy because he dared to offer him business prosposition. Really. This caused a shitstorm and small scaled war. It was just exhausting to read an entire arc about something which which was created because such idiotic behaviour. His business model is also s*upid and based on absurd level of thougthlessness and greed.


About women - there is a lot of them and they all have around one character trait. One is cold, one is s*upid, another agressive. They all have no agenda, love MC and each other. And all tr*sh him without reason, complain and recive BILLIONS of gold worth gifts from MC. Then they will scold him if he will touch their hand and he goes along with it.

Two sisters mentioned in other reviews are the worst. He has no reason to help them, they are talentless and younger one is ret*rded. He invest millions in them because they have big b**bs, he can't even look at.


There are things which are fun but author just don't use it. Talismans for instance are introduced as the basis of the world and then forgotten and almost no mention about them within 250 chapters. In this place he introduces guns which is deal breaker for me.

But like I said it isn't that bad. I hard to tell positive qualities of this book but it has ones. Overall worldbulding, characters, cultivation is just better that in average CN. <<less
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DudeBroEliteKid rated it
January 30, 2019
Status: c163
You like MLM? You like price gouging? You like unnecessary DRM (while at other times encouraging people to pirate his stuff) ?
Well this is the book for you!

Really it's fairly decently written and interesting but the idea that his company does well just annoys me. And while MC is plot-armor-extreme the side girls are not totally worthless.
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kingtape rated it
July 20, 2017
Status: c105
Like other reviewers mentioned, this novel is incredibly repetitive. Every single villain has the same character. Every single person is arrogant, and whenever they die, they always scream "You dare to kill me? I am [insert young master name] of [insert some place]"

It's almost as repetitive as Martial God Space. That's how bad it is. At some point you just can't suspend your disbelief. These characters are so mechanically the same that it's hard to believe in the world the author is trying to build.
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Fourthaid rated it
April 30, 2017
Status: c103
I want to like this novel more, believe me. It has plenty for me to enjoy, it has an arrogant and ruthless MC, there's a time travelling element, the general world while generic as hell has the right elements, the fights aren't going over 10+ chapters describing the same actions and yelling out the name of the same move over and over again, there's plenty of face slapping (both literally and figuratively) so you would think that since I don't mind that combination of elements that I would rate it... more>> more than a 3 out of 5...

However, the biggest problem for me is that there is no room for the novel to breath, take in the world and relax in-between action scenes. It's like a gigantic conveyor belt of arrogant "antagonists" (I use that word lightly) that have lined up to get utterly humiliated/mu*dered by the MC. And don't get me wrong, I enjoyed how cleverly the MC handled most of these people by throwing their own words back at them after one-upping them... the first 5 times he did it. Now the conveyor belt of antagonists is also a thing in something like Library of Heaven's Path, but in LoHP there is an actual difference between the methods the MC uses at the very least, and instead of jumping right into the spinning fan blades to die at the MC's hands, most of the haughty folks in LoHP have a very quick change of attitude after first witnessing the MC's OPness. In MT, no one seems to learn the lesson from the ones who came before them.

If there was actually some time taken out between these scenes, I think it wouldn't stick out as such a sore thumb. It would also allow the author to provide us with more insights into what has thus far been a cast of side characters that are simply soulless husks that are only there to stroke the MC's ego, build up the world better (though I suspect this is done intentionally so that once the MC actually becomes too strong for his current situation he can just toss another area's superduper cultivators at him even though it seemed just a few chapters ago that being cultivated at rank X and Y was basically a Godly level of power that no one could withstand) and maybe even allow some actual plot to develop beyond what has thus far been a very rinse-repeat plotline for over 100 chapters.

Now I might be coming down pretty hard on this novel, but I still think there's something good in all of this. The first thing that sticks out to me is that the fight scenes are very brief. Almost too brief, even for my standards, but of the two extremes there's no question I would choose simple over complex when it comes to fight scenes in novels. However, again we run into the same issue as mentioned previously with the same pattern repeating. Victory happens, 9 out of 10 times, with the use of a single move, and everyone (even the ones who have seen Chu Tian do it 50 times at this point) must make sure to react strongly to this every time.

Another positive for me is how this is more of a PED simulation than sitting inside of a cave for 50+ years to cultivate, there's an immediacy that the MC's quick increase in strength produces that is hard to feel when within two chapters in other works, decades have passed.

And while I would hardly call the female harem members 3 dimensional, at the very least they are distinct from each other (Though the latest inductee, Yao, certainly seems like Yun Lite...) Now it's nothing more than the author slapping one single token distinction on each of them, but at least it's more than what most females get in the majority of novels of its ilk.

TL;DR: If the novel just took a few time outs in-between mini-arcs to expand the world and co-cast, and actually gave some good development to at the very least a single, main antagonist and/or focused more on the development of the company it would easily get a 4/5. <<less
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CharlieSierra rated it
February 9, 2017
Status: c73
While this is yet another reincarnation story, the twist is that the MC is thrown way back into the past (tens of thousands of years). Our MC has quite the... interesting... personality, and has serious business skills in addition to the usual high spec alchemy/array/cultivation skills as well as the usual almighty anger-everyone-to-death ability.

He is supposed to be a 'Wiseman' of his own time but so far he has just been using what he knows from the future. I expect that after technology in the current time improves that he'll be able to use his own creativity and knowledge more rather than regurgitate products from the future. Currently the storyline is switching away from the business/tech-innovation/cultivation plot to the pure cultivation plot and I'm also hoping to go back to have more of a mixed plot type.

There are several well endowed, high spec harem candidates, as well as some decent plotting (from both the MC and others). Overall, not a bad read but has the potential to do better.
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JustDiededed rated it
August 5, 2016
Status: c18
As others said before, it's very much alike SOTR. MC travels back in time with knowledge superior to those at that time (not really reincarnated, but that's not clear. He's just a superior being from the future that got to the past after a failed experiment) and deals with everything and everyone very arrogantly. I find it awesome. It's nothing new, but it's a good read and I really like the characters. Though, so far, there's no one really complex, you can see that there's more to most of them... more>> that meets the eye. So, if you enjoy ruthless, overbearing, OP MC's, just go have fun reading it. My only complaint here is the release rate, which is kinda subpar. <<less
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FeiShen rated it
August 31, 2019
Status: c590
Good plot, but really bad characters and choices. MC is not really a Genius, Genius but only an above Geniusly fool, you can find his choices really annoying or foolish and he really doesn't think of the consequences. He is bad at analysis of the situation he is more like he's knowledgeable but not wise. Most of his choices comes from the others, supporter not MC. At first it's good but its bad. The romance is bad, you can't even call it romance. Very biased on females, if you know... more>> the enemy is a girl, in the future she will follow him. Meng Qingwu is the only girl that's useful at least for me. And I thought he is the one that will make technologies but not really he just leaves it to the researchers then at unexpected situation suddenly comes a new technology. He may say he is bad at this thing but suddenly becomes good at it then revert back to it. Just.... aghhhh <<less
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