Martial Peak


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The journey to the martial peak is a lonely, solitary and long one. In the face of adversity, you must survive and remain unyielding. Only then can you break through and continue on your journey to become the strongest. High Heaven Pavilion tests its disciples in the harshest ways to prepare them for this journey. One day the lowly sweeper Yang Kai managed to obtain a black book, setting him on the road to the peak of the martials world.

Associated Names
One entry per line
Wu Lian Dianfeng
Wǔ Liàn Diān Fēng
Related Series
Ancient Strengthening Technique (3)
Martial World (3)
Martial God Asura (3)
Pivot of the Sky (3)
Cheeky Sword God (3)
Coiling Dragon (3)
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118 Reviews sorted by

Zie403 rated it
July 7, 2019
Status: c449
I've read up to chapter 449 so I'd like to think I know a decent portion of the novel.

The MC is relatable and realistic. His harem is big if you like that as well as s*x scenes. Love interests don't become useless, but do have to be saved once in a while, so lower rating for that. Fast and steady cultivation progress. In most novels they purity and density of Qi is important, but this novel truly shows how important it is. MC has a short past and powerful family.... more>> MC actually makes and improves martial skills unlike any other MC in any series. <<less
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jordansainvil rated it
August 4, 2017
Status: c190
The MC of this story is really hateful. In the first 100 chapters of the story I actually really liked the MC, he was calm but also really blood thirsty when he fights. In the beginning of the story whenever the MC was hit by a strong opponent he grew excited and started getting stronger and fiercer as the fight gradually continued, for some reason that seemed to disappear with the MC growing more Cautious to letting anyone see his true powers.

In the beginning of the story you see the... more>> MC being 'Bullied' by his fellow disciples (not really being bullied as much as being taken advantage of) for being weak, but even through that he still remains calm and it was not like everyone he met hated him in fact their was a lot of side characters who acted very nice to the MC but after the story progresses the MC becomes a huge d*ck who seems to not give a damn about innocent people, I say this because I was currently reading the arc were the MC is taken to an island with kidnapped innocents were he doesn't try to save anyone he's just out looking out for his own skin without helping anyone. I don't think the MC has to be heroic every time he sees something bad happening but when you see that level of evil and you do nothing but seek benefits it really leaves a bad taste in my mouth.

Okay the arc begins with him entering a city with dirty and ripped clothes looking like a beggar, he stands motionless in the streets while meditating but a little girl sees him their and assumes he's crazy so the little girl invites him to her house. She is completely poor and only lives with her grandfather after her parents was kidnapped and taken to an island by an evil sect, after some Time in staying with the grandpa and granddaughter pair he suddenly heats noise coming from the outside of the door, the evil sect disciples appear and want to take the away the grandpa and the granddaughter but through certain means the MC goes in their stead. After the MC arrives do you think he searches for the mother and father of the little girl? No, he just continues looking for be idiots even though a bunch of innocent people were kidnapped by this sect he does nothing to free them and only watches out for benifits that can raise up his cultivation. You would think that since he was once weak and poor he would sympathize with the weak and poor but this MC doesn't give a damn about other people, I hate him and this story. Also it's not only him that has this attitude when it comes to Chinese lightnovels It's seems every MC are heartless bastards who don't 'meddle' with others problems even when he has the power to help, I really do hate this character trait in Chinese lightnovels. <<less
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Oz-kun rated it
November 4, 2019
Status: c-606
What to say in this WN? Not that Great nor Bad. Martial Peak, If you're going to ignore everything and just focus on the plot not minding the contradiction and force plot. Then you might find it, a 'Great' WN. Too bad for me it wasn't that good. I couldn't Ignore those minor details that being left behind, Like I said earilier. The way how the author wrote the senario was only one man story, Everything else is Irrelevent. How is it irrelevent? I already knew that there is no... more>> "Romance" tag from this WN, but never expect It is much more worst than I anticipated. The Harem tag or what ever tag it is, was only meant for the MC advantage. What do I mean from that? I means the tags are fake or more like wasn't deserving to have such a tags. IDK what type of mentality the author have, But for sure I know from the original site, It has been harshly critized, the writer wasn't plexible enough and finding some short of ridiculous excuses, which is a bad taste for me. Well I wouldn't mind it, If it only happened for once or twice, but It happens for quite alot of numbers and It was pretty irritating. But that is not the reason why I gave this WN one star. The reason behind it is, The only alive person on the story was the MC, everyone around him felt like an accessories that you can change swap on a whim of the writer. Building a development from the characters for a while then disregarding It like, It doesn't exist, then what's the point for building their current development and then putting it aside later on? It doesn't makes sense for me. The story itself was a one dimentional, It was like the letter that written was on the eye of the MC himself. The other character felt like they're not alive, If wasn't even mention to the story line you would even forgot they exist. Never the less, the action scene and few mayor arc is enjoyable, but It wasn't enough for me to raise anoter star from it. Well this is my review for Ch 1 to Ch 606, I might change it once more. I only writing this so to lessen your expectation from this WN, the plot wasn't design for a novel, It was more like for a manhwa. It is quite a torture to read, but if you only focus on the manhwa, you wouldn't be fruatrated to death from the unessesary details and from how the writer leaving behind the important details. That's all for now. <<less
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bodesagaz rated it
April 27, 2021
Status: c1911
What you expect from this kind of story. Gets shittier as the chapters go on.

You will come to a point where 20 whole chapters of people just insulting each other will happen. Not exaggerating btw. The author makes way too much effort to ensure that everyone that goes against the MC in any way possible is the worst scum that ever existed. Naturally as the story progresses there is a increasing need to make the new "villains" worse and worse, which is why the insults can go on for 20... more>> chapters. That and to fill the numbers as well, as making the audience hate the villains is easier than to get us invested in the story.

So it comes to this: heroines have no personalities, just their "auras" or whatever. Basically they are distinguishable due to being indifferent, shy or unreasonable. That's it, it's all the depth you've got. MC? Empty shell. Sometimes cruel, sometimes pushover. Cruel when the story is going on as it is necessary to get rid of the enemies. When there's nothing going on, the author makes the MC as a complete pushover for a while, making him completely out of character, so that people are somewhat justified to get to mess with him. After a decade of this nonsense however, he gets cruel again and makes them pay. The author makes very clear to us the the MC is just one tool of his, which makes incredibly difficult to actually care about him.

The scenario however, is just bad instead of the tr*sh we are used to see. Sure, when he gets to the "peak" of whatever part of the universe he is currently in, which is always, yes ALWAYS mysteriously sealed from the rest of the universe somehow, the conflicts between those "experts" at the peak that used to be rare start happening all the time, often for absolutely no reason, just to some punches to be thrown around and show how awesome the MC is. That's bad ofc, but hey we're used to MUCH worse. I still remember about stories where super mega divine dragon whatever talented protagonists literally go to somewhere were the time is stopped to train, and when he gets out everyone magically caught up to him in 10x less time then the super genius. Wow, just wow. And even when there isn't everybody cultivating on steroids to make fodders for the story all the time, when the protagonist gets to the top yea then at this time everybody does so as well just because the story has to go on.

So. Besides the scenario which is just bad, everything else is pretty tr*shy. Though, you can read without hitting you limit for a while, as it gets progressively worse instead of just starting 100% tr*sh. Anyway, that's it I guess.

I hope you don't come here with high expectations. The MC is your typical super genius with even more super mega luck, whose actions don't make much sense but hey he is the genius, not you. The story isn't that interesting either, we don't feel like any particular fight or moment has any meaning to it, it would be alright even if the MC lost but we know he always wins so 2x meh. If you dislike cheap humor which is what drives you to these dark parts of the NU, can bear with low quality fights, and can read a story without any sense o meaning to it as the only thing grabbing your attention is just how blandly bad the villains are, then you can read this for a while at least. I got to almost 2k chapters so hell my tolerance is nearly dangerous to myself. <<less
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Greywolf rated it
October 15, 2020
Status: c4207
Gave an extra star just because it's quite fun reading this novel. That's it.

I strongly suggests that only mature people read this novel. And no, not only because of the cheap p*rn. The unrealistic luck and characterization of the characters will be very detrimental for the mental health, especially young readers, serious.

Luck is still passable. You can write it of as fate, I can accept that. That is gives the progression of power for the MC and also the story. What is unacceptable is the inconsistencies of the principles of... more>> the characters. You can see the writer doesn't have a balanced and consistent measurement for anything.

Be it the number of strong guys in a certain story arc, the cheap writing of the OP skills that doesn't cost anything to drive (imagine having items that is permanent, non consumable, have the power to kill one whole big realm above, zero consumption so you can spam happy, kill multitudes of people way above your realm anytime you like).

Yuan Magnetic Divine Gourd is an example; an emperor senior can kill any number of 3rd-4th rank Open Heaven without consuming any significant amount of energy, without the need of recharge. Very-very lazy way of writing.

Good authors still have a sense of balance somewhere; they still abide to the balance of the law of the conservation of energy.

Not this one.

The author also discounts the need to have consistency in the principles held by the characters. The author depicts the MC as a perfect, righteous, leader, so much so that it broke moral principles a character can hold.


The Tong Xuan Pillar trap. A genius protector who protects the realm by exposing the most crucial part, protecting it with a restriction that chains people to it, giving people no choice but to break the pillar if they want to save people mistakenly captured by the trap. Oh, he left a wisp of his spirit to warn people, but what he did is only give a masked warning while smiling misteriously all the time, no sense of urgency to give a red alert at all. What a way to write.



Zhu Qing wedding's saga is one; Fu Zhun's actions (not just character) are too severe, and the conflict and the hatred is too deep, the characters are too proud, while the resolution of the conflict is too shallow in the side of the characters. It is doable actually, but a good writer can make it as a tear jerker while keeping the characterization realistic



I think the latest, Guo Zi Yan / Blood Geese Continent incident is what made me feel it is enough. His most trusted subordinate sent cultivation materials for the daughter, but not only the materials be embezzled, but her cultivation path was cruelly cut. But what did the MC did to punish the immoral and despicable culprits? Give them a promotion. I don't know, maybe the author tries to portray the MC as a shrewd while broad-hearted leader, but that is not a mentally healthy shrewd and just leader, no matter how good and broad his heart is, will do. MC just depends on a Loyalty List, while it only controls life and death, not thought and actions. It's like an owner of a company goes to jail, bails Bernard Madoff (google if you don't know) out, saying that he won't try to embezzle your money just because you will kill him if you found out, to manage your largest money making machine. Or like putting your hand inside a box with a cobra inside after you threaten to kill it if it bites you.


Look. Some people think that since it's a fantasy you can write whatever you want and throw common sense out of the window. That is not good writing. While you can create whatever world, creature, power system, you want, but consistent world laws and principles cannot be missing.

This novel can cause immature readers, especially those who have a weak minded tendency, to have false sense of moral and social principles. You know, those people who believe all the hoax and cannot accept hard facts just because they don't want to? If you want them to multiply, just give innocent kids this novel. <<less
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tides rated it
August 9, 2018
Status: c1047
The novel starts off well but it quickly becomes tr*sh.

The MC character also changes quickly.

For example, he threatened to wipe out the demon race in front of the demon king who he can only run away. He is clear that he cannot win but still he does it anyway. He also r*ped one girl and immediately said he didn't want to take any responsibility. Funny because it was the same thing that happened with Su Yan but he wants Su Yan so badly vs this girl who has done nothing but help him. Later one he also tries to r*pe another girl and only stopped after she threatened to break his dantian.

This MC isn't the same guy you read in the first 700 chapters anymore. He becomes utter tr*sh for no reason. High realms also keep on popping out for no reason and the novel drags on to 4000+ chapters when it should have ended around 1800

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zeshan105 rated it
June 3, 2022
Status: c1950
MC almost always let female enemies go for no reason. And would kill male no bodies for no reason what so ever. Aside from one female lead all members of his harem started out as enemies. The female leads tried to kill him at every interaction. I especially hate the cross dressing crazy bit*h Xue Yue. I was hoping the writer will get rid of her at some point but low and behold, he decided to make her the latest harem member. For this point alone, f*ck the author and... more>> I will continue to curse him and his 7 past and future generations everyday for the rest of my life.

Another bad point is that MC would start some conflict with random people when he can just release his aura and inform the other party that his cultivation is at a level where he is the strongest person on that realm. But no he would rather initiate misunderstandings, get innocent bystanders involved, then would just stand on the side until the helping bystander's half family is killed and they are on verge of committing su*cide. At the last minute he would step in and everything is resolved by him releasing his aura and showing off his cultivation level. But the question is what is the point of stepping in now anyway ?

This crap novel is very very over rated. I kept reading hoping for it to get better. With 3000 plus chapters out you would assume there must be atleast some redeeming quality in this novel somewhere but 1950 chapters in and I could not find even one. I cannot deal with this nonsense any more and I am dropping this. <<less
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kkgoh rated it
August 5, 2021
Status: c3500
The Doritos of CN xianxia novels.

You got your arrogant young masters, r*pey arrogant young masters, arrogant old masters, r*pey arrogant old masters, alluring women of all specializations/looks/personalities, last minute plot-armor-no-jutsu, no-means-yes-means-metwo/methreesome plots, recurring women-who-keep-disappearing-forcing-MC-to-look-for-them plots, recurring MC-stumbling-across-cheat-items plots, pointless-every-person-MC-helps-is-a-hot-woman plots, constant isekai/realm elevation plots, alchemy refining, array establishing, beastiality rearing, face-slapping themes.

Decent starter CN novel for the uninitiated, and for h**ny teenagers who are interested in lame chin-rotica along with author's weird fascination with pubic hair and breasts.

Theoretically unreadable since it would blind your titanium dog eyes, but I'm currently... more>> on an unhealthy junk novel binge diet.

EDIT (as of c2200) : I have to admit, junk food eventually grows on you. The recycled themes of pointless face-smacking, pseudo cuckholding, bringing-MC's-cultivation-up-just-to-strike-him-down, pointless woman collecting, keeps you barely interested enough to keep going. Since there are so many chapters translated, you just skim through the mountains of filler text with each chapter taking just a few minutes to read.
Still 2-stars, but it's cultivation realm has evolved from Doritos to fried chicken (not Colonel grade).

Edit (as of c3500) : Eventually too much junk food starts affecting your health, and you finally realize what a crock of sh*t you've been putting into your body. The failure of this novel ultimately rests with a problematic MC and his slow, disguised hypocritical behavior. We initially started our journey following a young downtrodden man seeking to climb to the top of the martial peak, all while fighting the injustices against him by stronger powers. We end up with a MC who becomes OP and bullies weaker, non-aggressive people/factions just because he can. What a d*ck. Literally. Because you know, MC thinks with his smaller head all the time too. <<less
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jaybirdmcfee rated it
April 6, 2017
Status: v7c635
At the point of this writing I'm considering dropping the novel for a few rather significant reasons; however, I'm still giving it 3 stars because it is entertaining enough for someone who really wants something to read.

1. The MC doesn't show character growth:
*His behavior is consistent, often irrational, and he's got plenty of plot armor to get away with it.

2. The mc's actions are predictable:
* The writing can be obnoxiously expository and plot armor gets stronger as the story progresses, so it becomes predictable because the author over-explains things consistently and because the MC never really suffers for long (and if he does it somehow aids his cultivation).

3. R*pe, because this is a real turnoff for a lot of people (myself included) (long spoiler)

This may be the only instance of the MC raping someone.

Around chapter 630 the MC r*pes a girl he is indebted to. The author paints this as a smart/necessary way to save the girls life, but it was a gratuitous action spurred on by shoddy writing. Here's a bit more on that scenario.

The MC temporarily agrees to help Yun Xuan's union group on a mission because he didn't want to owe her for something she gave him— even though she insisted the debt didn't need to be repaid, and she had used the gift to win over the mc's friend. On the expedition things go pretty well but then the MC notices something is wrong and warns everybody but they don't listen and react slowly because of it, the MC gets away fine but several of them die and are injured before the survivors manage to escape.

It turns out that a human shaped monster (extremely provocative and beautiful human-female shaped monster) at a high boundary killed the group's most powerful expert and is now sadistically killing them off one by one. As only four of them remain (including the mc), the MC lures the monster out. The monster makes two of them faint, and then proceeds to help the MC sleep with Yun Xuan at his suggestion (he suggested it because he wants to get the monster close to kill it), Yun Xuan is extremely unwilling but is drugged by the monster's spiritual knowledge (divine sense, soul power, whatever you want to call it) and acts lustfully. The MC is drugged as well, but unlike Yun Xuan he is completely 100% able to break free of the drugging, and even if he doesn't he isn't weak enough to be subject to the control of the monster (this is proven by how he turns arounds and kills the monster when it gets close).

So the MC r*pes Yun Xuan while she's drugged to get the monster close and then kills it when the monster injures them both to take their blood essence (which it feeds on, specifically though it feeds on the blood essence of copulating males and females). The two surviving members that were knocked out (or made to faint, if you will), then wake up. The male (Zhou long or something, I think), discovers that the MC r*ped Yun Xuan and is jealous/enraged so he attacks the MC. The MC then kills him, but neither Yun Xuan or the other female care. Yun Xuan seems to forgive the MC for raping her even though she's bitter (gee, really?), but the MC never apologizes and acts as if he doesn't owe her anything.

The other female threatens to reveal the mc's actions several times but he implies that if he killed her no one would know, and she is silenced. Some how or another (within the next 2-3 chapters after the r*pe), both surviving females seem to grow fond of the MC, and don't hold him accountable (not thanks to his apologizing or anything).

The mc's only saving grace in this scenario is that he avenged a lot of people who died, and saves a few lives (although Yun Xuan expressed that she would rather die than be tarnished, and almost killed herself but was stopped by the monster).

And that's the gist of it of the scenario.

I'd like to point out that no one (or very few people) would have died if he had fought in the first place (which his track record shows he was well capable of, despite whatever bullsh*t the author was smoking when he wrote the chapter).

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alexyay rated it
June 22, 2020
Status: c110
The most uninspired, lackluster, skeleton chinese martial world book out there.

Literally like a machine wrote this book. No character building for the MC, he's just naturally better at everything than everyone.

Fighting older, higher level fighters - no problem! A few kicks and punches and their dead. As for him, he can be fighting multiple higher realm opponents, have a million wounds, and he just gets stronger. His fighting will/bloodthirst is off the charts, but there's no backstory or reason for it.

Also literally every girl he meets wants him and helps... more>> him with little to no comment on why. Obviously, every other man in this world are pe*verts who want to r*pe and own these women even with their prestigious backround.

Characters are there to help or go against MC, have no backstory and are 1-D.

If you like the stereotypical tropes in these books with no uniqueness or reason, it might be enough to hold your attention. <<less
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avidnovelreader95 rated it
July 4, 2020
Status: c1101
okay seriously I just decided to pick this up again and read to the most current chapter but seriously the author should go f*ck himself like why does every god damn author write like this. its as if they themselves don't give a shit, if thats the case then get the fk out of the industry and stop ruining it for other people who would genuinely want to put their hard effort into writing a piece of art

so far I'm currently on the 3rd world arc.... the first 1 was... more>> probably the only thing that was remotly original after that everything is just a copy and paste of the previous one. also the decision making in this is ridiculous i'd even go as far as saying it might actually be worse than martial god asura yeah... I can't even believe this.

let me give some examples: in the most current arc he literally flys into the starry sky in search of his f*cking girl yep who woulda thought. oh btw keep in mind he did this when he was saint realm 1 so he was pretty weak. now any rational person woulda leveled up a bit more maybe to say saint realm 3 before he charged out there with limited preparation. I guess the only argument would then be well I got to make every second count out there to find her but the reality is the f*cking space is so huge that its unrealistic to even find her in a short span of time in the first place so why not rank up your strength which would undoubtedly speed up the process and make it far safer. of course something so rational would obviously not be factored because of the authors f*cking mental ret*rdation.

ooh oh oh thats not even the end of it this one blew my mind later he realizes its pretty impractical running all over the place to find her so he decideds to make a name for himself thus spreading the word in hopes that she might hear about it wherever she is. but instead of joining a well developed force that would undoubtly provide him better aid in his growth he f*cking walks around pokes his nose in someone else business for no reason yea sound familiar and literally almost gets himself killed drifts in space for a while ends up in some backwater area wakes up and then be like hmm why not join this undeveloped force and try to make a name for myself yeap god f*cking help this author like how much brain damage do you have to have to actually write something like this and believe this sh*t is legit are you kidding me?

this isn't even counting the other multitude of systemic issues in this novel. honestly im pretty fed up with this as every author is pretty much like this with the exception of a few.

either way don't read waste of time only reason I'm reading is I'm out of novels and I just wanted to catch up to the most recent chapter anyways after this fiasco probably will drop after reaching the most recent. <<less
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White Dragon
White Dragon rated it
February 2, 2020
Status: c5052
Endless mysteries, amazing worlds, thrilling battles, various unique races a little comedy here and there and many more little things kept me involved in the novel for so long.

This novel has a lot of problems common in 99% Chinese novels... Bad romance, 1d villians, overpowered luck of MC, forgotten characters, filler arcs etc etc.

So far, one can split this novel into six major arcs. (A lil spoiler ahead)

... more>> Small world, cultivation cap transcendent.

Main world, cultivation cap saint king.

Starry sky, cultivation cap void king.

Star boundary, cultivation cap, great emperor.

Outer universe, cultivation cap open heaven 9-rank.

Ancient battlefield.. cultivation cap unknown, so far same as outer universe.

The last arc is ongoing and as thrilling as the first and it's that thrill that's so addictive.

Every arc has its own plus and negatives, I just can't judge it as a bad novel or a good novel so I rated it 5 star because I really enjoyed reading so far, I wouldn't mind another 5000 chapters.

This novel isn't boring at all. It keeps me involved in this intriguing journey of the MC where he rises to the martial peak again and again through effort, scheming, hard work, talent and luck, only to find he is a frog in a well and continues to struggle.

And it's not all about him, also about those around him and those strangers to him. <<less
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webnovellife rated it
June 1, 2021
Status: c5500
Worst web-novel to read.

The start is good and you will enjoy the story till the middle that is about chapter 3000 but after that it feels like the author got lazy. It feels like he is writing just for the sake of extending the story to cash on, there is no effort put into it, plot becomes dumb and s*upid after some time, all the actions of the MC becomes inconsistent, after some time that specific sense of the character fades away and it feels he is just there to... more>> justify author's dull plot.

The 2 stars are for the novel I enjoyed which author lost in the middle somewhere other wise even 0 stars will be more than enough for the sh*t I am reading right now.

If you are anything like me, if you have a habit of leaving everything aside till you finish the novel at hand then don't start this one you will regret ever started reading this. <<less
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surfbeach rated it
March 28, 2017
Status: c1862
I read about 1862 chapters, let me tell you how I feel.

... more>>

The novel is ok, not good, not great, not shitty, just ok, like some reviewers said, the only good aspect about the MC is his unyelding character, thats it.

The novel is called MP, you kinda expect a MC who will train hard, try to understand the differents lawa, principals of his different skills, yet all he does is relying on his cheat item, like some reviewers said.

He got the all mighty left demon eye, which can absorbe the immortal soul of those who were dead not long ago, and guess what, he can purify it then absorb it, which means he absorb the comprehension of heavenly laws with it, thats how the story goes, from the moment he understood how the eye work.

No training in skill, almost no comprehension by himself, just kill and take the other one soul and absorb it.

Thats not really what I call reaching the MP.

When I read the title, I was expecting a MC following the way of Ji Ning in DE, or MEng Hao in ISSH, you know the kinda character who train themselve, dont rely on cheat items, they try to understand the heavenly laws by themself, this dude have been doing the same sh*t from the begining, kill, absorb, have no problem to breakthrough to the next level, repeat the cycle.

ANd yes, this dude is oozing of luck, the heck, all the heavenly items that exists, guess what, he has them, I mean come on. When he was on his native star, he got the memory of the demon god about his experience in alchemy, thus he became the first alchemis, with his wife of course, in his native star.

Then he goes to the star territory, guess what, he actualy find another dead body who left his inheritence about alchemy, and this dead dude was actualy the number one alchemist, yet again.

Seems like im complaining alot about this novel, believe me, it started actually good, it was interesting, it was kinda refreshing, sure its not that different from other CN novel, incredibly s*upid bullies who come bother the MC, either he run then come back for revenge, or kill them on the spot, I quite like how ruthless he is.

Another good thing about this novel is how the MC come and create a freaking organisation/sect by himself in each new place we are introduced, he is a loner, which I like, he doesnt have a master, he grew stronger until he reached the most powerhouse level in star territory, around ch1850, he founded a sect, a really strong sect at that.

Another shortcoming of this novel, we are at 3500 chapters now, but believe me, 40% of them are useless, too many blabla on it, I mean the author introduce characters and start some minor, useless arc without any impact on the story, when I was reading, I swear at some point I just scrapped some chapters, like 5 or 10 of them, and guess what, I wasnt even lost in the story.

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sudipto rated it
October 25, 2021
Status: c1832
It is funny that even after reaching the becoming one of the strongest man in the starfield, but people still refer to Yang Kai as kid, brat, little boy etc. And try to defame him at the first chance they get. Even who are younger and less powerful than him does not wait a second to think before spouting insults. Are all people is so eager to die or, the author has become so used to writing this way and can not get out of it anymore?

I try not to... more>> drop any novel so easily once I start reading something. I have only read upto 1832 chapters and don't know what other 4000+ chapters holds, but the author has clearly reached his limit with this story here. He can no longer provide any surprise and just beating around the bush with same style of plots on and on. So far, I enjoyed wasting my time, but I am gonna stop here. <<less
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Ardin rated it
October 14, 2021
Status: --
There could be a lot of reasons to like or dislike a novel. For me, it's pretty hard to read a novel when MC makes enemies without good reason. And for 67 chapters that I've read, he either makes unreasonable or marginally unreasonable conflicts. I can't say it 1/5 as I definitely met worse stories, but for me, it also doesn't deserve 3/5 as I wasn't able to continue to read it past chapter 67.

... more>>

There was a bully with a good background, and after MC beats him once, he continues to piss the bully by beating his subordinates. It's kinda okay, but later he saves the bully and makes more powerful enemies. Which makes zero sense to me. And he does it more than once. Also, there are enough marginally unreasonable conflicts that I won't waste time explaining.

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phreakinsane rated it
March 4, 2021
Status: c609
This starts off much better than some of those degenerate written novels but eventually author falls into same degenerate trap that seems to be part of their culture.

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MC cheating on his wife with random girl for lame paper thin reasoning then does the other girl again yet refuses to take responsibility for it. (If she became part of the harem I'd not be so pissed... IF the first time he also hadn't r*ped her, so that too is drop worthy imo


At this point I dropped and will try to block out the last few chapters from my memory. Cheating is never ok for me in a story. It ruins the entire thing. Add in that MC r*ped the chick and you can see author was forcing it and it didn't make sense judging by MC's previous battles..

Yeah. Im done. <<less
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mooteh rated it
January 18, 2021
Status: c1705
MC quickly devolves into some as*hole that only moves for profits and poontang. MC acts in a provocative manner just so the story can justify his killings. MC is not humble at all and constantly strokes his own ego at every opportunity. Author writes the story in a way where the MC always arrives just in time to save the day.

Finally, the story has alot of inconsistencies.

  • When he discovered some transportation altar that one of his harem members used, he destroyed it. Several years later, he comes back to it in order to use it and it's somehow in perfect condition.
  • The MC was initially a waste, meaning he was not some cultivation genius with god given aptitude, yet somehow, after he inherited the golden skelton, he gained all this wisdom on how to cultivate without any instruction or guidance. The skeleton only raised his aptitude, not his knowledge.
  • He looted several artifacts in the holy tomb, used only one and the rest were never mentioned of again.
  • He preaches that he doesn't go around killing innocent people or finding trouble with other. Lies! During the auction arc, he followed the dude that bought the map intent on robbing him. Also, because of his greed, he stole the domain mountain, killing nearly 200 innocent people just cultivating. But he brushes it off by saying that he gave a warning. All he said was "Run" out loud.
  • Author can't even remember his own story. Suyan left tong xian realm as a Transcendent but later on, author says that she was a 3rd order saint. MC's void travel distance is all over the place. MC learns all these secret skills that gets used for certain arcs and never hear of it again. Even his devil transformation never gets used again. Last time was after he fused his qi to check if he can still use it.
  • The ice Phoenix MC has on him is supposed to be the 2nd half of the inheritance for his wifey but when he met her, she didn't have the first half on her and his somehow turned into the full inheritance.
  • After he got the 2nd half of his dragon inheritance, he was able to turn into that dragon which he did in several fights. But later on, he mentions that he doesn't know how to mainpulate it just so he author can introduce another secret skill that'll get tossed out later.
  • MC says that he has never used any offensive artifacts and just uses his body but in the earlier arcs, he always had a sword on him.
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GeelHaarMonster rated it
December 16, 2020
Status: c998
Started out pretty good, entertaining enough to keep you reading constantly. First two major arc's are a good read, its easy enough to ignore some of the plot holes, as they are not super obvious. Much better than most other Chinese novels that go on this long. As the 2de ARC winds down, the story quality becomes horrible, and keeps getting worst into the 3de ARC.

1st ARC - 4 stars
2de ARC - 3.5 starts
3de ARC (c950+) - 2 Stars

I dropped the story soon after hitting the 3de ARC. Could not take the asinine decision making, major plot holes, major plot armor etc...

Also the character the MC built around himself suddenly disappears and he starts doing things that are completely against what his personality is.

TL quality is very good.
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Flapcat rated it
April 5, 2020
Status: c1171
I've read quite a few wuxia stories, but Martial Peak is still one of my favorites. I've re-read it a few times, but haven't gotten bored of the story or characters.

This is a wuxia story, and it definitely has plenty of the tropes associated with the genre, however the author does a great job making everything seem fresh, while still familiar. Unlike many other wuxia stories I've read Martial Peak hasn't gotten repetitive. (At least not yet ;)) The story follows the life of the MC, and, while there hasn't... more>> been any great overarching plots, it is a great example of why "may your life be interesting" is a curse. At one point even the MC is bemoaning the fact he hasn't had enough calm.

The other thing that makes this story one of my favorites is the protagonist, Yang Kai. He has a philosophy of returning both Good-will and ill-will, but unlike many other MCs he implements it in a more realistic ways. If someone mocks him, he'll mock back, or plot something that will embarrass them. It's when someone is after his life that he'll kill. He isn't a saint, but he's not a psycho killer either. Yang Kai is depicted as someone intelligent, driven, unyeilding, who can be completely ruthless when necessary, but still has a heart. He's used to schemes, and could even be called jaded, which is why he is very kind to his true friends and loved ones. I've seen other reviewers complain about the fact that he refuses girls that are throwing themselves at him. I actually really like that. It stays true to his unyeilding character, and his loyalty to those he cares about. <<less
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