Liu Yao: The Revitalization of Fuyao Sect


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A cultivation story about how a declining sect is restored by a narcissist, troublemaker, meanie, idiot, and wimpy kid.

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Coins of Destiny
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Льов Яо: Відродження спілки Фуяо
Лю Яо: Возрождение клана Фуяо
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ricoerrr rated it
March 31, 2022
Status: Completed

mc: cheng qian

ml: yan zhengming

summary: ... more>>

MC is taken into a cultivation sect as a child, where he finds family in his new master and the four other kids who becomes his martial siblings. their days of peace ends once their master dies and leadership passes onto ml. but theyre locked out of the sect and left to their own devices in a dog eat dog world with little to no cultivation of their own. MC dies in a conspiracy scheme but his soul lives on in a piece of jade. 100 years pass and he finishes cultivating a new body.

MC reunites with ML and the rest of his sect members and together they travel around the world finding a way to unseal their sect so they can go home. they come to realize how many of the recent disasters were all orchastrated by the imperial court to counterbalance powerful cultivators who have the means to shift world order. they also discover how millenia ago, their own sect fell to ruin as a result of this plot. under the influence of the court, their sect grandmaster jeopardized countless lives for a selfish wish, thereby making him the target of a coordinated attack. other similar world powers died one after the other, leaving the court the strongest one standing. MC and ML defeat the emperor behind the conspiracy, only to reveal a hidden enemy - mc's trusted friend who muddled the waters amidst the chaos to bring about more chaos. in a grand final battle, MC become victorious, and the wrongs of the past rights itself once more. they unseal their sect, go home, and leave the affairs of the world behind them.



this is, without a doubt, my most favourite priest novel as of yet. the worldbuilding is incredibly ambitious, well thought-out, and beautifully executed. I am absolutely in awe with priest's depiction of a hero's journey and how themes of home and family are made so poignant throughout the whole novel that it invokes such a strong sense of satisfaction and catharsis once our heroes finally achieve what they've been fighting ceaselessly for.

the concept of home is so integral to the story. home was the guiding light in their misfortune and becomes their sanctuary. its literally a barrier from the hubbub of the outside world where the members can find respite at the end of a long journey. and when the kids unsealed mt fuyao it was such an emotional moment. mt fuyao is a timepiece of their past and a reminder of how much theyve changed. reconnecting with it 100 years later is a humbling experience, in a way; these kids have achieved so much greatness and power in the outside world but home still brings them humility and yearning in a way nothing else can. priest's description of fuyao frozen in time only to thaw and flow once again is simply stunning and so apt.

regarding the cps:

mingqian is like watching a chuck of rock being seduced by a narcissist. its frustrating but it somehow works. in their childhood they were the closest (in actions) despite words saying otherwise. but the real paradigm shift was after the 100 separation when yan zhengmin developed his heart demons after cheng qian's death. its incredible how much this man yearns but doesnt even realize the extent of his affections. I mean, to make an imitation to cheng qian's likeliness, just to have someone keep you company at night, is totally not gay. nope. not at all. not to mention is own heart demons playing out a seductive cheng qian like a wet dream as if thats not what he wants the most. and the whole 'id pursue him if he were older than me' excuse was kinda bull. I get that he doesnt want power imbalance in the relationship but mingqian's dynamic never once points to that direction. cheng qian is just as strong and powerful as yan zhengming and his position as a shidi doesnt negate that. neither is cheng qian someone that'll be coerced into a relationship because his dashixiong forced it on him. but whatever. their romantic pursuits werent earth shattering but it was sweet, especially when they finally got together. its like a slow simmering type of romance, no noticeable turning points, sometimes overshadowed by the story, but its undeniable that they love each other deeply.

the most tragic thing in this novel is ruchun, and arguably my favourite thing simply because of how heartbreaking their story is. despite being a side cp and BE, they were more impactful than the main cp. theres actually not a lot of scenes with these two but the essence of their relationship (or more accurately, tong ru's yearning) is scattered throughout the novel as readers discover how the events unfolded hundred of years ago that shaped the current world, and tong ru's motives behind it. tong ru challenged the heavens for the person he loves and failed terribly, and he lived with the consequences of his actions even after death. for hundred of years he watched han muchun suffer in the body of weasel, unable to share joys or sorrows together, but he would continue to watch over the sect and muchun, ensuring their safety with his own souls. the most painful thing to read is how they both could no longer reincarnate. when they die, they die resolutely without a second chance at life. for cheng qian to call it ascending is just so so tragic.

and on that note - I really do like how priest tackled the topic of ascension. very early in the novel, it was argued that ascension is unreachable as no one has ever done it. and this question was always put under scrutiny as our main characters realize just how hard it is to ascend - even the thousand year old great powers are unable to reach the conditions for it. but what are the conditions exactly? to be formless, emotionless, nameless - isnt that to cease to exist? cheng qian learns that everything is simply a scam to keep cultivators in check because the sheer inbalance of power they have over mortals can easily lead to unbridled abuse. yet when humans set rules to balance it out, it naturally leads to corruption (ie: imperial bureau). so as a necessary leverage, its been lauded far and wide that good deeds and good morals grants a person immortality, as to have everyone practice self restraint.


and of course, my favorite parts of the book:

1. the entire ending of book 1 in the valley of no sorrows but especially the part where han muchun was teaching the five forms but cheng qian couldnt accept the fact his master was leaving him

2. cheng qian carried off high in the sky by shuikeng and seeing the vastness of fuyao mountain and becoming enlightened to the dao. the incredible imagery is just *mwah*

3. this passage that showcases han yuans humanity: "han yuan had secretly come to the foot of the mountain that day, and aggressively laid down a dangerous-looking array... just to hear the sounds of fuyao?"

4. when the kids unsealed fuyao mt and were overwhelmed by the familiarity of home but also the ruthless passage of time, and han yuan breaking down far in the distance :' (

5. "the man's penance term had probably been fulfilled, his heavy sin redeemed, and he had finally gone to be one with the land and its greenery" referring to tong ru finding peace and ruchun ascending together :'')


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lizbestraume rated it
November 3, 2021
Status: Completed
Now that I finally have free time to write a review, here are my thoughts about this novel.

Simply one of the best danmeis I've ever read. The #1 danmei in my list. If you're looking for romance, this might not be for you. ML and MC's relationship takes a really long time to build, and ML falls for MC first.

MC is independent, strong, and dare I say, an overall gong material. Meanwhile, our ML used to be a spoiled, narcissistic prick, but he finally grows into a less narcissistic powerful... more>> sword cultivator - even much more powerful than MC.

What I love the most about this danmei, however, is it realistically represents that to be a great cultivator, like every other normal person, you have to dedicate yourself to learn and practice hard. You don't get to suddenly become unbelievably powerful just because you're part of the main characters. Other than MC, the disciples in Fuyao Sect used to be simply... hopeless. MC was the only disciple who seriously wanted to learn cultivation, while the rest was mostly slacking off. The first disciple was very obsessed with his own beauty and dedicated his time to combing his hair/bathing; the second was always racking his brain to invent weird and absolutely useless pranks; the fourth was too absorbed in eating and stealing food; while the last was a child who was actually descendant of a powerful yao. Seriously, except for MC, it had seemed like most of them wouldn't have a bright future.

But, BOOM.

(Please don't read if you want to avoid a major spoiler.)


Each becomes a legend in their respective field. Plot twist! The laziest and seemingly less talented disciple in Fuyao Sect became a demon cultivator! It was kinda unexpected since MC had the potential to choose that path.


This novel will make you experience how it feels to eventually find the perfect family who's willing to fight with you. MC comes from a very poor family and has been pressured to be independent, so joining the Fuyao squad has been a blessing for him, even if he hated everyone at first, especially ML (LOL).

You'll witness a series of tragedies that these characters have to go through despite their young age and cry with them. You'll watch them grow up, facing many cultivators who deliberately mocked their lack of talents. But none of them gives up; they only thrives to be better and eventually become the legends that people will talk about. UGH, I'm so so proud of my boys and girl. [crap, here I go again, being unreasonably emotional about fictional characters, RIP.]

There are a lot of heartwrenching and sorrowful scenes, but it balances well with the amount of beautiful and hilarious moments that the author has written to make up for the angst. I lost count how many times I've laughed, cried, gasped, and yelled - I've never experienced this drastic roller coaster of emotions while reading a novel.

I'm sure all of you knows how brilliant Priest is. She only writes masterpieces and every single one of her novels is always on the next level. But still, I feel like Liu Yao is relatively underrated compared to her other works. Hopefully, after the donghua is released, more people will join our fandom. There's 0 news about the manhua, and we're seriously lacking fan works. I rarely find Liu Yao arts on Twitter, and I have read (literally) every Liu Yao fic on AO3. I'm desperate for more...

If you're reading my review, I hope this convinces you to finally add this to your reading list... Please. <<less
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hejikkk rated it
July 20, 2021
Status: Completed
wow this was unexpectedly good.



    • AWESOME intercharacter relationships
    • Brilliant humour (poor yzm ahahahahahHAH)
    • Plot in the first half was really good and clear

    • Plot in the second half starts to get really confusing really fast (tbh I still don't completely understand what happened in the final battle but whatever)
    • its too short
ok now that the REVIEW portion is out of the way, time for the rants:

(spoilers from chapters 80+)


BRUH WHY THEY GOTTA END JUST LIKE THATT. I don't even know how to feel there was no time to process anything in the finale.... literally fooled by the extras too cause I didn't notice that the 3 of them were collected into one chapter so the shock I experienced when I realised it was officially over... >:' (.

alsooo im pretty upset that han yuan has to guard the door for eternity (yep yep im super biased). wish he could just come and chill with the rest of the sect D': there was never the proper reunion scene with everyone either cries

btw does anyone know what happened to the remaining servant boy im so sorry I forgot your name?? did he just die or something'''' :sad:

wayyy too little said in the extras too. what about the training with their disciples?? how does the chicken become a yao king?? yzm and cq's relationship?? excuse me YOURE SUPPOSED TO EASE THE READERS OUT OF THE STORY NOT MAKE THEM MORE ATTACHED


yeah so anyways that was pretty good but I just feel sad now. hf guys
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July 4, 2021
Status: c109
I will start by saying this was an amazing book. The dedication that the characters have for one another especially the four martial brothers and martial sister. They trusted each other even when they weren't on the same side. Not saying that none were on the same side. But basically saying without giving away who it was, one was on the not-so-good side but also not on the bad side but either way, he still cared about what happened to his sect and always showed up when all else failed... more>> to try and help them from what I saw at least. I think what really broke him is what he did to one of his martial brothers and I think that played into the path that he took.
Cheng Qian the main character he had an immense dedication to his closest people and happened to be the second youngest out of the five only older than his younger martial sister. He protected them with all his might even if it would in the end kill him it didn't matter to him. He also didn't hesitate to go headfirst into things. He had a way with the people around him to influence them to do better or make them worse in their life. He was an amazing character especially seeing his character growth because it showed how much everything that happened to him really affected him.
Yan Zhengming who is the oldest out of them all only by a few years he is a narcissist in the beginning but is forced in the worst way to grow up through challenges in his life. He still holds his personality through everything but is extremely severe and prone to losing his temper when he feels like everything is lost. He has immense trauma from the past and feels a lot of guilt for what happens to his sect and the loss he feels after losing the people closest to him.
Li Yun is a character that didn't have much development because of the separation of certain characters. His growth in cultivation stayed stagnant for a long time simply because he didn't really have anyone around challenging him to do better. He is smart and very clear-headed aside from when he is really scared. He was rather cowardly when he was young but now that he is older he is a lot braver even though he doesn't like to fight. He is the most reasonable out of the brothers.
Han Yuan is the character I felt had a lot of guilt too. He was the naive character you shook your head at when he was young only to feel sympathy and pain when he was older. He loved his sect and Fuyao Mountain so much that he was in a lot of pain when they couldn't get back in. He was affected by trauma and his trauma guided him in a lot of his actions as he got older.
Han Tan the youngest and the only girl she is very carefree and when push comes to shove will try anything to protect her martial brothers if she has the chance. She does care about them dearly. She is mostly a coward and will go to her martial brothers for help if she deems the enemy stronger than her. She was closest to Cheng Qian when they were younger and states that he was the one to take care of her the most even if was a bit forceful.

In the end, they were all still kids who didn't have a real adult to guide them the way they needed to be guided. If they had a proper adult in their life they would have been better than what had happened to them.

As for the main villain, I KNEW IT! I swear I was saying this person popping back up suddenly and not being the villain is just simply impossible. I just didn't know why he was in the beginning and was slowly guessing why he was. I mean I didn't think he was right away after he popped back in the story but after a while, I was sure he was by the things he said or by some of the actions he did and made it seem like he did it without any thought when there was a lot of thought to his actions at all times.

I won't lie though I didn't like the ending it seemed like it didn't have anything finalized. I wish there was more to it than that type of ending. But I would never say this wasn't a good book because it was absolutely joyful.

There is one part when they are younger that I would say the second the battle started at Azure Island I knew that something was going to happen to the character (If you read you will know what I'm talking about... Hopefully)

OH YEAH! Does anyone know how to read the extras? Because those last couple chapters couldn't be the extras that would simply mind-blowing for me even more so than any part in the story. I want to read the three extras and if anyone can send me the link to it if possible that would be simply lovely. <<less
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StarPhia rated it
July 3, 2021
Status: Completed
Okay so this novel was absolutely amazing! Honestly, not only was the story quite fascinating, the characters were also amazing. The characters were all so loveable... not the bad guys though. There were twists you weren't quite expecting and the characters learn to grow as people and in ability. They surely don't start off strong and they don't end as the most strongest characters ever, but as strong characters period. There is a happy ending, but in a more realistic way in the sense that not everything was perfect and... more>> that not everyone got what they wanted, but it's not like they weren't happy.

First of all I would like to talk about the characters. The best aspect of this novel has to be the characters. The story is driven by 5 people from the Fu yao sect. They all are very chaotic and seem so different from each other, but also very similar. I honestly love the MC and ML, although at first it isn't obvious who the ML is, it becomes quite obvious later in the first book since he gets the most screen time other than the MC. I do love the stubborn and persistent MC, he isn't the strongest at first and he doesn't solely fight for justice. He couldn't care less about doing what is right, but he still fights for those he loves. I'm a sucker for the more secretive MCs who would rather do everything themselves and learn to lean on others. I love the MC's development in his abilities and character and I got to say that he almost made me cry like 4 times. I won't say much else about him since spoilers, but he is incredibly written and I love watching his painful journey to find a home. I love the ML to death as well, he is so funny. I don't get why some people don't like him, he is the light of my life! HE IS HILARIOUS! He learns to better himself and to take on responsibility and he suffers through so much in order to carry this ragtag family of his. Not only does he manage to painstakingly keep his juniors alive and the hope of revitalizing the sect, he also manages to keep his personality and doesn't give into despair even in his darkest times. He also learns to lean on other people, but in a different way. At first he was solely reliant on everyone to do his bidding, but he learns to take matters into his own hands and then to share the burden when he can't carry it. I also love the other 3 main characters. The second oldest is hilarious, he is so s*upid but smart, I cannot with him. He makes me laugh a lot, but not as much as the ML. And the 3 oldest, but the 4th junior brother is also just a gem, I really love his character development, but anything about it would be HUGE spoilers. He really grows as a person and as an adult. I also liked the youngest, she was so funny and cute and gosh. She is absolutely hilarious too. She, just like the 2nd oldest, doesn't go through much obvious character development but it is there. They both grow as people and learn to actually be dependable people. Honestly almost the entire book is about these 5 main characters. There are other important characters, but the entire story is centered around these 5. I honestly found it quite fascinating to read about this group of 5 dumb kids being forced to take on the world. The story is beautiful and where other novels have the main characters that come in and out of the picture, this novel sticks to these 5 and there is no other character more important than the 5.

The story is also very well written. It may not be the focus, but it was very well written. There are a lot of different things that the characters must overcome and solve. They have to weave together this string of events to find their place in this world. There are twists in the plot and stuff that makes you cry. Although somethings were a bit inconsistent at times (like power levels), the general plot was very interesting beneath the story of the 5 kids. What the world throws at them and what trials they must go through in order to make their own place in the world is essentially what the plot is. There are more characters and events, but at the heart of the story it is about 5 kids.

ROMANCE! There wasn't much, I mean there was a really cute romance starting in the 3rd book and its not like the two don't get together and aren't super lovey dovey. It's just not where the book is focused on. The romance and special connection between the MC and ML is apparent from early on in the book. But the novel isn't about them getting it on. It is about them finding a home in the other person and relying on each other. As 2 powerhouses, they both have to find their short comings and move on. I mean they kiss a few times and they have s*x... ok we don't read about it but it is heavily inferred that they did (MC is bottom). They are so cute together, their relationship is kinda chaotic but it is really sweet.

Shortcomings about the book. Ok so there weren't many, this was REALLY well written. I kinda wish there was some more happenings in the moral world. In the sense that the main characters would go into the moral world a bit more. It's kinda cute and funny when it does happen, but it's whatever since that isn't where the story is focused on. I can't think of much else I didn't like. I guess I wish there was more with the character's background. Like I wish Chen Qian got to see his family again, or that we got a little more on Yan Zhengming's (I can't spell) family and what exactly happened to them. Or pretty much anything on Li Yun. But again the story is about moving on by fixing the past, rather than wallowing in it. OH, power levels were a bit of a nightmare. It was written well in the sense that the characters are supposed to feel weak at times and that they aren't capable of everything, but at times it was bit weirdly inconsistent. And for some reason the characters could sustain any damage and still fight and what not. I mean it could be the whole thing about cultivators heal fast and can circulate their qi to heal wounds, but sometimes wounds would only serve a purpose in the current fight and would be negligible in the next one. It's a really small detail and not a huge deal though.

All in all 10/10. I LOVE IT!!! AMAZING. I have to say that this might be my favorite Priest book as of right now. 100% would reccomend <<less
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anotherworld20 rated it
February 19, 2021
Status: Completed
I will be honest

Did I enjoy it?

Yes, although it is difficult for me to understand the priest writing style (Chinese vocabulary) author writing style is very deep and meaningful... I learn Chinese autodidact so my brain working hard to understand it...

... more>> Did I laugh?


Did I cry?

No... I don't know why I don't... but I do feel bad for Mu Chun and the bird demon who died saving Xue Kheng from Tang Zhen.... That bird is so pure.... why?


This is my second time reading Priest novel... The first is Sha Po Lang.. I think I will only read priest novel if it's completely translate so I can enjoy the story line without using my brain to much.

The ending ?

I don't know I think I don't really satisfied... Probably I need some extra.. <<less
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veritere rated it
October 6, 2020
Status: c61
What a fantastic story this is. I waffled quite a bit on starting it, but once I got into it I couldn't tear myself away, to the point I resorted to MTL after catching up on the translation (which I'm still following - the translators are doing a fantastic job).

I love the humour, the found family and the sibling dynamics which felt so true to life, the pain of separation, the joy of reunion; every character is unique and has their own dynamic with the others; the MC and ML... more>> have a slow-burn romance with plenty of pining (my biggest weakness) but more than anything, they genuinely and deeply respect each other (after a hilariously rocky beginning). There are no s*upid characters in this story; they are all flawed and gifted and intensely, inescapably human. The plot is marvellous, with its twists, tragedies and triumphs emerging very naturally from the natures and choices of the characters in both the earlier generations of the sect as well as the current one.

This is also a deeply philosophical story that questions the nature of the quest for ascension and immortality, the acceptance of death, and touches on the reality of the lives of commoners in the xianxia worlds we all love to read about. This is one novel that left me thinking deeply after I read it, without being a heavy read.

I highly, highly recommend it. This is a novel that should not be missed. <<less
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Chuyin rated it
December 10, 2018
Status: v2c31
Time and again, Priest confronts the reader with eternal questions, the answer to which many people have been searching for all their lives. Since many of the characters in her works begin their journey (narration) as very young, we have the opportunity to contemplate the process of their maturation - the spiritual and the physical. These incredible children, who each go their own way, develop step by step, both independently and with the help of others.

At first, the story seemed funny to me, in it many events and the initial... more>> patterns of behavior of the characters are very comical. But, watching them, I freeze in admiration, because time after time they overcome themselves.

The fact that the English translation was interrupted breaks my heart (this is not a joke). I really love Chinese novels that make you think; besides - despite the fact that I love BL, one of the charming details of this book is that BL here is like a icing on the cake. Not the main direction, but rather a piquant addition.

This book made me think about many things, the answer to which, it seemed, I was looking for so long and did not see right in front of me. At the same time, to accept them, you need to work on yourself.

Translators have done a fantastic job to subtly convey the meaning of this story in English. But I still hope that this work will continue. I beg for it. <<less
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meridianna rated it
July 2, 2018
Status: Completed
the first thing that attracts me is the characters. They are so unique and fresh, also not 2-dimensional. Even in the middle I can relate to MC. He looks so annoying at first but then he has some depth. Just say, he's actually humanely. The interaction between brothers-sister is great too even after they meet again. Not to forget the master

he's so like a weasel becoz he's actually dead for long and integrated into a weasel. Man I won't forget that this so-unreliable master is very dear to his disciples :' (


i actually like the plot very much, but thanks to MTL, I can only understand bits. I know my comment will look cliche, but everything happens here has reason.
the only thing I dislike maybe the lack of smut. Well it's more to brotherhood than love anyway
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Arisa kyouka
Arisa kyouka
October 4, 2022
Status: --
This is my third priest novel. By now I know what to expect and not. I love priests novel for her world building. Her immersive story telling and most importantly the romance. If you are looking for a hardcore romance, not that it doesn’t fit, you should at best leave with a steamy kiss scene. Priest novels are about discovering love, embracing sexuality and about a long-standing relationships built on respect and understanding.

I loved what wenkexing and zhouzishu had as well as how cute yun lan and Shen wei were.... more>> And that’s pretty much how chengqian and zhengming was. I could compare zhengming to yunlan because they were both bold, colourful and proud of themselves. He was flirty and theatrical and that’s a classic priest novel ML. Chengqian is as wooden as zhouzishu. The likeness is uncanny. This is sort of a pattern in her novels, repetitive but enjoyable nevertheless.

Liu Yao is extremely plot driven sometimes slow and most times fast and it gets you to the edge of the seat but you need a lot of patience to analyse what happens in the story. It’s a semi confusing cultivation novel. But way more easier on the mind than shapolang. This is a story of five young members who reunite their sect after going through trials of friendship, love and of course tragedy. Throw in immortality, cultivation and ascension, it’s your everyday xianxia.
The highlight of the story is in the development of the five main characters as they go from self-centred fledglings to mature and responsible adults. Of the five I loved chengqian the best because he starts out to be a rough and ruthless boy. What makes chengqian special is that he is fully aware of his sour personality and proudly stands for what he believes in as but he grows older he is able to introspect himself and strives to become a better person.
Zhangming on the other hand is your average rich kid with no care in the world but all of a sudden he is burdened with the task of leading the sect and you see a remarkable change on him. A guy who needed to be taught morals had gradually eased into the role of a leader. Priest is an amazing author and through her writing we see a beautiful take on the cultivation world.

You have to read the novel to appreciate the sweet romance and the bonds of friendship served in priest style. <<less
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Ajonjoli1 rated it
September 7, 2022
Status: Completed
This novel of simply beautiful.


The premise may sound simple, but it hides more than meets the eye.

... more>> The plot is not dense like in other priest novels. But it's not very easy either, it's like a medium.

In general, the plot focuses on a family that is facing problems from their sect, but is also responsible for deconstructing the xianxia and wuxia genres.

There are sad and funny moments, nothing in excess.

I think the two parts of the book are good, I feel the first part its like a construction of the world and the characters, and the second part like the development of this world already built and planned.


although several characters do not exactly have a happy ending, it is a realistic ending. They don't pull anything out of thin air to save these characters, no, they just get their respective consequences.



there are FIVE protagonists, so it would be somewhat complicated to manage each one. But priest managed to make each character unique and different, each one having strengths and insecurities.

The secondary characters, although not as amazing as the main ones, are still well done.

Although my favorite part of the characters are the villains.

the reason why they became evil is related to a very important aspect of this novel (the deconstruction of xianxia and wuxia) for wanting to ascend, they ended up drifting and feeling empty. In my personal opinion, this is a very valuable detail.



The romance of this novel seems nice to me, it's slow but it makes sense.

The small romantic scenes that Priest leaves us around the novel are very cute, they never feel too corny, they feel natural.

I also like that the romance never overshadows the main plot.


In general it's a novel which is quite complete. It also brings a slightly different way of seeing death. (Not sure how to express it)

In my general opinion Liu Yao's strongest point is the way he deconstructs xianxia and wuxia. <<less
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AhhPop rated it
August 24, 2022
Status: Completed
I love this novel. It is a light read novel, but you still will experience a lot of heartbreaking moments as the story goes. It started with joyful and annoying kids who had no ambition, too much ambition, loved to play, and were curious about how to make toys to another level. You will see there were 5 people who lead the story and their characters were well-developed. Even though the story weighs more on brotherhood, the romance is there. At first, I was not able to tell between the... more>> two main characters who were the ML and who was the MC. But as the story went, you'll find it out. This way it indicates that love has no gender? I don't know, you tell me.

I love that while the story has a very happy ending, all characters don't necessarily reveal everything they know or their next move to their trusted people. For instance, the ML chose to not reveal the secret history between their sect grandfather and their master, and the MC did not try to explain the meaning of cultivation from his understanding to anyone. Even though he tried to give a hint to the ML, he just gave enough to ensure that the ML and he understood why they existed and why they should live on together. Their romance is little compared to other novels like MTXT's novels, but I can say that it is enough to lighten up your day. I give it 4 stars because the last part was quite rushed as the author, Priest seems to try to wrap it up. Not to mention, things always get in the way when the main characters started flirting. I meant, come on! Can't I have some sugar without distraction? Anyway, it is a very good novel, you should pick it up!! <<less
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iamblair rated it
May 11, 2022
Status: Completed
Solid five stars. I think I have used 'best'or 'one of the best' a lot but if I have to describe this novel, I think the most appropriate words would be beautiful and brilliant. There's just so much more to this than what was in that one-sentence description.

The pacing was good, and the characters and the plot were well-planned and developed. I think that this novel was focused on how the 5 disciples with different, and sometimes clashing, personalities revitalize their sect, solve the mysteries around them, and strengthen their... more>> bond not just as fellow disciples but as a family. The romance was there but it was more of a dessert rather than the main course. It was not the focus but it made the novel more colorful.

I like how it ends. It felt that every moment was justified but I can't seem to get over this with how much I enjoyed reading this. <<less
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March 27, 2022
Status: Completed
Another one of my favorites. At this point, priest can write about people going to the supermarket and I'll faithfully read all 800 pages of it.

This story features the Fuyao sect and starts off with an eccentric sect master taking in five disciples, each with their own distinct personalities, strengths, weaknesses and history. The first 30-40% of the novel establishes the found family dynamic. But disaster strikes. Their master is killed and the kids uncover a mu*der plot and discover a little of the dark history behind their sect. At this point, the oldest of the five is only a teenager and the youngest is a literally toddler. The oldest disciple has to become the sect master.

I felt so anxious for them! As the five try to journey home to the Fuyao mountain, more tragedy happens. The third disciple, our main character (Chengqian), is killed.

This was the moment when the novel came to life for me. The arc leading to Chengqian's death was absolutely heartbreaking to read because of the vivid descriptions of the others. Our other main character, the first disciple Yan Zhengming, goes into a state of helpless shock and denial. The descriptions of his emotions were really heartbreaking because they described the end of his childhood and the loss of his innocence.

Then we get a timeskip of a hundred years. I notice that priest often uses tragedy to further her characterization. In nearly all the novels by her that I've read, tragedy often moulds and matures many of her main characters - especially the idealistic, young and naive types.

The remnants of the Fuyao sect reunite after this timeskip. They're trying to find a way to unlock the seal placed on Fuyao mountain. Along the way, they discover conspiracies and uncover a lot of dark and bloody history. And that's the basic plot. I do wish that the story focused less on the five of them coming together, and more on the tragedy that shaped them and the timeskip...

This novel was many things. It's a coming-of-age novel that was gripping to read. There was humor and lighthearted back-and-forth among the brothers, and there were poignant and bittersweet moments. As always, priest describes the psychological very well and I'm in love with her characters. Yan Zhengming, the unfortunate boy who was thrust into a difficult and thankless leadership position, has actually grown very well into his role as the leader of a ragtag, struggling small sect, managing to take care of the younger disciples whilst searching for ways to break the seal, but he shows spurts of deep exhaustion, anger, frustration and helplessness. A big thread in the novel is his struggle with his inner demons (the xinmo - literally, heart demons), his sense of powerlessness, anger and insecurity, where he fantasizes about ditching all of them even though he knows he never would.

In the meantime, Chengqian's narrative thread touches on how he moves from a cold, aloof and indifferent view of the world (he literally resurrects as a sort of ice/jade spirit) into someone who feels, struggles and is tied to life and living (partly thanks to the romance subplot).

This novel also felt a bit like a deep dive into mortality and a sort of analysis of the wuxia genre. In wuxia, cultivators often spend their whole life cultivating to become good enough to ascend to the heavens, where one presumably lives happily, powerfully and peacefully for eternity (commented on in Heaven Official’s Blessing 天官赐福).

In this novel, the entire idea of heaven is taken apart and examined. Many of the antagonists are characters who have experienced hardship, who want to escape to something better, or they chase after the golden fruit of heavenly immortality and use it to justify inhuman acts, etc, but the protagonists' discover the deeply hidden secret of their world: transcending human consciousness doesn't lead to heavenly immortality. Instead, it leads to a state very like Dust in The Golden Compass- becoming part of the universe.

In every wuxia novel, people become cultivators to escape the pain, powerlessness and suffering of ordinary life. When they become cultivators, they become powerful, and they work hard to ascend to heaven, where heaven becomes the goal that gives meaning to all their actions. Now that the main characters discover that there is no heaven, many of the actions and efforts of the antagonists' and even the protagonists' suddenly become meaningless. In the end, the novel seemed to suggest to me that no matter how powerful one became, there was no escaping mortality, pain and suffering.

It was a thought-provoking read. There was a lot about life and the attachments one forms to life, love, mortality, responsibility, morality, choice... There were some really beautiful quotes in here. I couldn't help but think of Buddhism - it's not the goal, but the journey that is important.
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Mysterious Reader
Mysterious Reader rated it
March 20, 2022
Status: Completed
This is my personal favourite novel from Priest. As expected from her, the plot is absolutely mind-blowing and amazing. I first thought that this won't be my cup of tea since the first few chapters are hard for me to engage. However, as the story moves on, it becomes more and more interesting with mysteries waiting to be uncovered.

About the characters, some might find Yan Zhengming annoying due to his narcisstic and arrogant behaviour, but he is my favourite lol. He might be childish, but it's becaue he grew up... more>> being spoiled by his parents, and come on, he has an easygoing behaviour too cuz he will always forget about things that upset him once he saw something that keeps his attention. And, his character growth is what makes him more likeable. You can see the suffer and regret he went through to grow up from a delicate young master to one of the most powerful sword cultivators of his generations. I'm a hardcore Yan Zhengming fan since I like his idgaf attitude. And Cheng Qian, just like other Priest's shous, is a complete badass with an independent personality. He is very cold and aloof on the outside, but he cares a lot about the people he is close to. He didn't mind risking his own life to protect those people and has a strong desire to be stonger so that he could protect his loved ones. Every other charcter has their own developments too.


And I'm really crying over the tragic love story of Tong Ru and Han Muchun. They obviously deserve a happy ending. I know what Tong Ru did is wrong but can we please take a moment to appreciate his pain-staken efforts. His willingness to endure anything for the sake of his Xiao-chun really wins me over. I know this is not neccessary but I just wanna show my appreciation for him.


Priest is known for focuisng more on the plot than the romance, but you will be fed with occasional dog food that pops up randomly. The plot is one of a kind and has unexpected twists and turns. Overall, I think this deserves a 5 stars rating in my opinion. One of the best cultivation novels I've ever read. So stop wasting your time reading my review and go READ IT!!!! <<less
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wife zhengming
wife zhengming rated it
March 14, 2022
Status: Completed
I made an account just to say that this book is an absolute must-read :DDD

The plot

At the start of the story, you really don't know where the plot is headed. What's Fuyao??? Why are we revitalizing it???

It establishes the Fuyao sect, as well as the developing relationships between the disciples and their master, as well as how they slowly advance in their cultivation. The beginning 1/3 of the novel is focused within Fuyao Sect, with the main focus being the disciples' cultivation, as well as many scenes with their master,... more>> Han Muchun. If you like training montages, and the effort and progression that a character can show, Liu Yao has a bunch of them across different skill sets.

After the major shift that happens near the middle, they slowly start to introduce things outside of the sect, as well as the mysteries within the sect.

The little scenes are just as important as the grander, larger-than-life scenes. I can still remember scenes from the beginning chapters like the one where Han Muchun holds Cheng Qian and covers him with his own robe despite being pelted by the rain. It's scenes like these that evoke nostalgia, especially when the latter half of the novel starts.

I can't really talk about the plot without spoiling it, but it is an absolute roller coaster of a ride with lots of focus on family, cultivation, ascension, swordplay (LOTS), corruption, self-righteousness, greed, good and evil, love, death and what it really means to be immortal.

The characters

The characters are the driving force of the novel, especially the five disciples. Their devotion to each other + their interactions are so heartwarming to read. The main five, Chen Qiang, Yan Zhengming, Li Yun, Han Tan, and Han Yuan, all have their own unique personalities and skillsets. They're always teasing and bickering, but there is always an undercurrent of love and worry in their interactions. The beginning arcs really show the development of their relationship, from how they go as hostile sect members to siblings that would sacrifice their entire being for each other, uncaring of the world.

Even the side characters like Nian Dada and You Liang were treated with care, offering closure, as well as letting them have their own character development. The main villain isn't cartoonishly evil, and the build-up to their reveal is foreshadowed really, REALLY good, and their motivations were explored really well. Heck, even

Bian Xu

had some moments where my heart felt heavy for him.

The romance

I think if you're looking for a romance-focused novel, this book probably isn't the one you're looking for. Though the romance is important and heavily featured in the latter half of the novel, the familial relations + the mysteries are the ones that take center stage in the plot. The CP is a case of the cold and unromantic one vs. The starry-eyed love martyr. Their interactions are really hilarious but have enough serious moments that make the relationship meaningful. They also have!!! Some of the most romantic lines I have ever read!!!!!!!!!! LIKE THE

"you are already my unbreakable tether to this world of red dust"

it's so them.

Definitely subtler than your usual danmei, but that makes the scenes where they are openly romantic more worthwhile.


Liu Yao is a slow starter, for sure, but once they establish the characters, their relationships, the settings, as well as the mysteries surrounding them, you won't be able to put it down. If you're just starting on danmei, I wouldn't really recommend this as your starter novel, unless you're ready to research certain terms every five sentences.

The plot of Fuyao is all-encompassing, spanning a century of events, and follows the five disciples as they navigate through childhood to adulthood, with each difficulty shaping them, for better or for worse. And despite everything, they still end up together, all to the same destination- home.

Overall a very refreshing book!!! Love it!!!!!!! I cried so hard because of it!!!!!!!!!!! I do think that there are some things in Liu Yao that people might not like, but I guess you can say "it's a feature, not a bug" :DDD <<less
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riule111 rated it
March 10, 2022
Status: c95
Currently in love with this novel. I'm 10 chapters short of finishing but will get there soon.

The first part of the novel feels very bittersweet after you read the rest, as youths the free and easy days feel distant yet that warmth left an indelible trace on the characters.

The change and development, as well as the relationship between each of the characters, are also great, MC goes from not caring and highkey finding their sect brothers annoying to "somewhere along the way, he'd gained so many weaknesses that if any... more>> of them were to be touched, he would be in so much pain he would rather die." (crying)

The latter part of the novel ngl were filled with cultivation terms that may be hard to follow sometimes, but the main selling points of this story for me were the characters and the fraternal bond between them. I love how they don't care as much about anything else that's happening in the world as long as they got to stay together and go back home.

"Afterall, as long as the people were there, anywhere could be a home." <<less
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auraizen rated it
February 20, 2022
Status: Completed
The plot is confusing along with the writing style, which made it difficult to read. Maybe it's not for me, but I didn't like the unanswered questions in the end. It ended so abruptly and we don't know how anyone's life turned out, even the main couple. It left me unsatisfied.

Though, the main characters were all lovable and very human with lots of growth which I liked
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aniakviii rated it
February 18, 2022
Status: Completed
I must admit, Priest is one of my favorite web-novel authors. The description was also interesting, so I expected a lot from Liu Yao - and I was not disappointed. First of all, this is a novel about finding your place in the world which contains a lot of in-depth reflections, so it is not a light read. In addition to that (and this is what makes me love her work this much), Priest trusts the reader to figure out the characters' thoughts and motivations on their own. While reading... more>> her works, you have to get to know the characters in order for their actions to make sense to you. This is also the reason why in some reviews people complain that the romance was underdeveloped.


The relationship between Yan Zhengming and Cheng Qian didn't appear out of thin air. It is only that Priest left those five years after Han Muchun's death to our imagination. In that time they grew up and learnt to rely on each other, but we only see their before and after. Also, Cheng Qian's death right after they leave the island kind of makes it look like they started liking each other only because they spent a hundred years apart, even if it was not what had happened.


When it comes to the characters, they are all amazingly written and likable. The character development plays a major part in Liu Yao, which is understandable considering that during the plot the main group grows from literal kids to adults. I especially liked the way Yan Zhengming changed. It would not be believable if he suddenly became a whole new person just because he had to undertake responsibility. He has matured, of course, but his character mostly stayed the same.

The worldbuilding is spot-on, the plot is great and as I already said, I love the characters. The only problem I have with Liu Yao is that it is not longer - not because I want it to have more plot, but rather because 109 chapters is nowhere near enough for the plot that it already has. Although the story is absolutely incredible, the pacing in the second half was, in my opinion, too quick. If I had to nitpick over something, there were also a couple of moments that seemed a bit deux-ex-machina-esque, but they still fitted the plot and didn't bug me that much.

Overall, I really recommend reading Liu Yao to everyone who likes slow burn and analyzing what they read. If you are looking for a light-hearted romance story, it will not suit your taste. <<less
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Sachi00 rated it
September 4, 2021
Status: Completed
This is a very engaging novel once you get past the relatively slow start, and the relationship between the MC and ML is very well done! Subtle enough that it’s not the focus—the found family is—but still very present and very believable imo. All the main characters can stand on their own, in different ways. I think the only weak part of this novel is that it can be very slow at times, especially at the start.
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