Kujibiki Tokushou: Musou Hāremu ken (WN)


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I drew a lottery at the Shopping District and won the privilege to go to another world. After drawing a lot of balls, unexpectedly I got a cheat-like skill. Silencing those who are noisy and getting hold of all the things that I want. I will satisfy all my desires.

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Grand Prize: Unrivaled Harem Ticket
Kujibiki Tokushou: Musou Harem-ken (WN)
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72 Reviews sorted by

Dark lord
Dark lord rated it
May 29, 2018
Status: c242
Basically its a novel similar to the retro transported to another world except for certain plot points

Kakeru is smart enough to know whats good enough for him he is calculative of certain things and puts in a pinch of emotion in these calculations which help him grow as a character. Instead of just letting the MC develop the character growth of the remaining cast is what draws you towards the novel
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Foxtrot543 rated it
May 24, 2018
Status: c240
I'm now at chapter 240 of this light novel an all I can say is...

It's quite a decent light novel. The character is quite likeble, the MC isn't some wimpy op character. Kakeru will kill without doubt and he isn't dense like the other MC of harem genre. And he is quite cunning and smart. The side character/heroine in the novel is devoleping and getting stronger as the story progress and the plot is not boring.
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sgrey rated it
February 21, 2018
Status: c183
This story does NOT have plot, logic or world building. MC got transported to the other world and started to run with his d*ck on the ready everywhere, trying to screw anything that moves. All women fall for him at the first sight, spread their legs and beg with tears to bang them. After that, women he already banged go and find more women for him to bang. He bought 200, yes 200, s*aves and within a small period of time just because he is strong all 200 women started... more>> to want to bang him. He has few princesses and queens, few girls from the general public and a great sage. Every one of them finds more girls that he can bang and just presents them to him.

One would think that he has a good relationship with everyone. However, relationships are not developed at all. All of his harem members are basically s*x friends that meet him on a regular basis to get a c*ck. Every single character, including MC, is flat. No one in this story has any personality whatsoever.

At first, there was some sort of sense to the events that happened, but as the story progresses, there is no rhyme or reason for things to happen. Either random events just happen where MC is, or MC does some random thing that happens to be important. He is always at the right place at the right time. Bandits attack royal carriage and somehow overpower royal guards? MC is there to save the day. Dragon attacks a town? MC's sex-buddy-princess happens to lead the soldiers to subjugate it, and MC happens to come right when the dragon is about to kill the princess.

MC is super OP and can use any magic. He is shown to be strong enough to annihilate whole armies by himself. However he NEVER uses any magic in actual battle, he only uses swords. He builds an army for himself that he can use for battles and builds complicated strategies while all he really need to do is fire off few spells and just kill everyone.

There is also no world building. We don't know how almost anything works in that world. Rules for magic? Never explained. Magic is just there. MC somehow becomes supreme expert sword wielder. How? Why? Did have training before? It's never explained. Just because all his stats are raised, doesn't mean he got the technique. Somehow just does, not only the single sword but dual-wielding as well. On top of that, he is an expert military tactician and strategist. I am really tired of novels that just randomly give 15-year-old teens all this knowledge and expertise that there is no way they can actually have.

After chapter 100, the author seems to have lost what he wanted this novel to be and made MC even worse. MC makes overly complicated plots for trivials of reason and is so random, that you wonder if he has the mental disorder. Also MC never actually does anything other than fight and bang. When he fights, he builds up his lust, then he goes and bangs a bunch of girls overnight, and next day new fight starts.

This novel had so much potential, but it really is all wasted. I don't think it's the worst novel out there, but it is still pretty poorly written. The translation is quite poor as well. There are numerous mistakes and often it's hard to read because of it. I like some of the comedy here, it was funny enough to make me laugh. Also, the story is pretty good. It's just all of the bad writing is in the way.


Before you read further, there are some REALLY big spoilers ahead. I warned you.

Few things that really bug me.
1) Ok, he got this awesome super strong demon sword. She soon starts warming up to him, but he keeps treating her like shit. Somehow he produces a kid together with the sword and the kid can transform between a sword and a human-looking child. Also, the demon sword becomes human in the lottery space and states she was human before. She also at some point secretly wishes to have a human body. Now, for 100 chapter the MC does not even ask her and nothing is mentioned about her ability to transform. Finally, when MC starts talking about it, the sword dismisses him and says she does not want to transform because having the ability to do so will somehow make he weaker? What?

2) The lottery space. So he can find the lottery tickets in this world and go pull the lottery at some point. How the tickets are working is never explained. Apparently, he can get them randomly by defeating monsters, but not humans? And it seems from banging the girls he also gets tickets. However, this only works randomly as needed by the plot. He just has s*x with tens of women non-stop, and even if at the beginning the tickets appear often, in later chapters they don't? Did the author forgot about bang-tickets? Or does it only work for the first night? Nothing is ever explained. And those golden tickets are BS too. The whole thing is set up such that at anytime tickets can appear and disappear for any reason for plot convenience.

3) The spoiled princess. Her character is shown to be totally rotten, spoiled and she does not know anything at all about the world and society because she was sheltered and never left the palace. MC is also through the novel claims he is after only "good women". So when he suddenly just want to help her for no reason, that makes no sense at all. Later we discover she actually has some self-reflection and quietly cries in her room after she believes everyone left her. MC hears it and decides to make her a queen. WHY? The country will literally be better if she just becomes his literal sex-doll. But the author spins it so that she will become the queen regardless just because MC will have to have a sex-buddy-princess in that country as well for the plot and the comedy.

4) Care-freeness and mindlessness of MC. He just goes around and kills anyone because he is that strong. He can go ahead and take over the world by himself with no problem. He chooses instead to have s*x with every single important woman in every kingdom. He is also getting there. He gets all virg*n princesses and queens, and they just follow all his command. In the meantime he is world-famous and everyone knows where he lives. However, despite the fact that he is often not at home, no one actually attacks his house. No single king says anything about him breaking off marriages and collecting all princesses in his harem. He also never even considers that his girls might be attacked. In fact, he never thinks about consequences of his actions and he is proud of it.

5) Delfina. I just don't like that idiotic dynamic they have. She made the rule that she will sell herself to anyone who has enough money to buy her full fortune. But her fortune is equal than a yearly budget of a decent size developed kingdom. Who in the world can just go and fork that much money? She is getting reacher and reacher all the time and MC does not have that much wealth. Despite that they constantly have s*x and she is fallen for him. However she does not want to just stay with him because of her pride and she wants MC to buy her. Now, this whole idiotic relationship can be resolved easily in many ways even in the current story. For example, Delfina already stated that MC is worth several times more than all her fortune. But because MC is a dumbass and the author for some reason wants to make her the most expensive prostitute in the world, this relationship persists. Yes, she apparently starts charging MC later for every night they sleep together. Not only that, it is an exorbitant amount of money. It is not clearly stated that she actually does that, but she talks to MC and says that she will start charging him from now on and MC agrees to that. After that conversation, this topic is never brought up so it can be assumed that she does.

6) MC's powers. He started to just randomly get powers. Sometimes it is implied that the power comes from the sword, sometimes he makes them himself. At some point in the lottery, he got a skill "make your own power by imagining it". It is not explained if this is one-time usage or he can keep using it. But basically, he becomes a god that can do anything at this point.

I wanna say it again - I like this story. There are many good story elements, but because the logic is broken and MC is s*upid, the novel is not that great. However, I enjoyed it to a degree. <<less
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OfficePony rated it
April 30, 2017
Status: c89
Grammar: 3.5/5

Story: 2.5/5

Writing: 3/5

... more>> Despite how plain this story is I'm enjoying it.

The grammar is about standard, quite a few instances of awkward wording/phrasing. The story is nothing new but is done in a rather satisfying way, despite the rather confusing way in which the *Mofu Mofu* seems to be unwillingly done at first with the fluffy maid. The writing style is a bit lack-luster but still carries the story along nicely enough.

I would not recommend this series as main reading material, but it is something nice to fill the time while you wait for something better to update. <<less
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November 30, 2020
Status: --
The girls dont get developed how is this even a romance? The MC spends no time with harem and it's just pokemon collecting. The girls are are literally 1Dimensional and have no depth. Should you read this if you're looking for a good romance? No.
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TubeAlloys rated it
July 28, 2020
Status: c188
It's pretty standard fare for a light smut harem. Minimal plot, arrogant OP MC, girls tripping over him left and right, almost zero character growth, no one thinks very hard about the consequences of their actions, same copy paste jokes and boring cliche slapstick used over and over, MC f*cks different girls ten times a day for years and no one gets pregnant because dealing with kids would make it too complicated, etc. etc.

If you treat it like it's sh*t and don't think too hard, it's mildly entertaining. If you... more>> actually go into detailed thought about it, you're going to have a bad time. For example, MC basically orchestrates a civil war in which 20-30k people die, all in order to groom a 16yo girl into what he wants her to be like. But at the same time there's a scene in that very same civil war where the author tries to make the reader feel bad for a dying soldier in order to up the villain's villainy level... while conveniently ignoring the fact that MC was the one who's behind the entire thing.

but yeah 2-3/5 just because the bar is already really low in this genre. Read it when you have time to waste and nothing else to do. Definitely don't read it if you're looking for something meaningful or high quality. <<less
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slimeholder rated it
March 19, 2019
Status: --
To begin with, to me this is at best a 3.7/5. Why give it 5 stars then? Because I believe that this novel is closer to 4.5/5 for its intended audience.

Tou should read it if:

1) You like harem.

... more>> 2) You like gambling.

3) You like witnessing the MC having tons of s_x.

4) You like OP protagonists

It is also worth mentioning that this is a super light read. If you are looking for well developed characters, story etc, look elsewhere.

I personally find s_x really boring and since this novel emphasises on it so much, I found it kinda hard to read through these parts without skipping ahead.

Oh and I am 99% sure that the author was h**ny while writing 40% of this novel.

The translation is ok, but far from amazing. <<less
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jiisama rated it
December 7, 2018
Status: c215
A fun episodic story about a very OP MC who intentionally builds a harem (and goes all the way with all of them). While the author is pretty inconsistent or illogical with details, for example:

  • How merchant girl held demon sword for a few minutes which forced MC to f*ck her to prevent her blood vessels from exploding yet the younger sister who held the sword for a few days was fine.
  • Gacha employee is convinced to allow MC their family time but then the next time, it is forgotten and they repeat the same line each time.
  • How a city with 10 million citizens gets nonchalantly destroyed by a dragon but the armies of a country amounts to less than 10, 000. The MC also tends to run into bandit groups numbering in the 100's.
  • Random story about the MC somehow getting sick and then going to save Iris, only to be completely ignored next chapter.
  • A super c*cky debt collector trying to collect from MC's s*ave (multiple times). How is her parents additional debts being passed onto a s*ave? And why is the MC suddenly an idiot who just throws out money without checking anything?
  • MC can learn magic by being hit by it once. The only thing he ever bothered to learn (or rather, unintentionally learned) is lighting bolt and fireball.
  • Instead of learning healing magic (which exists in this world), MC uses the white ball consumables which apparently became unlimited uses.
  • The skill lend consumable item had at one point also became unlimited uses.
    Merchant girl being scared to death about meeting a random guy who talked smack about her when she was a s*ave.
  • Princess who knows nothing about the world but knows the merchant girls 1 krill nickname and how she was a s*ave.
  • A rank is the highest adventure grade. But suddenly there is S rank.

And that is just to name the few that popped out of my head.


It was a very enjoyable read, that is, until around the sister queen arc. The author eventually learned to be less episodic but the enjoyment of the story takes a nose dive. Things had become repetitive and stale.
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korneliswicaksono rated it
April 29, 2018
Status: c55
1/5, the writer put less and less emphasis on story and more on the harem.

I waited until chapter 55 before writing this.

In the beginning the story were good, the usual overpowered main character stuff. However the story begin its downward spiral the moment MC got his first girl. Afterwards its focusing on the harem stuff. Heck, the author didn't even specify the looks of the girls, it's just 'she looks good'. F*ck it, worst story telling ever.
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January 25, 2018
Status: c105
TLDR: OP MC harem novels should be all about the build up to and introduction of new harem members, their personalities, interaction between the members and the MC, slice of life moments and world building, making you immersed in the universe while making you feel that you know the heroines, because when all is said and done, harem novels are all about wish fulfilment, it's just that everything in this novel seems bland.

This is a generic OP MC harem novel, which in itself isn't a bad thing, atleast not for... more>> me.

But if you make a novel like that, the most important thing isn't epic fight scenes or becoming stronger to overcome obstacles, it becomes solely about the harem members, world building, dialogue and slice of life. There aren't any epic fight scenes, but that seems to be because of the limitations of the authors writing skills rather than a conscious choice, while it becomes a lot about getting stronger by using the lottery which is introduced at the beginning, the concept of becoming stronger is redundant, then you should have made the MC struggle from the beginning, overcoming challenges and himself to improve. Despite this it works pretty well, just not in the way it seems to be intended. (A bit of spoilers ahead) The enjoyable thing about the lottery becomes the interaction between the demon sword and the daughter, which are the only interesting characters in this novel.

The harem members and the romance development becomes rushed and it feels like it's just about throwing as many of them into the novel as possible, they become inconsequential other than how they can be used as plot armour to increase the number of queens and princesses in his harem, and honesly, they are boring. It's all about reaching what the author believes is the ultimate harem member, a princess, in one go and then it feels like he lost direction and just added more and more of them just because he couldn't find any way to top that, even if in a novel like this it should be done through their personality instead of social status.

The maid is also a harem member, but it's all about her being a beastkin, despite this we aren't even told what race she is?! It seems she's a cat, but from what I remember it's never specified. She's also a s*ave, yet there's no back story to this at all and despite the MC saying that she's his woman there's no interaction between her and the other harem members, struggle to overcome social status or even an attempt to make her feel like more than a s*ave. It's pointed out that she buys things for the household instead of herself, making her like any other pitiful s*ave in harem novels, but the issue isn't addressed at all, leaving her to her own feeling of being a subhuman. Oh yea, she doesn't have those because she doesn't have a personality at all other than being a bit afraid of her "night duties" in the beginning. All the harem members seem like nothing more than an afterthought.

The dialogue is alright while the slice of life is enjoyable at times, yet that only involves the demon sword and the daughter, which I called the only interesting characters in the novel earlier.

The world building is non-existing just like the principles behind magic and everything else isn't explained at all.

My review is mainly about the harem part of the novel, which of course is because it's the main theme of the novel, yet when that isn't even done well, you can imagine how everything else is even worse. <<less
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LordGrim102 rated it
December 20, 2017
Status: c59
I can't really say that this novel is badly written but most things doesn't get explained and how is the MC doesn't question how will his family will be when he is transferred to another world and the about the 777x times thingy to how extent does this multiplier boost the MC. For example the tea that is prepared too hot for the MC to drink that it burnt his tongue, what happened to the 777x times multiplier? Does his heat sensitivity got multiplied or does his heat resistance multiplied?... more>> Even though he got a direct hit by fire magic he doesn't seem to mind it but then when a hot tea he reacts? He f*&%ed logic at all, even though that the world he is in is a fantasy world there should still be logic to how and when things happen.

Then about his criteria about finding a "Good woman" is what he says but what is his criteria for that?

One example of that is at chapter 59 the adjutant eria. He threatens her up to give him the command then when eria agrees and thinks up ahead of the plan he considers her already a good woman? Well yeah that is good an all but throwing every woman the MC meets as good woman. Does the MC has preferences or it's okay if it is a beautiful girl?

The enemies of the MC is not very challenging at all. Even the red dragon lasts only a few minutes and the fight scenes are vaguely described just like how the story described it is also vague and all I understand that the MC has strong powers and he needs to build a harem. Having a goal is good and all but the matter at choosing his girls is kind of not enjoyable. Its like he is playing an eroge game and get all the girls route. The harem of the MC has little to no character development at all. Well yeah they start off fine in the introduction but their usefulness and presence dimmed as the story goes on. And also the MC's personality. I can't say that he has no personality but his character development is little but a liitle bit better than the harem of the MC.

This kind of novel is good for people who wants to read harem genre this novel is perfect for those people but be warned that he has no criteria for picking up girls even though he said he likes good woman but that is vaguely described what is good woman for him. I'm getting tired of this kind of novel that has wish fulfillment and the MC has little to no sense. I prefered novels that has a rational thinking MC or clever MC not pretend clever or rational MC.

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LivingCorpse rated it
November 10, 2017
Status: c137
You could just named this Novel with title like "Generic Isekai Wish Fulfillment Fantasy No: XXN" and I probably wouldn't really care. This novel couldn't be more generic than this.

It's not bad per se, but not exactly an award winning material either. I guess it's so-so? Well it's the most template novel you can get.

It's just a Generic JP Novel Wish Fulfillment Fantasy like thousands other out there, it's useful to satisfy your Guilty pleasure though, so it's not that bad. I recommend reading this if you ran out of... more>> stuff to read. <<less
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Zerylim rated it
November 8, 2017
Status: --
If only the so called cheat skill would improve his brain as well, I might have continued the story.

Since I liked transported into another world cliche's, so I wasn't really fickle when I started reading this Novel. But god, after reading other novels like Release That Witch, Dungeon Defense, Overlord, Quickly wear the face of the Devil.... This novel simply became so dull, the story progress on the author's whim. The MC is so dumb, I don't even know how to describe it or rather he's not thinking at all.... more>> He's blinded by his power, does things on impulse without thinking about the consequence at all.

But still after saying all that, I found it enjoyable but it turned into a tr*sh because of the author's lack of intelligence to make a more smart story. Well I don't blame him, geniuses don't grow from tree, but still a pity that I can't continue reading this novel anymore...I just can't stomach it no matter how hard I try to and finally gave up. <<less
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Scaethys rated it
September 24, 2017
Status: --
Reading this, I would have to say that this is just another typical harem story. Super OP protagonist, lots of women, solves every problem easily, etc. But I guess the one redeeming feature is how competent all the women in his harem are so I ended up giving it a 5/5. Because every single other f*cking harem story has competent women who suddenly become worthless in front of the MC's eyes. Seriously. Having that alone, the novel deserves a 5. At the very least, it won't be too boring.

It's nice... more>> to read a novel like this from time to time. <<less
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makenai89 rated it
December 25, 2016
Status: c15
Reviewed and dropped at c15.

So, I managed to persevere until chapter 15... and that's it. It is actually not an unreadable novel. The story probably has its own charm. It's just that it failed to charm me.

Kujibiki Tokushou's extremely straightforward plot tells about an MC who got a chance to be OP in another world, and he takes it. Subsequent developments are equally easy; there's no ominous feelings, no tricky intrigue, no fluffy heartwarming scenes, no surprising twists, no captivating character, no... many things. It is tragically lacking in... more>> background and necessary details. Although, it is also possible that I was just putting it off too early.

With that said, if you like plain adventure of an OP MC (plus bonus probability of a harem), then you might like it. The novel also features lottery system that I hadn't seen in other novel of similar genre. <<less
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ojamayellow rated it
December 23, 2021
Status: --
Id rate this a bit lower if I could. The premise was entertaining at first of course, having an MC with an OP power like that but I thought there'd be more of it. Its incredibly boring the more you read further and further. The seems to be a world that would be written by a bullied virg*n. There were no exciting conflicts, no exciting fights, no set backs, not even a decent funny line. Its basically bland. If there were a bit more goal for the MC on what... more>> he wants to achieve it would have been better but no, he basically just want to be strong, nail women for the side effect of the power, and waste time. <<less
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Silver Snake
Tycheri rated it
August 3, 2018
Status: c31
I very much so enjoyed the beginning. The MC could kill when in a battlefield, but wouldn't kill a guy for bumping into him. He's super op, but he still has power progression and real conflicts. A reason I really hate chinese web novels is because they halt the story in order to meditate to become stronger. But in Japanese web novels they get stronger while fighting. It kinda makes sense! And as someone who enjoys gacha games I also really enjoyed the fun lottery system replacing the same old... more>> boring old level up system. I don't really like how the author replaced a male character with a female character of the same vocation. I mean, why fix what's not broken? Because harem. I know, but still. It seems real lazy to me is all. The mature tag fits. Personally it kind of ruined it for me. I mean in Death March or Growth Cheat they would have at most a paragraph dedicated to such things. But entire chapters seem too long and pointless for the progression of the story. Now I love myself some slice of life nonsense, but not this kind of nonsense. <<less
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General Tanya
General Tanya rated it
July 27, 2018
Status: --
I can't really say it was a very good or interesting story. Perhaps you can stay for the cute harem girls and slice of life in a fantasy world, but if you are looking for a deep plot, characters development or world building, you wouldn't find it. It would have been more enjoyable for me if the author didn't come up with so many cliche 1 after the other. For example:the second he got in the fantasy world, he immediately dive into a princess rescue and get awarded with a... more>> token. Also the MC got ridiculous amount of luck stats, so expect even more cliche scenes.

The lottery game system was the only thing that is different from the rest of the other isekai novel. But I didn't like how the author wrote the start up. MC won a grand prize just after the person before him won the first prize. Both get to go to the fantasy world and also get a skill from the gacha machine. I meant seriously? No question ask, hesitation or any caution? Gave up everything and just leave their world behind like that? Just dove straight into a new world with zero information? They didn't even find it suspicious that there are people sending others to a new world and giving away prizes. They just immediately accepted that magic was possible. The grand prize was even more idiotic, because it let you keep drawing the lottery until you get the skill you want. You might then just as well tell the staff what kind of skill you want and skip the drawing process. The whole process in the beginning is so forced and illogical.

So when you read the story, if you want expect things to make sense or be logical then it isn't for you. This isn't a novel where you have to use your brain to read. Just for enjoyment. <<less
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zaneith rated it
July 24, 2018
Status: c288
Your typical isekai novel, with OP hero, much like how satou from death march is, except this time, the MC isn't afraid of anything and he likes women. The concept of lottery is very interesting, but you really won't feel that it's lottery.

... more>>

Since he always gets the first prize or that prize that he needs because of his x777 luck and lending them to his demon sword which evidently has more base luck than him


Most of his harem members are very bland and have little to no history on them. Most.


Especially that princess of idk comotoria (?) kingdom named Aura. Like, why is she even there? She has nothing to her except being part of the royal family. Even the MC's platoon captains have more personality to her.


I don't usually make reviews but I have to correct a review written by someone saying stuff about the merchant girl Delfina.


Yes, Delfina wants the MC to buy her but the MC still proceeds to embrace her without buying her anyway. This doesn't mean that the MC forgot to buy her. He just thinks that since he'll eventually buy her someday, it won't be a loss if she gets richer first. Also, if you read further, Delfina gets a character flashback arc which explains why she is so obsessed on the concept of getting bought by money.


The story sometimes feels inconsistent, you'll end up thinking that the author forgot some of what he said, but otherwise, this novel is worth a read if you're bored. Just remember to not expect any real challenge to the MC so you won't get disappointed by the lack of conflict.


And yes Mr. Author, we understand that no one can see through Eleanor's aura unless they are stronger than Eleanor. Stop repeating it 3 times in a chapter please. Also, we understand that Kakeru likes good women. Him repeatedly saying it just makes it seem that he's a man of words only.

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Mabbo rated it
March 26, 2018
Status: c1183
Quite simple. This novel provides us an MC who is honest to his desire, mostly women. Started off OP, he shows us that he can get even stronger as the story progresses. Each chapters are quite short compared to the other ones, and honestly makes me crave for more, but the arcs completion is satisfying. Every characters are unique to themselves except all of them are leading actors. Especially his harem members. If she's just a poster girl, he'll make her a queen. If she's just an adventurer, he'll make... more>> her a legend. If she's just a beastkin s*ave, he'll make her the most proficient maid in the whole world that all of his women envy her. Yuuki Kakeru is an MC worthy of the world, and he makes his women worthy of him.

What's so different from the other novels, is that Yuuki is really honest to himself. He's free from any bound. His character grows along with the story goes. Even so, he doesn't overshadow other characters, as they also grow catching up with him.

The story itself isn't bad. They have underhanded tricks, dirty politics, anything goes for their ambition. A puppet king, rebelling dukes, you name it. Everything is filthy and contorted. It's all depending on your point of view. <<less
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