Isekai Nonbiri Nouka


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After his struggle against disease for a decade, the main character dies. However, he revives and became younger in a different world.

The main support of the main character’s heart during his battle against the disease is a TV program about leisure farming.

In his second life in a different world, he’s going to try farming.

Common things like different world transition and domestic affairs?

This will have no big climax.

This is going to be frantic.

Associated Names
One entry per line
Farming Life in Another World
Related Series
Buy the Land And Cultivate in Different World (3)
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Bringing The Farm To Live In Another World (1)
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The Creation Alchemist Enjoys Freedom -If I Am Exiled From My Hometown, I Can Make Magic Items With Transcendent Effects at the Knees of the Demon Lord- (1)
Recommendation Lists
  1. owners
  2. Novels I've read.
  3. Clever MC
  4. My Ouroboros 0.2
  5. Shousetsuka ni Narou TOP 100 (mostly isekai)

Latest Release

Date Group Release
07/09/21 SHMTrans c551
07/08/21 SHMTrans c550
07/07/21 SHMTrans c549
07/06/21 SHMTrans c548
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07/04/21 SHMTrans c546
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70 Reviews sorted by

Nitpicking Reader
Nitpicking Reader rated it
October 17, 2018
Status: c86
"heartwarming" story like the tag, with non-existent conflicts (even they're just small amtters and easily handled) with an absurd harem with no explicit content.

just don't use logic for details or try understanding the emotional relationships and it'll be enjoyable.

if you want to take change from all those novels full of action and conflicts or run/flee/chase death situations this is a recommended pick.
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Namaewa_ARV rated it
January 8, 2024
Status: c852
Love it. There's no drama. As the name suggests, a simple (supposedly relaxing) farming life in another world. There are repeating gags and stuff, but it's perfect for a laid-back read.
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July 30, 2023
Status: c556
Starts off great but takes a nosedive later on ... more>>

for example, in chapter 553, MCs daughter gets stabbed. But MC is informed only 45 days later, all the while his friends and family know and take action because apparently MC can't be trusted. There is literally no respect or familial affection towards the MC and he is literally treated as a door mat. 2 of his wives knew what was going on and instead of telling him, they inform his friends and take action with them. Imagine your child gets stabbed by assassins, and your significant other goes to your best friend because she thinks you aren't emotionally mature. If you hate wishy washy Japanese MC, this one takes the cake. Also, this is just one event out of many.


You will especially be disappointed if you came here after watching the anime and the manga. The vibe and feel at the start is different from later on. Especially due to character portrayals. The translation is good though with few errors. Don't know how it is being rated so positively by people (atleast by ones who have read more than 300 chapters) <<less
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Oblos rated it
April 11, 2023
Status: c777
Beware all who enter expecting something other than slice of life and isekai tropes.

Now that that's over, let me explain.

Isekai Nonbiri Nouka is not going to be the constantly action filled, eventful plot, and teenage fanservice packed series that one thinks of when looking for an isekai. It might have some flashes and tastes of them here and there, but the title and the beginning make it very clear what the goal of the series is. This is a feel good, nothing happens, PoV story of a man who just... more>> wants to live peacefully and farm. He gets overloaded with cheats... in his swiss army hoe. He has an approach to life... as a broken guy in his 30s reincarnated into a body of his 20s. I feel like, when rating this series, many people are disappointed that nothing really happens besides a guy living his life with wacky isekai hijinks.

But to me, that is ok. I have fun reading about Hiraku and family. I don't need every series to be roughly glued together with a bunch of shounen tropes or forced grimdark appeal. This is a palate cleanser when I want to stop thinking about all of the garbage, pull out a drink, and find out more about Big Tree Village. <<less
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Ndiz42 rated it
January 16, 2022
Status: c722
U know I really like this novel. It just some relaxing novel but it great. I like reading the MC growth, his family, etc. In my opinion most isekai harem feel like MC didn't have any "responsibility" bout their relationship. But hikaru is not anyway. He imp**gnated most his wife and also didn't forgot bout his children.
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cajiindon rated it
September 4, 2021
Status: c708
I just like the story and how it is written. It is simple and funny. Puts me in a good mood every time I read, both manga and WN.

Am not into harem but this one is okay with me. I just hope that this won't be dropped without proper ending like... others... Also pray author is in good health. ♪ ♬ ヾ (´︶`♡) ノ ♬ ♪ Will continue to look forward to updates. Yep I like it enough to read on MTL.
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WeepingBirds rated it
June 8, 2021
Status: c519
As of 8th June 2021 I've read till the latest chapter 519. You might be wondering, oh wow this novel must be really good for me to have reached this far... The answer is no, I only read this when I have absolutely nothing else to do and even then I would accumulate a bunch of chapters and binge read it in one go.

In the beginning it was pretty interesting, there were a lot of events and discoveries every few chapters. Although the writing is simple, I'd read it just... more>> to see what kind of world building is going to happen and how far the author would take this isekai story. That is... up till a certain point the world building basically came to a halt and now slowly inches along. The "certain" point being when the MC got together with his harem members. After that happened and with the introduction of "festivals" that the MC brought along to the world, the novel is now in a predictable loop. Festivals and tournaments one after another... by that I really mean one after another. In the story, these loops exist across multiple years, so maybe a few tournaments and festivals per year on repeat within 100 chapters. As of right now, the raw is close to 800 chapters and I suspect that even then there will be again some tournament/festival chapter going on.

Another major flaw the exists in this world is the MC. He doesn't think at all... Not that he is s*upid but that he is bland like tofu. With the amount of harem members and children that he has as well as the responsibilities that a person of his stature should have, you'd think it provides some kind of plot moving point for the MC to grow and mature. Yet weirdly enough the MC just does his own thing. His thought processes are marked out by simple 1 liner sentences. Terrible writing and it probably took less than 30mins per day from the author to type out.

Do not expect huge plot movements. Do not expect any form of growth. Do not expect. Because this is what the novel is, an effortless piece of work written for the sake of writing. <<less
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HentMas rated it
March 26, 2020
Status: c40
Oh god, what an abysmally under written novel...

It's slice of life and at those parts it's quite good, MC may be OP but he's got the common sense of a normal person which is quite nice to read, I quite liked the pacing of the first chapters and the way the author paints his surroundings and how everything comes down to common sense and not some utterly pointless "plot device" that gave him an unnatural knowledge of something like other stories.

The development of the story is the development of the... more>> "area" which is nice, since it's the ultimate focus of the novel, but why does the author cram "harem" into this? I don't know... there is neither romance nor s*x in the story the more I get into this, more things start to flare up my "bad writing" alarm because they are severely under written, the jumps in time that were necessary at first because if not the pacing would be abysmal became the way to gloss over character growth and interactions... and then we have "jump backs" as if the author is trying to "oh! and I forgot I also have immunity" like an 8 year old making up stuff in the middle of a game.

We already are starving for dialog because everything is written as a monologue from MC POV, but at the chapter I'm currently at, there are no established personalities on ANY of the characters introduced, not even the MC, all we know is what he's working on... that's it... the author makes a point to say that the MC can't name every single "dog" but it feels the same for everyone involved, since no one has any character everyone is forgettable.

There is litteral world building, but zero "world building" so far, we know nothing Jon Snow!, I'm sure it's not gonna keep going like that anyway but... with the style and pacing I dread the moment MC is gonna get exposition dumped in lieu of actual world building... this author is baaaad at this...

It feels like watching my son play minecraft with his friends... it's not a bad thing really but I wouldn't want to read a novel written by my 12 year old son... <<less
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sgrey rated it
April 8, 2019
Status: c183
I actually quite like the story, but I like manga much more because it has a much better translation, plus illustrations make a lot of difference here, especially for the comedy. Translation here is quite bad, but it didn't really influenced my score that much. Here is why I gave it 3 stars.

At the start the novel was fun, nice, slow paced, funny. We were discovering the world and new characters. However, around chapter 100 the novel was changed for something different. It still tries to have the same spirit... more>> of being funny, but several things happen that doesn't work well for me.

One, the time skips are picking up and becoming faster and faster. Every few chapters a year passes. The novel basically becomes one sports festival after another. I hate sport festivals. At most I can tolerate one maybe in a hundred, or better two hundred chapters. Here, the author clearly ran out of ideas and so just writes about sports festivals.

Two, the MC kind of fades into background and becomes more of a support character for his wives, who think he does not have any common sense and just irresponsible and cannot take care of himself (even though he freaking built the whole place singlehandedly and lived there for like a year or two by himself).

A lot of chapters started to focus on some random villagers. It was interesting once in a while, but it becomes quite often now. It would be fun, if it wasn't the same thing over and over again. Oh they see wolves, oh they see vampire, oh they see the spider. Oh, everyone is strong, etc.

He now built what seems to be a decent size town, with over a thousand people living there. There are basically few villages now, not to far from one another and the population is growing quite fast.

His ever-growing harem and kids, who grow up in the next 100 or so chapters (about 15-20 years passes in about 100-150 chapters or so). Kids take off and go traveling and the focus is shifted on them.

The novel becomes somewhat of a standard hero isekai. There is a reincarnated hero, holly sword, dragon maidens, and some other powerful kids joining the village. There is an evil god, an evil dragon, conspiracies, espionage, dungeon expeditions... What the hell became of a slow farming life in another world? Yes, there is still humor and it's somewhat funny, but I just can't see the trace of the novel I liked in the first place...

There is a lot of unexplored things like he has a ton of super rare stuff in his basement (dragon scales for example), but only 1 chapter uses that a little. <<less
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chad001 rated it
April 23, 2023
Status: c735
Complete stream of consciousness 'Slow Life' WN... which is what makes it good. A lot of slow life style stories make the mistake of still trying to have this high stakes betrayal narrative operating in the background that will take hundreds of chapters to resolve, not knowing that you can't really relax and enjoy the slow parts with something like that hanging overhead like a guillotine. You'll know real early on whether or not this is for you. It's not deep or anything, it's a daily journal style look into... more>> these characters' cute farming life. And healing novel for people who aren't into cute girls doing cute things or w.e. <<less
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Chain Reader
Chain Reader
March 13, 2023
Status: c260
In general I enjoy this story but there are several issues that caused it to get a lower score. The best way to describe this story is a fast paced slow life. The events around the MC unfold quickly but he has enough raw power to blow through most issues. He just wants to farm but he attracts a lot of different people and it develops far beyond a simple farm.

The writing style is like an informal report or diary where the MC talks about the events going on at... more>> the time. It can be inconsistent because there are times direct dialogue is included and there are times he only includes his part of the conversation. Its fine if you read the story in smaller segments but it can be tedious if you try to read everything at once.

The biggest issue I had with the story is that because of the way it is written there isn't much depth to the relationships. Its not always clear who he has relations with and when the girls are directly mentioned they just go straight to child making. There is little to no flirting its more like the MC being drug off to his room (no intimate details are included.) I particularly dislike that he has kids and they are pretty much left to the mothers and he doesn't seem to play a big role in raising them. Honestly the kids are barely mentioned at all.

The story itself isn't bad, but the lack of connection to the harem members as well as his own children really bothers me. The events and kingdom building are interesting. The manga version follows the novel pretty closely, but I personally enjoyed the manga more because the images give much more depth to the story. <<less
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ThomschK rated it
February 19, 2023
Status: c540
This story was something I read a while ago. So I am unable to pinpoint the rating higher or lower than 3. I remember that I got fed up with the nonsense harem. I am generally not a harem friend because its proof of immaturity and weak desire controll :D I avoid people like that in my life and so I am not fond of it in stories either^^

The story is a gem for slow life fans like myself. Its not heavy drama or action filled. No big villain action... more>> or bad demon lord invasions. Its just a dead land being devastated and uninhabitable getting reworked by isekai MC :D I like that stuff. I like fancy creatures no matter how cliche they are. The details about the "conflicting needs" were a bit exhausting but bearable. Just be aware that the MC has no issues taking on new harem members and dont expect too much character depths. Its a complex story but not in the way some people expected it :D

Translation can be a bit taxing... probably permanently. It was near machine translation level when I read it. Maybe they fixed the chapters. (Didnt bother to check it)

Overall its a relaxing read for many novel addicted. Its not a recommendation for newcomers. There are many better novels with clear plotlines. (The ascendence of a bookworm, Watermage, Kami tachi ni Hirowareta, All-rounder healer, shoushaman no isekai survival - These are just my favourites from 5 different genres. Obviously without harem because I dont like it :D) <<less
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RedCobra75 rated it
February 11, 2023
Status: c774
Don't Take It very seriously when reading this.

again take it " Read For Fun Mind Set" because this Novel just easy going + Fast Pace + Slice of Life about farming and how the village develop Novel that does not take it very seriously the novel ".

main ideas just want to make you smile every time reading this and expecting what other absurb thing MC will do in daily life + building the village from ground up.

not shonen fantasy battle conflict kill this kill that, with many villai, . If... more>> you expecting action go somewhere else.

its just extremely simple novel.

its very impresive author can make a lot characters.

the main problem is, the translations is bad "but read able", and there is alot of character you need to remember to conncect the story.

Im not Joking, It's A LOT Of new Character introduce than any novel you ever read that make your head spins. this need to become anime to behonest, so you don't need to think and imagine tooooo much of character with very less illustrations. <<less
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kakistory rated it
January 13, 2023
Status: --
I like the main idea of the story. Slice of life, farming, easy-gained things, not so much conflict /drama with a lil bit of love on top.


By the time (ch28) the protagonist already accumulated idk how many beings in his farm.

... more>> So much so that I find it ridiculous.

I'm not a fan of ridiculousness.

There should be a limit to the protagonist's beings in his farm but by now, I don't think it'll end. Like, its not logical at all. Makes me think that only if the author approve the logic, then it'll be in the story, if not, then logic=negative.

And you can tell the author is not very bright and creative, like a hikikomori who gets his survival skills n such, via mainstream 3mins youtube video. Everything just follow 1 principles and there's no other way to do it.

But, given that the protagonist beforehand is a sickly person, I understand kinda bit. Still, if he can do certain things, why can't he find another way to do it when its the same level of knowledge? That, makes me think that the author isn't very.. Creative. <<less
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Raestloz rated it
August 22, 2022
Status: c33
This is a very different "novel" from other isekai stuff

Aside from prologue, there's barely any dialogue. At all. The whole thing is, put simply, a diary. The only thing that happens is the guy telling you what happened after the fact. The nice thing about it is it doesn't go into too much detail. You get the big picture and vague explanations of what he did, but that's it

In a way, it's like seeing video game mechanics: it looks realistic and vaguely in line with how things work, but it... more>> shouldn't work as is and the fact that it does is basically due to god willing it

Because of that, author can skip a lot of the boring parts (honestly, the work of a craftsman isn't that exciting) and focus on the big picture. No point in explaining what he saw when plowing the field or how exactly he did it, author just said "today I plowed the fields about this size so I can plant more things and get more food".

This may sound incredibly boring because it seems to lack "conflict" that a story needs. But that's the thing: this is a slow slice of life. Unlike many other "isekai slice of life" where the conflict is trying to help people in need, his conflict is "I want to build a civilization and have to start from scratch". Every single thing he does is in response to a necessity that arose out of current circumstances. He started out making basic tools to survive alone, and when more residents move in, naturally he needs to build more facilities. The whole thing is basically a cycle of this:

  1. Someone new moved in
  2. Well they need their own facilities
  3. That new resident gave birth/brought in others
  4. Well they need a bigger facility
  5. Oh crap, now we need communal facilities
  6. Said communal facility attracted new residents
  7. Repeat from point 1
That's it. That's the whole thing. This is basically the diary of a Stardew Valley farmer if he needs to start from scratch. For someone with more administrative mind that would rather see the bigger picture, this novel is amazing <<less
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Blackrabbit0634 rated it
August 12, 2022
Status: c719
Pretty much what I would like in a slow life novel, it's pretty much a love it or hate it as there really isn't a goal per se, he is not a hero tasked to defeat a powerful demon king (although demon king is already scared of his village), he doesn't have a mission to save the world or to solve world hunger problems, he doesn't have much goals except for managing his farms and doing fun things whichever catch his interest.

Story isn't really overly complicated its pretty simple if... more>> you ask me, there are a lot of time skips but it doesn't really matter as that's slow life, you pretty much repeat most of the days again and again so there is a need to skip it.

By the latest chapter his harem is already too big, he has many children, no one powerful opposes him, he has many connections, he is too rich, owns many business, he has a flying castle, he is practically a king in his own territory and enjoys his life. By then you will probably feel kinda bored but for me it's still entertaining.

I rate it as 4 instead of 5 because although this is good, there is nothing that stands out to make me truly say this novel has a good story, its good but not the best, <<less
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Drakonus_ rated it
March 4, 2022
Status: c201
This is just boring and shallow. It doesn't even feel like a slow slice-of-life like it's advertised, since unexplained timeskips happen multiple times in each chapter. It's more like a wish fullfillment log written by an 8th grader, rather than an actual novel. Scratch that, even an 8th grader could write better than this.

Not a single thing in this novel is entertaining. The plot is non-existent, the characters are soulless, and the story makes you sleep. Nothing, literally nothing in this story, is enjoyable.

I guess if you enjoy tr*shy isekai... more>> wish fullfillment novels, you could enjoy this. But here's the problem, this novel is so boring that it can't even be considered as a "good" tr*shy novel. The people who unironically enjoy this should get some mental help. I am genuinely worried for them.

I didn't even feel any emotion other than boredom while reading this. It's so boring to the point where I'm using it as a tool to make myself sleep earlier. This is literally why I'm giving it a 2-star rating instead of 1, it lessened my insomnia. <<less
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DLHyaqua rated it
November 20, 2021
Status: c684
Alright this one is a good one to read. I like the pace and the plot of the novel. You'll love the characters with their personalities.

I want to tell those who are planning to read this novel and those who says that this novel lacks elements that other fantasy novels has, this novel is different to them. This is different to others for this is a kind of slice of life genre so don't expect heavy actions or anything like defeating a demon lord or demon gods, this novel is... more>> about building a village (more like a city) and farming. For those who don't like slow paced and novels that lacks actions and other things like full-blown war, this novel is not for you.

I will say it again, this novel is a slice of life with fantasy theme and don't expect this to be the same as other Isekai and Fantasy genre novels out there. <<less
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MyRAMEN rated it
September 26, 2021
Status: c4
Lives up to the what so many isekais out there are. The difference is that this one is more casual and laid back, so this story also becomes somewhat more niche.
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August 14, 2021
Status: c575
It's not really well-written (a lot of short sentences, not great descriptions...), the "plot" is barebones at best and the characters are pretty one-dimensional so in theory it should have all it needs to be a pretty poor novel.

Thankfully the author seems to understand it so the story didn't go in the "usual" direction.

What we have is a pretty nice story about a mostly relaxed lifestyle.

... more>> Sure, the main character and the villagers are OP but it rarely matters and very few situations need that amount of power.

It's also nice that the author didn't make the main character the best at everything.
He doesn't really have charisma, isn't particularly intelligent, has a pretty "down to earth" common sense (even if very different from the common sense of people of that world), doesn't particularly try to hide (or show off) and loses to others in a lot of things.
This might sound weird but after hundreds of nearly "perfect" main characters it's kind of nice to finally have a "slice of life" novel stick to that and not branch out into action and showing off how great the main character is all the time.

Even the "cooking" that those japanese novels like to have is a bit different from usual, it's not "the main character's cooking is god tier" and rather "the main character has a lot of surface-level knowledge about cooking but isn't necessarily better at it than others once they understood the principles".

There are also no s*ave harem, many of the wives (of the main character but also of others) are strong and know how to impose their will (but not to the point where the husbands are just living for their wives).

It's definitely not a novel you read for its great writing but it's nice to read a few chapters every now and then to pass time as you see the village and the surrounding world go through the years. <<less
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