I Did Say I Don’t Need Development Cheats, but Isn’t This Way Too Much of a Slow Life!? ~The Price For Online Shopping in a Parallel World is Experience Points~


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Kamishita Seiji suddenly gets summoned to another world and starts helping God with creating a new world based on RPG games.

After teaching the God everything he knows, he gets told that he cannot go back to his former world, so the God offers to give him development cheats, but Seiji thinks it would feel strange to live his life in such a way.

As a result, Seiji chooses to reincarnate with a different cheat that lets him get stronger depending on how much effort he spends: He needs ten times more experience to level up than other people do, but in exchange, he can enter dungeons to train as much as he wants without worrying about time.

Kamishita Seiji reincarnates as the eldest son of a poor family as Seiji Slowdish, but he is able to use his leftover experience points after leveling up to purchase magic, skills or even goods from Japan.
He receives a book called Parallel World Online Shopping.

Thus begins his reincarnation story of great effort and determination to level up and use leftover experience points for online shopping as he still cannot decide whether he’s suffering or having fun.

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【400万PV突破】たしかに成長チートはいらないって言いましたけどスローライフ過ぎやしませんかっ!? ~異世界通販の対価は経験値です~
たしかに成長チートはいらないって言いましたけどスローライフすぎやしませんかっ!? ~異世界通販の対価は経験値です~
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Ryoto.Ryuji.630 rated it
February 23, 2024
Status: c20
This is a summary of chapters 1 and 2. Not a spoiler.

The novel starts out with a "god egg" calling our protagonist into his undeveloped world. The protagonist thinks that it was just a consultation so that the egg can make a world and become a god, but when he finds out that he can't go home after the consult, he is obviously angry and acts out against the new "god".

"God" doesn't take the aggression of the protagonist very well, and one-sidedly sends him to reincarnate into his new world,... more>> requiring him to earn 10x the experience to level up. But, this isn't a one-sided punishment. God grants the protagonist a new space where time doesn't flow, as well as a dungeon solely for him. As well as, a book to use the difference in experience between an ordinary person and himself, leveling up to purchase items and skills. The way I take it, an immature child with unlimited power gets yelled at, so he retaliates. The retaliation is saying, work harder than everyone else and in exchange you get more benefits for your hard work.

The novel itself is well-thought-out with no obvious plot holes, or plot armor. It is well written and a perfect example of a slow life novel. If you're expecting a cool text where the protagonist fights against the quartet to dominate one side, then this novel isn't for you.

If you enjoy farming life in another world, then this novel is perfect for you. <<less
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October 12, 2023
Status: --
Currently its a bit awkward to read

Like most novels, you have everyone being respectful even god but then they become bipolar all of a sudden / impatient. It's disconcerting to read since it sort of collapses the character.

Plot feels very railroaded without much world building and protag is given a huge debuff for no reason (1/10 exp gained). They state they want the slow life but the author skips around a sh*t ton so it's weird how they themselves are hypocritical in their writing
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