In Different World with Naruto System


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At Divine Wind Continent, there is cultivation system—douqi, illusion and magic.

Ren Tian You was a fan of Naruto, and a single moment of carelessness caused him to arrive in different world.

Unexpectedly, only to discover that his body possessed Naruto system!

What? You will use douqi! I, your father’s taijutsu is also not weak! Look at my shadow dance!

What? You will use illusions! I, your father however have every illusions’ ancestor, Sharingan! Look at my Tsukuyomi!

What? You are a magician! I, your father am a ninja! Look at my fire style——– grand fireball!

Associated Names
One entry per line
Bringing the Hokage System to Another World
Dai zhe huo ying xi tong dao yi jie
Related Series
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  1. my favorite
  2. Fanfiction
  3. Everything I've Read (PART 2)
  4. My List 2
  5. Fanfiction Heaven

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112 Reviews sorted by

KingLycan rated it
January 29, 2018
Status: Completed
I have completed it and have to say it not exactly a logical or intelligence needed work. There are time when the schemes are clear as day and MC still need to think for few chapters before he realize the reason and scheme.

... more>>

He creates Akatsuki organization but their only purpose is because MC felt like it. It it MC is strong as God and they are weaker following his footsteps.


I have to say it just a fun read, so I have given it 2 stars of it wasn't I really would consider 0 stars if possible. As for why

1. MC wants to return back to earth leaving his dream of being a Ninja for his parents, why because he think they will be sad... Dau of course they will be sad losing their son.... Ok it's being a good son so it seem legit.

2. At the end he need to return home he fights with demon empress for 3 of 3000 weapons he needed to return home.... Yes You heard it right the empress only have 3 of 3000 weapons (every realm has a single weapon and there are 3000 realm) needed for him to go home, so let talk about there battle now, at the near end of his battle what does he do...... Just thinking about it gives me cancer. He uses Sharingan and makes the moon in infinite tsukuyomi hypnotize everyone in all 3000 realm and gets the treasure he need.... f*ck

3. He could Cleary have kept the weapons so he could return back as he took few people with him and they might want to return back home but no, he wants the weapons to return.

4. 100, 000 years Demon Empress fights 100, 000 years killing millions people to return back earth where she lived for 20 years.... Now that's f*cked up logic.


Still it's just a fun read so you can try it, there is no need to use brain it it as all thing and concept are no existence and few scheme which may seem profound are like a cat in the dress of a lion. <<less
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Doomsday rated it
November 30, 2017
Status: c381

The ending is so bad, that I wish I could back in time and told myself just to watch boku no pico marathon rather than finishing this novel. Or I could watch it now so that I can relinquish my memories and disappointment for this novel (Because I think this novel has much more potential).

And whats with that Harem Genre. The "Harem" is literally just at the last chapter where the MC decides to bring some girls back to earth. Is that considered harem? I mean the harem isnt even started yet.

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Ranz rated it
May 9, 2017
Status: c288
Well, I have to say that this novel is a refreshing read. You don't have to read it specifically for the plot and other stuff. I don't see the reason for all the hate. It's enjoyable and basically a novel with the MC fighting long battles with opponents, getting stronger and fighting even more opponents with different ninjutsu, genjutsu and stuff.

I agree that the MC makes a lot (and I seriously mean a LOT) of s*upid decisions. He drags the fight a lot when he can literally 1 hit KO... more>> an opponent.


He tries to improve his taijutsu a lot and puts a lot of effort in it and in the end it doesn't even matter much to the plot.


A lot of chapters might feel like fillers with the drawn out fights but it's still fun to read. It's not one of those novels where you can expect some great plot with lots of character development and stuff. It's basically a novel where you can turn you brain off and just enjoy the long combats, naruto references and gains in strength.

This novel is a good option to kill time. Just read it with an open mind and enjoy. <<less
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SunsetChaos rated it
April 17, 2017
Status: c255
Better than what I expected out of this, didn't cringe as much as I thought. Obviously catered to those who already watched/read Naruto otherwise it'll be harder to understand/visualize the moves and references.

I'm mainly here for the fights and the inevitable steam rolling everything with OP ninja moves and tailed beasts and stuff. Most of my ratings comes from this and expectations for future fights. I'm sure most readers are here for those too.

Ignoring the fact that we have the MC with ninja and tailed beasts stuff, it feels really... more>> f*cking weird having one of those Chinese cultivation world with Chinese culture and cultivator stuff, and then out of nowhere you get western (?) dragons and elves and dwarves. But elves with Chinese names though. Even the supposedly western flying lizard dragons seems so Chinese because of cultivation and clans.

In the end, feels really Chinese like Chinese chuunibyou. Yea it's a Chinese novel but still... mixing Chinese and other cultures like this...

Another thing that irks me, he's got transformation jutsu but never used it even once. Wouldn't that be extremely helpful? Also, how the f**k did his elder sister even learn to use chakra... I thought that's something unique to his cheat system. <<less
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SchwarzVoid rated it
March 21, 2017
Status: c224
OK I know how much some people like to bash certain stories with their literary elitism but let me make this clear, IT'S A FANFIC STORY. Whenever these types of stories are compared to the original of course they will fall short of expected because it is NOT the original. Yes there are sudden time skips where meaningful character development and long and arduous training sessions take place, YES THE CHARACTER DOES TRAIN he is not given EVERYTHING in a silver platter with his cheat system ability. He has to... more>> train change in nature chakra and he has to train his levels of chakra to be able to unleash his OP sharingan and other powerful Jutsu, the author just skips over that or we would have endless training filler like in the OG Naruto. The character is goal driven and I enjoy how fanboy he gets when he is browsing the jutsu and the cosplay shops in the Naruto system god thing that sells the Justus and clothes to him, I Mean I would be fanboying too if I could wear those clothes and ramble all the just names in public without getting seen as a nutcase, which makes it relatable in that regard to the readers who enjoy NARUTO. Read it, the chapters are short, the story is short, and it I like how the weaker tailed beasts are given more screen time and decent personalities unlike in the anime, I really enjoy the MC and Shukaku banter. All in all give it a shot, It is not a literary masterpiece, it is not groundbreaking in any way, but it is fun seeing Jutsus like Susanoo and sharingan being taken lightly by the people of that world only to get owned by the MC fanboy, and after reading plenty of cultivation WN it is a refreshing read seeing break the mold and adding outside elements to the rigid "I have more cultivation than you so I am more powerful" run of the mill only to have the MC destroy them simply because they have an OP treasure, instead here he just doesn't use this world's powers so that line technically doesn't apply. Just do not take it that seriously and I am sure that you will have more fun while reading it. Also read it by listening to Naruto music, it just makes the experience much mire enjoyable. <<less
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drauga rated it
March 20, 2017
Status: c223
Ok lets begin. Forced plots everywhere. Author needs to get his stuff together as this novel can be considered dead soon. Also, bad common sense basically. Hes using powers that do not exist in this world and the locals are just basically unphased by a Susanoo popping up and killing things left and right other then the obvious of "holy cow this guy is strong, better send people after him without a clear understanding of his powers other than him turning into a giant skeleton and summoning giant tailed beasts... more>> which flattened a mountain"... yea its pretty bad... He also gets everything nearly free.... time skips and forced plots left and right with no real explanation/background into how he got these things other than "he exchanged these things sometime ago with points he got from training" and also the insanely powerful "stumbles upon an op treasure that gave him things he normally cant obtain due to sheer dumb luck and totally not forced to fit some content in" card... <<less
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KoPLeaderKiactu rated it
January 17, 2017
Status: --
Honestly, I'm like the writer before me. I love Naruto. But I've read so many fanfiction where they get things wrong I'm used to it. But reading something like this? It just makes up things as it goes on.

Like for instance, Matatabi (the Two-Tails) can interact with souls.


No she cannot. At least, it wasn't expressed in the manga.

The Raikage was the fastest ninja without opening the Eight Gates.


Again, no he was not.

In the series, Naruto dodged him just as he was about to get attacked. And don't give me the excuse that he was using the Nine Tails Chakra Cloak to power up as the Raikage was using his own Lightning Release Chakra Cloak.


All this junk is basically just a glorified fanfiction with made-up information. I'm honestly being generous with two stars. The translator, however, is doing a good job but what drags him down is just this story.
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harkey95 rated it
August 6, 2016
Status: c61
It's an amusing story to read in my spare time.


The MC is a Naruto otaku that dies and is reborn into the tr*sh body of the young lord of one of the four great clans of whatever empire it was that was said, I forgot. After transmigration, the MC discovers the Naruto System and goes from there. Now, despite what another reviewer said, the MC didn't have the mature Sharingan right off the bat, he had an immature Sharingan with only one tomoe (magatama), and has to rank up (using points earned in the system by means of magical beast slaughtering) twice to obtain the matured Sharingan (three tomoe). Also, it's not as if everything is handed on a silver platter to this guy, he still has to actually study the ninjutsu and genjutsu in order to use them. He has to cultivate his chakra every day, just like other people do (chi, qi, yuan, magic, mana, energy of the Heaven and Earth, what have you), he has to practice his taijutsu (hand-to-hand combat) every day, the only ability that he can just exchange for points and he can just have it work with almost no effort on his part, is the various upgrades to his Sharingan (1-tomoe, 2-tomoe, 3-tomoe, Mangekyo, Eternal Mangekyo, and I'm assuming because it hasn't gotten that far, but Rinnegan etc.).

So yes, while he does progress his abilities at a pretty good rate, you have to also realize that the author likes time-skips, and if you take that into account then all you have is a seemingly hard working genius. One thing the author did which was good, was that he didn't give the MC that "All-Affinities" bullsh*t that so many authors like to do.


While the story is admittedly sub-par, if you read it for what it is (a comedic story in my opinion), it's not a bad way to spend ten minutes.

EDIT: A lot of people seem to be confused about why the MC can use jutsu that don't fall within the affinity he has. I'm going to copy a paragraph from http://naruto. Wikia. Com/wiki/Nature_Transformation
and I encourage you to read up on the matter as well, but here we go:

"Shinobi have an easier time learning to create and control chakra natures that match their affinity, although even then it may take any number of years. Shinobi are not limited to the nature they have an affinity for, and it is in fact common for jōnin to have mastered two natures. Although it is technically possible to master all five natures, it is very rare because of how much of training is involved; Madara Uchiha, Hiruzen Sarutobi, [5] Hashirama Senju, Tobirama Senju, Mū, Kakashi Hatake, and Orochimaru are the only shinobi known to have done so via normal means.[6] Other methods of acquiring all five natures include:

Possession of the Rinnegan.[7]
Usage of Six Paths Senjutsu[8]
Usage of the Truth-Seeking Balls.[9][10]
Using Earth Grudge Fear to gather hearts with other chakra natures.
In the anime, Fūka got them by stealing others' chakra, though due to the accumulated amounts surpassing one body's limits, she had to divide them in various combinations in multiple bodies.
In Naruto Shippūden the Movie: The Will of Fire, it was stated one who absorbs five kekkei genkai with the Chimera Technique would gain a mastery over all five natures.
In Naruto Shippūden: Dragon Blade Chronicles, Naruto gets the Dragon Blade, which allows him to use all five natures."

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Linley rated it
July 28, 2016
Status: c42
I believe this novel is perfect for regular Naruto fans - as in, the ones who watch it every once in a while and don't devote themselves to it like how the MC "supposedly" does. As long as you are not too much of a hardcore fan, you will get the references even though there are multiple mistakes with moves/descriptions/etc. As someone who casually watched Naruto and didn't look too much into it, I found this novel greatly enjoyable. Anyways, moving on....

4/5 for Story Progression. The story isn't too rushed,... more>> but still proceeds in a slightly rushed fashion. A few time skips have already been included within the first few chapters, and I have a feeling more might soon be on the way.

3/5 for Character Building. Currently, the MC seems like a giant ripoff of every Naruto character (which he's supposed to be) but isn't headed towards a general direction. I understand that he wants to train multiple techniques, but I still believe it's a little too much.

2/5 for Side Character Progression. A few side characters have been introduced, but I haven't even bothered to keep them in mind. They are so irrelevant I recognize them as "the gang whose friends with the MC". Besides short descriptions here and there, nothing is memorable.

Even though this novel isn't even close to being my favorite, there's just something about it making you just want more, which is why instead of giving it a 3 star rating, I'll give it a 4/5. Can't wait to read more, and will update further into the novel. <<less
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MassReader rated it
July 25, 2016
Status: c2
Good, from the previous reviews I thought it had bad grammar, lame story telling, but its unexpectedly very fun to read. Enjoying it>
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shadowtrap2010 rated it
July 18, 2016
Status: c31
This actually very decent quite interesting! Who sometime doesn't want a crossover? The story start out with tolerable speed then speed up so atm I cant wait to read the next chapter.
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Senior Brother
Senior Brother rated it
July 16, 2016
Status: c26
A novel with zero originality. if you doesn't care about that then it's somewhat fun to read, especially the fighting scenes.

The characters in this novel is somewhat bland and lack depth, their personality is very shallow. The atmosphere is also weird, especially the characters interaction, it's... awkward. It could be the author's style. but if you could ignore that then you may enjoy the rest. Especially the fighting scenes, and mc's jutsu and power up is somewhat entertaining to read.
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Redmi rated it
June 24, 2016
Status: c5
The smirk on my face when I read when I read this piece of 'art'. Is indescribable. Do not expect Pulitzer-writing here, you should shut down all your intellect and IQ before reading new chapters of this series.
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Gsichtselfmeter rated it
February 19, 2022
Status: c109
What a shame, I had high expectations based on the first few chapters. The Naruto system and execution is really cool, and the fact that the OP is OP (lol) might also be good. Unfortunately the MC, the world and the rest of the story is standard cookie-cutter bullsh*t of the lowest quality. Logical flaws, standard plot hooks, etc. Really hurts my brain. 3* for the system.
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Ardavix rated it
December 31, 2020
Status: Completed
This was simultaneously a harsh read (high levels of suspension of disbelief required) and a fun read (blood boiling scenes).

To keep things very short, if you are willing to dredge through numerous times where the autor forgets what he previously wrote, plot holes, cringe writing and character dialogue and lots and lots of suspension of disbelief moments just because NARUTO FANFICTION ~ then you will enjoy this.

Seriously though, if you're not here because you need your Naruto fan fiction fix then please save yourself the anxiety of reading this.

As for... more>> me, I can't get enough Naruto so this was enjoyable in spite of everything else - Naruto inspired blood boiling scenes and what not.

You have been warned. <<less
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Bachingchung rated it
October 17, 2019
Status: --
1. Too many inconsistencies with the system. For starters his first kill, the rabbit monster, gave him 10 pts. Then after 2 yrs he barely saved up 10k? Like wtf.

2. The characters have bipolar syndrome. They are either too angry or lovey dovey with no rhyme or reason.

3. Too much info dump. A little bit of refresher and we would get it. Anyone who would give this novel a chance have read Naruto already. No need to recap a fvcking whole plot.

4. How could the MC stay in a jungle... more>> full of beasts for 2 yrs? He's a NEET for christ's sake and you expect us to believe he's capable of survival?

5. Why the fvck is the Sharingan so cheap?

6. The system is broken.

7. The side characters are idiots.

8. The whole plot is tr*sh. The motive and goal are tr*sh. The reason for his banishment is hogwash.

9. The jokes are so bad.

10. Too many illogical reactions... I guess this would go for the bipolar thing.

11. MC will always have these monologues about skills he wouldn't be able to use... then use it on the next chapter.

In conclusion: this is soooo bad. <<less
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Renjisea rated it
May 22, 2019
Status: --
The author butcher his own story with inconsistency, unrealistic power ranking, and a not so bright thinking MC. Just a normal MC with character would greatly improve the story flow.
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Little Big House
Little Big House rated it
April 26, 2019
Status: c381
There have been lots of criticism against the author, such as plagiarism, lack of originality, etc.

All in All, the author made up a pretty good story, though short and a bit rushed, it was a great novel to read.

As for the plagiarism mention by a lot of readers, I must say that while the concepts were indeed not his. For example, the sharingan which everybody knows as the eyes that the Uchiha clan's possess. His story has nothing else to do with the Naruto storyline. In fact, the author could... more>> have just uses another name for every concept that wasn't his. So I prefer to see this novel as a kind of parody of Naruto, where we fuse some chinese style into a japanese story.


    • Great story, recieves too much criticism on the fact that it's based on the world of Naruto (not the storyline of Naruto).
    • Has to be read as a parody (like History number one founder or smth like that, can't remember the name).
    • I reviewed the book as it is, but I also condemn plagiarism.
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musachi24 rated it
December 7, 2018
Status: c381
Alright its my first time rating a novel so ill make it short

Overall it was fun reading the novel. If you never finish or watch naruto, which was the same as me you can always search or watch the jutsu in youtube. I had lot fun reading this, how should I say this.... its waking my chuunibyuu syndrome.. its like when your a kid wanting to be some kind super hero or ninja or what so ever...

anyway... its a short novel.. and almost everything is predictable...i cant say I hated... more>> that overall I recomended reading it.. its not bad.. I had a lot of laugh thats all haha <<less
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PaperM00N rated it
December 2, 2018
Status: c381
Not so bad. If you Naruto fan, you can read this novel (if you didn't read/watch Naruto better no to read this novel). But not forget to wear soft gloves (or you may wound yourself with "FacePalms").

... more>>

Our protagonist don't know how to translate word "Shinobi", in combat he fights only head on, just like bull.

He never use tactics or strategic in battle.

He never try to attack weak points of his foes, he better run away than do so.

He never uses class advantage (Fighters suppress mages, mages > illusionists, illusionists > fighter).

He never uses element advantage (he can spam flame ninjutsu against water mage and so on...).

When he decides ninjustsu for use he often selects recently learned one (90% of skills he used only once, no one knows why he learned in first place. For fun?).

But most frustrating that protagonist can use taijutsu of Mighty Guy, lightning ninjutsu of 3rd raikage (latter yellow flash), but he never evades attacks! >_< (Word "ninja" is almost synonym to word "evasion". Even clumsy Naruto himself evades, even sh*tty diamond-skin guy from fillers evades!)

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