I Wasn’t Born Lucky


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“I wasn’t born a lucky person, I’m just too strong.”

On his way home late in the evening, Xiao Li found a letter asking for help and inexplicably came to an unknown place. He had to finish the task given before he could succeed in returning to reality. In the legendary haunted school, Xiao Li looked at his companions’ task of ‘survive until dawn’ and then looked at the tasks displayed in his book:

Tell me your name.

Tell me what you like.

Kiss me.

Xiao Li: ????

He was very confused and then refused.

Associated Names
One entry per line
Related Series
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Non-Human Seeking Re-employment (6)
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I Rely on Kisses to Clear Survival Games (6)
Game Loading (5)
Card Room (4)
Recommendation Lists
  1. Novels I've read and ratings ig?
  2. Unlimited Flow (BL)
  3. Summery seems interesting
  4. Supernatural Goldmine
  5. Horror/Infinite Flow Danmei

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116 Reviews sorted by

astrobabe rated it
September 10, 2019
Status: c50
There are three issues I have with this novel:

    1. The ML sucks. He's a creep, not only through his excessive, aggressive s*xual badgering in book form but also the s*upid dreams. :thinkingface: "I'm certain that my love interest (MC) would really enjoy being chained up to a bed in his dreams and being touched and kissed without consent, especially after he's rebuffed me five dozen times while awake and conscious." It's also nice that MC conveniently is unable to remember these dreams where he's harassed.
    1. The MC is ?????.... more>> He seems to be inconsistently characterized by the author. He's mostly a robot a lot of the times. I think he's emotionally stunted, but there doesn't seem to be a very comprehensive reason why. He's super smart but also kinda dumb, and I mostly say that because he starts thinking that the ML in book form is cute for seemingly no apparent reason. The only characteristic of the MC that I find remotely interesting is his compulsive curiosity.
    1. Theres... like zero tension in any of the instances. The MC just walks around and does whatever he wants with no consequence because he's being protected by ML. The mysteries of the instances and the ghosts will just eventually be solved because the MC will conveniently get hand-held as he takes merry strolls. Then he just deduces everything. The end. I think it's supposed to be funny when people react to him doing supposedly dangerous things and coming out unscathed, but the way the author writes it makes it really matter-of-fact. It doesn't have the comedic punch it should like it does in other novels. It should be suspenseful or it should be funny. But it's neither.
Honestly, the first two ghosts that the MC meets and befriends are more interesting characters than ML or MC. And they don't even do that much. <<less
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IndusEla rated it
January 9, 2020
Status: c88
Personally, I don't understand the praise this novel is getting in the reviews. I'd much rather read other novels of this genre which are better, like The Earth Is Online and Card Room.

I can't really think of any pros but I sure do have a lot of cons to talk about. This novel is pretty bland and didn't leave a positive impression on me even though I've read close to a hundred chapters already, waiting for it to get better. But it didn't. It's not bad, just... forgettable. Really forgettable.


  • The MC: Bland and two dimensional. Although you come across a bit of the main character's back story, it doesn't really connect with you because the MC is so utterly bland. I've read so much and still, I don't have a strong impression of him. It's his stoic and cold disposition (common in Chinese novels) which makes him such an uninteresting main character. You don't understand what's going on in his head, and the lack of connection to him just sucks the fun out of reading.
  • The Love Interest: Eighty-eight chapters in, and I don't have strong feelings for this guy either. Eighty-eight chapters. He is just this bunch of random lines that shows up to expand the chapter length. The only qualities I've come across through his random and jarring appearances in the novel is that he's obsessive, creepy, a stalker, and just an unpleasant person.
  • The Side Characters: They are just there to highlight how awesome the MC is. While most people are struggling and can't figure out how to solve the mysteries, the MC is literally breezing through it, charming these foolish side characters with his indestructible main character halo. They are just as out of the loop as the readers.
  • The "Missions": Tragically uninteresting. In the other novels I mentioned before, the missions made sense and the reader was able to see the logic and how the characters achieved the result that they did because it made sense. But here? Nothing makes sense. It just happens and while the other characters are just as out of the loop as us readers, the MC smoothly sails through it with absolutely bullsh*t logic. None of the clues connect and you have to just sit there and read what's happening because you cant make sense of it - like why did the MC randomly stab the ghost ship without logic or reason? And then BAM, in the next chapter this random thing he did to seemingly check the sharpness of a weapon is the ultimate clue the MC knew all about. It's gets annoying real fast. Basically, the arcs don't make sense and they are just there to make the readers go "oh man, I don't understand anything but the MC is so OP, he made logic disappear and arrived at this conclusion which didn't even need build-up and logic. Wow, he is so cool". No, he isn't cool. The missions are shit.
Oh, I remember what I liked about this novel. First off, the translation quality is good and secondly, the MC collects ghosts which are pretty cute (their behavior, I mean). That's it.
45 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Chipmunkch33k5 rated it
December 23, 2020
Status: c268



... more>> *exhales* (◕ᴗ◕✿) Okay, I feel better now. I have indeed felt some regrets when I came across this story a few times before but didn't put I in my list to read bcz of the reviews; but it's fine now bcz I read it after all and I'M SO GLAD I DID (ʃƪ^3^) ♥️ After all, it was 🌈RAINBOWTURTLE☁️, one of my favorite translators who translated it !!!♡ (ӦvӦ。)

Everyone has their right to not like this story, the characters, pacing, etc. Especially when it came to the relationship between the main couple but the story doesn't deserve that much venom against it. It even fooled the me who likes to view things on my own before drawing own conclusions. It worries me about how many stories like this that have been buried under the radar but I'm really happy the author and translator stuck to it. I'm also happy that I've finished just when it had two chapters left so now I'll just wait for the extras ✨✧◝ (⁰▿⁰) ◜✧✨ <<less
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Larsn rated it
March 22, 2020
Status: c131
Really good. I really like this story. I heard people say it's bland and repetitive and the MC has no personality, but I completely disagree.

  • The story is funny, each world is interesting and involving, (and most importantly not too long, contrary to some worlds in Card Room, for example. Like the Heart Rooms. I found myself almost completely skipping them after the C level ones...)
  • The MC has various (though subtle, perhaps) layers to him. I found him particularly cute at times and cool at others. It is true that he's perhaps a bit too OP compared to others, but each main side-character still does its part in the end. They each have their own skills set, characteristics and background, whcich makes them more likable. Besides that, I like the MC's attitude with ghosts. Although at times a bit exaggerated by now, it's still funny and can immediately break the tension.
  • The ML is, perhaps, the only thing which I really don't like. He's a total creep and a control freak - at least at the beginning. More than when he's a yellow little book, I had difficilty swallowing his behaviour when he manifested himself at the start. Especially during those dubious dreams (?). That is not how a healty relationship should be like. Consent is important, people. Fortunately, in the latest chapters he starts calming down. Especially in his human form he has quite a good personality for now, caring after the MC. The dreams (?) have gotten better as well.

    Contrary to what others may think, what I like most about
  • this pairing is exactly it's slow pace. The MC doesn't fall in love with a book and, although he likes the ML's human person, he does not fall immediately in love with that either. Especially not after hearing the other's reason for liking him is just that he is 'cute'. And the true reason the ML is after him is obviously not really just because he likes his face, contrary to what he says (I'm really curious to know what's behind that as well). In short, this is really an interesting story and my favourite of its gender so far. Although it has some elements which aren't exactly good (like the, at times, exaggerated OPness of the MC or the creepiness of the ML at the beginning) it is, overall, still menageable and a pretty good read.
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hy-d-ra rated it
September 1, 2019
Revisited review.

Can't help, but revisit my own review due to the shift of my opinion of this novel. The shift happened due to the following thoughts.

The more you read, the more you realize that the "romance" part of it is not exactly unbalanced, so far it's practically dead. Some people might have rushed, while tagging this as 'yaoi' and my problem doesn't lie in that, since I never care if the story is not romance-oriented, but it makes the story look odd, especially the furniture ML. With instances coming and... more>> going one after another and his inability to appear before the MC, unless it's his thoughts as Little Yellow Book, his presence in the story is very little. Here and there he expresses his yellow thoughts, and sometimes there's a line how he mysteriously appears and disappears, but it totally ruined his character and doesn't allow his character to be redeemed. Why redeemed? Well, from first chapters the ML strangely acts as if they're a married couple with MC and except from yellow thoughts it seems nothing comes out from his mouth. This makes you care less and less about him and their relationship with Xiao Li at all. I'm sure some want the switch of ML for someone else because of his weird attitude. Though he's not the worst ML I've seen, at least he doesn't kill people left and right because someone dared to look at his precious.

Next part is the story. Since it's an ironic horror it has a lot of humor twists based on MC's actions and words that contradict "standard" behavior in dangerous or ghostly situations. He befriends ghosts, trolls them etc. Unlike other reincarnators Xiao Li doesn't see the instances as something horrible, due to his lacking emotional range, life and autistic behavior (thanks to obvious family neglect), he perceives meeting ghosts and solving puzzles as biggest excitement there is. But due to repetitive actions this can become a bit tedious, especially when real life parts get so little of time and instances follow closely one after another. Xiao Li started quite charismatic, he acts quite logically so it's interesting to follow him. Plus he doesn't fall for ML's provocation, which I think is a plus, since ML comes as overbearing. But again, if you repeat same formula for who knows how many times, it will stop working.

All in all, the first review I wrote was around 50 chapters. And it was good. At 100 chapters my impression dimmed quite a bit. In the end I'm dropping it since I can't bring myself to like this genre of eternal game and escape. <<less
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holachica rated it
September 4, 2020
Status: c167
Well, this novel was definitely 'five star' material in the beginning. The protagonist was cool and collected, and the instances were very interesting. However, as the arcs go on, things become convoluted. A few primary problems rise up.

    1. The instance 'backstories/explanations' stop being interesting, and stop making sense. You can tell that the author is trying or something, but she ultimately is unable to pull it off. The arcs become confusing and rather 'unnecessary' feeling, where there is no longer anticipation or interest in what's happening.
    1. The 'challenge' behind... more>> it all soon goes away. It was fun in the beginning, because there was still an element o danger and surprise, with the MC having to use actual skills, caution and brainwork. However, at the chapter where I am, it just becomes the MC coming across a problem, and before there is a chance or teamwork or logic, one of his ghosts happens to be the solution. There is no built-up tension or anticipation by the reader. At this point, it's like these problems were made exclusively to be solved by Xiao Li and Xiao Li only. It's hard to read through without thinking, 'oh, blatant plot armour... again.'
    1. The MC is bland. It was interesting in the beginning when the focus was on the instances and not specifically on him. However, as the story becomes flatter, you can't help but notice how utterly boring the MC is. There isn't even an inner monologue. He's just there... saying two sentences per chapter. It gets tedious.
    1. The ML is just weird. That's it. He's your typical cold, secretly over-powered guy. Except he's similarly boring. He's slightly more interesting, with his unexplained obsession with the MC, but yeah... that's about it.
In summary, the story had potential. But then the author started to pile the plot armor on, like the MC could do no wrong, and to the point that it had lost it's all-important sense o 'mystery'. The instances become something to slog through, rather than to puzzle out and enjoy. It also serves to mention that the 'puzzles' stop making sense. <<less
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Sin devil
Sin devil rated it
October 3, 2019
Status: c49
Nice plot with elements of comedy and horror.

The MC is intriguing and, thank god, doesn't have a holy Father attitude. ML is cute and a big pe*vert but he takes good care of his wife.:)

The horror plots are small but bewitching. I got hooked up once I started.
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TopetoliChishi rated it
November 13, 2020
Status: --
DROPPED!! (๓´罒`๓)

I dont know where to start.. Wasnt born lucky my ass... If the other reincarnators were to act like the MC they will end up dead.

The MC is so bland its irritating. I know they are trying to make the MC look I dont know 'cool' maybe but his indifference is infuriating. At this point the MC is literally a robot. (╮°-°) ╮┳━┳ (╯°□°) ╯ ┻━┻

The ML is non existent. I dont understand how the author is planning to progress with the romance plot. I swear I see... more>> the doll girl more then the ML. There is no interaction between the ML and the MC. Mostly its the MLs one-sided chatter that reminds us that this book even has a romance tag. At first I tried induring it but later it got really ridiculous to the point where I felt like throwing the laptop when the MC and the book interact. (ꐦ •᷄⌓•᷅)

There is so much problem its frustrating. All on all I hate the MC's character.ଲ (≖ᾥ≖) ꐦ

(I dont understand why there is a lack of critical comments in the website) <<less
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rhianirory rated it
August 21, 2019
Status: c268
the MC reminds me a little of Master Gu from A Crowd of Evil Spirits at first glance, (less overly nice), but the differences become clearer as the story progresses. he's clever and obsessive about solving puzzles and the only time he really seems to feel strong emotion is when he's excited about the instance he's in. ... more>>

the explanation that he can befriend ghosts and has no fear because he has no emotions doesn't fly; excitement is an emotional response and he's always excited when it's time to solve the puzzle. his emotions are dampened and I would go so far as the say he has some autistic tendencies, but he does have them.


the copies are interesting enough but not scary, they seem to exist mostly to show how quirky the MC is compared to everyone else and the time in between, when he's in the real world, is mostly skipped over at first; it's not until the end of the story that reality sort of comes into play and even then it's got nothing to do with his life in reality.

As for the ML...I didn't like him.

I'm not a big fan of the "I will stalk you and sexually harass you until you give in" type of ML and the NC dreams, among other things, is way beyond Not OK. the author seemed to realize it and eventually stopped with the worst of it and the ML stopped harassing the MC through the book and started showing up in person. He continues to stalk the MC, who says he finds it cute, and is possessive as hell, which the MC says makes him feel safe. this is a completely alien way of thinking compared to my own and my friends/family, and I don't get it. I lost a lot of my enthusiasm for the MC once he threw away his initial independent nature and concluded that he enjoyed being owned by the ML.


also, I don't understand the basic logic

behind changing nicknames from Sherlock to Moriarty. the first guy knew his real name and game name already, so why does it matter that the second guy also knows his real name and game name? the change in the nickname seems to be there purely for causing comedic misunderstandings between two side characters and makes no logical sense within the story. why does he suddenly care about a name when he hasn't cared about much of anything (except playing games) since the whole story started? then he adds a third name, just so the author can write more unnecessary verbal infighting between fans on the forum for filler.


the romance is one-sided until quite late in the story; it's not so much a slow burn as a slow climb from 0 to 15 through 3/4 of the novel and then it shoots up abruptly from 15 to 90

once the prison instance is over. maybe the author didn't want to spend more time actually writing about them building up their relationship; they just jumped from luke-warm to scalding with very few steps in between. the MC went from "I don't want to fall in love" to "I don't know if I like you like that" and then skipping directly to "Our bond is eternal and we will be together forever." some people will find it romantic, it just made me roll my eyes and move on.


the end was rather messy and sloppy compared to the rest of the story and I kind of got the idea that the author was in a hurry to end it but wasn't sure how. I'll probably reread it once the translator finishes in case I just misunderstood a few things.

thank you to RT, the translation so far is wonderful. my final rating for the story itself is 3.5 the extra.5 is for the translator. <<less
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YoriMei rated it
February 4, 2021
Status: c64
So I genuinely tried to like this story, but unfortunately it fell flat for me. It's not bad as a casual story, I've read both good and bad stories with this one falling smack dab in the middle of all of them. It's just... lacking. Lacking in detail, lacking in explanation, lacking in length, honestly the list could go on. The instances are a little too short and to the point that it feels a lot more like telling than showing. For example, the MC gets a lot of ghost... more>> helpers (1 per instance) but because the time these two spends together in the instance is too short, the attachment that these ghosts feel towards MC is way too quick. Another example would be (spoilers for that instance though so be warned) :


in one scenario the MC examined a body of a person that, in their point of view, opened a black box and then promptly dropped dead after looking inside. The MC looks at the body, determines that it was dead for half the day and then immediately turns to another person to tell him the answer of what was in the black box, which was memories of how that person died earlier. The problem is, this happens almost immediately after looking at only one dead body and then asking the ghost delivery man some vague-ish questions, before immediately jumping to "oh that's the memories of their death!". It's not a dumb or unreasonable answer, it's just that the jump was so fast it felt like it went from Point A to Point M with nothing about the in between steps.


As for the MC, I actually do like him but you can almost feel the plot armor that he wears. He's presented as this aloof, kinda quirky, "don't-bother-me" guy whose chasing after excitement but a lot of the ways he prevents himself from dying is his ghost summons that he luckily got from previous instances. Ghost trying to kill MC while he sleeps? His ghost restrains them with her hair. Ghost from hitman tries to assassinate him in the real world? His ghost stops it with her hair. Every quirky fearless moment just feels like MC flexing his plot armor rather than his own ability.

Overall, I legitimately tried to find enthusiasm for this story but it's just not for me. It's not a terrible story, but in the end I just don't think I click well with the authors writing. However, I do think it is refreshing at times that each instance doesn't last for 30 something chapters which prevents each arc from getting tiring. The MC does have his cool moments as well, and sometimes the dialogue that the little yellow book spouts is pretty funny. As always people like different things, so please give this story a shot if unlimited flow is your thing. <<less
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fluffy gangster
fluffy gangster rated it
December 27, 2020
Status: Completed

This novel is freaking comedic.. I loved every bit of it. I swear after reading it bloody Mary, pen fairy, split mouthed woman and other classical horror character, it gives you a feeling that they are your next door gentle big sister!!!

The horror tag is unnecessary with our op MC. Every arc is enjoyable with praiseworthy background setting that finally resulted in the last arc. So very awesome!!

And those who are slandering our ML as a creepy perv.... Oh come on you can't possibly expect a soul born of chaos... more>> power to know how to chase and sweet talk. In my opinion the author wanted to express the ml's background with his most primitive way of expressing love. So the conclusion is if you are a sucker of a hearty laugh with a fresh bowl of dog food, hurry up and start reading. Lest you regret not reading it earlier like me😉😉 <<less
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Ritsuka rated it
December 26, 2020
Status: Completed
Phew! Finally its finished and I can write a review to refute a lot of bad reviews and tell everyone why you guys should read this.

I'm gonna be honest, this doesn't really have a really extraordinary plot/romance/characters or plot twists. Its nothing extraordinary yet I still gave it 5 stars. Do you want to know why? Its obviously because I enjoyed every bit of it while reading. Guys listen to me! A novel is supposed to be fun and it should make you enjoy it. If a novel is well... more>> written with everything, but its not fun. Then whats even the use of such novel???

Even though recently Horror unlimited Flow BL have increased, back when I first read it I think this was one of the early fews and it was such a fresh and new premise.I loved every instance! They were a bit scary but the most important element was mystery! Instead of using normal mystery stereotypes, every instance had a new mystery of its own which was revealed at the end and excited me so much!Plus I know its weird, but I loved the ghosts very much. They were so funny at times!It was really exciting to see new world, new ghosts in every instance and it kept me on the edge of my seat just thinking about the truth of the world and how the characters will survive. And the truth of each instance, always managed to amaze me like whoa totally didn't expect that but it makes sense! Yes! Thats it! This novel amused me and gave me thrills and hype while I was reading it!

As I said before, this novel was for pure enjoyment so the characters weren't that developed. Xiao Li our protagonist was just OP as hell, not getting scared of anything and being excited while bullying (for him it was befriending) ghosts. He seemed really emotionless in the novel without much thoughts and just dealing with instances with his out of the ordinary ideas. Originally I had complaints about it, like the author didn't give or show his emotions. But as I continued reading, there were a lot of moments when he started showing emotions and they were precisely when he interacted with the ML and experienced great turbulence in his heart when falling in love. He finally softened.

The ML, as I mentioned before, is by no means ideal or perfect too. In the start, he only communicated through the yellow book and occasionally appeared in front of him. (Since i've been following this story for too long, so I don't remember too clearly, but apparently as the haters say there was a time he kinda harassed the MC once in his dream and haters just started calling him disgusting cause of that *rolls eyes*) Let me tell y'all, he's way better than your possessive, cold unfeeling MLs who just force the MC. Throughtout the story, just from his thoughts, I could tell how much love he had for the MC!How much possessive he was! But because he loved the MC and respected him. He took the courage to confess and waited for the MC, silently accompanying him through various instances and helping him. He never ever forced the MC despite his urges!Even after they got together, he always listened and did whatever the MC wanted. Thats a respectable ML right there!

The romance isn't really that great but I liked it, it started from small interactions and then the ML confessed like 150 smth chapters later and started actively pursuing the MC while respecting MC's sense of privacy and never forcing him. The MC wanted a really passionate romance and a person who loved him and only him. And when ML proved that he is the ideal man for him, they got together! And this was the moment I squealed so badly! Like Finally! I had to wait 230 smth chapters just for this but it was worth it! After they got together, they both relented to each other, with ML doing whatever the MC wanted and The MC spoiling the ML with love and assuring him! (They did "it" but no smut)

The side characters were typical 'standing by the side and admiring the MC being OP' type and they were funny! The ghosts were really funny. All tired of MC's bullying and communicating about they miseries on their ghost forums xDD.

The ending seem a lil rushed but hey! The author actually explained and wrapped up the incidents in the novel!

Didn't expect that Xiao Li will become a god like lololol his name is "god of fear and badluck" but duh it suits him as he scares all the ghosts and brings bad luck to them. But as a god, he can live with the ML forever!!!!

The author mentioned extras but idk whether there will be some or not. Personally, I would like them. So I'm waiting!

Anyway guys, the strong point of this is that it was extremely fun reading this novel! It was fun reading different mysteries and The MC being OP. Not even once I had the thought of dropping it or putting it on hold. As a novel, it did its job perfectly and made me have a lot of fun and excitement while reading it! Do give it a try please! Don't mind those bad reviews! <<less
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Mihami rated it
December 19, 2020
Status: c268
The "god of fear and bad luck".

It suits the name of the novel so well, I couldn't not wrote it.

I need to warn people : you read this novel to laugh, not to be scared. Don't think about thriller or gore (even if some scenes or instances are a little... more than soft let's say).

... more>> This novel is for people who wants to destress and have an amusing time.

What I really appreciate is the imagination of the author. You're not gonna be bored and trust me every instance is not the same. You won't read the same 'instances/chapters building' twice.

So : Something you won't know there are extras coming when the author will have time/want to post them.

I totally recommend this novel to have a good laugh, especially to people who are afraid of survival/horror novels, I think it's a good step to reading one without all the humor.

Have fun ! <<less
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sarkasticpupil rated it
August 17, 2020
Status: c66
I rate this 2 stars not much to say but it's super boring. MC has no dimension he's cold/ (possibly autistic) and doesnt really do anything except run around aimlessly he's built up to be this super intelligent charachter but nothing he does actually represents that it's more like he's really lucky plus the ML stops him from facing any consequences in game so he just scurries around. Genuinely nothing exciting has happened maybe it's because I've read quite a few of these horror game stories but this one is... more>> just particularly boring theres no intrigue no mystery no face slapping/ revenge plotlines even the romance is flat. Like ot starts off kinda interesting but the plot never picks up its so meh. <<less
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auraizen rated it
February 7, 2022
Status: c255
The instances were entertaining at first, although I got more bored throughout the novel as it became repetitive and I started to have to force myself to keep reading

MC was fun, I really enjoy characters who act contrary to how one would act when trapped in a horror instance—the author dragged it out for too many chapters though, so he became boring acting the exact same way for over 20 instances with no change

I normally enjoy seeing stories go on for longer but the author shot themselves in the foot... more>> by repeating the same formula only changing the type of ghosts that appeared/the type of scary story—

I finally got to where the plot is moving forward and the final arc but I'm too sick of the formula to keep reading (might be my fault for trying to binge it but ive been reading it over 4 days which is actually quite long for me-id have already finished this if I didnt have to take breaks because I got bored)

biggest issue is the ml, like other reviewers have said. Apart from the obvious creepy stalker sh*t the romance in this novel is garbage. No chemistry, nothing makes you want to ship the characters. It actually makes you want to MC to not be with the ML instead with how he acts sometimes

it was implied they had a deep past that MC forgot at first but

MC as a kid gave ML a popsicle once and ML has been stalking him for years after that and fell in love. Literally their only interaction beforehand


luckily the

MC figures out ML is the book himself and willingly chooses to be with him (because due to his mother dying and leaving him or something like that MC only wants a crazy possessive lover who will care about him and nobody else

so its all consensual atleast

but ML is so bland, like he's literally one of the main characters but he's a flat character with no personality. Those wattpad fics I read when I was 12 about the bad boy falling in love with you had better romance.

since this isn't something to ever read for the romance you might as well read my house of horrors because that has much better instances too lmao-i should've used my time to reread that instead

All in all, the writing isnt terrible. If the author had done a different type of ML and didnt drag it out and make it so repetitive without progress it could have been much better, but oh well <<less
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secondthots rated it
May 20, 2021
Status: Completed
Alt title: How to Bully Ghosts

This novel wasn't as bad as I assumed it would be. Sure, the majority of the reviewers have a bone to pick with it & I don't mean that there aren't any issues (because there are), but I don't regret reading it. MC is a complete alien with an innate talent of stunning people with his outlandish behavior. As he gets roped into back-to-back spooky instances, he fights not with supernatural talent but rather with his odd ingenuity. It's humorous & light to read.... more>> The instances, however, fall short. Maybe it's me... or perhaps they just don't make sense & are solved in a rather holey manner. I didn't really enjoy much of the tales spun around but I did like the whole god/ghost concept. It wasn't too deeply delved in, which I thought was a shame. The novel spans nearly 300 chapters & I think that's a bit overkill since the novel isn't that great with its plot execution. Past the 200 chapter mark, my enthusiasm to finish significantly lessened & it was difficult to finish. The ending was subpar & felt very deus ex machina-esque. But hey- it's technically still a HE!

Now for the ML... y'all got a lot of complaints on this dude so I need to tackle him. Creepy, possessive, too much of a stalker- you name it! Our Shen Chenzhi (ML) is one hell of a devoted stalker for our beloved MC, Xiao Li. From an objective third-party standpoint, it's very weird & just screams red flags. Just because he's hot doesn't mean it should be overlooked! Not me saying this to myself... I can see why people would have issues & why this kind of ML would deter potential readers. But y'all are forgetting just how much of a weirdo MC is too...

"Xiao Li didn't even hate Shen Chenzhi's crazy possessiveness. It made him feel safe."—c244

Ah it takes a lot of skill (along with a crack personality) to truly love a stalker like ML. For MC who struggles with accepting people's feelings & affection, he carries a pretty twisted criterium for potential lovers. Due to his family circumstances, he leans towards the idea of having a partner that's solely devoted to him & that's only the tip of the iceberg. It becomes quite clear (very later in the story) that ML is probably the only individual who can meet MC's unbelievable expectations. Such a super slow-burn tho with dog food only being given near the final arc smh

TL;DR Not everyone's cup of tea; you either hate it or it's palatable. Main CP is a crack couple made in hell. The ghosts are the MVP of this novel <<less
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August 27, 2020
Status: --
Dropped. I didn't get attached to any characters, even the MC. MC is very... meh. Nothing can faze him and he has no personality. ML is so far like a typical pe*verted gong that I would've been fine with if it weren't for the MC to be so tasteless. I need some spice from our protagonist! He has nothing--not an ounce of personality, but just a driver to scenarios.

A shame, a shame. CG is great as usual in their translations but woooow I do not want to waste my time... more>> in this borefest. <<less
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Efu-sama rated it
October 28, 2019
Status: c163
i read this through MTL. from BL point of view it's really a sloooow burn romance. well, so if you want to find some romance you got the wrong corner. the story contain many arcs, and every arcs have different horror and mysteries inside. the mysteries and horror plot are good, but the characters foundation are lacking. overall, it's worth noting for if you want a little break from dog blood drama novels, or you just want to read some horror and mysteries with BL taste in it.

every story arc... more>> are quite intriguing. it's a mixed up horror and mystery solving, so I really like it. the horrors also quite thrilling, somehow makes me didnt want to read it in a dark room LOL. also, the horror stuff are taken from many sources, from the cliches school horror types, into bloody marry, sadako, even western devil. though actually I really wanted for it to explore the folklore in China, so I feel a little bit dissapointed.

the characters are so-so. personality wise, the MC is actually just a simple character. he's super lucky. I still dont know if he has a supernatural power or not until the latest chapter, but he's lucky and got a golden finger that is the OP ML. also, he likes to bully the ghost and treat them just like any other human, so he somehow makes acquaintance with some powerful ghost and collected them. whenever there's a ghost tried to hurt him it'd always failed, whether it failed because he bullied the ghost, got a help from the ghost he collected, or it failed because the interference from the ML (the ML is OP). so the MC doesnt really has a good character building. still I ignore it since I just read it for the mystery and horror LOL.

the supported characters are even more worse, even though they've appeared many times, they dont really have a solid existence, like they're just there to be the younger brothers the MC collected. whether they're there or not it's actually make a little difference to the MC, since at the end the MC will wander around by himself searching for clues, collecting ghost for his army, and finally cracking the mystery. so, the other chara are a perfect example for the word "cannonfodder". also, aside from MC and ML, until the latest chapter there's still not one human character worth noting for, not for a rival nor an enemy.

the romance... it's still ongoing, so even until the latest chapter 163, the MC and ML still having push and pull relationship, though actually the MC's feeling now is starting to bud, not bloomed yet LOL. many people think the ML is a yandere or a freak because he likes pestering the MC and describing his desire so boldly through written words. but actually I feel the ML is still normal, his twisted thoughts are just a bunch of words, it's just like you're typing/writing madly on your diary or social media expressing your love toward your idol, something like : "ahhh my husband I love you", "i want to marry you now", "i want to kiss you so badlyyy", "ahh I'm so jealous to the girl next to you", "ahhh please just look at me"----- and stuffs like that, so it's actually understandable right? beside, the ML doesnt do anything crazy to the MC, so I dont understand why people called him a freak. <<less
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The_yiling_patriach rated it
April 13, 2022
Status: Completed
Omg idk why this novel is very underrated and this one deserves 4.8⭐ and this one is on par with global examination. Dont read bad reviews and give up just go n read u wont regret it. There are not repetitive plots or anything in this novel and I like ML and MC both equally and MC's friend group including ghosts hehe
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_shinigami_ rated it
October 10, 2019
Status: c163
the MC is a mix of the MC in a crowd of evil spirits and ghost knows what I experience.

MC is the my pace type of guy, he has an extremely curious side that it always gets ahead of him. Being a mistress born MC had some sort of this unfeeling attitude about his family. He has this introverted attitude of just being by himself.

As for ML he could come of domineering and aggressive. Always taking advantage of MC in his dreams. The only thing I like about him so... more>> far is he just let MC satisfy his curiuosity. Right now his identity is still a bit mysterious though

the devil had hinted that ML might be some god or a higher being

. Oh he also redeems himself by stopping his harassment and showing up in person.

As for solving things.

MC tend to explore things, observe then deduce. He is a risk taker and like I said a my pace type of guy. <<less
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