I Rely on Kisses to Clear Survival Games


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Cheng Zhi Chu was pulled into an infinite stream of horror games. If he didn’t clear them, he would die.

But can someone tell him why others clear the games using violence and force but his method of clearing the game is by kissing the boss?!

Cheng Zhi Chu: I am a straight man. Even if I kill myself or am killed by monsters, I will not kiss the boss!

Boss: Be good. Kiss me and I’ll let you go.

Bai Yi had been trapped in the game for many years.

Rather than exploding in anger in the silence, he had turned crazy. And so…….he split himself. His soul was broken into many pieces and each of them became the boss in the games.

But, regardless of how the soul was split, from the beginning to the end there was one thing that didn’t change —–He, likes Cheng Zhi Chu.

Every fragment of his soul was utterly in love with him.

It was also because of this that he and every fragment of his couldn’t stand seeing people other than himself getting close to Cheng Zhi Chu —- Even if the other party used to be a part of himself.

Dark desire gradually surged inside him.

Anyone who gets between him and Cheng Zhi Chu——even if it’s himself —– he would kill them all.

“The person who you should really kiss……is me.”

Associated Names
One entry per line
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Latest Release

Date Group Release
09/10/19 KK Translates c9
09/09/19 KK Translates c8
09/09/19 KK Translates c7
09/08/19 KK Translates c6
09/07/19 KK Translates c5
09/06/19 KK Translates c4
09/05/19 KK Translates c3
09/04/19 KK Translates c2
09/03/19 KK Translates c1
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127 Reviews sorted by

Chipmunkch33k5 rated it
May 25, 2021
Status: Completed
I enjoyed reading this even if I knew I wasn't going to like the eventual parts with the MC being made to row n boats (having relations with multiple people {then again they are the same person but still!})

The ML is a tragically cute yandere while the MC is just an average guy that is really just your average Joe; except for the heavy doses of bad luck and insisting profusely that he's straight when there are signs everywhere that he isn't, he shows it when he's scared... more>> and even when he got used to it, you can still see he's still affected. I also liked the system's sass and the game's ability to pit everyone and last but not least, I love those two beings that got adopted to the small family.

I would love to talk more but that's too much spoilers. <<less
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btsdynamiteAUG21 rated it
March 10, 2021
Status: Completed
I must say that this story really fits to my tastes. It's not that thrilling or jaw-dropping, but you anticipate the next events and will lure you to read more chapters. I like the mystery vibe to it and the raw emotions each of the should fragments have individually. The kissing scenes between MC and ML is just mwahh, , so hot as well as the other MLs (soul fragments of the ML). The story about the soul projection (Snow White) really gave me good vibes and it may seem... more>> not that attention-catcher to anyone, but to me it's very perfect. The game world or the instances is not that very complicated as well as the wordings used and did not really dwell much on that area, but instead focused more on each of the plot twists and heartbreaking past of the soul fragments. This really caught my attention. I really recommend this novel!

It's really not a spoiler but,


I thought MC would have to kiss Dr. Mu too LMAO but its not.


XOXO <<less
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EternalMoonlight rated it
March 9, 2021
Status: Completed
I am gonna be honest. I actually expected that this novel will bore the fudge out of me and I thought that MC will forever be a weak ass player and just gonna be complaining through out the whole book BUT contrary to my expectations, KTCSG gave me the thrill and chills, the excitement that something unpredictable will happen, it gave me an MC that grew up rapidly as the situation needed, he learned to adapt and compromise and just... he just developed... big character development. Although he sometimes still... more>> lacks, he can always make it up and he always does his best to help himself and the others. He especially invested his time helping MC and I invested my time accompanying MC through out his whole adventure.

The ML also had a character development that I just can't describe.

The world Building was amazing and I did not expect some of the plot twists. Truly amazing. *claps*. I just can't put into words how amazing this novel is. Kudos to the Author and Translators. <<less
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NovelFun rated it
August 20, 2020
Status: Completed
Love, love, love this story. The author's rich imagination and good sense of humor, interesting characters, a well-thought-out plot - this novel is a real fun. Big thanks to the author and translator!
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ellegrailie rated it
August 18, 2020
Status: Completed
personal enjoyment: 4

objective: 3-3.5

this was a WILD ride. It has its moments (in particular, the horror variety arc was my favorite as it's actually scary and masterfully set up with the usage of helplessness, a dosage of the past and its traumas and emotional baggage) and it has its flaws (can't really get attached to the characters but I decided to just lose myself and enjoy the ride).

as main characters, zhi chu and bai yi aren't really well-developed. They can be basically boiled down into their stereotypes (although zhi chu... more>> has more depth since we follow him more in the story) but as compensation, they made this story enjoyable and intriguing.

it was reaaaally hard to pull myself apart from this novel. I couldn't help but eat it all up! This was an interesting and entertaining read =)

also, a big thanks to kk translates! Lovely, lovely work you have. Their translation is easy to understand. <<less
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Oxbaris rated it
June 25, 2020
Status: Completed
This was a really nice read, 10 people out of 10 would recommend it
The horror is spooky and gruesome without being too much, the instances stories are well done and super engaging, and every fragment is interesting.


Pour one out for poor Su Ling who deserved so much better.


That's the main problem: every fragment is actually more interesting that the ML Bai Yi. Even the other romantic option in real life for MC are more interesting, but that's another story.
Bai Yi is defined by his love for Zhi Chu (not a bad thing!)... but outside of that there is not much going on for him at all.
The Fragments get some nice backstories while Bai Yi...

Bai Yi saved MC's life when he was 8 and fell in love and that's it. He stalked him for years and that's it. Even his relationship with his cousin is empty.

At times the fragments felt more alive than him.
Which is really problematic when Bai Yi is supposed to be the real one.

That's not to say the main romance is not nice or well done: I actually think it progresses organically and the start of it it's really fun with the misunderstandings about s*xual orientation.

The extras were better than I expected and I ended up wanting more. All those fragments deserved their own arc

The wasted potential of Chrisis vs Kashir makes me sad.


I may be complaining but it's because I love each fragment so much! That's a sign that the author did a fantastic job.

As for Zhi Chu... he did the best he could in the situation, really no faults there. I actually liked him a lot!

And I appreciate that he clearly has favourites fragments. Xie Yuan Huai gets an obvious special threatment in the narrative and from MC.


If you have the time, read it, you won't regret it!
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Smtha rated it
June 5, 2020
Status: Completed
This is one of the best story I have the chance to enjoy. The setting of horror is good and you love every minute of it. The plot from start to end all wrap up very smoothly and not much plothole (which is very good) and anything need to explain is explained. I enjoyed the bloodiness of each arc, the madness, the grievance the bloody revenge, and most of all the sad background of each Bai Yi. Then of course there’s some fluff!
It’s really a good read. Really a good work and excellent translation. Thank you
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Melange rated it
June 4, 2020
Status: Completed
This series is a real treat! At first it seems like a ML is a bit of a Gary Stu, but you quickly realize that both he and MC are under the machinations of the game they're in. The instances are interesting albeit a bit grotesque and you can't help but feel for the ML's other incarnations.

I can understand some people's frustrations in regards to MC and ML, however. MC doesn't have a very strong personality and usually requires the help of ML or other love interests in order to... more>> complete the instances. At the same time, ML and all the other love interests are overbearingly possessive, although it's understandable on ML's behalf.


Guy has been trapped in the game for 6 years without rest, after all. It's a given that he's a little cuckoo. Nonetheless, it's not really explained why he or how he knew MC from in his dreams in the past. Just a minor plot hole.


There was just the right amount of comedy and fluff, and I appreciated that the plot didn't drag too long. Although the series officially ends at 90 chapters, the extras aren't really extras and it's necessary read them in order to complete the story. <<less
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ChaneShriel rated it
June 3, 2020
Status: Completed
This is definitely one of my favorite BL that I have read.

With the seme being yandere, it definitely is my cup of tea.

He's not the type to cut off his uke's future.

... more>> He only has the uke in his world, like literally.

Tho if their story were to happen in real life, it will be kind of f*cked up. After all, characters in the story killed people.

I really liked reading it because it was like reading a quick transmigration. The story is there and the ending is satisfying. The extra arc was very funny by the way.

All in all I'll rate it 9.5/10 <<less
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Jay0 rated it
June 2, 2020
Status: Completed
From the title and description, I thought this would be a cute and light story, but boy was I wrong. The yandere is obvious from the get go - those diary entries flip between being insane and adorable.

Each game instance was creatively constructed, unique and gruesomely absorbing. The mystery was layered - they had to solve both the mystery in the game arc and at the same time the mystery of Bai Yi in real life.

There were some questions I'm still left with...

... more>>

If my memory is serving me right, Bai Yi just dreamt of Zhu Chi and fell in love with him?! And the first time they actually met in real life was after he gets rescued from that sick painter dude. That's.... weird.

If there's no explicit rule/consequence against talking about the game, I'm surprised it isn't all over the news and stuff. How did regular people get dragged into the game?


I like binging through the fast pace of the arcs, so didn't mind if certain elements weren't detailedly described or explained. Thoroughly entertaining, emotionally gripping at times, and presenting the different POV's was very enjoyable too. ^ ^


Just my poor baby Su Ling, my heart feels so bad for him. He had to suffer through so much injustice and cruelty... and still had to merge with the face/body of the person he hated the most. D': He deserves all the love. <3

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kcNeko rated it
May 30, 2020
Status: Completed
This story is so funny!

I like how the author laid out the story arcs and describing the details. The horror-comedy of this is balanced and it's fun to read, I've never been bored reading this. My most favorite part is Bai Yi's (ML) diary, it is so funny. CZC is cute and not s*upid. BY on the other hand is your typical handsome, rich, yandere boi but for me he's very unique from the others, he's a treasure.

Despite of my high rating of this novel, there still some plot holes.... more>> The side character's doesn't actually impact much... or something. And I think the ending is somewhat rushed (Final arc) ??? But either way, I still like this novel! <<less
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yueer rated it
May 23, 2020
Status: Completed

So amazingly good. The horror mystery part kept me hooked on the story. It's adrenaline rushing and creepy sometimes. The humour part was also really well-written despite its horror themed settings. Characters were very likeable and well-written. If you are reading for the romance, it will not disappoint you as well. Totally recommended.

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MeAndMeOnly rated it
April 28, 2020
Status: Completed
When I first see this I through I read it before because the last novel I read before happened to be have a romantic relationship with the boss. I mean need to have a romantic relationship to clear the mission. Now I'm wrong... Well I didn't regret, the story so worth reading. It can make you feel like smile or even laugh for their cuteness (MC and ml)
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April 17, 2020
Status: --
The MC doesn’t have any ability and always relies on the ML.

And there is one big plot hole about the dreams of the ML when he was younger. Why did he have these dreams? And why of the MC? I just don’t understand
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March 7, 2020
Status: Completed
It's pretty good. MC is clever and rather enjoys exploring the world and its plot rather than focusing on escaping. It's nice to see the world explored with its characters. His interaction with the ML is really cute and also makes me want to slam my head on the wall, repeatedly, in a good-but-exasperated way. It's true that he's a bit dense, but it plays to his charm, in my opinion.

I do rate it down a bit since I found it a bit difficult at times to remain engaged in... more>> the novel and that the MC and ML relationship progressed too quickly. There's not too much reason why.

Still, great read. If you're looking for horror that isn't too gory or disturbing, a survival novel that isn't afraid to kill off minor characters, and a quirky ML who is OP but not as comparable to MC's intelligence, this is your novel. <<less
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Asahi_411 rated it
February 2, 2020
Status: --
Good novel to me! It is light-hearted, not too intense novel (still able to gave me goosebumps at some scenes). The endung is a little bit rush to me but overall, I adore this novel!

The translator has done a great job! The translation is smooth and I enjoy it really much.

Recommended for those are looking for some rom-com mixed with horror.
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Nanatsu Irie
Nanatsu Irie rated it
January 28, 2020
Status: Completed
Well, I was hesitating on picking this story to read, at first, after reading through the reviews.

But, I decided to give it a try and to form my own opinion regarding this story.

First and foremost, thank you author and translator for such a brilliant job with this story.

... more>> It is as the translator, KK, had stated (and I completely agree), this story is not plot heavy and are overall just something to be read with an "ah~ this is nice and quite fluffy horror" kind of feeling.

While yes, plotwise, I believe that it can be extrapolated and elaborated a bit more, for a fun, nonstressful read, this is a nice story to delve into considering the goriness and the horror level are pretty much well balanced for a light read.

What I really like, is actually not something of a main focus in the story; close to nonexistence of the usage of swearwords and vulgar words.


I love the dynamics and the struggle of the 180+ personalities to gain dominance over the body and CZC at the end of the story.

Especially the sleep god?

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January 26, 2020
Status: --
i love all the characters in this, especially the fragments. Would give it five stars if it weren’t for the fact that the ending seemed too fast for my liking. Still, a good and easy read! Would totally recommend.
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Breads rated it
January 12, 2020
Status: Completed
One of my favorites, the story was interesting and good, the MC and ML were so sweet together, as the story unfolds we will learn about both the MC and ML's past, and how they somewhat connect to each other, however at times it gets a little irritating whenever the MC repeatedly says that his straight, but if you don't mind it too much then its still a pretty good read, plus the diary entries is pretty hilarious!

Regarding the ending, it does seem a little fast-paced or at least it felt like that to me, but I did really enjoy the extras a lot!
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Brumalis rated it
January 6, 2020
Status: Completed
Fantastic, a perfect mix of horror and romance.
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