I Became A Mechanic


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A blacksmith of the lowest normal rank acquired a legendary mechanic job.

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Related Series
The Legendary Mechanic (1)
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Recommendation Lists
  1. Sports/Fantasy
  2. Dungeons in Modern World
  3. Transmigrated Young Masters Pt. 2
  4. 50/50 magic fantasy novels and more
  5. No romance 3

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Date Group Release
01/09/23 GalaxyTL c101
01/04/23 GalaxyTL c100
12/31/22 GalaxyTL c99
12/30/22 GalaxyTL c98
12/28/22 GalaxyTL c97
12/26/22 GalaxyTL c96
12/23/22 GalaxyTL c95
12/21/22 GalaxyTL c94
12/19/22 GalaxyTL c93
12/16/22 GalaxyTL c92
12/14/22 GalaxyTL c91
12/12/22 GalaxyTL c90
12/09/22 GalaxyTL c89
12/07/22 GalaxyTL c88
12/05/22 GalaxyTL c87
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7 Reviews sorted by

haanhaan rated it
August 8, 2022
Status: c13
TBH it could be better, but I can't read it anymore.

The narration is FLAT, super flat, the monologue dump *oof*, ig author wants to make MC to be tragedy bound protag, but honestly its not working, cause he is really flat, and he let his high school bully bully him again, no plan for revenge or at least beat him up for what he done in the past.

Don't start with MC skill description, its *mostly* confusing and the dialogue is *sometimes* weird *idk if its because the author or translator*

2... more>> out of 5 stars, considering the premise is quite interesting but the delivery is wacky. <<less
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The swarm that ate glue heart
The swarm that ate glue heart rated it
January 11, 2023
Status: c3
In general I ignore webnovel reviews completely due to the small sample size of 6 weirdos rating anime.

But this one, oh boy, It's sooooo bad, like 10yos first short story bad! D: There's no art no passion no scenery it reads like hecking text 2.2 from your middle school textbook. Just read the legendary mechanic instead this is wow maybe give it a shot only to see how booooring it is. Even my sole Isekai reader braincell has too high standard for this garbage. Also how can you give 3... more>> stars to this just delusional you cost me like 20 minutes of my life stop giving you were here rewards for webnovels some are indeed really really bad. <<less
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Frk Brise
Frk Brise rated it
July 20, 2022
Status: c13
Overall I give it 2 stars. I have surprisingly many problems. Both with immersion into the plot and how the translation is subpar at best. Fx the spell ‘heal’ is consistently spelled “heel” and there are times I can’t figure out what is going on because there are sentences that simply doesn’t make sense. I had to guess based on context. (The translator is desperately in the need of an editor imo. Not to say that the translator isn’t doing their best, but the needed skill an experience isn’t there... more>> yet.)

Issues I have so far (translation aside) :
The story itself so far is slow and rather generic. The MC feels flat and to some extent s*upid. It doesn’t feel like he realizes how overpowered he is and honestly it feels odd that his quests and gained skills so far are combative in nature (when he has a production type job). It would feel less jarring if he wasn’t as good in battle and relied on his items or if he had an additional specifically mentioned trait. (Like the job being some sort of ‘warrior mechanic’ instead of just mechanic or maybe a contract with a supernatural being that gives him additional combat skills.) I also don’t understand why he lets the robot do almost everything instead of creating an additional work space for himself. He only does finishing touches on his products and then surfs hunter forums in the rest of the production time, but still the author insists he’s too busy to see messages from those forums. In addition he doesn’t do his research within the context of the world. Fx: a quick search would have let him know about needing to make a website for business purposes.

The job and the setting should have been slightly unique within the genre, but it falls flat. Have dropped it.

(OBS: the review is only based on the first 13 chapters so it might get better later on.) <<less
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OfficePony rated it
July 11, 2022
Status: c15
Starts fairly slow and doesn't really do anything for the first few chapters aside from minor world building and stage setting.

The fact that 'gold' is equated to won on a 1:1 ratio is laughable as one won is worth less than the material it would take to make one won so inherently unless it is a virtual currency it's material value by default would be worth more than the currency fiat.

Little nitpick aside:

The story really suffers from the rough translations.
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Data rated it
January 31, 2023
Status: c58
God it starts becoming a snore fest and the way about establishing himself is so weird. He seems to just properly have that mysterious supporter from the very beginning which leads to many conviences
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Pranefuji rated it
July 6, 2022
Status: c13
Story seems a bit hard to parse, but the character is interesting and fresh enough to follow. Doesn't seem to be following an edgelord model. Protag seems pretty reasonable and likable despite being treated pretty poorly so far.
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keikomushi rated it
May 14, 2022
Status: c1
The first chapter is a bit flat, but sets up some of the world-building and character background elements for the reader. We see the RPG elements abundant, which is pretty much expected in a rift-centric alternate Earth. And you know what? It has plenty of promise, worth seeing what the story has to offer.
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