God of Cooking


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30-year-old Jo Minjoon has always wanted to become a chef.

He started his culinary career late in life, however, and is currently chopping onions at a restaurant.

Regretting his life choices, he wishes he could go back to change it all and falls asleep.

Meanwhile, someone out there is willing to give him another chance and send him back in time.

How will he use the new powers he obtained from this mysterious being?

Associated Names
One entry per line
요리의 신
Related Series
God of Music (13)
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Gourmet Food Supplier (5)
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Beauty of Thebes (4)
I’m in Hollywood (3)
Recommendation Lists
  1. my reads
  2. Good(No Harem)
  3. TOP of the toppers, BEST of the bestest
  4. want read
  5. Isekai w slow life no harem tags

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05/10/21 Yado Inn c286
05/08/21 Yado Inn c285
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99 Reviews sorted by

Arif1 rated it
January 31, 2020
Status: c161
The novel starts of really well. Jo minjoon was a average chef in his previous life who had regret of not being able to make his parents accept his career choice. One day he wakes up as his younger self, armed with cooking knowledge as a chef and a cheat ability from God, he decides to convince his parents about following his passion and also become a better chef.

I have read till chapter 161 and I can divide it into 2 arcs ;

1. Cooking competition arc

... more>> 2. Taste testing arc

The first arc is good. There is good character development. The author has put some thought into the character of each competitors. The special skill of protagonist isn't God tier and he does puts his efforts for the competition. But the next arc is the reason I gave 3 star.

As there is many positive reviews from people who read more chapters I believe that the newer arcs must be good. There is much potential here.

The protagonist has some recognition worldwide after the competition. Now author is trying to broaden the horizons of the protagonist by introducing authentic cuisines and his cheat ability makes his skill improve faster than his peers. I can understand this. But this arc was too much repetitive for me. It was basically tasting a dish and explaining it's ingredients on repeat. The author entered the repeat mode too fast. Usually this happens when author has no more content to write but here the story has just started. Maybe the author is in a hurry to make him into a expert.

This is where I am at. <<less
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Paperbag rated it
June 19, 2019
Status: c210
In my opinion, this is an amazing novel. Some parts of the story vaguely reminds me of Shokugeki no Soma, but it only comes from minor details (ex: when they eat).

The development of the characters can clearly be seen the further you progress through the story, especially the romance. The romance is fluffy near the beginning of the story, and continues to get fluffier the more you read. It's a heartwarming romance to read about when they're not cooking. Especially the interactions between the main couple. (It's so adorable)

I... more>> don't really know much about the basics of cooking, but the author seems to be well informed on the topic, and goes in-depth with the explanations of different types of cuisines.

Since it is a time-travel story, the MC does have prior knowledge of the future. It gives him a small advantage, but not an overly huge one. Even though he has a game-like ability, he's not super overpowered from the start. He actually has to improve his skills on his own if he wants to get better.

The plot of the story is great, along with the arcs. It really shows how much the main cast has improved in cooking and other skills. I'm definitely looking forward to more in the future. (Mostly for the cute romance, since I'm a sucker for those)

The translating quality is also very good. There are little to no mistakes from what I have read.

Overall, this story is a 10/10 imo.

If you're wondering about the translation speed: From what I've seen so far, translations have been ongoing since 2015, and has passed from site to site. It's actually a slow (very slow, in my opinion) translation. You'd expect them to be finished by now since translations have been going since 2015, and the raw finished in 2017.

Release dates of translated chapters are inconsistent. Ranging from a few days, weeks, to maybe a month or two or more. I don't blame them though. It's tough. I hope there will be an improvement to update speed with the new translators though. <<less
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Yezarath rated it
October 13, 2017
Status: c167
Before reading God Of Cooking, I was skeptic, a Korean novel with a cooking system. It didn't ring a nice sounding bell in my head :/.

But after reading it to the current chapter, in one day, without jumping any lines. I must say that it felt great!
Honestly, the plot line is not profound but is enough for what it is, cooking. Cooking and tasting lines are well described, it fell like you are eating as you read the novel. The system is minimalist, it is well used and the protagonist doesn't base everything on it. We can see the protagonist grow as the novel progress and it's enjoyable as hell. But more than this, it's a novel that brings emotions, I honestly cried reading this and, quite a lot at that. The different character backstory with protagonist thought are really well made.

I usually don't take time to do a review, but this novel deserves one.

I don't know for the rest of the novel since I don't read raw, but for now and for me, it deserves 5 stars for novel quality & translation quality. There is some translation mistake here and there but the story is so good that you almost don't see them.

Keep up!
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Hitexh rated it
June 5, 2016
Status: c24
This one deserve more love. Tired of becoming the strongest immortal? Tired of killing and massacre enemies? This one should be quite refreshing to read for our snack time...
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stanljpierre rated it
September 8, 2023
Status: Completed
The first cooking novel I’ve read, and it’s left quite the impression on me. It’s to the extent that I’ve become quite interested in the topic that I try to make my own meals quite frequently now. Moreover, the interaction between characters. I absolutely love how the author portrays everybody, both good and “bad”. Everyone just feels so real and it makes connecting to them all that much more meaningful. Was especially a fan of the relationship between the MC and the FL, though at times their dynamic was skewed... more>> in the way the MC would feel inferior to her. In the end, the MC did manage to overcome that, and they’ve learned to compliment each other beautifully. Anyhow, this is well worth the read, and would easily recommend. <<less
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yugmodnar rated it
July 26, 2021
Status: c150
Slice of life doesn't have to be boring. Unfortunately this one is. A more assertive, proactive, or life-like protagonist would've made this a lot better.
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17_rj17 rated it
January 28, 2021
Status: --
5 star why?

1. The MC growth. Although he has cheat power, he's not solely depends on it and continue to try without it. Obviously not many reader like this, but personally I like this. The author really describe a good job placing hints that the cheat is just a tool for his character development and skills. That's a 5 star for me.

2. The relationship. Romance and friendship (Bromance). Pretty realistic and cute. Although the FL quite annoying (just ny personal taste), she's a good girlfriend, and his bff as well... more>> as his rival respect each other and in healthy way.

3. His career is progressing and it's fun watching him trying a new thing and challeng things.

4. World building pretty good

5. All of the characters quite realistic and not 2D.

6. Plot still have way there cause I'm not finished reading it.

This korean novel definitely in my top ten best. <<less
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sukets rated it
January 16, 2020
Status: c244
Most novels in this site are meant to be low literature, and I have no problems with this, because sometimes I also just want to read something while turning my brain off. But damn, just because I want to turn my brain off, doesn't mean that the author must do it too while writing.

The biggest sin in web novels are when they just don't have any resemblance of actual character development. But very rarely, something like this novel appears, where it is such a joy to see characters (plural, as... more>> in not only the MC) develop throughout the series. And this development does not only occur on characters, but also on relationships, drama, and even the "cheat"system. All in meaningful ways, as in to better rise plot stakes and give a better depth to the narrative as the series progresses.

It is not a perfect novel by any means, but is probably among the best in this site.

Also, please use context while reading. It makes absolutely no sense whatsoever for a korean chef and a contest in America to use food barely know, such as Arabian or Norwegian. Unfortunately, this is the reality of the cooking world: it is mostly Western and Asian foods that matter the most, and there is nothing wrong with this novel using only them. <<less
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TheAvidReader rated it
November 20, 2019
Status: --
I love this novel. One of my favs. I love cooking novels and find that there’s not many. I really like the fact that this takes place in the modern world and isn’t a romance novel FOR ONCE. Love the concept and characters. The little added love triangle is a bit weird since the character is mentally like 30 years old but other than that, great book. The MC is humble and resembles characteristics of a real person. Despite having a cheat system, he makes mistakes, fails and works hard.... more>> Great slice of life genre. This along with Gourmet Food Supplier and Gourmet from a another World is AMAZING. <<less
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wrezkai rated it
March 30, 2019
Status: --
Fun story, didn't think that a cooking genre could entertain me so well.

I like how the MC has feelings, makes mistakes, and doesn't always succeed every time. He feels like a genuine person who went back in time, and his character is perfect for this type of story. Not only him, but the other characters have their own thoughts and actions; they don't seem 2D or are there solely to support the MC.

The storyline is decent, but the execution was nicely done. I'm also not a fan of romance and... more>> the FL was annoying, but it didn't get in the way of the plot at all. 4 stars :) <<less
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shivankm28 rated it
September 23, 2018
Status: --
This story is about Cooking. The passion for cooking set in a modern world. The reincarnation plays a very small part of it except inspiring the MC to pursue his passion and try some food which may no longer be available in the future. There are many 1-2 star reviews for this story.

To new readers, I say ignore them. This story is well-developed. The system doesn't help the MC become OP or much at all. The system is more of a reference point for his cooking than any actual support.... more>> The actual work is put in by the MC. His actions-reactions are believable and in some cases quite normal. He works hard to improve his skills and learns from his betters. He emulates others and loses his way at times. He is prone to outbursts and confusion leading to problems of his own-making. But above all he is a devoted Chef. He loves his food and his cooking to the point of self-harm.


<SPOILER> To old readers <SPOILER> (Those saying that this story isn't good because there is no world cuisine), Name one top class chef who specializes in all types of Cuisine. Whether its Gordon Ramsay the Master of Steaks, Heston Blumenthal The Master of Molecular Gastronomy, Pierre Gagnaire the Master of French Cuisine or Woflgang Puck The Master of Fusion Cooking none of them are all rounders. The author has shown you British, American, Indian, Korean, Japanese and Italian cuisines in an American Country based Novel! These are currently the most prominent cuisines on any TV Show. AND THE STORY IS BARELY 25% done! SO THERE IS A HIGH CHANCE OF OTHER CUISINES SHOWING UP! And even if it doesn't why does Minjung need to show he can cook 142 types of cuisine? Yes the title is God of Cooking but if that means absolute God in the modern world then all religious representatives like the Pope should probably transcend and start handing out blessings. Your opinion for him not tasting/cooking Arabic, Parsi, Nepalese, Bhutanese, etc Cuisines is beyond lame.

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PiCrazy31415 rated it
July 25, 2018
Status: c195
I'm honestly really sad right now. Why is this book Korean instead of Chinese? Why do the Koreans make it so hard to access raws? I just want to continue reading this story!

Big props to GoC. I just read GoM, and I think I actually like this one a lot better, despite the fact that the MC is strong but not as OP as the one in GoM. It's probably influenced by the romance. I really enjoy the FL's character, as well as the fact that a bunch of women... more>> and just people in general respect or worship the MC for his abilities. Big fan of Shokugeki, so I definitely kept getting Shokugeki vibes while I was reading. Lol, often I was reminded of the "Shokugeki is a cooking manga" meme and wanted to say "GoC is a cooking novel" esp when they start focusing on the romance sometimes. Also, Mr. A is an adorable part. BL vibes are always a good thing. I love food, but I guess since I don't understand much about cooking, especially fancy food, I didn't really pay too much attention to too many of the descriptions of the food. Most of the reason I enjoyed the food in Shokugeki is because I could see it. But in GoC, if it's just words I have to Google, it's less enjoyable. But still quite fun.

Hopefully they get on with translating this, bc I would really like to keep reading. Recommended. <<less
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December 20, 2017
Status: c180
God of Cooking is one of the few novels who utilizes "rewind" as well as "game system" well. Minjoon (Minjun), the protagonist, uses his previous knowledge and the system to get towards his goal. He begins by spinning them to his advantage, but eventually incorporates all the cooking he learns onto himself. So far, in the latest chapters, Minjoon doesn't depend on the system all that much. Apart from checking his cooking and scores, confirming his recipes satisfy his criteria, I feel like he's become a chef. A true chef.

This... more>> journey is so far satisfying and I can only hope it keeps going up from there. <<less
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Crash-san rated it
October 20, 2017
Status: c169
The thing I like the most about this novel is the growth of each characters, that is not hurried and/or forced. The MC started with a very inflexible view on cooking and food because of the system ability he has but chapter by chapter his views expands and he grows slowly but visibly. The same thing goes for other characters like Kaya, Anderson, and Rachel, etc.

And the romance and relationships are NOT forced! Which is a very big plus for me. The MC's relationship with Kaya evolved from just being... more>> competitors to friends to a bit more than just friends without it being unnatural. And the rivalry and friendship he has with Anderson is very precious as well. Their rivalry is something that helps each other develop both on cooking and personality (just how anderson helps minjoon clear his confusions, and how minjoon became anderson's goal). <<less
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tallrice rated it
May 27, 2017
Status: c154
Top chef+reincarnation+tender romance...? It works wonderfully.


There are many things that make this plot great, but the best ones are the maturity of the cooking and the international context. It's a pretty damn good job on showing cities, lifestyles, ethnic differences, separation from home and food... ah, the food.

The plot advances through public appeal. If you're not sure what I mean, than think of Emperor of Solo Play or Tidal Moon and their youtube videos and forum comments. (If you haven't read them but like that aspect of God of Cooking,... more>> they might be a good suggestion for you).

Although this works a lot like other cooking anime and manga (think Shokugeki no Souma or Yakitate Japan), I rate this higher than I would those for its maturity. It's more like Nobunaga no Chef if anything (manga, not drama), in it's level of maturity in presenting good foods and reasonable reactions instead of literally blowing people's pants off.


Jo Minjoon. We have an MC who has struggled to find his dream, his frustrations from following another path, his maturity as someone who taught and made decisions for himself. But what I like most, is his family backdrop. His parents and sister are done beautifully. Wish they and other koreans played a more major role as secondary characters.

My main issue in characterisation is with Kaya, who is described again and again as a hothead, angry rude girl, but never actually seems to reflect that enough. In fact, there is altogether too little conflict between characters, which would have added some nice counterpoint to the tender camaraderie and romance.


Funny, you'd think a cooking novel didn't have one of the best romantic plots I've read. It's really well paced, the whole thing spins out with heart-warming scenes and humorous reactions from third parties that make it touching and exciting. Not to mention the love triangle.

Unfortunately, few secondary character romantic sub-plots to give as a contrast, so it feels a little cloying. The one that shows up in the second arc is very welcome.

Cheat OP MC

This is usually a bad thing in most novels. To be honest, to make this a 5, it would have needed to avoid it.

That being said, it's not badly done for a cheat. Minjoon makes a real effort, he questions his power, he grows beside it. And those small glimpses of deus ex machina kickass are exciting scenes.


This is another criticism. Although it makes sense in the cooking competition arc, not going further into ingredient quality in the second arc was surprising for me. It would have been an essential to really explore food outside of restaurants and what the restaurants actually does.

The reason this is lacking for me is because the series becomes too overshadowed by celebrity cooking influences, instead of really developing the nature of cooking, which would have complemented Minjoon's ability really well.


For those who have read the series, I do like Rachel Rose and Alan's kitchen etc, but cooking, as well as Minjoon's ability to sense quality and freshness, really start from putting together tastes based on produce. Developing that would have really given Minjoon's creative evolution real legs to stand on and broadened both his and the readers horizons much more than focusing solely on celebrity chef world. I don't think they're mutually exclusive.


Highly recommended!

It's really close to a 5 on my scale, but for the issues I mentioned above, as well as translation quality, or, to be more precise, proofreading quality: the translation itself is decent, but the proofreading polish is really lacking. Just in case anyone is confused "roamed" = lingered. <<less
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StormHawk rated it
April 19, 2017
Status: --
Makes me hungry. This novel is is the best in its category. That's all I can say because I'm not used to writing reviews. The only downside is the slow translation. I wish somebody find potential in this novel so we can get faster translation. Although KCDS translation is good, it's slow and good novels are taken as hostages (somewhat). They are too behind other translations like WW, GT, or many new translations started this year or last.
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Rexdaevid rated it
September 21, 2016
Status: c93
I like everything except the too much focus on the relationship angle. I feel that the MC needs to grow or at least gain achievement on cooking before adding the plot for romance. The tension on the cooking part is lacking, and even though the MC is kinda dense on the relationship part, but the story seemed to be turning towards romance instead about his journey on becoming the god of cooking.
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Trent rated it
July 12, 2016
Status: c87
A story worth reading. If anything, it improves over time.

The MC's relationship with his cheat ability is nice. The competition he's participating in is both dynamic and realistic, and its judges and other staff are extremely believable. The only negative worth noting is that the recipes can be annoying. Many of them read as if the author lifted them off a cookbook or the internet and inserted the MC's name here and there. They needlessly pad some chapters, and clog up the story about a dozen chapters in. They could... more>> be portrayed in more creative and effective ways. That said, the author does start doing a better job with them after a while.

In general, each chapter is sort of structured like a mini-story (or episode) of its own. As a result, each chapter is interesting on its own, but the preference for conclusions over hooks keeps the reader from craving the next chapter. The novel's a good wine rather than a yummy ice cream. <<less
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ScotlandForsythe rated it
April 26, 2016
Status: c120

This is a good novel. The MC is logical and his skills aren't just out of nowhere. He learns as he goes.

I have a really huge issue with caolsei (not sure if I spelled that right) review. I understand what you mean by not having a lot of food from the rest of the world, but that is absolutely no reason to give it a one.

It has variety, just not as much as you may like. It may not include a lot of dishes that you feel are ignored but... more>> you can't bash the author for that. He wrote a pretty good novel. Your one review isn't doing the story the justice it deserves.

It pains me what others might think when they see that one review and think the author is a bit shallow and thoughtless. <<less
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YeongEunJi rated it
August 16, 2022
Status: c90
I'm still reading the novel but I can't help but express my frustration with this story. This is a good one. I like the premise or plot and it is fairly interesting. What frustrates me is the pairing of ML and FL.

(If what I gather is correct it's Kaya)


Anyway, this story could have much proceeded much better if it doesn't have a romance or if he got paired with the 2nd FL? IDK, but I don't really like the dynamics between the 2. It disrupts my reading flow whenever scenes between the 2 come. I keep on whishing that the 2 would maintain a friendly relationship or a brother-sister relationship.

Yups the FL is quite annoying. Her character, honestly, is not up to my taste. But I guess some people could maybe find her endearing? IDK, I just don't like her.

But overalk other than my problem with the pairing, this is a good story. I'm hoping that I could bear the frustration and finish reading the novel. I'm hoping that this gets better.
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