God of Cooking


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30-year-old Jo Minjoon has always wanted to become a chef.

He started his culinary career late in life, however, and is currently chopping onions at a restaurant.

Regretting his life choices, he wishes he could go back to change it all and falls asleep.

Meanwhile, someone out there is willing to give him another chance and send him back in time.

How will he use the new powers he obtained from this mysterious being?

Associated Names
One entry per line
요리의 신
Related Series
God of Music (13)
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Gourmet Food Supplier (5)
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Beauty of Thebes (4)
I’m in Hollywood (3)
Recommendation Lists
  1. my reads
  2. Good(No Harem)
  3. TOP of the toppers, BEST of the bestest
  4. want read
  5. Isekai w slow life no harem tags

Latest Release

Date Group Release
06/08/20 Yado Inn c256
06/07/20 Yado Inn c255
06/06/20 Yado Inn c254
06/05/20 Yado Inn c253
06/04/20 Yado Inn c252
06/03/20 Yado Inn c251
04/28/20 Yado Inn c250
04/27/20 Yado Inn c249
03/02/20 Yado Inn c248
02/29/20 Yado Inn c247
02/10/20 Yado Inn c246
01/25/20 Yado Inn c245
01/06/20 Yado Inn c244
12/30/19 Yado Inn c243
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99 Reviews sorted by

Bosnyi rated it
July 20, 2016
Status: c56
This novel is like a breath of fresh air in a sea of battle/ fantasy light novels. All of the characters are really well done and have fleshed out personalities. The story doesn't center on 100% cooking all the time, the character interactions are funny and very believable. I don't understand a lot about cooking but found it very easy to understand.

Its my favorite light novel at the moment so I highly recommend it. (:
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widi4blue rated it
June 25, 2016
Status: c40
Solid gold novel with a touch of game characteristic (status window and lvl).

The MC OP ness is not exaggerated and still reasonably balanced. I mean he still have to work hard to get stronger. And the MC is a cool headed person with a good head. Not just some OP MC with straight kill mentality, the character interaction and each person characteristic also defined quite good and very interesting, with no clear antagonist.

The main attraction in this novel for me is the anticipation of the MC growth and the romance... more>> of the MC. Also finally its a great break from a xianxia and fighting novel out there.

Try it! <<less
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Potatos rated it
June 11, 2016
Status: c30
It's sort of like a battle novel but instead of fighting it's replaced with cooking. It has an RPG element, with statuses and stuff, but it isn't typical at all. A warning to be said is that it makes really hungry
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oshishishit rated it
October 22, 2020
Status: c204
So far this is one of the most interesting webnovels I have ever read. The characters have well-written backgrounds, and it is just sooo fun reading the MC's growth as a chef. And, hey, I can't believe someone gave this novel just 1 star because Arabic food didn't show up lol. This novel is about a Korean who goes to the US for a food competition, so Arabic food not showing up is not a surprise at all... the world is wide and it's not like the author has complete... more>> knowledge of all the cuisines in the world, at least we do get the western and chinese cuisines, thai cuisines, japanese food, and korean food. it's also interesting how gastronomy is becoming a part of the story as well. anyways, im really hoping that this series gets updates regularly -_-, though I do understand that translating this is hard because of all the cooking terms. overall, a really good, light reading material <<less
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eatnyc rated it
September 30, 2020
Status: c261
It's a great novel if you enjoy reading about food and cooking. The first arc is definitely the most exciting as it's the cooking competition and who doesn't love a good cooking competition mixed with entertainment-industry drama, e.g., the producers salivating. Having watched these shows, it was easy to visualize and enjoy the first arc. There is one thing about this novel that rubs me the wrong way: Kaya's characterization. The author goes a bit too extreme in painting her past in poverty. Kaya's constant mention of her poverty and... more>> self degradation makes it clear that the author has had no exposure to people from low-income backgrounds. <<less
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sif99 rated it
July 1, 2020
Status: --
Its kind of fascinating how people seem to dislike the characters and the relationships of this novel the most here

Personally, and honestly just kind of objectively, its definitely the most excellent part of the novel and absolutely the one part with the most heart put into it, this is basically a romance that's helped along and developed by a surrounding circumstance of a cooking show. The theme is basically just cooking for others, though it's a bit more subtle than that. I can say with confidence that eventually the main... more>> couple making food for each other will be far more passionate than anyone else's "making love" scene. Though this is actually a slow-paced slice of life story rather than that kind of exciting one.

the main romance just starts from the very ground up and is a very innocent relationship that builds solely upon the inherent chemistry of their characters and very few favorable surrounding coincidences and circumstance

its the pure budding affection they have for each other that makes them easy to like. And is the reason why everyone who likes the novel actually really likes the novel. And reading along for the really simple reason of wanting to see them get closer.

honestly the actual pretty big flaws in the novel have more to do with uninteresting settings, bad pacing at parts, just being kinda slow in general and arcs that were straight up boring, along with some other general story problems

its still decent because the writing skill is high but it's absolutely carried by the main romance

the MC and the female lead are pretty great and written quite well, and they adorably show their characters most when they interact with each other.

there's also absolutely no real problems with the female lead, her underlying immaturity is charming and she's surprisingly realistic despite her eccentricity and she's very lovingly written. She's also unique and eons easier to sympathise with than another review here seems to suggest (which is basically why I'm writing this novel) .

the side characters and the secondary love (not really) interests are incredibly good as well so I guess that disappointment could be the problem for some people

though I just felt that it was a shame, but inevitable considering the main pairing is just too good to not work.

also this is a romance with slice of life in it, those are the excellent parts at least, so you'll love it if you want to read that even a little bit and you think you can get through the slow parts before that and a generally more gradual pacing. And if you don't mind easily misunderstood characters I guess. Though I personally find them often to have the potential to be the most interesting ones in novels. <<less
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MondoX rated it
September 6, 2017
Status: c30

I had high spectations for this webnovel. After reading the reviews, and currently reading God of Music, I was expecting to be entertained. However, I kept trying to force myself to continue reading the story, but it was too boring for me to continue, so I gave up. It was also weird that the MC was offered a place to stay by a stranger after arriving in New York. The stranger never met MC before and the stranger had a wife and young daughter living in his house. Yet, he lets him stay in his place with no background check, in NY.

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tehrealone rated it
October 4, 2016
Status: c101
A unique combination of game elements in a modern world along with some mouth-watering cooking. Currently MC is in a reality TV show similar to MasterChef, Hell's Kitchen, etc. MC doesn't heavily rely on his newfound game elements to succeed but strives to improve himself. Doesn't overly abuse his knowledge of future events like other MCs.

Characters are nicely constructed and very distinct. Lots of character development and character relationships. Writing is a bit slow paced at times but very vivid and clear. Definitely something that hasn't been seen on this... more>> site before, so I would recommend giving it a look <<less
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Flashman rated it
September 24, 2016
Status: c94
I like it. Well written and more importantly believable. People make mistakes, they grow, they fight and they make new friends. Yes this is a cooking novel but things can get sidetracked due to DRAMA! Be warned this can and will make you hungry. You may also cry in despair cause your stuck eating cup noodles while the MC is eating great food.
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DaoOfTheMachine rated it
July 29, 2016
Status: c61
One of the novels I actually read again and again. I'm captivated by the style of writing and the way things are paced. How the chapters are divided and ended provides endless amount of frustration though...... "I can't wait for the next chapter!" & "What happens next?" are the only things in my mind when I see God of Cooking. Well, besides thinking that it was an awesome read.

Highly recommended for those who enjoy second chance novels!
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Qoo rated it
June 13, 2020
Status: c91
The novel has an interesting concept and I had high hopes based on the reviews - perhaps that is why I was left feeling slightly dissapointed as the story progressed.

The story commences with the MC regretting his career choice and with a twist of fate he travels back in time with the aid of a cooking system which also grants him additional food-related abilities. Determined to walk the path of a chef, he sets out to prove himself to his family who had, in his original timeline, opposed his aspirations... more>> to be a chef. The first major step he takes is joining a televised competitive cooking show.

It had a good start and I enjoyed the interactions between the different contestants on the show but found the story to become increasingly bland as more contestants were eliminated. The MC's lack of personality became apparent and the fact that there were less individuals for him to communicate with as the competition progressed severely limited the diversity of the interactions that occured. I'm not sure if it is due to the translations or author but the dialogue between characters was a bit awkward at times and lacked the fluency of conversations that would occur IRL.

I personally dislike the FL and found it quite difficult to understand and appreciate her character. I admit her character is unique and I've not come across another similar character before but it honestly did not appeal to me. I wasn't able to enjoy the pairing's dynamic and can't see the FL as anything more than a hot-blooded child (which really... is what the author presented her as). Don't get me wrong - her personality traits were pronounced but I couldn't feel any connection or attachment to her. It felt one-dimensional. Considering the MC was a teacher in his original timeline, I wasn't able to see their relationship as anything more than a teacher/student or brother/sister. The main reason MC treats the FL well in spite of her quick-tempered and harsh personality is because he was her fan in the original timeline and was thus more 'understanding' of her behaviour. For anyone else, she would have just come off as reactive and b*tchy. I found the MC to have better rapport and chemistry with the second FL and a fellow male contestant.

The romance has turned me off. At chapter 91 I have dropped the novel but may come back to it. <<less
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asPerinne rated it
July 23, 2019
Status: c216
I approached this novel with no thoughts in my mind except that I need to read something to ease my boredom. I was looking for something with little or no harem. I never expected to like this novel so much.

The start of the novel was already interesting that gives you no choice but to keep on reading to know what the next part of the story is. Honestly, the fact that the MC is not OP, in the sense that he improves as time goes by, and he works so... more>> damn hard for everything he does is something that made me hooked to it without meaning to. I was honestly expecting some unrealistic things since the word god was in the title but this novel is as realistic as a novel with time travel can get.

The only thing that disappointed me was the limited varieties of food culture involved in the story. But you know as a reader, we know that the author is also human and can only write realistically if he actually knows and experienced it. Especially in the case of cooking which needs to be precise since tasting is a major factor.

The romance in it is quite refreshing. It wasn't unexpected since there have been numerous times where it has been hinted repeatedly but the result was much better than anything I expected.

The MC was one of the most hardworking I have seen even with all the novels I have read. Although he is kind of cheating in the start, it was in the sense that the only thing he can know is the level and the recipe. As the story goes om, he starts to use the abilities he gained rather than the help of the system. He is a genius in making recipes but he is humble in the sense that he doesn't consider himself as one and still works himself to the bone.

If you have hesitations on reading this novel I hope my review helped. ? <<less
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Sinai rated it
May 25, 2017
Status: c118
A hundred-odd chapters in, this is one of my favorite light novels, and it's for a very simple reason: The characterization is top notch. Specifically, the primary antagonists of the elite chef-in-training Anderson and the judges are very well fleshed out and humanized, while the female leads are realized to the extent that you can't help but root for the romance to blossom. The complexity is such that while the MC is in love with the female lead and thinks of her as amazing and wonderful, his friends are looking... more>> on and rolling their eyes at him clearly smoothing over her many faults with the power of love, and this is all conveyed to the reader without hitting them over the head with it. The characters are flawed, and it's endearing instead of frustrating. There are no villains here, simply people who want, badly, to improve, to succeed, to win. Also, there should be a bromance tag, because as sweet as the romance is, entire chapters are devoted to the central bromance and it's equally sweet in its own way and hilarious.

Although sometimes the translation is bit lacking, the author clearly is a good researcher, including accurate details about numerous locales and cuisines, as well as cooking competitions and the state of fine dining in general.

In the end, I ordered Korean food today. <<less
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Felix3D rated it
May 28, 2016
Status: c22
A well balanced, fallible, and earnest protagonist with a cheat.

He's still flawed, he's not superman, and he finds himself in an introspective mood just enough to not be annoying with it.

A well put together premise, and so far, a competently paced story. The food descriptions are realistic though not that in-depth. There is clear knowledge of cooking behind the writing, and the translation is excellent.

The starting exposition is a bit weak, and the initial chapter in the US is kind of contrived, but overall, a very strong story with a... more>> great, unobtrusive translation.

I would have given 4.5/5 if possible, but it doesn't feel right to put it any lower than that, so it's 5/5. <<less
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Asphyxia778 rated it
November 28, 2021
Status: Completed
I actually really enjoyed this novel because even though the MC has a system and relative success early on he still worries and has issues like a normal person. Some people complain that the system isn't that useful but I actually think it's minimal role actually suits the narrative better because while Min Joon improves quite fast because of the system it is ultimately his hard work and skill that makes him a good chef.

I also like how Kaya acts as a soundboard for him. They both complement each other... more>> well.

The side characters also get decent screen time and development especially Anderson. I like how there is always some insight into the lives and thoughts of the supporting characters. Since that makes this story seem more compelling.

If I had to point out the flaws, I'd say it's too bland sometimes and MC lacks personality and drive sometimes. Like idk how to explain it... MC sometimes feels empty without any personal characteristics that make him appealing other than his love for cooking. Even his love for Kaya didn't feel that sincere to me until later into the novel with how well they click.

The food does make me want to become a chef myself sometimes. I always keep a snack by my side while reading this cause this really makes me hungry while reading with all the amazing dishes.

Still I will rate this overall at 3 stars. <<less
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subabet rated it
October 24, 2021
Status: Completed
I started reading this book due to the webtoon. The webtoon was absolutely sh*t but I felt like this could be something I might enjoy. It incorporated a lot of themes I thoroughly enjoy: leveling system, back to past, TOURNAMENT ARCCCCCCCCCCCCC.

Then there's Kaya Lotus.

God damn. Just read the damn book. Read it for Kaya's and Minjoon's interactions.

Cooking is pretty cool too. But I found the way different characters struggle with competition, growth, friendship, and bottlenecks to be well written and mature.

Lotus simp forever
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Evette rated it
September 1, 2021
Status: c286
I love this story learning all of these things about cooking was great.

The MC not wanting to rely on the system and attempt to hone his talents was nice to see.I love the romance like I was so excited for them to get together like they were so cute together. They're relationship develo;ped smoothly and was so sweet my heart.

Other than that I love the characters in the story they always seemed so fun and didn't feel like just some typed out words. When they interact I always show so... more>> emotion like laughter or I even feel some tension I don't now if it's cause of me being very emotional but I felt alot reading this story.

So please someone any one finish this story off I want to see them get married. Q^Q <<less
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Slepnir rated it
February 12, 2021
Status: Completed
I finished reading the whole story. How? I found the raw site.

Where? The Internet.

It's worth reading this novel. It's fulfilling and makes you wish there was more after but it makes sense that it stops there.

You'll feel empty, just like when you finish watching a good anime.
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MyRAMEN rated it
December 23, 2020
Status: ?
I remember reading this. I really liked it at the start, however once it got to near the finals and after the competition, the novels quality was largely different than the start. Although I want to rate this a 4 because of the addicting and interesting starting chapters, with the rest of the novel being average/okay, I put a 3. I feel like one reason for the drop of quality was due to the repetition of mamy elements and plot. The writing quality / creativity also started taking a dip,... more>> maybe due to the author being pressured to write in order to meet a goal such as word count, in turn ruining the quality, which is very commong case in the making of a story <<less
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November 6, 2020
Status: c262
This is one of the best books Korea has to offer. As for those of you who complain of not showing all the cuisines of food available you have to think of the author as well cuz it's not possible until u are a chef or something to have knowledge of all the cuisines in the world.
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