God Level Summoner


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This story is about a god level player, Li Cangyu, who returns to the game Miracle after being away for several years. The story explores him playing the game and setting up a team in an attempt to finally win a trophy in the Miracle Professional League.

This is the second part of the god series. The plots do not affect each other.

E-sport God Series 1 “The Strongest God”

E-sport God Series 2 “God Level Summoner”

E-sport God Series 3 “The King’s Return”

Associated Names
One entry per line
Related Series
The King’s Return (Same Franchise)
The Strongest God (Same Franchise)
The King’s Avatar (5)
Waiting For You Online (5)
The Earth is Online (2)
You Boys Play Games Very Well (2)
Love You 59 Seconds (2)
Vanguard of the Eternal Night (2)
Recommendation Lists
  1. Esports danmei lezgoo
  2. Read *** or ****
  3. e-sports | gaming
  4. Completed Danmei
  5. To Read Novels That Are Completely Translated

Latest Release

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77 Reviews sorted by

timma rated it
June 25, 2021
Status: Completed
I liked the map layouts a lot on some of the games. Got better as story progressed. Good gaming novel with a BL backdrop.
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KJ5502 rated it
May 16, 2021
Status: Completed

Ok, now that I got that out of the way... If you have read multiple reviews you have probably realized that this story is not romance centric, it is focused much more on the e-sports gaming life, and a partifular team in general, out to prove themselves.

However, that doesn't mean there is no romance at all. In fact the romance I find especially sweet because it is developed so naturally throughout the story telling. The care and patience that the ML gives to the MC is especially... more>> heartwarming, and I would be shocked if at some point during reading this story you didn't think to yourself that you want a Xuefeng (ML) of your own! (You can't have this one though, he is VERY taken!)

I won't deceive you, there are a lot of technical gaming terms and descriptions. Many of the games are described play by play in the story so if you have no interest in gaming this may get a little monotonous for you. If you can get through that though, you will really enjoy the love and care that these characters have not only for their romantic interests, but for their teammates as well. It is a very warm story and honestly I was really sad when it ended. I enjoyed ALL of the side characters! Some of their stories as equally interesting as the main characters of the story.


There are many side story romances within this one story, and they are all BL. It's almost like there are no straight people in the story, but I'm not complaining.


I am lucky in that I enjoy gaming quite a bit, so there wasn't a single part of this story that I didn't love! Don't just skip it even if you aren't an avid lover of games though, I think despite the technical descriptions you might also find a reason to stick around and enjoy this well written story!

There are two other stories in the same universe, I have not read them yet, one is still be translated I believe. They aren't dependant on eachother though, and I have heard from others who have read all three that this one is actually still the best. I hope you decide to read it, and I hope you love it as much as I did!


Side Note: There are actually a few chapters of NSFW in this story. Each couple gets at least one chapter, I believe the assasssins actually get two. However if too much NSFW isn't for you I believe that most chapters have a censored and uncensored version available for you to read.

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April 2, 2021
Status: Completed

Not for you if you're looking for a romance-centric novel. This is a gaming novel that is similar but not as technical and detailed as The King's Avatar (Quanzhigaoshou, non-bl gaming). It focuses more on the e-sports general motivations and feelings, which are from what I get from it, being daring and to have no regrets. The romance is cute but not the main focus. The novel was enjoyable, but does get a little draggy/technical still when they go into match details in the second half. Note that most of... more>> the characters are quite OP so their gaming journey was actually pretty smooth lol. Overall just lots of matches and some cute husband-ish feels :') <<less
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Reyleisha rated it
January 12, 2021
Status: Completed
Rating: 5/5- An exciting, world wind journey that finally got me into esports! Absolutely wonderful!

So I remember dropping the novel "You Boys Play Games Well" and "Vanguard of the Eternal Night" for the sole reason that I could not get into an esports novel. This book completely changed my mind. Will probably revisit it now that I'm on the esports wave.

I was hooked after the first few chapters and as much as it's quite a long read at almost 400 chapters, it's such an addictive read. The characters are so... more>> likeable and the gaming lingo doesn't really corrupt the flow especially if you're a newbie when it comes to esports.

I loved how the matches were unpredictable and that the characters weren't OP but realistic and flawed. All the CPs were super cute and the main story wasn't to heavily impacted by the romance (you get to indulge in the CPs in the extras).

I loved Lou Wu Shuang and Zhang Shao Hui. They were my favorite CP because I love a tsundere and puppy. I also really like the Shu Bai CP and Su Yin CP. Aaaah the CPs were just too cute man!

But back to the story, I personally enjoyed the story and the journey of not giving up. The way the author tells the story is quite interesting, as it always feels warm and nostalgic and you always feel so connected to the characters.

This book is definitely worth the read and it's definitely one of my favorites. I will probably not shy away from esports novels after this and am looking forward to reading the novel that follows after this one about Qin Mo and Xiao Han. <<less
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periperi rated it
January 3, 2021
Status: Completed
I love cats. Fact. Love the puns the most, big cat and his kittens.

Was at first wary because a book with over 300 chapters is no small feat and there's over 20 unique characters but this book pulled that feat. And I actually recognized each and every character. The game play system was complex but very innovative and immersive. The maps were interesting as well.

I liked the world competition the most since I preferred it when ... more>>

MC and ML worked together. Though it was nice to see them as the strongest opponents too. Just mildly amused by author's naming of foreigner's names but it's actually not that bad.


Also greatly enjoyed the recruitment arc at the beginning. There's decent amount of building in terms of strength at the beginning but MC and ML are indeed rather OP.

Especially loved the details of things coming full circle like how

ML won the elf summoner figure for MC at the carnival and MC doing the same for ML at the next carnival.


Unrealistic, but many side CPs to fill my needs with extras because none of them get fulfilled in main story. Especially liked

Captain dog Tan and kitten Cheng. Also loved the selling meng brothers and so liked the side CP there, the Su Yu pair.


Really grateful this full novel is translated because don't think my brain would have survived over 300 chapters of chinese even with MTL. A bit sad about

going into 3rd book knowing a bit of what's to come with Qin Mo because there was a lot of expectation placed on him in this book.

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secondthots rated it
December 10, 2020
Status: Completed
Two words: gamer cat

If that's not a good-enough hook, then I don't know what kind of heaven-high standards you have. GLS is the second installation to this e-sport series & despite not having read the first one, I can still say with full confidence that this is a darn good read. Even you don't even like gaming, the action, the face-slaps, the nauseatingly diabetes-inducing dog food makes all 300+ chapters worth it. E-sport stories are a hit or miss. Some are actually worth investing in & others are a total... more>> flop & full of worthless info dumps.

This story made me feel like I was watching Worlds (in a written medium of course). It captured the excitement, tribulations, & achieved an overall gratifying experience. Although the majority focuses on tactical strategies, show-downs, & action, the entire series is actually laced with good enough dog food. The incessant shows of affection from the side CPs & the loyal gaming god himself who drowns my soul with dog food: the ML- the man, the myth, the legend.

THE EXTRA 40 CHAPTERS AT THE END ARE SPICY, if anything! Don't miss out <<less
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hiddencloud rated it
November 29, 2020
Status: Completed
  1. Really great read!
  2. Is like TKA but with a touch of romance (5 cuteeeee BL CPs)
  3. The story is very well developed from start till the end. Great world building too.
  4. MC is just *chefs kisses*. He's super witty, smart, a professional face slapper and last but not least - The Cat God of Eating Fish. (He's a fish maniac who loves eating fish 3 meals a day)

    At first, he thought he was the seme but accidentally signed himself up to be the uke HAHA. ML was cunning in claiming his wifey.

  5. MLs in this story - all 5 of them, are super doting to their wives. So its really cute as they are all OP and serious whilst fighting in the game but offline they are smitten, loving hubbies~
  6. Spoiler

    ML falls first - if anyone wants to know. He waited 3+ years for his darling to fall into his arms. And no he's not a healer - Milk God has his own seme.

  7. 100% recommended for anyone who loved TKA and don't mind BL. Tbh the BL is very slight in main story, BL moments are focused in the extras.
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rafaela96z rated it
November 11, 2020
Status: --
would give it a 1000000000/5 rating if I could

although it's not very romance heavy, there's a number of couples besides the main one and all are cute and you see yourself cheering for them to get together already

the world is very well built I wouldn't call it a romance first novel I would say it's a gaming first novel where the focus is on the game

truly think it's a novel that deserves a lot more readers
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September 14, 2020
Status: Completed
Perfect Power couple. I can't remember what I want to say, I just want to say I love both the MC and ML. I love MC's perseverance and confidence and strength and overall persona as well as ML. I just love them both and all the characters as well. This novel is wonderful incorporated with e-sports.
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Melange rated it
July 8, 2020
Status: Completed
This is a fairly interesting eSports novel that features MC and ML as they compete in tournaments that offer a mix of MMORPG, 2v2 arenas, team death match, and MOBA games. There are a lot of technical aspects of this novel that are pretty standard in MMORPGs and games in general, so it's understandable that this might be boring or confusing for some people. Unfortunately, the confusion is compounded by the fact that the translation is MTL and the translator didn't localize or didn't know the equivalent terms for many... more>> things.

There were many terms that were left as direct translations including but not limited to:

health/HP - blood
mana/MP - blue
critical HP - residual blood
heal - adding blood
AoE - group attack
lifesteal - blood sucking
support - auxiliary
remote - ranged
output - DPS
spawn/respawn - born/refresh
stacks - layers

I will admit that I was a little confused the first time I saw a paragraph that included blood (HP), blood-kin (race), blood loss per second (DoT), blood sucking (lifesteal), and blood abilities.

There were a many CPs but the romance was very much lacking. It's only in the extras that romance plays a part in many of the CPs and for some reason the side CP Bai Xuan and Xie Shurong got more screen time than the main CP.

Actually, the side CPs are more interesting than the main CP who are too perfect. After MC and ML got together, everything was smooth sailing for them and they never had any disagreements whatsoever. In this regard, the side CPs are much more realistic and likable.

Nonetheless, this was still an enjoyable read with well developed characters. <<less
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Mr.Jello rated it
April 23, 2020
Status: Completed
Its like the kings avatar, but with more story development and without the endless filler. I started reading this without knowing it had yaoi, but I actually liked most of the relationship development. Only thing that bothered me was that there were too many couples.
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Justaddsalt rated it
April 19, 2020
Status: Completed
In my top best novels list. Have re-read this start to finish like several times and it still burns. You should read it and read it again and again as it never grows old. Rainbow translations are also the best!
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RubyGem rated it
March 27, 2020
Status: Completed
I'm not really used to writing a review but I would like to say that this novel is absolute MUST for Fujoshis/Fudanshis!! Especially for those who also like e-sports novels!!!

One of the things I liked the most was the number of couples!! At the end of the the novel there are five couple side stories!! The interaction between the couples are sooooooooooo cute!!!

Another thing I love, like really love, is the personality of the MC. He is frank, and not at all like those shy usual ukes in the bl... more>> novels.


At the side story for the MC and ML, after their first night together *ahem* s*x *ahem* The ML left hickies on the MC's neck but when the two went out later, the MC was not at all shy and did not try to hide it by wearing a turtle neck shirt or a scarf.


Another lovely thing is the how there is no love rival or third party. Nobody is evil in the novel and I really like that. Even the opponents of the MC and ML in the e-sports games are sweet and not at all evil! <<less
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cas_ciel21 rated it
December 3, 2019
Status: Completed
This is has everything I am looking for in a Gaming Trope BL novel. Out of all I gaming trope novels I have read so far this is my 2nd favorite.

This is my 1st time reviewing so it isnt that credible. I wanted to make it 4.5 stars but I messed up somehow.

This story has some heavy gaming plots and focuses more on the journey of the players, but I feel this story's flow is more cohesive compared to others. Nothing feels fan-servic-y and as a non-gamer, I actually got... more>> to imagine how the game works.

And thank you for Rainbow Turtle's work on translation!!!


It might be overwhelming to have so many ships but each one is unique. So keep that in mind. <<less
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kikuri rated it
July 24, 2019
Status: Completed
i rarely writing review

but this novel very nice

it might get boring and repetitive inside, but, it has very nice plot and I love all the characters

including female player from red fox

I love Li Cangyu and of course I love passionate but patient ML Xuefeng

ty for translating this novel until the end. The extra story is really has bittersweet ending. But I'm satisfied with the ending. Not too rush and very sweet

re read? Yes XD
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scrapsd rated it
May 24, 2019
Status: Completed
this is my first time writing a summary, since I just create this account just to keep track of the different types of novels, but this novel is so good I have to write something about it! As everyone has reviewed, this novel is quite similar to Kings Avatar which is the whole rising up to be champions kinda scene. For me, this is a much easier read than Kings Avatar since they don’t drone on and on about a certain fight. This novel makes it easier to read and... more>> it’s essentially shorter than Kings Avatar. Since this novel focuses on relationships between characters too, I find that quite enjoyable.

Though many people are off put by the main lead missing in the front chapters, its worth the wait. I was also confused about the ships and who is the main lead! The whole novel brings you through the journey of the MC, who is a quirky and funny character which I find adds a comedic twist to the story (alike Kings Avatar, the MC is also the funny confident type) at the end of the journey, its really touching to see the MC which I’m so attached to finally gain what he has been striving for for 7 years.

and every story has their cons, which for me, I guess it’s that sometimes fight scenes in the competitions, some of them are just skipped over even though I thought the author would explain more about it. But still, the fight scenes are good and easy to understand. And another con, is that it would be hard to find another good novel to top this one! Hahaha, I really enjoyed this and you should give it a try. <<less
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fuwa.fuwa rated it
May 23, 2019
Status: c26
It is good, but I don't think I can enjoy this to the point want to finish reading this. Just barely up to ch. 26 and I want more exposure about the MC. Too much story about others (as couple I guess? Idk but it's weird for me for them to get a section of story while there's no MC near them. It is good, but that's not what I want...). Not to mention, easily getting on top (30? Idk, I vaguely remember) while there's said a huge update within... more>> 2 years. Kind of a flawless MC (and ML) to the point they're lacking of story to tell so other characters have story to fill the empty seat. <<less
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