God and Devil World


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In less than an instant the world as we knew it was at its end.

That’s right. The Apocalypse. In a single blink Zombies appeared and mutated monsters began to rampage all throughout the world. Now it was the human species turn to fight for survival and planetary dominance!

On the same day that the world descends into chaos we meet Yue Zhong. Initially only hoping to get to his friends and escape to a refugee camp our protagonist sets out, inadvertently building a team along the way. After a series of fortuitous events and a few serious hunches our hero decides it’s time to do more than just survive!

Yue Zhong begins to form the foundations of an enormous survival plan… before he suddenly discovers that he has only gotten over the first hurdle…. Unbeknownst to Yue Zhong and company, the world outside of China is mostly a wasteland! Country sized swathes of nuclear radiation and an extreme shortage of supplies in the world after the nuclear explosions was quickly becoming the “norm”. Mutants, Evolved animals and what’s worse, intelligent out of control dinosaurs had quickly appeared and claimed their own sections of the planet. There were several innately powerful Evolved races which appeared that were more than 10 times stronger than humans, nearly all of them possessing bodies impenetrable by normal bullets. The fabled orcs’ were another of these Evolved races, the leader of which had in fact ens*aved many of the remaining human beings.

Unceremoniously exposed to such a cold and heartless new world, Yue Zhong is faced with a choice: Find a deep dark hole and hope it goes back to “normal”? Or overcome all obstacles and struggle towards Evolution!!!

Associated Names
One entry per line
Shen Mo Xi Tong
Thần Ma Hệ Thống
Related Series
Mechanical God Emperor (Same Franchise)
Godly Base (Same Franchise)
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Killing Grounds of Gods and Devils (6)
Reincarnator (4)
Terror Infinity (4)
Gate of Revelation (2)
Epoch of Twilight (2)
Recommendation Lists
  1. 'ON HOLD'
  2. Novels i Have Read
  3. Novels that I have read
  4. mix genre of mc
  5. Novels I have read

Latest Release

Date Group Release
11/23/15 Youjinsite Translations c177
11/23/15 Youjinsite Translations c176
11/22/15 Youjinsite Translations c175
11/21/15 Youjinsite Translations c174
11/20/15 Youjinsite Translations c173
11/20/15 Youjinsite Translations c172
11/19/15 Youjinsite Translations c171
11/19/15 Youjinsite Translations c170
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11/18/15 Youjinsite Translations c168
11/17/15 Youjinsite Translations c167
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11/16/15 Youjinsite Translations c164
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364 Reviews sorted by

chocosheeps rated it
July 7, 2017
Status: --
That, blantant racism. First some foreigner (westerner), then vietnam, then japan, then country A (obviously it's Indonesia), why censor Indonesia? If you are racist at least be consistent about it.

Oh boy. It has potential, but I see why a lot people put off by the author. Horrible writing, MC conquer one area, danger approach, get send to another area, met new character, conquer said area. Rinse and repeat.
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Dusk rated it
December 8, 2016
Status: c200
This is a poor excuse for an apocalypse movel. Like all the others said, the racism is real in this novel, even if the author tried to patch it up. Actually it has a not bad start that I would rate 3.5 were it not for the horrible TL that wrecked my brain, but it all went down to the drain when the MC met with the Jap, it's no longer an apocalypse novel from then on, but a wish-fulfillment novel. I lasted till the 200s~ and stopped, even at... more>> 150s I barely read it and only glimsped at them, hoping it would get even a bit better. <<less
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Ren Lazkrovic
Ren Lazkrovic
October 4, 2016
Status: c404
I would ONLY recommend this novel to just kill time. After going through the translated chapters and skimming a few raws, this novel is really not worthy of an overall 4.2 rating. At the most, it would be no more than a 3.6

The story doesnt have a lot of variation. Although different elements are introduced, they aren't executed very well and the plot simply becomes dull. The MC is utterly OP, even if there was an obstacle, the plot is designed so he never faces heavy losses.

The supporting characters don't... more>> really develop at all. They all just bathe in the MCs shadow and basically praise the MC for his god-given plot armor. A lot of characters are introduced, and over the course of 404 translated chapters, there is barely any development towards them. Overall, it's just the author's biased fantasy. Women are simply tools for birth. My race is better than yours. I am a righteous hypocrite. <<less
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keklel rated it
July 29, 2016
Status: c208
EDIT: The MC is a rapist btw. >An incomparably comfortable feeling surged into Yue Zhong’s heart as he wantonly violated the stunning beauty below. He r*ped a woman in chapter 208 after having saved her from starving to death. I suppose he thought he deserved some kind of reward, but raping somebody just because you saved them counts as villainous behavior in my book. The woman was just an ordinary innocent villager and the MC had no reason to r*pe her other than to satisfy his own desires. He is a rapist pure and simple, there's no justification for it at all, not even like in LSG where the MC had a decent reason to r*pe someone. None. The MC in this story r*pes her just out of lust. No justification whatsoever. This is tr*sh and deserves 0 stars. Dropped. >The woman begged the surrounding people: “Save me! They want to r*pe me. They are Japanese. They want to r*pe me. Save me, I’m begging you!!”
>“Truly evil. These Japanese come and harm women. F*ck, does the government take care of anything?”

The first racist comments began at chapter 144 in case you're wondering and yes the Japanese are portrayed as evil rapist monsters (but the Chinese government aren't described as saints either). And now on to the main review:

Original review: Having read the reviews I did not have high expectations for this novel at all. However after actually reading it I found that it is much better than what I expected. New review: Now that I have actually read past the first 50 chapters I have a different opinion again. It is actually just as bad as the low raters say. Read this note by legendofthesunknight. He summarizes the novel (past the first 138 chapters) in words much better than I could:


I mean this is a basic power fulfillment fantasy. The point of it is that he was able to get beautiful women despite his rough personality because of his power. If he was able to seduce beautiful women with his charm and have deep fulfilling relationships, then there would be no point in having an apocalypse for him to exhibit his power in. If you want a deep introspection on human relationships after the world has ended, maybe try The Stand?




First of all it's not a harem (at least not in the first 50 chapters) like the low raters say. In line with the situation the girls have to rely on the MC because he's the only one who can protect them from the monsters and so some of them come up with schemes to make him fall in love with them and so on, and a few other girls decide to go with another guy because that guy was smoother and more handsome and so on, so it's not a vanilla harem, so idk why people are saying like it's some s*upid harem where every girl instantly falls in love with the MC - it's not, at least some thought has gone into it to make the relationships reasonable.

The main focus is on the action and plot development and it reads like a typical zombie/monster + game-elements novel, where suddenly the world becomes dangerous and people have to fight to get stronger - actually very similar to Reincarnator except not quite as well developed (Reincarnator is way better than this btw in case you're wondering). So the main thing that happens is the MC drives around a bunch of his friends and random people that he saves and fights monsters and gets stronger. It is that kind of braindead novel (though if I have to say it's braindead, it also appears to try to maintain internal consistency i.e if the MC promised to save someone, the author won't just forget about it. I mean, that's kind of the baseline of what counts as competent storytelling but yeah, what I'm saying is that it's not that level of bad).

Some of the characters are not totally flat and one dimensional, quite a few are multifaceted and have somewhat nuanced personalities. On the other hand you get people like the bandits from the first few chapters who are literally just stereotypical zombie/post-apoc motorcycle villains so I can't say all of the characters are well written. The large number of characters makes it hard for the author to flesh out any one, so he relies quite a lot on tropes such as the childhood friend to kind of implicitly impart some personality/background to the characters even though most of them have barely more than a few sentences describing their history and character.




One thing I find questionable in the story is that the guy uses physical punishment towards women. For example he once slapped a woman for complaining. He also beats a girl for not obeying his orders. I guess a beating might be better than being starved or abandoned to die, though sometimes I wonder if punishment is strictly necessary (e.g he threatened to spank a girl because she didn't want to take useless classes and wanted to train in firearms instead. Why would he do that? Firearms training was clearly more valuable than whatever "education" the girl would have gotten from the college students who were supposed to be the new teachers).

Urgh. In chapter 139 he has s*x with some random s*ave woman who went into his bathroom to have s*x with him. Idk why this pisses me off so much. One of his subordinates selected a few survivors and presented them to him, then he said "let them be my maids" without really giving them any say in the matter. I think implicitly he would have allowed them to just be normal people but still, he should have made it explicit that they had a choice. And allowing women to have s*x with him in exchange for better treatment - if he has the resources to spare surely he should spend it on better things than basically buying sex? It just smacks of poor decisionmaking - actually just poorly disguised wish fulfillment.

Most of the women's thoughts and conversations (over 90% at a rough estimate) are about how to win over MC's heart and gain better treatment. It does get tiring to read the same few lines (e.g "X was jealous that Y received more attention from MC") over and over after a hundred chapters of the same. The women don't really think of anything other than how to receive better treatment and competing with each other for the MC's attention.

>[Translator Note: The smallest artillery caliber is 20mm, so 17.5mm is pretty powerful for a pistol. I doubt normal people can handle the recoil. It would break your arm.]
>There were Chateau Lafite and Flying Maotai, they were precious alcohol worth several millions as well as ordinary alcohol, but here it was only $1 Survival Coin for a large glass. [Translator Note: No idea what he is talking about, they are expensive wine and liquor, but definitely not worth several millions. Not the one he listed anyway.]

The Rising Dragons TL notes and translation quality are excellent as compared to the Chinanovel. Net translations which literally translate most of the Chinese idioms and you wouldn't have an inkling of what they meant if you didn't know Chinese.

And I can understand Rising Dragons dropping the novel because the MC becomes a totally unlikeable douchebag later on. If you're really curious then I'd recommend you just read the Rising Dragons translations up to whereever they stopped (think it was chapter 63) and just stop reading there. Pre-chapter 50 I'd rate it 4 stars, after chapter 139 I'd rate it 1 or 2 stars. Well, I'm still reading it because I'm curious about how the story will go plot-wise (most of it is still about trying to feed and defend the people), but I wouldn't recommend it to anyone at this point. The youjinsite's translation is higher quality than the Chinanovel. Net translation but it takes a lot of liberties and adds sentences which weren't there in the original.

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promet rated it
July 16, 2016
Status: Completed

I know a lot of ppl like this novel, I also used to like it. Especially the first several tens of chapters is very good. Lots of potential, new (at least among the translated works) when I started reading it, interesting stuff.
I liked it to the point that, for the first time ever, I read the raws using systranet (mtl).

And this is when I stopped liking it...

Generally, the farther it gets, the worse it gets. I'd like to mention that I had access to bad raws, so I missed out on reading over 100 chapters (in random places, and one whole arc). Please bear that in mind, as well as the fact that I read it a while ago, so I may not be specific about details... however, there's still enough crap there that at least 3 out of 4 things I wrote below are true.

First, list of what I find bad:
-side characters
-place of action
-racism and ultranationalism
-repeating patterns
-gore stuff (or rather, lack of "pure" stuff)
-male chauvinism (sexism)
-zombies (later on)

The reasoning:
Sorry, the spoiler thing stopped working after editing... Anyway, Ill try to rewrite it concisely (which so far isn't going well for me...) without spoiling much.
-side characters lack depth and are often forgotten, while new are introduced (probably only bcoz the MC has to have some harem members in new areas where he can't have s*x coz he's away from home (And his harem)... Actually, there are some characters, but reading the story I very often got the feeling that the author forgot to give them the opportunity to reappear...
-the place of action changes frequently (side characters also do at the same time) ; there's a shitload of plot holes of which 1/10 gets taken care of at best; also, the author kinda forgets about the game system later on (it's still there, but not as important) later on
-racism and stuff are logical in this setting, but I think the author just uses the opportunity to diss everyone else (including those who weren't the ones who began their conflicts with China), which is simply annoying. I wonder if the author knows the Chinese legend about the origin of the Japanese people (Japanese were the first ones hated, after all) ? A certain Chinese princess had an interc**rse with an ape, thus Japanese were born, is the gist of it. Also, racism doesn't prevent the author from making MC pick a new harem member in almost every foreign country he went to.
-repeating patterns... this speaks for itself. Don't expect much innovation, especially later on
-gore/+18 stuff - it's not that I dislike it, just the opposite. However, I don't like that it's all there is. Like, c'mon, not all people are bad, even after apocalypse, right? There should be several characters who act in a humane way...
-since I can't use spoiler thingy here once I started editing, I'll just mention that once I read the last chapter I... actually went looking for other raws, thinking they're incomplete... it's logical, but that's it.
-women in the story are sexdolls. There are very few of them MC didn't "taste", one of them being his mother (obvious thing), and another didn't have a body (probably the only reason he didn't). Absolutely no substance to the female characters except for the first arcs; the only female faction in the story is defeated rather easily and even more easily forgotten, along with its ideals (which are of course made by author to be unreasonable and s*upid).
-Not much to add about harem. Just that one of the reasons for writing this novel appears to be so that the author can identify with his MC for the sake of his s*xual fantasies (imaginary fapmaterial?). And, lolicon stuff is simply sick (I get liking cute lolis coz they're cute; the problems start once it gets sexual...)
-Ill just say here that no complex strategy or tactics... also, once the strongest powerhouse of a faction is defeated, everyone below him magically surrended without resistance... seems legit
-zombies are okay... to not spoil much, I'll just say that after several hundred chapters the author apparently got bored of them, so he started tinkering with the novel...

It's okay if you don't want to think, and just want to relax/kill boredom by reading something. The fights aren't bad, so the action is somewhat okay, but that's about all this novel has to offer. If you expect something deeper from it... read something else and don't waste time on it.

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VIRSA_06 rated it
April 4, 2016
Status: --
One of the worst novels I have ever read, I hope you can read at least a hundred chapters before rating this novel, so you don’t give false expectations to other readers. Is just too racist an sexist. For the record I'm a mana (my native language is not English, so I hope you understand what I mean) my real raiting for this novel is.005 / 5 lol
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clowred rated it
February 9, 2016
Status: --
Its hard to say what is good and what is wrong with this novel. There are tons of bad things, like the author creating tons of plot holes and also having a quite unrealistic approach on the human relationships. Of course, thats not all, we have other bad points but I don't to want to waste time to say each one of them. So, let's go on the good points, because thats what makes me, and hopefully others read this piece of sh*t awesome novel. The MC is awesome. Not... more>> only because he is decisive, but also because he is not the crappy protagonist that is dense, forgiving and the worst of all, so smart that no one can match him. He is OP, but the monster around him are even more so. The biggest problem is the distribution of stats and also the fact that even though he has many skills, he only knows how to use a few of them. The female protagonists have enough backbone to know how to seduce the MC and are quite an interesting cast. Overall, I have tons of complaints, but also a lot of praise for this novel. Try it, hate it, love it. Thats your choice. <<less
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Melfer rated it
January 21, 2016
Status: --
Pretty bad novel author contradicts himself a lot. The story is all over the place. The author uses a leveling game system yet has no knowledge of leveling game systems. MC is a complete moron.
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General Tanya
General Tanya rated it
July 4, 2018
Status: c800
This novel had a good start and interesting plot, but author just couldn't make it work. It started out nicely but then after a couple of hundred chapters everything start to fall apart. I don't mind the violence, brutality and beastly nature of humans but apparently author has a very low opinion of humans or little knowledge about other countries. And let's not talk about the racism in this. Author literally been brainwash by his own country to has such view about other races. Whole book is like dedicated to... more>> expanding chinese propaganda.

Story is full of plotholes and MC has too much luck and plotarmor. Worst about the plot is there is no structure. What author trying to do here is to put wuxia MC settings into a modern setting. MC jumping around in places after places because of dangerous circumstances and ended up conquering it and then move to the next place. No organization or country could function like that. Just because he killed the local bosses, show his power and put some followers he met for a few weeks in charge, he expect that place to function without him. Reality doesn't work like that. It take time, resources and talent to build, create and organize a place. You need to lead them (not like him just bringing his followers to kill any who resist him) and earn the place trust.

What even more annoying is that like any CN, 99% of the characters are forgotten or left out. Why bother handle a large cast and building them up only to forget them later on.

If you like the whole idea of Chinese being the top dog and consider all other races as animals and inferior being you might like the story I guess. A lot of pointless killing and wasting human resources. Just about a MC going around places to places to beat the villains and save humanity from monsters while sleeping with beauties that are desperate in need of protection. So he basically blackmailing them to sleep with him in return for safety, food and power. Most irritating about the MC is that whenever he does something despicable, author would spend some chapters justifying his actions and how rational his action was. Basically the MC is just a muscle brain.

I must admit at the beginning I did like the action and enjoy him killing many of the villains and conquering other countries. But seeing the intense racism in every arc, I couldn't read further. If you truly have understood the logic behind it and realize the content that you are reading, the author is kinda mess up. <<less
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SaltyCheese rated it
April 7, 2018
Status: c60
First of all, I want to point out that this is my personal opinion and what I think out it

Although I read only 60 chapters, I dropped it because I thought it was so bad

I found the beginning confusing as hell,

Random arse apocalypse out of nowhere, there is no build-up on why the apocalypse appeared and the explanation from "god" saying that times have been too peaceful for humans seems really bad and vague to me (again, this is my opinion and furthermore the reason why the apocalypse started... more>> may be explained in later chapters)

Secondly, The characters, at the start (not sure about later chapters) all the characters are girls, which I have no problem with, but they all seem pretty much identical in their character and personality traits (There are exceptions to this of course, such as Ji Qing Wu)

All whiny and b*tchy, Way too overly dependant on the protagonist, I forgot most of the names because they basically do nothing except cry and follow the protagonist, hoping to be his girlfriend

They all fail to understand the fact that Yue Zhong (at the start) is just an ordinary human that has guts to confront the zombies, he is not a saviour nor a hero which means obviously he cannot please everyone

In addition, they think just because they are girls, the MC is now somehow responsible for their safety because he is a "man" which again, as I said he is not a hero which means he just can't please everyone <<less
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Luneder rated it
May 27, 2017
Status: c567

This novel started out great then it just turned into a cycle of MC finds people he doesn't like or strong communities that are stable and destroys them half the time using shitty reasons so that he has a bigger army. Then after he stabilizes a little a random monster will swoop in usually of a high lvl that has not been seen before that he ends up killing but not before transporting him very far away, two were by birds, one by a boar, once by a nether beast that teleported him, even the weather will pick him up with a random wind gust.

The author is beyond reason racist to the point he just looks for an excuse for the MC to destroy all other countries and turn the people of those countries into s*aves. For some reason the other races are just as racist and super vile it does not make sense. Heck he thinks all white people are blond white supremacists, he even went so far as call all gypsies prostit**es.

This was mentioned in a few other posts but all women are prostit**es in this novel even little girls.

Yes society would deteriorate in such a world but not to that degree because human nature prefers structure and those that are against structure in any society will naturally be expelled.

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Anamoly rated it
June 1, 2016
Status: c308
This is the first time I am writing a review for translated stories I am reading. So forgive me if there are mistakes. To me a review means, a personal opinion or view of the novel.

For this particular story, to describe it in a few words.. Overpowered MC, harem with lots of sexist characters, but a kind of realistic portrayal of life during an apocalypse. Most stories describe either the start of the apocalypse or after the apocalypse but this is one of the few that describes the changes as... more>> they happen, from the MC being a naive average student to being a decisive ruthless and commanding dictator. The writing itself thrives on being gory, expansive and repetitive with upgrading levels on monsters and villains. It could have been better but taking it goes, kudos to the author for the premise. P S. What happened to his parents? <<less
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Hualing rated it
January 17, 2021
Status: --
The novel is decent. The biggest problem is the soft buns commenting. Maybe they are spoiled children who haven't seen much of the world.

Yes, the author isn't perfect and some of his thinking shouldn't have place in modern society. However, the people complaining about racism and so on probably doesn't understand what it means.

Some other readers here sees the world like a fairy tale, doesn't understand that even now without apocalyse, the world isn't a utopia.

You can hide in your bubble and that's fine but stop forcing people to be... more>> like you. The real world isn't pretty. Racism, sexism and nationalism are things we see everyday.

Every American aren't bad people but weren't some beating people in the street not long ago if they looked " chinese " ? Japanese nowdays are peaceful but weren't they conquering lands before and during WW ? And so on. Sure, we have good people but society isn't a fairy tale.

The author isn't blind either. Even tho he is singing praise about his country here and there, he also denounce some of its practice.

The story is set in an apocalyptic setting, it is not disney.

I like how we see the wrost of the world. Everyone should take this as an educational novel. This teaches you that out there life isn't easy.

Stop lying to yourself and pretend that everything around you is pink and sparkling. <<less
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Vanidor rated it
July 29, 2020
Status: --
I think both people like Anbu Hero and the haters of the nationalism later in the novel miss the basic concept of the novel. There's only one 'good' person.

The Chinese men are either rapists, wannabe rapists, or minions of the MC. The Chinese women either want to sleep with the MC for 'love' or want to sleep with someone for protection. Almost no other Chinese characters exist.

Foreigners are created in such an artificial way so that they make the Chinese look good, but the author just tr*shed all Chinese too.... more>> All characters are just clearly artificial constructs to work off the authors rage at life and play off readers hatred for other people.

The start of the book is interesting, especially if you haven't read anything like it before. But after that it's just one long power fantasy of one dimensional artificial characters who pop up to punished by the author (possibly based on people he hates in real life). <<less
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patrickgwalsh rated it
November 30, 2018
Status: c584
To be honest, I liked this novel a lot at first. It seemed innovative, the way the author incorporated a gaming system and modern weaponry into a post-apocalyptic world. I suppose as an infantry combat veteran, I appreciated the acknowledgement of the terrible things people do once society's rules are stripped away, which I saw a lot of in Iraq and Afghanistan. However, what eventually got me to stop reading this novel altogether was the author's hypocrisy. Japanese, European and Indonesian racism against Chinese is bad, but when the main... more>> character literally calls Indonesians, "A bunch of Indonesian monkeys, " it's all good? Frankly, the people trying to justify this as 'Chinese nationalism' are just as big a bunch of hypocrites. Being proud of your country doesn't necessitate denigrating all others. Despite what my current president may think. <<less
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Notatumor rated it
November 27, 2018
Status: Completed
Its good at the beginning but turns repetitive and tedious really soon, MC gets taken away by *insert plot device*, MC meets native people, MC gets girl, conquers the native people and then leaves and the girl is never seen again. He has like, 20 girls in his harem and we see most of them one time. The MC is always "weak" until he finds whatever convenient weapon/level up he needs to kill everyone. After he leaves earth the author completely abandons the leveling system. All in all it's repetitive... more>> garbage. At the end it's like even the author got tired of the story and after

the MC finds "god" who was injured by his enemies and "god"tells him about the other "gods" in the higher planes and tells the MC to kill him, absorb his essence, and avenge him, the MC goes back to earth, snaps his fingers and kills all his enemies the author just completely ends the book

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luvbug rated it
August 3, 2017
Status: --
The story in the first couple hundred chapters is kinda good, but after the protagonist starts making contact with Chinas neighbouring countries, the main plotline changes from "surviving the zombies" to blatant xenophobia and racism. It's not that events described in the novel have no historical precedent, but the authors presumption that as soon as all hell breaks loose literally everyone would gang up on the Chinese and treat them as animals is unrealistic and has a bad taste, at least from my viewpoint as a reader from Europe. Dunno,... more>> it might resonate more with native Chinese readers.

All in all, reading it only to pass the time due to lack of better alternatives. <<less
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Zeph rated it
June 8, 2017
Status: Completed
To all of the other reviews stating that this novel just shows the dark side of human nature and is actually good writing, let me spoil you. Yes, I'm evil, but I regret reading this to the end so much. Btw, I rated this as 4 stars before the MC arrived at the first village, which was a big mistake.

virg*ns are a valuable commodity in this novel, nationalism is prevalent af, and racism is around every damn corner. Anyone that's not Chinese is either a savage, or has severely questionable... more>> morals (according to the Chinese). I know, I know, you might say that this is simply human nature and that people react in such ways when in the face of death, blah blah blah. Hey, you're not wrong. But the author takes this to a whole different level. It's disgusting.

In total, the MC has about 40-50 side hoes throughout the story, some of which are younger than 14 years old. About 5-7 of those side hoes actually have relevance in the story, while the vast majority are simply forgotten. In fact, most characters in this novel have zero relevance by the end of the novel. Not that it really matters, since they were all one-dimensional in the first place.

A lot of the arcs in the novel were extremely similar in the sense that it was just a rinse and repeat of the previous ones with different enemies and even species. Very boring. (I don't know how I powered through this novel myself... I guess I just wanted to complete it to see if anything changed)

The ending..... Sigh, the 'ending'. There wasn't really an ending. Around 100 chapters before the 'end', the MC rapidly soared in strength and abilities, left any kind of plot out of the picture, forgot to tie any loose ends, neglected to fill in several gaping plot holes, and completely left out SEVERAL key characters - it was a damn mess.

This novel literally had the most ANTI-CLIMACTIC ending I've ever read. I'm not cruel enough to spoil it to the few hopeful souls that actually want to read this shit, but I will leave you this: God is dead (or at least waiting to die). Hohoho. <<less
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Hakuren17 rated it
December 1, 2016
Status: c336
After reading over 300 chapters, the quality of the novel just keep on decreasing... I have the feeling that the plot repeats in the same way a few times, the only differences is the new characters and places... There are also many confusions through out the novel that was pointed out by the translators.

One of the point that I hate the most about this novel is that, the author has the tendency to completely forget about one character. Even though that char should be one of the most important sidekick,... more>> and they should be right next to the main char in the adventure, the author would just let them totally disappear from dozens of chapters without a word mention about them, and then they would suddenly reappear again like a ghost out of nowhere.

After chapter 309, the new adventure is in Vietnam. I myself am Vietnamese, and I don't recognize the name of the Vietnamese characters at all. Further more, their is some mistakes about Vietnam as well, such as: "Most Vietnamese took part in Vietnam war, so normal citizens have access to guns" NO!!! ITS NOT!!! None of the citizens are allow to do so after the war...

Anw, I just have the feeling that the author doesn't put enough effort into his work, the novel could have been polished more, but this is a web novel so there is not much to be expected. And I did enjoy the intensity of the battle, the pace is pretty fast but not rush, and the translators did a great job too. <<less
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Cowtail rated it
June 4, 2016
Status: c219
I like how people here are saying, "don't give this a bad review and ruin it for others" as if the whole point of giving reviews is to fluff a novel's rep up rather than give an honest response.

My honest response is... meh. The writing isn't particularly good. It's hard to feel a connection with the main character because he's extremely shallow. No *character* development during these 200+ chapters I've read. No emotional insights. It's just killing, leveling up, conquering territories, and building a harem full of gross s*ave women.... more>> New side characters keep coming and going, to the point that it doesn't even matter anymore as to who's who, or you forget after a while and just roll with it until he/she goes away.

Oh, and it turns out that the guy translating it is begging for people to review it here with an extra chapter as a reward, so there's going to be a lot more positive bias here since those who stopped reading it wouldn't get his message. <<less
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