God and Devil World


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In less than an instant the world as we knew it was at its end.

That’s right. The Apocalypse. In a single blink Zombies appeared and mutated monsters began to rampage all throughout the world. Now it was the human species turn to fight for survival and planetary dominance!

On the same day that the world descends into chaos we meet Yue Zhong. Initially only hoping to get to his friends and escape to a refugee camp our protagonist sets out, inadvertently building a team along the way. After a series of fortuitous events and a few serious hunches our hero decides it’s time to do more than just survive!

Yue Zhong begins to form the foundations of an enormous survival plan… before he suddenly discovers that he has only gotten over the first hurdle…. Unbeknownst to Yue Zhong and company, the world outside of China is mostly a wasteland! Country sized swathes of nuclear radiation and an extreme shortage of supplies in the world after the nuclear explosions was quickly becoming the “norm”. Mutants, Evolved animals and what’s worse, intelligent out of control dinosaurs had quickly appeared and claimed their own sections of the planet. There were several innately powerful Evolved races which appeared that were more than 10 times stronger than humans, nearly all of them possessing bodies impenetrable by normal bullets. The fabled orcs’ were another of these Evolved races, the leader of which had in fact ens*aved many of the remaining human beings.

Unceremoniously exposed to such a cold and heartless new world, Yue Zhong is faced with a choice: Find a deep dark hole and hope it goes back to “normal”? Or overcome all obstacles and struggle towards Evolution!!!

Associated Names
One entry per line
Shen Mo Xi Tong
Thần Ma Hệ Thống
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364 Reviews sorted by

June 1, 2016
Status: c310
This is the kind of apocalypse scene that I like. Although the author is kinda racists, I'm fine with it. The story is logical and thr MC and characters are also rational. IF there came a time where there is an apocalypse, I believe it's gonna be like this one. Just awesomer
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June 1, 2016
Status: c210
Enjoyable read at times. It certainly reflects the depravity of humanity in times of war and crises. The world goes to hell, and humanity instantly thinks woo-hoo f- morals!

It's also great to see the main character is slowly falling into the abyss, at first he was very moralistic, but it dawned upon him that morals seemingly get you killed. He's ruthless, power hungry, a little of a hypocrite and strangely he is also botanist, he loves collecting flowers.

There are elements of r*pe, racism and gore. It's amplified more than anything... more>> else, but there is no help for people but themselves, their bodies and what they are willing to abandon. My real beef with the story, is the girls are pretty flat and samey, (with the exception of two) though this problem occurs so frequently even in the best of the novels. <<less
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Doc Williams
Doc Williams
June 1, 2016
Status: c309
This is a great post apocalyptic novel. I like the gaming twist that the author uses. This is a fresh idea and I have only seen one other work that is close. Killing Grounds of Gods and Devils is similar but the premise differs and the ability to grow stronger is freer. God and Devil World seems more realistic and is a world that is well defined and easy to imagine. I would say that this is a must read.
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June 1, 2016
Status: c308
Good, decent read of you don't mind a bit of r*pe, sexism, brutal killings, etc. No kidding. Even with all that I would still recommend giving this novel a try.
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June 1, 2016
Status: c309
I honestly love this novel. I like the game element based story line and the fact that the stats are not so in your face. Although the repetitive use of phrases such as "he moved at a speed 8 times that of a normal human" gets kind of annoying, at least at other times I like the writing. It's nice that the underbelly of humanity is really displayed and not ignored or glosses over, the story really gets into humanities pitfalls. Thumbs up from me. Keep translating :)
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June 1, 2016
Status: c309
An interesting one... mix of Trapped in a VR Death Game and Zombie Apocalypse. Occasionally has issues with the author avoiding OP uses of things or conveniently sending characters away to avoid simpler solutions.
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May 30, 2016
Status: c306
This novel is awesome, it's definitely on the mature side, and although it can be a bit bigoted if you ignore that the story is fun to get into, I like it quite a bit!
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BlinkToThePast rated it
May 15, 2016
Status: c321
I like reading this novel because It different to most of the CN novels I read, that and its brutality.

Edit: Just to other reviews complaining about people not giving perfect 5-star ratings; to its niche this is enjoyable but it is not a 5-star novel. A novel can be 18+ without bordering on propaganda. Reviews are here to give people a realistic view of what they can expect from the novel, fluff pieces don't help anyone. This novel has game based leveling system but exists in the 'real world'. The... more>> characters level up by killing the mutant beasts and zombies in this world with system weapons (if they use non-system weapons like random guns they don't get points for killing things). Magic seems to be a thing but it is only mentioned sparingly at the moment, that seems to increase as the level of the characters does.

The MC starts out as the 'just above average Goe' then rapidly becomes a powerhouse when the apocalypse hits. He does this by making the correct snap decisions at the start then continuously working to increase his level. He is not yet OP because he often comes across things and people who threaten him at his level. This is especially true since this novel exists in the real world so modern weaponry is a thing and the MC is not yet impervious to the more powerful ones. A nice result of this is that he has also become proficient at using those weapons, so we occasionally have a minor superhuman running around with a rocket launcher which is fun. I think the combat is what the novel does best. It is really enjoyable to read the gritty 1vmany fights the main character goes through. You can always be sure that he makes rational and almost cold decisions when he is in combat. The development of him as a general is also interesting, group warfare on this scale is rare in the CN's I read. It was odd initially given he was essentially just some random kid and not a tactical genius but it's grown into the story now. He puts in effort to cultivate talents around him even if the author has something of a bias when it comes to type.

The problem with this novel is that it marginalises everyone who is not like the main character, I.e. Male young and fit, aggressive but "righteous". So everyone who is not the author's view of himself or his target audience (I'd assume). Women in this novel are bastardised, they are mostly portrayed as useless 'whores' unless they are attached to a man (or more importantly the MC). I mean god damn it the characters literally trade pretty girls in their business deals, MC included. This makes no sense to me in a novel where the women would literally be able to become powerful if they were used as more than birthing units and cheap labor. At least the MC's harem gets treated slightly better, they can get powerful if they have the drive.

The rich/ powerful are generally portrayed as cartoonish villains who regularly do the worst possible things until the MC can come through and shoot them for it (in a powergrab). Criminals are rampant, the poor are mostly good serfs and god forbid you're a foreigner in this novel. I think part of the reason everyone else is portrayed as such unless scum is so that the morally questionable actions of an increasingly aggressive MC are overlooked because everyone else is worse and he needs to be strict to get them in line.

As of 288 the plot is starting to get repetitive as the MC goes through a cycle of:

-Wander around, gain power
-find people of varying scum level
-together fight off zombie/monster/human mass of increasing size
-take over and establish power base
-somehow get lost

Meh, there have been hints of a wider plot (villages anyone) which I'm sure will shine through eventually. <<less
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12kucingputih rated it
November 18, 2015
Status: --

great novel but too much r*pe and gore scene you will vomit if you not ready, OP and realistic main character he’s not perfect but I like him so far

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whosays25 rated it
October 29, 2015
Status: --
Tricky to read because of many unnecessary characters but quite good. I love rpg, game elements... XD
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NeurogamiPrime rated it
September 28, 2016
Status: c326
-Interesting fight scenes (at the start)
-Not useless female lead (at the start)
-Fantastic Strong Willed Righteous MC (at the star)
-Nice world building and Stage setting for the future (until you actually get to that stage)

- The fight scenes that were interesting at the start get repeated and either the writing or the translation just gets worse because every fight is boring as hell and lacks description.
- Every female is a useless who*e after a certain point. No exceptions, not even the actual children. Any female who shows up in this novel after a while just descends into being a whiney useless c*cksleeve for the main character or someone else. Its kind of sad actually since we are never shown a female who is not either c*ck hungry, spoiled rotten, or an honest to god prostitute. Those are the only three type of females in this novel.
- I think the main character actually descended into for real madness but the author forgot to actual add any inner monologue for the main character over the course of this descent so he just suddenly becomes a bipolar rage feuled dictator who will do anything and will sacrifice any number of human shaped pawns to gain more power. It's actually kind of scary how disturbed the main character becomes.
- all the world building seemed to just be part of the authors patriotism. He soon just becomes racist and talks about how everyone who is not chinese is a useless pile of meat that should be cleansed from this earth.
- The people in this world seemed like everyone just got finished watching the entirety of the mad max series and was ready and waiting for the world to end just so they can have an excuse to go completely god damn insane. How does it only take 2 weeks for an entire country to devolve into cannibalism? There is no way that these people were EVER well adjusted seeing what they started doing immediately after the government was not looking over their shoulders.
- There seems to be an over arching plot, but I think the author forgot about it. There was something about god making the world have game elements but everyone just accepts it and asks no questions ever. Its almost like this is something that happened to them before since no one really gives a sh*t to bother. I can not in good conscious recommend anyone to ever read this novel. I can only think that the other people who recommend this novel have not read past the first 50 or so chapters since past that point you will just be disgusted by every imagery, action, or event that is expressed in this novel a bit after that point. Though what do I know. I am just some as*hole on the internet, read it for yourself and make your own opinion known.
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FirosAhoge rated it
August 24, 2016
Status: c310
Definitely one of my favorite novels. I like the main character's ruthlessness that complements his compassion and leadership. He keeps on growing yet he's not like those weak protagonist's who will let chivalry blind them from making the best decisions. The novel itself makes me appreciative of food, comfort, integrity, and hard-work. I'm currently marathoning it and it keeps getting better!
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June 26, 2016
Status: c309
It's not my kind of novel but still I find it interesting. There's a lot of military knowledge! Serious stuff ehehe. All in all it's a nice novel but if you're against cruelty, rap and things like that then it's not a novel for you.
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June 9, 2016
Status: --
Thank God! I have red the note about the review otherwise this awesome novel wouldn't fare longer... Almost! So far this novel have been added to my MUST READ list so please do so.

Maybe because if not for this review I won't even register for an account in this site so please gave the thanks for GOD AND DEVIL WORLD NOVEL>....

So let me give it a big 5/5 STAR for the novel because its a MUST read for those who seeks THRILLS, MIND BLOGGING ACTIONS and BONERS.. heheh (IMAO)... more>> xD

It's my 1st time giving a review and I don't know if this is a review.

An impeccable novel indeed that's what I can only say. This novel indeed portrays anything you want to do if ever the laws and orders are to be abolished. (So you better keep in mind everything you read maybe it would come useful someday.. ehhehe)

Characters, monster, setting, place and scenes in this story needs a very great imagination or/and experience) for it to play perfectly so it would tickle those squishy brain of yours..

As far as I can foresee this novel can have so many TWISTS and TURNS plus ADULT SCENES to lighten the mood!

I'm looking forward to the fast release of this NOVEL so please those who can help please do so.

Thanks <<less
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June 5, 2016
Status: c313
I like so far. A good change of pace from the typical cultivator of xian tian or wuxia. It involve a zombie apocalypse and being a fan of zombie movies, this sure hit up the alley. System is a leveling system where you kill to gain experience to level up. It can be pretty graphic (word-wise description of course) with gore, s*xual theme and also stereotype and discrimination. The bad side of human that typically is kept under control by the norm and regulation of society is reflected in... more>> a world where such thing got collapse without any warning.

On another side, there are some elements that the author introduce then neglected. Like how he talk about durability of item at the beginning and it end up not mention again after 20-30 chapters in or loot main character receive but never was forgotten by the author. Guess it just assumed he open xyz box.

There also the mention of class switch in the special zone in the beginning where you get to use the special currency. Not sure if it ever going get mention again later one. <<less
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strixflash rated it
June 4, 2016
Status: c296
Corruption, s*avery and prostitution are still strong in this world even though we have governments, human right organizations, etc. For the sake of being politically correct we ignore the dark side of our world and say humanity is full of virtue, kindness, etc... but are we really honest and kind when our own survival is at stake? Do we give a damn about others if no one is watching over us?

The novel deals with this questions using a post apocalypse setting. The novel is full of s*x s*avery and corruption.... more>> Sure sometimes the s*x s*avery gets overboard but you have to remember that even now s*x s*avery is dominant in many parts of the world thanks to the blessing of corrupted politicians and dictators.

Gods playing with humans is a fun idea (though not original) and author has done well. I'm liking the abilities of characters and the world author has build. I'm sure we would see more than just zombies in the near future.

The only downside for me is that the story is getting repetitive even though it's enjoyable. <<less
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Solyom rated it
April 18, 2017
Status: --
The novel started really good. It had a lot of potential, and I liked the style too. I wasn't really bothered by the paper thin characters either (only the MC has something that resembles a personality, and maybe two others), and the way the people acted in it actually pretty realistic for a post-apocaliptic world. Then the real problems started. The story is so repetitve, that I think it is actually amazing, that someone actually wrote so much with a single idea. Every volume is basically the same: the MC... more>> arrives to a new territory, concures it, get separated from his people, gets to a new territory, and repeat. Seriously, it feels like the author didn't want to spend any time on any character, so whenever it was time to actually write about them, he (she?) just threw a really strong beast in the mc's way to separate him from everyone else. Every. Single. Time. After the separation, he will quickly establish himself, will find out, that there are way more survivors and military technology on the new territory, he gathers new people, and after a zombie attack, he takes over. After the third time, I got fed up with this bs, and dropped it. <<less
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Chillingbear rated it
March 2, 2017
Status: c490
This novel starts great, it really does. It started as a decent survival novel. MC was in a bad situation and went through a couple life threatening situations. The author quickly on has MC adapt to the current situation by dumping those who act s*upid or can't carry their own weight. Sure I totally get that, in life or death you gotta do what you have to survive. The most unbelievable part of this entire story is that when god cursed everyone, every person got a stick and you could... more>> only level up by killing with that stick or weapons that dropped from corpses. Author has MC be one of the few ones in his city who discovered this, which seems dumb as f*ck to me. If everyone gets that stick and the zombies pop up immediately as well who the f*ck would throw away that weapon? People don't just carry swords around with them or guns (unless it is Murica!)

Regardless, I was hooked and I felt that the situation was quite believable for the most part. Then the conversational sh*t happened and this is where a good majority of complaints come from. So the author only creates really a couple strong female leads who can defend themselves, but all but 1 are completely reliant on MC. Every single other women becomes a prostitute or s*x s*ave pretty much. The issue a lot of people have is that the Author is sexist, I think rather he has every person be weak as sh*t except for MC, those under his command, and plot characters. Seriously just reread it and look at all the men who aren't in his group. Unless they are playing a key point every other male is garbage tier. It is the same with women, if they aren't in his group or important to plot they are garbage. I was able to swallow that concept alright, the author wanted realism there would definitely be men out there who would take advantage of the situation, but the author goes overboard by having it happen too quickly. MC then starts to create his own little group and expands it as the novel progresses. He fights some big battles and then gains control over over his entire province. Okay sure great, so far it is been pretty decent I would give it a solid (4/5) as this was a new concept and not a lot of authors who write survival aren't realistic enough and it comes off as bad. For being special I give it a higher rating as it was something new to read. Then the author runs out of ideas. He creates this simple rinse and repeat and throws away characters for 100s of chapters or forever. Here is what this glorious layout looks like

1) MC gets separated from his group (MC refuses to let go of running animal, MC randomly finds magic portal, the list goes on and it is clear the author is just using god mode to make the plot move along instead of being creative)

2) MC meets pathetic and desperate people, but MC must be cool and composed killing any who attack him. 3) Leader of group offers his (always male leader) daughter/niece/some beauty who are ALWAYS virg*ns to MC for the night or payment. MC either accepts or rejects depending on how bad ass he is feeling. If he accepts cue awful s*x writing

4) MC learns about mega evil people who are occupying territory (omg more evil then MC so we hate them) and these people know how to level up

5) MC goes through some struggles as he is the only OP person and he must train these people (none of which have found out how to level up even though their evil neighbors have)

6) MC slaughters evil people with almost no casualties because MC is so amazing and strong. 7) MC meets back up with his group and they are wowed as MC conquered new terf without the help of them. 8) Author moves along plot for MC to react to (evil people in the distance, new zombie horde)

9) insert some other sh*t and boom repeat

While the author has quite a few obvious flaws in his story his biggest failing is his inability to get out this f*cking repeat shit. There was a lot of potential in this novel. It was different than a lot and focused on hardcore subjects, but the Author's creativity is obviously lacking in quite a few areas. <<less
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justjetlagged rated it
May 3, 2016
Status: --
I really like the concept of this novel – an apocalyptic world which has game elements to it. I like the character of Yue Zhong, although it doesn’t really make much sense to me how a person who seems so average has such bottle instantaneously. I like the progression of power – although we are told and do see that Yue Zhong is powerful compared to everyone else, the evolution of the things that endanger him and his communities always keep up. I don’t like how there are so many... more>> undeveloped characters in the story – indicative of the same lazy writing that befalls most Chinese light novels. I often find myself forgetting about characters and scenarios. I really hate the pacing. There have been almost 300 chapters translated by now, but we still haven’t gotten past the first part of the novel. Things written in the synopsis haven’t even been hinted at, let alone come to fruition. The author dawdles on harem candidates and empty antagonists instead of progressing the story. However, I still like the novel regardless of the undeveloped characters and drawn out storytelling – the concept is brilliant and the author captures the plight of humanity in a fresh and humorous way. If you’re turned off by r*pe and racism, then this isn’t the book for you. <<less
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Dante777 rated it
February 7, 2019
Status: Completed
Great potential flushed down the drain!

This went from an amazing apocalyptic Litrpg novel and devolved into your basic cookie cutter Xianxia novel in the last 3rd of the book.

All the fun in the book went away when the author completely dropped the God and Devil system and the Litrpg elements. At this point it's obvious the author got stuck and decided to stop writing an apocalyptic litrpg book and switched over to a cultivation novel.

This completely wasted everything written up to that point a it felt like I was reading... more>> a different book. If he wanted to write another genre he should have started a new book instead of destroying an already successfully established story.

We spent so much of the book building up to some great final battle on Earth and in the end all the MC did was disappear from Earth for the last 3rd of the book to go on his cultivation journey then he suddenly returns to Bust out a Thanos snap that kills all his enemies and then the book just ends. This was a horribly lazy finish!

What's worse is that the author wants to continue this crap when it no longer has anything to do with with it's original premise.

P.S. Why is it that all LN authors seem to mysteriously contract health issues when they decide to go on a hiatus or when they try to make excuses for a badly received ending? <<less
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