Feng Yu Jiu Tian


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At nineteen, Feng Ming, an orphan on his way to school, met a fateful accident while trying to save a child. Fortunately, the child’s father, a grateful Spiritualist Sorcerer, offered him a unique opportunity: a “transmigration” to another dimension as a second chance at life.

In this new world, Feng Ming found himself inhabiting the body of the Crown Prince of the Xilei Kingdom. However, this Crown Prince’s status didn’t seem to be as lofty as Feng Ming had originally expected. Not only was he denied the respect his position deserved, but his body was also marred by hidden scars! The true power resided not in him, but in the enigmatic and cunning Regent King, Rong Tian!

To make matters worse, the original Crown Prince seemed to have an unconventional relationship with King Rong. The King Regent, perceptive and cunning, quickly recognized the change in the Crown Prince’s inner self, harboring suspicion. Yet, intrigued by Feng Ming’s unconventional views, Rong Tian found himself drawn to the impostor.

Associated Names
One entry per line
Phoenix Heavenly Voyage
Phoenix of the Nine Heavens
Phoenix To the Nine Heavens
Phượng Vu Cửu Thiên
Related Series
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It’s Not Easy Being Your Love Rival’s Big Brother (1)
Recommendation Lists
  1. Historical Setting TBR
  2. list pt 4
  3. Ongoing Story, Ongoing Translations
  4. Danmei adapted to manhuas + official links
  5. All the Novels

Latest Release

Date Group Release
03/03/11 Sooky v1c3 part1
10/16/10 Sooky v1c2 part2
10/16/10 Sooky v1c2 part1
09/27/10 Sooky v1c1 part2
09/27/10 Sooky v1c1 part1
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66 Reviews sorted by

Christened12 rated it
October 2, 2021
Status: v1c1 part1
I love this novel so much. It's what got me into reading bl novels. And it's a master piece. It made me cry and laugh it's just beautiful
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uselessmug rated it
August 4, 2021
Status: v24c4
To read this story, you must acknowledge that the portrayal of abuse itself is not bad. No, really, if you give it one star because it has abuse in the main cp, then you missed the whole point. I think that this story is an accidentally brilliant potrayal of abuse and toxic realtionships (yes, many relationships, the main cp and a side cp and a couple of really minor characters??????). This novel offers a lesser known portrayal of abuse, where the abuser is the lover, not the antagonist.

Fair warning, because... more>> r*pe is tagged, this novel is casually r*pey. Most gongs are casually r*pey. But r*pe is treated more as losing a spar than something very traumatising and bone-chilling bad that happens to the characters. And also is a way of flirting. I'm gonna tag victim blaming too. &Lt;spoiler> even the strongest most powerful charcter in this story got r*ped by a woman and had a child with her and is blamed by his rapist's brother, his rapist, his wife, and himself.</spoiler>

If the main couple brings you discomfort, congrats, you see it, you see the rotten foundation that this seemingly sweet and devoted relationship is based on. This story's toxic relationships are brilliant in the fact that even if the author sugar coated it in an overwhelming amount of senseless devotion from the ML to the MC, abuse is abuse. It's rather like show, not tell. If one write about abuse and screams "THIS IS ABUSE" every other line, then it ruins the immersion, won't it.

One of the recurring detail that really catches my eyes is the fact that no matter how badass, how hard the MC tries to grow up, he reverts back to a dumb babied fool whenever he's in the same room as the ml. We can see how he is ruined by his abuser (s), and how everyone goes along with the ML instead of the MC, all in the name of 'doing what is good for him'. The MC can be brilliant, but it ultimately doesn't matter because the ML can and will cut off his wings the next. MC can be a god that brings prosperity and brightness one moment, and a mere s*x toy to be indulged and a prize to be taken by the emperors the next. Helplessness, naivety and ignorance is what made this character a character, and is both horrifying and intriguing.

Why do I say 'accidentally brilliant'? Because maybe the author hasn't meant it like this, maybe they were just trying to write a p*rno. Dubcons/noncons and seemingly innocent emotional manipulations are a staple in these kind of danmeis after all. But because it is just so stubbornly ignorant of the abuse going on that it accidentally became a realistic portrayal of some abuse victim's mentality.

All in all, if you enjoy looking at the red flags and seeing how red they can get, then this is gold. If you require good details and plot go read qiang jin jiu then yeah, this novel really is tr*shy. <<less
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November 29, 2020
Status: --
The MC is rather s*upid. You get transported to another world without knowing your circumstances, but you don't even consider to keep your mouth shut and s*upidly act out of character? Lol

That might be his character setting, but I cant tolerate MCs who are s*upid for no reason. And he is not endearingly naive at all. Too bad such an MC could ruin an otherwise promising story.
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Aachiin0914 rated it
November 9, 2020
Status: '-'
I like this series very much. Actually I fist found it when I was still emersed with my life reading manga. I read the manga, though I don't like the art the plot hook me up. Back then, rebirth and transmigration is still not that popular, unlike right now.

However, since the manga is only have three or five chapters translated, I moved on to the novel.

I like the novel. But I don't really like the MC, a tiny bit. Though I like how he is smart and witty. I don't... more>> like how he is so narcissistic.

The very first chapter, I was almost turn off by him. Our dare is so demanding.

But I do like everything, and this compensate our lacking MC.

This series made me love so much. Art of war is trully amazing.

But really, our MC sometimes put me off.

Well, I read this years before and I'm just writing a review.

This series is really great!

I love our ml!! <<less
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Lu9 rated it
November 2, 2020
Status: --
This novel is good, but there are things that some readers may dislike. I don't think it's right to say that people are irresponsible or masochistic, just because you like this novel. Negative reviews are there to be a form of warning for those who do not like this type of content.
I read all the volumes, MC is really naive and very annoying! But in the end he finally faces his greatest fear and learns to value the people who really care about him. I really like the last volume too.
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TheDecayingFlower555 rated it
August 24, 2020
Status: v16c8
This novel definitely is not for everyone. As it has Stockholm syndrome, our MC is really hard to like at times as he gets himself through some unnecessary trouble, and at times the plot gets a little repetitive. But the novel is not too bad. The main issue I feel is the translation. Various people have translated this novel and many of them after a while will stop translating. It's starting to feel like a pattern. A person will pick up the novel and after translating it for a bit... more>> they will drop it and then another person will pick it up and continue.

I just hope this novel can get fully translated one day with accurate translations. Not just a westernized translation, as there have been such discords in the danmei fandom, but a translation that is understandable while respecting the culture. <<less
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ramais rated it
April 17, 2020
Status: v18c8

This is the first danmei i've ever read. That sentiment alone makes FJYT memorable for me. Honestly, my taste in danmei is shaped because of FJYT. Feng Ming, is typical beautiful-weak-but-smart shou. He is transmigrated to the parallel world of ancient time China and met the handsome and dominating gong, Rong Tian. From the rocky start, they really walk the path and become power couple. Their love dynamic is so beautiful, I really can feel love seep into my pore when I read... more>> Feng Ming and Rong Tian's interaction in the novel. Not to mention the intricacies, tricks, scheme and grandeur of ancient kingdoms; FJYT really left a deep impression in my heart. All characters has purpose in this novel, and none of them are useless. There are plot twist every now and then due to the ever constant scheming to ensnare Feng Ming and seizing kingdoms. This is a very fun read for me.

The most disappointing thing is; this novel is unfinished. I read that the author, Feng Nong is still writing the 30th volume of the book several years ago; and now there is no more news/update on Feng Nong. The English translation of this novel is also stuck. FJYT is really old now and it's really saddening to see this grand novel is abandoned just like that. I still remember my excitement to read this novel; years ago. I wish someone will pick it up for translation again. <<less
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June 23, 2018
Status: v2c15
Frustrating and kinda disappointing.

You know you try to pardon some little points until the negative points overlap and the things you pardon become unforgivable

Feng Ming is dickhead idiot with out self-reflection and care. Naive to the point that the reader want to kill him themselves.

What kind of modern man try to negotiate things using fairy tale

and Why does this ancient people don't read behind the line when M.C is venting that he is a f*cking modern man

... more>>

[/spoiler at v 2 c15 So M.C mention and know the concept of Poker face and yet it frustrated me to to point of wanting to go inside the novel and bang his head to my knee.

What the hell, He already know that his modern knowledge is his only advantage on the current era and yet he is showcasing his only advantage to the Opponent just only to say he is a Genius.

Bull shit]

I feel like M.C is flunting his bu*t saying "you can abuse me I'm naive" by showing his reaction.

and Why does this ancient people don't read behind the line when M.C is venting that he is a f*cking modern ma <<less
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YuYao rated it
April 9, 2018
Status: --
It deserve to get 5 stars. My first BL novel. The only complains I have is the MC is too weak.


yes I love both Rong Tian and Ruo Yan. I hope that Ruo Yan will r*pe Feng Ming. Lol.. Wicked me. And just as I said Feng Ming is too weak and get kidnapped tooany times. Trust people too easily and doesnt learn from experience. Truly hateful. I like the powerful seme.


I like to recommend it if you like good plots.
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Cars78 rated it
July 28, 2021
Status: v2c3
This story is incredible. Don't knock it till you've at least read the first season. It has been written in such a way that encaptures you. I can't stress how much of a good book this is. Yes I will agree the MC treats the ML horribly and it can make you uncomfortable, but if you can bare with it, I'ts part of this intricate plot and will be worth it. (Response to APPYFIZZ's comment) I dont believe you can say a novel is horrible unless you've given... more>> it a chance. <<less
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izayaYY rated it
October 30, 2020
Status: v13
Been reading this over the years but it will definitely test the patience of many readers as it is a freaky lenthy saga spanning many years and much drama, with 2 smart protags who are hell bent on unifying and pacifying 11 (?) warring states. It's coherent that this cannot be done in just a few chapters.

There is much to love about this novel. I like how smart FengMing is for a 19yrold. He has academic smarts but being too trusting and naive, he fails at ppl smarts. I like... more>> his naive, idealistic and humane outlook on an era without much humanity. I loved how he applied his modern knowledge but also his modern mentality. I loved his funny idioms and pop culture references. I liked how the author weaved all this into the story. But being a transmigrated character does not make MC OP. I often wished that the 2 protags were OP though... haha...

I also loved the s*xual dynamics between the couple, a funny reversible couple, with a seme who freely admits that he bottomed before and that it is common in this era and nothing to fuss about. So their relationship is more a 0.75 ML with a 0.25 MC lol. According to the author herself, this novel started off as just a superficial harem danmei and surprisingly turned out to be way more complex in later volumes.

So for readers who wanna give this a try, do not judge from the first few chapters. Everyone else crying about r*pe and stockholme syndrome are just irresponsible ppl who read things they don't like just to complain after. One must be somewhat masochistic (or s*upid) to keep reading something they don't like or approve. Just stop reading if you don't like... can't believe that this needs to be said! <<less
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leviii rated it
July 16, 2020
Status: v5c13
I first saw and read this on the manga and I really like it but sadly its not continued so here I am.

Honestly, MC is partly annoying. He's stubborn and just want to do whatever he wants by going outside and having no awareness of the dangers he might fell upon to. Always saying he's bored nonstop and he's easily deceived by people. BUT, I love his intelligence (from the modern world where he is originally from), amazingly being put to use on the era he's into now to win... more>> over enemies.

I don't actually have any bad things to say to the ML, just I really love how he's so inlove with the MC and he's willing to protect him in any harm.

I gave it 5 stars because the story has a nice pace and its not rushed. The plot is well explained and the characters are nicely introduced and developed. Regarding some aspects in this novel, it really depends on your own preferences if you'll like it or not. I also recommend this to those ppl who enjoy good and long read. <<less
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kutsudon rated it
April 29, 2020
Status: --
A nice novel. The uke is not a typical passive one and more plot driven like danmei today. Just shocked to find this novel is from 2005 and has not finished until now. I hope this novel gonna outlive one piece and queen elizabeth cause I love it
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nekomemeow rated it
February 24, 2019
Status: v16c6.3
I certainly hope someone will pick this up for a translation bc I really love the plot and all the twist inside this novel... I just, all of its interesting characters and their flaws are just what made this novel so captivating!!! gahh!!!! made me wish I took that chinese lesson during highschool so I can buy the novel myself and translate for us!! wuuwuuuuuu
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SoulfreeNeko rated it
February 9, 2019
Status: v4c11 part1
OMG this is one of the best novels ever!! Really love all the interaction between the characters! Although it does get quite dark and angsty after vol 3, but I still love it! I wish someone could pick this up!
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B2j rated it
May 5, 2018
Status: v1c13
Reading this was so painful for me. I love SM and yanderes and whatnot. Looking at all the good reviews, I decided to read it. But I was utterly disappointed. The beginning was interesting but it goes downhill pretty fast. I have to agree with all of the points the other bad reviews made. The MC is realllllly unlikable. The ML is okay but he is kind of a s*x fiend. They don’t have love nor chemistry, just abuse. Thats fine sometimes for me (of course fiction only, don’t riot... more>> and throw bricks at me) but the mc’s personality pushed me really close to the edge of dropping. I only read a few chapters but their personalities don’t really mesh well and the plot is ok, not that engaging either. I found out that the author also wrote Gu Fang Bu... (don’t know the name) and the couples’ relationships are similar, abusive. I expected the abuse but I was hoping for abuse because of possessive love not abuse because of physical attraction. That’s how I feel the 2 MC are like. Really a disappointment. <<less
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cinnamonrollilolli rated it
January 18, 2022
Status: v16c6.1
I am hooked on this novel. I thought it is a boring one however, I am mistaken. I agree how annoying the main character is and how inappropriate situations are being portrayed in the novel but it is more than that. It has views about politics and strategies for wars etc. It can also put you on edge, can make you laugh and frustrated as well as feel the sweetness between the couple and the other side couples. Overall, this novel is fun to read, even though it is still... more>> ongoing. I cannot wait for the upcoming chapters. <<less
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Gauja rated it
September 14, 2021
Status: v3 part5
ok so far so good, I am ejoying the story so far the characters are fun and the story is entertaining.

But I need to ask, is there missing parts in the story? I just got up to volume 3 part 5 and was going to start v4 but I feel like the story has jumped a head.

If anyone could clear this up for me id be mighty thankfull.
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Nao Otosaka
Nao Otosaka rated it
February 15, 2021
Status: v18
I just read this on another device few days back and I agree with ayadsinung's comment that the main couple aren't worth it. The plot is unique (and I usually won't prefer an ancient BL setting) and the strategies that take place are what make up for its shortcomings. But the main couple are my least favourite. This is because the MC is though smart but like a tantrum-throwing kid. Not to mention the ML. He just humiliates and tortures the OG both physically and mentally, which in my opinion,... more>> is really a sad thing. I do read r*pe genres but that doesn't mean I'm up for it (basically when the plot is so great and then there are the main characters who add up to the negatives of such a great story-making it loose its appeal). <<less
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DreamingBlue rated it
January 24, 2021
Status: --
I remeber reading this few years before the manga vers came out. The traslator done a great job and there was quite a few artworks with it. Pity I can't find it back.

It might be disturbing for some with the abussive scenes in it and all the manipulations. It's a fictive novel, something has to create the dramas. It was a good read for me even when I sometimes wanna bash the protagonis pretty lil head.

Protag: smart but naive, too trusting or sees to much good in a pers which... more>> leads to easily manipulation from others

ML: manipulative clever hunk... lol, caring but cold and decisives

I might have issed somthn, been years since I read this. Tags and descriptions are pretty dead on. <<less
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