Evil Emperor’s Wild Consort


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She has come a long way.

Orphaned, born a weakling, and being the infamous good-for-nothing of Azure Dragon Country. Gu Ruoyun was the shame of the proud Gu household. Falsely accused of a crime she did not commit, she was betrayed by her family and beaten to death by her own grandfather. But life took a fateful twist on that very day — she was revived.

Newly awakened, she is now the Master of an ancient treasure that resides within her body. Precious cultivation pills, treasures beyond her wildest imagination and spiritual beasts, all within her grasp… She is the apple of the eye of all under the heavens, including that of a mysterious, handsome man.

Now she only has one goal — to conquer the world.

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80 Reviews sorted by

CookieMonster rated it
September 29, 2016
Status: c15
It may look like the typical reincarnation-revenge story at first, but things start picking up after Chapter 9. The interaction between the MC and one of the characters is cute, and the girl's actions in the succeeding chapters are bold and a bit different from what the usual MCs in this genre do.

So far, it focuses more on martial arts than all the cefei, yatou, wangfu controversial stuff in most historical romance novels. I found it to be a mix of several tropes (romance, transmigration, revenge, powerful mentor you can... more>> carry around) , but the way it is written doesn't seem cliche at all.

This novel seems to have a lot of potential! It's definitely going on my Reading List. <<less
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June 26, 2020
Status: c903
Dropping now. Kept going in the hopes that it would improve. But in the end it does not. It is just an endless cycle of reincarnation: One plot dies and is then reborn. The only thing changing are the characters, but even here they all have the same characters.

Other weak points:

A) Switch out the female MC for a male one, then swap some other genders as well and you would not see a difference whatsoever, it would still be the same story. Meaning, the fact that the MC is a... more>> woman has no impact on the story or the way the story is written whatsoever. The character of the MC is also kind of plain: stoic woman that smiles towards loved ones and brutally rips apart everyone that crosses her.

B) Xth time now that small/big sect douchebag lady annoys MC out of nowhere and without any reason, then runs to daddy/uncle/master claiming MC is a good-for-nothing, has an affair with some person and is therefore super arrogant. MC then has that person killed and a certain number of ppl or the whole sect destroyed.

C) Bad fight scene descriptions. Swoosh, power wave, boom, grunt, amazing weapon, over.

D) So much eye movement. Ominous glint here, ominous glare there. And nobody ever notices. Somehow during fights they all have eyes in the back of their heads but when it comes to discern that some guy has killing intent or a mu*derous look everybody is oblivious to it, no matter the cultivation level. <<less
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Lunahime90 rated it
February 10, 2020
Status: Completed
I like...

Zixie - the best companion and friend you can wish for!

Zuo Shangchen - The most underrated character. ... more>>

He was protecting her from the beginning and was there, when she was giving birth, but at the end, still no love for him : (


Gu Shengxiao - the handsome big brother with the sister complex

Xia Linyu - the younger brother with the sister complex

But who I don't like?

Gu Ruoyun! She is cruel, her character is flat, I feel no sympathy for her and don't even like her accomplishment. I don't even feel like she deserve anything, and most definitely don't deserve to have Zixie and Zuo Shangchen by her side!

There is also no chemistry between her and Qianbei Ye. QY is especially poor written character. He has like no other purpose than to be handsome and Gu Ruoyun's love interest.

The story has plenty of loopholes and is repetitive and inconsistent. Enchantress Amongst Alchemists: Ghost King’s Wife by the same author (s) is much better. <<less
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kirtil rated it
April 11, 2019
Status: c1798
Sadly, this is one of the better novels I read here.

I had a lot of problems with the author and the way the story was told.

Each and every bad guy they meet is prone to exaggeration and over-dramatization. Every. Damn. Time.

MC keeps letting people off while smirking knowingly that she can kill them anytime. Until they do something unforgivable. And they do, every. Damn. Time. And then comes the revenge scene and the torture scene.. I wanted to grab her and shake her while shouting "just kill them and prevent... more>> future troubles" so many times. That was one of the things I loved about world of cultivation. The MC there killed people on first offense and be done with it.

Also tied to the one above; everyone is functionally ret*rded. Everyone accepts anything until MC comes and explains things, then it's "ooo we were deceived"..

update: oh and one more thing.. I really really did not like the way author writes about homosexuality. F.U. Xiao Qi Ye <<less
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Kurumekun rated it
December 15, 2017
Status: c388
This is the usual reincarnation kind of novel with several strong backers after being reborn. Although it uses the most common kind of dumb antagonist, I still got hook in reading this because the MC is a FEMALE. If the the MC is MALE then nevermind but since its a female then I read it for a change because I want to see how it goes when it is in the perspective of a female..

A good read although I just feel that the enemies are just too dumb that they... more>> never learn their lesson. <<less
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Night Assissin
Night Assissin rated it
December 5, 2017
Status: c300
Unique novel that make me you hooked in this novel. I like this novel at first chapter I cry for MC. I like this story I am waiting for more chapter.

Good story, interested character with strong MC and ml.
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August 21, 2017
Status: c1798

It was a fairly good story. I think another reviewer mentioned it has good balance and I agree. It hits most of the OP heroine tropes: starts super weak and turns strong, gorgeous soulmate who loves her from the get-go, enemies that keep popping up and getting stronger, etc. But it is also fairly moderate with a lot of these; not every guy falls in love with her, not every girl is an enemy (at the very least, she has a best friend though who knows where she goes after... more>> chapter 500 or so). Now let me clarify: by good, I mean it satisfies what I look for in these rebirth stories, which is revenge and face slapping. Literary talent, fleshed out characters, reasonable antagonists, or plot developments that don't require suspension of disbelief/gold finger are a bonus, but certainly not expected and definitely didn't happen here. But everything happened "nice"enough.

Something I noticed that was unique about this story-

it ended pretty ambiguously regarding the brother and Zuo Shangchen and a potential gay relationship, to the extent that the MC's son calls ZSC "aunt" lol. Not something you normally see in these types of stories, though it would have been more interesting if the author actually clarified rather than leaving things hanging.

Unfortunately, though it could have ended not too badly, the author had to lose her mind after 1700 chapters and wrote the most confusing, unnecessary arc I've read in any light novel:

It's the story of how his son finds his love back in her original continent and it's so incomprehensible. For some reason, the girl is also a transporter maybe? And took over a princess's body after being a ghost for a while? But she must have looked exactly the same because her parents could recognize her at first glance- unless there was a reason for this that was never explained? And, I don't even understand where the parents came from since they were as strong as the Gu Ruoyun/Tianbe Ye couple who should be the strongest existences in their realm theoretically. The whole thing was just a clusterf*ck tbh. But, even if I were able to understand the story, it was still SUPER unnecessary. Maybe it was the author's attempt at doing a crossover with another series she wrote or something?


If you have tons of time to waste, and don't mind raws, then read it. If you just want translated, don't waste your time; the chapters translated so far don't even touch on the satisfying revenge we all want to see. <<less
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CasaNegra rated it
May 19, 2017
Status: --
Marathoned this over two days and I have to say I'm quite liking this story, Her personality is terrific and very strong, and the people around her are also well rounded. The male lead is cute and their romance is very adorable.

The chapters are a little on the shorter side, It may look like the typical reincarnation-revenge story at first, but things start picking up after Chapter 10.

One of the few reincarnation novels that I have not dropped after 100 chapters.
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SayItOutLoud rated it
March 24, 2017
Status: 122
Overall it looks to be a good novel. The chapters are a little on the shorter side, but are succinct, so to say. It gives you an impression of actual progression in a chapter rather than the "reading some unnecessary filler" feeling. As of the 120 odd chapters I've read, the setting seems well built.
The characters and story don't feel forced or abrupt, especially when compared to

EAA which is of the same author

Hope it stays like this, as story progresses.
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Icelandic rated it
March 19, 2017
Status: c125
While the chapters are short, it really doesn't take away from how awesome the story is, im a sucker for heroines who make her enemies suffer, not to mention the male lead is sooo adorbs but merciless >.< while the wait for new chapters are relatively short, it still feels so long because I'm highly invested in the story.
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annon2016 rated it
March 15, 2017
Status: c228
One of the few reincarnation novels that I have not dropped after 100 chapters. I would say it is worth it to read when there isn't anything else. Also it is the only reincarnation novel I have read so far that might include revenge against enemies from both the past and present lives as opposed to the MC just dying and losing all connections to the people that killed her. Other than that, I think the other aspects of the novel are pretty generic. I don't have any experience with... more>> translating but I think the writing and the translations are pretty well done compared to some novels I have read before. <<less
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tholovar rated it
August 17, 2021
Status: c85
When you read this author's works there are a few things you have to be aware of;

1] Every single character is dumb as a plank of wood. Including the Female Lead.

2] The Female Lead is always brash, rude and obnoxious, yet gathers a large harem. (Though admittedly, this author is one of the rare few that will give there female lead, female friends).

3] The male lead is always bland & uninteresting "mysterious", the most beautiful person who has ever existed, weirdly fanatically devoted to the female lead as soon as... more>> he sees her & vicious against any other woman who ever expresses interest in him. Oh and also so extremely powerful so that he can rescue the female lead whenever her s*upidity & obnoxiousness get her into trouble.

Now saying all that, the s*upidity of the characters in this novel even exceeds your expectations.

Example 1; The female lead walks into the fantasy version of a multinational pharmaceutical corporation. She goes "I want this" & then proceeds to obnoxiously insult the manager and tells him she wants to bet with him for the company. She wins, she now owns the multinational company. If she had lost, she would have had to pay nothing. There is no penalty if she loses. So of course she wins and now owns the company. Seriously, this is like someone walks into the Coca Cola company and tells them I want to make a bet, I win I get the entire company, I lose nothing happens. Lol

A similar thing happens a second time. There is a famous doctor, but she does not want any thing to do with the female lead. The female lead goes up to her in a rude and obnoxious manner and says, I want to make a bet with you. I win, you become my servant. I lose, nothing happens. Seriously.

Anyway, I gave it one star because I like the genre, one star because a female lead having actual female friends is so damn rare in the genre, and one final star because it is so s*upid it is amusing. <<less
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KillingThreat rated it
February 18, 2021
Status: c1755
edit: finished everything, but didn't read the side story about son. probably give it a 3.5/5 now. I do like my SPOILER "MC wins at the end" type of stories.

Honestly, everyone is right that the story is very predictable. But I still love these types of stories. If you go through each arc (with breaks in between), it can almost be relaxing since MC always wins the fights and "levels up" quickly; so it's nice to read a powerful Mary-Sue character.

Unfortunately, the plots are literally the same thing over... more>> and over again. In the first/lower realm, she faces trouble, side character falls in love with ML and wants him, etc etc. That's fine, almost normal plot points happening for the MC. In the second/mid realm, she faces similar trouble, etc etc. Hmmm... That's odd, it's almost the same thing that happened in the lower realm... In the third/high realm, SAME F*CKING THING.


Like I f*cking get it, side female characters are enamored with ML. They lust after him and want him no matter what. They do some s*upid shit, they get f*cking destroyed by MC.

CAN WE JUST GET SOME SMART FEMALE CHARACTERS THAT ARE ON MC'S SIDE/NEUTRAL TO HER?!?!? Wtf is up with these writers and almost internal misogynistic views towards female characters...


It's not that difficult to use other plot devices!!!! There's already SO MANY other cliched plots that the author could've used, instead of literally using the same ones.... If there were different plots happening in each realm, I would probably give the story a 4/5 or 5/5 if I'm enjoying the Mary-Sue-ness. The overall plot was pretty good, but the story would have been great if there were just different characters and events happening in the story.. <<less
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xuexin rated it
November 29, 2019
Status: c183
I can't bring myself to continue reading this anymore and I thought about it for a few days before I finally decided to stop. I personally DO NOT like the FL. She is hella dumb. Everyone around her is saying how the ML is dangerous to her even though he lost his memories (one is someone who knows the guy, the other has taken 3 years to find info on him but got nothing) yet she says "I don't care who he was, I trust him". LIKE, GIRL? You keep... more>> saying you don't trust people easily because they betrayed you in your past life but you just trust this guy without rhyme or reason? So when a faction tried to assassinate the FL and guy A came from that faction but he is your brother's friend and has also been by your side for 3 years... You suddenly barge in where he is staying and threaten him because his faction attacked you. He never left your side for 3 years and is your brother's friend. WHERE IS YOUR LOGIC? Ah, this FL is lacking so much logic.

The story barely even talks about how she cultivates. Hard pass for me. Too many people in this novel have low IQ including the main cast. <<less
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September 19, 2019
Status: --
This novel is repetitive to the core, no unique charm is found. Every female's MC tropes are found in this novel (refer to Umiru's review). There's a lot of filler words which are fine if you skip them and read the next 5 chapters, too wordy. Each arcs are just a copycat of previous arc with different place and character's name. All are about how MC is OP and antagonists are braindead when it's glaringly obvious that MC is stronger or the fault lays on antagonists. Shameless antagonists? I find... more>> author of this novel is more shamelessly s*upid. Making the MC more righteous by creating antagonists more s*upid and it happens many times. I feel MC is another villain shapeshifted as MC by making those enemies s*upid lol.

Romance? Cringy and no chemistry at all. It plays on some fate encounter and past life memories (reincarnation). They somehow fell in love just cause they have this blahblahblah feeling from the past. ML only appears to make MC more OP and superior by helping this MC everytime she fails in a fight.

Honestly, I don't really like this author works cause of the reasons above. Allthough, it's nice that MC has female friends and family, not just male harem on her palm. That the antagonist is not all jealous females, but also some mindless males. But author really can't write good plot cause of repetitive arcs, full of tropes (no charm), 1D characters (MC, ML, antagonists, and others), world building is okayish and character development is poor written. <<less
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March 5, 2019
Status: c1774
Well it's your typical uniformly manufactured kind of novel which MC is cursed with standard tr*sh label and a full package of white lotus and green tea b*tches rivals. Gets hated for being awesome... oh boy.

The good thing is that FL is not overly vicious to the point of lunacy.

Interactions are kinda bland to establish rapport with the readers, characters from previous encounters are easily overlooked and forgotten by the MC as she jumps from one place to another.

Guess it focus more on face slapping, revenge, you-cannot-snatch-my-boyfriend thing. BELIEVE ME.... more>> You'll get tired of this plot when it is repeated more than three times!

But up to you if this your kinda thing. <<less
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joshb3 rated it
January 20, 2019
Status: c905
Kind of ridiculous plot where no characters have any critical thinking skills and everyone always believe any lies told about the main character no matter what. Basically this plot device repeats over and over again.

Not recommended.
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Sycry rated it
August 22, 2018
Status: c1146
In a world where Darwinism apparantly never took hold, a strong protagonist MC travels the world in her adventure stomping on people that are more s*upid and inept than the last. A world filled with bimbos and dumb guys makes you question how they ever got to their high point but whatever... All in all the story is okay and it's a fairly enjoyable ride in bite sized chapters (I find too short imo) but is entertaining enough. Not the best story you'll ever read but it's good enough to... more>> pass the time. <<less
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Khushi Blue
Khushi Blue rated it
December 11, 2017
Status: --
I enjoying reading this novel. I like this story but dislike that MC doesn't show her talent. Great story well translated. I am looking for revenge on her former family who kill her.
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strucker543 rated it
December 3, 2017
Status: c360
Utter garbage read all 300+ chapters easier since it was all in 1 sitting. Same old formula as in all the others from this setting.

How dare you insult me im the great blah blah no one dares to insult me blah blah, rinse and repeat every 2-3 chapters, literaly happens every couple of chapters.

300+ in and people still act as shes a good for nothing they keep forgetting who she is amazingly, not to mention almost everytime she orders someone to kill them someone else always shows up to stop... more>> it by say how dare you do this we're blah blah, seriously everytime <<less
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