Everyone Loves Pei JiYu


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Pei JiYu was about to die. However, those who previously detested him have a change in personality one after another. With one competitive and another sincere, they told him “Pei JiYu, I love you”. There are only a few who can have a life like Pei JiYu, with such twists and beyond expectations. Everyone loves Pei JiYu but it is a pity that he no longer loves anyone.

This is a dogblood xiaobai story of a shou who is dying, so the scum gong, nice gong, new gong, and the old gong show up one after another to confess to him.

Associated Names
One entry per line
Related Series
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Recommendation Lists
  1. we'll be alright, please try again
  2. It's too late for your regret
  3. Sick/Hurt MC
  4. Novel interessanti da tradurre -Cinesi
  5. No Hope for the Future

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32 Reviews sorted by

J.A.M. rated it
May 12, 2022
Status: Completed
What a heart wrenching novel.

This novel is full of misunderstanding and heartache.

The misunderstanding is not irritating to the point that you'll be mad and said "Why are you misunderstanding something like this?!". The misunderstanding is all because of youth love then become big when they grow older.

But what I felt heartache was MC is the one who suffer the most. He was kicked-out, left behind, etc. It was so unfair to him since he didn't do anything wrong. He just love them but they failed to reciprocated his feelings. They... more>> did reciprocate at the end but it was too late. <<less
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December 17, 2021
Status: c1
I truly enjoyed this book.
i’m really angry with the side characters. None of them put the MC first. Its always about their feeling, what they want and what they need.

I’m glad the MC met the ML and able to really enjoy the feeling of being loved.
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The1Rin rated it
September 17, 2021
Status: Completed
It's great for those who love angst. The story is basically about the type of MLs who have sad pasts and leave MC, then come back after becoming rich and successful but instead of a happy end MC has moved on and the ML are now sad. MCs past and views were heartbreaking so I cried every few chapters. Then seeing his past partners also suffer and regret their choices was very satisfying. The ML MC ended up with very boring and felt like a background prop that encouraged MC... more>> at times as it mostly focused on MCs suffering and the MLs pursuit.


My favourite part was when each ML found out about the cancer, the novel gave every one their moment to shine and regret but I wish some of those moments lasted longer.

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darkchocolatesan rated it
August 12, 2021
Status: c1
I think it's important going into this novel realizing the importance of the synopsis' last line: "Everyone loves Pei JiYu but it is a pity that he no longer loves anyone."

This novel is really about healing, where the MC goes from feeling numb from the pain of his past regrets and heartbreaks, to gradually letting go and finding a way in which he can live freely and happily. It has a certain similarity to a bildungsroman from the plot and MC development.

There is some romance to aid in this process,... more>> but again the focus is primarily on letting go. It's not focused on revenge, face-slapping, or anything like that, which makes sense because our MC is too tired to waste his energy on these kinds of things.

Overall, I went into this novel in the mood to cry and wouldn't have minded annoying dog-blooded plots that bounce between love and hate without a ton of reason, but I honestly was surprised how human all the characters seemed to me. Of course it's unlikely that in real life it would go down exactly the same way, but it was easy to see how similar a lot of these character dynamics are to real life people.


The characters are idealistic, petulant, numb, disdainful, prideful, and unreasonable in ways that felt pretty realistic to me. There are definitely parts that aren't developed as much, such as why they are in love with Jiyu, but honestly it doesn't really hurt the plot because that isn't the focus. And I'm really impressed that the author managed to create so many scum gong that all felt like pretty separate individuals with their own motivations.


Got my crying session in and also got a pretty good novel. Happy with what I got :). <<less
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Akito_ rated it
April 5, 2021
Status: c39
Rating: 4.5

I like how it changed from "nobody loves Pei JiYu" to "Everyone Loves Pei JiYu" I might have given this 5 stars if he had chosen he li as his lover

he is the one that kept him as a pet for 4 years

and the story was more about them
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October 17, 2020
Status: c25
This story has similar vibes to "Love is too frustrating" or "Unspeakable" in the sense that the MC is the main giver of love but gradually changes their mindset and you see that progression. If you've read the other two you might compare them and find that "Everyone Loves Pei JiYu" is kinda rushed and a little lacking, but it will still fill your need for something bitter sweet. This story wasn't too bad, I enjoyed it. Keep in mind that the tag does say tragedy.

While, Pei JiYu's past lover/pursuers... more>> are scums (the true ML is not included, cause he ain't no scum) by their own right and compared to other stories with scum MLs, these are like level 1 and level 2 scums. I like how the author kinda gave a backstory to why the MLs did what they did and I agree with the review about the true ML being kinda bland.

Out of the pursuers, I have to say I pity Chen Erxin

he really didn't get a chance. I don't even consider him a ML. Basically he mean Pei in the UK and basically verbally bullied him. So PJ always thought that CE didn't like him. But then they meet up again and CE is like, "I don't know if you're dumb or oblivious, but how can you not see that I liked you and still do". He's that s*upid kid who bully's the one he likes. And the end got me teary eyed... (avoid next spoiler if you don't want to know


If you don't want to read the story but want to get a jist of the story, read emiliers review for spoilers. <<less
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Xae rated it
April 21, 2024
Status: Completed
This story gives you whiplash! There are four MLs, three of which have wronged MC in some way, plus other side characters that also get backstory. No one gets enough screen time and you spend lots of time with the character set ups. The events of the story rush through like a bullet train, and everyone is conveniently exactly where they need to be to witness key events in the story and show up at the same time.

MC feels like he's a kindergarten teacher who's on the verge of death... more>> but all the kindergarten kids come rushing at him demanding his time. It's exhausting.

There are other well-written groveling novels, this is definitely not one of them. <<less
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shinnn rated it
July 11, 2022
Status: Completed
I love this story. It has the best ending for me, and I'm happy that he's happy. You might just need tissues while reading because it's quite a tragedy, but it's all worth it.
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Jelly Belly
Jelly Belly
May 18, 2022
Status: --
The beginning of the novel is sad. Circumstances around the MC had made him what he is now.

I only started reading and I hope the ML is whom I'm thinking of. He seems sweet and genuinely caring for MC.

The only downside is there's a number of plotholes and there's too much jump in POV. To me, this is not enough time for me to immerse myself into their shoes and sympathize with their actions.

The story isn't as solid and consistent as it should. It's a short story so the author... more>> may have left a few details, or they may have completely forgotten what they wrote. For me, this is enough to shatter my immersion.


For instance, Chen Er Xin gave MC his name card and ask MC to contact him because MC threw away his phone. But the next few chapters, Chen Er Xi somehow called MC first with no absolute explanation on how he came about his number.

Or when MC claims he's dying so he wants no relation whatsoever to the people who hurt him. But he still went with Chen Er Xin and made the first move to call his adoptive brother Lu Qing Fan.

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maiha-sama rated it
November 30, 2021
Status: c39
Pretty decent overall. While I wouldn't call it heart wrenching, it has its moments and I really like Pei Yu's almost nonchalant way of narrating his story and thoughts. From the get go, you can tell how he's given up and accepted his fate. Honestly, there are just too many MLs but you do feel PY's sincerity towards each of them. If you ignore the crazy coincidences and chance meetings, its a good story-- but it's all too convenient so lets go with 3.5. Also helps that its quite short.
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4mbon rated it
October 29, 2021
Status: Completed
I really love this story. I read it after going on a reading spree of fluffy novels, I think every other (if not every chapter), made me cry. The main character reminds me of a friend of mine, their personality is quite similar. Someone who when they were immature, showed their kind heart to others and only hope to have it returned. I hope in the future, that he is able to find someone who is able to appreciate him ... more>>

like how Meng Siqi appreciates Pei Jiyu


As for the premise, it's quite an unrealistic scenario, but for some reason I got really hooked with the story. It really was a tragedy. I liked reading about the protagonist's past and discovering the pathetic excuses made by the gongs on why they were unable to be with him.

I don't really think they deserved him and it was nice to see that the author felt that way too


The ending was, as expected from the tags, is not exactly a happy one. But I think at that point,

tying up any loose ends with the people in your life and relaxing with your loved one is probably the nicest way to pass.

Anyway, this was probably one of my favourite angsty books of this year. Thank you very much to the translation team and the author. <<less
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Severe rated it
September 21, 2021
Status: Completed
A short novel with an expected ending. Harem included.

The 60℅ of the novel is saved for the old memories, and they were not to my liking.

I would say that the plot was absurd. One guy have misunderstanding with 4 or 5 guys and they will meet each other right after he discovered his illness - really so? An angst for an angst.

A fast read with light emotion outburst.
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