Doomsday Wonderland


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“I think… my boyfriend is trying to kill me,” Lin Sanjiu muttered.

As she thought about that rich, handsome, and gentle boyfriend of hers, she could not help but tremble all over.

At the present, someone close to her had personally raised the curtains to an apocalyptic hell, and slowly, it was creeping up to her.


What if earth devolved into a apocalyptic hellhole? What if you found out you not only have to survive just one apocalyptic event but have to struggle through multiple worlds with different end-world scenarios? And you get to meet more superpowered crazies than you can imagine!

Presenting the worst nightmare that your weird doomsday prepper neighbour with a bunker full of canned beans could have, Doomsday Wonderland is a novel filled with subverted tropes, non-OP characters and a female friendly label which offends all politically correct fanatics.

As ‘lucky’ humans evolved to posthumans with the ability to adapt to the New World or mutate into disgusting duoluozhongs to survive, follow Lin Sanjiu as she struggles through multiple challenges to just live one more day… and make sense of this New World that will no longer be the same.

Associated Names
One entry per line
Mo Ri Le Yuan
World's End Paradise
Related Series
Dominion’s End (9)
Quick Transmigration Cannon Fodder’s Record of Counterattacks (6)
Crossing to the Future, it’s Not Easy to Be a Man (5)
The End Of The World’s Poisonous Mom And Monster Baby (4)
The Earth is Online (4)
Global Evolution (3)
Recommendation Lists
  1. LIGHT READ. gs
  2. Wasted potential
  3. Little to no romance female protagonists
  5. Strong FLs (showing not telling)

Latest Release

Date Group Release
04/17/24 The Doomsdayers c1288
04/14/24 The Doomsdayers c1287
04/14/24 The Doomsdayers c1286
04/14/24 The Doomsdayers c1285
04/14/24 The Doomsdayers c1284
04/12/24 The Doomsdayers c1281
04/12/24 The Doomsdayers c1280
04/11/24 The Doomsdayers c1279
04/11/24 The Doomsdayers c1278
04/10/24 The Doomsdayers c1277
04/09/24 The Doomsdayers c1276
04/09/24 The Doomsdayers c1275
04/08/24 The Doomsdayers c1274
04/08/24 The Doomsdayers c1273
04/08/24 The Doomsdayers c1272
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79 Reviews sorted by

melomarl rated it
August 12, 2020
Status: c510
You know what? I never thought I'd reach past 100 of another novel with this kind of length but glad I stayed!!! Every arc is unique and the MC's near death experiences are relatable because she is still on her way to OPness lol

Every time she gains a new strength, the author will play her and introduce a foe or a force that will make her realize new things in life (and death)

I love my waifu Sanjiu and but I'm still biased to her intelligent present, Shanqing and ehem...... more>> can I confess to


Puppeteer??? Gosh, is it bad to have a fictional crush???

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sblues rated it
May 24, 2020
Status: c855
I really recommend it. This is so good, give it a chance. The characters are great, character development is well written. World building is great too. The things that you think are confusing obviously has an explanation. There might be some small plot holes but it's easily ignored since the main focus is how the MC survives each challenges along the way.

I've been following this story for so long and I really recommend it, its a gem ~ (^з^) -♡

Edit: I can't explain well haha so I recommend... more>> reading the review of @SayMrrp and @Foexi here (*^3^)/~☆ <<less
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Revent rated it
December 25, 2019
Status: c693
This is one of the novels that can have infinite number of potential plots and the ability system doesn't limit the story... mc's only specific goal is survival of oneself and of her friends.

The genuine yet a bit complicated plots will never keep readers bored. Really wish a manga or an anime for this kind of novel.

Low raters for this novel should just go read ur outdated typical cultivation novel building the plot with c*cky bastards two level ahead of challenging MC for no reason but out of jealousy and... more>> MC winning every time with assistance of his ghost elder in his ring, overpower cultivation book he found on streets, or some childhood friend waifu who he last seen years ago.


But after reading 600+chapters I can say romance tag is not a mistake because I totally ship MC and puppeteer

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SayMrrp rated it
September 14, 2019
Status: c506
Wow, I was skeptical at the start, but this is actually a good read! In the beginning, the MC seemed a bit too dumb, but then I got used to it? The author literally states that her IQ isn't her strongest point, which is shown through her occasional silly mistakes and s*upid actions, but she has her moments. She puzzled through some difficult situations, despite still doing dumb stuff occasionally, which is realistic because no one can be absolutely intelligent. The MC's really good at survival, which is pretty much... more>> the whole point of the novel lmao, but she's also a kind person. She's still ruthless, but she's compassionate and cares for others, which is why she can still make friends in apocalyptic worlds, haha.

The abilities and special items are brilliant. So much creativity. MC's abilities are all fun. The various worlds are also set up really well.

Most female MC novels are kinda meh or tailored for the specific genre, but this female MC's a badass one unrestricted by her gender. The author acknowledges her pretty good looks, but doesn't overly praise her beauty to death. The MC meets several men who could be the MLs of other novels, but stands equal with them. There hasn't been romance so far, but there seems to be the possibility... hmm. <<less
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DekuHero rated it
May 13, 2019
Status: --
I don't get what is with the user base of this site always over praising stories with a female MC that is crap like this? I feel it's just because it has a female MC that they do this. You don't see this overly one sided reviews that often with guy MC's. It's a weird time we live in. It sucks to because ive started so many stories with female MC's just because of the good reviews only to be dissapointed shortly after. Makes me not want to trust some... more>> of them in the future and just not bother with female MC's anymore. Try to be a bit more honest with your reviews people. It's so blatant in some of the reviews as well. If anyone is looking for a good story with a female lead that I felt was actually good, I suggest Chongfei Manual. The MC is a horrible person, but that's what makes her a good MC in my book. <<less
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mintchu rated it
January 11, 2019
Status: c402
ok so I have been with this series legit maybe from around less than 100 chapters, maybe around 70? This book is legimetely my favorite book and one I’ve actually been keeping up with for years. Even when I forget this novel for periods of months I still go back to it and then get hooked again. As of right now, I personally love how 林三酒 doesn’t really have a love interest at all and mainly focuses on herself/ others she considers companions. I know some people get upset how... more>> certain companions gets “abandoned” for a long period of time but I don’t personally mind. The companions meet again in the end and the fact is it doesn’t seem hard to actually lose a companion because you get teleported to another world every few months. At least they always meet again. Another fact I love is how this story actually progresses in years but never does a time skip or none I can remember. Anyways the last thing I wanted to say is how is the author so creative? I could never thing of such an intriguing plot that’s so complex. Such as item abilities, personalities, storyline, etc etc. None of it is boring for me and every character holds such meaning. I don’t know how much mistakes I made or if I rambled on since I made this at night and now I have to sleep xd I’ll edit it later if I remember. <<less
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Moontsuki rated it
June 16, 2018
Status: c240
The main motivation for anyone to read this novel is the absolutely fantastic female protagonist and is a perfect breather from all the Chinese historical novels. The female protagonist starts off as really weak and dies a few times but has the "undying halo", thankfully it is not that annoying in the way it is presented because she does not come back all powerfull. She is forced into situations where her intelligence and strength are put to use and there is nothing to say that we know that she does... more>> not, we discover the plot with her. The one bad thing that I could say about the female protagonist is that she has OP elements that piss many people off.

The supporting cast has very unique and interesting characters, but the author does not do a good job in transitioning out the character which leaves readers with many questions. The setting of each world is unique and different much like many different genre of novels but it is introduced really well and does not confuse me as a reader. Translations are done pretty well, long chapters so it is not a short read (Thank god).

Overall I adore this novel and definitely recommend it too anyone who is looking for a unique female MC. <<less
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Zefelina rated it
August 11, 2017
Status: c75
I read up to 75 chapters in one sitting! It's actually very good, though I hesitated a lot before deciding to try it because I read some reviews saying its same plot all over again, MC is this and that...

Her reactions when the world ends are truthfully not very realistic, however I dislike reading about MCs who always agonize over the smallest things, so I like that she is very decisive. MC is also not s*upidly overpowered, though I suppose she can be considered lucky and her abilities have a... more>> lot of potential.

There's a review that says the novel reminds them of One Piece because of latest chapters. I have only ever seen about 100 episodes and I can't comment on that, but I don't find it that similar mostly because plot actually develops really quickly, there's no filler chapters and right now (at 75 chapters) the plot is very interesting, not straightforward, and I really cannot wait for more!

So for those who hesitate because of reviews but actually seem to find the concept of this novel interesting, you should definitely try it! <<less
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Rainess09 rated it
March 27, 2022
Status: c11
I feel like the concept is great but the execution isn’t much. Hopping into multiple doomsday worlds is such a great concept. A little spoiler on beginning

... more>>

so the story starts with MC sensing that her perfect bf might be plotting to kill her. But she overcame her with her new abilities. Yes abilities. She has more than one. Her bf thought she only had keen-sense and heat adaptability as abilities but she also have another one which is ability to store things as card then reuse them. So she stored a knife then conjured it an opportune time as a counterattack to her bf’s assault. Why was her bf performing such a show? Because her bf has a skill that intimate actions can increase the potential of the target as well as an ability to devour that target and use that target’s potential like nutrients. So anyway that happens. So meaning MC already knows her ability and was able to use them, practice them and so on. She was coined as smart but I beg to differ. If she was why the hell did she not make preparations? Why stay when insecure. Able to lie together and sleep with someone that scares her is un fathomable. Ianyway that’s the plot in the beginning so I can’t really complain much. The bf already dead, heatwave came rolling in cause his world is turning into a hell world with extreme heat. No government interaction was narrated which makes it even more unrealistic. It’s the worst doomsday ever. But worst, with no information and resources with her whatsoever the MC uncompromisingly turn mary sue to search for her bestfriend. That’s right. As a smart person, even if you’re emotional or whatnot, you should know that to help someone you need to be dependable. You have no resource, no means to protect yourself, no information and yet you recklessly wander around with no plans whatsoever. So let’s just say she’s confident with her newfound ability. She gets to her bff’s place find that there strangers in her house, and naively team up with them, without even checking her actual goal which was her bff. Dead or alive she should look, right? She already risked wandering without plans, risk trusting strangers, risked battling with mutated species. And just gives up checking because the newfound team says her bff is already dead. 🤦‍♀️ How wishywashy is that.


anyway I have too many complaints to continue the novel and I can’t seem to overcome them enough to read on. Rated it 3 just for the concept. Nothing to say about the s*upid MC and poor writing. <<less
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Ironman96 rated it
April 10, 2021
Status: c750
This is a post-apocalyptic world jumping novel with a badass female MC and a great cast of various side characters.

Unique apocalypses happen in different world and MC gains new/fun abilities. It does take some time for her to get somewhat strong but she is nowhere near OP and strength is relative to the different apocalyptic worlds. Examples with very mild spoilers: ... more>>

Gets strong/fighting powers --> useless in a ghost world. Super strong puppet dude --> useless when encountering robot apocalypse world. Useless talking rabbit --> super useful when someone has a power that only works against humans. Super strong Scrooge Mcduck powers --> useless without money


Trust me when I say these worlds are amazing and the powers/abilities that MC uses and gains in these different worlds is great.

Don't get hung up on the synopsis with her boyfriend part, there is no romance in this novel and its for the best. The first arc/world is the worst part of this novel for me.

While is novel is amazing, there are some cons:

1) Lin Sanjiu is a strong-headed, goody two-shoes MC. In a world of multiple apocalypses where people are fighting to survive and get stronger, she will fight and sacrifice herself for others. She will get betrayed, fooled, outsmarted and yet she continues to trust people and believe that people are good. Readers will get frustrated at some of MC's actions and rightfully so, because she puts herself in dangerous situations for others.

I typically don't like these kind of MCs but its okay/tolerable here because it makes MC stand out from everyone else and MC is supported by a great/mostly likable cast. Also she has her badass moments.

2) The beginning. The first arc is not that good and MC is weak af along with some generic characters which may turn people away from the story. The story truly picks up once MC starts world-hopping. <<less
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Carerx rated it
March 8, 2021
Status: c400
I'm still pissed off at Webnovel for dropping the series. This is a really good post apocalypse novel. The MC is my cup of tea, and the world is very vast.

What I love the most is the unique powers. It reminds me of Lord of the Mysteries in how diverse the powers are.

P.S. The cover for this should be changed. It looks like your generic Chinese cultivation novel. Its obviously not
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FIEND rated it
October 25, 2020
Status: c800
its an excellent novel

idk if the translations have stopped tho

while FL is a badbit*h in her own rights, she can have immensely s*upid decisions but the writing is very self aware of this flaws, as her friends help her overcome this. She isnt a mu*der hobo who will do anything to survive so idk if thats what ur looking for
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Anikarp rated it
March 9, 2020
Status: c715
Lin Sanjiu is a really strong main character, well; she starts out weak and then you follow her as she slowly turns into someone like that. What's so great about her is that she isn't Mary Sue, but she is armed to the teeth with either incredible luck and/or incredible adaption skills. She has the ability to stay calm when no one else can.

Since it's already in the description, I don't think it's much of a spoiler to say she will travel between apocalyptic worlds. She doesn't necessarily end up... more>> at the time the events strike; it's usually after everyone's already adapted to the new lifestyle.

The Apocalypse is defined as "an event involving destruction or damage on an awesome or catastrophic scale."
So, people shouldn't be expecting just zombie worlds - even though they do exist.

Over time, she develops friendships with good people and people you'd never expect (like someone addicted to human corpses...) and they all have their own personalities, that will develop over time. For better or worse.

I just love how everything has a back story and there's a reasoning behind how a person changes with the environment. Although you don't always get the insight into every character's behavior, the indication is there. The overall feel to the story is that people become their worst selves when society is in disorder.

This is not normally a story I would read since it has thriller-like themes and horror and gore. I'm so glad I made an exception because it really turned out to be one of my favorite web novels I've read.

One of my favorite things aside from the side-characters is the description of people's post human powers/special items (which are items designed to do specific things). They're incredibly hilarious and have attitudes.



[Tailored Learning]

After social order fell apart and mankind was forced into crisis, a famous educator was convinced that every battle with an opponent was a teachable moment from the heart. Besides driving the important point to one's opponent that the world was cruel, the educator understood his opponent's nature and gift so that he could inflict the most serious and targeted damage to give his opponent a lesson that they would never forget.

Even though it sounds a little cruel, this truly comes from the selfless love of a respectable teacher.

Instructions: This item looks like a retractable teacher's pointer. You can extend and retract the pointer with a flick based on your own preference. The maximum length of the pointer is five meters, but it isn't long enough because you won't be able to reach the students sitting in the last row. Whip your opponent's skin with the pointer and it can detect and analyze your opponent's ability before dishing out a piece of appropriate teaching advice.

With this advice, you can adjust your teaching strategy. Isn't this so much more efficient?

PS: The usage period is three years upon receipt as the famous educator was unfortunately killed by his students after three years.


Occasionally, I feel like the story is way too intense since MC never catches a break and you don't see much of their daily lives, that's when I go read something else for a few chapters... But other than that, I completely binge read this one! I would definitely recommend it. <<less
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ZeleniyKrokodil rated it
June 1, 2019
Status: c80
Disgusting. Darkly. Hopelessly. And most importantly: the complete absence of rhythm in this piece.
You do not feel any emotions to all these faceless puppets. Not because you are an insensitive scum, but because you have no reason to experience any emotions towards these creatures, who don't have souls.

When there is no hope and other reasons to live. Why live? For one more series of misery? For the sake of that insane thought that somewhere in front lies the sacred land of peace and joy? Just to run away? Only because of some insignificant fear?

Fight, fight again, until the blood dries. But do not run! And when you die, you die with a smile on your face. You will smile because you won, even if you died.

But in this work, everyone just runs. They run from fear, from reality, from fate, from reason. And finally from themselves.
Sorry, but I can't understand it.
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quivo rated it
May 29, 2019
Status: c409
This scratches the same kind of itch that Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint does for me, except with a kickass female MC, less focus on a big, overarching plot and much more focus on the nitty-gritty details of her surviving several hellish apocalyptic worlds. I'm usually not one for anything with strong horror elements, but somehow this one works for me. I think it's because it feels a bit less real? Or like, because the things that happen or that are described are so OTT gross/disgusting that it's easy to take them... more>> in stride?

So far, I'm really enjoying reading about the heroine's relationships and interactions with people, good and bad. She makes some powerful enemies, but not in the usual 'young master', 'do you dare!!1' sort of way that's common in webnovels. All her relationships come about due to realistic things like being in the wrong place at the wrong time, clashing over resources, bonding over surviving together, etc. The story is a weirdly comforting read for how much action and scary scenes there are :D

Lastly, the power growth of the MC is fantastically done. It's slow and steady for the most part, with spikes from the times when she's under tons of pressure and thus has to push past her limits to make it out alive. I'll definitely echo other reviewers saying that she's not that smart (omg, some of the decisions she makes......), but it's kind of part of the story's charm? And it's satisfying watching her level up and learn to be more suspicious etc. Definitely worth a try if you're into apocalypse novels. <<less
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Vinoah rated it
May 23, 2019
Status: c305
I am not the fan of female action MCs. Most of the stories I read with that type of MC end up illogical or MC becoming mary sue or get a strong lover and become useless or later filled with more drama. So I haven't read lot of stories in this genre lately. Crossing to future, not easy to be man is one of my fav but after started reading this story, wow I become huge fan of it. I don't prefer world hopping or horror stories but this story... more>> despite being both simply compelling me to read every chapter without a break. MC character is likable. She is smart but not too smart. Most of the time things she ignore will bite her back. She is the type to keep calm and cool headed when facing death. Friends she get in each world are also likable. MC is not op. But she grows enough. No situation where she faces an impossible situation. But if she is not careful enough, she will die. In fact she did die couple of times but she survives not by plot armor.

The world building is amazing. Every world has its own characteristics we can picture it in our mind. After 300 chapter, she just begins her 4th world so each world is given sufficient chapters to flush it out. The horrors are heart chilling. Recommend not to read in dark or when staying alone. Damn it for a period of time, I was scared to close my eyes longer than a few seconds. If you are not fans of horror stories, this is not the book you want to read, author uses every scary thing possible to scare us. This stories is suitable for binge reading. Almost 80% of story is ended with cliffhangers. Author's control over his writing is very good. Every chapter every event, horror, cliffhangers compel the readers to read more. No romance to distract or turn the story into a drama. <<less
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crustyturtle rated it
September 19, 2018
Status: c330
before you read my review and decide that you don't want to read it ignore this and just try it out for yourself and give it a chance. like many other novels this one isn't perfect it has its own problems but its really underrated and deserves better so read it first and then decide whether or not if u like it.


doomsday wonderland is one of the best survival/gene/evolution novel that i've read. it's also the first chinese novel that had a female lead (im new to reading web... more>> novels). although at some point they introduce world building aspects early on here and there which I liked, in my opinion it changed from traditional survival to traveling dimensions (i didn't mind) many others have noticed that it had great potential and the author ended up wasting it. I also liked how there wasn't an annoying main male lead (if there was romance). side character development were also great up to some point. im also not a fan of isekai type sh*t in manga, anime, or novels but the way the author set things up made it bearable. overall this novel is pretty refreshing and although there might be some parts that piss you off you won't find another one as nice as this in the same genre.



after 40 or 70 so chapters the author decided to kill? off most if not all of the mc's companions.. and this is also the main reason why I stopped reading because the author decided to go with the lone MC route. yes the MC does gain allies here and there and they're not really "dead" they just disappear or separate for who knows how long and never meet up again. I would've accepted the fact if they died but you really wouldn't know, it made it worse when I found out that even 600 chapters in raws she doesn't meet up with marcie and the others yet. its kind of funny because this was originally a problem that the MC had to face in the first couple of chapters before finding out that she could travel to places together with her friends by using visas. but the author decides not to do that? :// I also just want to point out that plot armor doesn't annoy me... because its not like she's really op. (2nd edit hey so they do meet up once in a while I think later on :p according to some other readers)


edit: might continue in the future if there are 100+ chapters for me to catch up on, and if the author addresses the problem. (ch 151) september 19.2018

2nd edit: ok so it's almost been a year now and I decided to get back into this series and im excited lol I think theres 400+ chapters for me to read now and 200 chapters had been updated to the series since my last review :) august 10.2019 <<less
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selweron rated it
September 5, 2017
Status: c232
Well you could say this novel is a mix of apocalyptic worlds and infinity genre. This is a pretty fresh concept and the story has a lot of potential, but I feel like it goes in a wrong direction ever since the survivors' Oasis and Pocket Dimensions. The first one, other than having a need to fulfill a certain point of plot (such a coincidence that MC found what she was looking for just like that! and so much chapters spent on the arc) is in my opinion totally idiotic... more>> and unnecessary and shouldn't really appear in a non-zombie theme... while the other one, is a total distraction from the main plot and totally ruins the immersion - while the life resetting was kind of interesting, the games that appear around c70 are totally ridiculous! People putting this novel on hold and making reviews around this chapter is a good example of it.

Also the whole survival in story.. Totally not feeling it. People perhaps die left and right, there are also many descriptions on dead bodies and such, but they are both some random people we don't even have conversations with, as well as people who don't have fleshed out personalities. So when they die, MC's situation kind of doesn't even change and doesn't affect her, especially since she and her companions have VIP plot armors. Author wanted to make a horror/dark story I guess, but it didn't end up well. Even Dreadful Radio Game has more tension and is more scary.

All in all I enjoyed the read and can't say it's bad, but up until c79 nothing much happened and the story is starting to twist to an unpredicable degree, so I suggest you not to take reviews made before c100 to heart.


@edit 4th October 2019, c79->c232:

It's already been 2 years huh!

My current opinion: a good story, doesn't seem to fall apart. Stable pace. Characters, albeit confusing at times, play their roles well. Next worlds consist mostly of a single arc. I recommend it to everyone. My only problem is that it is not my type of story development and I don't feel excited at all reading this novel. If you feel the same after Garden of Eden (after chapter 170 or so) then I'd say it's safe to move on. Have fun! <<less
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RAINYDAY12 rated it
August 24, 2022
Status: --
The MC is super likeable, she's strong but has principles, not one of those super op or super smart mcs. Her interactions and relationships with other characters are loveable. The plot and her experiences just keep coming, she's just trying to survive but there's a lot she goes through so you don't get bored.
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Loveboi rated it
June 14, 2022
Status: c359
My first review! (*~*)
(when you finally bothered to make an account after using this site for so long)

Came upon this novel by chance. But I’m SO glad I tried it out. The characters are interesting (even the side characters have depth) and keeps me to want to read more. As our FL goes through worlds and worlds, I find myself intrigued. We see her gripping (barely) at survival and creating new relationships on the way. World building? Yep *thumps up* also no romance. (Thought kinda sad ;-;)

Others may find the story to be boring. Cuz there really is no definitive goal because of the going world to world thing or just disorderly. The title ain’t lying; It’s literally a Doomsday Wonderland. To me, I don’t mind this. As it’s still interesting.


I thinks it’s good, Try it out. It’s pretty long so buckle your seatbelts. ^_^ then again, I’m still not very far soo my review might change in future.
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