Doomsday Wonderland


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“I think… my boyfriend is trying to kill me,” Lin Sanjiu muttered.

As she thought about that rich, handsome, and gentle boyfriend of hers, she could not help but tremble all over.

At the present, someone close to her had personally raised the curtains to an apocalyptic hell, and slowly, it was creeping up to her.


What if earth devolved into a apocalyptic hellhole? What if you found out you not only have to survive just one apocalyptic event but have to struggle through multiple worlds with different end-world scenarios? And you get to meet more superpowered crazies than you can imagine!

Presenting the worst nightmare that your weird doomsday prepper neighbour with a bunker full of canned beans could have, Doomsday Wonderland is a novel filled with subverted tropes, non-OP characters and a female friendly label which offends all politically correct fanatics.

As ‘lucky’ humans evolved to posthumans with the ability to adapt to the New World or mutate into disgusting duoluozhongs to survive, follow Lin Sanjiu as she struggles through multiple challenges to just live one more day… and make sense of this New World that will no longer be the same.

Associated Names
One entry per line
Mo Ri Le Yuan
World's End Paradise
Related Series
Dominion’s End (9)
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The End Of The World’s Poisonous Mom And Monster Baby (4)
The Earth is Online (4)
Global Evolution (3)
Recommendation Lists
  1. LIGHT READ. gs
  2. Wasted potential
  3. Little to no romance female protagonists
  5. Strong FLs (showing not telling)

Latest Release

Date Group Release
05/02/24 The Doomsdayers c1318
05/01/24 The Doomsdayers c1317
05/01/24 The Doomsdayers c1316
05/01/24 The Doomsdayers c1315
05/01/24 The Doomsdayers c1314
04/29/24 The Doomsdayers c1313
04/29/24 The Doomsdayers c1312
04/28/24 The Doomsdayers c1311
04/28/24 The Doomsdayers c1310
04/27/24 The Doomsdayers c1309
04/27/24 The Doomsdayers c1308
04/27/24 The Doomsdayers c1307
04/27/24 The Doomsdayers c1306
04/27/24 The Doomsdayers c1305
04/27/24 The Doomsdayers c1304
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79 Reviews sorted by

Shazaam rated it
March 18, 2021
Status: c706
good setting, enjoyable world building, combat is fulfilling, but the main character is just unbelievably s*upid. Literally cannot understand how she hasn’t become at least bearable by chapter 700. It’s here that I really understand that there is nothing admirable about the main character, unless you want somebody that always tries to help people during an apocalypse, including her enemies. Every part of her “strength” comes from a lucky instance or more powerful people lending her their help.
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CosmicInsomniac rated it
April 26, 2017
Status: c16
Although there are only 16 translated chapters at the time I am writing this, I can see a lot of potential in this novel. The fact that personal factors determine what abilities a person can obtain is very interesting, especially when you consider the multiverse angle the novel is sort of working with, as there would be infinite possible allies and enemies alike, with a large margin of them being literally unpredictable to the main character, as they will most likely not have any possible experience in a world where... more>> certain abilities could manifest themselves in only extreme conditions. On top of that, I enjoy the fact that the world is seemingly sassing her at times, but it never derails the plot in a huge or unjust way. All in all, if you have an hour to burn, you should read this novel, as once you start, you won't be able to put it down. <<less
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ferociousreader rated it
April 21, 2017
Status: c12
I'm giving it four since there are only 12 chapters translated. There's good chance I will change it to 5 stars in the future since it is really promising.

From what I read so far the story is about post apocalyptic survival in the world turned into "Hyperthermal Hell". Add parallel worlds, special abilities and some equivalent of zombies to the mix.

What I think about it so far? The scariest post apocalyptic novel I read so far. It should get horror tag added thanks to ch12, one of the creepiest things... more>> I ever read. From that alone I think author really mastered suspense to the point I find this story a little disturbing. <<less
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Kimjustpassingby2 rated it
January 6, 2024
Status: --
I don't get how some people give this a low rating. I've read this novel before it was discontinued (though it's now being continued) and it was magnificent. It wasn't the cliche shenanigans that you usually read, it's unique. Though the downside of this novel is it does not possess involve romance (idk really I was just at the chapter when it was discontinued, I'm planning to pick this up though) and how confusing the characters involved but nothing to worry really because this is not about those character its... more>> about the MC, it was made clear from the description that this story will focus on 1 person. Though sometimes she makes dumb decisions, its understandable because that's how it should be, there is always a misconception that smart people only do smart moves, when in reality they don't, they do something dumb, too. If you're not feeling the story just stop reading and please don't give it a bad review, everyone got different taste and we respect that. Mind that 1 bad review could instant ruin someone's will to try this novel and that's a pity because this might be their cup of tea. <<less
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Neureader rated it
October 21, 2023
Status: c800
Best light novel I have ever read. Words can't do it justice. It really needs to get a tv adaptation or something.

there are some novels that stay with you through the years, and you'll remember some details and story and the wonder you felt when you first digested the material. This novel is worth a repeat read to catch up on speed on details. It's like a very fine meal, it's worth savoring and reading slowly to take in the scenery.

... more>> it's so so so good. So good. Unforgettable.

thank you to the translators for starting to translate more of this novel. <<less
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Rath rated it
April 12, 2019
Status: c50
A good idea with ridiculously dumb characters. I read a lot of reviews saying this novel is great and the female protag is smart... Which is furthest from the truth if you have to dumb everyone down.

This novel does have its good points that I slightly recall but can't remember in detail mostly because of getting distracted by the overwhelming s*upidity.
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expertsource10 rated it
December 21, 2017
Status: c15
-Yeah, the characters are detailed.
-Yeah, the world idea is unique and interesting.
-Yeah, her card ability is good.
-However, all of these are meaningless if there's is only a slice-of-life plot going on throughout the all chapters, For example, an MC just having a holiday on the beach playing volleyball is all what happens chapters after chapters.

-There is no action, plot, plan, scheme, or a thrill of contest and evolution.
-The Author is wasting the characters, the world building, and the mc's abilities with this bad plot events.
-This feels like a stolen story from a famous author and over-written by an amateur.
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Hyper Ion
Hyper Ion rated it
March 27, 2023
Status: c700
3 stars for

    • premise
    • never-ending content
    • translation
Minus 2 stars for

    • really unrealistic characters
    • story development
This novel is indeed a Wonderland of post apocalyptic worlds. The content is relatively diverse eg the innate abilities people develop, the on use special items etc and is based on games as we see lengthy descriptions and level ups.

I am not sure about the horror tag though. The novel has numerous gore and a few tragic scenes but the author fails to deliver that part to the reader. You will find yourself to almost never get disturbed or influenced by those. This is not an issue of translation but the way of the sequence of events are depicted.

Characters!! Aaah the characters are borderline terrible with one or two exceptions. I am not sure if the author is male but the heroine is honestly a man in woman's body (not gay), as apart from the few first 10 or so chapters you never feel that that is a woman. She is described as a normal every day woman but what you get is more like Hulk accompanied with the plummeting drop of IQ. Yes the heroine a moron. If the author had made the MC male it would still be a moron. The real protagonist of this novel is the PLOT. The plot determines whether the heroine and the vast number of secondary characters will be Einstein or mentally challenged people.


I have a stomach full of complaints about the heroine but I will list a few. Mother Teresa Syndrome, Hero Complex, Stockholm Syndrome. Almost always becomes friends with whoever tried to kill her. Her morals are questionable; she is supposed to be kind yet she goes on several massacres, the collateral damage of them being innocents yet whenever someone else exhibits homicidal tendencies she feels repulsed.


After a few near drops of this novel I succumbed at around chapter 700 cause of a character named ''The Grand Prize'' or Ji Shaqing. This character shows at this point its inner self which is emotional manipulation of the heroine. Should that be the only case I would pass it but the way the heroine reacts it by passively avoiding the problem and not sitting down to discuss and put down her thoughts is masochism. The persona of a supposedly intelligent person is destroyed once again by plot.

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Blithe rated it
December 3, 2022
Status: c855
This novel is just so brilliantly exhilarating to read.

Every story arc keeps you on your toes. You don't know who to trust, because the cruelest of enemies turns out to be the closest allies and the closest of friends tends to always have their own agenda. You dont know what will happen to the MC when she turns the corner. You dont know when she will ever see her real friends again. I dont know how to describe her luck. She always ends up in messy situations due to her... more>> bad luck but she barely manages to survive each and every ordeal. At some point in the novel, you'll come to a stage where you'd think, her life can't get worse than this. Then the next second the novel manages to subvert all your views. I just know that perhaps no one, not one of the "terrifyingly strong "side characters in this novel can stand in her shoes and survive like she did and will do. On top of everything, she still maintains her humanity.

I've read millions of novels with all types of main characters and it's the first time I've read a novel and thought, wow, she deserves the title of MC. Like no one can imitate her.

So if you haven't realised already, I absolutely adore the MC. I love romance but in this novel, no one deserves to be her lover. I would love LOVE to have an anime based on this novel. It somehow gives me One Piece vibes.

I will wait for someone to update the rest of this novel. <<less
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Khriss rated it
July 16, 2022
Status: c855

LSJ's suffering continues another day. It's really good, the MC is a mother hen type of decent person. While there's times where she has her... mu*der sprees becuase of like PTSD or hurting her friends she bullishly pushes on to tomorrow, trying to maintain touch with humanity in the face of a universe that seemingly is hell-bent on destroying it. I really enjoyed how in later chapters when she finally got a chance to breathe for a second, she reflects on the motives behind her more goody two shoes actions. It was hinted at in Garden of Eden a little, but more in Kisaragi station, just how much she hates being alone, and lonieness being such a powerful, relatable feeling makes it all the more painful to reflect on her situation. While there's other characters who have been broken down by the apocalypse system, or found various ways to cope (jiuliu), the message truly hits home after 500+ chapters of partings with no goodbyes, and uncertain returns. The first world where LSJ made promises with HC and B Rabbit and them to meet later seems so naive now. And when HC did meet LSJ it was hardly more than a moment. Years upon years of hard work just to have a few days or months together, the apocalypse is really depressing. Well if there's one thing that the author is good at at least is bringing back old characters, albiet very slowly. And it's super cool how the overarching plot and mysteries behind the apocalypse are gradually being revealed; however, it's a shame they will never be fully read by english readers when the TLs dropped.·´¯` (>▂<) ´¯`·. I'd try MTL but it wouldn't be the same, it's not like a modern-setting novel, and the worlds and situations can be pretty technical. Oh well best of luck to the translator's future endeavors, and thanks for the hard work so far.

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Liero Dirlewanger
Liero Dirlewanger rated it
January 5, 2021
Status: --
As expected of a female MC, she's a goodie 2 shoes and loves virtue signalling all the time, even in the apocalypse. This seems to apply to her companions too. The entire group is so naive that it's infuriating. Her group is apparently on their third world, but still act like it's their first in naivety.

Everyone has such fluctuating intelligence. Out of nowhere they're smart, then 5 chapters later, they're ret*rded. This includes the MC, but most of the times she's just ret*rded

Read it if you like an MC which... more>> leaves people who killed her and her group 3x alive (due to some area they were in where they had 3 chances at life in a timeloop), simply because it's evil to kill. <<less
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carminex3 rated it
November 26, 2020
Status: c853
Doomsday Wonderland is honestly very good. It pulls you in right away. I enjoy the challenges and the relationships the MC goes through, but its kind of sad how they always leave, due to the nature of the worlds.

The writing can be halted at times and hard to read through but very much worth it. I wish they translator kept going as its currently dropped.
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LilianaLavender rated it
June 6, 2019
Status: c513
I absolutely ADORE this novel. I'm always a sucker for apocalyptic novels but it's really hard to find one where there is ACTUAL CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT and the main character isn't automatically powerful. She faces various challenges (to the point where I'm just like why is your luck so bad) but manages to overcome them after various hardships.

I wish there was a bit more romance tbh. I shipped the main character with puppeteer SO hard but it's unlikely that the ship will sail.
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Mingming rated it
March 24, 2019
Status: c299
I’m currently reading the raws.

I’m someone who loves to read those reincarnation/transmigration stories. Usually, the female lead would meet an OP Male lead and he would dote on her till the end of the book. Where she has a happy ever after/ turns out the Male lead is some god or something and they live their immortal life happily ever after. Everything is easy and predictable.

Yeah, you won’t find that here. Till now, I still don’t see any Male lead. And I love it. Cuz the female lead can totally... more>> fill up that space. At first her innate abilities are poop, but she has a good mind and somehow get out of predicaments in the most unlikely ways. Praise the author for her amazing imagination. Afterwards, the female lead gets stronger (some of the situations were a bit scary like the third world ugh I still shiver at the building duoluozhong’s schemes I kept looking behind my back to see if any (thing) was there). She makes friends as she goes through the worlds and lose touch with them (cuz if you don’t have this certain certificate, you would be transported to a random doomsday world). It’s quite sad, but I hope that she reunites with all of them soon.

I like how there is no Male lead to stalk/dominate/being all possessive about/pure yandere/tie her down. I mean those are nice (...?) cuz those yandere tendencies seem sweet when written in words. But then it starts to get boring and overbearing.

So yeah, this is a refreshing masterpiece. A very independent, smart, still-manage-to-keep-some-morals-even-after-surviving-through-bloodbaths, and constantly growing and getting stronger female MC.

Okay, yeah, there was a hint of a Mary Sue moment in the third world, but that only lasted a few paragraphs. It was quite interesting though. (I’m talking about the golden haired guy.) <<less
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March 15, 2019
Status: c1
I have been following the novel for two years now and felt a bit bad that to show my dedication I had left only silence in both Webnovel and here. Yes, I am one of the lazy reviewers?

I tried being as vague as possible so there are very few actual spoilers but beware ;)

I started reading DW in the early days Qidian aka Webnovel. I really liked the concept of adventure driven plot with badass female lead and the storyline was amazing on its own as well. There was... more>> always something new, some unexpected twist, some hairstanding encounter (especially in Kisaragi Station world), and of course a new corpse to collect.

Character wise DW is a gem! There is a wide diversity of all types of characters. Many do fall under certain stereotypes however that is to be expected. In every world you are introduced to a few new faces so if they are not given distinct characteristics it will be impossible to remember them later on. But the fact is that currently there are over 20 regulars that come and go in the story and I as a reader have no trouble recalling them e.g from 200 chapters back. MC is very well defined - she is given complex thought process that is often explored during one of these mind games typical for the novel. She is likable even if slightly overpowered (her plot armor is pretty strong...). Since most of the novel is given from her point of view she becomes quite close to the reader.

Bad guys on the other hand are... mystery!!! What is the deal! We are introduced to these weird characters that sound like bad news and are most probably trying to use MC but if we want to find their deal... Ta-Ta-Tan! Please wait another 300chapters

(ノಥ益ಥ)ノ ┻━┻

World building or worlds building. It is amazinghow each new world can surprise you. Each apocalypse as unique as it could be. You would think that apocalypse is either zombies, alien invasion or sun explosion - I was enlightened by the novel thatthese are just the examples given by those that lack imagination. And since each new world is so strange and unique it is no surprise that the reader is feeling like watching the Conjuring an midnight all on edge, or like Kat from the Hunger Games, ready to butcher some s*avers, or like in twisted fairy tale with the special cameo of Micky Mouse and Minney Mouse... Don’t underestimate these two ( ゚ Д゚)

Story progression. Well it started as the usual awaken to power, weak to strong setting type of story. The start was fairly generic before dozen or so characters came from nowhere and made a mess of the simple survival game. It was not before the second world that things became more complex and slightly disturbing. Hints of actual plot started appearing everywhere and characters with hiden motives started playing double games. Even as of 445 chapter I have no clear picture of where things will head. Most probably we will unravel some secret about the apocalypse itself but so far the hints are too few and hard to put together. And that is exactly why the novel is so appealing actually - you never know what to expect!

Hope you enjoyed my rare novel review. <<less
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icecream rated it
August 4, 2017
Status: c72
Whoever comes by this novel, don't judge the 3.5 rating.

The side characters don't sit on the sidelines nor are completely useless. These side characters actually have combat power, they have interesting skills, their own personality and can think for themselves and do help the MC. Without the side characters some of the dangers wouldn't be avoided nor some conflicts wouldn't start either. The other characters may follow the MC around, but don't mistake that for just glorifying the MC. They each have their own background, agendas and strong abilities. But... more>> those tho judge it based on 30 chapters, obviously won't get it nor understand why they are so weak right now. The MC is not overpowered either. Technically the MC has powers even weaker than the side characters, the only difference is that she has her cheat (like every f*cking MC in all of novels usually have) and her cheat can't even be used continuously. There are limitations, which is why I highly enjoy this novel. This novel doesn't give anyone an easy time. SO the MC isn't all that f*cking glorified at all, maybe people think that way because she actually uses her head, so she appears more competent than the average person. It's not like everyone else is s*upider either. They are average, it's just the MC is smarter. The not having a goa thingl, is also useless in this kind of story as well. So if you need your character to have a goal of some sort, I guess this really isn't a story for you. However it's not like this is a aimless and boring slice of life story because the MC doesn't have a goal, it's a really action pact and eventful story within such short chapters. Every chapter their is progression in the story.

Next is about the "arbitrary events" and other "random things". The random things and events that happen I think are fairly reasonable, unlike some other novels I've read. But I'll admit for this opinion it is very very very subjective. Obviously little things people nitpick in this story won't be the same for other people. Some of what's being nitpicked, doesn't bother me for the reason that it's part of the premise of the story. And for such a crazy and unpredictable story, I'll accept a lot of crazy sh*t happening because it's this kind of world. And although it's such a ludicrous world, the author doesn't use that for an excuse to disregard previous statements that's been made about the character's ability, the layout of the world etc. Overall just want to say this is a great and addicting read that you all should give a chance to. <<less
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Stardust555 rated it
April 7, 2024
Status: c250
I'm still in the process of reading so I'll update this review as I go.

List of arcs with chapter markers and trigger warnings at the end. General trigger warning for gore and violence. This is rated NC-17, for adults only.

I think this is a really interesting novel. I think the ideas are quite fresh and I particularly like how the characters are not OP from the beginning. I read a lot of OP-from-the-start stories too, so this isn't a criticism of those kind of MCs.

World (s) Building:

The premise for this novel is that one day, the Earth that MC lives on turns into an apocalyptic hellscape known as Hyperthermal Hell. The temperature keeps rising to the extent that normal humans are being burnt alive and dying from exposure. MC is fortunate (?) enough to develop a skill called Heat Resistance which means that she can somewhat survive the rapid change in temperature. MC learns that her Earth has entered its apocalypse and she has become what's known as a "posthuman", an enhanced human with powers. Furthermore, there are more posthumans who are entering/have entered Hyperthermal Hell from other apocalyptic worlds and all posthumans can only spend fourteen consecutive months in a particular apocalypse world so she will be shunted off to the next world in fourteen months and it will just keep happening.

That being said, each apocalypse world is different and has its own background and story. Thus, the novel can be broken into arcs about each apocalypse world and mini-arcs about the various things that our MC must do to survive in each world. Someone else said this in a review but I'm going to reiterate and emphasize; it may be difficult to get through an arc if you don't like the genre of the apocalypse world the MC is in.

Unfortunately, skipping an entire arc is hard because each arc is long and has a lot of information about how the MC gets stronger. I would say that while you could skip an entire arc, especially given the length of the novel, you might miss information that will either be brought back up or character level-ups and skill explanations.

One thing to be wary of, however, is that this is a story without a strong sense of purpose. There is no overarching goal for our protagonist other than survival. She doesn't even KNOW how powerful people can get or how her new reality works. Thus, the only gratification comes from what she does in each mini-arc and her power-ups.


Let's talk about the MC.

She is very much a normal person. She's not a genius or a skilled fighter or someone with unshakeable mentality and adaptability. She really feels like someone you might know. At the same time, her inherent advantages are realistic and it makes sense how a combination of her abilities and luck leads to victory or survival. For example, she's not a genius, but she is quite observant and reasonably intelligent. She's not super powerful or trained to fight, but she's athletic and hones her abilities through combat. She's not some stone cold player with fantastic mental control such that nothing affects her, but she is a survivor and is determined to both survive and do whatever she can to win. Etc.

As to how her personality and abilities interact with the setting; MC is a growth-type. This is both a classification within the setting of the novel and a description of her power leveling. MC starts off with skills and abilities that are nothing to be ooh-ed and ahh-ed over. Her skills are useful but not immensely and not really suited for combat. Another character actually remarks that growth-types like the MC struggle a lot in the beginning because they're weaker than others and have skilled unsuitable for combat. He also implies, however, that because the defining characteristic of growth-type is the lack of an upper limit, growth-types who survive become stronger than others in the end.

But that is still way far off for our MC. She does gain strength each arc, but it's not some huge powerup. To that extent, MC does not "dominate" the worlds she leaves behind like a lot of other world-hopping MCs. She doesn't become the strongest in the world or start a huge organization or faction. She does make an impression and play a pretty big role in various events, but she's not doing the whole "big fish in a small pond who moves to a larger pond and starts from bottom" thing.


Another thing to note about this novel is that you should not get too attached to characters who aren't the MC. To be fair, up 'til Chapter 250, the author hasn't killed off many people who were on MC's side. BUT, they also don't stick together. Pretty much any time that you feel like MCs really gotten close to some people, get ready for them to exit stage right. They might not die, but the author will certainly rip them away from MCs side.


Probably not happening. There are several characters that the MC gets close with but not romantically. The only confirmed relationship is the boyfriend in the summary and well...

he turns out to be a posthuman with vampiric tendencies who wanted to eat her and get her skills and growth potential. She kills him in the very beginning and then lugs around his body for the next two worlds at least. She barely thinks about him so no love lost.


Most other characters are either friends or enemies or not-friends-but-also-not-enemies.


Arc 1: Hyperthermal Hell [modern world, temperature issues] - Chapters 1-108
Content warnings:

gore, burning, dehydration, corpses, minor cannibalism, minor unsuccessful s*xual assault, child death, mentions of Dissociative Identity Disorder, mentions of psychopaths


Arc 2: Garden of Eden [post-nuclear war, radiation, dystopian sci-fi] - Chapters 108-178
Content warnings:

gore, radiation poisoning, corpses, human trafficking, death sport arena competition, human experimentation, s*xual assault, body mutilation, threatened s*xual assault of a minor, s*xual assault in a group setting, women treated as sub-human, mentioned cannibalism, humans being eaten by non-humans. MC is not r*ped but witnesses it. Someone tries to r*pe MC but is unsuccessful.


Arc 3: Kisaragi Station [vaguely Asian modern world setting with strong Japanese influence, ghosts, spirits, urban myths] - Chapters 178-288
Content warnings:

ghosts, uncanny valley, violence against minors, body horror, noncorporeal existence, TBC


TBC - I'll update as I go
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Scatternickel rated it
June 12, 2023
Status: c457
It's very hard to find novels with a female lead in this genre. I'm a big fan of survival games and apocalypse novels but usually, when they have a female lead there is romance and the female lead falls into the "woman needs saving" trope or "beauty contest". This novel is really refreshing in that you could replace "she" with "he" and the story wouldn't change at all. The author doesn't write her differently just because she is a woman and her gender isn't a personality point. Besides the awesome... more>> female lead, the plot and world-building remind me of ORV or LOTM with the different abilities and characters met along the way. While all three stories are definitely very different they all scratch that itch for me. I've been reading this novel on and off for a year now as there are a lot of chapters and with school work and other ambitions, I don't always have time to read these novels. However, even though I have dropped this novel a few times and picked it back up later, the story still pulls me in and I still enjoy spending time reading it. Give it a try and read past the 1st world at least, the beginning doesn't give it justice. <<less
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1005theodoidammaytroi rated it
November 15, 2020
Status: c173
3.5 stars.

Since a lot of a people ahead of me have listed out the pros, I'm just gonna write about the cons of this novel.

1, Quality of writing. The grammar and editing are fine, the translation is of an acceptable standard, if not better than many other NU novels, but the author's original writing is extremely chaotic and confusing. Firstly, there are random space/time/perspective skips which makes it difficult to pinpoint what exactly is going on and who exactly is the author talking about. There's this thing called paragraph separator,... more>> and the author should really learn how to use it.

Secondly, the author is far too fond of the flash-forward technique, which refers to 'a literary device in which the plot goes ahead of time' and most likely aims to create tension and attract the reader's interest. If it is applied wisely and infrequently, the technique will be a gem - but here it just makes the novel far more perplexing when compounded with the previous point.

2, The MC. She's a brawns over brains type of person and has her occasional flashes of brilliance, but sometimes her actions are just, my apologies, goddamn s*upid. She tells herself that she's too rash every time her decision leads to trouble, but she'll simply repeat that unthinking, brainless manner of hers ten chapters later. It's human nature to be unintelligent, but it's also human nature to learn from one's mistakes... She's the MC - I have higher expectations for her than that.

3, The MC again. She's rather kind and trusting of humanity, which is perfectly fine, but there's a limit as to how much softness one should be reasonably expected to retain in an apocalyptic world.


One of the characters who appeared in the 'Garden of Eden' world, Gong Daoyi, betrayed a stranger. This showed that Gong Daoyi was fundamentally uncaring towards strangers and had no qualms about using them. Logically, then, one would be suspicious towards his intentions when he saved the MC's group of friends. And it just so happened that there had been enemies crawling all over the place when the MC's group of friends were carrying out their missions, the signs to which were only visible to Gong Daoyi, before the saving occurred. Yep, he just happened to be there, at the right time and the right place, and took the role of savior. So utterly coincidental, right? Furthermore, afterwards Gong Daoyi proposed a magnificent plan - negotiate with the leader of the enemies, who was obviously planning to betray them after using the group of friends for his dirty work. And then the MC, after knowing the whole story, felt thankful to him and her suspicions lessened considerably.

I don't understand... It's such a logical deduction: Gong Daoyi is indifferent towards humans => There must be a motive behind his saving of people + It's all too coincidental => He's dangerous. What's difficult about having the most basic sense of suspicion and self-preservation?


4, The sidekicks. Oh, the sidekicks. Every single one of the MC's allies has a lower intelligence than hers... Probably the reason why they stayed with the MC? It's frustrating how their actions drag the MC down with them and the MC has to activate her hero complex and save their asses every ten chapters. Unlike the opinions of some of my predecessors (aka past comment uploaders), the MC shines the brightest when she's alone - rational (yeah she can be surprisingly intelligent when she wants to be, which makes it all the more frustrating when she makes unintelligible choices), powerful, and a force to reckon with.

In my conclusion, I would recommend this novel to people who are planning to read the lines carefully (and therefore not be stumped by the frequent skips), those who like a powerful heroine (read: specifically a heroine and not a general protagonist), and those unaffected by random landmines of foolishness at its worst.

P/s: This is just a rant - can the MC have a strategist? I think my latter three points can be tolerated if she has a smart subordinate/friend. She doesn't have to follow that person's every words - she won't be able to anyways thanks to her hero complex - but it'd be nice if the average level of intelligence in the MC's group of companions is a bit higher... <<less
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ChiChidi rated it
August 18, 2020
Status: c751
Absolutely love this book. Definitely my favourite book read yet. Sadly though... Webnovel has dropped it, and no other translator has picked it up (As far as I know.)

The concept of this story is interesting and well executed. The main character is cool, and very likeable. As are the characters around her. (I particularly like Hei Zeji) I wish I could explain more about what I love about this novel, but I would be going into spoiler territory... so I won't.

I just want to keep reading, but while the... more>> future of translations are unknown... I am too anxious to continue. I don't want to spend money only to have it never finish.

Hope this gets picked by someone soon. I have yet to encounter anything like this novel. <<less
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