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Jung Jiheon was once a promising swimmer, but retired early due to an injury and is now working diligently at a sports agency. Currently, the greatest interest in the sports market is none other than Kwon Jaekyung, and numerous agencies are fighting fiercely behind the scenes to scout him.

In the meantime, Jiheon is ordered by his boss to somehow lure Jaekyung into his agency, and he miraculously succeeds thanks to their insignificant and brief relationship of going to the same swimming center 10 years ago.

However, when they agree to meet for the first time in a long while, Kwon Jaekyung is not interested in the terms of the contract. He just suddenly asks about Jiheon’s second gender….

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47 Reviews sorted by

LoveLoveLovers rated it
January 4, 2024
Status: c170
Hello translator thank for all the chapter <3 don't listen to the weirdos they prob don't have anything else to do other than harassing others to feel better about their sad lives lol, thank you for the translations everyday that's all I look forward to after school haha <3

Edit: OK after reading their review more properly I do see their points, it's more than fine to hate things others love I also do that and I can accept their takes peacefully but that was until I saw them accusing other... more>> reviewee's as bots for not having a profile pic??? And that they were Unfairly raising the ratings and didnt have enough words about the story?? Saying it's suspicious that they don't have a review history? Maybe they just don't review often, maybe they liked the early chapters, maybe they just don't want a profile pic idk but I did feel kinda offended and I'm sure the translator probably was too, but it doesn't change that you did make lots of good points and I guess I'm kinda overreacting but I don't really find novels that update everyday and have a decent story also I do like the MC maybe its cuz ive read so so much manwhas, webtoons and novels where the MC is sa'd, graped and assaulted by the ML and in the end they both end up together in a happy ending 😀 which is why Im so forgiving towards mc's and very very picky with ml, and seeing a nice ML and an actually firm MC that doesnt just take the sh*t thrown and it also updates everyday makes me really love this novel. <<less
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crstl rated it
January 4, 2024
Status: c170
First of all, I'd like to thank the translator for translating this. In my humble opinion, the translator has done an amazing job (including the notes for swimming stuff & Korean culture) and I have never seen this much dedication to posting updates. Even when the translator takes breaks, they come back and update the same amount of chapters as the days they took a break for.

Now for what could possibly be frustrating towards readers: It's abo.

MC gets pregnant.


There's certain tropes/cliches that aren't everyone's cup of tea. If you don't like the ML doesn't care for anyone besides the MC trope or the closed off/cold MC trope, then you shouldn't read this.

I don't think the ML is anywhere near close to a yandere at all, but he's very devoted to the MC as he fell in love with him when he was a kid and never dated anyone else. He also has both no communication or social skills or care to make a comfortable atmosphere during conversations with others. Because of this, he's one of those "I do whatever I want to do" types that doesn't explain himself.

The MC is very closed off towards people. He doesn't try to tell others about himself or put his foot down. He's one of those MCs that takes a long time to confess to the ML.

I believe the last review misrepresents him. To say "he's a sl*t who loves to toy with other people's feelings" is very extreme. We get to know during MC's college years he got into plenty of relationships where someone would confess to him and he'd say yes. He's never toyed with anyone's feelings? It's a plot point that in relationships he does everything he thinks his partner wants and is a very amicable person. All these relationships happened off screen/years before the webnovel starts, and is frankly just mentioned here and there at the start because it demonstrates how he acts in relationships. I believe the last reviewer and I have a cultural difference/care about different things because I don't think MC's college days were that big of a deal and I also never got the vibe MC was, well, a f*ck boy. He got into relationships casually, but like I said, it's a plot point that he treated his partners very well, and he never confessed to others. Also, any time we get to know about this, it's from an ex-classmate that teases MC about it, it's just not that serious lol.

Here's why I like this webnovel:

    • I love how it's paced. At first I thought this was going to be a slow burn, but the couple got together in due time (still took some time, though lol) and it progresses quickly from there.
    • There's really nice (eventual) character development. The ML starts to speak to others/care for others in general. He makes decisions that don't only benefit him/the MC. The MC joins him in that; the MC stops making decisions that only benefit the ML. The MC starts talking about himself and asserts when he has to.

      back to MC's college relationships, through them we learn that MC tries everything to satisfy his partner, which in turn eventually causes them to break up with MC because they never learn about what MC likes. This upsets ML when MC tries this in their relationship because he's liked MC for so long, of course he wants MC to put more of MC's self into their relationship, and doesn't want MC just trying to do what he thinks ML will benefit the most from (also intertwines with MC being ML's manager). We also learn MC's afraid of commitment because of these relationships/thinks people will leave him eventually, which is why he slow to admitting he likes the ML.

    • The swimming talk is not a bore at all. All swim stuff relates to the development of either MC, ML, or their relationship. Usually with sports novels, the author explains way too much of the sport, but I think the author did well in explaining swimming terms to the reader while making sure it doesn't take over the novel.
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H4ZU rated it
April 22, 2024
Status: c171
If you love a good story better read this 🙌 I'm someone who depends on the reviews before reading because I hate to drop a story halfway. Ngl I was sceptical at first bcs of that one low review but I was genuinely surprised at how good the story is!! Definitely up my alley. Just leaving this here so anybody who'll try to read this will be reassured this is not a 'waste-of-a-time' novel.
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ZeyFletcher rated it
February 22, 2024
Status: c178
Paused just because I git busyyy, but it was really good! And it was omegaverse hehehehb

and I was surprised by how MC kept the baby eheh


its just righfully hot, and cute.

the only thing I kind of wished they did is hyped the contest or sport more, but I guess the main theme is still BL so, I get it.

Its really goood! But if u want spsome sporty novel, this isnt really it
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benyaa__ rated it
January 23, 2024
Status: c1
Love everything from beginning to end - what a journey! I really enjoyed the ups and downs of the story, and the dynamics of KJ and JJ is so great, and I certainly learned a thing or two about competitive swimming. I couldn’t put this novel down and finished it in just 2days! Certainly look forward to the side stories!! Thank you so much for writing such an excellent story.

Lastly, I also wanted to thank the translator for beautifully translating the work!
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okekay rated it
January 19, 2024
Status: c184
Really enjoying this novel and really appreciating the translator top tier work so I wanted to leave a review for the first time in a long time.

I think this novel’s greatest charm is that it feels very real, truly like a good slice of life style novel (if you ignore it being set in a ABO universe of course...). Our main characters are balanced as all real and believable characters should be, meaning they has some really admirable traits and also some frustrating flaws.

I understand why some readers might hate... more>> this, after all a lot of people go into novels hoping to read about lovable characters, and are therefore shocked when the characters are written like... real people. Both the MC and ML have very flawed personalities, with accompanying strengths (mc’s strive to give the best outcome to everyone, ml’s enduring dedication, whether to swimming or our mc), and there’s a great satisfaction in get tings to see both of them grow and improve as people throughout the story. It’s the kind of novel where you kind of end up ‘adopting’ the characters and follow them though emotional ups and downs as they tackle each problem; where you feel anxious when you feel something might happen to them, down when they have conflicts, and proud when they resolve issues together.

Plot-wise, the novel clearly sets out the end goal to the reader early on, and the backstory is actually also introduced to us near the beginning. I actually quite enjoyed this format as we immediately knew the goal, the problem, and now just had to wait to see the solution unfold before us. The author also never kept it too easy for the main characters, throwing in necessary plot points so that not everything would be smooth sailing. It also helps that the plot wasn’t too predictable, usually the problems introduced were fresh, believable, and interesting. While nothing extraordinary, I think the straightforward plot is appropriate for a novel such as this one, where there is a focus on the characters.

While maybe a bit slow in places, overall I think the pacing has been excellent, with necessary push and pulls that reflect how real adults face internal conflicts (not just sitting down once and resolving it straight away, with it never to bother you again). The author also never wastes any time writing plot that isn’t relevant, which I think is pretty commendable. Often, I think the author chooses the right timing to time skip so that the scene doesn’t tend to get drawn out too much, and we even get left with some anticipation.

Overall, the novel is a good read, the highlight definitely being in the main characters, and the joy of getting to see them mature, develop trust and rely on each other in a slow, deliberate process. If you really enjoy empathising with your characters and feeling fulfilled at seeing then grow,

I would 100% recommend this novel, don’t hesitate to dive right in. <<less
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January 4, 2024
Status: c170
I don't know if the uploaded/translator will see this, but in the case they do, I just wanted to comment on your note in chapter 170.
I want to let you know that you shouldn't be ashamed of your translation skills whatsoever, as I think you are doing the story more than enough justice with your work. Although I can't attest to the original novel's depth in it's original language, as someone who looks forward to your uploads of this novel every night I can definitely say the work you do is amazing. I'm sorry there are people who think you don't do a "perfect" job of translating, and that their juvenile insults have affected you. Please know that there are people who genuinely appreciate your effort, even if you are only translating for your own interest in the story. I wholeheartedly claim my spot as one of those people, and thank you so, so much for what you do. Those who insult you for your hard work can suck an alpha sized d*ck cuz all they spout is hot piss. Anyways, please don't let their words get you down, and again, thank you for doing what you do.

Edit: I think I found the review you mentioned in the note, and they have me dyingggg 💀💀💀💀. Upon reading it, they are most definitely either a child or a chronically online individual, as most of the criticisms are VERY opinion based and are NOT AT ALL shared by most who read your translation. You keep doing what you're doing, whether that be being an awesome translator or whatever else you want, because with comments like that I wouldn't be surprised if you decided not to translate novels for free any longer 😂. Although this is coming from a "bot with no reading history, " I am a most thankful bot for your uploads :)
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applecakes rated it
April 3, 2024
Status: c189
Definitly a good novel with a decent stroyline and amazing translation!! I'm mainly writing this because I was reading the reviews and found one that was extremlyyy harsh towards the MC which I found odd and completly disagreed with.

Firstly the fact that the MC is described as someone who is a sl*t, a sh**ty scumbag, and that there is"nothing admirable" is completely insane. I can tell that the reviewer hates that the MC sleeps around but there's literally nothing wrong with having one night stands nor is it something to... more>> be ashamed about.


He literally has a h*e phase during uni JUST like anyone else. Yeah, he also agreed to relationships with people he had no feelings for, but he was never unfaithful so he obviously was sleeping around when he was SINGLE. His s*x life with other people isn't even mentioned that much, I remember him sleeping with a dancer and then him mentioning sleeping with others a couple times but it's never in depth. Also the MC alludes that he experienced violent s*x during that time which could explain his current view of s*x and relationships (author doesn't explain much tho which is dissapointing)


I find it odd that the reviewer is completly gobsmacked that the MC doesn't want a relationship but is open to s*x, like??? Some people do not view s*x as some important and holy thing, it's not a new concept, lets grow up. That's the main thing that peeved me, their review was so hateful and the clear sl*t shaming was disgusting. I'm not gonna go through and debunk their points because they have the right to an opinion on the storytelling, pacing, etc bu*t I just wanna ask how they feel bad for ML when the ml's behaviour towards the MC can be classified as blackmail and sa to say the least

  1. The ML outrightly asks if the MC is an omega in front of people when he was pretending to be a beta - he could have literally outed him and it's considered s*xual harrassment in their universe. Yeah he has a good reason, but the lack of care for the mc's wellbeing and decision to hide his gender is so disrespectful
  2. The reason the MC starts sleeping with the ML is because the ML refuses to swim unless the MC keeps him happy aka fulfills his s*xual desires. The MC is his manager, has history with him and also doesn't value s*x. I can understand why he would choose to sleep with him. Is it the best choice, no. Is it completely disgusting and unforgiveable. N O. The ML gave an ultimatum and forced this relationship, it's not on the MC to care for the mls feelings
  3. Also the MC has known the ML since he was 12. The MC was like 17/18. Although he sleeps with the ml, outside of s*x he finds it hard to accept him as a man which makes him reluctant to pursue a relationship. Totally normal
I just don't understand how they can despise the MC but can tolerate the mls behaviour. I can understand people may not enjoy characters sleeping around, but the vulgar and disrepectful language used to sl*t shame the MC is not okay and never will be!! Whether it's in real life or a book review <<less
6 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
January 20, 2024
Status: Completed
First of all I want to thank the translator for being so amazing it's must have been hard posting everyday thank you

As for the story it's soo good it's so good I never expected this much of plot from a omegaverse but the author nailed it like u can see how much research went through this novel and I really love the plot most definitely the chip part in this omegaverse which most of the omegaverses take advantage of the heat process but this one made it seem omega are... more>> humans before their secondary gender which is very rare to see

As for the main leads sometimes they seem childish but they're good people

Especially jaekyung I laughed so hard with his comical timing

Definitely read this novel <<less
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Liana4645 rated it
January 4, 2024
Status: c170
To Bleak Ruby, our wonderful translator,

Thank you so much for translating this novel for us. I agree with what you wrote; this story is phenomenal. Without you, many of us wouldn’t be able to read and experience this novel. Please ignore those who have made rude remarks towards you. Dash is one of my favorite novels I’ve read on this site. It’s only possible because you translate them for us, a whole chapter a day at that! Frankly, you spoil us! I eagerly await the next chapter.

To those who... more>> haven’t read this yet, please save yourself the 30 minutes of debating whether you should start and just dive right in. It’s a slow burn, but it is well worth the wait in my opinion. The plot, character development, and world building are all exceptional. <<less
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leleix rated it
November 8, 2023
Status: c98
Translation is amazing, all the hats off to the translator, just A+++ work. I would've stopped reading ages ago if not for how good they are (to be honest, I'm only scoring this high because it's so well-written.)

I loved this, 5 stars--at least until ch50-ish. I was super invested in the slow burn, thought the ML was socially awkward but still pretty green flag, and was cool with the cliche coerciveness of the beginning because it mostly seemed harmless and ended up being pretty sweet. It led me to... more>> believe we were getting a love story.

But this takes a sharp right turn. I'm keeping it vague to avoid spoilers, but the relationship ends up being extremely coercive and manipulative. Normally I love a ML's POV showing how in love he is, but this one was scarily obsessive. It honestly felt like I was reading about the origins of a serial killer in a horror novel. And once the relationship... "develops" (with emotional blackmail)... ML becomes disgustingly childish. Truly an insufferably petulant brat. It's completely devolved into your cliche yandere setup, where we're just romanticizing an incredibly abusive relationship and you're supposed to find the codependent one "falling in love" (i.e. accepting forever being trapped with their abuser) sweet, only the ML is not a master manipulator, he's a screaming toddler with a hair trigger that MC is constantly trying to pacify. I was trying to power through, thinking it would get better, but it just gets worse...

I like yandere normally, but I feel kind of blind-sighted by it in this since it doesn't match the initial tone of the series. And I like a charming yandere, not one acting like a spoiled child. It even has side characters commenting on how MC acts more doting to him than a mother would. Yikes. And MC's "falling in love" seems to largely stem from him finding it cute how child-like ML is (ew? The age gap between 21 and 27 can be okay, but not like this...) And I guess this is personal taste, but a lot of the s*x scenes are uncomfortably rough imo, and not in a hot way. So many adjectives and verbs that I associate with violence. A lot of the graphic descriptions make me queasy enough that I have to skim through the scene as quickly as possible (and I read plenty of ABO and guideverse so I think I have a fairly high tolerance for graphic smut.) <<less
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nousernameseve rated it
May 20, 2024
Status: c189
Let me just start off by saying, woah, that was a good novel.

I really liked the MC and the ML because they were not the typical cunning/sociable MC and cold ML. Although many of their traits were most likely adapted from those setups, the characters deviated from this as a whole. Even from the outset, when Jiheon explained why he wasn't on the management team and that he only did what his job required and nothing more, the way it was written implicitly dragged in Jiheon's character problems he had... more>> yet to resolve. Kudos to the writer for succeeding in that department.

Kwon Jaekyung was a good character, too, but less on that because the story was undeniably focused on Jiheon, which was a pleasant surprise. I often see stories that switch perspectives whenever it best suits the author, and even minor characters' perspectives are included to move the plot along. That, I feel, always takes away from the story because it's not how real life works. In real life, I won't understand, or even know, every person's perspectives–I would only understand my own. It was nice to see that Jiheon, though, was a character that I could connect to because of that.

I saw a few other reviews, too, saying that the MC was a scumbag (like a scumbag scumbag) and the ML was too childish and rude.

On the accusations against the MC and his scumbaggy nature:

Though I can agree that his first relationships were definitely scumbaggy, he stepped out of the dating game because of that. He knew he couldn't commit to a relationship, so he set the boundaries and was very clear with how far he would go with his always short-term bed partners. I will admit, though, his early steps into a relationship with Jaekyung were always very ambiguous and tagged with a "why not, " 0r "I have to, " which was frustrating, but I believe the point was that he grew out of that later on.

On the accusations against the ML and his childlike lack of propriety, as well as his disregard for others: Yeah... it's true. But, once again, he changes.

Both of these changes are definitely hastened by the appearance of the ahem ahem (small kicks, black and white pictures, fooooood). I just wanted to take a moment to talk about this because Jiheon's reaction to the news is probably what made me think he could possibly live in our world. I didn't care whether he decided to go with it or not, but the fact that he thought about it acknowledged that it was actually Jini's whole life, not just a plot point for the author to wield. I feel like that time taken to consider every consequence at such an important juncture is often forgotten in stories like this.

Anyway, going back to development, Here are a few others areas Jiheon developed in (or could have developed in) :

Conceiving a relationship as something he could be a part of. 4/5 stars. The author delivered... what else can I say. Would have still appreciated a proper proposal to show a concrete change instead of just stumbling through it though.

Growing his confidence in himself as a person. 4/5 stars. Can only complain that it was a benchwarmer for the middle of the novel, but his conversation with his sister made up for it.

Accepting himself as an omega. 2/5 stars. Understood why he couldn't accept it, but it 100% was not explained right. Made me think he resented his omega status because it made him quit swimming. However, if I'm just completely wrong, and him being an omega is what made him quit swimming, then 3/5 stars.

Dissociating after his heat and coming back to himself (a subtopic of the above point). 1/5 stars. Built up, but never delivered on. And, my god, the buildup was so promising!

Acknowledging his past as an athlete and present as a non-athlete. 2/5 stars. Mentioned a lot at the beginning, but it wasn't picked back up at the end.

Realizing that Jaekyung had grown from a child to a man. 4/5 stars. One of the better parts of the story, but I think more guilt/denial due to the imprinting would have brought it up a notch. This is one of those misunderstandings that I felt was too short to be natural, rather than too long (courtesy of Director Nam or whatever his title was).

Growing closer to his family. 2/5 stars. Unnecessary, but it would've added to the story, especially in pushing Jiheon on his way to creating his own family. Other than his sister, nobody did anything for him.

Becoming more used to his job and taking on new roles. 3/5 stars. I saw a good portion of it at the end of the story. I was especially glad that Jiheon wasn't just going to retire because of Jaekyung and other things.

Meanwhile, Jaekyung went through his own character development. It was more laser-focused than Jiheon's, which made it seem more prominent, but I actually think Jiheon developed way more than Jaekyung. Either way, I don't usually see any development at all in stories like this, so I'm very glad that they were added.

Now, a moment for world-building. (Sorry this review is so long, lol, but you know what else is long? This novel.)

This was hands-down the best world-building I've seen in terms of ABO setup. This was actually always how I'd imagined an actual ABO world, rather than a complete loss of rationality everywhere because of pheromones. Humans would of course try to retain their senses. And the added theory on how people in this era didn't identify with their second gender because of chips and anti-pheromone agents was just immaculate. I was sitting there like, y'know, if this was my world, there would definitely be a theory like that, written by some famous researcher. That's why I was so disappointed when I learned that it wasn't touched on after the first heat... because I was like, this is so going to send Jiheon spiraling. And then it didn't. : (

Otherwise, though, I've never quite seen an ABO world like this one. Plus, the swimming portion of it was 100% well-researched and known front to back by the author.

On the other side of world-building, I was really disappointed with the side-characters. They didn't seem like they had lives other than those that surrounded the main characters. Noah was one good character because of his subtle jabs and guilty friendship. However, we lost him afterwards. Then, there was Han Yoosung, who I thought, after a few long and meaningful conversations with Jiheon, was going to go through character development. But then they ditched him. T_T.

Finally, in terms of action/plot... it was a bit of a drag for me at the end, but the eventual ending was great.


You should have seen my face when I read that Jaekyung had sustained a shoulder injury and thought that I would have to read another 50 chapters. Fortunately, the author skipped over the brunt of the recovery process.


Overall, it's a solid 4/5 stars. The main characters were amazing, and so was most of the world-building. I would definitely recommend! By the way, don't be put off by the slow start. It picks up pace soon, as the rowdy Jaekyung kicks down barrier after barrier. As it turns out, Jiheon just needed someone to push him faithfully to his limits. <<less
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blooming_lotus rated it
April 10, 2024
Status: c132
Please add me to the list of commenters who are commenting in response to that two star essay review hating this story. I'm not a bot nor do I have literally ANY vested interest in if a BL webnovel is highly rated or not on this site..

I just really enjoyed this story and think that review completely mischaracterizes the characters and the plot. My first response is I do agree with parts of your review, this story isn't PERFECT GOD TIER. Its very clearly a cliche filled sports BL, childhood... more>> acquaintances to lovers omegaverse etc like its not doing anything groundbreaking here, and yeah it def drags a bit at parts. It also does do the thing novels like this do a lot, where everyone besides the main characters are bereft of any personality.

But what I enjoyed about the story the most is how flawed both MCs are, Jiheon and Jaekyung both, which seems to be the main issue with that reviewer and honestly it leaves me gobsmacked. If you like reading about bottoms who are Mary Sues, perfect and angelic 100% of the time, then yes, avoid this story I guess. If you like reading romances where characters have trauma that reflects in their relationships in realistic ways but they overcome it to find love, then you might really enjoy giving this one a try. Both characters make mistakes, but none of them are irredeemable. And I really enjoyed their banter which to me was eloquently written/translated and really funny at parts. <<less
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do_not_disturb rated it
March 25, 2024
Status: extra 2
It's extremely well written and well translated.

It's quite slow burn, but the pace is just right, feels better than watching a movie.

There are some quite explicit s*x scene, but what I loved most was the interaction between the MC and ML
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Neutral_7 rated it
March 11, 2024
Status: Completed
DASH is probably one of the best-written BLs out there. It was honestly so refreshing to see a completely consented relationship in an omegaverse where the characters have not only depth but also portray real-life problems and mental issues. I am grateful to the translator for picking out such a masterpiece and translating it exceptionally well. It has good romance, a great depiction of the underbelly of the sports industry, and the smut is just *chefs kiss* amazing.
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BL_rocks rated it
January 4, 2024
Status: --
The story is really great. This is a must-read!!!! I'm not sure why people find it boring. There's minimal angst or the smut but overall the story is really good. The translation is really good too. One of the stories I've read with good translation. It's understandable and easy to follow. Please be kind and be grateful to the translator coz they're translating this story for free, with their own time and effort.
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bluedrop rated it
March 11, 2024
Status: Completed
This novel. Gosh, this novel. I could wax poetic about how this made me feel so many feels.

I was a bit avoidant, because I'm not really a fan of sports centric BL novels, but the ABO and MPreg drew me in like the degenerate that I am lol.

And I am so happy I stuck it out. The story is amazing, and at so many points, I could see it playing vividly in my mind's eye like a damn aesthetic anime.

... more>> The translators did a friggin fantastic job.

The MC makes really frustrating decisions, but in a way that I totally get lol because his actions are pretty relatable to be honest. I also love the ML. I loooove how they communicate, and slowly work out their issues when their relationship hits a few bumps.

Also, the s*x is f*ckin' fantastic. Gosh. I am fanning myself thinking about it. Thank you to the awesome author, and the friggin amazing translators, for this masterpiece.

Definitely something I'll come back to reread in the future. <<less
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AllShipper rated it
January 22, 2024
Status: --
This was so lovely. First of all, kudos to the translator. The translation was so good.

I love the characters. They both had context, defined personality and all. Although, I would have loved to read from KJ's pov sometimes.

The story narration is good too.

The relationship was healthy and lovely. Good and mature communication between the two. Lovely chemistry.

JJ's character is nice and mature KJ's character is cute, stubborn and determined, lol.

They were both compatible.

It was a satisfactory read. Can't wait for the side stories.
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Aruthea rated it
January 4, 2024
Status: c170
Honestly, I was waiting to finish the novel before reviewing and rating it. Please take this review with a pinch of salt.

Firstly, I think the writing and pacing is slow at the start. It has this simple flow. It drags a bit since it is all sports stuff and the shenanigans that lead to ML and MC reuniting. ML practically forces them to reunite. So you end up thinking this is a "ML corner MC" novel. Well, not really. The novel is interesting to me in its worldbuilding, the author's... more>> knowledge of swimming. I don't necessarily think it is the best novel in the world, but I am curious how the couple turns out.

To me, the MC does seem very contradictory. But it is possible that he isn't sure what he wants, which can look like he is flaky. And while I don't agree with him being super passive in his previous relationships, I don't think it's wrong of him to stick to one-night stands if he is not committed. He clearly seems content with drifting along the river after having lost his direction in life after having to quit swimming. I cannot recall how he views his gender, but he definitely takes secondary genders seriously.

I am still waiting to know how he had the implant (a suppressant of sorts) and yet ML smelled him. I might need to reread to check if this was answered.

I thought the ML would be more of a red flag actually. However, he seems more straightforward and makes it a little obvious he wants to pursue a relationship with the MC. Try as he might, the MC desperately tries to keep it professional and wants ML to avoid the pitfalls he fell through as a fellow professional swimmer. MC has to realise that his well-being is actually important and he shouldn't be placing ML's or other's above him. This is why I disagree with him passively waiting for his partners to break up with him. It was a one way street for him, yet for the other they have to work twice as hard to maintain said street.

Passive people will never succeed in romantic relationships. It sucks that no one told MC to stop this. ML is forcing MC to be more vulnerable and understanding of himself. MC values ML not just because he is The Olympic Swimmer, he feels a connection in their shared experiences as professional swimmers. There is still an age gap, and I think they are still exploring. It would be weird for both emotionally stunted and stubborn people to know how to navigate a relationship immediately. So far, I am waiting to see how they will handle the issues that come their way considering the corruption within the industry and that

they got a BABY on the way PRECISELY because the MC f*cked himself over prioritizing ML's performance. Basically, he cannot use suppressants and did a natural heat with ML. MC later realises why ML was angry with him when ML later does the same thing lol. Lmao MC, you reap what you sow.


I just want to note that there is a review accusing the other reviewers of being bots while insisting to not take their review personally... A quick check at some reviewers' profiles should show that they aren't bots. I don't intend to pick a fight with them as they seem defensive but reviews are supposed to be a place to review the novel. Some people are going to be vague because they don't know what to elaborate on. It is their opinion. This novel being highly rated doesn't mean it will be a guarantee that YOU will rate it high. There is no perfect novel for everyone to like, we have different tastes. Maybe this book's flaws is too much for some while others will be fine with it. I rated some books 5 stars but some don't think it deserves the 5 stars. The ratings can be arbitrary. I even changed a review from 3 to 2 stars after some time has passed. Some may change their mind later on that the novel wasn't as good as they believed. But anyway, please don't attack other reviewers here for choosing to read the novel or rating it high. Other novels can get rated 1 star for no reason, who's to say novels can get 5 star for no reason? At any rate, read the novel and judge for yourself.
also editing in to say thank you for the translator for translating the novel! <<less
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Lucis rated it
October 6, 2023
Status: c80
About the ML.

He has severe communication issues. When it comes to swimming he's the best, his visuals are godly but his personnality is annoying. He's rude, pushy, has zero social skills, barely speaks, cut off MC when he talks, does whatever he wants, and somehow he always has to be the one who is right which is even more annoying. It doesn't help that we rarely see his POV. MC spoils him way too much, I want to slap ML sometimes because he acts like a child. I don't... more>> see his chemistry with MC.

To be honest overall it's an okay story, but the ML's character and the lack of meaningful interactions with the supporting characters ruins the story. About the romance, some steps were missed, unnecessary conflict and complications are caused by the typical lack of communication and honesty. In general the dialogues feel a bit bland and frustrating, it's like I'm waiting for interesting conversations to happen but I end up feeling bored. This is frustrating because it had good potential and I'm still curious about the rest of the story.

(I want to see spoilers but I can't find it, I'm probably going to wait for the whole story to be translated before spoiling myself the ending.) <<less
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