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Jung Jiheon was once a promising swimmer, but retired early due to an injury and is now working diligently at a sports agency. Currently, the greatest interest in the sports market is none other than Kwon Jaekyung, and numerous agencies are fighting fiercely behind the scenes to scout him.

In the meantime, Jiheon is ordered by his boss to somehow lure Jaekyung into his agency, and he miraculously succeeds thanks to their insignificant and brief relationship of going to the same swimming center 10 years ago.

However, when they agree to meet for the first time in a long while, Kwon Jaekyung is not interested in the terms of the contract. He just suddenly asks about Jiheon’s second gender….

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47 Reviews sorted by

New mistaake rated it
June 11, 2024
Status: extra 28
This novel is a must-read.

It has everything you would want in a romance bl: a reasonably paced romance, cute interactions between the main couple, explicit smut, and character development!

I have a HUGE soft spot for MLs that are entirely devoted to MCs from the start, and Kwon Jaekyung DID NOT DISAPPOINT. He hits all the tags in this novel: possessive, obsessive, and persistent! He is cold, but is never rude towards MC and softens up around him. His jealousy moments are cute and his overprotectiveness over MC makes me swoon!

I... more>> also wanna come to the MC's defense against reviews that claim he's a scum. Ofc everyone has their own opinions on MC's actions and I'm not saying MC is entirely blameless, but I think there is more nuance to his character than simply labeling him a scum.


He's dated multiple people in the past and has one-night stands. In his past, he would simple accept any confession regardless of whether he reciprocated them or not and start dating. As soon as his ex-lovers got tired of him, they would dump him and MC would immediately start moving on to the next person. This affected how he viewed relationships and caused him to swore off dating after college. His approach on relationships was not the best, but he genuinely tried to be a good boyfriend in all those relationships and he later learns how to love for real in a relationship with ML (even if it takes a while). I admit his denial of feelings, the actions he takes that supposedly are for "the greater good, " and moments of miscommunication are infuriating but it makes him human. TLDR; MC's complicated past and character makes the story and his development interesting.


Anyways, this is a light-hearted novel with good chemistry between characters and moments of drama sprinkled throughout (all conflicts get resolved pretty quick and theres nothing too serious).

If you want to take a break from all the dog-blood drama, plot-heavy, angst filled novels, this is a great novel to indulge in! <<less
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New Sese007 rated it
June 4, 2024
Status: Completed
I'll start off by stating my reason for writing this review; the translator mentioned in one of the notes that some of the reviewers accused other reviewers of being bots and upgrading the novel rating unfairly (which is just ridiculous!) anyway since the translator was upset and discouraged by such behaviour I decided to write my own honest review. (Even though the translator has went ahead and finished the novel and probably won't be seeing this)

anyway! Addressing some of the (issues) that other reviewers has commented on, I'll start... more>> by talking about the—


yes he's not your typical virg*n white lotus omega who goes kyaa upon seeing his alpha knot, that should be obvious, he's a 26 grown ass man, of course he has done more than kissing. And to say he's a professional scum because he has one night stands and s*x with strangers? I just gotta laugh!!
he's mature (having multiple s*x affairs doesn't mean your a scum or a f*ck not be ffr) he's also a perfectionist and a swimmer, due to his career and personality his love life is a whole mess, his perception on love and relationship isn't the best, he act like the perfect lover out of sense of duty, and he doesn't reject anyone who asks him out, he knows his flaws more than anyone, and to me that's pretty impressive, he's honestly so cool and relatable I could imagine myself in his shoes clearly.

As for the ML:

I'm not a big fan of puppy like ML but he's decent, a little rude and arrogant at the beginning but he surprisingly has a nice character development later on (

his relationship with his brother at the beginning irked me because it seems to me that he was like that to him due to jealousy which is dumb and immature but oh well), I also absolutely loved the part where he later took care of his juniors and even gave them advice that was mature of him and you can clearly spot the change on his personality on these small instances!


and my dear god the smut was top notch (yes be warned) if you're someone who prefers vanilla or fluffy novel just stray away from this novel (I know it seems a but unrealistic but I mean come on that's omegavers for you).

Another thing I absolutely adored was the realistic portray of pregnancy, yes some are depressed they struggle, it's not all about morning sickness and fun shopping trips, I was surprised at first that he decided to keep the baby and the way his perception on marriage and children changed was really good and realistic (his main reason was that he doesn't have the confidence to raise a child probably! Pretty relatable!!!)

anyway if I have to speak on every concept of this novel I'd probably never shut up and this review has already become unreasonably long, it being a sport novel has put me off but the writer didn't overwhelm me with long and boring dialogue, it was easy to understand (for someone who's not interested in sport like me) I found it even fun and got excited whenever the ML win in a race or beat his personal record!. Like I said really great novel, if you're into mature novel with great smut and character development just read this (the romance is a bit slow but when they hit it off it's actually really rewarding)

lastly kudos for the translator they deserve the praise, part of the reason I kept reading until now was because of their clean and amazing translation! Honestly one of the best I've seen!

(my profile being new and this being my first review shouldn't make you think of me as a bot, if a novel is shitty or boring I wouldn't even bother leaving a review I'd just drop it and goes on my way, but THIS has to be praised, although I'm not on the habit of leaving reviews I thought I would write one just so to thank the translator for their marvellous job! Please read this it's so good you won't regret it!!!) <<less
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aiji rated it
November 29, 2023
Status: c99
Dropped it at Chapter 99. I'm so done with the MC! Grrrrrrr

Go eat my 2 stars!!! Grrrrrrrr

So yeah, had to leave a short review to convey my feelings while it's still fresh so I won't get swayed by other reviews and eventually brainwash myself that what I'm feeling is "wrong".

... more>> Like bruh, I just finished re-reading a freaking masterpiece (arguably, of course) but got greeted by this piece of $#!+~ right after. Sigh...

To start off, since I have so many complaints and ended up being too nitpicky (unreasonably so, which I'm aware), I will list down the goods and the bads of this freaking novel that was rated 4.5 like I was seriously wondering myself the entire time as to where and why it was rated so high. I even read the reviews a couple of times to at least see its "redeeming qualities" to slap myself some sense and somehow make myself agree to it. (Are you bots? Can your reviews elaborate more what makes this a 'masterpiece' deserving a 5 star? Which part?)

But first, let me give you a piece of my POV on how I see this novel's premise outside its given description/blurb to set your expectation: ~~

Jung Jiheon (MC/shou) is a professional 'scumbag' (according to me ONLY), who casually have s*x with randos when he feels like it (yeah, he's not your typical cinnamon bun MC. Manage your expectations well. I regret not knowing this beforehand. No one mentioned this on their reviews... RIP me), and doesn't want to be in a relationship anymore after many years of half-heartedly accepting confessions and just playing along with it until the other party quits and break it off themselves (heh, what a perfect backstory for an MC, eh?). And Kwon Jaekyung (ML/gong) is his hopelessly pining hoobae once upon a time when they were still training, who loves swimming, and only cares about swimming. The latest victim.

With the ML's not-so-pleasant personality when it comes to socializing and poor communication skills with other people, combined with scumbaggy personality of the seemingly 'calm' MC according to the tag that scammed me so much I want to cry blood, what would you expect?

Fluff? Bickering couple-y setting? Cute banterings?


ABO setting. Smut.

Aside from illogical stuffs which are given to ABOs settings, expect a s*upidly long ass push-and-pull scenarios that dragged on up to 90+ chapters (shit, up to 130+ chaps -- I cheated and took a peek) because of the freaking MC's not so likeable personality as you read on (I said what I said. Come fight me on the reviews. He's nothing but a s**tty scumbag no different from a psychopath. I pity the ML a bit). He's like: "Although you like me, I don't want to be in a relationship -- but I'm okay having s*x with you because I hAVe nO cHOiCe like a mature person I am" ---

every. freaking. time

Anyways, enough of that. Let's talk about something positive for now. I'll come back to the MC later. We're not done yet.

> The Good:

Do you see that 2 stars I gave there up above?

Yeah, that's for applauding the author for their knowledge and very detailed exposition regarding stuffs about swimming and how the industry works surrounding sports even though I didn't bother to confirm it. It sounds convincing enough so they deserve a clap clap from me.

Unfortunately, the good part ends here. Let me proceed to the bad ones now, and boy, I have so much to say.

> The Bad:

    • The MC is irritating. I've said this before in some of my previous reviews: I'm very lenient when it comes to ML's personality and such but never on MCs'. I don't hesitate to roast any MCs that never fail to make my blood boil (but of course this issue is solely on my part---preference-wise) because we are bound to follow their journey. Are you okay glueing yourself to a frustrating companion? Well, definitely not me.
"But what's wrong with the MC???" you ask.

Boy, lemme brief you first on how he's like.

The tags there are not wrong (*some*). He's calm, yeah. He's one of those pals who possess a genial smile ready whenever, wherever. But "mature"??? Can I take down that tag off there?

If anything, there's only one word I can describe him with all throughout the painstaking reading I did just to search when will he redeem himself: he's nothing but a freaking scumbag, no different from psychopaths. It's a personality that is never cute to possess.

I'll mark the rest as spoiler


Never want to be in a relationship anymore because you think you're not suitable for it, you say? Oh, c'mon! Why offer your freaking body in exchange???

Is that how a freaking mature person think and act? If anything, I only see him as someone who's lacking braincells. Or rather, he's a sl*t who loves to toy with other people's feelings. Nothing more, nothing less. He only wants to receive but never want to give.

Do I sound harsh?

No. FYI, he sleeps with anyone he fancies (his one night stands). He doesn't want commitment, yet he got the freaking nerve to toy with a person's affection YOUNGER than him.

Granted, the ML is being unreasonable and too unfairly opportunistic, but no matter how you look at it, realistically speaking, in an unconfirmed/unofficial relationship wherein if one party has clear feelings and the other's not accepting it, both are aware, but STILL committing physical involvement (kissing, sex), which will inevitably affect the emotions of the former, it usually results to 50 shades of insecurities, self-deprecation, or depression over time. If the MC has one bit of a freaking conscience and a brain, he wouldn't do stuffs a scumbag would do because this is certainly a scumbaggy act even though he appears like a 'victim'. It's so hard to side with him. You are OLDER for what? Can't you say "no" and stop acting like a no-choice teenager? Huh? HUH?!?

Ohh... because you like it too, do you?


What a true professional scumbag. An indecisive scumbag. I hate his character so much.

Indecisive, selfish, manipulative, immature, a pushover, cowardly, people-pleaser, unnecessarily intrusive... scumbag.

Also, this is my first time reading a novel with "calm protagonist" tag that doesn't check out as pragmatic, level-headedly sensible, or with a clever personality associated with it. How aggravatingly funny.

There's nothing admirable about him.

Tsunderes, cold ones, hot-blooded ones, sharp-tongued ones... I've encountered them all, but nothing beats this MC on how annoying and irritating he is. AND HIS GIVEN CHARACTER IS SUPPOSED TO BE ON THE FREAKING MILDER SIDE OF THE TYPICAL MC SPECTRUM WHICH MAJORITY TEND TO LIKE BY DEFAULT BUT HE'S MOLDED LIKE THAT?!?

What a fricking insult and disservice to all the highly rated novels out there!

A WORD OF CAUTION: this is only my feelings up to the chapters I've read. Whether the MC changed or not, I do not know. And I don't care. I won't waste my time spending another chapter with him


    • Poor writing. So many unnecessary fillery sentences that doesn't contribute in any way to the progression of the story. Like freaking don't make it a dialogue if it's just a bunch of greetings and idle talks that frequently occurs every few chapters every time. No one will commend you for that. Are you desperate for the word-count quota? It feels so amateurish
... Unless the author is really an amateur...? If so, boy, then they need this feedback ASAP. Better spend your gibberish-enthusiasm kink on describing (emphasizing the word "describe" not "tell") the ambience, the mood, the surroundings to stimulate imagination (cuz duh, this is a freaking novel! We rely on details in order to picture something), or be considerate enough to give your character (s) at least one remarkable trait to make the readers go "ah, that guy/gal!" in case the story got into discussions, or a reader just happen to remember it out of the blue while staring outside the window, drinking their favorite coffee on a cozy rainy day afternoon to wander their minds off of to dearly, nevermind giving it a proper name. Humans are bad at remembering names, but we sure as hell good at remembering people's attributes and appearances. Invest on that instead. Don't you want your novel to be memorable?

    • Poor characterization. Aside from the main protagonists, the rest are just bunch of faceless name-dump. Like bruh, if they don't contribute much to the story, don't bother to give them names. Or better yet, at least describe to us how/what they look like before you force us to read their dialogues because 9 times out of 10, we will only forget them eventually since it feels like we're just looking at a blank cardboard cutouts
The cast here is like this: the description ends with them either being handsome or pretty or with good body build. Their main purpose is for sex/romantic-related involvement with the main protagonists. And the rest?

If you give me a name and ask me to draw how they look like, I will only hand you a stick man with the same blank face and body for all of them. That's how bad it was

    • "Tell, don't show". Yeah, the complete opposite of "show, don't tell" writing. The author is too "guiding". It's like having a friend narrate to you their experience in summary in short and concise manner. You just reply with "oh" after because it doesn't evoke feelings or even mild reactions. Like how can you convince me? It's basically urging the readers to shut their minds off instead of encouraging immersion and let our imagination roam
    • Pacing is a drag. Ever read a novel wherein you feel like you've read so much and yet gain nothing? Not to mention the push-and-pull nature of the MC is freaking exhausting because it's so repetitive. Even his eyebrows-raising inner thoughts is not helping because it got me questioning his intelligence instead (like look me in the eye and tell me you didn't question his level of intelligence relative to his given age even once with his questionable thought process and actions). So much for a "mature" man, huh... Don't make me laugh.

    • Poor and cringe scripting. I'm not sure if this is the right term but you don't know how many times I rolled my eyes whenever I encounter s*upid questions/exchange of dialogues between the characters. Like bruh, do you even need to ask such braindead things like a child? And some conversations is like a hodge-podge of lines breaking the trail of the topic like wut?
Overall Thoughts:

Very poor in every regard.

I'm judging it so, so hard.

Come nail me. Come refute me. I'd gladly reply with receipts.

I started reading this because of the premise and that freaking 4.5 rating. My expectation was high. There's so many good plot points here that would've sound so awesome if only it were handled well on the author's part storytelling-wise.

Like I said, one of the main culprit here is the "telling" writing style of the author. It's too guiding/leading. It doesn't stir engagement. Not to mention the indention between the dialogues and the person who said that dialogue is too jarring. Why separate it in two lines like what the heck??? Is that how it really was on the original raws? (Note to translator-nim: the font is too big. I dunno if I just failed to adjust it on my side, but it felt like buildings were falling down on me, trying to crush me the whole time. I didn't like the experience xD)

You know what had me 'engaged' and persevere instead?

It's me trying to look for any redeeming qualities of the f*cking MC!

I didn't want to put up with him for another 99 chapters if I couldn't find any likeable part of his darn character!

Like boy, my tolerance for a so-so to below average novel is up to 20 chapters only before I drop it, but that fricking high rating had me hostage in hopes of me liking the MC eventually (spoiler: it never happened). Man, I was so freaking duped...

To mention, their relationship is frustratingly pitiful and unhealthy. We only get to see the ML in a not too borderline pathetic state because the MC is h**ny himself so he can get his way and both can serve the audience with smut.

So, at the end of the day, the main substance of this freaking story is just cheap smut...?

WoW, i'M So SuRPriSeD~~ (I actually am, tho lmao)

So much for quality story expectations, huh.

As expected from ABO, huh.

Hah! I should've known better...

So yeah, that's my review-cum-rant about this scam novel... Heavily side-eyeing the rating lmao

Please do not take this review of mine too deeply (or personally? lol), and instead treat this as something to watch out for before reading so you won't be as annoyed as I was. If you think you're okay with it, don't hesitate to pick this novel up. And also please take note that I dropped it halfway through so what I'm saying here is nothing but impressions, personal feelings, and objective criticism about the writing overall. The ending and character/plot development are not taken into account. And please read other reviews as well, especially the ones after mine, because for sure some will 'correct' me or provide their different perspective about the points I mentioned here should they happen to disagree with me and feel like doing some form of clarification and whatnot. Future readers like you will greatly benefit from it, regardless.

... That is, if they're kind enough to list it down instead of the 'default' "I love this novel so much! 5 stars" -__-

[Just a side note: ignorable premature 5-star ratings from low chapter-count read with no substantial review contents aside, what's with these blank-avatared reviewers with almost no review history? Are you really human? A legit newbie? Surely you're not here to just artificially inflate and skew the numbers unfairly, right? RIGHT? Are you happy deceiving others? I'm very curious...]

And please don't think that I rated this so low just because I abhor the MC so much. Nah-ah. I'm pretty sure they got their happy ending regardless of whether or not the characters remained the same as is. The novel's overall writing quality is just bad methinks *shrugs*

... Yeah, including producing an unlikeable MC's journey to follow. The author is 100% responsible for that. I don't make the rules, sorry.

So, do I recommend reading this?

... Hah!

54 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
secretwriterperson rated it
October 10, 2023
Status: c83
I was thinking of leaving a review after I have probably finished reading the whole story but, I really couldn't wait.

If anyone of you is thinking whether or not to start this, my advice is start reading it right away!

Two things:

... more>> 1. The flow of the story is so natural, the build up behind the behaviour of the characters and why they are wired the way they are: is exceptional.

2. The translation is top notch. The translator has done a brilliant job- infact, I have rarely come across such an amazing translation. So hats off for that!


If even the above two things are not enough to convince you to read it, let me dive into what I like about the story (I know a lot of people have complaints about the lack of communication skills on part of the ML) :

a. I actually like how complicated their characters are, especially the MC, you can find yourself relating to how he is feeling. After the way his previous relationships have been, it is only fair for him to question the intentions and genuineness of the ML.

b. The ML's lack of communication skills, I accept, are frustrating but like many others have pointed out, it is his personality that is like that and he isn't being vile when he behaves that way. That's what the author has tried to communicate to the readers as well, because all in all, he is one of the green-est flags of ML out there man.


Their s*x is amazing, the descriptions, the play: it all looks good while reading it. See, you can be a fan of smut and you cannot be, but in case you are one- you are in for a treat.


d. I am really looking forward to how these two will work out their issues enough to see through the end.


Also, why is no one talking about the setting in this ABO world? It is so good, and different when compared to the other ABO stories out there. The sheer idea of chips to stop pheromones, the law in place for s*xual harassment related to Omegas: like that's a setting where despite the whole ABO setting, your characters aren't falling in love because of pheromones. It makes the story all the more complicated and fun to read!



So, yeah, I recommend this book. It is a good one out here! 🎉 <<less
32 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
deedy rated it
January 5, 2024
Status: c170
This is a really good novel and the translator is doing more than a great job. I do think it deserve its good ratings.

I just read a pretty long review, the reader was clearly not happy with the novel. It's fine but here I thought I would give my opinion to counterbalance a little bit 😆

MC has his faults but he is so far from a complete scumbag.

... more>>

Yes he doesn't want commitment when the story begins (and it's ok, I mean he doesn't promise anything to his one-night-stand, they both consent) and yes he wasn't very involved in his past relationship and accepted to go out with anyone asking him (not cool, really, but it's not like they lasted long, plus with all the people whith whom he went out, people asking him to be in a relationship with pretty much saw it like a "casual try out").


Being adult never meant maturity in all the ways of life. People still do mistakes. MC does not handle his relationship with ML well at first but it gets there, and nothing unforgivable is done in the process imo.

ML is pretty much set on being with MC and MC kind of comply with him for various reasons until those reasons become the good ones.

Now those are just my thoughts. I can perfectly understand that for some the novel is not their cup of tea, they will give a bad rating and it's fine.

However I fail to understand why they would feel the need to insinuate that some reviews are made by bots because they do not like the story. It is kind of disrespectful to the translator. I mean surely they know that many people do not leave a review at all, and many won't write huge comments, just enough to convey their appreciation of the work or the translation.

Well, now I am done with my first comment, which happened to be quite long. Hope it wasn't to difficult to read, english is not my native language. Go give the novel a try! <<less
28 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
PoppyAleria rated it
November 11, 2023
Status: --
i really like this novel.. even when it's a slow romance, the build up was consistent and compelling.. the translator also did a great job in translating this story, thanks a bunch...

If you're looking for a puppy seme who's loyal to his feelings to uke, then this is the right novel for you..I even fall in love with his stubborness to be polite to someone who has clearly crushing on him cause he doesn't want the other person to misunderstand..

Ngl, this should be the novel getting adapted to manhwad rather... more>> than those r*pey red flag stories being labeled as BL <<less
26 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Yukilovesbl rated it
September 18, 2023
Status: c55
Really liking it so far, and im glad to have so many chapters available to read! I'm looking forward to the rest, thanks for translating!! ^_^
23 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
_Natsume_ rated it
September 7, 2023
Status: c50
The Alpha is really good at handling his feelings not the agressive but not passive, he is taking is pace slowly - He had temper but really a simp for his Omega and would do anything for his omega, hopefully that in future chapters Alpha will not change his behaviour toward his Omega.
22 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
August 6, 2023
Status: c18
I know it might be a little too early to write a review, but since I'm really enjoying it so far, I thought if people were debating whether to give this a try or not, you definitely should.

First of all, the translation is really good, the story flows really well, so thank you very much translator-nim <3 sometimes it's hard to come across a good translation so I'm pointing it out here.

Our couple hasn't really interacted with each other, just like a few words, making it feel a little bit... more>> slow burny which I don't mind at all, or maybe I'm wrong since I guess it is early to be calling this slow burn. Even though we've barely had interactions, you can already tell what kind of personalities they have and what type of dynamic they'll probably have. What I like the most is that our MC is not your typical omega, frail and whatnot. I like his character but that is basically my personal taste so take what you want from that. In regards to the plot, I actually know next to nothing about swimming and the competitions around that sport besides the olympics, but it's not as confusing or boring for people to not have an enjoyable read.

Hoping I will not end up eating my words in the future T_T At least as of now it's worth reading it. <<less
21 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
damnmei rated it
October 21, 2023
Status: Completed
This is such a good novel!! Hands down some of the best characterization and storytelling, with probably the most personally relatable MC for me. Also HUGE kudos to the translator, literally the quickest translation I've ever followed and for one of my favorite novels too, such a gem!

This is a novel for anyone who is tired of those perfect OP protags, and wants a romance that feels real, with realistic arguments and couple growth. It's really beautiful to see this avoidant perfectionist slowly fall in love and in the process... more>> realize that he doesn't need to do everything on his own, and that making mistakes is normal and doesn't make him unlovable.

There's a good mix of drama and humor, with moments that made me near tear up from empathy, and moments that had me giggling like a fool. There's some darker themes especially dealing with self worth and anxiety, but it's handled so well.

On the MC

Truly one of favorite characters possibly ever. He's just so seemingly chill about everything, from his career, to his dating life, to his gender, but underneath the blasé front he's deathly scared of commitment and has no attachments in his life. He's very alone despite his friendly demeanor, giving off the illusion that he's closer to people than he actually is.

The way his brain works is so interesting, and he definitely masks his emotions a lot, putting on a professional front in most situations and drawing clear boundaries with the people around him. I really love how the author writes the contrast between his thoughts and his actual spoken words, as he tends to not say what he truly means and mostly just goes with the flow.

Through the course of the novel, he doesn't change immediately, but rather slowly learns to trust and reach out for help when he needs it. He sometimes messes up and he doesn't always do everything perfectly, and while it can feel frustrating sometimes when he starts reverting to old patterns, his struggles are very relatable and his anxieties are so well portrayed.

On the ML

The ML is seriously so unintentionally funny. He's one of those characters where you just have to think he's lucky that he's so attractive and capable, or no one would like him lol. He is blunt as hell and has literally no tact except around the MC, giving a middle finger to social norms and saying whatever he wants regardless of who he might offend.

It was so amusing in the earlier chapters watching him lead the MC in circles with his roundabout questions, and probing for answers while offering no answers in return. He's a very straightforward character though, and even when he's not saying anything you can mostly understand what's going on in his head. I really liked the chapters in the middle in ML's POV where

we get to see just how down bad for MC the ML is. It's hinted at before but the extent to which the ML has been pining is amazing. Also it explains his sometimes confusing behavior at the start too, while providing a good basis for how his character will behave in the future! He was just so shy back then, truly endearing.


I will defend ML to the ends of the earth. He's not actually an as*hole okay?! I honestly see him as having some autistic qualities, with his obsession with swimming and MC, and basically ignoring everything else. Really really loved how he expressed his emotions and wasn't afraid to show his more vulnerable sides around MC.

On the ABO

I really like the world building that this novel does with the social norms and medical reality of ABO as well! One of my favorite aspects of omegaverse is the social dynamics and hierarchy that always comes about with a new gender spectrum, and this novel was definitely unique in its approach.

Pheromones are basically entirely suppressed and in a regulated and mostly safe manner, but it seems that there might be more consequences than introduced at first. There's also legal protections for Omega, and it's furthermore considered s*xual harassment to even ask someone if they are an O.


Both characters are very complex, and they both surprised me a lot in a very good way. The character development is very realistic, in that characters don't just immediately change and they actually make mistakes and have to communicate. Translation quality is amazing and I went back and read the completed TL and can safely say it's a consistently great story.

Only potential drawback is that the story really does only focus on the relationship between the two leads, so there aren't many fleshed out side characters, and the plot is mostly driven by the main characters, so if you don't like either of them it may be hard to read haha. Clearly not a problem for me as I deeply love them both, but I can understand anyone who gets bored or tired of the drama.

A small note on the NSFW scenes, as a small trigger warning on dub-con:

There's scenes where MC says no but in his head he wants to keep going, and ML will often push past MC's verbal comfort levels. However, immediately after testing those boundaries, ML will pause and check in with MC to make sure he's okay, and he will wait for confirmation before continuing.

In my opinion, this dynamic is necessary for their relationship development, as MC has way too many walls up and never says what he means without being pressured to. Having ML force MC to actually communicate his needs and limits during s*x is very necessary for MC's growth as a character, but if you're sensitive to potential dub-con scenes, would still proceed with caution during the NSFW sections!

I will say though, for a Korean BL, probably one of the more tame novels when it comes to explicit consent... if ykyk


Also just because I noted down the chapters with the NSFW scenes...


77, 79-80
148 (slightly)

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plutobird rated it
October 11, 2023
Status: c170
I wanted to send a big thank you to the translator — really love this novel so far, and it's the only novel I've been looking forward to reading each day.

There's something unique about how this story is written compared to other bl webnovels that I've read. I love the dialogue — there's a nice rhythm to it because there aren't any words wasted and the things the characters say or think all contribute to you understanding their personalities. While the ML doesn't have a ton of dialogue, what he... more>> chooses to say and how he reacts to the MC really make it clear how open-minded he is toward the MC, which is always pleasantly surprising to me given the stubborn parts of his personality.

Anyway, if you're wondering about this novel, even if you don't have any interest in swimming (I don't — but the swimming context of the story works quite well), I suggest you start reading!

Edit: (1/4/24) not sure why that one particular reviewer is so aggressively questioning other reviews, but hopefully they can eventually understand that others can hold opinions different than their own! Updated chapter count to reflect that yes this photo-less account is still reading the novel — and really enjoying it. <<less
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rolifoc rated it
August 17, 2023
Status: c189
I'm not really a fan of sports fiction, but since this novel is BL and Omegaverse, I decided to give it a try. And heck, I really enjoyed it so far. This feels fresh.

It was a bit tough to read at first, but I gradually began to understand the worldview and the characters' personality. And I have to say, they certainly do have charms.

EDIT: I'm on chapter 69 right now and omg it's so good!! It's been a while since I've read


smut where both the MC and ML actually and openly enjoyed it with consents and all. They sure did take their time with the romance but not in a bad way at all.


I really couldn't stop reading; I guess I'm addicted. Now that their relationship is turning like this, I'm curious about what will happen next. I'm really really looking forward.

If you're still hesitating whether to read this or not, just give it a try. Once you pass enough chapters, you will know how good of a read this novel is.
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apricat rated it
November 27, 2023
Status: c156
What a great story. It can be a bit of a difficult read at times if you are sensitive to topics such as depression, low self-esteem and self-harm ... more>>

(At one point MC increases his medication, hiding it from his partner and knowing that the side effects will be extremely harmful to his body, in order to have his pheromones have less impact on ML's physical condition)

But the way the author depicts these things is so well written that I still recommend picking up this story.

I think it's important to mention how the story is tagged with the Unreliable Narrator tag. Except for a brief few chapters in ML's POV, we are seeing the world through MC's eyes. He used to be a national athlete and retired at the top of his career at the age of 17-18. Now 28 years old, on the outside MC projects as a reliable, nice, sociable and responsible person that everyone loves. On the inside, however, he self describes as a coward and as someone keeps putting up barriers to prevent himself from being happy.


Personal opinion: I really wish he could surround himself with better friends. I do not appreciate how his university friend keeps putting down MC by bringing up how he used to date a lot. It is *ok* to date a lot. It is *ok* to not date.


As for ML, I was expecting him to be a much bigger red flag as he turned out to be.

I've probably read too much scum-gong novels before because when ML brings up conditions to the contract I was like "here we go" but he just asked to "swim together" and "stop smoking", and when MC didn't stop smoking he never brought it up again ahah

He is not perfect and lacks basic communication skills, but he is a 20 year old Olympic athlete who has had his entire life handled for him by various coaches, managers and his mother so I was expecting him to be much more childish and immature than he turned out to be. I appreciated a lot how he always put MC's well-being and his relationship with him before his athletic goals, and also how he tries to prop him up every time he can.

So basically! Do read if you want characters and a story with depth <3 <<less
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unstablegemini rated it
August 31, 2023
Status: c44
Translator-nim: THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!

Ever since the audio drama version came out, I have been dying to read this novel, but my korean reading skills are not good enough. I am so thankful that someone has finally been translating it.

I am a sucker for a sports romance, and this story does not disappoint in that department. It's a bit of a slow-burn, but that also adds nuance to the story. The ABO element is really interesting when combined with the whole sports theme. I would definitely recommend this story!
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Ainslee rated it
October 7, 2023
Status: c81
Before I started reading this, let's hope that the translator would complete the deed, ameen.

Why, because there's no Korean MTL 😭.

While this novel looked 🔥🔥🔥, I would be beyond myself if I couldn't finish reading it.

Translator-nim, if you saw this, please keep up, hwaiting 💪
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larilemi rated it
January 5, 2024
Status: c170
I do not leave reviews for novels in this website but I felt that I needed to in this one.

First and foremost, the translator has been doing a great job. 1- they updated the novel every day which is rare across BL novels; 2- the translation is smooth as much as possible (we are talking about a fan translation not a professional alright? Stop nagging people).

About the story: this is ABO and if you dislike that, skip it. Just go read something else. Skidadle.

Now to the people who stayed, this... more>> is a very interesting take on ABO. This is set on a time where everyone can manage their pheromones very well. It does not have a plot of everyone going crazy in the streets because of smells in the air. That was nice.

MC appears very mature at first, but is essentially a very confused person who has never truly been in love and is kind of fumbling stuff. He is a retired athelete turned manager at a sports agency. He is doing the best he can but is still confused about stuff, as we all are. I disagree when people talk about him being frustrating, I think he was written to be that way and not some kind of perfect mature person who has everything figured out. Someone very confused about his feelings and very closed off to almost everybody. "Oh but he has never been really wronged": right, does he have to have a sob story to be confused? Chill people. He is too devoted to his job and that kinda is a reason that he makes some of his many bad choices.

ML is a bad communicator and childish at times. He chose a path to get together with the MC that I would not consider completely harmless but I still think there was no abuse in this one. He is childish at times, but sometimes he gets it right. He is cute, but is aware that his lack of social awareness is a problem that causes discomfort for most people.

I like how the novel explores the world of swimming very well. I like how the characters make, in my opinion, some bad choices and actually face the consequences of their recklessness. I like how traits are not everything in this one, but still make people feel insecure about them secretly in their minds. I like how problems are problems. And:


I love how the ML actually respected and tried his hardest to adhere to the MC's previously expressed desire to not be pregnant. That he took a shot, bought a pill in an effort to do damage control, on his own. Did what he could. It did not work out, but he tried. I love how he would respect it if MC decided to not keep the baby but was happy he decided to keep it, but not without checking if MC had really thought about it carefully. That is a change in the plot of ABO that I REALLY loved. We love a respectful king.

MC is not perfect and sometimes ML, even if he is younger, kinda is more mature than him just because he is very honest with his own feelings. And I like that MC is ultra confused about stuff related to getting with ML for fear of him leaving, as all his lovers did before, while not being aware that this time he truly likes the person so what happened before should not repeat itself. So yeah, I like that he is so flawed but also gets something right sometimes.


I still think the shift from distancing to lovers is a bit too quick. But I have seen worse. So it is still ok.

If you want to see a well written ABO story that takes some things to a different route than usual, this is for you. It is sort of a light read. Problems are resolved quickly but not too much. And it is good overall. Is this Dostoievski? No. Did you expect it to be? Probably not. It is above many other novels that are much more popular.

I tune in everyday to see the upload as it is super interesting and fun.

The author did a good job. So did the translator. I would give it a solid 4 stars. The only reason it is not five star is because there is nothing that made me feel really happy or really destroyed. Overall pretty awesome. <<less
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rerexioxa rated it
September 13, 2023
Status: c189
I read all the available chapters in just one day—that's how good it is. I like sports novels and I really love BL so this combination is perfect. Sports (swimming) combined with the omegaverse world, to be honest, that's a strange combo, but it works surprisingly well.

Sometimes the ML comes out kind of pushy, but thankfully the MC is mature, reliable and can handle the situations very well. (Honestly he is my favorite in this novel because he's just like how I want to be as an adult).

As far as... more>> I'm reading there's hardly anything worth complaining about. It's just good and I enjoyed it.

And seeing how frequently it's updated, I'll be eagerly waiting until it's finished.


Updating this review now since I've finished reading the main story.

My star rating doesn't change. It deserves 5 full stars based on how good the quality is. I don't know how many times I squealed at how sweet MC and ML are and how hilarious ML's actions sometimes are. They're match made in heaven, indeed.

MC's character is a lot deeper than I expected. I thought he was just your nice and reliable next-door oppa, but behind all that, he's hiding this anxiety and low self-esteem.


There is a part in the middle when MC opens up about his fear with ML, about how he's scared of disappointing others and if no one sees his worth after quiting swimming. Honestly that part hit me like a truck, because it's so friggin relatable and I have experienced that at the lowest point of my life. But the way ML comforts him always makes me tear up. It's honest but comforting. I really love their relationship.


Anyway I'm really looking forward to the side story. <<less
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filteresque rated it
October 28, 2023
Status: c102
Very refreshing. It is slow romance but honestly that’s what makes it more realistic. I just hope it doesn’t stretch too long because that can get tiring especially since:

... more>>

The MC realizes his feelings at some point later in the novel, but it still a little... complicated and not official at the point I am at (ch102)


So hopefully the author doesn’t stretch that out too much.

The MC is one of my favorites from BL novels I found on here. Not childish, overly dramatic etc. Very nice change of pace. BUT


MC is a little (a lot*) of a softy for the ML but personally I find it endearing


Ah yes, when I got to the part, yall know the 19+ ones


The author knows how to write the hot scenes phew, and the translators delivered the message in the best way possible! I enjoyed how both leads were very receptive although for different reasons

Ps; its around ch64+


Very enjoyable if you are looking for omegaverse without some of the twisted things that happen since its set in more modern times and two handsome men getting together (eventually since.. slow romance yeah) oh and yeah hot scenes🙏 <<less
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uiui_jojo rated it
August 6, 2023
Status: c19
It's a bit early to evaluate this novel, but the content presented so far is really good and promising!

Personally, I liked the MC a lot; they are a sensible and calm person who gives the feeling of being a real adult, which contrasts with the ML, who is difficult to handle and has all these communication issues. I don't know how their relationship will evolve; it might be something toxic or just cute, but based on the writing, I think it's worth reading.

The translation is flawless; even though English isn't... more>> my primary language, I can understand it perfectly. Thank you for the translation! <<less
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klauk_96 rated it
January 4, 2024
Status: c170
The only thing I can say it’s that this is one of the BEST bl novels I’m reading right now.

I literally login on novelupdates daily just to read the new chapter of DASH (and a Tale of strategies for the throne, highly recommend).

To be honest I’ve never written a review on novel updates because of my poor english (and because I enjoy reading but not to give opinions) but I couldn’t help myself when I read a terrible review (a quite adamant one that encouraged everyone that wanted to give... more>> this novel a try to reconsider because they thought it was horrible) and I thought I should do the opposite and encourage anyone that has come across this novel to give it a try, cause it’s just that good. (I won’t spoil anything but the characters are 3D and quite well thought, there’s a lot of character development too)

It’s that good that it won a prize at the Ridibooks 2021 awards so trust the ratings and the good reviews left by all the readers. It may not end beeing your cup of tea but it’s worth giving it a try.

PD: the translator did an amazing job with this novel, just wanted to put that out there :) <<less
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hereiahr rated it
October 22, 2023
Status: --
I've been finding a book that could ignite my interest and this is one of the two novels I fell in love with this week. The translation is extremely good, the storyline is also a masterpiece. There are times that the ML will become too pushy and immature but slowly you will also learn to love those characteristics of his
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Deutschange rated it
October 20, 2023
Status: c94
I love this novel ! I practiced swimming in highschool and it's very relatable. It makes me the motivation to swim again. The love story is very healthy and the ML childish but il makes him less irrealistic. In my opinion, the MC learn how to love and have a relationship.

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