Bringing The Farm To Live In Another World


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“If he’s being badass, I’m gonna plant my own crops. If he messes with me, he will not live past next year.”

Homebody Zhao Hai brought ‘QQ Farm’ along in his traversal to another world and resided within the body of a fallen noble. His fief was a black land which nothing could be planted, and more importantly, he even had a peerlessly powerful fiancee, who was actually the successor of a duchy and future Grand Duchess!

Even more importantly, he is a magical and martial cripple who could not learn magic and martial arts. His crippling was very thorough.

“I can’t learn magic, but I have the farm. You dare attack me? I’ll release bugs to eat up your rations and crops, and put pesticides and weed agents into your water sources to make your lands grow weeds. See if you dare to attack me. What? You wanna hire killers to assassinate me? Hehehe. I’ll hide inside the little house in my farm and see how you can attack me. When you leave, I’m gonna terminate your country’s crop productions, and then all of your people will revolt. See if you dare to kill me.”

Watch how this somewhat black hearted hobo uses his QQ Farm in the world of swords and magic to become a globally known nightmarish existence.

Associated Names
One entry per line
Related Series
Transmigration with QQ Farm (17)
Release that Witch (7)
Genjitsushugi Yuusha no Oukoku Saikenki (6)
Heavenly Farmer (4)
Chronicles of Primordial Wars (3)
Hail the King (3)
Recommendation Lists
  1. my favorite
  2. Magical Space
  3. My Fave
  4. Everything I've read :) ( Highly Recommended )
  5. i dont know

Latest Release

Date Group Release
06/05/18 LightningFast BS c490-492
06/04/18 LightningFast BS c488-489
06/03/18 LightningFast BS c486-487
06/02/18 LightningFast BS c484-485
06/01/18 LightningFast BS c479-483
05/31/18 LightningFast BS c473-478
05/30/18 LightningFast BS c471-472
05/29/18 LightningFast BS c467-470
05/27/18 LightningFast BS c465-466
05/26/18 LightningFast BS c462-464
05/25/18 LightningFast BS c459-461
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177 Reviews sorted by

Loure rated it
February 1, 2018
Status: c271
If you should notice one thing about the bad reviews, it's that most of them are highly hypocritical in that they state how they don't like practically anything about the novel yet have read 250+ chapters ahead of the current translations.

With that taken care of, now to address the main point. It is understandable why there is so many chapters and the author repeating himself because this is a web novel. Web novels are updated from time to time with the author himself posting new chapters. Yes? That means that... more>> any time he posts a new chapter, he also needs to help remind any of his readers that had just noticed him adding a new chapter what has happened lately in the story.

The story itself is of an OP MC, so if you dislike an MC being OP and not really being challenged to prove his worth, this is not the novel for you. That isn't to say that there isn't challenges, but the challenges are approached rather calmly so it feels that it wasn't really a challenge of all. The battles aren't really there as the author tends to like focusing more on slice of life elements then being superhero comics style: kaboom, pow, pow, bang. Or to put it more simply, this novel is not a hotblooded novel. <<less
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-faded- rated it
May 19, 2017
Status: --
This novel gives me the wibe of a shounen manga rather than a Chinese novel. Mostly becouse of MC relationship with antagonists I gues. (Can't really pin it down)

In Chinese novels antagonists tend to be more annoying than anything else. They show up as a fated child of the heavens and spend the next few chapters educating MC of "His Place".

But here I kinda feel the "New challenger appears" wibe like in shounen manga. Coupled with the cheat power ups sessions really feels like I'm reading Dragon Ball... more>> or something.

At the very least it doesn't have a depressing mood. And the battles are interesting. <<less
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Arafell rated it
May 1, 2017
Status: --
It was excellent and unique for a long time, but eventually the author just seemed to run out of ideas.

Highlights were interesting synergy between necromancy and farming, as well as the sneaky magical retaliation the MC pulls off on occasion. I'm a sucker for world building too, so if trading and empire building is your thing, the first couple hundred chapters are pretty good.

After that, the story slows down. The MC starts to wander around, doing random things to show off how awesome his abilities are now. Any originality points... more>> gained for unique abilities are lost by poor dialogue and decision making.

4/5 for a really good opener, but it becomes too hard to read after a while. <<less
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burning_ice19 rated it
April 17, 2017
Status: c273
Rate it 3.60

The bad-ass synopsis (description) about the story above doesn't quite well match on the story. The force romance or should I say love life is actually not needed and though they give justification for the harem thingy because of his family circumstances the harem can be seen force. (Maybe I am just bias because I don't like Harem stories specially with beta Protagonist)

The story is our typical CN with O.P character with his Farmv**le dimension power. I am not expecting too much in this novel. The Battle... more>> is prolonged.

I am expecting he will ravish the field of his enemies and leave it be. But they engaged in business. I am hoping for the M.C to solely focus on his fief but unexpectedly unknown events happen and his supposed to Make a kingdom is not properly emphasized.

I don't know when did teleportation become a part of farm games. Hope they changed the synopsis and I won't volunteer to do so. Hahaha <<less
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wintang rated it
October 26, 2016
Status: c227
This is my top favorite novel which I now just read it for killing time. MC got like mega cheat skill which can no longer have to try hard on anything. I mean, literally he try but not like there are hardship. Any obstacle will solve by itself or using his skill. The farm? I have really no idea what why this about the farm anymore since its has no knowledge that support for farming. Later on episode, this novel feel like Pokemon Go, you have to catch them all... more>> (to zombie) you can catch monster+plant with skill and if the person go against you? Turn them to zombie and now they will be under your command. The strongest being expert also became a zombie with the cheat skill hahaha I was like woooh. There is no hardship at all. All the MC does now is being worrywart like a billionaire that thinking he has enough money to buy hamburger at Mcdonald. If you wanna read like heart warming funny and very guessable plot story. Here it is. From the begining to chapter 210.. I don't recall MC even bleed once nor have any injuries. now I read to 228 every opponent MC face are " truly too formidable" for him and yet he instant kill every single one of them. Hahahah this is indeed shitty story that just scroll down for fun. I can't change rating to 1 star. <<less
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October 3, 2016
Status: c196
It was a great concept I enjoyed the developments. It has the character that is as weak and not OP as possible, works his way up, then all sorts of s*upid things started happening. So basically, interesting and good story at first, but gets seriously ruined with crudely forced events around chapter 193+ so yea, don't expect to finish the whole series if you cant handle that, more so considering there are a total of almost 6, 000 chapters in the raws.

The word "otaku" is used too much in negative... more>> and derogatory ways to describe the character, and in most instances just makes it feel tacked on to the description of himself; a slightly paraphrased example being "since I am an otaku, overlooked like air and a loner" that is like, the complete opposite from my understanding considering what I have seen of anime conventions.

Anyways, around chapter 193 things start to feel REALLY FORCED and I hate that, its also at this point I really want to drop this series like a rock. The reason being other reviews talk about how in later chapters there are many events in which feel forced, and I don't mean a little forced, I mean REALLY FORCED. Like, suddenly all the characters are the dumbest people on the planet. Several good reasons listed in spoiler below

Why did the Purcell Rank 9 go into the swamp? I mean sure I guess check it out for good measure since the Buda clan mysteriously went missing just before he went to destroy them, and somehow escaping his "divine sense" that rank 9's have. It felt odd considering how EVERYONE stays clear of the swamp, including rank 9's. So it didn't feel all that forced. Just odd.

You know that giant Mosquito that is rank 9? Yea it went from normal blood mosquito to rank 9 and not only does it not know how or where the giant blood mosquito found it, but that "magical red liquid that was like blood and seemed fresh but was also ancient" That is some really forced and s*upid nonsense there.

How about how that top of world powers Rank 9 Giant mosquito monster suddenly becoming totally brainwashed to do Zhao Hai's bidding? You know, because it "Willingly" entered the space to see it. Oh yea? What about Zhao Hai's followers huh!? They also willingly entered on either the first occasion or a few shortly after, yet they are still fine (in at least the way where Zhao Hai is god kind of way).

According to some who read ahead with the raws, there are points where Zhao Hai is being chased by rank 9 experts, MANY of them. The story said he couldn't do anything and had to run and leave. Are you serious!? What about the dozens of rank 9's and the mysterious "above rank 9" existences in the swamp!? Seeing the nonsense from the Giant blood mosquito how the heck can you NOT secure them!?


So yea, in my opinion, 4/5 before the s*upid and crude forced stuff at 193+ but after that a 2/5 <<less
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October 2, 2016
Status: c195
Can't really find weaknesses, but it doesn't really stand out as the best. No romance, which is fine. Some action, some tension. People are in general logical here. MC is OP but there are a few who are still at or above MC's level.
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Anbu_Hero rated it
June 23, 2016
Status: c126
Welp. After seeing all the bad reviews I wanted to input my own opinion. This novel has been great so far. For others barely starting or reading this novel excuse me for my unkind words. First off the author himself says he is not the best writer so give the man some credit for starting something. Somethings should be left unsaid unless I totally blow off on these douches. The story so far for me has been quite eccentric. The story has been flowing well and not every chapter the... more>> main character is fighting. It does well in traversing through the characters. And shapes the story in its own well. Of course in itself there are plenty of actions and drama. As well as character development. I will continue reading this despite all these turn offing pig headed douche bags creating bad reviews for this wanting it to go their own way instead of the wishes of the author. Well for people wanting to read this from scratch here is my synopsis.

Main character wakes up in a new world with the OP power of farmville. He interacts with the new world posing as the person's body he woke up in. Characters comes and develops alongst with him throughout the story. There are plenty of wars. And other drama and story progression as he lvls up and gains more powers.

Pretty much just read it. XD <<less
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Jyindo rated it
June 2, 2016
Status: c121
This had a great start but like many reviews say later on the MC has some ridiculous leaps in power which kinda ruin the setting. However it is still very much worth a read I gave it a 4 instead of 3 because I want to believe that the story will build up more characters due to thier overall involvement making for a diverse cast, slice of life is nil and the combat isnt rlly descriptive the slow development of the mc's skill gave me hope that many characters would... more>> shine but its been kinda lackluster so far. <<less
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March 16, 2016
Status: --
I've read this until chapter 53.

This novel has a lot of potential and I think it'll be truly enjoyable. But I wouldn't recommend it to others just yet.

It is somewhat slow paced, but thanks to that we get know a lot about the world, the farm and the characters. Sadly, there isn't much "action" just yet and it is still in the introductory phase if you ask me. I think I'm going to put this aside for now and wait until it has a hundred (or a few hundred) chapters... more>> out and I'd recommend everyone else to wait for now as well. I imagine it'd be a lot more fun to read by then. <<less
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heishiken rated it
March 1, 2016
Status: --
Actually quiete enjoy this Novel as it brings something fresh to the whole waking up in another Body Genre. Also a very fun and exiting read. Also the MC is sensible and not arrogant at all, which with the Original Power he got makes the Novel all the more fun.

Definitively worth a read.
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razgallo rated it
January 22, 2016
Status: --
I like the premise of the story and setting.

It's main plot is somewhat a revenge story like most other Chinese story, main character is or has become an ordinary person and he has to rise up and cultivate farms. Also he gets a cheat. Typical.

It just suffers from a long winded info dump that won't be much use until later in the story which you will forget by the time we get there and I expect the author will let us read that thing all over again (I assume). Seven... more>> chapters in and we are still not moving in the story. Instead it repeats paragraphs that are obvious like he is a nerd, cheat spatial farm, and politics. There is a sort of sloppy backstory of the main character.

Many Chinese written stories suffer from these mediocre pacing that I cannot stand at all. <<less
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Neativ rated it
February 8, 2024
Status: c507-508
An interesting concept, it's a pity that the development of your domain was wasted. The next minus is errors in dates and numbers. For example, one chapter says level 20 is required, and two chapters later says level 30. 7 days turned into 10 in one chapter.

A constant reminder of the threat that they can't stand their ground, that the Buda clan will be wiped out, and in ten chapters they do it.

THE BIGGEST TWO CONS are the dragging of the action and the lack of logic. The author gets... more>> lost in the descriptions of dates, numbers and history. There were supposed to be two minuses xd?

Laura was made into a s*upid idiot in love
Meg's plot destroyed
This 3 is similar.
Green and this woman are also a tragedy, supposedly elite, and this woman, a level 8 magician, a tragedy, supposedly the elite of the continent xd <<less
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GwenPenn234 rated it
September 4, 2023
Status: --
It's like a neverending story, I am rereading for the 3rd time. I love this light novel. It starts slow, this is more slice of life than action. There is a crap ton of battles, this is a God of Death MC, he will always come out in top. We have seen different magic systems, technology systems, and cultivating systems. The worlds he goes to are all different and I love how he is always trying to be low key but is always the exact opposite. I think it's a... more>> running joke at this point <<less
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SolidG rated it
July 13, 2023
Status: c1000
The problem with this novel is that the author just isn't good. Full stop. I've tried reading this four times now. I think the concept is great. I really really want to like this novel. But every time I have to stop because the author just doesn't have the writing skills to deliver his concept.

The rules of how the "farm" works changes every few chapters. Sometimes levels get changed because the author cant remember what they wrote before. Some times the author will contradict themselves from one paragraph to the... more>> very next paragraph. The power scaling changes on a whim. I actually like a lot of exposition when I'm reading, but the author will repeat the same point 5 or 6 times a chapter. Sometimes characters will get swapped with another character between chapters... or even paragraphs. On several occasions one of the characters was straight up missing from a scenario.

During my first time trying to read this I thought the translation was just bad. But if you read the translators notes, they clarify that the writing really does say whatever the newest inconsistency is.

If you want to read it and you enjoy it, good for you. You can't defend this level of writing though. <<less
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Herrcolstracken rated it
June 18, 2023
Status: c209
At first this Novel was refreshing and even exhilarating, but after the 200 mark I was frustrated. For some reason, why the heck did both Meirin and Green lose their bloody brains for some reason all because they're fighting against a pseudo king?

Their reasons for being afraid is both s*upid and atypical for the nobility that should've been scheming to kill the king and their clan. Seriously? Boric? All because he had up to 5 rank 9's and a few noble houses that are likely to be the first to... more>> stab that twat in the face and now they're scared? Forgetting all their gains and the fact that the clan master is both fertility and Pestilence himself? Not to mention, the rank 9's in the Swamp and that tree that's more likely to be a rank 10 which even 10 rank 9's could beat?

And considering that I had eons more to read I quit!

The Narrative is fine, but the technicals are shite! Not to mention out of place!

If the MC and his vassals had "Timid" and "risk averse" written all over their face then maybe, It'll be believable but no! Green and Meirin were just as conniving and scheming yet all because a King was involved, they never bothered to look at the cracks. Not to mention the MC, supposedly a shut in swimming in the bountiful media of the information age yet didn't know sh*t of how his Biological, Chemical, and Psyop capabilities. Not to mention that not a single antagonist has ever been horrifying in a political standpoint. They turn into dunces that I question how this lasted for so long!

Best of luck reading CCP propaganda, because IDK what else this could be other than an equivalent to that Japanese Self masturbating "I won 40billion yen" bs with a protagonist so useless that he can't even fight for himself despite not having a history of exactly why nor any mental disabilities as justification for cowardice whatsoever.

Sorry for the rant but good luck! <<less
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vijayasharma rated it
April 26, 2023
Status: c188
I always think that harem + transmigration novels MC and ML are hypocorists. You know why because they say they want to move the world to modern times. They want technologies and remove s*avery but they don't want 1 wife, they want multiple. What kind of modern world are they talking about? Same is happening in this novel. I only read half of 188 chapter and stopped after that. I should have read reviews before starting this novel. Wated my time. I also added harem tags so this can be... more>> filtered automatically for me and for others. <<less
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p0ta92 rated it
March 25, 2023
Status: c749
So, in summary Chinese guy goes to another world with OP farm space that can brainwash people even top level monster. An invader god from divine realm that looks like normal human with Chinese arrogant personality and power that want to control lower beings to make them s*ave. Another Invader demons from demon realm that want to slaughter lower beings. Basically, the MC just go to the world that full of Chinese inhabitant and Chinese invaders, all of them are arrogant like the MC. This story is really confusing first... more>> he start as normal looking cripple noble without powers banish by the kingdom to dangerous place that no insane person even come. Then space farm come to the rescue providing them supply to live in this hell place. This space farm has the ability to mind control people even monster with godlike rank. For human when interring the space then they will have good feeling in the MC instantly and for 9 rank monster which have the power to massacre the whole kingdom and threat as nuclear weapon when interring the space they instantly become s*ave by the MC. Later the MC become more ridiculous he become dark mage controlling millions of undead even upgrade to rank 9 and later even to god rank and he have 20 millions of them what the heck. There are more insane abilities that he god like skin like crystal that even god rank can't damage. For me, this story is good at start but become tr*sh later specially during this invasion arc it become war of Chinese cultivator with their OP sound ability that can move mountains. I also hate this MC personality he just goes with the flow he even considers joining the radiant church the dogs of invader gods that want to control the inhabitant and make them s*ave if not they hostile on him and continue to pursuit him maybe he really joins them. Also, his space is his biggest secret but he keep telling more people about it even the carrion swamp also his secret hideout but he keeps dumping people there without care. He even continues to promote normal soldier to 9 rank without care about consequence take note that 9 rank is consider as nuclear bomb by the country even kings cannot move them easily but now he have millions of this and he can command them easily he even use this to massacre the dragons make them extinct in the continent. <<less
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Cow Dung
Cow Dung rated it
October 7, 2021
Status: --
i used to read this but drop because the main story seems to be not progressing before I drop I skip and skip and found the main story did not changed that much till ch1, 400 and so finally dropped it at ch 600 but I reread it again today starting ch1 the story is good the problem is it's too good "too detailed" it gets boring when you only read this that's why I decided to give it another chance but when I saw the rating I immediately browse... more>> the comment section and found out that there's actually 5, 000 raw chapters so maybe I should drop it for good this time <<less
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August 26, 2020
Status: c1554
So the people here are crying that the protagonist is too ruthless, too OP at times, living a very good life as opposite to the lives of other protagonists in other novels or the fact that he has such ... more>>

a huge harem (I finished till 1500)


Anyways, let's get down to the ruthless part. Which novel have you come across where the protagonist isn't ruthless except for the ones written by I eat tomatoes (author of Stellar Transformations, Desolate Era....). Almost all protagonists are ruthless. Yes you can say Zhao Hai maybe a bit over the top but that's just his character. Did you forget only the strong has the power to say. If you judge a story based on good and evil then I will say go and read mangas. These novels aren't for you.

Now the too OP part. Dude haven't you read enough of those novels where the protagonists just barely wins. aren't you tired of these. Just take a chill pill and enjoy Zhao Hai be cool and win battles easily. He lives a very good life in his own place. Just let the guy be and enjoy his journey as he rises to the top using OP powers and and sleeping in his own villa everyday. Though I will having more than 10k chapters and a bumpy translations in the beginning is a bit of a turn off but it gets better after like 50 chapters. I will admit having a harem is a bit of annoyance for me but that's my personal choice, many people like the harem genre.

The side characters aren't thrown away like in most of the novels. They follow the MC and even if their powers may not reach the level of MC in the later part of the story at least they aren't thrown away like in other stories. All I will say don't take the novel too seriously, take a chill pill and enjoy his journey being OP at all times and trying to lay low in the process. Though I will say the power levels are little blurred here at least in the beginning. The differences of mage system and immortal cultivation system aren't properly explained, at least I found it confusing. I just hope this novel gets translated faster so that I can enjoy it. Read too many serious novels in the past. Need a eye cleaner and this story for me is that. <<less
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