Bringing The Farm To Live In Another World


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“If he’s being badass, I’m gonna plant my own crops. If he messes with me, he will not live past next year.”

Homebody Zhao Hai brought ‘QQ Farm’ along in his traversal to another world and resided within the body of a fallen noble. His fief was a black land which nothing could be planted, and more importantly, he even had a peerlessly powerful fiancee, who was actually the successor of a duchy and future Grand Duchess!

Even more importantly, he is a magical and martial cripple who could not learn magic and martial arts. His crippling was very thorough.

“I can’t learn magic, but I have the farm. You dare attack me? I’ll release bugs to eat up your rations and crops, and put pesticides and weed agents into your water sources to make your lands grow weeds. See if you dare to attack me. What? You wanna hire killers to assassinate me? Hehehe. I’ll hide inside the little house in my farm and see how you can attack me. When you leave, I’m gonna terminate your country’s crop productions, and then all of your people will revolt. See if you dare to kill me.”

Watch how this somewhat black hearted hobo uses his QQ Farm in the world of swords and magic to become a globally known nightmarish existence.

Associated Names
One entry per line
Related Series
Transmigration with QQ Farm (17)
Release that Witch (7)
Genjitsushugi Yuusha no Oukoku Saikenki (6)
Heavenly Farmer (4)
Chronicles of Primordial Wars (3)
Hail the King (3)
Recommendation Lists
  1. my favorite
  2. Magical Space
  3. My Fave
  4. Everything I've read :) ( Highly Recommended )
  5. i dont know

Latest Release

Date Group Release
05/06/21 LightningFast BS c1531-1534
04/29/21 LightningFast BS c1529-1530
04/27/21 LightningFast BS c1526-1528
04/24/21 LightningFast BS c1520-1525
04/14/21 LightningFast BS c1516-1519
04/05/21 LightningFast BS c1514-1515
03/30/21 LightningFast BS c1510-1513
03/22/21 LightningFast BS c1507-1509
03/18/21 LightningFast BS c1503-1506
03/10/21 LightningFast BS c1500-1502
03/02/21 LightningFast BS c1498-1499
02/28/21 LightningFast BS c1496-1497
02/24/21 LightningFast BS c1494-1495
02/19/21 LightningFast BS c1489-1493
02/09/21 LightningFast BS c1487-1488
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177 Reviews sorted by

skillzrock rated it
April 5, 2020
Status: c964
Awesome power fantasy OP MC novel. It handles the issue of out growing the current max power levels very smoothly and the expansion of the universe is interesting and doesn't detract from the novel. Very pleased with the longevity of the novel compared to others with similar number of chapters.
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March 8, 2020
Status: c1115
My opinion on reading this novel

It was a good read considering the overall concept and style.

The MC is OP as expected and yes, it's the kinda OP that just happens and I'm cool with that. It's also very simple. Depends on how your mindset, it might bore you due to it's simpleness or enjoy a bit of respite from reading serious novels which hace grinded your brains to mush.

The harem situation tho makes me cringe so bad I skip those parts. Maybe because I'm a woman that it distracting me... more>> when concentrating on the story.

Also, conspiracies and other intricate plots are simplified and you only need to take it as it is instead of being intrigued of the whys and hows of the event. There is not much emotion shown by the characters, in this aspect it is very much lacking. Sample are guilt, betrayal or disappointment, these deep emotions are just words you need to take at face value because there is no descriptive of the character's emotional state.

I read it with a light mindset and I enjoyed it although I can't totally remove my personal biasses as I read. The general plot or concept is interesting enough for me to stay since the novels with same concepts that i've read are not very far on the translation. <<less
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tides rated it
September 7, 2019
Status: c735
updated daily non-stop for over 6 years and has over 10, 000 chapters on qidian.

you have to give some kudo to the author for being the most hard working, consistent and devoted author on this planet.

but the novel itself doesn't really deserve 5 stars. Maybe a 4.

... more>> the description is misleading and the farm is there just to help him run the kingdom and provide all sorts of cheat you can think about. It's wish fulfillment at it's best.

the wives/harem is fantastic and they are there to help the MC with the running of his kingdom, his farm and help him strategize.

it does get repetitive (durh, it has over 10, 000 chapters) but if you just skip the copy/paste speeches that that MC makes as he's running around bulldozing the world, you'll find that the novel isn't really that bad.

it isn't the best but it's still better than the majority of CN novels that you will read. <<less
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August 31, 2019
Status: c230
I gave one star to spare people who think this might be interesting.

I was intrigued by the concept, it's simple, OP, but different from the usual "MC is OP and can fight anyone" stuff.

The whole point is that the MC cannot fight, can't use magic or cultivate. He doesn't need to though because of his endless summons. Ofc he could still be vulnerable against assassinations, since his body itself is weak, but that is alleviated by his summons and by chapter 200ish completely solved by magic items. (Not to mention... more>> plot armor)

The MC is an idiot, but lucky for him everybody else is even s*upider so he can really shine as a genius.

The premise is too good and it makes me sad how bad this is. It would have been great to read about how he develops his desert land and sells his vegetables, but instead the desert becomes irrelevant, first because it's too hard to defend/develop, later because his magic farm becomes exponentially larger.

I should have been alarmed right at the start when he first used his farm. He doesn't have to do anything, just think it and it is done. This basically makes the MC a god, even if his domain is initially small. I would have loved to see him struggle to plow his magic land with his weakened constitution and (quite literally) harvest the fruits of his hard work. This doesn't happen, the farm does everything by itself, except it needs input commands to sow and harvest.

Avoid this novel, or if you don't please pay attention to how things happen in it in the first few chapters, because it's all downhill from there. <<less
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dJava rated it
August 13, 2019
Status: c1k
Many times I want to retort with the story. Because it has many plotholes, and many MANY inconsistent (both stories and characters. Hell! I can't even understand what is the characters true nature, because it seems change abruptly many times)

But I can't help to find the overall story and the idea interesting. It just the author being poor in writing the idea. He/she doesn't understand the story management that well. (Plus, with the novel end up in many translators, make it quiet jumble translation)

So is it worth reading?... more>> For me, yes. For others? Maybe yes, or certainly no.

#update: the quality has never improved, rather, its decreasing. Even if I said the idea was interesting, but the story and the writing just keep getting worst. Dropping this. <<less
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May 5, 2019
Status: c190
I enjoyed the first maybe 100 chapters, reading in for hours on end because I love ttansmigration with farms. I liked how the MC was moving towards improving the buda clan but when he started to seee meg in a romantic light, and when his grandparents started egging him on to the taylor swift look alike. That just annoyed me. It just started looking like the charcter will get annoying, the plot would lag on with now wooow, exciting moments like in the [transmigration with a qq farm] LN does... more>> for me. That one is wayy better than this.

So this is dropped. <<less
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acceleratorrr rated it
March 18, 2019
Status: c750
I read 700+ chapters right up to the arch with the descent from the divine kingdom. I think the idea itself with the farm is not bad, only the badly is realized. The main character is one continuous misunderstanding, having almost divine abilities

he realizes them as a six-year-old autist, and at the same time he considers himself a genius and the rest almost idolize him for his brilliant intellect. The main character has the power to destroy all his enemies without loss (the first 500 chapters), but he is... more>> so cowardly that he runs from one hole to another without any reason. 2/5 most gentle evaluation. <<less
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3ill4ll rated it
March 2, 2019
Status: c232
The novel for me is fine for the time being. The only issue I have with this novel is that the romance, it's totally SHIT. The romance progressed so fast with the second female, Laura. Why do I have this issue? It's simple. The person who I thought was the MAIN heroine was supposedly Meg. But nope, she was thrown into the background and is hardly mention or have any interaction with the MC ever since this new female showed up. Given the way, the Author describes Laura as being... more>> like, Taylor Swift. I honestly thought he might have a crush for the singer.

Anyway, I know it's a harem base off the comments. But making a harem novel isn't easy and can easily go downhill if you just keep adding female characters just to worship the MC. Anyway, there are other things that I find irritating such as sometimes the MC act smart but later is s*upid that I don't know why he can't seem to think. An example of that would be when he was crossing the border to the beast land and had to pay 1000 gold coins. Why didn't he just went into his space and had his bird carry the cane and resummon them outside the space afterward?

Honestly, I don't mind many things but I just hope the author stay consistent with the MC and other important side character personalities. If they're smart, don't make them do something s*upid that is out of their characters. <<less
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flying_horse rated it
November 8, 2018
Status: c500
Most brain dead novel I have ever read

MC is more s*upid than a potato and the plot dryer than a dessert. It's almost painful to read. Every interaction is drawn out to almost a full chapter. You can skip not only paragraphs but even full chapters and you would not even notice the differense

The farm that the MC has as an ability is quickly put to the side and the main point seems to be interactions between the MC and everyone else. That can be his wife, his inlaws, his... more>> other wife, his other inlaws, his future wife, his curent trading parter who is also his future father in law, or a rundom character that happend to pass by and is now important. In short any and all females introudused are going to become wifes. Everyone alse is going to be in constant owe of what the MC can accomplish and will talk about it the entire time they open their mouth

The MC on the other hand is portaied as a normal guy who just happed to traverse to the other world, and actually he remais that throughout the story. He doesn't grow in any way and is still a s*upid guy surouned with yes-men who take all he says to be gold. Only difference from the begining is that now he is strong

Speaking of srtong, MC is not in fact strong himself but is considered so because of the undead he uses to protect himself, winning every fight with numbers while he sits at the back being flatered by his entourage, so in the action schenes the novel gets a zero <<less
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KazumaAyasaki rated it
July 21, 2018
Status: c569
i’m sometimes wonder if MC really a nerd? So called had read so many novels yet act like a completely clueless young master, have great power yet the usage is really bad, is his power really a secret or not? Saying that power will bring doom yet use it in front of many people that can be potetianlly leaking the secret.. The author is just really bad at designing mc’s mind and plot (cautious protagonist my ass)
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Ferrum_Sound rated it
July 11, 2018
Status: c261
The story is not really consistent with title. While MC has a magical farm, it is just a background prop. MC mostly uses farms "Extra" functions, mainly brainwashing and undead. MC is totally braindead and has no desires. I don't really understand why would somebody like him. In every event his farm does everything for him. The "Farm" is really OP, but MC is too s*upid to use it. In the story everybody worships MC, but I think it's because farm is brainwashing everybody to like MC and be loyal... more>> to him. Every animal, undead, magical beast, demon, sprite are momentarily loyal to MC when they enter farm space. It is said that rank 9 magical beast smarter that human, has a personality and are generally better than human in every aspect. So this brainwashing probably means it is doing the same to humans just a bit more subtle.

The story very inconsistent, with information that does nothing to do with story. Like talking whole chapter about a very important fortress, that is in MC way and then just skip over it not ever be seen.

Writing style, while it can be translators fault, is very bad. Characters have no personality what so ever and writers try in romance is so pathetic that preschooler have more romance experience.

All things considered, story idea in good, but writer is a moron so 2 stars. <<less
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VictisVae rated it
July 1, 2018
Status: c487
I hoped that the MC would stay "normal" but after gaining power he starts to get drunk on it and develops a God complex. He is becoming like other Chinese MCs in this type of novels. Killing and creating a harem while being a hypocrite.
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MyRAMEN rated it
June 22, 2018
Status: c39
Basically good book andexcellant start however thebook gets bland very quick. Its like the author ran out of ideas or got lazy in its development. I liked the idea though and might readagain later but I dont like it asmuch because its something I cant continously read. If your ok with bland writing but ok/good "kingdom" (the MC banished novel starting frm scratch basically) development/building than read with the interesting farm mix.
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March 24, 2018
Status: --
For me it's a good read to pass some boring time.

- IT'S about someone that got transferred to another world with a super-unreasonable cheat.

Basically he got to keep a farming-game system in his head (?) So don't even hope that you'll find the MC working on a field to get some corn.

... more>> The story is the usual cliché of a banished young master, to a wasteland but in this story the MC get to keep some of his family's servant and s*ave.

The usual formula,

Transported -> Problem every where -> Cheat utility -> Lucky encounter = OP &Worshipped MC.

Good read for passing time but don't expect something seriously logical because it's more like a story about 'living-with-a-cheat-in-another-world' <<less
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bushwhacker2k rated it
December 15, 2017
Status: c53
The premise is totally workable (though it is overpowered to the point that it removes most of the tension). It's not a combat buff, so the author would have to innovate with how the protagonist becomes successful and survives.

My biggest hangup is the narrative perspective and constant repetition.

Everything is stated, "Then he did this and they were surprised. This happened and they went here." Novels are best told from a first-person perspective, where the readers can embrace the perspective of the protagonist and their feelings, like they're experiencing the story... more>> through them.

The repetition gets really annoying, to the point where it feels like there's no progression of the story. Yes, I understand that his farm is powerful and that grandma is a magician, you don't need to remind me every chapter. With story-telling like this, it's almost understandable that there are over 7000 chapters... <<less
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torchingice rated it
October 6, 2017
Status: c1500

Beginning:4/5 stars

Chapter1500?:2/5 stars

Really, the quality of this story goes down to the gutters after a while. Everything becomes so redundant. What happened plot-wise in the beginning just repeats in a bigger scale, again and again. It feels really dragging Eventually our MC gets so strong that the story isn't even fun or interesting to read anymore. If you can deal with the complete lack of regard for millions of human lives then maybe this won't be as big a deal breaker for you.

Though I would recommend reading the beginning (200+chapters), but prepare to be disappointed with the direction after a while... and just drop it then I guess. Well, if your not planning on jumping to the raws, this story will take years to be translated anyway.

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ArthurCollins rated it
August 12, 2017
Status: c278
This novel is really a tale of two extremes. On one hand an extremely unique and interesting power (Overpowered to the extreme) that evolves from simple farming into a ridiculous mismatch of OP powers. I really enjoyed this aspect as it was refreshing even if it was extremely OP. The overall story wasn't bad either with political intrigue (albeit very basic) and even some business/economic aspects that I liked. On the other hand it is one of the most repetitive novels on the planet. I guarantee the author could have... more>> written the same amount of info/story in half the chapters if he didn't consistently repeat the same info and go into ridiculous unneeded monologues and infodumps.

I both hate and love this novel but the uniqueness and interesting power made it a reasonably entertaining read. I also enjoyed the translators notes about how inconsistent the author was. Ironically these comments were far funnier then the authors lame attempts at humor.

If it wasn't for its repetitiveness and weak characters it would easily be a 5/5 but because of these limitations I give it a 3.5/5 but rounded up because I did enjoy it.

Oh BTW Taylor Swift, not personally a fan but I thought it was hilarious that the MC (and probably the Author) was such a fan that he ends up meeting the fantasy world version. <<less
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args.equals.5 rated it
July 3, 2017
Status: --
MC's father supported the failed successions-side of the throne and hides his income from the government and thus avoids paying taxes. I mean other novels have rags-to-riches kind of story but this is essentially a tax avoidance story. MC's a noble, pretty much a land-holding baron, but returns very little to his country and feels no guilt either; MC prob wouldn't even honor a call-to-war from the country.
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dark soul
dark soul
September 26, 2016
Status: --
A unique novel based on farming and kingdom building. Well, pace is a bit slow but still it doesn't affect much to the story. Game elements are described well and character building is awesome. Overall 4/5, definitely a good read!
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LairoftheEast rated it
April 11, 2016
Status: --
Opinion as of chapter 73.

Story had a promising beginning. MC with an ability I haven't seen before, and he's gonna use it to overcome the obstacles placed before him. I liked that he had his back against the wall from the start. But the pacing of this is way too slow for my tastes. Lots of unnecessary world building without returning to the greater plot line. It feels like the last 10-15 chapters have been nothing but side stories. I won't be reading anymore.
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