After Crossing Through Ten Worlds, I Failed To Run Away


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Ji Ning is an experienced transmigrator. His mission was to capture male protagonists inside various novels. Once he succeeded, he escaped by dying and continued with his mission in the next world.

Each protagonist was devastated by Ji Ning’s death yet Ji Ning remained indifferent, until the day the worlds merged together and the protagonists found he wasn’t dead. One by one, they arrived at his door-

The Xianxia protagonist: I cultivated immortality, mastered Tao, and shattered the void, all for you. You have escaped for two thousand years, where do you want to escape to now?

The interstellar protagonist: If you don’t want your home planet to be destroyed, obediently come back with me.

The infinite flow protagonist: Since you’ve run away, I’ll cut you to pieces so your soul can only belong to me. Don’t be afraid, I still love you!

The wealthy president ABO protagonist: You think I can’t get you pregnant if you’re not an omega?

There were more protagonists from different novels such as Western fantasy, the court palace, vampires, the apocalypse, and martial arts.

Ji Ning, who was attacking a protagonist in the entertainment industry: ??

The protagonist of the entertainment industry: Do you think I like the colour green? If you don’t cut ties with them, I’ll never fall in love with you.

Ji Ning: …No, I’m sorry!

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One entry per line
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24 Reviews sorted by

Jwel rated it
July 5, 2022
Status: Completed
This novel invoke different kinds of emotion in me. I feel annoyed and angry on some protagonist and I adore the others.

This may not suit everyone since other ML is crazy or scumbag or psychotic but in the end I realize the reason on why they are the extremes

... more>>

MC is actually dying and in order to stimulate his brain, a system was created to let the brain continues to work. MC's original task was to make the female lead love him but in the first world, it was the ML who fell with him and system changed the task to making the ML love him.

In every world the ML fell in love with him and MC dies leaving the ML in dispair. This prompts ML of the stories to go beyond and search for MC.

There are different types of ML, the possive, the lustful, the cutie, the elder brother like, the yandre, the nice guy... Etc etc. So basically, they are different from each other.

It was then revealed that the system is MC's friend who loved him but died. Before he died, he volunteered to have his brain used for medical purposes, hence he became a system used to stimulate brains of critical patients. The system doesn't have emotion but he has some memories about MC. Each ML represents different parts of ML's love to MC. It represents his childish crush when they were young, his love as an elder brother, his care and hope for MC to live happy life without him, his pain of hiding his love, his anger cause of the taboo love as homosexual, his unrequitted love, his mature love, his lust, and his regret of dying without confessing to MC and not growing old with him.

This is why some ML is so annoying and some are adorable. it consist if MLs good and bad side only to the extremes.

I totally adore Ark the humanoid angel. He represents ML's crush. He is content to get a head pat and hug from MC. Totally meng.

When the MLs realize that they are just part of the real ML, they didnt accept it easily, but one by one they let go of it. The MC have to fulfil their wish to let go.

This is actually the sad part. I could really see that they love MC in their own way. When they started to let go of him, it made me cry.

I also adore Qinghan, the first to let go and accept the merge with the system. He represent MLs utmost care and wish for MC to live a happy life even without him.

In the end the system got all fragments and became the whole ML.

At first I thought that MC was forced to like the ML, but no. When MC saw the systems body, his intense emotion was trigger that it almost made his life in critical condition. It shows that ML is really someone MC loved. And the reason why MC wants to live and go back to the real world was because, he knew that losing someone you love is painful. He doesnt want his family to feel the pain he felt when he lost ML.


Overall, I like this novel. I know it may not suit everyones taste but I still recommend to give this novel a chance. You just need a broad perspective to understand the different emotion the ML has thru the fragments. <<less
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Bb_me rated it
July 21, 2022
Status: c27
I suggest ACTUALLY reading the novel first before making your opinion or rating based on just a review. The novel's actually pretty entertaining to read to pass the time, and it definitely should have a rating above three stars.

(Edit: I made this review last year when the novel had 3 Stars, so I'm sorry if I sound passive aggressive.)

  • The MC
Ji Ning sn't OP or anything which I really like. He definitely has skills and types of abilities, but most of his abilities are generally restricted depending on the... more>> worlds he gets transported/assigned to. He makes mistakes and shows emotions unlike some ice-block protagonists, and he's usually a strong-hard optimist.

  • The System
The system is not that BAD. I've read @ 7starkiller9's reviews about the system and it's issues and although some of it are true, not everything is. The system, named "future", even proactively tries to comfort the MC. It's messages to convey it's concerns might have not been warm, but future still comforted him multiple times. Quote:

Due to the unstable state of your soul, the pill you just took could have directly killed you. Although it is possible to resurrect you, you should cherish your life as much as possible.

If you can't even look after yourself, how can you save others? Please try to remember this Ji Ning.

Thank you for comforting me Future.

  • The MLs, their worlds and backstories with Ji Ning
MLs: Overall everything is just WOW. I really, really enjoyed reading the backstories of some of the MLs. They just feel so freaking creative, sad and real that I genuinely feel pity for most of the MLs. What they do and their motivations so far (since only half of the MLs have been introduced), feels justified. I mean I don't necessarily agree with what they do, especially what Ying Qianqiu did for MC, but I understood why he still did it.


Worlds: The story has different types of world concepts depending on the MLs/MC and they're overall pretty good. We have MC being a vampire hunter who was forced to a blood-pact by a vampire, MC being a "god" in a dynasty full of devoted people, MC being a pitiful ghost bounded together by a ghost-tamer, MC being the "once in a century" genius arranged to marry a nobody, a nobody who'll walk the demonic path and take revenge just for him and try to bring MC back to life, etc.


I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one thinking of this, but I wished the author made another novel or extras about Ji Ning's travels before the current timeline. There's tiny backstories sprinkled throughout the novel and the I LOVE some of the premises mentioned. So if the author does make extensions, someone please inform me.

So all in all, I highly suggest reading this novel, it's not perfect, but it's a good novel. <<less
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Tiger_lily rated it
November 10, 2022
Status: Completed
Hi - translator here!!

I absolutely love this story (obviously) but I wanted to straighten some things out.

What made this novel stand out for me was the utter sincerity of the worlds, the characters, and the ML and mc's love for each other. I love quick transmigration novels, but sometimes the final relationship between the main characters can feel rushed at the end. However, in this novel their love is so genuine and heartfelt that their relationship seems only natural.

Although there are eleven (yes, eleven - what a shameful protagonist we... more>> have!) ml's, none of the characters feel rushed. I found that my favourite ML would change almost every chapter because of how funny, captivating and seductive they all are!


Our ML is very hardworking - he's the male lead, the second male lead, the antagonist and the love interest all at once!


A previous reviewer mentioned that the MC is 'forced to be gay or die' which technically yes and no - originally he was 'forced to be straight or die' so it really comes down to s*xual preferences to say which one of those was worse and Ji Ning says he has no preference. Additionally, in later chapters it is clear that Ji Ning did in fact like Herinos, even though he ultimately had to follow the mission assigned to him.

This is a 1v1 relationship but the journey to get there is so heartbreaking - I don't often cry reading novels but this one really made me sob. The author has a beautiful writing style and her twists are so thrilling to read! Her cliffhangers are legendary! If you enjoyed her other novel, "I rely on kisses to clear survival games" then you'll love this novel too.

Ah, I feel like an overenthusiastic car salesman but I just really love this novel, so thank you to my adorable readers!! <<less
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haine22 rated it
June 15, 2022
Status: Completed
Very thrilling like the author's other works (and I think there are scenes that are a nod to "I Rely on Kisses to Clear Survival Games" and "After Regenerating into an Omega..." which are actually also my favorites heehee). Also, I couldn't put the story down. Good pacing and flow (especially as there's a lot of peach-blossom-debts/mini-plots crammed in and are connected logically. So, the "whiplashes" and "sense of disobedience" is very intentional - I think the author executed the transitions really well while including a good amount of foreshadowing).... more>> Yes I came for the yandere bois (and stayed for the cinnamon rolls), but I was pleasantly surprised by how deeply romantic this novel is and the themes of "cause & effect" (karma?).


Fu Qinghan is my bias (he's so gentle and considerate and makes MC feel safe and secure) and he's the only guy to sincerely wish MC peace and happiness selflessly. He gives you second male lead vibes tho T_T

And yeah Jiang Che is my fav too because he's the most precious existence to Ji Ning and the one who he'll always choose. He's also interesting as a character because we readers get to know him through the other characters and he doesn't actually appear until the very end

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7starkiller99 rated it
June 26, 2022
Status: c91
Novel absolutely not recommended to read.

Edit: Novel becomes even worse and tr*shier than anything before. The author rushed a crappy "everyone all at once" as well as "MC cutting cause and effects by fulfilling people" and "System did this to stimulate MC brain" which is even more ridiculous. Anyway worthless t garbage novel.

The story is a convoluted mess where MC, a system tasker who raids men, is suddenly in a situation where he is interrupted raiding The target in this plane and a whole ton of previous raiding targets appear.

MC... more>> trusts the scum system that actively forced him to be gay (quite literally spelled out in the story, no joke) or die. His first world had things go wrong so he was forced to be with a vampire man instead of the heroine. There's endless word dumps, more nonsense bad romance, and tons of ridiculous scum targets.

All in all it's a messy garbage fest that really isn't worth the time. There's no real romance and the story seems to only be torturing the MC. Tr*sh -900Nonatillion/10. <<less
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NovelenthusiastIDK rated it
June 19, 2023
Status: c42
It's chaotic, keeps jumping timelines and places. Above all, MC is so plain. He has a personality of a toast. Only when he plays a character does it get better. Furthermore, ML's are unappealing, they're either boring or psychotic.
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October 15, 2023
Status: c21
Status: dropped chapter 21

I wont rate this one as my choice to drop is because I'm not a fan of the story, it's actually really well written and the translation quality is great, but for me there are too many mls for me to really get hooked and invested.

What is good to note (because I always check this before I start reading) is that this is not a harem novel, it's 1v1 (which is the reason I gave it a chance)

You should also note that most (all?) Of the... more>> mls have big red flags. I love these types of ML in fiction so it wasn't a problem for me, but it's still good to note for anyone interested.

The concept is really interesting but I can't help but feel we are missing out as this story takes place after the MC has travelled to all of these worlds and wooed the mls. This isn't really the novel for you if you want a fluffy romance novel, but definitely give it a go I you like problematic mls that give the MC a bit of a hard time through pure inconvenience. <<less
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Severe rated it
January 3, 2023
Status: Completed
It was a great novel with an awful ending. How much I enjoyed the process equals of how much I hate it in the end. Starting from 90th chapter, the bullsh*t became unberable.

For those who are familiar with a genre, here is a mild spoiler-

I WISH it was a harem. I wouldn't mind that twisted relationship of 11 vs 1. Because they ALL made me compassionate, their characters were distinct and real. To hell with that ending.

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SilverWolfHiddenInSnow rated it
March 20, 2023
Status: Completed
This was a great story. Amazing. Watching a scum shou we can’t help but love get stuck between 11 people

that are all facets of 1 person’s soul

. What I was not expecting is how the ending broke the dam and triggered a flood of tears. It’s nothing hurtful, it just hit me super hard. I really recommend this. You won’t regret it.
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WeirdPersonOnTheInternet rated it
September 24, 2022
Status: Completed
I really enjoyed this story. It's sweet, funny, and exciting. The ending is just so cute and somewhat bittersweet. I also enjoyed following our protag as he's quite cute and fun and dense at times. These types of stories aren't for everyone but if you enjoy "Need to propose to seven men" or "a wave of exes came looking fot me" or any ither novels alike then you'll enjoy this. There are some sad moments but most of the time it's quite lighthearted. 4.5/10. I reccomend if your in the... more>> mood for a lot of shura field scenes and jealousy coming from the MLs. <<less
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Staringatastar rated it
August 11, 2023
Status: Completed
Wow. The translator is right. This story is so carefully crafted. I had no idea how something like this would work (and frankly, didn't really think it would...), but the author proved me wrong. She somehow managed to tell 10+ qt short stories all at once! I've never read such a spectacle.

And even better, the author really fleshes out each character, their environment, and their backstory. And while in most qt stories, some arcs get lost as the novel progresses onto fresher stories, they don't here! Even if you briefly... more>> forget some characters, they come back, enhance their personalities, and weave together to form a more complete story.

I loved how the author depicted the colliding planes. It seemed impossible for things to work out in the end, but like all amazing fantasy stories, things perfectly tied together into a satisfying resolution. The author keeps assuring us that she is a sweet author throwing out sugar (as she writes about cannibalistic love), but in the end, I almost believe her. I also loved the long author note (that the translator kindly included) at the end. It was fascinating to think about the alternative personalities some of the characters could have had. I feel like that but itself could be another novel.

The story even has a bit of a moral - don't hide your love! It's not worth antagonizing yourself over it, appreciate the present! The author also makes a bit of a commentary on how two dimensional many (even well - fleshed out) qt characters can be. Many times, they really do feel like extreme, or incomplete versions of a person. Would a real person really be so caring, or so obsessive, or so angsty? People should be more complex and more nuanced than that.

And that's why novels are not reality 😊 <<less
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Szara rated it
April 4, 2023
Status: c42
It's your typical world-hopping story, with a bunch of smaller stories within the main story. My main criticism is that disjointed structure reads like a mess, as we jump back and forth between the present and past, from story A to B to C, then back to A, to D, then back to B and so on.

These smaller stories are interesting and have potential, but I felt that most were not fully fleshed out as we only get occasional snippets of flashbacks interspersed throughout the main story.

This isn't necessarily a... more>> bad thing, but maybe I just prefer more linear storytelling. It sometimes feels overwhelming to keep track of all the storylines when you constantly jump back and forth.

There are 11 MLs, and many of them show up at the same time. If you're a veteran reader of transmigration novels, it's no surprise when it's revealed that


they are all the same person.

I am disappointed that the author would use this trope. Not that it's bad per se, but just because that it's been done SO many times before.

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binkspinx rated it
January 17, 2024
Status: Completed
I rlly tried to like this story but the story progression got more and more boring every chapter. I like QTs and MLs' description in every world sounds cool and all but that's that. I feel like the actual MLs when u finally meet them didn't do the description any justice. It's like they raised my expectations high but didn't serve lol so much potential wasted!

Also, the MLs and MC felt one dimentional, feels like they are just following a script. Should be 1 but making it 3 because I... more>> think the translation and explanations are great. Thanks for the translation!

Edit: Idk how to change the stars, it's stuck on 1 <<less
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ZeyFletcher rated it
September 20, 2023
Status: Completed
Perfecttt 🥰 idc what anyone says, I love this novel sm!! I read it without stopping ❤

For the plot

I like it, although some had too little screen time compared to others, I still feel attached to all the characters, (ok I think not so much to lai 😥) anw, I love the 11 or 12 ML hehehe it was a bit of a pity that we didn't get to see a very clingy and sweet Ji Ning, cause through all the worlds and happenings he had his emotions blocked and in the real world it was too short, but it was still a fulfilling end. The worlds of the MLs were also really different from world hopping worlds.


For the characters


Ji Ning - it's funny how his bias was really showing AHHAHA but I love him, honestly he is probably the one who did not have much flashbacks LOL, like we didn't really get to know how he really is because he is always acting and it changes depending on who he's with. I guess I kinda wished the block in his emotion was also a bit affected during all those complications but it wasn't lol, I guess he would have lost his mind if he didn't have that. I think he'd be too softhearted if he didn't have that emotion block. ANW, I love him

Gu Chen - I also like actors, and when I think about it, he actually got many scenes with Ji Ning, or at least I think so because of that holographic video, it was very intimate hehe. Also, Ji Ning was kinda pursuing him the whole time cause of his 'mission'. I like him, he tried too HAHAH and they said he as the closest to Jiang Che

Huo Wuling - to be fair, I didn't like him at first because of how weird he appeared, it honestly surprised me how the translator and author has him as their bias/favorite. I really didnt like him in his first appearance cause he kinda c*ckblocked gu chen and ji ning HAHAHA U know what I meann. Anw, as time passed, I actually believed he was the one who understood Ji Ning the most. Because of the many world kind of thing, and how he was always with him in his shadow. In the end, I liked him too. I love how he acted when it was said that they would have to fuse, he didnt wanna lose himself. I mean after all, he did get through too much. He also had been the most mysterious I guess? Like with the grocery store and all that. I like how he just fights everyone too lol, he does right?

Herinos - idk why but I actually really like him ever since his first appearance, opposite to huo wuling. I like how Ji Ning liked him too and felt bad for him. As a vampire, he was actually really sweet. Even his backstory is kinda sad but its because he really like Ji Ning. He even had a black room scene hehe Over time, he lost screen time tho, it was a pity. He's always awayy and we didn't get to know where he goes HAHHA I still love him, esp when he's getting angry or jealous hehe we love a vampire

Ying Qianqui - to be honest, I always forget his backstory, even now, I can't seem to remember what exactly it was about. Oh wait, I remember. He was the one where he didn't like Ji Ning at first and Ji Ning keeps on pursuing him, but when Ji Ning stopped, he missed him and yes, ok. I remembered him cause of the fight/competition scene and how Ji Ning is a devil (?) and he is the righteous cultivator or something. I also remember how the translator said that he was the only ML who Ji Ning didn't want to appear in front of cause he feels bad to give him hope when he would be gone when the world returns to normal. I also remember now that he was the one who plays the sound of Ji Nings voice in a recorder. OK. I remember now that I liked him very much too when he first appeared. He was also memorable with the other ML cause he was the quiet one.

Lai Senger - ok, he is the one I feel the most distant with. It's cause he's always in that game, and he did not have much interaction with the other MLs, I guess that made him unique and easily memorable but I like those interactions. Anw, he was also an enemy to lover kind of trope and he was actually a really OP ML. I remember him for his shamelessness especially for those choices he gave to Ji Ning lol, the ones with the square block ⬛.

Qin Ruwang - I liked him at first sight because Ji Ning was really worried for him. I'm happy that he got that fake happy ending/ illusion because he had too many regrets. It was really sad what happened to her mother and how Ji Ning had to leave him early. He didn't have too much scenes, I just know that I like him cause Ji Ning cares for him.

Ozer - He, I actually like him. I felt so bad for him cause the translator's calling him a scumbag, but his backstory was really cruel. He was even handicapped. And he had spiritual power problems. AND homos*xual love is forbidden in their world. OK, I definitely feel bad for him. It was also sad how Ji Ning was running away from him the whole time, when he just really misses him. I love him, yes, probably one of my fave, huhu, this really says too much about me. The way he realized his feelings for Ji Ning was really good. His status was cool too, everyone knows him hehe. Tho he was really a pain in the neck of Ji Ning HAHAHA

Ark - He's just a cutie pie, I love how he represented Jiang Che's first love, first everything with Ji Ning. He was really cute and sweet, and he even had a sidekick or something hahah he was also the only one who saw Ji Ning as a mermaid. It was also funny how he was dragged around, like from his world, to Ji Ning's apartment, to abroad, because they were running away from Ozer. Miss those times HAHHA He a really cutie

Zhou Rin - oh, this poor guy. Even his supposed-to-be-happy illusion wasn't that happy!! Ji Ning!! You tortured him cause you were so scared of getting pregnant! Huhu, I even like ABO but because of Ji Ning I didn't get to enjoy this world HAHAH. I feel so bad for Zhou Rin, esp cause he had that moral dilemma with his brother. And his brother even died 😫 how can he fight with a dead person! And he didn't really had a chance to begin with cause of their attitude towards each other huhu. He was so misunderstood, I was so happy when they solved that misunderstanding in Ji Ning's house in countryside. In the illusion, I was also real happy for Zhou Rin, but then he got attacked by that moral dilemma, and he actually made me cry 😭. I like how he got his screen time on that arc cause he didn't get much on the first one.

Yun Yuan - this one, I also feel bad for him. Wait, is his backstory the one I wrote for lying qianqu? Omg idk. I don't think sooo. He was the one who reincarnated to reach a higher level right. Imagine living peacefully but then getting bothered by a cute guy and then falling in love with that cute guy and when it's time for you to marry each other after all the hardships, he leaves you?? And he was literally minding his own business?? I feel bad for him but not as bad with Zhou Rin cause his sadness turned to anger lol. Its a pity that Ji Ning didnt seem so considerate with him, JN was always afraid of him. He waited for 2000 years tho. It was funny how Lai had to convince him to fuse with Jiang Che. I think he's the character who deserved better treatment from Ji Ning. Cause Ji Ning really flirted with him, while Zhou Rin fell in love by himself lol.

Fu Qinghan - welp, here's our ML who acted like a second lead lol. He was such an angel, it was cute how Ji Ning was so dependent to him cause he raised him as a fox. I remember him very much cause he was so good. He even left first in the end cause he just wanted Ji Ning's wish to come true huhu. What a good guy, and the fact that the author introduced him last!! This author really love the red flags HAHAHA his backstory was also kinda sad, cause of how Ji Ning said that he was the most powerful man under the heavens for just a while cause he died too lol. Also, it was a nice surprise how his Shizun is Yun Yuan lol AHAHHA I love him tho


I wrote so much, I love them all. DEFINITELY RECOMMENDED! 💞 Reread? Oh, if only I could forget it, but I think I won't and I don't like repeating novels too much. I LOVE IT THO! READ IT NOWW
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susan0n rated it
May 21, 2023
Status: Completed
Loved the novel! Def one of my favs, the MC is well written and every ML is unique in their own ways, they all have depth to them, and the ending is really satisfying, I love my yandere mls, and I do wish it went deeper into the romance part, but thats just my cup of tea, I even went to MTL the rest as I was so impatient, I def recommend reading this completely, fav ML has to be huo wuling
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Anissia rated it
February 8, 2023
Status: Completed
I have mixed feelings about this novel but I mostly like it. The ending made my heart break and teary eyed throughout it, though some may consider it a HE and feel content about it, however imo it is an unfortunate ending, sad and heartwrenching, as I got attached to quite a few ML especially one of them who's fate made me the most sad about it and even cry. Each of the ML has obviously their own experiences, views, and personality traits, I liked some more than others, but... more>> I undeniably got quite attached and empathetic towards all of them, all except one which I can't bring myself to like even till the end.

Concerning the MC, he was the one that made me have mixed feelings about this novel, at times he seems like a saint-mary that's trying to make everyone satisfied and constantly trying to make it up to the MLs, such attitude made me quite pissed at times but not too much. It is an acceptable behavior considering that he feels very guilty, and empathizes with them so he can't bring himself to stand by and do nothing when it concerns them, and even compromises quite a few times, though he knows how to reject he allows their actions to a few extincts, he has a weak heart and is too empathetic and amenable almost like a mother to her children, it's not bad but being a bit more tough and resolute would've been more preferable. I kinda hate him for not choosing a ML, especially the one that I like and shed tears for, they have so much synergy and he seems the most relaxed and himself around him so why not choose him. <<less
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1Sami rated it
September 7, 2022
Status: c30
The MC is kind of confusing to me. He can't seem to keep his character stable... And if he could capture this guy in a month why didn't he do that for everyone?! But I do like the different worlds so far. The cultivator world especially is very fun to read about. I do hope that the different MLs continue to give each other screen time though.... it would be very sad imo if the author started favouring one over the others.
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iyok rated it
May 3, 2024
Status: c28
I'm not sure about this one. It's not bad, it's just really tiring to read, what's with the various MLs trying to get a piece of the MC every chapter and all that. At the chapter I was at, I think we have 6 MLs competing to get to the MC. And since the title is past through 10 worlds, I assume there will be 4 more MLs coming. I'm exhausted.

Also? Hey, MC? Babe? If they really wanna kill you, any one of them coulda off you a long time... more>> ago. Although it's not entirely all your faults, just repent on your past actions and be a good obedient wife. <<less
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SayMrrp rated it
March 23, 2024
Status: Completed
Well-written. It has a lot of BL tropes, but they're executed well.

I'm amazed at how the author managed to juggle so many MLs... and still flesh them out? Like, I could name every ML and describe them. I've probably also cried because of most of them. The author somehow smashed 10+ BL novel premises into one novel without making it feel summary-like. I cried at the ML's backstories, and I think they were integrated into the current plot well. The transitions between worlds/MLs was also really smooth, and I like... more>> how the author managed to connect such different MLs/worlds.

Note that the relationships in this novel are spicy and full of drama (maybe a little too much sometimes imo). Very exciting, but dogblooded? Lots of unhealthy relationships (as expected of scum transmigration lol), but all the MLs had their good points that made them interesting and beloved. I couldn't pick a favorite ML although I had ones I liked less.
MC isn't a good person, but he's not a bad one. Just a guy forced to do scummy things. Though, there was one ML that was treated worse by the MC because of the world he belonged to. I still feel bad for him. It's rare to see a ML take so many Ls.

I really thought the novel was peak until... the twist happened at the end. I thought it was a bit too abrupt, and the ending seemed a bit rushed. I thought about giving it 4*s, but the actual ending kinda saved it for me. I still think the ending was a bit abrupt/rushed, but I liked how it ended. Overall, I enjoyed most of the novel greatly, and the ending was alright.

Also, the translator and the author had the cutest notes! Author's notes can be funny, but I rarely find a TL who makes me laugh at their TL notes this often. <<less
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Smtha rated it
August 20, 2023
Status: Completed
The story with all the pitiful ML s. You can describe MC was scummy, but what can he do? Lol, each arc is good, if all the ML s have their own book its really a heart wrenching stories. What I love about the stories were the horror elements and psychotic plots. The sweet ones were good too, even with some cliches trope, the story really feel fresh for me. The individual love were great, but sometimes when the worlds collides together it kinda chaotic, but author managed to pull... more>> them together. The ending is sweet but it’s kinda expected, But really, if you want to fully enjoy this book, don’t think too much. Why I don’t give 5 stars? It’s just feel that because each ML background stories will pops up somewhere between stories/ plots and (because MC timeline is kinda unstable, sometimes he will teleport here and there) So it’s a good idea to beige read this, if not will get very confused. Again I said im more interested the horror element and psychological of the story, (or script) it will be great to have a stand alone stories. Lol

Thank you <<less
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