Abandoned by my Childhood Friend, I Became a War Hero


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After experiencing heartbreak from being abandoned, he enlisted in the military and Recklessly fought in the frontlines

And then, he became a war hero…

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44 Reviews sorted by

Hitori Saigomade
Hitori Saigomade rated it
April 16, 2024
Status: c102
The start of this novel is definitely one of its strong points, it raises a lot of mystery and intrigue on truth of how and why his childhood friend left the MC as well as what happened in his life in the military for him to become so strong.

The beginning of his time in the academy also quite enjoyable with him teaching a class full of extremely talented individuals without most them of them knowing his true identity and this continues mostly without a big dip in quality in and writing until the Saintess who also abandoned the MC for the hero's party returns. After this point, the story kind of falls flat on itself with almost no character development and annoying plot development with the MC not taking any action against the Hero who steals the MC's credit for his actions and is basically the most cliche 'Hero on the surface but absolutely despicable on the inside' character trope


After this point, the story, which had nothing really innovative from the start, becomes a drag to read which is not helped by the long hiatuses by the author and the fact that it is his first novel. The only reason this gets a 3* rating is due to the excellent translation quality by the team on Genesis. Personally, I would only recommend to read this novel if you love the OP MC hiding his identity trope but otherwise the other novels on Genesis are of significantly higher quality and you should definitively prioritise those other novels instead of this one
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June 8, 2023
Status: c90
This one is going to be a slow one. As you read on, the plot gets slightly thicker and is does not go as fast as regular LNs. I recommend that before you start reading, you should wait for the stocked chapters to be around like 200-300.

Thoughts so far: The first couple chapters kinda suck to be honest. For one he's goes down a extreme route, and you might consider it an overreaction since it just from heart breaks, however that's not too bad. The problem early on is that... more>> the main character is quite socially inept, but not in like an understandable way. Since all he knows is war/military life, you'd probly think he has a stoic and regimental demeanor,

but the writing just makes him kinda dumb.

This gets better though after the initial chapters and the MC does think and respond more realistically. He's also very humble, to the point where he rejects rewards and reputation- which I can understand, but the no reward part is kind of irksome. Also its getting slowly revealed that the Empire itself kinda sucks as well, and you kind of wonder how the MC hasn't turned coat at some points. I'm sure this will get explained in future chapters, because as of ch 90 you can see that the author is setting up a bunch of plotlines.

MC so far is having a symbiotic relationship with students, in the sense that him teaching them how to survive in life, is also teaching him how to be human. Honestly the harem tag is a little weird, because so far it feels like only one strong female lead is what the MC needs (also that his demeanor is so simple that it's hard to imagine him with multiple wives.). It will be quite the development to see MC recreate various romantic connections, so hopefully this gets done well.

You may feel that the author may be writing too much world building in the beginning, but it is to set up the various backgrounds/motivations of the events that has/will happen. A big tell is the students. Not only does the MC become more empathetic with them, he also learns the deep backgrounds that each student portrays and their own personal struggles. You can tell that each student will have their own deep arc explored by the MC, but it will take a lot of time to tie it all in together.

Spoilers for a deeper explanation:

There are multiple foreign students that have their own serious problems.

Elf-student: Her people did not assist whatsoever in the war and remained neutral. Her brother was revealed to be a legendary demon general, but no one knows except for the Council of Elves and MC (MC killed him). Brother was wiped from elven history with the elf student not knowing,

Foreign Country student: Is one of many siblings from a foreign country who as not assisted by the empire during the war. Fled his royal family because there is a violent battle for power and he is powerless. Left his favorite little sister there begrudgingly and hopes to save her.

Magic Prodigy Student: A prodigy from a young age that freaked out her small village, including her parents. When she was young, demons wanted to capture her and parents willingly sold her off for their own lives. Village butchered anyways. Right before her capture, MC in full dark armor saved her, leaving her longing for her hero's true identity. Also she is the apprentice of the Magic Sage or something that the MC has met.

Sword Prodigy Student: Also from a foreign land where special martial arts are only passed on to direct descendants. Unfortunately, her family's martial arts supposedly end with her because it's only fitting for males and also the males of her family are dead from the war (including her father). Still she tries her best to master it but it is only failing. Her current master is a Sword Sage or something that the MC has met.

Royal Princess Student: Knows the true identity of the MC. Wants to be allied with him. However her brother is the Famous Hero of the Empire who also took away the MC's second gf back then- by beating the crap out of the MC back when he was weak. She is more competent and morally upstanding than her corrupt brother but is struggling politically in dealing with him.

Thats all the students plot lines I can remember from the top of more head but I'm sure there will be more. You can tell that these various arcs (separate from the MC's main stuff) are quite the setup for the MC.

This is why I say you should wait for stocked chapters

because the author will want to flesh out these plotlines to make it as satisfying and interesting as possible for us readers. These aren't even including:

  • the MC's first love is missing and her motives
  • MC's second love and her reason for leaving
  • his mysterious powers that have some connections to demon magic I think,
  • possible new romance with another teacher
  • more stuff about MC past
  • the empire and why the MC stays
  • d*ck head elves
  • fallen countries from the war
  • lurking demons and their cults
  • MC slowly recreating human emotions
  • MC's revenge that is building up

...... and probably more stuff that I'm forgetting.


I might give a rating once more concrete developments have occured or if something destroys the novel entirely. More than likely, I'll give a rating when the novel gets finished.

Overall, the writing is good enough for me to be interested in what will happen next- which is good enough for me.

TL;DR: First couple chapters a little rough, gets better as time goes on. 4/5 as of now, however is definitely going to take a bunch of chapters, lots of plot have just started to develop: start reading when compiled Chapters is at 200-300 imo. <<less
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anonyzaki rated it
April 21, 2024
Status: c100
When I first started reading this novel, I was intrigued by the premise. The idea of a childhood friend abandoning the protagonist and him subsequently becoming a war hero was quite compelling. However, as I delved deeper into the story, I found myself grappling with some significant issues.

One of the main problems I had with the novel was the treatment of the protagonist's past relationships. The constant dwelling on his ex-lovers and the childish way he handled their departures was often frustrating to read. It felt like a missed opportunity... more>> to explore more nuanced character development and motivations.

That said, the world-building and the diverse cast of supporting characters were definite highlights. The author has created an interesting fantasy setting with various races and factions, and the students under the protagonist's tutelage each have their own unique personalities and backstories. The slow-burn approach to developing these characters and their relationships with the MC has its merits, though it may not appeal to readers looking for a more fast-paced narrative.

One aspect that I found particularly compelling was the MC's transformation from a broken, resentful soldier to a reluctant, yet caring instructor. His struggle to adapt to his new role and the impact he has on his students is where the story truly shines. The author does a commendable job of showcasing the MC's growth and the subtle ways in which he begins to heal from his past traumas.

Overall, "Abandoned by my Childhood Friend, I Became a War Hero" is a flawed but promising novel. The world-building and character development show potential, but the protagonist's obsession with his ex-lovers and the slow pacing may turn off some readers. If you're a fan of the OP MC in a fantasy academy setting trope and don't mind a slower-burning narrative, this might be worth a try. However, if you're looking for a more tightly-plotted and character-driven story, you may want to look elsewhere. <<less
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Sertian75 rated it
July 29, 2023
Status: c70
As the synopsis of this novel says, this story is about a man that got so heartbroken that he enlisted in the army. And after becoming heartbroken once more he turned into a kind of Yu Jitae, apathetic to life and other people. To some extent we can compare him to Yu Jitae, but they are still very different characters. Mainly because of the pretty s*upid reason he became so emotionless.

The story revolves around our protagonist Eon, working as an instructor of the most famous academy of the empire. In... more>> this setting is where Eon will interact with many different characters and forming new relationships with his students and fellow teachers.

As the story progresses we are told bits of the MC past and his trauma through dreams and flashbacks. Until now the most interesting aspect of the story is Eon past and what happened to him during the war. In the relationship aspect the story is still pretty green. The main issue for me with this novel is the age gap between Eon and his students. As he is a 35 years old dude and his students are barely 18 years old. So I hope he doesn't end up together with one of his students. <<less
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Devilyourfriend rated it
May 16, 2023
Status: c40
It is a unique story.

With MC starting op but is broken and mind you he is a bit different then others.

Stroy has a lot of mysterious wibe.

... more>> Starting is a bit overbearing but it will improve greatly and story is not just funny but quite dark at a time.

MC is a rational guy and his character development is pretty good paced

Starting from 36th chapter I think the real begging has happened to the story.

Especially the fighting scenes are great

Though it'd bit complicated story it is fun to read.

Overall it is a decent novel untill now and needs more chapters and time to decide on the future of the novel.

Give it try and see if this for you or not. <<less
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Anniekin1 rated it
April 26, 2023
Status: c18
I liked the worldbuilding and the side characters in it, and I used to just hate the MC cos of the ridiculous reasons he kind of had for what he did, but reading the raws, it seems like the MC pretty much took out a lot of nuance to the situation he victimises himself in, like the childhood friend
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ScionHunter1308 rated it
January 30, 2024
Status: c120
I made an account just so I can write a review for this Web Novel. I thought the premises behind it was interesting and very much grabbed my attention, compared to half the harem novels I've seen on this platform this actually had some sort of grabbing interest and allowed me to follow it without any problems or boredom. Not saying it's a masterpiece it definitely has the vibes of how harem novels work but compared to others where it's robotic characters with little to no emotions and a main... more>> character who is just as robotic it definitely improves on it.

I'm saddened that the author decided to abandon it because it had a lot of potential that could of had a decent length but not something that was thousands of chapters long. Hope he tries taking it up again, thanks for the good read. <<less
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Uzumaki Naruto
Uzumaki Naruto rated it
January 25, 2024
Status: c126
Man this story was so wonderful that I am simply in tears to see it end in between but I received good news that story is continuing and I hope I would get to read translations soon 😭
I really really loved how author slowly build up world and characters around it except for perhaps inconsistencies within character of princess which personally I couldn't relate much with, I would say each character is superbly written with amazing depth of emotions.
Then I really love how author has depicted difficulties in life of a teacher by showing how even a genius in his field MC might face hardships in this profession which is reality as being able to understand something and being excellent in it yourself doesn't equate to having qualifications to be called a good teacher.
Overall every moment in this novel was exactly like coffee I would love to drink my entire life without getting bored. Only pity us that I couldn't see much of romance in MC's barren life till now with many possible heroines depicted but with no significant development with anyone except perhaps a little with Instructor Lirya
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Rokusasu rated it
January 17, 2024
Status: c126
This novel is actually amazing. The thing is while it may not cater to others, the characters are actually well written, especially the MC.

For the MC, he is a bit of an unreliable narrator. There's actually a reason why he kept remembering his childhood friend

... more>>

he kinda knew deep down that his childhood friend didn't leave him behind for no reason. But due to being powerless and guilt, he tried to avert his eyes from reality believing the letter his childhood friend left behind


He's actually tired of bullsh*t at this point. He just wants peace. He may remember the childhood friend and the saintess from time to time but he's not a simp. Regarding the priestess I think it's more of a PTSD since he's wrecked then the saintess just left him without proper reason.

when he met the saintess again, he just asked what's up and straight up told her that she should live for herself now and forget the past. He's just indifferent about it now.


And that's what drives him to go to such lengths to train and fight during the wat. To keep his mind from remembering them making him op by the time the story starts.

He tries to actually overcome his nightmares and want to live peacefully. The beautiful thing in this novel is the MC hating those who wrong him but no to the point of plotting revenge with anyone, but if an opportunity arise to get back at them he will.

The students do actually have their own personalities and bond with the MC on their own ways. Some girl students are interested in him but not to the point where it's love at first sight and he is connecting with the boys as well properly. <<less
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Kleini rated it
November 10, 2023
Status: c58
This novel shows promise in its attempts to deliver an emotionally resonant tale of love, grief, and growth, but has flaws that hamper its execution. It follows Eon, a young man struggling for decades to move past his childhood sweetheart abandoning him. He channels this grief into the battlefield, becoming a legendary warrior.

The premise offers room for a meaningful character arc as Eon finds new purpose in life. The writing vividly depicts action sequences and the fantasy world. However, Eon’s motivations often come across as immature and unrealistic for a... more>> grown man, making it hard to relate to him initially.

The story drags at times due to overindulging in Eon’s past relationships instead of pushing the plot forward. But there are glimmers of complexity as he evolves into a nuanced mentor for the students he now trains. These mentee relationships add promising new dynamics.

While the protagonist's stunted emotional growth can frustrate, if given time to properly develop, he has potential for redemption. The story contains compelling elements that could shine with tighter pacing and more natural progression for Eon.

Also, this is personal complaint of mine, but the romance is really iffy. I feel like the story would be better off if the protagonist had relationships with co-workers and fellow adults rather than his students. It just adds a really weird dynamic with his students.

If you liked the premise of the narrative of this novel, then I would highly recommend "Incompatible Interspecies Wives" which has a similar storyline with its protagonist but its executed on a far better level, including the romance. <<less
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sinbadw rated it
August 21, 2023
Status: c53
Abandoned by my Childhood Friend, I Became a War Hero tells the story of Eon, a grizzled veteran who becomes an instructor at an academy after the war. While flawed, Eon's earnest efforts to guide the students are admirable. The novel's strength lies in its focus on the children he mentors.

Eon makes for a unique protagonist as a battle-scarred soldier adjusting to civilian life. His socially awkward yet caring dynamic with the students is entertaining. Watching him gently nurture the kids provides heartwarming moments.

The students themselves are highlights, featuring distinct... more>> personalities and backstories. Seeing Eon help them overcome trauma from the war or family issues makes for engaging character arcs. The students' admiration for Eon despite his oddness is quite endearing.

While Eon's past heartbreaks are over-emphasized early on, the story finds its footing when he finds new purpose through the children. Their positive influence on him helps Eon move forward, making his teacher role poignant.

Overall, Abandoned by my Childhood Friend succeeds when spotlighting Eon's nurturing relationships with his students. Their wholesome bonds, daily life at the academy, and character growth make up for other narrative flaws. At its best, it tells an uplifting tale of damaged souls healing each other. <<less
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June 28, 2023
Status: c-18
The writing of the novel is decent. Unlike other reviewers’ obsession for or against harem tags, as long as the side characters are well done and not abandoned half way through the story (like many fictions, including harem, do), I do not care. Although I am on Ch. 19, I have read ahead on other chapters as well as reviews for this book. So, possible spoilers/conjectures below. However, I will say that the majority of reviews do not seem to have read enough of the chapters since the background/world of... more>> MC is darker than what is suggested by the initial chapters.

To summarize without much of a spoiler, the MC is a hero unknown by majority of the people. Although he is designated as one of the seven heroes, his name remains unknown. He ends up going to an academy to teach due to his “friend/superior” ‘s ploy/suggestion. The eight students he teaches are partial focus of this story.


There are descriptions of how bad the Empire is (racism, elitism, huge income gap, etc). Also, the MC is an unreliable narrator. There are indications through both reviews and the chapters that the MC possibly has a psychological disorder stemming from trauma early childhood. It is indicated that even though he initially claims his childhood friend ran away, it is not likely she did so. More than likely, he was unable to save her from the group of mercs that took her away. So, depending on what exactly happened to the childhood friend (ie, r*pe or mu*der or s*avery), you could say that this novel background has NTR. Unfortunately, I have not read enough to confirm. In addition, there is an allusion early in the story to his family being killed: should he retire from the army, he has nowhere to go. This is confirmed by a reviewer who has read further than me. His family/village was killed by bandits.

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suza751 rated it
June 25, 2023
Status: c86
Ill start by saying that I enjoyed reading this. Ive read up to chapter 86. Good translation, decent writing, good characters.

I was expecting a beta male MC. What I got is not a dense, but an indifferent MC. To explain - his greatest strength is rational efficiency under all circumstances. After 2 cases of immense emotional damage, he develops this to be his strength. Not a bad ability, and definitely an OP MC. In my book were doing great so far. Author trickles the past of the MC. Also alludes... more>> to much and slowly explains when relevant or to develop the MCs character more. Solid choices.

My only turn off so far is the harem tag. Like I think the man deserves love. I really don't mind his interactions with a hand full of women. Though im not a huge fan of his teach-student dynamics with alot of these girls. Barring the Princess, she seems to be far more mature than the other students. But genuinely its a bit jarring.

For me its a 3/5 because its a 4/5 that loses a star over the harem tag. I know its coming and ik ill hate it. <<less
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ChillSir rated it
May 28, 2023
Status: c56
There´s some similarity in this and "Academy's Undercover Professor" in how the MC is quite a powerhouse who finds himself becoming a teacher/instructor. And its also well written with exposition and info dumping being kept low while hints are tastefully baked in appropriately to develop plotlines going ahead.

A fun read so far.
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wickedswami rated it
May 26, 2023
Status: c53
The story still seems to be revealing and expanding upon some things that were brought up in the early chapters so I don't want to leave an in-depth review yet, but I do want to point out a couple issues other readers had that were either just wrong or the full details weren't given at the point they wrote their reviews.

MC being the swim club instructor just isn't true. He turned them down.

His past "relationships" and why he's hung up on them:

It was recently confirmed that he knows the first girl, his childhood friend, didn't abandon him and he was trying to convince himself that she did because of his regret. More details about what happened in the motivation section. I'm sure something similar will be revealed about the second girl, the Saintess, at some point too.


He isn't worried about his parents and doesn't even think of visiting them:

They're dead. His whole village was destroyed by human bandits while he was at war against the demons.


MC's motivation for going to war and getting stronger:

This is related to the reveal about his childhood friend. She came to him scared the night before she disappeared and he was too weak to protect stand up for her and protect her. He tried to chase after her but broke his leg trying to catch up to the people that took her and had to give up. So he's been depressed, regretting his weakness, and pushing himself to be stronger or die trying since then.

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OrderedChaos rated it
May 23, 2023
Status: c51
It’s a well written character driven novel, although filled with cliches which may not be everyone’s cup of tea. Characters feel very alive once we get into their backstories but it takes time to get to that point. So it is a bit slow for those who want to get to the action/drama etc. Compared to them fast af novels. The world building looks good albeit feeling a bit cliche/simplistic and the decision to not completely explain everything on the author’s side is a good decision as it seems that... more>> the focus is really on the interactions between MC and everyone while the world building fills the gaps. Basically, I think the author has good writing that can wring a reaction from the reader but the story beats are something experienced readers have seen before. Though for the fact that it isn’t an isekai or a reincarnation novel, a good old fantasy story is always a welcome one in my books. <<less
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devil_karma rated it
May 16, 2023
Status: c41
It has kinda slow start and to be honest not the great one as well.

But as story progresses it gets better.

So story is the same genre of action, fantasy based.

... more>> Some characters are interesting and their back stories are being released slowly.

Fighting scenes are till now.

MC's character development is at a steady pace.

It has also fun and dark mixed together.

MC is a OP guy and a bit dull about somethings but is improving steadily.

The power system is some what new but kind a confusing but overall it's not that complicated.

Give it try! <<less
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Kira. 111
Kira. 111 rated it
April 13, 2024
Status: c75
The only reason I started this novel is because I found this setting quite similar to the novel I recently liked.... it's " civil servant in romance fantasy "...

Even tho it's a cliched academy story...I quite liked it.. so I came here after knowing the summary where a war hero becomes like a advisor of like bunch of bigshots and their interactions...

But I don't want to talk about MC's issues with his ex gurls and all... already many reviews talked about it... what I wanna say here is... what disappointed... more>> me compared to the other novel of same setting I mentioned

First of all... the identity he got a bigshot identity of one of seven heroes... well it's too grand so let's keep it aside it might be too much.. but honestly....a normal Soldier what was author even thinking.... with all those achievements it would sooo normal to have some promotions and be in a suitable Position like... atleast a commander of a knight crew... or something like that... but nah... he's just a normal Soldier after his so called super duper life saving achievements alovera the world... in the other novel MC got a serious high position... which has significant value and logic behind it... cos he's also a war hero and he got what he deserved... but here nah... he don't needed anything I mean... tbh... the kingdom won't let you like that after your achievements... people would blame the emperors incompetence... but author just left it like that... and again


Be honest... if there's a group of so called highest position people allover the continent and you gave them a incharge is it anywhere logical that they assigned a normal Soldier to them...I mean what would the foreign kingdoms who don't know MC would think... like we sent our prince to you... but look at that you gave a soldier nobody as incharge... even as a instructor if someone who's somewhat well-known then students would show proper attention and respect... but nah nothing... so logic less why he wants to hide....

THIRD ONE:.. when I walked in here I wanted to see story about MC like what's happening in his LIFE.. like in the other novel I mentioned we see all about MC even tho other characters are present they pretty much related to MC.... but what's happening here... whats even the point of MC..I couldn't bare watching this... like one after other he's just solving the quests given out by students like a nobody I mean... where the story what's the point... no matter how much depth you say protagonists character have... no matter how much side characters fleshed out what's the point... what's the use of such good world building with no proper progression in story....


But really... what's the point...?

I couldn't bare reading it coz it's way off my taste and expectations that's all.... and it's only my opinion.. you may like it... coz I was just expecting something so different <<less
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Coldfanai rated it
January 8, 2024
Status: c126
Well, a lot of bad reviews before were very personal ones in my opinion.

The story itself is based on medieval wars and the life of a survivor of war. The ML is kind of emotional during his childhood and pursue strength by becoming a soildier in the frontier given his lask of will to live. Being betrayed over and over again after his heart heals he became indifferent to others.

Well he seems exceptional handsome being the perk of the ML so women flocks to him and due to his calm... more>> demeanor and honors he is respected by the mens. Despite trying to find happiness after the war he is still bounded by his past and seek to find the truth to his unsolved questions.

As mentioned many time in the story he who seek no fame or wealth he is a very difficult ML to understand knowing most ML of this kind of novel are Harem seeking, Rich and fame seeking or Constant power struggle but he who had a very mysterious past is the one who can have everything but denied everything. So this may put some people off.

Honestly this novel is very intriguing and kind of funny at times, Having a ML not being a blockhead and Op very reasonable is refreshing. Despite some plotholes here and there this is a very well written novel despite being discontinued current. <<less
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uneverknow rated it
September 29, 2023
Status: c120
I was enjoying it. Apart from the age gap between the MC and the heroines and the MC's motivations for joining the army but other than that it was a good read and a good way to pass the time, unfortunately, I believe it has been canceled
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