The Earth is Online


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Six months ago, tens of thousands of black phantom towers appeared all over the world, floating above the cities. Chemists, physicists, religious people… all of them could do nothing.

Six months later, people became used to the towers and no longer paid them attention.

One day, Tang Mo saw a flying insect crash into it instead of going through it. The next day, a sharp and clear child-like voice issued an announcement to all humans.

“Ding dong! November 15th, 2017. The earth is online.”

The black tower’s three iron-clad rules:

1. Everything is explained by the black tower.

2. 6 o’clock to 18 o’clock is the game time.

3. All players, please strive to attack the tower.

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Dìqiú shàngxiàn
Địa Cầu Online
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Belvichy chibs
Belvichy chibs
April 30, 2024
Status: Completed
No words, read this a long time ago and as you can see I came back to give it a f*cking five star review. It's wholesome!!! Just read it, this got me into reading infinite-flow survival bl novels. I remember loving that baby-faced guy. This is literally one of these best novels out here.
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AmeliaRoseGreen rated it
February 18, 2023
Status: Completed
This novel was something out of this world, and by that I mean it was simply an interesting story. The love between Tang Mo and Fu Wendou was something subtle and you can see how well they work together, the games and instances were a very interesting read. Sadly, my brain comprehension is small so for most of the games I didn't understand. This novel is something that you should definitely read at least once in your lifetime, but if you find it boring I won't force you to read... more>> this masterpiece, since the games might seem boring and difficult to comprehend. The story also drags a bit, but stops at the right moment. It doesn't drag on as much as other novels I've read, and so this is something, for me, that stops at a decent time and ends good. <<less
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Jollyspices rated it
June 24, 2022
Status: Completed
Novelupdates will not me change my rating but I think 2/5 is too harsh, it's more around a 3-3.5 because I genuinely loved the first hundred chapters or so.

Saw this as a recommendation on Omniscient Reader and picked it up expecting the same kind of worldbuilding. Don't regret it ig but this could have been so much more

First floor is 9/10

... more>> 2nd-5th floor is 7/10

6th & 7th floor are just like wth happened

It had potential but the writer either got lost motivation to write or ran out of time. An extra hundred chapters of exposition and story development would probably fix it lol.

If you don't get invested in worldbuilding like I do but want a story to work your brain a little, it's pretty good. If you're the type to think about the lore then don't read it lol because there isn't any.

The BL part of it is pretty small and honestly you could edit out the scenes where they kiss and it probably wouldn't affect the rest of the story at all.

Ok here's my rant because I'm actually really sad about the last 60ish chapters lol

Characters: 6/10

I mean they're good enough. Not good enough to carry the rest of the story but the main cast is likeable. They're sometimes one dimensional and don't have clear motives (the h*ll does Bai Ruoyao wanna do, I still don't know). Also, for the vast majority of characters, we don't see their conclusion. Like all the foreign players just evaporated or sth?

Plot: 4/10

The premise is pretty simple and the novel doesn't do much beyond it. The story is extremely linear, almost going reverse in intensity as it goes on which is quite unusual and because of this it feels like the games aren't getting harder. It's really a shame because I thought the first floor was really well written and I wanted to see more big brain plays but the rest of the tower levels (7th especially) felt rather underwhelming. There isn't really a sense of danger and the difficulty levels aren't consistent, some of my favorite (which are also the hardest puzzles imo) are random instances found in the first hundred chapters. It feels like the writer ran out of ideas for tower levels and starting writing things without really thinking through them.

The writing also gets progressively more rushed towards the end and the writer starts to break some of their own rules like


on the sixth floor where Lena Jokel kills herself first when she gets the monster role and the gang concludes that it was simply too hard or impossible for her to win so she decided to kill herself in hopes that the others will be confused and fight each other. However, it is stated multiple times that the black tower is fair and would have balanced out the game out for the monster in this case, giving them a hidden advantage, yet Lena's case is so despairing she immediately kills herself. Nobody thinks anything is strange about this and it's never explained. Also, Mu Huixue's death is unecessary. It makes no sense that the black tower would force her into a position like this because there is always going to be more than one way to clear the black tower game. Bai Ruoyao's involvement in the last game literally only serves to kill her which makes no sense because as I said before, the black tower is fair and doesn't discriminate. The worst part about this is that Tang Mo, who always finds the third way when given two options, doesn't even try to find a different way.


Oh and also Tang Mo's ability is something that could be expanded on so much but it isn't which is really frustrating.

Worldbuilding: 2/10

The black tower gets like half a chapter of exposition so obviously it's a disaster. The way it explains the powers literally makes me more confused than I was before because of the clear discrepancy between ability power levels. It also doesn't explain what happens after the games which doesn't really seem important but it is kinda essential to understand the black tower's goal. <<less
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RoseAllFoster rated it
May 31, 2022
Status: Completed
This novel is a gem for people who enjoy thrilling and unlimited flow novels like me! Anyways, there's a completed and better version of the translation. Rainbowmushroom website has already finished translating this novel since a long time ago. For those who want a more comprehensive explanation and details, you can check out rainbowmushroom website. I really love their translations. The only downside is that the website has a password lock so you need to join their discord.
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April 15, 2022
Status: Completed
im still overwhelmed because I just finished reading this so all is can say is THIS IS A MASTERPIECE.

I haven't truly enjoyed a novel for the past few months until I read this. I usually do not enjoy stories with heavy plots like this because I prefer to see more romance from the main characters but this story proved that plot-driven stories also has its charm!! And even though the main characters didn't really prioritize their love over their survival, you can really feel their chemistry and deep love for... more>> each other through their simple actions.

I also love love loveeee the characters!! Each of them is so unique I don't have any troubles remembering them and the region or district they belong to.

I'm not gonna say anymore because I might spoil.

One last word of advice, if you're hesitating to read this PLEASE DON'T. The story is very good and A MUST READ FOR THOSE WHO LOVE UNLIMITED FLOW NOVELS OR JUST STARTING TO EXPLORE THE GENRE. YOU WILL NOT BE DISAPPOINTED!! <<less
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Shrike1978 rated it
February 22, 2022
Status: Completed
If I had read this story when I first got interested in horror romance, I probably would have given it a full five stars.

However I've read quite a few of those stories now and this one just doesn't stand up.


    1. It's unbearably grim. I don't mind horror. I don't mind characters being tortured mentally. I've read other stories with that and been fine. This is just plain grim. There's nothing to relieve that fact. When you are watching children being forced to compete in war/survival games it's not scary, it's heartbreaking. People who are decent and ethical are in short supply because they get killed by giggling psychos. Or by the game itself which doesn't like 'protecting the weak.' It gets old. Just when you think there is a glimmer of hope, the author slams you with another massive wipeout to humanity. There's nothing scary after about 60 chapters because you know everything will be awful, twisted and gross.
    2. The whole premise is s*upid. Mostly because, ONCE AGAIN, someone has interpreted evolution's survival of the fittest, as survival of the top predator or intelligence only. Wrong, wrong, wrong. Viruses wouldn't be able to ravage the planet if they weren't fit for survival. Animals like rabbits, cows, birds, fungi-they all exist because they are fit for survival. It has NOTHING to do with being able to kill everyone else. Also the 'evolution' that the humans experience. Exactly how is throwing needles or breathing fire for one person going to advance civilization more than machines that work for anyone? And why are psychos who fight well considered evolved? Note: There are too many giggling psychos in the story. It gets really old.
    3. I disagree about the games being smartly done. I've read other stories where the game/instances were much more interesting. Also, the fairy tale thing was really tiring after the first few stories-which were all western stories-that makes no sense at all since those aren't 'universally known' unless they are done by Disney, not because they are what came before written stories. A side note - when it came to calculating the percentage of success or failure at any fight, I got seriously sick of it always being 10% 30% 80% 90%. It made the whole thing seem even more contrived.
    4. There were no breaks between the fights. You might get half a chapter, but then another fight game starts. It was 230+ chapters of endless fighting, with nothing to break it up. No down time-that was skipped over for more fighting- not even a moment of lightness to relieve the bloody slog. And all the games are the same. Simple rules, hidden word tricks, fairly simple logic games, survive being killed by other players or monsters.
I actually liked the main couple and their interactions. I thought the side characters (who weren't killed off) were decently fleshed out. For me the execution and premise of the plot was just a huge let down. I only finished it to write this review.
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mysticfuji rated it
November 30, 2021
Status: Completed
I just have one thing to say. An absolute gem of its genre. The perfect amount of action, thriller, and romance that keeps you hooked to no end. The amount of all nighters and reading in class that I did for this novel is tremendous and I do not regret it! Loved the ending :D!


Not sure if this counts as a spoiler but nevertheless, the ending is fairly positive regardless of the amount of people that died in this book 😭😭😭!

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lettucu rated it
November 25, 2021
Status: c212
Rated it 3.5. Hoping this review is seen so people will know what to expect rather than a 5* review endlessly praising this novel.

I fell in love with this book upon reading it, then I fell out of love.

The first half had me completely hooked, the plot was thick, the games were intriguing and absolutely left me stumped. The antagonists (black tower monsters) were entertaining and were arguably even more interesting than a majority of the reoccurring characters in this book to me.

It was after a certain point maybe around... more>> the Christmas instance arc that I started to feel that reading the MC solve instances after instances with these explanations felt rather absurd and repetitive. I felt that reading these action-filled plots had become a chore. Why? Because there was a lack of down time between each arc. As soon as the MC is done with an instance, we are only given a few sentences (you've read that right, not a chapter, a few sentences) of intermission before we're immediately thrown into another game (arc). Not only this, but the solution to these games became increasingly more confusing. They're explained in such a roundabout way to come to a simple conclusion to make the MC seem smart and leave the readers feeling completely s*upid.

Despite my point explained above, I still continued reading it in hopes of getting some some sort of satisfaction out of reading this book. The games became more and more tedious to read through to the point that I began speed reading chapters. At the chapter 200 mark, I came to terms that there would be absolutely no rest time in this book and reluctantly continued on for the sake of completion. I'll start my countdown to my biggest let down from here:


At chapter 205 I was a little confused but my hopes were rising again. They were lovers?! This was never established in words, probably with the author's ace: the MC and ML's tacit understanding. Since they were supposedly established, maybe there'll be at least a chapter explaining this after an instance.

At chapter 209 I was ECSTATIC. Would there finally be some rest time?! Interaction between the MC and ML???!

At chapter 210 all expectations I had in hopes of fleshed out relationships and any sort of intermission between arcs shattered with this sentence:

"The first bullet was fired from the gun. Tang Mo gasped slightly and reached out to pull the ability... "


This metaphore was

the WORSE thing I've read in my entire life (an exaggeration but you get me) and it ultimately led to me dropping the book. It felt like I found a dry oasis after venturing a cruel, vast desert. I realised that what I'm looking for in here will probably never be found, mainly a time for the main and side characters to just interact without time-skipping straight to the next arc.

My gripe here isn't the slow burn (It's literally in the tags). I'm an absolute slow burn lover. That was why I picked up this book in the first place. But the pacing of their relationship (tbh I would've read this book without this aspect since it matters so little here, if only the arcs were more well spaced out) and arcs in general made reading the book up to this point feel like a chore. Things were either drawn out for waaay too ling such as explanations relevant to the game's solution, or too short such as intermission character interactions. I've gotten more headaches than I can count at a certain point from how quick the author jumped from one thing to the other (writing this with a cold I just gained and a headache as I speak). There were many opportunities to write winding down chapters inbetween arcs, but the author always skipped over these opportunities with "After X days, the Tang Mo group/trio/duo"

If you're looking for constant action that leaves you with no time to think, then this is the book for you. <<less
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August 24, 2021
Status: c117
It's not bad but it's not great. The author likes to describe scenes in detailed. But it gets boring to the point that I just skipped those explanations/descriptions. The games are so-so, not really that exciting (maybe I just got used to supernatural/horror survival games that's why this novel is not that tempting).

MC's character? Pretty bland. His ability is pretty cool though. ML is okay. Romance??? No progress as of ch100+. MC knew he was gay (I couldn't tell it until he said it himself. It's more believable if it's... more>> the ML who said it). <<less
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cookiecrumb rated it
August 21, 2021
Status: c245
I truly enjoyed this novel.

As someone who likes reading a lot of yaoi, I find myself dropping the novels most of the time as I either find them too boring or the plot is too cliche.

Honestly speaking, I thought about dropping this novel once while reading as I found it hard to keep up with what was going on during the different tasks (they were super detailed and my dumb brain couldn't remember everything), plus the romance was also quite a slow burn. However, I'm glad I continued reading. The... more>> plot is interesting and unique. Out of all the yaoi novels I've read before I've never seen something with such a plot like this. In addition, the events are super detailed and the characters are quite three-dimensional. While the MC does have a really cool skill, it's nice to see that he isn't too OP. Also, I found it cool reading how the MC used his intelligence to solve the scenarios (it was hard to keep up tho). MC and ML make a good match. They aren't super dependent on each other, but from their interactions, you can tell that they care about each other.

However, I must say that I find the author has a tendency to describe unnecessary parts a bit too much and it was also hard to remember the various details regarding the event scenarios. Half of the time, I didn't exactly understand what was going on and how the MC solved the scenarios. Nevertheless, I liked how the romance progressed. Though it was slow, the development was realistic and sweet. I also really enjoyed the extra about the lives of the characters if the black tower didn't appear. I found it extremely heartwarming that the two protagonists still ended up together.

At the end of the day, 10/10 recommend this book. Though take note that in the book, romance is a sub-plot, and the main focus is on the action going on. <<less
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waiting for it to rain
waiting for it to rain rated it
July 20, 2021
Status: c85
wow! so far I'm really really enjoying the storyline. the world building and the instances are super fun to read. 5/5! the only downside is the translation... there are so many typos, grammatical errors and just the overall way the tler structured the text.

world building 5/5

plot 5/5

... more>> pairing 4.5/5

translation 1.5/5 (please, please, get an editor!!!!)

edit: okay great story! I really enjoyed the storyline, however, I can't help but be irked by the tls. I managed to push my way thru the texts hoping that RT would get an editor (like "card room") but I was left disappointed. lost a few braincells here and there BUT it is definitely easier to read than MTL. thank you. <<less
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nitan rated it
May 21, 2021
Status: Completed
This is probably my favourite novel and it's done so so well, it's very plot-driven and it's super enjoyable because the world building is so great!! Not just that, but each situation is explained clearly. You don't feel like an idiot trying to understand everything, but you can clearly understand how the MC decides and does things. It's really refreshing to read!! Begging for more similar to this..
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ReadingSlime rated it
March 10, 2021
Status: c46
Genuinely confused as to why this has so many positive reviews. It might be because I am primarily an English speaker, but the wording is difficult and makes the story hard to read. The plot doesn't make much sense. It's a very confusing read.
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Fisukisuki rated it
March 4, 2021
Status: Completed
If you're in for the romance, I'm going to say this has the Slowest of the Slowest Slow Burn I Have Ever Know In My Entire Life!!!

... more>>

The MC and ML already 'know' and talk to each other from the first chapter, but only finally meet each other almost on the 50th chapter and we get the very few s*xual Tension scenes!!! And only get together on the 200th-ish chapter.


But don't doubt the Love between the MC and ML! The extras help with their Alternate Universe of What if the Earth is never Online.

"If the earth didn’t go online, the fact that I love you still won’t change."


Moved to the main story. The Survival Game. For ordinary people, All the Games is going to fried your brain! Everything is going to be explained near the end of the game or at the end of the game. But still, the Game is Mind Games! Everything is related to Mind or/and Luck! And obviously Power and Strength, but that's obvious.

It's Gore! The Horror tag is not lying. People who easily disturbed by this kind of thing should back away or just prepare for the worst.

The MC and ML is Great Character which is perfect in their own way! Both MC and ML is Calm and Smart. Their Mental Strength is Strong from the start! MC was the 'Unlucky' protagonist. But he wasn't that Unlucky, just compared to others he might be slightly be Unlucky, but not in frustrating way (for the readers).

It also has quite many humorous moments! So even though all the mind games is heavy and the gore is heavy, the comedy gives nice touch! Not inappropriate and never break any important moments!

The Supporting characters is also Great!

It's really the Wildest Ride Novel with Quite Satisfying Ending I Have ever read in my entire life so far! No other Novel or Fanfiction was this Wild!

Even compared to Omniscient Reader, which is Rollercoaster Wild Ride, it wasnt as Wild Heavy as this. EARTH IS ONLINE might not be as Rollercoaster as ORV, but still the most Heavier and Wildest Novel ever!!!

Yes, I Love this without doubt! Wonderful Story and Wonderful Characters! 1000000/10 it has my Eternal Love for the Eternity and Beyond! <<less
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Lunaspen rated it
February 4, 2021
Status: Completed
I have never read such a novel with a detailed world. The author has such vivid imagination and I have to say, this novel is what really got me into horror type BL novels like Card Room or Escape the Infinite Chamber. The plot, romance, characters, none of it was cliche. Everything had a reason and was explainable and nothing was too over powered. The character personalities were one of a kind and complex to put in words. I loved all the game instances and the tower attack levels. Every... more>> new additional piece of information was relevant and sent shivers down my spine. Seriously. This novel is a must read.

The Earth is Online is a unique, outstanding BL that manages to depict human nature at its cruelest and most depraving core in a fallen society but also the camaraderie that develops by revealing the true meaning of trust. <<less
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nctzen rated it
January 13, 2021
Status: Completed
This is the kind of story that I will only read it once but will remember for the rest of my life. In short, it's amazing. It has been a long time since I read this story so I don't remember much but this is the story that opened up my eyes to other genres. Try it!

read it for the second time and I love even more now! When I first read it I don't understand some instances and pretty much read it without much thinking. So reading it again... more>> was so much funnn <<less
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Cedar May
Cedar May rated it
November 17, 2020
Status: Completed
This was the first novel I ever read on this site and it set the bar high for everything I've read thereafter.

The premise of the novel is nothing I've ever seen before and each arc had me asking questions begging for them to be answered.

I like how the reader would only get as much information as the characters so we were forced to work it out with them (in my case I only figured out 1 or 2)

The characters are amazing. Our MC is written very practical even though... more>> he's very smart he doesn't go out of his way to save people opting to cover his own back and hats refreshing to see when there are so many books of the MC being selfless and going out of their way to save people.

Our ML is cool, calm and collected and is the perfect fit for our MC and I

think it's cute to know that even if the events of the novel didn't happen they would have still ended up together


I would talk about other characters but you'll have to read the novel to find out about them but let's just say I love them all

even the guy who comes back to life


As silly as it sounds I feel like this book raised my IQ by some point because some of the arcs were so mind bending I would just sit there for five minutes trying to comprehend how the writer came up with them.

On that note I would say if you are going to read this let your mind rest every so often. Even though it's only 200 or so chapters it packs alot in and some of it will make your brain hurt trying to understand it

I 1000% recommend <<less
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k24_isavid rated it
November 14, 2020
Status: Completed
No book could remove The Earth is online on my top favorite bl books yet. His position in taking the no. 1 spot in my list is ironclad. I am eager to read the best bl books but so far, this one is still on top.

Once you read this book, it will wreck your most fave list.
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September 27, 2020
Status: --
I finished the book a few minutes ago and I'm f*ing crying QAQ. You know that feeling when you find a perfect book and you know you'll probably never find another one as perfect as it is???? Well that's what I feel multiplied. I have a lot of regrets, my greatest one at the moment is that I'm not a slow reader.

I almost never do this but I'm definitely rereading this after I read other books to lower my expectations of the world
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Leternity rated it
August 20, 2020
Status: Completed
To be honest, my favorite characters from this wasn't the main characters, but all the side characters. Originally, I felt like the MC and ML when introduced weren't all that appealing. Of course, as I read about them and their journey, they grew on me. But the side characters and "villains" were just all really memorable characters. There were also memorable, strong female characters and characters younger than 18 that stood out, which is a plus. (Good diversity, even other areas other than China were brought up and some had... more>> memorable characters, despite this mainly being focused in China)

Throughout the story, there are sprinkles of humor here and there, which really relieves the tension of the situation at times and allow you to have an opportunity of a "break" from the suspense. My favorite funny scene is probably when

Cinderella admits the MC's greatest secret in front of all his teammates and my favorite black tower boss, Grecia.


The only thing that I would say that would be a minus would probably be the occasional typos you see here and there.

A good read, suspenseful and terrifying with a sense of humor and a fantastic cast of people. <<less
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