Tilea’s Worries


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With the progression of his Chuuni Disease, Shioda Tetsuya is shunned by his family, and dies in despair, a thirty three year old jobless virg*n. He vowed that if he was born again, this time he would stay away from delusions and live life seriously. Fortunately, he reincarnated in another world as a girl named Tilea, and lived a happy life with her kind parents and adorable little sister, but…

Lately, she’d been troubled. Her beloved sister had begun talking about how she was actually one of the Six Demon Generals, serving directly under Demon King Zorg, a descendant of the Three Great Demons. The situation was looking bad. She had to do something before this Chuuni Disease got any worse!

This is a fantasy “misunderstanding story” about a protagonist who has not noticed in the slightest that she’s a “cheat”-like existence, and how in her efforts to heal her sister’s Chuuni Disease (except that she really is one of the Six Demon Generals), she somehow or other ended up setting out to defeat the Demon King.

Associated Names
One entry per line
Tilea no Nayamigoto
Related Series
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Recommendation Lists
  1. My recommandations
  2. Recommendation I
  3. The Absolute Master List
  4. My Favorite
  5. Gender Bender

Latest Release

Date Group Release
10/04/15 Oniichanyamete c36
10/04/15 Oniichanyamete c35
10/04/15 Oniichanyamete c34
10/02/15 Oniichanyamete c33
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10/02/15 Oniichanyamete c31
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59 Reviews sorted by

Selias rated it
March 13, 2020
Status: v3c34
Wasn't sure if I was going to like this one at first, since I'm not a big fan of gender-benders, but this is a pretty great story. She's one of those oblivious MCs, though, so it gets a bit irritating at times. It helps that there's a good reason for it, though.


She's apparently the reincarnation of the Demon King, and it looks like he's influencing her mind to keeps her unaware of her true power, and the truth of those around her.

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January 25, 2020
Status: v3c33
Good Read for a few first chapters. Unfortunately, because absurdities increase with each chapter, it feels as if the protagonist and everyone around was getting more s*upid each time a new situation was introduced.

Had few laughs, but wouldn't recommend for a longer read.
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mytako rated it
January 22, 2020
Status: --
i enjoyed it worth reading because it was funny as hell.
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Leftscar74 rated it
June 4, 2019
Status: v3c33
To say the main character is dense is an understatement but she still had me smiling in every scene. Found the series hilarious.
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BrainlessFart rated it
January 4, 2018
Status: c29
The MC isn't dense, she has one of her feet in the godly realms of s*upidity.

She's an outright idiot even before she reincarnated and her disease (s*upidity) got worse when she got reborn.I don't know when I'll get tired of the misunderstanding, the same humor just doesn't have the same impact as before.

Well, this will work for you if you turn your brain off while reading this.

I rated this now to keep my rating fall rock bottom and I gave this a 4/5 cuz you know, cute things are cute... more>> after all.

(I don't know how to use that spoiler thingy so I can't give a detail 'bout the legendary tales of her idiocy.) <<less
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Rr rated it
October 29, 2017
Status: v2c3
This novel is a great palate-cleanser. Especially if you've already read at least 20 OP-MC novels and cooking genre ones that you read in-between doesn't update as fast as you'd like.

The OP-ness of the MC is given in small doses, just enough to get you to look forward to the next chapters. It's quite different from other isekai OP-MCs that I've read, wherein they start to explore the new world and/or fight against every sect/society/kingdom that they encounter. Instead, Tilea wants nothing more than to live a normal life in... more>> her second life, although this world has fantasy elements in it ^^.

The misunderstanding-comedy part is also quite refreshing. Actually, this is the first novel I've read which has put emphasis on each and every characters misunderstanding the MC (and vice versa) so much. I don't really get why people are raging about the genre... I mean, if OP MC and warfare is what they want, then there're hundreds of them. Novels like these are, imo, very few and are basically oases that could shelter our souls when there's already too much metaphorical blood on our hands. <<less
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Demonic Reader lv 451F
Demonic Reader lv 451F rated it
August 13, 2017
Status: v3c21
There's already a lot of chunibiao genre novel, misunderstanding genre novel, comedy & light novel, reincarnation novel. This one is the combination of those all, and well written. Worth being read than another chunibiao genre. That's all.

The story, plot & MC are already criticized by other reviewers, so I won't duplicate them again.

The 2nd arc is a bit boring, and have to be labeled with "GORE & MASSACRE". Plus, it's very slowly translated (almost hiatus!). So I think of 4/5 instead 5/5.
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slay_mithos rated it
July 27, 2016
Status: c8
Fairly well written, with a decent translation.

The whole story comes about from differences in what they see as "normal" and their "common sense", and a protagonist that doesn't even realise that she is powerful beyond what should be possible for a human, treating everything as a "make believe game" from childish dreams of her sister and her "group of friends".

if it came from an author with less experience and talent in writing, it would either head strait into a wall really fast or be a somewhat short story like evil... more>> god average (where the misunderstanding is mostly only at the start, but good story to read).

I am having fun reading it, but I can see how people wanting a more "normal" story would come to hate it really fast. <<less
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Vidolin rated it
April 16, 2016
Status: --
This is first and foremost, a comedy, and the main gimmick is the misunderstandings of the MC. For those who find the whole misunderstanding cliche from japonese culture annoying, you might not wanna read this.
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Asf rated it
March 10, 2016
Status: --
I love misunderstanding genre! Theyre hilarious! Lol. If only theres more title with it.. Tilea and 1 hp are the only ones I know. =/
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AjuPray rated it
March 10, 2016
Status: --
Love Tilea’s Worries its light hearted fantasy story that slowly but surely draws you in and makes you a s*ave!
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CrazyFanLightNoveL rated it
March 5, 2016
Status: --
Kuhh what is this? This is good to be true!

Cute Imouto and lovely oneechan! And this main character are freaking over power xD. The story are fun althought In beginner have 2 chapter confused but when the story after that it so fun. This Imouto are freaking cute. For me this is perfectly medicine for head spinning after reading to many hero summoned light novel ^^!.
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Kirishima rated it
January 4, 2016
Status: --
one of my fav

its light, refreshing and that dense MC, misunderstanding comedies.

reincarnation check

overpowered check

doesnt realize overpowered herself double check

it does get better from 3rd POV timu

reread value is high for me

already re read it many times

a good read
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pewpewpuhdead rated it
December 9, 2015
Status: --
This series is hilarious. The Gender Bender part is mostly irrelevant to the story. It's just an excuse by the author to kill potential romance flags as the main heroine has no interest in guys.
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TakoOukokuNoTakoOu rated it
October 6, 2015
Status: --
Another masterpiece from japan about a girl who keeps her memories and was a lesbian but through science babble becames a man who likes women now... Well constructed, brilliant use of chekhov's gun, if u havent started this u better
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Tewingus rated it
February 1, 2024
Status: v3c33
This is an amazing novel about demons mistaking a clueless, overpowered human girl for a great leader, it is mostly centered around humor and slice of life within a crazy and doomed fantasy world. The humor is mostly centered around misunderstandings, "Overlord" style.

If you don't like silly and clueless MCs then this isn't for you, smiliarily, the genderbent tag is kind of niche as it nearly doesn't bring any additional plot to the story, so if you came here for that or the romance then there's next to none.

The TL... more>> is handmade and proofread so unlike most this is actually pleasant to read.

Story : 4.5/5

Writing : 4.5/5

Orthographe/TL : 5/5 <<less
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PoDH rated it
January 12, 2024
Status: v3
I don't hate the novel, I hate how much wasted potential there are. The 1st volume was fine, it's a cringe fest comedy with barely any main story that sticks to the gimmick of the novel. Then the 2nd volume suddenly become really serious, filled with actual story with god-tier character writing (I'm talking about Overlord level of writing), but it's ruined by the joke atmosphere.
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July 7, 2018
Status: v3c7
To keep it short: Too dark to be funny

To explain a little:

... more>>

Half of a capital is massacred,

good guys/girls die pitifully,

little sister is basically no more, not that one had the chance to get to know her anyway,

other minds&bodies being taken over,

grim foreshadowing of MC at least sharing the body with the cruel demon lord

I wish I did not read in the author's notes what other dark works they wrote but never finished and that they in-cooperated characters


Regarding the comedy: Imho not hilarious and any lesser, like soothing, effect is ruined by the grim story, characters and settings, not many jokes, gags and skits, mostly only Chuu2 references and well, those misunderstanding which I indeed did not find that funny either.

As much as I like Tilea and worry about her (pun kinda intended though not intended to be funny), I do not think that I can not read any further. Seriously, I like her being a kind&brave airhead but I wanted to read this for light comedy, not dark one. If I want to enjoy the suffering of others, I know other (and more visual) works which characterize the victims way better. <<less
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Adastria Lillith
elhessan rated it
August 19, 2017
Status: v3c21
I seriously wanted to give it 5 but then, the novel really overuses joke of misunderstanding again, again. Yes, it's all about misunderstanding, but some jokes were overused, so it is not fun to read in one run. (yup, I did read it from chapter 1 to the latest in a marathon... *tehe*) I disagree with the review that blaming the MC, because the MC is set to be like that, it just that by the characters are more like 2d, unnatural and scripted, but again, this is a comedy... more>> novel, so I kinda get it. I think I deserve 4 even 5 because of the plot, it's interesting, and can be really deep, I'm waiting for the updates.. <<less
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