Stunning Edge


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When a cold and crafty girl travels into the body of a foolish, man-crazy, young female aristocrat, what will happen?

A young girl, Claire, falls off a horse while chasing his Royal Highness, the second prince, and falls unconscious. But when she finally opens her eyes, her gaze is ice cold.

Soon after, she shines a blinding light that astounds the whole kingdom.

In a world where power is based on magic and power, how would an airhead like her survive?

But, she soon stuns everyone by mastering both magic and Dou Qi, paving a new path for herself.

His Royal Highness, the second prince, was forced by the Emperor to go visit her but was told she was busy.

When he saw the “busy” miss drinking tea leisurely, ignoring him, the second prince’s handsome face twitched.

Her personal knight, Jean, had always looked down at her with disgust. But as he and many others watched her shine in glory and power, they couldn’t help but ask themselves, ‘Is this really the girl they knew?’

Associated Names
One entry per line
Jué Sè Fēng Máng
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Recommendation Lists
  1. Cultivation beauties
  2. Cultivation
  3. tending to my garden
  4. Transmigration: Weak to stronger characters
  5. Fantasy Novels

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133 Reviews sorted by

AC253 rated it
September 30, 2017
Status: c49
My reviews may contain slight spoilers throughout, so skim or skip this if you want to go in with fresh eyes. In fact, I highly encourage you to go in blind as this is a rather negative and rant-filled review. I'll finish reading it one day, if only for the translation quality...

It hurts to give this a one star. Like, my heart aches. First thing's first - this translator is one of my most favorite translator of CNs. Their grammar is nigh perfect and they often include notes for... more>> those not accustomed to Ancient China or CNs' nuances (i.e. titles, names, honorifics, etc.) This is definitely one of the better translated CNs on this website. Some background on me: I read more Japanese LNs and this was one of my first introduction to CNs alongside My Disciple Died Yet Again.

It was inevitable that I would've ended up comparing them. Then as I continued to read through wuxias and xianxias and mahuas, I've noticed a trend I've grown tired of in the majority of harems: underdeveloped hot side characters who are good only for ogling, a Mary-Sue or Gary-Stu of a protagonist (which is why I prefer female MCs to male MCs simply because all those half-baked harems in LNs and anime tire me out), and a lackluster plot.

When I read a story, I want to observe a character and fall in love with them or hate them accordingly to the author's objective. I certainly do not want to see myself as the character, and there's this whole discussion about when blank slate characters you're meant to be self-inserted into work and when they don't work. This story falls under the later category.

Where's the politics? Where's the drama? Why does this character do this, and how does it affect the story? How do the conflict get solved? Ha. If you think you're in for an epic of an adventure, you're sorely mistaken. Go read The Twelve Kingdoms instead. MDDYA certainly isn't perfect, but it mixed drama with character development and goes on without boring the readers. What's more is that the characters have faults. They aren't just 2D characters with labels as a personality good for nothing but their looks.

There's nothing wrong about the MC. She's Always Right and every time someone goes against her, she publicly humiliates them and makes them out to be a villain with no good. Where are my complicated antagonists? I miss Mishil from Queen Seondeok. The tone and mood constantly shifts without smooth transitions, and the deep and philosophical musings are always somewhat lackluster. Everyone else seems to be so amazed by how well learnt and wise the MC is while I'm recalling my middle school debates that somehow seemed to manage to delve deeper into topics the author glosses over.

There's so many reviews praising the female MC's strength - and here's my advice: look at a person's faults and see the good in them. If you still don't understand why I dislike the MC so much, imagine the most generic OP male MCs from all those reincarnation stories here on novelupdates, genderbend him, and give him every single quality you've ever wanted to posses without any faults to temper it. Oh, and don't forget to include some Deus Ex Machina elements and throw in lots of hot love interests to serve as eye-candy.

I personally, for all my love of politics and cold characters in the royal court, really did not like this. If you're in the stage where you like/don't care about Mary-Sues or Gary-Stus or if you're personally a fan of the OP MC genre, do go ahead. Otherwise, go read Both are Foxes (has some Mary-Sue elements, but not as bad as this trainwreck) or Chu Wang Fei. <<less
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December 18, 2016
Status: c106
* Strong female protagonist
* Well translated
* Writing is simple, and motivations of other characters are unclear
* Insane ridiculous amounts of "luck". Everything in the plot happens by chance. The characters go from stumbling on insanely rare event to insanely rare event. The protagonist discovers OP things (mostly companions) every few inches she stumbles.
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thorlong rated it
July 8, 2016
Status: c95
This is an interesting story, kind of like a 'my pace' deity girl that got screwed over but has such great luck that it really doesn't bother her.

On another note; Reading Attic is really acting the bully, has poor taste in organizing their web site, and really poor ability for collaboration efforts. It also doesn't help that they add spoilers to previous chapters on the posts to the main page of their site. For goodness sakes, grow up.
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Blisfulloblivion rated it
July 7, 2016
Status: prologue
This story is alright. It's standard wuxia with thin plot, tr*sh-to-overly amazing MC, OP grandpa teacher, harem, and plot armor a mile thick. Only difference is female MC, legitametly tr*shy host, and lack of details. The author progresses so quickly and skips over so many details that things seem to just happen. Even the power system is only lightly explained (genre normally loves giving excessive explanations). Character motivation outside of the MC quickly evaporates into nothing in later chapters. And for a story that's supposed to be character driven to... more>> just have people go along with the MC for almost no reason kills the credibility of their actions. In spite of its flaws the story is still enjoyable. It's far from being the best in its genre but it's nice to see a likable female MC. <<less
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Qfaea rated it
July 1, 2016
Status: c91
Okay. At first it was only interesting and needed many development but now....


First the protagonist is a character that you love over the time. She is not perfect not clumsy she maybe is evil but she also have a sliver of kindness. Her determination defeated all her mary sueness to the point I just accept.

... more>> The harem is perfect not too fast and still manageable. Look how Jean has to go through before being in the harem. Each character was introduced brilliantly making it easy to remember.

I love how the protagonist seems to be like a leader of the party. And maybe maybe the God of Darkness will be the love interest

I recommend you to read. And re read bcs the more you read the more you love it. <<less
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Fathom rated it
June 17, 2016
Status: c62
Amusing story with an MC that is slightly evil and often times corrupting all the people around into her evil shameless ways as well. It's a typical soul transmigration story, however, not much is written about the MC's former past. MC inhabits a former spoiled wealthy lady that only chased after men in infatuation every day. After the rebirth, of course, MC goes from tr*sh to swan in a relatively fast pace through hard work and maturity. As she grows to become OP in everything from magic, hand to hand... more>> fighting, and manipulation she begins to gather quite a group of followers. It's becoming a bit of a reverse harem with all the beautiful men following her.

The only issue I had with this story is that the MC is now 13 and her sister is 12. All the men who like her, and even her really old pe*verted master who keeps trying to look under her skirt feels like it's a pe*o story. I would have preferred if the MC was at least 16, so this part of the story does make me uncomfortable so I try to ignore that detail.

As of Ch 62, not much light is spread upon MC's former life. Other than her shameless manipulation tactics, and her ability to read Chinese text and cultivate like a martial arts, the MC still remains an intriguing character. <<less
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Asyr rated it
April 26, 2021
Status: --
I intended to write a review owing to its major 5 star rating - it don't worth it, don't fall for it. AT best it may reach 2.5 but no more.

Plot: Old Claire, a daughter of one of the most powerful duke in the country, goes on "man-hunting" on daily basis and it is hinted that, during her initial school days she literally chased every single man in the school, so Why no scandals of affairs? Why no one took advantage of it.....???

Each and everyone of them, just call her... more>> "man-crazy idiot" and avoid her and that's it. No one in her family and that entire country neither tried to correct her nor took advantage of it - what an amazingly realistic world setting!......

Not only that, How did everyone around claire, including her over-caring Mother, Father, Grandfather etc.... accepted this sudden change in demeanor and what is their reaction to this change - NO EXPLANATION, Author simply skipped it......

Thus, this novel pulled off the craziest plot armor/hole in the Transmigration genre history as that land has brainwashing, mind controlling, necromancy magics..... and yet no one ever doubted new claire.... -- AN OUT OF LEAGUE PLOT HOLE.

Or Is it normal in that world to get an entirely new personality after falling from horse ?! - I wonder. If that is the case, world setting is...... you guess it....

MC - is a huff and buff, author boasted Genius character.

Apart from her crazy ability to learn every magic superb superb fast, she didn't show any quantities to call her a genius.

She literally became a "Prodigy Mage", after reading few books in two days.... That's the extend of her genius title..... Disappointing....

And her solution to all problem, she encounters is, "COLD GAZE". Yes, literally that's it. She overcomes each and every problem she faces with her cold gaze and couple of poorly constructed logic.....

Thus, MC is far from a genius and crafty character, which author claims to be.... You will be disappointed if you expect any intelligence from this MC.

Side characters were cliché' and fillers, as no one had a personality.... Everyone of them were left behind. They are just fan service additions.....

And it seems author has a habit using gender blender names. As names Nancy, Camille, Emery - are given to male characters...... Is Author trolling those character or us?.... I wonder.

It is not a problem, if translator using chinese name or western names - but they should stick with one and those above names are totally awkward.... apart from that translator did a good job. <<less
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April 11, 2021
Status: Completed
This was one of the first few chinese novel I've read and back then, I thought, this novel was such a masterpiece!

But now I am 4 years older. I re-read the first few chapters. Then guess what?

I regretted it! There goes my good memories!

I must be just as brain dead 4 years ago to admire such-- omg.

But honestly, maybe this is actually a good starter for people who never read Chinese's novel before. It opens your mind. And the writing is good too.
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DOHere rated it
April 1, 2019
Status: c332
A mess. A huge mess.
It's pretty obvious that the author just adds things up as they go along, with no care of inconsistencies.
Ex: one of the few elements added that led nowhere and were totally forgotten being

the mind attack stone her 1st master had her find in an old friend's tomb, that hidden sect battle crazy man Carter, the whole hidden sect for that matter, mc's forgotten revenge against the goddess of light the killed her mom???

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angieli rated it
March 10, 2019
Status: c226
This is a pretty great novel, but it's a shame that the translator changed. The original translator (japanesemafialady) was great! 5/5 stars. However, the new translator on Babel (chapter 212+) seems to be using MTL and then editing it. As a result, the characters are frequently referred to as both genders and a few of the names have been altered from the previous translation. The worst part though is that this new translator seems to have missed entire chapters worth of content when translating. While I was reading I noticed... more>> a pretty strange transition from one scene to another. Suspicious of this jump, I went to the raws and lo and behold an entire reunion scene was skipped. Honestly I really enjoyed reading this novel until then, but this new translation is unbearable to read. <<less
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yamibae rated it
November 11, 2018
Status: Completed
Great novel, good character development of the MC. The only complaint would be how messed up power levels seem to be in the novel. At first it was straightforward but then it got blurry along the way. I suggest ignoring the cultivation and just reading it for the interactions and overall plot which is decently interesting if not cliche. There are some tragedies in this novel so be prepared for that.
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July 15, 2018
Status: c211
This is from someone who tried reading with mtl.

Seriously? The MC is not suffering enough? What chapters have you read so far?

This is what I hate about this ignoble people and their nonesense.

The whole kingdom is out for her blood unlike some books where the leaders fawned on the MC just for being op. But this book is the other way around. She is OP thats why she has to be purged. Now if that isnt suffering enough just stick with your whip and paddles and all that kink you... more>> have. <<less
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Rin_Chan rated it
July 13, 2018
Status: c70
I do not personally like reverse harem or any harem. Still I picked it up and read it. First few chapters I liked it and got hooked up with the story line. (I practically ignored that the MC had no memories of her past life still, STILL she was that OP, probably more OP than a MC who has their memories.) I just found it very weird but I kept on reading it. I think there are more space for developing this stories. I hoped the writer did not rush... more>> like this with the plot and be more detailed on the world building, character development etc. If I am to say about love interest, some of them felt like popped out of now where. And their loyalty also felt like... (Sigh). So, pardon me for finding it rather disturbing and annoying than amusing...

I feel like this MC is not getting much hard time at all. I finished reading Genius Doctor black belly Miss and its sequels but these also had standard strong MCs whom are far more intelligent, cold-hearten, shameless and stronger than this MC. But they face a LOT of hardship than her. So I would like it if some people don't compare her with them. Please, do not get me started with them. Their actions and killing methods has reason though it may seem like they are too much. But it still is justified.

Long story short this MC needs more hardship. People becomes stronger by facing hardship so its important for character development. <<less
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sharl rated it
November 4, 2017
Status: c12
While I liked the premise, the writing felt rather... rushed. Things just seemed to happen at breakneck speed with not much explanation, as if the author is hurrying to get to the next part, and the next, and the next... from the chapters I read, the speed felt like it made it difficult to flesh out the characters. 12 chapters, and apart from being talented, aloof and distant, I don't know understand anything else about Claire - and as such, I couldn't root for her journey. The secondary characters were... more>> even less memorable.

Decided to drop this one unfortunately. <<less
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July 12, 2016
Status: c96
I read it all in one night. Definitely addicting. And really funny! I really like the MC's wit and shamelessness.
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May 31, 2022
Status: c79
So I liked this novel but decided to drop it.

Why ? It isn't to my taste, that's all but it's a good read.

The story is good, the characters are good and I love reverse harem but there are things I didn't like :

-the MC appear first as cold, terrifying but become more and more kind and "girly". I know it's with her friends but I hate these kinds of story when we begun with a badass character then end up with a sweet character and a character only extreeeemely cold... more>> faced to her ennemy when she was first cold to anyone for about years and years but the story begin and her personnality change for no reasons at all.

-the reverse harem, I like the characters but basically after pratically 80 chapters there isn't any romance or alchemy between them. I like friendship but it piss me off here.

-the progress of the FL is good but gosh nothing is explained, she must learn magic, cultivation, Do Qi or whatever but learn all, not just as an incredible speed which I would've liked, but without any explications. It's like a magic world but you know nothing about the magic beside there are 5 elements...

Well that's all, I like it because it's good but only for people who like not too much romance and a kinda superficial world. But if you want to pass time and just enjoy a kinda good read with good character, that may be for you. <<less
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miraculously-@nonymous rated it
August 18, 2020
Status: Completed
ok, listen. I was gonna give it 4 stars, but after chapter 200, the plotline went downhill faster than a speeding car. like h o l y c o w, it was in the speed of light.

when i, your father, (lol get it?! no? oh..) read the summary and whatnot, I was like 'ok, another cultivation novel, prepare yourself' but the beginning wasn't horrible. I actually enjoyed the first hundred and fifty (or so) chapters which is surprising since cultivation is my kryptonite (that could be a Lady Gaga... more>> album title omg). the FL was sufficiently overpowered, but some of the sh*t she did just made me ???

like, HOW do you manage to a. dual-cultivate or whatever and b. master some far-off technique from possibly a parallel world and c. find all the hot guys that literally ever existed ever while d. balancing some bullsh*t half-light-half-dark heart that somehow attracted gods.

but don't worry kids! the gods are all fake, just like Wyoming! the Real Power is in fact, nobody else but the same gal, that, at one point, had nine guys runnin' after her. I mean, FL has OP juggling skillz(;¬_¬)

how I feel: ಠ_ಠ -----> (ノಥДಥ) ノ︵┻━┻・/

xoxo, MiRA

P.S. the translator was great, but then they dropped it (i guess) and I had to finish reading through the RAWS and it was... painful (╬ಠิ益ಠิ) <<less
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Lynkaster rated it
November 7, 2019
Status: c220
A good story, a pretty good read for the first 200 chapters at least.

After those 200 chapters, it felt like the story should have already ended by now, it's just stretched longer at this point. And a second bad point for why it's not really worth it to read after this : the translation.

Mafia lady did a really good job translating but Babel novel... they butchered it with a straight MT (Machine Translation) without editing and.. well you know the level of translation's IA nowadays ^^'

pretty interesting read that seems... more>> pretty done at around 200 chapters so you can start reading it, it would be worth it I'd say :) <<less
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October 15, 2019
Status: c2
The novel showed what's its all about in chapter 2. OP MC with her yes-mens following her as the mother duck.

Her interaction with her grandfather was so shallow, Id rather not read on.

MC: Our clan will live on.

Grandpa: Youre the only one that said that to me. I’m so proud of you.

If that actually happened with a decent author

MC: Our clan will live on.

Grandpa: What? Oh, Sure MC. Whatever.
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Wakeida rated it
October 5, 2019
Status: --
If you turn off your brain the story is a three. But if you actually want a decent plot that is well paced and decent character development, well.... this book is bound to disappoint you and disappear with a few of your brain cells as well. Spare yourselves the pain
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