My Girlfriend is a Zombie


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When disaster struck, Ling Mo knew that the kinds of zombies depicted in doomsday movies would in fact, be totally different from reality…

Normally, the most important thing to do during the end of the world is to survive, but when Ling Mo picked up his girlfriend from an abandoned bus, the trajectory of his life had gone completely out of control.

The cause of this was very simple. His girlfriend, mutated…

Wait, Shana, that sickle in your hand looks like its being pointed at my pants!

Senior sister! Stop trying to pounce on me the moment I’m distracted!

And little girl, is it really alright for you to just hide by my side and laugh?

Lastly…all of you, stop trying to bite me…ahhh!!!

Associated Names
One entry per line
Virus Girlfriend
Related Series
The Gate of Extinction (Shared Universe)
Re: Survival (3)
Zombie Master (2)
The End Of The World’s Poisonous Mom And Monster Baby (2)
The Corpse Ruler Confuses the World, All Seven Husbands Are Devils (2)
Apocalypse Meltdown (2)
The Trembling World (1)
Recommendation Lists
  1. Everything I've read :) ( Highly Recommended )
  2. Good stuff
  4. running from iskiai?
  5. Male Protagonist

Latest Release

Date Group Release
02/06/24 Hoxionia c37
02/06/24 Hoxionia c36
02/06/24 Hoxionia c35
02/06/24 Hoxionia c34
02/06/24 Hoxionia c33
02/06/24 Hoxionia c32
02/06/24 Hoxionia c31
02/05/24 Hoxionia c30
02/05/24 Hoxionia c29
02/05/24 Hoxionia c28
02/05/24 Hoxionia c27
02/05/24 Hoxionia c26
02/05/24 Hoxionia c25
02/05/24 Hoxionia c24
02/05/24 Hoxionia c23
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39 Reviews sorted by

yellingbrian2 rated it
October 7, 2017
Status: c81
Welp, It's been over a quarter of a year after the last chapter was released and I'm still check for updates every month or so. So I've come to believe I liked this series.

  • I like it because the MC is a little bit unknowingly insane, cutting up corpses and trying to love a zombie
  • The super powers are interesting and well explained,
  • The world's zombie-evolving situation leads to some unique story-line possibilities and action
  • MC and Co don't truly try and save everyone, and when they do it usually backfires and is ultimately pointless
  • With the MC dating zombies, it forces the story to always stay in the thick of the Apocalypse, never staying in a human settlement for long.
Honesty would like to see how the story ends, what happens to the world,... more>> and the main characters. Not a perfect novel by any means, but still I enjoyed my time with it <<less
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dan7cor rated it
September 21, 2017
Status: c81 part1
I am liking the story, even thought the setting is your typical apocalypse world with the MC getting a super power, but I like the way the story is working out, with the relationship of MC and his women has protagonism instead of the MC who gets a girl and then forgets about them (like Gods an Devil World). To the person who said the MC is pe*verted, are you a nun???? The MC is balanced between not too pe*verted and not a monk, or do you expect a man... more>> to be chaste in the apocalypse? <<less
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TheOneEye rated it
November 11, 2021
Status: --
Alright folks it’s sh*t genuine shit. So the novel is a about a guy whose girlfriend turned to zombie and he has power to control zombies like puppets and to make her girlfriend normal? He has to feed her some thing that comes out of zombies brains looks promising right but no it’s bad really bad the main character is s*upid and one dimensional he doesn’t have any emotion except for killing, killing and killing to the point you would think is he stable. He will help zombies to gain... more>> their sanity only if they are girls if male the no no he has to die bcz I want a harem even though I have a sick brain dead girlfriend to save. Oh and he only loves girls who are zombies normal human girls are big no no. Maybe I am bias maybe not but that’s not it this guy doesn’t stay at a place to use his brains look he needs brain matter from zombies that why not make traps then attract zombies and have their brain matter see safe way but nooo he has to go to different areas kill zombies take more girls into harem to the point it just get more and more sh*t to more arcs science sometimes applies sometimes not things go the way MC wants good people becomes bad people just so MC can have a new girl all in all I wanted to write more but this sh*t isn’t worth it.

not recommend it’s that much of garbage that you will get angry at yourself for making you lost a good amount of time you wasted on it that you could have wasted by reading other shitty CN (atleast in those you can laugh at MC moronic actions here it just makes you frustrated) <<less
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PushkarSarkar rated it
May 28, 2020
Status: c1361
I like this novel Very much!! It has many Good points That make it different from other other CN MCs. The MC is Smart as f*ck and still OP which is a +1 point which makes it different from other CN MCs. And the intresting apocalypse world plus emerging superpower makes it really interesting. And the intresting viewpoint of zombies ia also wellmade.

Just felt a little sad bcuz of the 'open end' ending. It was just a starting of a new journey and the author just ended unexpectedly. I hope... more>> author just pulls a next series wich is a continuation of the this series and shows his journey through the whole world finding the mother and discovering new type of mutation. I hope the author really surprises us with a comeback!!! Until now thanks for the hard work author.. But honestly it really feels empty after completing a nice novel. ??? <<less
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Konstantin rated it
January 12, 2020
Status: c103
This novel has decent characters and I'm fine with MC, I also love the harems. But here is the problem - I also expect a decent power system from this type of novel and I hate when plot holes become way too obvious or when the author changes the concepts half-way through the story. Here is the thing - at the beginning (in 5-6 chapters) it was obviously stated that ALL zombies have the gel which could help them evolve... So MC feeds those gels to his zombie GF and... more>> she evolves, after that she needs "advanced" gels which could be gotten only from "mutated" zombies. But, instead of doing the obvious thing - collecting gels from ordinary zombies and then feeding them to the random controlled zombie (MC has the ability) he starts to search for actual mutated zombies in dangerous areas! Well, it isn't so bad yet, but... later the author changes concept completely! And now he states that only mutated zombies have the gels and before that, they evolved from eating brains... which, of course, contradicts what was said at the beginning of the novel and what actually happened. I even checked RAWs (I thought maybe the author rewrote beginning chapters?), but no - they are the same description of GF getting gels from ordinary zombies. Even so, couldn't he still make mutated zombies by feeding them with brains? But no, he still tries to find mutated ones even if he kills hundreds of ordinary zombies, completely wasting this "resource".

Now, add to that abstract and rather random power-system without strict power levels and lackluster fights and you can make a conclusion what this novel sucks at "weak to strong" genre. What about Ecchi? It isn't p*rn novel either, from what I've read in spoilers there the first s*x scene would be in about 120-130 chapters, there few tens of sex-scenes in the whole 1300 chapters of the novel, so most of the plot will follow weak-to-strong genre and it already s**ked at it within first 100 chapters. <<less
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Piknos rated it
December 28, 2019
Status: c10
Totally undeserving of it's 4.4 rating, this novel is best described as a chunnis' wet dream. Girl that you were crushing on? Check. Superpowers? Check. Over-the-top personality? Check.

It's only been 10 chapters in and the story has already become boring. Nothing radically new that makes you want to keep reading, instead what is there is just the basics, done poorly at that.

... more>>

The gist of the story is as normal as they come, dude has powers in the apocalypse and wants to survive while trying to cure his crush. The thing that puts me off is how everything is unbelievable. The story explains how the zombies are in fact more terrifying than normal ones because they still have their senses. This to me is the basic outline of a zombie, which movie has zombies that are blind? The MC then goes on to fight against two zombies, distracting them with the one he controls then rushing them from behind. If someone was running, they would make a ton of sound. Unless the MC is floating in the air by the grace of bs then I don't see how he would be able to take out them both without them turning and attacking him.

He also has some strange moments where he does something that just doesn't make sense. The whole world is dying from the virus takeover, so there would be copious amounts of blood everywhere. Yet the MC think's it's a good idea to disinfect a place so the zombies won't notice them. Disinfectant has a scent, it contributes to how most hospitals have that distinct smell. You'd think that introducing a new, unfamiliar scent would be unwise when whatever is able to sense that likely wants your brains in their mouth. If anything, a bloody odour would only be normal, with bodies strewn all over the place and rotting corpses everywhere it'd be weird if a place didn't have that scent.

That aside, the MC just straight up has an unlikable personality. His thoughts are degrading towards women in an 'oh? She's not dead yet or screaming for help being a damsel in distress' kind of way. This seems to be a common trend particularly in Chinese novels but it is what it is. He's also pe*verted and acts like a teenager in heat. He doesn't think things through, he rushes into a 1v10 solely because he doesn't want his zombie crush to be revealed. I don't know how he can think that is a good idea but it happened. His knife magically changed into a sword mid-fight then became a knife again because knives can do that. Apparently cutting a zombies' throat open is effective at insta-killing them while digging through their brains is not. He touches a substance that came out of a zombie that died less than ten seconds ago and somehow isn't infected. If that isn't enough, he goes on to romantically wipe off a bloodstain on his zombie crush. I swear at this point all the author is doing is showing how the MC will absolutely never become infected. I'd put money on the fact that he could straight up drink zombie blood and still be fine because his plot armour covers his insides too. I could go on but this is getting a bit long so I'll cut it here.


Overall, a poor excuse for a novel. The MC isn't the brightest of the bunch, the setting is a named mist in the background and the inconsistencies I'm sure will pile up doesn't help it either. Not to mention the first ~88 chapters are poorly done. I do not recommend reading under any circumstances. <<less
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grandplex rated it
November 7, 2018
Status: c227
Pretty good 18+ zombie story. Generally I have found the novels with the same starting situation to be really really bad, so that is saying something. The MC is a little crazy, but unlike the other zombie novel's, the author doesn't overdo it, the MC is still mostly normal, somewhat funny, and generally not a huge selfish a-hole, the side characters are also not extremely 1-dimensional. There is eventually 18+ content but it isn't the main focus. The only improvement I'd like to see is for the MC to get... more>> a little smarter, his long term plan hasn't changed much at all since the story started. <<less
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mutinyontheark rated it
June 19, 2017
Status: c79
A touching story of trying to evolve your zombie girlfriend back into sentience, in a world where other zombies are evolving to eat you faster. Oh yeah, some survivors like the protagonist have luckily mutated powers instead of becoming zombies, and most of them want to lord over normal survivors like kings and steal whatever they come across. Add a 3-girl harem and a touch of ecchi, and you've got yourself an adventure.
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Ruubix rated it
July 8, 2016
Status: c26
Once you get past the fact that this guy is puppeteering zombies and the girl he likes it's interesting. I admit that other reviews made me have doubts, but I suggest giving this one the benift.

It's plot has just started moving and building and unlike most zombie novels this guy heads straight for the hoard instead of running away and hiding in the shadows.

Not for merely his own benifit but for the hope that the girl he loves can cultivate to become strong enough to grasp back her sanity.

It does have room for improvement, but I'm hoping once the plot gets rolling and the girl gets cultivating it'll get pretty interesting. I'd like to see them find others with similar powers too.

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Wannabe 21
Wannabe 21
December 13, 2021
Status: --
Well I specifically registered to vent my anger on this novel/manga😂.


MC mostly try to build his harem. I just saw a normal guy without any abilities gotten bullied by MC for no reason. MC barged into someone's safe place using zombie. Who got attacked by a boy (no ability) Later finds a cute girl and mark her for harem who was with that boy. So obviously that person will feel to protect that girl. But this MC is hypocrite and slowly pushing that guy to become the bad guy by... more>> letting him face zombie alone and hitting on his girl- friend (that cute one) in front of him. So you would be angry too. So I find MC is not good. He could start building a Selter here where different people even without no ability could do something. But author is not that into in. So I am dropping it : ( <<less
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Hourglass rated it
October 6, 2021
Status: --
I don’t really want to start off my first review with a bad one but well, the high rating just don’t really sit well with me. Given I usually only read novels with at least 4 star ratings.

Like any other comment, the novel did start out great. It had many potentials and the title was interesting enough I picked it up.

the world building was quite interesting, a zombie apocalypse.

the premise was quite interesting too, the MC wanted to save his girlfriend by making her human again (something about her sanity... more>> and stuff)

but then it all just went downhill. He started gaining a harem and became rlly op?
the thing that doesn’t sit well with me is the romance/harem. It is a modern era themed and the MC seemed rlly dedicated to his girlfriend, then because the girlfriend wasn’t sane (?) he decided it was okay to just... make out with others?
I’ve read this novel a while back so it might not be that accurate but srsly? Isn’t his whole point of journey in the novel, his main goal he mentioned at the start of the novel is to save his girlfriend??

The harem doesn’t make sense either, I don’t even know how the girls fell in love with him.

and the power and abilities, he just... understands it?
If u guys like this type of stories then go ahead and read it, just don’t expect much <<less
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slothreader rated it
December 15, 2020
Status: --
Do you need some nice apocalypse theme novel?

Here try this one the theme is nice.

The world goes to sh*t and MC is having lovely time. Romance novel with a side-dish of apocalypse.

Not your dish? Too sweet? Ok try this one.


Apocalypse c*ckroach, main theme is survival with an Ok guy MC. Chinese name 末日蟑螂

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xXSB101Xx rated it
October 15, 2020
Status: c179
I read this one a long time ago, like 2 years ago.

Read it up to almost 200 chapters before I just couldn't bear with it anymore.

The story is pure chinese edgetr*sh like you get with most Chinese novels. The MC is more or less a psycho whose willing to kill people for minor issues. The side characters in general are uninteresting and are either there to be incompetent side characters, or just harem members for harem sakes.

The only thing remotely interesting about the novel is the zombies ranking up and... more>> a bit of the world building, but it doesn't come close to making up for how unbearable it is to read about the MC.

In summary, if you're one of those "haha morals are for wimps" and have 0 standards for character development, then this will probably entertain you, but if you have slightly higher standards I recommend finding something else to spend your precious time reading.

When I have free time, I might finally bite the bullet and binge up to the current release, and give the most up to date review I can. <<less
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vusdruv rated it
February 7, 2019
Status: c9
This is not a zombie novel.

This is a typical power fantasy cultivation story disguised as a zombie apocalypse.

I mean, replace the brain eating with cultivating and the zombies with arrogant young masters and there we go! A typical xianxia novel (sorry if this is not the right word, I think you know what I'm trying to say.)

What is especially annoying to me is the fact that the MC simply gains power simply by being synchronized to his "girlfriend". If he were to, say eat that stuff himself or anything,... more>> I wouldn't have said anything but come on!

His crush eats some brain and he suddenly feels the heat, the pain, yada yada and becomes stronger? Just because of his so called spiritual connection?

I call BS on this one.



By chapter 9 they meet a young couple of their age and the girl handles the knife like a martial arts master and SMILES while slaughtering some zombies.

That in itself wouldn't be a problem but the girl seemingly moves with the same speed as the "upgraded" girlfriend of the MC which, to clarify, has already achieved superhuman speed, since her movement has been described as "becoming a shadow"


Suspension of disbelief is one thing, but this is really stretching it. <<less
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February 25, 2024
Status: Completed
This is one of those mid stories as in that there are some parts that are good and there are some parts that are bad, for the most part the story is a bit like the generic isekai harem fantasy story on here but with the twist that it's set in a modern apocalypse and most if not all the harem girls are zombies.

The story also quickly goes onto a sort of common cultivation story, still it's a decent story all in all however the story does get a very... more>> abrupt ending from pretty much nowhere with a ton of stuff unresolved with the author just dropping a sort of explanation as to why the zombie apocalypse is happening and then it just goes the end.

The author then did a sort of "sequal" with a different MC but that one didn't seem to do to well or the author just lost interest since it also just finished all of a sudden with another ending where nothing is explained or actually "finished".

About the ending obvious very much a spoiler.


Basically the ending in this story has a big reveal about the "virus" and why zombies came about and so on. Just for the record at this point and earlier in the story it's been explained that some of the zombies, the mutated one's have gained their own personas an intelligence. Anyway by the end it's been sort of revealed that the virus behind the zombies was sent by aliens to kill of mankind so that they could easily take over the planet and now the virus has become something "alive" so now the humans + zombies have to unite to fight against the virus! The end. There is just a big reveal about the virus and then the end.

Then the sequal follows up on this story sort of with the MC in that story fighting against the aliens here trying to prevent the invasion of earth and the story then just eventually ends with the MC going of to fight a seemingly impossible horde of aliens and the end, with some afterwords about humans moving back to earth and stuff, which sort of implies humans won I guess? But there really isn't much of an ending for either this story or the other one and instead it's all left with an open ending where the reader can just make up whatever happened next. Like what happened in this story when it was virus vs humans + zombies (at least most of the smart one's), then what happened with humans + zombies vs aliens? Could humans + zombies reconcile? Did they become like in Shaun of the Dead where ppl kept zombies like pets and appeared in game shows?

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mukkaar rated it
September 23, 2020
Status: c225
It's decent story, but there's really no reason given why MC just wanders around. It doesn't seem like he really has any goal. Overall story is just really aimless. Also MC is kind of a**hole.

With his strength he could set up an base with people that could supply him with food, and by extension helping those people. I mean just looking for food day by day basis is really s*upid he should at least figure out some private stashes, and also food in stores is not going to last forever... more>> so looking for people to farm is something he should do. <<less
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ZeroA2 rated it
May 8, 2024
Status: c565
It avoids a lot of the zombie edgelord stuff through the security the MC and his party feel by being zombies/psychic and having clear objectives and goals they pursue. They do take some pretty absurd-to-me risks as a result that are pretty bad praxis for zombie survival stories.

It's the Biohazard flavor of zombies where they are basically another type of life and the virus can cause mutations and chimeric blendings of creatures. Although it starts off somewhat horror-y, by the time the second zombie girlfriend joins, the party is strong... more>> enough that there is rarely a lot of tension and it's more about action, growing stronger, and trying to improve the sentience/memories of the girls.

The ecchi stuff can get pretty silly and absurd even while separate from that stuff there are regularly threats of s*xual violence (though usually made by randos that don't know people are zombies and would immediately result in them dying if they were ever close to successful). There is some noncon stuff towards the MC as well as from the MC towards a couple zombie antagonists, but it's not anything like some of the crap you see in doujinshi. Most of it is arguably OK, though one fight against Ban Yue stands out as being just a lot and I can imagine some readers being turned off by it.

I like all the characters and I'm hopeful the story continues at this level of quality.

There seems to be MTL chapters into the 700s but the one publishing now (2024 May) is in the 500s. Their translation will make mistakes in pronouns and some inconsistencies in naming, but nowhere near as bad as trying to read the chapters on repository sites. <<less
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AMissingLinguist rated it
August 29, 2023
Status: c7
This story is less interesting than "Dominion's End" by Yu Wo. Zombies are bestowed special characteristics, while the humans gain some form of power that's weaker in comparison.

There is no sense of tension, because the novel does not adequately convey the anxiety of surviving while surrounded by undead cannibals.

"My Girlfriend is a Zombie" is a mediocre zombie survival that does nothing new.
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March 28, 2021
Status: c140
Plot:It's above average with a few twists here and there it's pretty cliche though you can pretty much determine what will happen in the future overall if you have free time I think this is worth a shot.

World building:It's not that great in order to get a better picture of at least what's going around the characters I suggest reading the manga

Characters: The MC is a egotistical hypocritical idiot who happens to also be a prick. Although he's made to look smart by everyone around them he has the type... more>> mentally needed to survive doomsday but frankly he's not exactly likable. The rest of the main cast are zombies and they don't really gain the ability to speak until later on the only one who has any real personality to speak of is Shana.

I am someone with high standards so take what I have to say with a grain of salt except the character part of my comment. In the end You will have to check this out to see if you like it yourself. <<less
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