My Death Flags Show No Sign of Ending


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When he came to his senses, Hirasawa Kazuki, a normal university student, found himself in possession of the body of a game’s character.

Moreover, it was Harold Stokes, the story’s most hated character who was even given the title 『King of Tr*sh』by the players. Myriads of landmines were just waiting for him to step on them!

Will Harold be able to clear the survival route while avoiding the countless death flags in his way?!

Associated Names
One entry per line
Death Flags
Ore no Shibou Flag ga Todomaru Tokoro wo Shiranai
내 사망플래그가 그칠 줄 모른다
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01/06/24 Akatsuki c128
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06/28/23 Akatsuki c124
05/21/23 Akatsuki c123
05/21/23 Akatsuki c122
05/21/23 Akatsuki c121
05/21/23 Akatsuki c120
06/27/22 Defiring c119
02/22/22 Defiring c118
04/25/21 Defiring c117
08/31/20 Defiring c116 part2
08/02/20 Defiring c116 part1
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224 Reviews sorted by

Okabe_rintarou rated it
October 23, 2017
Status: c98
I have read all the chapters released yet. I like the story. But sometimes it feels too childish. When they talk about the height of someone or when a character gives some excuses regarding Harold. It's just too much. But since it's a shounen novel it's acceptable.

But I'd like the author to pick up speed. When you're used to Chinese authors who release 2 chapters per day you feel like the author is a sloth. XD
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Ginko rated it
October 8, 2017
Status: --
I'd really give this a 3.5

It starts out well, however, slowly becomes less exciting. It lacks a finesse to keep you guessing and addicted. Regardless, I'm still reading and enjoying this novel though.

Worth a read if you have too much time on your hands.
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B2j rated it
October 2, 2017
Status: c93
This novel is honestly out of my expectations. The plot is one of the best I have ever read. It was so complex and exciting that I can read it for that sole purpose. The MC is just struggling to survive but, maybe because of his idiocy, he sets everything in motion, not according to the game. His actions and decisions are shown to neither be good ones or bad ones because they have such diverse effects that leads to multiple results. Whether that will be his or another person's... more>> demise and suffering. Even so he makes them, granted that he does hesitate but he thinks over his choices carefully. Then again, he is only a normal human so it almost never completely goes his way. Because of all the things he changed piling up on top of each other, it makes more problems and keeps the wheel spinning and the dominoes knocking. It is a beautiful example of the butterfly effect.

The characters, although interesting, is not that in-depth except for the MC and Erica. There is not much to know about supporting character like Itsuki and the Stokes parents because their background is irrelevant to the game plot. Some character also probably wont appear again like Norman, Jake, and Zen.

He is also excessively op. Really op. But in front of the last boss, he is helpless which puts me in a puzzle.

The mc's feelings and personality are never really explained with his own pov but more of the other characters surprisingly. It's given through their thoughts and impressions of their interactions with him.

Overall it's very interesting and will keep u hooked. It's a really well developed piece that can be better improved. <<less
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Ibiskool rated it
September 26, 2017
Status: c20
Don't understand what people are talking about when they say this doesn't have cliches and the story is well written. The MC is pretty much walking misunderstanding machine, and he have all the cliches of bad boy (bad outside but good inside). The characters are hella a lot shallow and have depth

when Juno tells her master how he is good boy and starts crying breaking her character

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Narutolvr rated it
November 14, 2016
Status: v2c37
I wish I could go back to the past me and shoot myself for not reading this novel sooner. Then again, I wish I could go back to the me from earlier and shoot myself or reading it so soon and running out k chapters. Basically, it's as good as everyone says. Great writing, great translating, great plot with a mix of not over the top action and comedic scenes to balance everything out. Add to that, though misunderstood MCs tend to annoy me when it's overdone, I think this... more>> is certainly within reason as the MC undertakes every action in order to perpetuate the misunderstanding for the greater good (him still being alive at the end of the story).

Even better, the MC is likeable without being an OP wimp good guy hypocrite caught between trying to proselytize Japanese laws in a world where they're unfitting and disregarding Japanese laws because... harem. All in all, I'm looking forward to continuing this series.

As for the series being long winded- it's a Japanese novel. I've yet to come across any that weren't long winded and provided enough detail for me to understand the story. I'm guessing since it's a language that so relies on subtleties, it's difficult to describe details directly or something? <<less
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Bick rated it
July 21, 2016
Status: v2c36
An amazing read, very unique and I find Harold/kazuki's handicap really entertaining lol. I dont think it's a harem situation novel which already makes it stand out from other reincarnation novels :P.

Highly recommended
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DahAnnaKushina rated it
June 8, 2016
Status: v2c24

I've got only read two otome game books so far, all the others haven't interested me whatsoever because their descriptions scream cliche. Anyways... here's an interesting one... "My Death Flags Show No Sign of Ending."

I have pointed it out in my first ever review... the novel didn't cover how the main protagonist ended up in the body of another being inside a God damn game. Any explanation would've been some effort...

... more>> Then again, that's the nagging out of the way... let's get into the... novel.

I admit, that I thought at first: "Hey, if you're trapped in here and as far as youre concerned you only have death coming your way, completely avoid it." I still think that, the protagonist actively threw himself in the face of death as he knows the future.

Then as I went to read on... I found quite a few interesting things. It seems that the player character, or the protagonist's rival is clearly responsible for solving many of the problems in the future, and why Harold didn't take it on himself is far beyond me.

That is an annoying thing, the characters I've seen so far... just... don't argue. What I mean is that all the characters in the games willingly take on the role of that character and their said future. Why? Okay, I've only read two of these, so it's biased as far as I'm concerned, but they take on their roles as if it is their calling or something.

Well, I suppose that is what I think for the other otome game book, but this is somewhat different. I realised as I went deeper into it, the character of Harold is important to shaping the future, the author made it clear, if they don't then there's a worse future for them. So, they had to take it on and actively avoid death.

Well, the book opened doors quite late for me, because... I have gotten bored of it. I admit, the depth the characters had was astounding! All of them, even the butler (I believe) and his fiancée, whose names I wasn't bothered to know.

I suppose it was the butler who had a moral code which made him expose the protagonist's plan to the heroine, the fiancée had a strong moral code as well and was depressed after hearing what the protagonist did. For that, I applaud you author. But, the fiancée still annoys me, after all she is someone who is blatantly submissive and I would think she would be an emo if she was real. But, that's just my opinion, I'm sure someone likes submissive heroines...

Why I also enjoyed was the fact that because of his knowledge he had an advantage... yet even so he knew his decisions were quite dangerous due to that knowledge. The protagonist isn't a naïve pushover, he trains, he learns, he doesn't underestimate people, he acts so that he can survive.

I would marry him if the fiancée was willing to give him up.

I suppose that this is an otome game book I like, even if I read it a while ago and don't really care for any of the other things.

So... I shall summarise...

-Protagonist is a badass as far as I'm concerned, he thinks and makes decisions to his advantage, he is one I like.

-There's a few tropes in here, some of which I'm not fond of, I admit those annoyed me and I was ready to put the book down, and they are the sole reason I got bored.

-The plot isn't linear, it's not: "Get the girl" or "Kill the evil guy". It's more along the lines of "Hey, I know that I am important to shaping a future which sounds good, and I should do that for my benefit, but I also have to survive, wow this will be difficult."

Well, it became boring after a while and it threw me off.

So, I am bored of it. <<less
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oblueknighto rated it
May 31, 2016
Status: v2c31
This is an exceptional novel. It has one of the most interesting MCs out of all the novels I've read so far and it's come a long way from the beginning where I thought the MC would easily find a way to overcome his Speech Impediment.
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Hitexh rated it
April 10, 2016
Status: --
This is so good! I have to say, the story is very interesting. Compare to female protagonist on any other romance novel, this one way better.
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Nedrey rated it
April 9, 2016
Status: --
Not a wimpy, lazy, randomly OP, pe*verted MC! Hurrah! The story is also quite interesting. I'm only hoping that this also doesn't somehow end up as a full fighting LN. One of the very few JP LNs that I enjoy.
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March 31, 2024
Status: c128
I was one among many here reading this novel since it came out in first in 2017 while at that time it was new experience a Japanese man become a antagonist in a rpg game. At that time it was rare to read a novel like this one.

Now there now many novel like this one but this is a best for me I still wonder if ever Harold can speak normal after his role is done after all it was him first to die after the hidden boss.
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Mashumello rated it
January 6, 2022
Status: c108 part1
MC reincarnated into a game as a very tr*shy and strong villain with a lot of death flags, unlike others, he tries to only marginally changed the story in his favor so that his future knowledge will still be useful, even when his reputation went down the mud, got himself into the Villain Boss's clutches, and could only do things by himself in the dark to lessen casualties while making sure those main characters became strong enough and ready to establish a hero party to follow the game scenario.
The funny thing is his expressing ability is not in his control, so he could only be harsh, satirical, and condescending every time he opens his mouth, and regret it everyday till he was numb in resignation, and nearly cried with emotion when it ended as just offensive, and not making others broke down in tears, anger, or just straight out fighting.

Why worries about being OOC when you can't from the beginning?
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May 31, 2021
Status: i don't remember
So, I don't really remember how long I read for, just that I made it to that ... more>>

Tornament thingy, when he meets the red head og hero. Then I dropped it.


This story had a promising beginning, and I liked it alot which is why I sat through the info dumping (which honestly isn't much compared to other stories)

But what got to me was that EVERY interaction is about how GREAT the Harold is. I get it, I liked that at first. But this is overkill.

Like, yeah: Harold is cool, but I don't need a godamn SPEACH about it Every. Single. Chapter. Sometimes, this story switches perspectives JUST TO COMPLIMENT HAROLD!!!

Half the time in these instances, it's because of a MISUNDERSTANDING and they even take the time to switch back to Harold's pov just so he can recap WHAT JUST HAPPENED and the only variations of events is for Harold to hone in on what Villager C thought was awsome and have Harold say, at least three times: but that was an accident, I feel awful about what happened, or I think they misunderstood my greatness

I'm not even exaggerating.

What ended up being the last straw was when


Harold finally meets the og Hero dude, and then proceeds to PUMMEL HIM?!

like yeah, Harold practices alot, but the story makes it clear that red head does too??? That fight was waaaay too one sided!


And as icing on the cake, I have to listen to everyone gush over this dude for spitting out the harshest things. They should have kept it stuck on Harold's pov cuz I hate watching them fangirl over the things he simply implies

I know he has a reason for sounding so harsh, but that honestly makes it worse. Since I have to watch people kiss his feet for harsh things he is being forced to say.


And if we're being honest here, the Horld Filter thing started to sound like an excuse halfway through the story.


Ok. I'm done complaining, this whole Worship-the-ground-the-Gary-Stu-Walks-on just really bugs me, and is the sole reason I dropped this story. If you don't think that'll bother you then by all means, continue <<less
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nefird rated it
May 30, 2021
Status: v03c73
It's start's promising and avoids most cringe worthy tropes. Every free female falling for him bothered me but they haven't advanced those plot lines forward so loophole "maybe".

It feels like you would have to be a Masochist to continue reading a story where the protagonist is a constant verbal punching bag to everyone they meet. "Love interests and people directly in their group don't count".

So far the Author lacks a basic understanding of story telling in that the flow of all stories are supposed to have hills and valleys ... more>> (or low and high points) in its "progress" or "tension".
There needs to be points in the story where they are appreciated by those outside the group "even if briefly".

A story that never lets up is closer to "Misery p*rn".
Def: "concerned with the protagonist's triumph over personal trauma or abuse".
I know that's not quite what is going on here but I feel is fits with the Authors personal abuse of the MC. <<less
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blahling rated it
May 14, 2021
Status: c117
Had potential in the beginning but fails short due to author's inability to string together even remotely sensible decisions made by almost every single character in order to keep the conflicts in the story or even the plot chuggin in a seemingly random direction.
    • The whole Erica plot is absolutely pathetic coming from the supposedley thoughtful people for Herold's sake and it only works if there are huge leaps in everyones understanding of conversations, people, and events surrounding Herold.
    • Attempting to recreate the gaming scenes by forcing the game's main characters along after interacting with them in a non-hostile way is like trying to stop a diverging river with buckets. You either sacrific your morals and play your character so you know exactly how the world will progress or you abandon the futile attempt of only making 'small and acceptable' changes. Choosing the second option will require something like plotting future events with capable individuals in rough outlines instead of just waiting for things to happen for 15+ years.
    • The extremely forced and sad attempts to reason out why everyone will hate Herold Stokes for [insert arc here] takes away so much from this novels characters that it almost makes reading anything related to the antagonistic individuals to be summed up with, "didn't cooperate, made everything get dragged out for no reason." Skipping parts related to such pointless acts didn't leave me feeling like I missed much or anything at all.
    • There are a very small amount of death flags that the character undergoes at all since he was able to avoid the majority of them by take premature action. What was left over was hamstrung attempts to create new ones that do not feel like Herold should have survived or that the events were so trivial to deal with that they should not have been counted as a 'death flag' to begin with. At no point did I get the feeling like there was a 'between' option for the flags.
I'm sure I missed many other points that would increase to decrease a readers enjoyment of this novel but these particular issues I mentioned were bothering me so much that I kept this novel on the backburner until I noticed that with the webnovel quality of descriptions for enviroments, people, actions and expressions was for some reasons taking over 6 years to release just above 100 chapters. With that abysmal rate of release, I honestly felt like any attempt for me to keep this novel in mind anymore was foolishness on my part.
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Neeru Laxnesh
Neeru Laxnesh
March 25, 2021
Status: c116
This novel is really good. All the characters and plot was really fun and enjoying to read. Harold being Harold and his self moving mouth and the troubles it brought.
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young_speccy rated it
February 26, 2021
Status: c117
Incredibly well written, like a shonen version 0f "my next life as a villainess" but the death flags are much more real, the MC and female lead's relationship is incredibly well written, and the conflict is much higher stakes. You are constantly reminded that MC isn't just maneuvering so that all the protagonists of the games like him, he is walking a thin line between opposing the protagonists and stunting their growth with support, he is clearly impacted by the isolation he faces both from being in a different world,... more>> and not having anyone he can truly trust. Add in the remaining ego of his host body which makes him unable to communicate, and you have a well crafted story outlining the suffering of a boy who has not lived for himself once for over 10 years. MC is similar to reinhard from Re:Zero's plight of only being able to be a hero since he is the only one capable of facing any and all threats to the kingdom. He knows that as someone with knowledge of the game, he has an obligation to both force the heroes to grow stronger and progress the story, even if it trips flags which can lead to his death. <<less
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qahl rated it
January 21, 2021
Status: c69
When I started reading, I originally found myself liking the story. There were many parts that I usually would turn my nose up at that I found myself looking past, despite myself. I enjoyed the protagonist Harold's blustering and rude words that had a sort of charisma to them. I didn't mind that he was a cliched overpowered character. I didn't mind that there were some contrivances on the part of the author. I just enjoyed the reading. Until I didn't.

The greatest flaw this story has is losing its sense... more>> of fun. Comedy is a great tool because it allows for more whimsical or contrived events to happen without breaking the immersion of the reader. A good example of this is Harold's dialogue. We know there is a big difference between what he says and what he means, and the contrast is the joke. Where the cracks start to show is when the story starts taking itself too seriously. At the start, the author seemed to understand that his story was inherently melodramatic (chuunibyou, if you prefer) and balanced it to keep it fun. At some point, this understanding was lost and without it, the story lost its way. It became edgy, and not the fun edgy. It became cringey, and a chore to read.

I cannot in good faith recommend this for anyone to read. If you decide to read in spite of this review, then I suggest stopping around c49. I forced another twenty chapters because I thought it might rekindle the spark of enjoyment, but it didn't. <<less
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Eisen rated it
January 18, 2021
Status: c116 part2
The writing of the story, the plot development and the translations are all top notch, I have some quibbles about the characters' decision-making skills, but I like their personalities regardless, I would reccomend anyone interested in fantasy WN or LN to give this a shot.

I'm really enjoying this story, but it suffers from the same problem many "based on a linear game isekai" suffer from, and that is that for some reason, the protagonist absolitely has to adhere to the original plot for "the best outcome" and for some reason... more>> they can't think of the world as reactionary enough, as if it's not a world they're in, but a linear plot.

It really makes the MC seem super dumb.


I'm looking forward to a story where the MC just decides "f*ck it I'll do my own thing", and breaks away from the plot entirely. I don't understand why Harold can't just be upfront and honest with Ericka and everyone after starting to work for that doctor guy? What's stopping him from training the party up himself and joining them in their fight? The only reason he's not doing that is because.... he thinks Ericka hates him? How about, y'know, communicating. Language. It works wonders when used. He could just have poisoned or stabbed the Freud dude sometime all these years anyway before he started being suspected, why do it in such an unrealiable roundabout way.

At this rate, all he's doing is giving himself and Ericka psychological issues the size of the moon. I wish they'd just team up as a 2-man squad and wreck shit, while having an awkward but sweet romance, instead we have the current mess with so many characters that feel superfluous.

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Whakatewhinau rated it
September 27, 2020
Status: c116
Only real gripe is that it should be called "Misunderstandings Show no sign of Ending".

MC & FL often misunderstand each other & situations causing needless suffering and slowing the romance to a snail's pace.
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