Martial God Asura


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One night a mysterious and unexplained phenomenon occurs in the nine provinces. Five years later Chu Feng, a regular outer disciple of the Azure Dragon school, awakens one of the mysterious nine lightning beasts. And discovers an egg sealed inside him.

From there we follow Chu Feng on his path of cultivation.

Associated Names
One entry per line
Shura Valkyrie
Tu La Vu Than
Tu La Vũ Thần
Xiuluo Wushen
Xiu Luo Wu Shen
Xiuluo Wu Shen
Related Series
War God Asura (Prequel)
Against the Gods (25)
Martial World (10)
Wu Dong Qian Kun (8)
Chaotic Sword God (7)
Tales of Demons and Gods (5)
Battle Through the Heavens (5)
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  4. My novels
  5. I hated it !!

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Date Group Release
04/17/15 Wuxiaworld c5
04/16/15 Wuxiaworld c4
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289 Reviews sorted by

NoveLuber rated it
March 27, 2016
Status: --
A very good story although there are definitely some problems with it. MC is OP and is never the type of evil bastard that bullies the weak or use power to take advantage of them. Like in every ruthless world no one should be kind enough to help every single stranger in trouble but he wants power to protect his loved ones and pretty much does not overlook those who bully the weak. With 2300+ chapters while still ongoing you can expect a long long journey for this novel. There is r*pe in this novel but each time it is either him not at fault or other people wronging him

A bit of a spoiler about the r*pe

First time some drug pretty much hypnotized him into raping someone but the girl fell in love with him later and he loves her dearly also.

2nd time was his fiancee. The fiancee and him didn't want to marry each other but his fiancee tried to set him up with a sister disciple (although I said set up he was once again drugged but he fought back and defeated the drug this time otherwise that girl wouldve rapped him because of drug + unable to fight back because of drug) so he was also wronged here so he decided to r*pe the fiancee and pushes away the girl who wanted to have s*x with him that the fiancee set him up with as revenge. He feels guilty later and does his best to save her when they meet again but she wont be a part of his harem.


Its a good-hearted MC that strives for power in a world where he is pushed around and even almost killed to protect himself and those around him.
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eyy bb
eyy bb rated it
May 7, 2019
Status: c2156
This novel was probably my 2nd or 3rd Chinese novel I've read and honestly, I'm glad this was one of the starting novels that I chose to read and not one of the current ones because it's a piece of shit.

If I didn't read several other novels after MGA, I would have really thought MGA was a work of art. For people who have just begin reading Chinese novels, MGA would actually be enjoyable and exciting because it's a brand new experience for them, but when they begin to read... more>> more and more novels, they will notice how poor in quality MGA really is.

If you are wondering why this novel is bad, we would have to start with the MC. He's what you would call a hypocritical SJW. He's always boasting about being righteous, but he's really not. He's just your typical scumbag who pretends like he's Jesus and frankly it's annoying as hell.

The story is also dumb as hell. He starts off in some weak sect and becomes the strongest in the sect, only to find out that his sect is the weakest sect in his country. Then his sect becomes the strongest in the country, only to find out his country is the weakest in the continent. So, he makes his country the strongest in the continent, only to find out his continent is the weakest on his planet. Lo and behold, he later becomes the strongest man in his world, only to f*cking find out there's a world beyond his world and there's a f*cking galaxy beyond his galaxy.

This guy is literally a speck of dust who somehow manages to find his way up the ladder. It's incomprehensible.

Anyways I don't really recommend this novel, but if you really want to read this novel even after seeing all the other negative reviews, don't say I didn't warn you. <<less
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Bachingchung rated it
September 8, 2019
Status: --
MGA is one of my first after Tales of Demons and Gods. It has a special place in me, that's why I rated it 2 stars.

If this is your first Xianxia then up to 400th chapter, you might find this 5 stars worthy. From there, it will be a downhill of repetitive plot and cliches. There's really nothing new after that, just the same scenes with different names and shallow characters.

70% of the total word count of this novel consists of:

  1. Describing the women.
  2. Antagonists provoking the MC
  3. Antagonists begging for MC that they were blind and couldn't see MT. Tai.
  4. Narrative that states "unfortunately, there's no medicine for regret"
  5. Coughing bloods. Like tons of bloods.
  6. Narrative that states "If MC is X cultivation level, then he'll be able to beat an opponent with X + n level"
  7. same as number 6, but about the weapon.
  8. Antagonists saying MC is tr*sh or any derogatory terms.
  9. Audience saying the same.
  10. Antagonists are surprised MC is so strong.
  11. Again, the audience will react the same way.
  12. Someone from the audience shouting that "Someone from a big family/power/sect is here!".
  13. Narrative that states "New setting is way better than the previous arc's setting, and it has denser spirit or something"
  14. s*x scenes.
  15. r*pe scenes.
Now that I listed them all, I think these following are about 95% of the total word count of the novel.
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new-id rated it
March 2, 2016
Status: --
I am up to date for the translated chapters and up to chapter 1050 for the raws


I won't praise this novel but will merely answer some reviews:

1. The MC CAN'T cultivate the normal way: the Thunder Gods in his dantian are too greedy and what works for normal cultivators won't work here this is why he was stuck in the second level of the spirit realm for five freaking years and it was explained in the first chapters. So if you people can't remember it how do you expect to understand this novel and if you can't understand it, that is even worse.

2. The power levels are strict here except for special cases that are the divine body holders (Zi Ling and Tantei Snow so far) and special bloodlines (Royal/Emperor,...) and that is the case or the MC so normal people can't fight an enemy stronger than them (for people who know Bleach think of it as the reiatsu pressure that is stronger so the weak opponent can't move)

3. The MC's ruthlessness: In this world the strength is the absolute rule above everything else even morals so it is normal to act as EVERYONE else does. Do you expect him to turn the other cheek around??Personally I think they should accept the consequences of their actions so I am supporting the NO MERCY policy even though it was tuned down

4. The repetition you are talking about is it in the plot or the fights???because as the story goes and the MC develops I can't seem to read the same novel as you guys and if you mean about the way the MC is treated by people stronger than him then what do you expect from people raised in that world where the cultivation is equal to strength and they don't expect such an aberration to appear (unless they have the power to predict the future)

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Purps rated it
May 5, 2020
Status: c700
the entire novel is just

MC is gonna lose, that guy strong ooga booga MC tr*sh

MC Wins OFC Its MC

People OMG how he do dat? No matter he will lose, this guy a genius OMGOMSDG MC WON NANI?!? and

*MC* "Suck my chode young master" *Old guy* "STOP" *MC* "no" *snaps neck *old guy* "Your dead b*tch" *another old guy* "not so fast "

skip 100 chapters MC kills them moves to new place, people dont know him, calls MC tr*sh *MC "Suck my chode young master"
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phaekher rated it
September 24, 2020
Status: c4443
Utter garbage CN Novel. Absolutely not worth wasting your time on. 20% of the chapters contain "I had eyes, but could not see Mt. Tai." And another 20% has "MC is really amazing thanks to the powers he was born with and can beat everyone."

I'm reading this just for the completion on my list, just like finishing Naruto or Bleach. This series is like just the terrible endings for those mangas.

For those of you who have stuck with this absolute waste of time that makes you wonder why you aren't... more>> wasting your time with another series, REJOICE. At the time of this post, there are only 5 months and 17 days (assuming we don't have the TL missing days at a time again because he's "not working construction, which at least gives him a physical benefit, but a kushy job where he gets to wfh, " loosely paraphrased) left. I can finally say stfu to this dog sh*t series. <<less
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Samken rated it
May 29, 2021
Status: --
I tried reading this years ago, but I had to quit when Chu Feng entered some type of Immortal Road... or something like that. The story just got way too repetitive.

I tried reading this ages ago, but I had to stop when Chu Feng entered some type of Immortal Road... or something similar. The story just got more monotonous as it went on.

I tried reading a millennium ago, but I had to drop it out when Chu Feng came to some type of Immortal Road... or something along those lines.... more>> The repetitiveness of the story just got unbearable... <<less
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kma rated it
November 7, 2018
Status: c2528
Utter garbage. I simply don't understand how I survived for this long. I wanted to drop it like 20 times but had nothing else to read.

I simply do not recommend this novel to anyone except those who have nothing else left to read.

The main character is a lunatic and not in the good way. Simply unreasonable decisions the whole novel.

Worst side characters. I don't even know how to express how bad this novel is.

Worst novel I have ever read.
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Seregosa rated it
October 29, 2017
Status: c1555
Heh... Yeah... So, let's get started on this review.

If you're looking for a novel with horrible romance, bromance, asspulls, plot holes, characters and general view on women (along with a lot of other things), but fast pace on the revenge and pretty much bloodshed along with a ret*rdedly reckless MC with a lot of hypocrisy and double morals that manages to cause everyone he walks by to want to kill him as if he had used an entire can of axe on himself (only to get killed shortly thereafter after... more>> a nonsensical and illogical development), then you've come to the right place.

This novel... isn't a good one. Giving it a 2/5 or 2.5/5 is already me being very generous. I would've given it a 1/5 if it didn't manage to somehow keep me reading for so many chapters despite being so horrible. It's pretty scary how this novel is a rollercoaster of ups and downs, sometimes it's pretty interesting and makes you want to click the next chapter, sometimes it makes you want to drop it out of sheer fury and annoyance, sadly the downs are far more numerous than the ups.

The romance, bromance and the authors views on women and how men should treat them are probably the worst parts of it all. No, I'm not a raging feminist, I'm just someone who wants a somewhat decent romance. The romance, yeah, the harem (and the bromance), they're all pieces of tr*sh that are the definition of worthless. They drag the MC down all the time, never can they help him, they just leech off of him and their only worth is as ornaments that can let the MC act out the whole "damsel in distress" plot. They're all shallow and even if they were somewhat interesting when introduced, as soon as they fell in love with the MC (or in the brothers case, became fully loyal and adoring), their personalities was overwritten, all of them became identical and their previous personalities pretty much disappeared, replaced with a suck-up, meek, clingy, restrictive, demanding and annoying personality. This seems to be part of chinese beliefs on what happens when women fall in love. They're all pretty much just there to praise the MC and show how good the MC is to have so many awesome harem members and brothers, they're also not there for most of the time (thank god) and tends to be hidden away somewhere, the MC visits them once in a while. Oh, and they're super weak with no real talent, but as they are the harem and and brothers of this story, they also have plot armor. While the MC is slaving away and risking his life every day 24/7, they get a smooth journey by cheating and forced plot. First two girls too weak? Let's give them two heaven-defying pearls that'll boost them up so that they're just strong enough to join the MC on his journey to the next zone! They didn't need to do sh*t, just sleep. All 5 of the harem members/brothers are really weak compared to you and can't pass to the next zone? No problem, you just go ahead on your own, we'll come when we catch up, but then when the MC leaves, some weird old man just so happens to take all of them as disciples and forces their cultivations all the way up to the point where they've, in one year, caught up to the MC and even all exceeded him in both cultivation level and world spiritist level! All without doing anything, even if they had no world spiritist power or anything before either. Of course, this leaves a backlash effect which will, guess what, make them useless to the MC even after powering up, and the MC will very soon catch up to them and far exceed them again, so they can just be hidden away somewhere, so once again they're just burdening ornaments without getting to display their powers even once and help the MC. These powerups will continue later on... Oh, by the way, the MC has that disgusting mindset of committing su*cide if one of his girls dies, which is obviously REALLY smart since he'd kill off Eggy along with him and all other people will be left alone, whew, ret*rded MC.

Then the author is really annoying when it comes to girls. He keeps on introducing unlikeable girls and makes everyone think that they will be harem members by making the MC like them a lot and get turned on by them. A lot of young, beautiful girls show up all the time and here we see the true power of the MCs hypocrisy and double morals. He seems to very easily like just about any young and beautiful female, no matter how unlikeable they are or how offensive and rude they are, he will usually always like them. Even worse, if the enemy is a girl who tortures him, almost kills and turns him into a soul-less puppet, cuts his family jewels off and plans to use him as bait to torture a little girl the MC was fond of to death, he will still not really truly hate them. When he catches them, he "can not bring himself" to torture them or kill them, so, at most he will r*pe them and then he will feel guilt and pity towards them despite all they've done, and also feel a "bond" to them since he took their v**ginity -.-. Oh, and no such girls ever truly dies. So, as long as you're a young beautiful girl, you get a free-card to act like a conceited, rude, pretentious arsehole and the MC won't do sh*t. However, if you're a guy, he will torture you until your soul breaks and you die if you so much as look at him the wrong way. I really hate this attitude and it was one of the most enraging things in this novel. Both genders should be treated somewhat equally in a story, especially if you already have a lot of girls and aren't planning to add more, and even more so for enemies. This MC might as well get stabbed to death for being lenient to females, see if I care.

There's also plot holes everywhere and extremely forced stuff where you knows the author just f**ked up and conveniently added stuff, half-step martial emperor is one such example where all of a sudden there's a new big realm that we WOULD'VE known about earlier if the author had actually properly planned ahead. Then there's stuff like us never knowing progress of skills or what the MC poaches from other peoples bags, he can just conveniently pull out anything from his bag if it's needed. When he faced someone in world spiritist weapon techniques, he was somehow extremely skilled at it and had all materials prepared already, despite us never knowing he had even trained it. When he faced someone with pill techniques, he somehow had all the ingredients and he could somehow copy the opponents formation and perfect it in a very, very short time before using it extremely well. Well, there's a lot more everywhere.

Then there's the repetitive plot. This author recycles plot like there's no tomorrow. He re-uses the exact same scenario several to dozens of times, over and over again, to the point that we knows what will happen before reading. There's absolutely no originality or variation at all. The same stuff happens all the time, every time, in every zone... There's also arrogant and ret*rded bastards around every corner, as soon as one is dealt with (killed or humiliated), another one will pop out of the woodworks to keep the circle turning, often the new ones are the stronger people related to the person that was previously killed or humiliated, the same villain often comes back a few times too. There's about 99% bad people and 1% reasonably good people in this novel and every single one, including the MC, is ret*rded to some extent. Oh, and not only do enemies court death, the MC courts death as if it's his profession, he doesn't even try to avoid offending people, he says whatever he wants and keeps on jumping into the fire, by this point I'm starting to believe that he's a legendary masochist. It also doesn't make it better that 50% of this novels text is just rubbish that you don't need to read, filler text with absolutely no purpose whatsoever, it's painfully obvious how the author cheats his way to the wordcount all the time.

There's also a lot of other flaws, of course, but that's enough from me about that. So, since it's so bad, everyone would think that it's not worth reading at all? I'm not really sure about that. It shouldn't be high on your reading list, but it might be worth a read, even if it might also be a good idea to avoid it like the pest. I mean, I managed to read this many chapters despite hating most of it, it's pretty amazing in a way, and I know I was far, far from the only one, as you'd see in the comment section of that novel. This novel is pretty good if you want to just take a few hundred chapters of massacres and fast revenge while just skimming the romance and other irritating parts. It's kind of the fast food of the novel (mind) world. You know it's not good at all for your health (mental health), but it's pretty damn tasty at times and it's fast-paced. It should be kept in moderation and not bulk-read in one go, just go for a few hundred chapters at a time.

By the way, the first few hundred chapters were pretty good, then it turned bad for around 200 chapters, then it was readable for 200-300 chapters and then it was bad again for a few hundred chapters before turning readable again... Though there was always annoying stuff and a lot of sh*tty parts, there were indeed some huge arcs that were pretty interesting.

So, that concludes this long review. I really had to get this out there. This novel might be worth a read at moderate doses, or it might not be, it depends on what you're looking for and how much you can tolerate. I enjoyed some parts and it let me have something to do for a few weeks, but my mental health suffered due to stress from rage and annoyance with the author and I think I lost half my brain cells while reading it. It's really best to keep this low at the reading list and just go for it when you don't have much else to read. <<less
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Em_Rez rated it
April 2, 2016
Status: --
I really dislike this novel.

At first, it seemed okay, but after a while, the MC becomes a total prick and arrogant a**hole, as well as an idiot. He basically becomes a classic young master xianxia villain, but he's the protagonist, so he gets his way.

The story can be summarized as this: he goes somewhere, everyone is stronger than him and all that, he meets a hot girl, gets with the girl/rapes her, meets a bunch of a**holes, s*upidly picks a fight with them, gets saved by a mysterious old elder,... more>> then becomes an arrogant prick himself and gets stronger kills the as*hole guys. Then, all the characters are forgotten about, he goes to a new place, rinse and repeat.


Don't even get me started about the r*pe. Holy f*ck. He's an actual goddamn rapist. (Spoiler alert) Because her friend tried to r*pe him earlier, he decides it's okay to revenge r*pe and r*pes her. Great. Just great.


This novel is also terribly written. It's fairly evident that the author didn't put too much thought or editing into it.

I really don't recommend this novel at all. <<less
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Demonic Reader lv 451F
Demonic Reader lv 451F rated it
June 27, 2016
Status: c792
Average xianxia story. Nothing new.

Average plot, average fight, average antagonists, average dialogue, average protagonists. Nothing above average, D grade, xianxia. D+ may be a bit too much. I may give this title C grade if the author decided that after the MC r*ped two female antagonists, he r*ped the male too. But, as the average author, he couldn't. Now this novel is passing those average arcs, he can't change anything. So, stick to this average label. Well, all average readers, please don't be disappointed by this review. At... more>> least, with such average novel like this, we can skip reading and won't miss anything. Oh, BTW, if author had chance to be around here, please don't take all stars. One is for the translator. Your is only the remain one. <<less
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paste rated it
November 3, 2018
Status: c3048
This is going to be a long rant review, because I took the time to make an account for what will likely be my one and only review on this website. As such, here is the 'TL;DR' version: If you are looking to waste time with a mindless read or don't mind repetition and convolution, go ahead and pick this up. If you are looking for a good source of entertainment, don't bother. If you plan to just power through the redundancies of the novel because you're interested in the... more>> mystery of Chu Feng's secrets, just know that I didn't find it worth it.

Let me be perfectly clear: At first, I enjoyed this novel. It was one of the novels that really got me back into reading, and one of the first Chinese Webnovels I ever read. The translation quality is consistently great, and I couldn't complain about it a bit. WuxiaWorld does a great job, so kudos to them.

I neglected to realize that quality of translation =/=quality of novel and that quantity of chapters =/= quality of chapters (unfortunately, so did the author). If you remove the filler, remove redundant and convoluted descriptions, this novel would perhaps be only half of its current length.

At first, I could deal with the redundancy of the never-ending cycle of "get oppressed by someone significantly higher in status and/or power for either absolutely no reason or because everyone in the story is an a**hole. Then, get stronger at the cost of making more enemies of higher status and/or power. Now it's time to get even stronger to beat the hell out of them before moving to a new location. Rinse and repeat." It was tolerable, as I was interested in the mystery of his identity and the whole revenge plot that it set up, and I think a part of me just wanted to see it to completion. However, these issues not only do not get fixed over time, demonstrating the author's growth and improvement, instead it gets worse and worse until it's intolerable.

Here's this novel, broken down into a nice little list of ingredients:

    • One headstrong protagonist whose pride can never be tarnished.
    • Several beautiful love interests who have no character of their own and live only to be subservient to the protagonist.
    • As many instances of deus ex machina as you can possibly stuff between the covers.
    • Several handfuls of tropes and archetypes that will be repeated.
    • Many power-ups that fall into the protagonist's lap whenever it is convenient with little to no effort involved.
    • Several hundred lines of dialogue from unknown, random bystanders, which serve as either exposition or to tell you just how bad-ass the protagonist is.
    • An endless amount of one-dimensional, boring side characters who you will inevitably forget entirely until they resurface just for a line or two later in the story so they express how much they regret wronging our protagonist, how they wish they could accompany him further, and/or how much they love him.
    • A pinch of "justifiable" r*pe
    • An overwhelming amount of illogical behavior from every character that exists.
Be sure to leave out any male characters similar to the protagonist in age that are kind, attractive and/or greedy, unless they are secretly evil, or repulsive enough that they would not be a hindrance to the protagonist's harem.

Descriptions of literally anything possible will be repeated for several lines, yet somehow the author adds nothing more of substance. Take chapter 3039, for example. This chapter spends ~600 of the ~1000 words describing how scary a big red octopus is, how scared the people who see it are, and that the random bystanders (who conveniently expose the power level of the big red octopus) know the power level of the big red octopus, because they have already seen a similar power level and thus know the level of power that the big red octopus has. The following ~600 words are spent describing how Token Old Man Who is Wise and Powerful but Smart and Kind Enough to Support Protagonist basically one-shots the big red octopus, and how random bystanders are super impressed because he beat it. I managed to suffer through three thousand chapters of what can only be described as lazy writing, in hopes that the plotline based on his identity and revenge would be worth it. Spoiler alert: It sure as hell was not.

The following spoiler tag conceals my disappointed rant and complaints about this plotline's resolution, and obviously contains spoilers regarding said plotline.


The plotline is currently not entirely resolved by chapter 3048, because it faces a sudden interruption that serves no purpose other than for the author to make more money. Here is what has happened up to 3048:

When we finally get to the part where his identity as a member of the Chu Heavenly Clan is revealed, it's as if every one of these supposedly intelligent, powerful elders in this god-forsaken clan is an absolute nimrod, barring approximately three individuals. Exiled for being thought of as "tr*sh", Chu Feng returns to the clan and proves his worth on their clan's famous Legendary Mysterious Staircase of Absolute Talent Detection by surpassing literally everyone who has ever been in the clan (as far as we are made aware) by reaching a legendary and mythical step on Legendary Mysterious Staircase of Absolute Talent Detection.

Obviously, by proving himself to be a talent worth investing in, the clan's elders leap at the opportunity to ingratiate themselves with the youthful clan member, further tying him to the clan in the hopes that the clan's future will remain strong and unwavering, and perhaps even grow in power. They make the choice to sacrifice a little bit of pride to lower their heads to the youthful clan member they once wronged, the youth whose father and grandfather (who he has proven himself to be innately more talented than) happen to be significantly more powerful than literally everyone (barring our protagonist, of course) who has ever been in the clan. They do so because this is clearly the most intelligent decision for the elders because they have already witnessed the maniacal and mu*derous rampage said overpowered protagonist's overpowered father had wrought after his son was exiled. Just kidding, they instead continue to refer to him as "exiled tr*sh" despite the fact he's already proven he's no longer tr*sh.

Surely none of these highly intelligent, experienced elders who are trusted by the Clan Master to put the clan before their personal interests would concoct a plan to kill the protagonist all because they want their grandchildren to be deemed Most Special Clan Member of The Generation, weakening their clan in the process and making themselves a target of the incredibly strong, extremely vengeful, impossibly powerful father that will obviously kick their asses if they pull something like this. And surely they wouldn't be so s*upid as to assume their target is dead without ever seeing a corpse, and just assuming that the Super Dangerous Area Nobody Has Ever Survived was enough to kill him, right? Spoiler alert: They do.

And now, for the nth time, Chu Feng's miraculous escape from death utilizing Plot Armor Technique: Invincible Until Author Runs out of sh*t Content to Draw out this Novel brings him absurd power-ups that render the concepts of hard work and effort meaningless. But that's not all! Suddenly, the resolution of the plotline about his heritage and desire to prove his doubters wrong and to redeem his and his father's name, which I personally believe is one of the only things even remotely interesting in this novel, is interrupted. Why? Because it's time to go on some meaningless journey to pick up the forgettable side characters who you will likely not recognize the names of

Chu Feng's friends and explore Filler Clan's Sacred Ground in the Abyss Filler Ravine.

And that's where I'll be leaving it at. Filler 1, Paste 0.

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sadmanex rated it
January 13, 2016
Status: --
i give 2/5 because the beginning is good. If you are masochist, you will love this novel. The MC very hypocrite, rapist, mu*derer for no reason but even with reason, it should not resulting mu*der and r*pe. He want people to respect him but he show no respect to other. The author try to make the MC good/kind and all his action justified, but it's fail. The story repetitive, I rate this worse or on par to PMG

10/10 I would recommend to all masochist
and 10/10 non masochist should stay away from this.
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greenHills rated it
July 5, 2022
Status: c2000
MGA is wish-fulfilment so insane in scale and so unbridled in demeanour that it ends up perfectly demonstrating the horseshoe theory. In the end, it teeters the edge of a parody but doesn't make the actual leap. Then again, even if it was one, it would still suck.

Shit's all the same after a certain point. Hell, maybe that's giving it too much credit, because the whole thing's like a scratched record playing greasy variants of the same sh*t over. And over. And over.

He comes to a new place where everyone... more>> thinks he's weak (but he's a hidden talent and a genius!). He sees a hot girl. Someone in power picks on him. Luckily, our protag is a genius and knows how to face-slap every one of his detractors with his clever wits (mu*der). He curses 18 generations of their ancestors (with mu*der). He +1s his harem and sweeps the new map's treasures. He face-slaps (mu*ders) his enemy's ancestors' great-ancestors' great-great-ancestors until they all kneel in fear and regret of not being able to see Mt. Tai, and then he pulls out his schlong of cleverness (mu*der) again, because face-slapping (mu*dering) people once isn't good enough. Oh, and he saves the girl, has a 3 paragraph euphemistic s*x scene, and then relegates her to "background plot device".

Then our dedicated MC sees another hot girl with cherry red lips and mutton fat jade skin and beautiful curves and a curtain of black hair as fine as brocade silk and a cold, elegant demeanour (but she's attentive to him and only him) and (obviously) she's a pure, fresh virg*n just waiting to discover the wonders of MC's c*ck. This is the beginning of a new arc, with more mysteries to discover and treasures to inhale like they're going out of style. Chu Feng Jr. Stands to attention once more, ready to push his Sisyphean rock to the apex of Mt. Tai (or get his Sisyphean rocks off, more like).

I don't remember where I stopped, but I read at least 2000 chapters a few years ago. The TL quality was pretty decent, and that's basically the only net positive. The fact that there's over 5000 chaps and it's still ongoing right now is f*cking horrifying, but maybe I'll plug through it one day.

For what it's worth, I've read decent xianxia and plenty of shitty xianxia, including a lot of these ass-long two thousand plus chapter serenades, and MGA is still one of the worst. As works get infinitely long, they'll naturally become more dull, but MGA makes so little of an effort to disguise its loop that it's not worth the read. <<less
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jonm8389 rated it
November 16, 2019
Status: c357
This is one of the worst web novels I have ever read. Just from the number of chapters in the story (4000) currently and the fact that it's still ongoing, you know that a massive portion of this novel is filler garbage that is probably meaningless. Honestly though, I can't speak on later portions of this novel because I dropped it almost immediately. The MC is just way to irrational for me. I understand ruthlessness in an MC, but what I don't understand is constantly punching above your weight and... more>> pissing off people WAY stronger than you for no apparent reason. The worst part, is that when the MC does things like that, he almost never has a plan to resolve the situation. Rather, he gets ruthlessly protected by the most intense plot armor I have ever seen. There's a limit to the number of lucky encounters one person can chance up on to miraculously escape death and get stronger to the perfect level.

Honestly, that formula is pretty standard in web novels and isn't that bad on its own, plot armor is a staple of all cultivation web novels, what makes it so bad is really the way the MC ends up in those situations. From what I have read it is usually him creating these scenarios for himself. If there is no young master to get mad at him, he will just trigger the sh*t out of some expert that is minding his own business. Simply, the MC is so illogical and dumb it is infuriating. Don't read this novel. <<less
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Arvind rated it
April 5, 2019
Status: c208
To the shrimp who dares to use his d*ck to write this pile of shit, these words come from the depth of my heart:

"I hope u rot in hell."

After reading a hundred or so chapters or even less, u will realise how sick the authors mentality is and how disgusting the characters he created really are and the MC is no exception rather he's the most disgusting one. I'm going to state few things tht literally made me wanna puke (this may contain spoilers but if u dont wanna waste... more>> ur time then u should read it) :

About the romantic plot and love interests-


So at the super early stages of the novel a girl named 'Su mei' is introduced. She's a year younger than the MC. Su mei is ur classic tsundere. She's sweet yet fierce. There r various sweet moments b/w her and the MC tht can make ur heart warm and the MC does many romantic things for her like- giving her a bouquet of rare flowers tht he spent a day collecting in a dangerous place or cutting of a fellows legs and arms cuz he had evil intentions for his girl or making enemy of a huge allience just cuz the moved against her. So yeah, author did everything he could to show tht she was going to be his woman but tht was only until chapter 134, the MC of the novel did something unexpected... He r*ped the older sister of the girl he claimed to love and he was even shameless to say tht he will marry both of them. Shocked? Theres more, the sister fell in love with him and after some chapters she let him r*pe her Again! Then she said she and her younger sister will wait for him.


About the MC, words like- ruthless, shameless, c*cky, 'some one who bites of more than they can chew' or antihero cannot describe him, he's simply evil and deserves the title of supervillain.


So theres this family tht the MC is part of. This so-called "family" is nothing but a bunch of scums who had bullied and humiliated him since birth. But then one day this "family" goes into war with other families and when the MC gets home he becomes enraged and start to exterminates these families tht his "beloved" "family" was fighting against. He doesnt stop there he sent to there homes and captured the womens and the girls of there house and turned them into s*x s*aves and he forced the little kids into hard labour.


And about his c*ckiness lets say he's at lvl10 blah blah cultivationand the other person is at lvl100 blah blah cultivation, and even if he knows how strong his opponent is, unlike other people he wont be cautious against the lvl100 person rather he will blaber all kind of nonsense and when tht fellow becomes angey and start to attack him. He'll be like, "Damn how is he so strong even if the difference in our cultivation is "only" 90lvls" then he as usual summons the mighty plot armor and safely survives the mighty catastrophe. <<less
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February 12, 2019
Status: c2000
My god, this thing is terrible. It somehow manages to use every terrible xianxia cliché I've ever seen. The only things more s*upid than the (predictable and repetitive) plot are the characters. A literal 5 year old could come up with the solutions they call 'very intelligent'. Expect experts out of nowhere, plot armour so thick the universe distorts around it, insane powerups lying everywhere, a ton of beautiful women who want to climb in bed with the MC, and several truckloads of villains that abandon all semblances of common... more>> sense and attack for no reason.

Chu Feng (the MC) is such a horrible character that he needs his own paragraph to even begin to describe it. By that, I don't mean 'horrible' in the sense that he's an awful human being (which he really is) ; I don't mind antiheroes if they're well written, but the spectacular thing here is that THE AUTHOR is convinced that Chu Feng is a great guy. Every few chapters, he writes a sentence or two declaring that Chu Feng has positive characteristics that we see absolutely no evidence of; to the contrary, we normally see evidence of the opposite. He's dumber than your average 8 year old (despite being described as a super-genius), except unlike most 8 year olds, he can wipe out millions of people singlehandedly and he does! He runs around torturing people, raping people (men included

because he throws one guy to be r*ped to death by a bunch of apes he summons

), and massacring whomever the heck he feels like massacring. "Delusional maniac" and "hypocrite" don't cover half of it.

About the r*pe: This book is such a flaming hot pile of garbage that if you're going to read it in the first place, there's no reason for a detail like 3 or 4 r*pes to stop you. Seriously, the fact that he's a rapist barely makes the book worse because he's already such a godawful character there is essentially nothing left to lose. And don't try to justify it by saying that it's a crapsack world—the r*pe scenes are all written in a way that it's clearly the author's fetish.

To be fair, though, the first "rape" doesn't actually make him a rapist because neither of the two were in control of their bodies, but the second and third r*pes certainly do.


Overall verdict? I'd say read it. It's incredibly addicting. God knows why. <<less
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Maniac89 rated it
March 3, 2017
Status: c1276
After struggling for so long to continue reading, I just can't bring myself to continue this messed up repetition textbook. The characters have the lowest IQ in the world. The MC's rivals are all portrayed in a s*upid way with no IQ. With no 'smart' enemy, how is chu feng expected to be faced with any challenging situation. He normally kills someone for looking at him the wrong way or gets in a bitter feud with someone for speaking rudely to him. No suspense because the MC is a super... more>> hero who is suppose to win in everything (most times he starts a pointless argument). Does the MC have to win all the time in both verbal and physical fights. There are many fights which the MC had no chance of winning but miraculously uses a technique the author creates out of nowhere for the sake of victory. Don't bother reading this piece of garbage. You will save yourself a lot of time. <<less
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Magnas rated it
August 24, 2016
Status: c985
Very rarely does CF do something that makes me think it was a poor decision. Like most stories, he finds good fortune under every rock and many characters are forgotten or lose so much relevance they become a joke. I always read quite a few reviews to remind myself of both good and bad points. The issue of r*pe: the 3 times it happens to my knowledge, was not a big deal to me as I've never been affected by it personally. Realistically if people had supreme power compared to... more>> others around them, r*pe would be happening millions of times more often than depicted in these stories, but that would be a huge put off to the readers, so in a sense it is unrealistic how often it doesn't happen. While there is a harem, his actions, words, and feelings seem to indicate that he genuinely cares for them all. Several Xuanhuan that are higher rated have writing, character, or plot flaws that bug me to a higher degree and more frequently; I should objectively give it a 4 stars, but I want to differentiate it from others stories I've rated as such, and I do enjoy this one more than most. Not quite a ISSTH but better than most others. <<less
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Hantosh rated it
April 4, 2016
Status: c2150
Like most Xianxia/Wuxia, it helps if you leave your brain at the door before you start reading. Like others have said, the MC is a mass-mu*dering, hypocritical, rapist, idiot. It's never a good sign when the MC's entire family is killed and your first reaction varies between "good", "meh" or "lol". The MC is a poorly written self-insert character that breaks character constantly to suit the situation.

Side characters are shallow and the overuse of the word "genius" (which kinda implies intelligence) to describe people in the translation feels pretty ironic.... more>> The author's writing style falls into the same bad habit many chinese WNs exhibit of repetitively explaining the same concepts/things over and over again, even when they're bloody obvious things (like simple addition to determine the MC's power level), and telling instead of showing. The power system is shallow and ignored whenever convenient. Fight scenes (among other things) often aren't even described. Like the "mechanisms" in the tombs that are never described; or skills used during a fight that are directly referred to as "rank X" without even being given an actual name; or during the Monkey King's mass World Spirit summon and they're never even described, just referred to as "World Spirits". If you can ignore that, it's an entertaining way to pass the time.

Also, I've found that the story is endlessly more amusing when you replace the words "Chu Feng" with "Doom" (via an addon). Eg:

*poof* Suddenly, the city lord of the Vermilion Bird City knelt to the ground and endlessly kowtowed to Doom, "Doom, please spare me, please spare me. I was truly forced and had no other choice! I had no intentions of harming you."

"It's fine no matter what you do to me, Doom. However, you ignored your daughters' happiness many times in order to continue living in this world. You truly aren't qualified to be a father." Doom slowly walked over with oppressing killing intent.


Reading up to chapter 920, wow the story is a trainwreck. Basically the entire Eastern Sea Region arc can be summed up as:


– MC is rich as sh*t but doesn't spend a single cent to buy cultivation oddities that'll boost his power level after he buys the dead lava fetus for practically nothing.

– MC creates a secret identity to protect his loved ones but blows it every single chance he gets.

– Previously powerful side characters get sidelined like in every other Xianxia/Wuxia WN and turn into dead weight.

– Power system is still incredibly s*upid and treadmilly. Fights all feel the same; stronger guys can instagib weaker guys unless there's plot reasons. Asspulls out the yin yang, MC suddenly uses abilities he's apparently learnt out of nowhere. Fight rubberneckers can somehow magically discern the exact power level and skill ranks of combatants.

– The girl that the MC r*ped into a fish monster turned out to be demonically possessed and raping her actually helped her. He finishes a quest to find a magic flower to help seal the demon, saving her life. She secretly thanks him from far away, as he speeds off into the sunset. My eyes can't roll back any further.

– MC r*pes two female bad guys after Eggy, his female World Spirit summon, eggs him on (see what I did there?). The male bad guy who got cuckolded was the fiance and brother to them and was so incensed he penetrated his fiance with a spear in the hoohah. After she gives a short but strangely coherent, impassioned, defiant speech about why he's such a c-word, he detonates her into blood mist. Also slaps his sister after she gives an appropriate WTF for added measure.

– Magic r*pe poison incense strikes again. It conveniently depowers women, makes them h**ny, and eventually kills them in a blood explosion. Why even bother learning martial arts?


On the plus side, the writing's so simplistic you can understand 90% of it with GT.

Read up to chapter 2150 (beginning of the Outer Heaven arc) and dropped it. Finally found out what was in the baseme- I mean Emperor Tomb. Was as disappointing as what was in the Asura Ghost Tower.


- mrezman's summary perfectly describes the entire Holy Land of Martialism arc. It's so formulaic it's laughable. At one point he forms a team of mysterious old elders. On the positive side, the author's stopped with the r*pe. Not much romance either (if you can call it that). Poor Jiang Wushang and Zhang Tianyi keep getting bullied. Alas, the fate of a Xianxia side character.

- Martial Half-emperor and Half-ancestor are s*upid ranks. Like, plan this stuff out before you run into power inflation problems during the story. The naming's kind of s*upid when everyone's a Lord or King or Emperor. Same with the pointless armament ranks.

- World Spiritist is a literal do-everything ass-pull profession. The MC will often randomly use OP WS powers out of nowhere, stretching plausibility. In one egregious case, apparently the MC studied architecture sometime during his HLM journey and can create multiple floating palaces in seconds out of thin air.


Poorly written and inconsistent MC; shallow world building and characters; recycled, formulaic, trainwreck plot; disappointing plot resolutions; poor writing. The world building being interesting at times (despite how it eventually turns out) would be the only positive I can give to bad WNs like this. +1 star for lots of content if you have some time to kill. <<less
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