Genius Doctor: Black Belly Miss


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She was a peerless genius in the 24th Century – all she needed was a silver needle and she could practically bring anyone back from the dead.

After an explosion, she crossed over into a strange world; everyone calls her “Miss.” The previous “Miss” before had no contractual spirit, was weak and incompetent, and even the fiancé comes over with a new love and bullies her?

Now that she has taken over, who dares to act so presumptuously around her? With needles in hand, the world is for her to own! Wherever she goes, miracles follow! However, she saved a pest. What was she thinking when she saved that man. His stunning demeanor and impeccable face is a huge contrast to his cruel actions. He tries all ways to win her over.

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Tuyệt Thế Thần Y: Phúc Hắc Đại Tiểu Thư
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Recommendation Lists
  1. Favorite
  2. [BG] Historical - Kingdom/Imperial/Dynasty/Ancient...
  3. Wow there's a manhua version (FL)
  4. Historical Romance
  5. Long read (so take your time)

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203 Reviews sorted by

cutynup rated it
July 13, 2017
Status: c49
I wish I was like this female MC, just ignoring all those s*upid comments and just go with your head lol

It's refreshing just because how emotionless the MC (at least until this chapter)

I haven't read much c-novel/light novel to compare this story with but so far it's a yes from me
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mechafanboy rated it
June 19, 2017
Status: c2
This is a lot better than I expected but even the initial point comes with several caveats of varying level of offensiveness.

Firstly, the first 150 odd chapters or so involve crossing a lot of boundaries of personal space, to the point that there have been comments of borderline r*pe, and frankly, I feel the intentions of the people involved are benign but the actions are definitely on par with a male person taking advantage of a female person. Whether that amounts to r*pe, will depend on the reader.

Secondly, the chapters... more>> are painfully short. I'd estimate each chapter is either half or even one third the length of an average Chinese Web Novel chapter. Aggravating this fact is the author's style of writing that tends to end events midway through them and spread out across multiple chapters, so one "mini event" can become 4-5 chapters artificially inflating the chapter count.

Finally, this isn't a novel for weak stomachs. The story gets dark pretty early on and flits between ridiculously dark levels of revenge (death is seriously a luxury for people who piss off the protagonist.) and lighthearted moments. I'd argue that there's more lighthearted moments than dark, but there's always a relatively large "giant reveal" that results in a lot of people getting hurt or even dead by the end of it. Major protagonists have been spared so far, but minor characters have been killed. As for which is major and minor... I'll say that even important people to the protagonist may not save them.

On to the actual review though, the protagonist's skillset is op but isn't in the realm of fighting. Always a good sign to avoid the "powerup conundrum" where you want a strong MC, but there's only so many adjectives you can use before it all blends together. The character itself is pretty fun to read about since she's an incredibly sharp individual, it's obvious from the get go that her "initial trope" would be one of the brooding assassin-ish types, but with help from her supporting cast, she quickly becomes someone who is unwittingly funny, the cast draws her own conclusions from her words because she's incredibly socially inept and her biting sarcasm in turn forces her supporting cast to either learn fast or get cut down by a sharp barrage of words. This synergy made me chuckle a lot more than other novels and I have to say I enjoyed it a lot. As an added bonus, I loved the inversion of the "damsel-in-distress" syndrome. It's actually one of the protagonist's major weapons. She sets herself up to be abused by most but uses it more to coverup what she's doing behind the scenes. It's refreshing that she relies on very very limited outside help from male sources to "save" her. Very refreshing to have a solid female lead.

The plot runs in cycles, with a heavy emphasis on the protagonists ridiculous medical skills and a combination of antagonists woven around the idea of underestimating her and then being cut down the moment the protagonist makes her move. That said, it's easy to identify, but I feel that the lengths to which the author goes to actually entangle the MC and stoke up the level of negativity is significantly darker and harsher compared to most novels. Equally, the level of brutality that occurs when the time comes for a reckoning is also over the top. This leads to the overall feel of the novel being a lot darker and harsher than expected despite the writing itself maintaining an air of humor and childish worldbuilding that I've personally come to enjoy over an extended period of time reading the novel.

Overall, I initially underestimated this novel, between the short chapters and the relatively op character, I initially found it difficult to find much to cheer for, then the author swept everything off the table and started writing really dark revenge plots (in truth, it was actually always there, just didn't become extreme till slightly later) that piqued and maintained my interest in the world, then it really started to grow on me and I was hooked. It takes it's sweet time ramping up, but the payoff is definitely worth it. I'm quite surprised to like it as much as I do now but in my opinion, it earned that place in my heart. <<less
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yuki12342 rated it
June 19, 2017
Status: --
Beware the romance is slow for those who are impatient. There are small cute scenes that lights up the story but the ML (male lead) is often somewhere else. He takes care of his business and just let her do her own torture spree with supervision from his "servants". The MC is ruthless, to say the least, and she is OP to the max, however the story has an interesting plot. It is also a "gender blender" version of the male MC in other stories who are OP as well.... more>> Basically, normally you would have an OP male lead that goes and kill people, just switch it to a girl with a caring family and hunky husband that chase after her. <<less
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17117 rated it
March 19, 2017
Status: Completed
I'd recommend this if you love face-slapping.

The MC is determined to do everything on her own without too much relying on the powerful ML, and the ML respects that.

It's a good story that can get dark at times, terribly dark, but it just makes you yearn for more even if your heart is aching.

... more>> It gets straight to the point (sometimes too fast) and doesn't have the MC and ML running around in circles with their romance.

There are quite a few loose ends and the author tends to skip over the fine details that could've made this so much better.

But it's still good. <<less
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Nuinui rated it
March 16, 2017
Status: c178
Definitely not like the typical Chinese transmigration story.

Yes, the protagonist awakens in the body of a girl who's beauty is "earth-shattering" and uses the knowledge of her previous life to aid her in this current world. However, what really sets this novel apart from others is how Jun Wu Xie is portrayed. Like the title says, she is very cunning and sly. She is practical in how she deals with things (and people) and comes off as stoic and emotionless. On the contrary, she is just terrible at dealing with... more>> emotions (very low EQ), but that is due to her tragic past. The MC is actually quite vicious and sadistic when dealing with those that harm her family and allies. Her schemes and plans are remarkable, and she swiftly deals with any obstacles.

I love how the MC has a caring family, which is something that is usually unseen in other transmigration novels. She is not hated or disliked, and I can see how the emotionally stunted Jun Wu Xie will grow with their affection and care.

My feelings towards the love interest is neutral (as of c178). He actually only appears once in a while, which does give most of the spotlight to the MC, but I do wish he showed up more. We need more of that romantic development! Another reviewer mentioned how creepy he was, since he is quite persistent and daring in his advances towards the MC. I somewhat agree, yet I think that readers have to consider the fact that he is not "human." This is not a spoiler, since it's implied/hinted at in the first few chapters. While his boldness makes me wince at times, he never goes too far. There's only light teasing and kissing involved. And he also serves as a protector of sorts for the MC, which I really adore. (Plus, he really throws the MC off-balance!)

I know that people accuse the villains as being one-dimensional. And I agree. Things are pretty much black-and-white in this novel, and those who are evil are dealt with by the hand of Jun Wu Xie's wrath. But I don't care much for that, since I'm just here for Jun Wu Xie. I'll take pleasure in knowing that no one who gains her hatred will be left unscathed. <<less
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February 9, 2017
Status: c565
My rating is a reflection of this story vs other LN and not novels in general. At which point it'd be 4/5.

I feel the highlight of the story is that it plays the MCs flaws straight. They are actual flaws and they do make certain situations harder to deal with then they would with another more charismatic MC.

While the MC is very intelligent and good at reading people she also has very stunted emotional growth. So even if she can spot something in how someone acts she is not... more>> always able to comprehend it. More importantly is she is very bad with words and has a cold personality with a very thick mask. Thus she comes off as being extremely arrogant and easily attracts enemies. As the reader we can see that she's actually just overwhelmed, and confused.

A good example

is when she infiltrates an academy as a disciple. She stands out very rapidly which causes a number of situations that could have been more easily dealt with. A more people wise MC could have avoided sticking out quite so badly and avoided a majority of the negative rumors that she had.


It is worth admitting that MC herself really does not care about how people view her odd behavior. So the flaws impact while great doesn't cause her much damage.

In any event due to having a well developed flaw and strengths that are being explored in the story and generally interesting writing I can recommend this work to others. Chapters tend not to be super long so it's a faster read to 550 then you'd expect. It's also getting more interesting more recently in the story as more side characters are cluing in on the nuance of her personality. <<less
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Perpetual Red
Perpetual Red rated it
February 7, 2017
Status: c556
Wonderful. Totally binged. OP MC, thrilling story line, not too depressing, chapters are understandable and the translations are not bothersome, and the characters don't feel shallow. The thought that they're shallow never popped up in my mind while reading. I admit though, it may because I don't pay much attention to things such as quality and depth when things seem alright. MC has a dark past, and that past is the very solid base for her high flexibility and control over her emotions. Now for some clarification. MC has very... more>> high EQ, and at the same time, average EQ. The reason for the very high EQ is that she never freaks out, never screams a whole bunch after seeing horrible things, never lets harsh insults from a lot of people get to her, and remains surprisingly calm in the overwhelming majority of situations (only situations where she isn't is when: 1. Something very bad happens to certain people. In this case, she gets angered and shortly recovers a level, calm head to deal with the situation and exact revenge on whoever did the deed. 2. In romance situations) Furthermore, she knows how to read the intents of others like a HAWK. That calls for a thorough understanding of body language; reasoning; and emotion, a little bit. The reason why I say she has an average EQ is commonly present in MC's of other novels. I can't recall any situations where the MC (who is a kick ass female) failed to read emotions, but there were probably some situations. In sum, the novel never becomes irritating because her lack of emotional understanding. Why? Because the MC always reads intentions (and emotions) when the situation is calls for it. When something absolutely devastating occurs, the MC never suffers because she couldn't read, understand, and manipulate the situation. And finally. The MC is not weak. Mentally OR physically. Her spirit power (or whatever it's called) increases at an insane, and abnormally fast pace when compared to the norms and standards of the world. Further, her Spirit Ring is a different variety from others, so it is on a stronger level in general when compared to said other Spirit Rings. As for her mentality, that's explained in the 3rd paragraph. So for the people that believe the MC has low EQ and strength, that simply isn't true. There are definitely mixed reviews on this novel, so (I think) the best course of action is to just read a bit of the novel for yourself. <<less
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cahmil rated it
January 26, 2017
Status: c534
I love Jun Wu Xie. It's the same old transmigration story but as compared to others, I don't find the female lead hateful or annoying in any of the chapters I've read so far. Up to the current chapters this is a light read. And yes at the beginning it's like a rip off of Otherworldly Evil Monarch but then it drifted into a kind of it's own. I honestly prefer this over the other and also over Demonic King Chases His Wife The Rebellious Good For Nothing Miss and... more>> Descent of The Phoenix: 13 Years Old Princess Consort. <<less
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October 29, 2016
Status: c286
This is one of my favourite novels featuring a female MC. Usually from what I've read the MC are usually weak and constantlt fawn over the love interest. However in this novel the MC is strong and a complete bad*ss. She literally has little to none social skills so finds it difficult interacting with other people and is able to shock and scare others through her cold gaze and wicked smiles. The thing that I like about this is that the MC has a brain. I know its shocking right.... more>> And she uses her brain to scheme and manipulate others which is always a plus from me. <<less
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Nana (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧
Nana (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧ rated it
September 20, 2016
Status: c170
Good story, good pace, a romance novel where the heroine is not overshadow by the male lead.

If you have read Otherworldly Evil Monarch, this series is much similar with that. Jun family which contribute in military affair, got outlived their usefulness, then discarded by the emperor. MC is a doctor/poison specialist and get reincarnated into a body of young lady from Jun family (why so much series use this disgraced fiancee plot?). She saved a weird handsome man that followed her into her manor, despite having no relationship with him,... more>> the family got hypnotize that he is their family member (except for MC of course). So far there's a bunch of male lead material; while none of them is psychotic male like the one from DKC.

Definitely worth read. The fact that there's minimum of 1 chapter everyday is a plus ^^ <<less
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July 21, 2016
Status: c49
5/5 for story and entertainment, an enjoyable read. It's just unfortunate that the length of the chapters are really short and it's hard to get story progression. ;_;

I highly recommend the novel.
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rdawv rated it
June 24, 2016
Status: c23
Decent story, but doesn't break any new grounds. It has the familiar hallmarks of a transmigrated female offending-taking revenge story. The pacing is relatively fast and the reader won't get too bogged down.

The main weakness of the story is the extremely short chapters, in the vein of The Demonic King Chases His Wife. Each "chapter" has a few paragraphs and they only form part of a scene.
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TwoWhiteShirts rated it
June 17, 2016
Status: c17
This is interesting!!

The heroine is a medical genius but transfers into the body of another. She meets a man of unknown origins and knows he is as dangerous as they get. Having landed a new life, her new experiences opens her eyes and allows her to feel what she has never before. One after another shocking things happen to her. I'm so excited for the next release!! Thank you to the translator.
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HesheFell rated it
June 12, 2016
Status: c23
This has similar vibes like Otherworldly Evil Monarch except with a girl who is a doctor with a pass. She has a bad reputation b/c of her former host. She does not rebuke this old identity (doesn't embrace, just ignores it), she has a wheelchair bound uncle who used to be a martial arts talent, her father was killed in battle, and the old doting grandfather is the only one holding the family together. Meets a cunning man early on in the story and later grows affection for the grandfather,... more>> so that she vows to protect him. That's not all b/c there are quirks without the OEM parallel that makes this an extremely interesting read without treading far in the generic territory. A unique read so far, by far. <<less
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katrinaabing rated it
December 31, 2022
Status: Completed
You know what? I wish this is a yuri novel. It would've been perfect and I would've rated 5 if it wasn't for the ML. I love the world building. I love the spirit rings and how there's a corresponding color of aura every level. I love the face slapping. I love the high IQ, low EQ, calm and pretty FL. I like the realms and the stories, the friendship she got and her love for her family even though she transmigated. I just hate this creepy ML who keeps... more>> on mol*sting her each time he shows up just because he can. If FL ended up with


the Iron Empress (the girl she rescued who were sexually assaulted in the beast city and actually marries her. This couldve been perfect. That girls deserves the MC. She took charge of the fire empire for her for years, loved her from afar, waited for her without asking anything in return. She was so grateful with FL. I'm so heart broken for her. While this creepy mol*ster, just because he's strong and knew FL first, he got her. Mind you, this creepy guy is rarely there and keeps on disappearing. LOL! Idc about their backstory when they were still some type of God. I HATE this guy. Not cute and sweet at all.

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deemendels rated it
September 2, 2022
Status: v0c0
I gave this a 5/5 only because I can't give it a 4.5/5. This novel is great! Its pretty long but the pace and the story and the character building is well done. Its a great mix of humor, thriller, tragedy, mystery.

Here are the parts that I found a little disappointing:

... more>>

I felt like the ending was not where I thought it would go. I was hoping they would tie together a little bit more of Wu Xie's past life, but it seemed like at the end it wasn't all that important to the finale. How did her grandfather from her past life get those runes? Why was she fused with Little Black?

I was also a little disappointed that Wu Yao turned out to be Satan from their past life. I guess I was hoping he would be the person that saved Wu Xie in the past life, but that reveal was pretty anticlimactic and seemed like it was pulled out of nowhere.


Outside of those things, I really liked this novel. Definitely give it a read despite my misgivings. <<less
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The Mighty Cat
The Mighty Cat
June 26, 2022
Status: c822
This is the best novel I have ever read. MC is cool whereas ML is even cooler lol and I mean that literally. The major part of me liking this novel is due to the other novel of the author which is kinda like the prequel of this novel. That novel relays the past life of ML and maybe even MC (FL of that novel worked in the same organization as FL and she was the one who gave her life to save JWX.) .

... more>>

ML is actually Satan in his previous life who wants to destroy the entire world because his beloved 'Li Ya' died (I think this is the name but I am not so sure. She is the first devil that Satan ever created who was also first introduced as Satan's sister (not related). And on the plus part she died while giving birth to a baby whose father was a god (It was not written that she died but I think she died).



So at the last moment of ML in his previous life as Satan, after loosing the war, he tries to detonate and kill everyone. At his last moment he says 'Li Ya, in this world, there is no you.' Later his soul was taken away by the Lord God. So I assume that the FL is the Li Ya in her previous life? Shan Yanxiao (FL from the other novel) also said that felt familiarity when she saw the body of Li Ya (without soul).


So I am really confused and I really want to know whether JWX was Li Ya in her previous life? This makes sense right? JWX was born as Li Ya and after she died she was reborn as the doctor working for the organization and then in now world (Lord god had also promised Shen Yanxiao to make the FL, JWX reborn. <<less
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tenshineko rated it
March 17, 2021
Status: c3123
Wow, I can’t believe I finally finished it. It was full of the common transmigration tropes, but I really liked Wu Xie’s style and the close relationships she managed to form. I started having a lot of trouble keeping track of all the characters by the midway point. There were some extremely hilarious moments that kept me interested, where normally I have trouble sticking with a story this long. I was a little disappointed with the ending, especially how conveniently everything wrapped up. However, I do prefer a happy ending... more>> over bawling my eyes out, so I appreciate it in some ways.

The translation I read was a little weak, especially towards the last quarter or so. It was a little distracting how many pronouns were incorrect. <<less
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nokikari rated it
February 20, 2021
Status: Completed
So when I first read this book, I was contemplating should I read it because it has a lot of chapters.


This book is such an amazing ride. Although the MC is OP, she still have the character development to strive harder and become stronger to protect her family, friends and lovers. And although she is cold at first, she start to develop emotions from spending time with her friends.


The ML, omg let me tell u, HE IS THE VERY SUPPORTIVE LOVER THAT I WISH I HAD. This is not the type of "safe the damsel in distress". He let the MC to grow stronger by guiding her, beside her. Yes he protect her, but he won't intervene when the MC said so (unless the situation force him)

The side character really boost this novel higher in my heart and soul. They are just those people that will be there when the MC is sad, happy, mad (ofc she's also there for them). They will protect their companions with their heart. Their connection is just so deep, that not even a blood related could compare. <<less
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sansukini0923 rated it
February 6, 2021
Status: Completed
Wow! This is the longest novel I have read. There are so many arcs. I actually enjoyed it a lot. The MC is transmigrated, is immediately dying and found a person who is trapped and bound, so she released him and he saved her life. It's equivalent exchange. The romance is slow, most of the first arcs, the ML is not even present at all. He often disappeared which was explained later on in the story. I think the 2 leads are smart. They don't rush to kill immediately, but... more>> it's just disturbing sometimes that when they kill, they do a massacre.

She leveled up fast in her cultivation, but it's been explained that she has natural cultivation because of her plant spirits, plus she used to be a god, and the story all builds up to that ending. I think the author rounded that up nicely, it's just that Wu Yao's self-sacrifice is anti-climactic. (This is a happy ending, btw).

The Thousand Beast City Arc is really disturbing. I almost skipped it. I just thought that what happened to QLY there was so cruel on the part of the author. She did survived and she got stronger. It's just really disturbing how

the author had to keep repeating that she was repeatedly gangr*ped. As a woman, it's really cruel reading that. I'm all for gore and whatever, but of all the descriptions here, this was the most palpable, I just wished they'd shortened it or made it less blatant. This kinds of reminds me of WZ from Chongfei manual, but unlike QLY, WZ killed herself, while in this novel, QLY got JWX's support and she got stronger because of that. JWX gave her a purpose and she did not wallow in grief. I'm glad she chose to overcome her tragic past and decided to be with someone. I just hope that the author gave more details about her feelings for the guy, otherwise, you'd think he's rebound, although it took a long time for them to be together, and he is a decent guy too.


I also wished we know more of what happened to Gu Ying and Gu Xin Yan. I know there's a lot of characters. It's not possible to give them all details. But this novel is really good, although a little too long, there's no boring moments. <<less
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