Evolution Theory of the Hunter


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In a world of dungeons and monsters you can become strong if you merely have enough money.

Rare skillbooks that can magically upgrade your skills in an instant are sold at exorbitant prices. So only the privileged and rich are able to buy their way to become hunters – a much revered occupation that allows one to enter dungeons and hunt monsters.

Our MC is a porter, a sort of caddie for hunters. He dreams of one day becoming a hunter when he comes into possession of a skillbook.

But the skill is a level 0. Something unheard of. No one wants it. People laugh at it. But he learns the skill – only to find that it may be the most amazing one yet.

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01/19/19 The Deck Translations c122
01/18/19 The Deck Translations c121
01/17/19 The Deck Translations c120
01/16/19 The Deck Translations c119
01/15/19 The Deck Translations c118
01/14/19 The Deck Translations c117
01/13/19 The Deck Translations c116
01/12/19 The Deck Translations c115
01/11/19 The Deck Translations c114
01/10/19 The Deck Translations c113
01/09/19 The Deck Translations c112
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01/07/19 The Deck Translations c110
01/06/19 The Deck Translations c109
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68 Reviews sorted by

Custardmouse rated it
May 23, 2019
Status: c162
Great world building in this sci-fi story and a big cast of memorable characters.
A long ride to an OP MC, but the pacing and tension in that respect is excellent, no matter how overwhelmingly strong the MC seems there are always situations that require quick thinking and creativity to escape, and there are always competitors that have their own way of breaking the system.
All the Korean serial sci-fi tropes are here, but for the most part, the quality execution of this story keeps them fresh.
Occasional editing fails break scenes into nonsense and small grammar issues in a translation that shows good comprehension of English in most circumstances detract from the story. It feels like someone who knows better not taking enough time to be clean than someone who is working hard at a second language making ignorant mistakes. I'm exempting the most recent chapters from this complaint, the translators are in service and doing great for the limited amount of time they have.

The MC in this story feels very much like a clone of Grid from Overgeared but with less romance, no charm, and no growth as a person in a society. The guy generally sticks it to the bad guys like an action hero and has a rogue's wit, so he isn't intolerable, but the constant greed-fest of rip-offs and loot stealing from allies, tax evasion, and a sweatshop leadership mentality gets more frustrating over time. The MCs 24/7 work ethic and the author's drive to stick to 85% action %15 LitRPG resource management just doesn't leave the MC time to evolve interpersonal relationships, so it's kind of amazing that so many of the side characters get such vivid (albeit one dimensional) personalities.

A very good story that will keep you coming back. Give it a try.
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ImagineShyvanas rated it
April 25, 2019
Status: c91
It started off with a somewhat interesting premise however thats where it ends. The character progression is severely lacking, the MC has some backstory behind him however no reason to continue putting his life on danger after reaching his goal. The secondary characters are generic and bland, I didn't even remember that they had a tank in their party until chapter 80 because he never talks, gets talked about or does anything interesting.
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February 23, 2017
Status: c102
Excellent plot: imagine being thrown into a game with a specific set of rules not given to you. No help mode, you have to discover everything by trying.

Excellent characters: they feels believable, and the friendship among themselves is refreshing as all characters are developed. Also, the main character isn't a selfish as*hole full of himself, but a capable and savvy good guy, which is a rarity in a genre ridden with repulsive mcs. And finally, the romance and harem are more like "under the hood" than thrown into your face,... more>> which is also a good thing overall.

Overall, a recommended read. <<less
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faerro rated it
May 11, 2016
Status: c100
I stuck with it until chapter 10, but I am going to drop this one unfortunately.

Given the writing style it feels to me that the author is a bit on the young side... perhaps high school age. The story concept is good, but I find myself suspending my disbelief frequently enough that it is getting on my nerves.

Edit: I picked this back up out of boredom and I have to say that after hanging in past chapter 20 or so the writing quality improves enough that I will continue to... more>> subscribe to this WN. I still largely stand by my origInal post though. The world building in the beginning is pretty terrible. <<less
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SinCity rated it
May 5, 2016
Status: --
A good story with a realistic MC, the plot is interesting. Although it’s still too early to properly review it, but I like the novel.
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Alztec24 rated it
March 23, 2019
Status: c160
Another of my personal favorites. As with most Korean novels, you can expect a slow start with good development starting about 80 chapters in. For those who have not read yet, feel free to do so, but understand that you will not be able to finish the series in English for at least 2.5 to 3 more years, as current author and editor have been recently drafted.

Definitely cursed, all translators have had to stop translating due to military service requirements. Good luck Kyle, hope you get stationed well (supply regiments... more>> are amazing so cross your fingers).

If you can read Korean this series is absolutely amazing, I love the progression past chapter 190 and the plot definitely change in a way that you can't really expect (no I will not spoil) <<less
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DriftingCloud rated it
December 28, 2016
Status: c101
A very interesting concept mixing many genres together. The MC is basically a good guy that unfortunately lives in a time of chaos and death where his only way to succeed is to risk his life everyday to make a living. By carrying the spoils of the rich as they treat him as a pack animal, he learns the value of money and what power can make people do. The intro is relevant to the beginning story but changes into something more interesting as the story progresses. This is where... more>> elements of upgrading, game mechanics, and world exploration as well as human conflict come into play. There are some flaws such as below quality depth to some characters (specifically the male support members) and lack or goal for the MC. Why is he still fighting if he has more than enough money to live comfortably and enough strength for the rest of his life? As well as some missed opportunities for plot development (what ever happened to that rich kid with the Athena bow, no resolution with

the hunter that tried to r*pe the porter

and no explanation as to why the other members of the team follow the MC (I get that they should recognize they get stronger with him around but literally no one but the Magician said anything related to this and even then the MC has no clue what he was talking about.

That being said this is an interesting story that quickly veered off the standard path I thought it was going to take. MC is slightly OP (has a whole new system due to using level 0 skill) but more importantly uses his skills wisely and is actively proactive in keeping himself and his team alive (a rare quality in MC's these days). <<less
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Attolis rated it
May 22, 2016
Status: c46
This is one of my favorite novels at the moment! It's definitely worth a read! The setting isn't really new, it's a "gamelike real life" type of setting but it's quite well executed. The MC is rather smart instead of a hot-headed idiot (though he seems to be kind of dense, so that's a small minus). If this doesn't turn out to be a harem it might be one of the best novels I've read in the genre. The translators have also done a good job with it so there's... more>> nothing to complain about there. <<less
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babywolf rated it
May 22, 2016
Status: c44
Story is quite good, not too fast not too slow neither, the MC uses his brain and quite patient person, he is a commoner who due to a skill he got got the chance to try being a hunter with a lot of potential, he is one of those OP MC that needs to train hard to get strong, well its a good story.
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Gantz rated it
May 21, 2016
Status: c45
The protagonist is weak and poor, but dreams big. He happens to have some twist and turns and despite being a bit greedy for quick cash, his plan is foiled thankfully. The outcome is the unfolding story of a college grads rise to power, but he like many other heroes is oblivious to the advances of the opposite s*x. Sigh.

Overall the story flows well and you can't help but want more as the story progresses. If you like dungeon battles with an underdog's rise to OPness then give this a... more>> try. <<less
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Hayate rated it
May 20, 2016
Status: --
Starts a bit slow, but as soon as he learn that skill every chapter is an enjoyable read.
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Imray rated it
May 5, 2016
Status: --
I like it. At first I was unimpressed considering the number of dungeon based novels but I like this one alot, it starts flow but at this point (28) I cant wait for the next release. A poor MC in a world where the rich and strong oppress the weak through a chance encounter recieves a seemingly useless skillbook, but as you will soon discover the pitiful rank 0 is more than it seems
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zenla rated it
May 4, 2016
Status: --
So I read chinese take on monster invasion in modern world. There was some japanese view on it too.

Now I read Korean take on this topic. Let s see...

Monsters and dungeons showed up and started killing. You are wrong if you think this story is classical survival genre though. Because story is set decades after inital catastrophe.

Dungeons became a source for income but... only for the rich. Since only the rich can afford proper equipment for dungeoning. But of course the world does not have only heroes. There are... more>> also so called porters whose job is to pick up loot and praise rich idiots. Our MC is such underpaid and underappreciated minion for rich sons. But then again... who wants to remain mere minion forever. The story from zero to top hunter begins when huge monster appear before him outside dungeon. let s earn money! <<less
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firespier rated it
May 4, 2016
Status: --
Quite an interesting story.

The MC isnt quite a faceroller type but uses his head, also hels that to a certain extent he reminds me of Weed from LMS
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December 8, 2020
Status: c68
If someone likes the hunter-dungeon storyline, they might like this.

However, the story is average at best. What's more the further the story goes the worse it becomes (not sure if it gets better afterwards but really.)

MC is the biggest issue really. He is a hero wannabe in the world of scums and a**holes. What's more annoying is that he acts like he isn't but when it comes to it, he sees his enemies (that fought few chapters ago) getting reckt by the monster... rather than pooping up some popcorn... more>> and enjoy the show, he runs in to save them instead.

He also carries a deadweight of teammates with him which is pretty much just for the sake of milking the storyline. If he were to do proper solo levelling, he would already be the top tier hunter and the story could enter it's final stage.

Speaking of his levelling though. The entire world setting resolves around him. The world setting is that for 50 years there have been dungeons and nothing really happened. But as soon as MC levels up to level 2, all low level dungeon suddenly disappear because well... because he is MC. <<less
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dark.matter rated it
June 18, 2020
Status: c123
Novel is a complete waste of time.

The novel LITERALLY revolves around the MC. Like the world changes according to how MC levels up its been 123 chapters (and mind you this novel is only like 340 chapters or so) nothing is explained on why is that, the abilities MC gets there's no proper explanation and you often see author changing the way items work.

The side characters are tr*sh, I dont remember any one of them except the female lead that is just there to SUCK MC'S PEEPEE and guess what... more>> MC acts like a dense f*ck 100% of the time. Side characters aka his party members serve absolutely no purpose expect for them just existing there and stopping MC from soloing everything while he is just doing that.

The author writing style is just bad, most of the time you can't tell who is talking to who it's just bad, I tried ignoring it but I just can't anymore.

The novel has no sense of crisis, everything is cruishing for the MC, you don't feel ever that he has had a tough fight. Every fight MC justs pubs stomps every monster/person. When you think yeah this monster can maybe push MC to brink of death, then MC is like "NAH I GOT THIS EZ" and he just increases his abilities while in fight mind you.

MC has no end goal or any type of goal except for killing monsters and getting money and tr*shy side characters blabbering added onto it. There's no explanation about the levels of MC, or most of why anything is happening in this novel. If you like that kind of thing maybe this is for you then. <<less
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Saronin Jayhart
Saronin Jayhart rated it
November 3, 2019
Status: c118
Was 'okay' until:

... more>>

This new continent sh*t began and he stopped going into dungeons. The new Red Dungeons were pretty interesting but they were thrown out in favor of more new continent sh*t after a couple of chapters.


The long and short: A story that doesn't stick to its own premise, breaks its own rules and contradicts itself many times. The world is literally MC Centric, the worldbuilding consists of only a couple paragraphs at the beginning of the first few chapters and there is no character development.

It was mildly entertaining until around chapter 100, but it got progressively more boring after that. I don't recommend reading this, it's a waste of time.

Characters: ☆

Plot: ☆☆

Setting: ☆☆☆ (Fourth ☆ docked for the s*upid addition fifty or so chapters in and the fact that everything revolves around the MC. It's acceptable to build a world for your MC but not to such an extreme degree)

Worldbuilding: ×

Total: 0.75 <<less
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Ravelord rated it
August 6, 2019
Status: c42
Kinda meh.

Abilities system is simplistic and shallow, leveling principles are something to guess far and wide, like how does hunter even level up?

Narration itself is casual.
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reddir rated it
February 7, 2019
Status: c77
I am really liking this story, and the translation has been pretty good (great at the start, less so in the past 10-20 chapters).

My first attempt stopped after chapter 3 or so (with the "rape-upcoming" flag) - it seemed to just another bullying and social nastiness novel.

I recently came back to it and have been flying through the chapters!

... more>> It is NOT a bullying or r*petastic novel in any way. The MC is reasonable and has good success and the readers don't have to look at constant powerlessness and bullying.

The story has been pretty good so far, it moves at a quick pace and the changes come too fast to get bored with any 1 aspect. <<less
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August 7, 2018
Status: c102
Eh, this story is decent enough for what it is; a power wank. Just turn off your mind and don't think too hard about it, and it'll bring you enjoyment.
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