Across the Stunning Beast Princess: Phoenix Against the World


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Huang Beiyue is First Princess residence’s only legal daughter, yet she’s known as a useless waste throughout the whole country. But when the twenty first century’s most dangerous assassin opens her cold eyes and finds herself inside Beiyue’s body, the whole world is up for some chaos! The sickly young miss exposes a ruthless and ingenious edge, shocking countless men and women who all then admire her.

He who is the king of the night is cold blooded and ruthless. In troubled times, he by chance meets her, becoming one as a zither and flute ensemble. Since then in heaven and earth, life and death go hand in hand.

Associated Names
One entry per line
Feng Ni Tian Xia
凤逆天下 ;
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Recommendation Lists
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  5. Historical Romance BG

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13 Reviews sorted by

Mavsynchroid rated it
April 15, 2018
Status: c50
In the first couple of pages, the main character actually acts like an assassin and kills, but after that one time, the next 50 pages go back to word play, face slapping, and schemes to humiliate each other. No different from every other female lead novel, except the writing is much more generic. After page 45, the novel is now being translated by someone else, and to be honest it's terrible. Broken English mixed with past and present tense screw ups. I could only... more>> last 8 pages of this before having to stop. And yes, I've been saying pages instead of chapters this entire time on purpose because that's what they are. The second chapter alone was cut into 10 "parts", other wise known as pages. Sometimes feels like translators do this so they can say they've released more "chapters" than they really have. Either way, it's a poor practice. I'd rather wait a few days for a full chapter than read a page of it every day. It's more honest that way too to the readers.

EDIT: Dropped the rating even further after coming back after a few months to re-read and catch up. All chapter links after 84 are dead. Even clicking next chapter on the site itself gives dead links. <<less
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ghostofmater rated it
January 5, 2019
Status: c1725
I'm writing this review based on the book itself and not the translation of it. I had read this through a Chinese website, with the help of google (don't do it. It was hard to understand, and I might have not fully comprehended the full storyline.)

This has to be one of the saddest endings I read in a while. Granted a lot of the ones I read had happy endings, but this was more of a bittersweet ending. So if you expect a happy go lucky ending, where they... more>> all live happily ever after, you kinda get it and you don't. There is going to be a lot of betrayals and death along the way to get to the ending. The plot itself was decent enough that it helped me carry through till the end with it, but as I said before, due to the fault on my end, I didn't fully comprehend the story and I didn't get the full enjoyment. They had killed off some of my favorite characters, but what can you do. The beginning was amazing that it got hold of your attention as she progressed. What irked me the most is that the life lesson her master from the modern times gave her, she didn't really stick to it, which led to the multiple story betrayals. But if you can take some of the bs the story throws at you and the bitter sweet ending, then I think you might enjoy it?

But the translation for this story officially to English was great though! I really enjoyed it!

Here some Spoilers, but TAKE IT WITH A GRAIN OF SALT. I might be slightly off with the information as I didn't have the best of a resource as I only had google translate as a guide.


Who I remembered that died in the story: South Country Emperor, Princess Ying Ye, Molian, her master/ the black heavenly dragon, Honglian, Xiao Yun and her mother (I think)

Someone save me by telling me how does spoiler button work. Idk how to make spoiler title.



Main lead: As you know, they were never clear on who the lead was at the very beginning and had to pick sides on who was favorite. It is Feng Lian Yi, Though I wish it wasn't at the end. I'm quite biased towards Molian.



Ending w/ use of Google Translate: So, Molian died from having his father taking his power and fighting against him to save the MC. The dream demon (Google never gave me his nameLOL) found him as he was dying and gave him a dream where he was a begger and was married to the MC, had children and grew old together. With his ability to revive people from the dead, his soul was condemned to not have a reincarnation. The price of revival. The demon told the MC a lie saying he never found the body when she commanded him to go look for Molian. The MC said she'll wait for him, and she did. For 10 years, before finding out the unable to reincarnate thing. Then, she manages to secure his future life and get to meet in the next reincarnate life (I think? I wasn't too clear about this. I don't even know who she made the deal with the secure it. Ty google.) The countries are in harmony now during the 10 years. Feng Lian Yi is the king of Shura City and Northern Country (I think, here still). MC and ML don't even get together. That's the kicker. They only hint of marriage and getting back together after the 10 years. Princess Ying Yi soul came back and told the MC that she didn't blame her for her death. Yan, the beast sealed in her, was resealed in her again. He was out momentarily, wreaking havoc. The Crown Prince of the Southern Country becomes king and gets a wife he doesn't love because he still loves the MC, but knows he can never have her. Dong Ling is now the new Honglian of the Guongyao temple (name might be different in English). MC is also the mercenary king. Lolo memories was tampered with by the MC so he doesn't remember her, and end up marrying the original owner of Huangbei Yue. I think that's it? Might have missed some details here and there.

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psychobee rated it
August 26, 2017
Status: c615
Uhh I'm not good at writing review.

Well like other transmigration novel, our black belly MC will had tragic past, become stronger, finding treasure and pets, finding the true story about her body past, getting revenge, and of course meet with our ML that have tragic past and dual identities then had a romance and adventure with him.

... more>>

For our MC and ML they didn't had a love at first sight but when they played flute and guqin they feel that they perfect and completed together. But our ML that had a complicated identities making him cannot meet our MC and then our MC will save him. It didn't mean our ML weak, but the one that imprison him is his mad mother.

There's also a mystery about our MC body past. Who's the true killer of her mother and who's her real father. And why her parent must separate and killed.

Her closed maid will be kidnapped by the enemy and brainwashed making her want to kill our MC. The misunderstanding why our MC didn't save her will be solved but after our MC had injury because she can't hurt her closed maid.


Well I'm still in the middle of the story and there's still many complicated mystery and unresolved enemy but I alreay fall in love with this novel. <<less
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Kurai Oji-Sama
Kurai Oji-Sama rated it
August 1, 2018
Status: c174
Its your typical generic story. Besides that, the story itself is interesting so 3 stars. Reason for the avg score is because of the plot.

FL is modern day best genius assassin. Her actions though.... not an assassin let alone a genius. At the very least, the skills she has displayed so far was sub par at best. Assassinations Is about killing specific targets without getting caught. There are countless ways to do this, but FL only knows a few and its only about fighting face to face with her opponents.... more>> Really the only thing similar to being an assassin is that she sneaks around. Also, For an assassin she is also prone to mood swings and acts base on her mood in any situation. Which is lethal and should be lethal, but.... plot armor.

I love to read this type of genre but I get tired when the authors make their FLs the #1 soldier/assassin/doctor/poison master/etc. Especially when they only show a few skills pertaining to their previous profession and then completely do something else like use summon monster to fight their enemies. The series goes From being the #1 Genius Assassin of the Era.... to #1 Pokemon battle.... ICE LUAN! USE ICE NEEDLE!!! <<less
10 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
August 16, 2018
Status: c80
The main theme is same: Reborn in waste's body, assassin in past life, had a two faced ML, cool since day 1.

yet, the story is done nicely. There is also the manhwa based on this novel, Feng Tian Ni Xia, which is faster paced than the novel. I like reading the novel more.

Translation quality is good. I like the novel and it is recommended. If you are ok with transmigration theme, this is another great pick.
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YukiChan801 rated it
February 24, 2018
Status: c47
I love this novel and when I started reading it I couldn't wait for the next chapter but then the translation stopped for a bit and now someone finally picked it up again which makes me happy. So far this novel has a great MC, cool storyline, interesting characters and a good flow which I like so I will definitely continue reading it!
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OceanMagix rated it
July 28, 2018
Status: --
Omg, omg! I love the manga!

Look at all those stunning and beautiful images! (Okay, I might be slightly biased about this one. But seriously, look at how the manga artist drew it! So...!!!) Especially since there wasn't any translation back then.

So for this novel I purposely went to read the manga slowly using MTL cause there wasn't a translation back then. (I'm usually sick of MTL after awhile. With this it was worse, slowly mtling bit by bit. But so worth it to me^.^)

Well, I'll go refresh my memory... more>> of it again. Leave a review later ^.^

From the prologue? You see her and her opponent the police guy (he looks so cool). If she haven't transmigrated...

Plus the way she dealt with the cliche engagement break up, super cool!

Lol, at this rate my most frequent word will end up being cool! Hahaha

Ahhhh!!! I'm off to read this again!

Thank you for the translation!

3 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
June 12, 2018
Status: c4
I know I haven't read much and its still early to judge but I am enjoying the fact that she is an assassin and even though she transmigrated she still has her cold blooded killing side which I enjoy. What I'm trying to say is that she doesn't lose a few brain cells after crossing over.
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hammyhamham rated it
October 21, 2017
Status: 43c
Its your typical Transmigrated MC with an OP skill, getting revenge to the previous orphaned owners' body for being badly treated in the past. Wanting justice LOL


Of course OP things will come her way like getting the ANCIENT BEAST without having energy LOL


All in all it is good, we will see as the story progresses more
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Sinking Ship
Sinking Ship rated it
April 20, 2019
Status: c100
Okay so other people have mentioned some of the obvious negatives. The story is pretty cliche (death > transmigration > cultivation/beast taming/pill making > revenge for the old bodies owner). The story is a pretty slow burn (it takes a long time for anything like "revenge" to happen). The MC comes out really strong in the first few chapters (as in she kills a whole bunch of people) but then is really passive for the 90 chapters after that which leads to a bit of a feeling of let down... more>> expectations.

But all of that is tolerable. What really ground MY gears reading this story, the problem that cropped up like every other chapter, is something that's in the title. You see it says "Phoenix against the world" right? And at the start that seems kind of on point - her whole family is evil and hates her and wants her dead, her fiance abandons her for her sister, random people spit on her in the streets or whatever... we all know the drill. But the more you read the harder it is to believe in that premise (that everyone hates her because she's a waste or whatever). Because she lives in a place called "The Princess Prefecture". And she is the "princess" of the "Princess Prefecture." Even her father is just the "prince consort" and all of her sisters and brothers are concubine born. As in she's literally the only one in the entire place with a direct bloodline to the emperor. The emperor that apparently cares about her? And the empress dowager? And a bunch of other random members of royalty? Like she has a huge, atypical for this kind of story, amount of social backing in the setting.

Normally in these female MC gets revenge type deals the characters have very little social capital and/or wealth so that they can be the underdog. And while the MC here definitely starts out as the underdog (you know with all her crazy evil relatives and whatnot that get frontloaded in the first few chapters) the more you read the less it makes any sense. There's literally a scene a ways in where the emperor like pulls her aside in front of her evil family and is like "hey, are these guys dicks?" and we get treated to a bunch of internal monologues from the family about how "oh, I wish I hadn't always treated her as if I was a literal cartoon villain because now if she rats me out we're all going to die" and then she doesn't rat them out because of pride or whatever but you get my point? Like (at least at the beginning of the story) she is not at all "against the world" rather she has a huge amount of support and backing and the only reason that she went through all this hardship is because the other characters are all literal lunatics working against their own interests by acting like crazed cartoon villains instead of any semblance of what a reasonable human being might act like.

It really pulls me out of the story when every time the evil stepmother/sister does a bad thing to the MC I just sort of pause and think to myself "yeah, there's no way anyone who wasn't actually literally suicidal would do something that s*upid, given the relative social positions of the two characters" but they do do it. And then they do it again the next chapter. And I guess eventually they'll probably have something horrible happen to them for doing it but I still just sort of question why they would do it in the first place. Is having even a tiny bit of nuance to the villains of a story too much to ask? Hell, I wouldn't even ask for nuance, just having them behave in ways that weren't actively self-destructive for no appreciable benefit would be enough.

edit: it's different from typical suicidal baddies because even if the MC weren't hiding her powerlevel their actions would STILL be suicidal just because of all her many many powerful friends <<less
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Jojojo rated it
February 25, 2019
Status: c100
For all the transmigration/assassin rebirth/revenge story I have read, this one is very very very... did I mentioned very slow. Im already at 100 chapters but I see no revenge anytime soon. The MC let them push and insult her in her face but she keep saying to herself they will pay dearly. But until now its all wishy washy. What happened with being an assassin rebirth. Or maybe I need to keep reading, its just that Im already halfway throught the reccent update chpters but story is so slow... more>> and each chapter is so damn short. I dont usually mind short chapters as long as there is progress but with this pace it may take up to 200 more chapters to see a good development of MC's revenge and strenght.

I may chang my review after reading a few more chapters and hopefully there will be satisfactory. <<less
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Pikiliu rated it
January 26, 2021
Status: Completed
I agree with what a lot of ppl say, it was slow paced, the revenge was slow but fulfilling, the romance and the ending is so sad. The story has a cringe theme (assassin/reincarnation/ beasts) from the start but it grew into a hidden gem as you read more and more. If you read this, the MC will be one of the most memorable MC ever.
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ivanlyw7 rated it
July 7, 2019
Status: c1725
Translation quality is great.

Chapters are short. Action is slow.

Don't expect a happy ending for everyone.

Romantic for the first half between MC and ML but after that their relationship becomes unrealistic, with the ML's thought process becoming stranger and somewhat incomprehensible.

Author decided to write another book halfway through the side stories so its kinda uncompleted.
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