Martial God Asura


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One night a mysterious and unexplained phenomenon occurs in the nine provinces. Five years later Chu Feng, a regular outer disciple of the Azure Dragon school, awakens one of the mysterious nine lightning beasts. And discovers an egg sealed inside him.

From there we follow Chu Feng on his path of cultivation.

Associated Names
One entry per line
Shura Valkyrie
Tu La Vu Than
Tu La Vũ Thần
Xiuluo Wushen
Xiu Luo Wu Shen
Xiuluo Wu Shen
Related Series
War God Asura (Prequel)
Against the Gods (25)
Martial World (10)
Wu Dong Qian Kun (8)
Chaotic Sword God (7)
Tales of Demons and Gods (5)
Battle Through the Heavens (5)
Recommendation Lists
  1. My Journey into Webnovels: Discovering Wuxia
  2. What i have read in my 8 years of online novel rea...
  3. series i've read
  4. My novels
  5. I hated it !!

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289 Reviews sorted by

Poppy Palais
Poppy Palais rated it
June 18, 2017
Status: c1700
I've read quite a few of the other reviews, and the main criticism seems to be that it's repetitive, in that the MC joins a sect, makes enemies and friends, is too weak but soon gains strength, so then beats up the bad guys, and afterwards moves on to a bigger and better sect and does the same again.

Okay, there's some interludes, travelling, meeting people that move on the main storyline, but it's mostly beating up bad guys.

And that's what I like:-). After all, it's pretty much like the majority... more>> of Xianxia tales. Treat it more as a series of novels rather than one long one and it's fine. Because you can make the same criticism of James Bond novels or any series where you know the heroes are going to win and smash the villains.

The evil characters are fairly well drawn and just have enough depth to avoid it being meaningless and boring when they're beaten.

I'll be very happy to read the next 1, 300 chapters, even if it is more of the same.

About the only thing I don't really care for is the absurd happy-to-share-him attitude from his little harem.
Never gonna happen! <<less
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radikai rated it
May 21, 2017
Status: c600
I'll be fair. Like everyone has said, this novel has a LOT of bad points. But there's a single good point of this novel, It's interesting.

I like what one of the fellow reviewers said above, this novel needs you to turn off a part of your brain for you to really enjoy it.

I'd say that's true. But seriously, how much should you turn off?

As for me, IET's novel, albeit not very well written and planned, is very interesting. I can turn off a part of my brain which said that... more>> the novel is just shallow. I can tolerate the repetitiveness and just enjoy the story.

Unfortunately, I can't do the same with MGA. Brainless enemies, boring cultivation, shallow story, two dimensional heroines, awfully huge harem, arrogant MC who likes to court death and r*pe, story full of repetitiveness, overly OP plot armors. There're too many bad points. And I can't possibly turn off my whole brain, right?

There was a time when I really enjoyed this story. Heck, I was even one of the readers that had been reading since the start of the translation journey.

1 star, to express how disappointed I am. <<less
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Teanana rated it
May 12, 2017
Status: --
Martial god asura is another typical story of it's genre. Zero creativity from the author, everytime the main character gets to become the strongest in the area, he goes to a new area where his rank is the weakest, very logical right?

We get reminded every chapter or so by the author that our main character is a goddamn genius, very young for such a high stage but then we get to see a whole sect that has the main character cultivation and alot of them are at the same age... more>> as the main character.

Just like every cliche in this genre, this author can't write a story without a mindless villain that only thinks about how every should treat him like a god and will proceed to fight against the main characte for no justified reason. I believe the appropriate term for this is one-dimensional characters.

So many more reason to rate it at one star, such as the author giving the main character zero complexity, insisting that he is good personified and everything he does is good, such as raping a girl, killing entire secs etc...

Power levels? just like every cliched story in this genre, no real skill as a factor, we are just given as a fact that the main character can fight against people at higer stages than him, even though we get reminded everytime that the new stage is so much stronger than the previous stage.

Combat wise, at the beginning of the story there was some skills to be learned that we actually get to see working and saving him. But later one, the only thing the main character does is screaming his skill with a cliched "DIE!", "Break for me!", etc...

In my opinion, one star is at the level where it's a mistake to be reading this story unless u literally have nothing else to read. I am certain that people who rate it 5 stars are either kids that never read a story with more complexity than a coach from ikea or people who don't understand the rating system.

5 Stars should be given only to storys that goes above their genre, an excellent read that should not be missed, and it's definitly not this one. <<less
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Dummy00001 rated it
August 14, 2016
Status: c67
Weak, whimsical characters. Reads like a comic book: lots of action, but not much depth. Lots of cliches and recycled xianxia elements - very few original ideas.

Read only if you are very bored between releases of something better.
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The Divine Queen
The Divine Queen rated it
August 9, 2016
Status: c949
At first I loved MGA, In the beginning Chu Feng was awesome then he started collecting a harem but hey I was okay with that. BUT!! The Author keeps recycling the plot over and over again. Every time he defeats an enemy and new one appears in the next chapter who's much stronger than the last and thus he rises up to the challenge and defeats them and BOOM!! A NEW VILLAINOUS B*****D APPEARS. Same old same old but I won't lose hope fingers crossed it gets better
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naptime rated it
July 29, 2016
Status: c813
While this novel has many downsides that other people have already listed it somehow still menages to stay entertaining, what this novel does good is get you angry and then the MC vents it for you, also the fights are good and skills are also well thought out so as long as you don't think too deep about why everyone seem to lack a brain you will be able to enjoy MGA.
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May 13, 2016
Status: --

Rape? if he really into r*pe, I can only count it 1 so far and that was when she tried to trick him he want to cancel it nicely before that but was closed to being tricked into sleeping on one of the girl’s friend. ofc he mad that he had being tricked like that like before and because of that he want to teach that girl a lesson not to play a trick on him by raping her, if he was a male he would just kill him. Think, the other party want to trap him to r*pe her friend and cancel the engagement by humiliating him when he came nicely to resolved it but didn't get the chance to. he dared to retaliate because he had strength to do so unlike when he was tricked by su rou father before (he was still weak), he had self conscious too and really regret that he did that even though that girl deserves it (at later chapter that act saves the girl instead). At latest chapter he really didn't take advantage of the poisoned girl due to some aphrodisiac-like drug that can kill the consumer.

Don't be simple minded reader who cant even read properly. tsk. The MC wasn't even pe*vert just a healthy male. if u still think that was wrong, then the issue goes to your naive mind instead. You will get the chance to see MC scheme to sleep with one of the heroine but later he fell in love toward her.

About the clan slaughtering, for ancient Chinese, clansmen tend to hold grudge especially bad in-nature clan, in order to avoid something happen to his clan or their future; its necessary to uproot the source to avoid unnecessary vendetta if u think its cruel to kill them... its more cruel to the future when they had to be constant in war state... why do u think people back then keep doing war??? Just because u lives in peace environment??? this is novel; depicting how ancient people does thing and want us to imagine it... this is not nonsense bullsh*t you bird lover think of because this happen too in history... I even hate how true history of the china goes but I had to admit it; it happened


I can only say this, this novel world full with practitioner that hold grudge and unless u uproot it, it will cause problem to you in the future. Its not hypocrite or whatsoever. Its to survive. Remember his clan (not the real one) was almost destroyed due to hatred on him. All he did was cultivating and people keep messing with him. When they got bullied they shifted to aim him more and more. He had to cultivate faster to beat up this bully clan. Do you know what this bully want to do to him??? kill him.

Its not some of them. Its THEIR HIGHER UP who order to kill him and the clan itself is mess up that thats why he purge them.
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Maou-Sama rated it
February 8, 2016
Status: --
MGA is a shounen story, not a xianxian. Why? Because the story is all about fights and girls not more nothing less. The fights are awesome and the characters are quite good. There are interesting powers and abilities. Unlike other xianxia MGA does not believe in strategy and calculated moves but on Brute force. MGA is like a novel version of Bleach, awesome fights and epic powers but not much plot. But unlike Bleach it has more character development, romance, death and interesting side arcs. Really they are quite... more>> good. The MC himself is quite an extreme person and has a really short temper. NOTE: The MC is quite normal, well at least according to the story, it is a harsh world with "survival of the Fittest" is applied. So the MC does kill a lot people out of silly reasons but its quite normal to kill in the story so there is that.

So finally I say that, MGA is a shounen story with gore and romance well along with awesomeness. This story is targated towards teenagers not the adults so please do not nitpick on small details like "Oh why did he kill them?!" or "He is such a Jerk!!" <<less
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PhoenixDrop rated it
May 6, 2022
Status: 2500+
I am so satisfied on the chapters that I reached, although I haven't finished it, but I did re-read it two times.

I read this on year 20XX and dropped it since we don't have wifi yet.

Picked it up at year 20YY to continue but I can't remember which 2000+ chapter I was in this I started again.

Then I dropped it because I was too busy in life. Anyway I hope to know the ending. Wishing to have enough motivation to reread and continue this.

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aristial rated it
February 25, 2022
Status: c4924
First of all I'm going to give it 4 stars because it has very good arcs and entertaining stories but I don't recommend it to critical readers or readers with little time this novel has very good arcs but the number of bad and repetitive arcs exceeds them but if you have time and you finished the Great Chiliocosm Upper Realm I suggest you finish it if not that you leave it before getting bored in later realms.

MGA is one of the first novels I read and I liked it... more>> so much that I got to chapter 3700 in 3 months but after a break, you learn about the decline of the novel the protagonist has nothing to do with when he was young and that's good the bad thing is that he becomes an element that only moves through the plot the characters and realms up to the farming levels become repetitive but it's very sustainable thanks to his wonderful world building world building that makes you interested to see how far the story goes but that basically becomes impossible after eggy falls asleep and the prota always gets plot limiters that take out the plot just because and many times they only serve for some x villains to mock the protagonist and then beat the crap out of them, xianxian readers are used to but when even the structure of the arcs become the same it becomes discouraging, I personally do not recommend this novel to critical readers or with little time because even if you are satisfied with the initial arcs then it will become repetitive for 4 or 5 arcs and then have an interesting arc or revelations really entertaining, I rate it with 4 stars partly by sentimentality and that the plot of the father and eggy are very good. <<less
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July 18, 2021
Status: c3472
The novel was enjoyable at a point but it got really tiring.

First of all, Chu feng's behaviour towards guys that are not related to him is very disgusting... If a guy has a small misunderstanding with Chu feng, the guy would either end up Crippled or dead, But if a girl wants to kill him, he would end up smilling and pleading when he's actually stronger than her

For example when he saw a girl bathing naked mistakenly, She wanted to kill him and he was actually smilling and laughing with... more>> her and even gave her his Exalted bow which is an immortal armament as compensation... WTF DOES THAT!!!!??

If a guy wants to kill you, you will torture his soul and kill him but if a girl wants to kill you, you will compensate her?? What level of s*upidity is this?

Secondly I don't really understand this plot of changing the gender of his strongest enemies to females later on. it makes no sense.... Li ming vs Chu feng was actually really interesting until boom! The author made li ming a female from a dude.. we all know how the story ended... Eggy would s*upidly start joking about matching them up thereby destroying the whole archnemesis plot

Same thing with Wuma Shengjie, After he found out she wasnt a guy. Chu feng stopped being serious and started behaving like a h**ny dog

Let's be sincere if Wuma had been a guy, Chu feng would have never helped her win a spot in that world spiritist competition..

Every guy who is actually worthwhile except his brothers/clan members are either Villians or weak asf,

    1. The author can try better than this, This is making the novel look really weird and boring...I feel Chu feng should be like his father and concentrate solely on cultivation
    1. I hope he gets a Super talent nemesis who will f*cking crush him and his ego... His road has been too smooth P.S it should be a guy unless Chu feng will end up behaving like a h**ny dog, Same with eggy
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July 16, 2021
Status: c3000
Not going to give rating because last time I've read this is about 3/4 years ago when the translated chapters only reach around 600 and I powered on using mtl.

I have already largely forgotten the details of this story, but the plot kinda remains. First thing first, our morals won't work here. MC is hot-blooded and a little provocation can turn bloody. He got harem members everywhere in all plane and they are all good to each other (if I'm not wrong) . Every 1000s chapters, the MC will move... more>> to a higher plane. And one thing I've always want to know is the whereabouts of MC's father and their reunion.

Truthfully, because of the many many chapters, this story is bound to be repetitive. So read with an open mind. If it's not your cup of tea then I suggest you read other story, maybe something like Panlong or Doulou Dalu.

Writing this make me nostalgic, because this story is one of the first wuxia I've read. <<less
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God-Slayer rated it
May 3, 2021
Status: c2050
It's good novel in start, but then it's become so much boring.

  1. MC start cultivation.
  2. A Young Master clash with MC and beaten by MC.
  3. His family come and beat MC, but MC saved by a old man.
  4. MC cultivate and beat the family.
  5. Then again start from 1 step to 4, no anymore imagination. Only place and cultivation change.
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GeassAye rated it
August 13, 2020
Status: c1024
Think of all those side character villains in any manhua/novel where he/she is the child of someone extremely influential. Get rid of the aspect of using his/her connections to bully people, and leave in the c*cky, arrogant attitude and you get the MC. The MC is the worst MC in any novel I read.
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Kurai Oji-Sama
Kurai Oji-Sama rated it
July 28, 2020
Status: c1842
If your reading this comment, it means that you are interested in the novel. My recommendation is to read it. Everyone has their own opinion based on their experience and beliefs. Although I'm dropping the novel, I am glad I read it. I was captivated by it for a good 1500 chapters.

iv rated it 2 stars cause the arks repeat themselves. To be honest I didn't hate the novel. I just got tired of reading the same thing happen over and over again. There was a lack of character developments.... more>> Some characters ended up doing things that broke their ‘character.’ For example random betrayals from the most loyal lover.

to be fair, the novel may explain it in later chapters. As of now however, I am dropping the novel. I may pick it up again after several months. <<less
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August 13, 2019
Status: c2226
storywise extremely repetitive (be an underdog, offending random young master, fighting across the level) this sh*t repeats every 100 chapters

the author lost his mind when writing cultivation levels

he introduces a new realm Half Martial Emperor Half Martial Ancestor
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Ojin rated it
August 9, 2018
Status: c2672
The writing is pretty terrible. I love an OP MC capable of powering up and whose talent surpasses the heavens as much as the next guy, but the author can’t even stick to his own rules. I had previously stopped around 1700 when that was all there was translated. I waited and I’ve since read another 1, 000 chapters. It’s the exact same story with different levels. I’ll wait another thousand and check back then. I really hope the author finishes it with a decent ending because at this point... more>> I’m too invested for the story to die. <<less
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Kaikatana rated it
June 21, 2018
Status: c2337
Has very strong plus points but also some glaring weaknesses...

This was one of the first novels I read overall and thus holds some kind of intrinsic value to me, but I'll try to be as objective as possible.

I would say if your've never read any Cultivation Novels this one is good as a startingpoint as more or less any typical thing that could happen in such a novel happens here as well.

That is also why many say its very repetetive but if you look more closely into the whole you... more>> can see that the setting the novel explores is very diverse. Of all the novels I read so far this one is one of the best with that. You travel the world enter strange realms and explore all kind of places. I have started writing recently as well and I could definitely take some inspiration from this.

But of course a novel can only be as good as its characters...

Chu Feng... well, he is kind of strange guy, but also very typical for the cultivation world. Good to friends and merciless to enemies. But still he is freaking one-dimensional, especially later on.

There is a harem and it starts of pretty decent if I remember correctly, but everything starts becomming kind of a mess later on as well.

Cultivation System: It is between the rigorous ISSTH way and the <let me just invent some levels here>-way. The story tries to get better later on (like 2000+) but kinda fails.

Even though it is kind of generic I actually like the whole 'World Spiritualist' Stuff (which is btw the only occupation after cultivation in this world and any blacksmith, apothecary, etc is just one of them more or less)

To sum it up I'd recommend the first few Volumes to anyone as they contain some creative stuff but I'd say only die-hard-fans should continue after that! <<less
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Rufim rated it
June 18, 2018
Status: c3300
I dont want describe all bed things about this novel because they are tooo many. Start point may be not so bad but after some point quality of story suddenly dropped dramatically (ch 700-1000). Hero moving in some periodic story circle that never changes. Even most dialogs just copy-past each other.
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o0Phantom0o rated it
April 21, 2018
Status: c1704
It has been a while since I dropped this novel and I was very sad to do this but I HAVE NO other choice.

This novel begins with a good start until a few hundred chapters and it becomes horrible latter on (near chapter 1000 I think). I will not write a review, as many others had already wrote a detailed reviews about why it become so bad later on.

I just wrote this for 2 resons:

  1. As to support the others who said that the novel get worse after few hundred chapters.
  2. For those who intend to pick up this novel as to not to get dissapointed later on and waste your time.
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