Zhao Qin Mu Chu


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Question: What is it like being married to a scumbag?

Chu Yu: Every year I spend over three hundred days thinking about getting a divorce, every month I spend thirty days thinking about how to kill him, and every day I spend twenty-four hours thinking about boxing his ears.

Associated Names
One entry per line
Qin By Morning, Chu By Night
Related Series
The Husky and His White Cat Shizun (2)
Golden Stage (1)
The Wife is First (1)
Alpha Predator (1)
Break-up (1)
End of Love (1)
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  3. Completed danmei
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  5. Weekend Escapades

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43 Reviews sorted by

Raizel_Pendragon rated it
October 12, 2021
Status: c71
The story is short but well written. In fact a bit too well written. With the verbose praises about MC's& ML's beauty almost every other chapter and the detailed description of furniture, home decor and interior design, it should fall under the difficulty rating of "translator's nightmare". It nearly made me despair over my lack of knowledge of prose poems and literature on reading a translated version. Kudos to the translator.

About the story I loved the MC and their daughter. The MC was an upright, tough and unyielding poison tongued... more>> beauty, especially in the first half. But his strengths gradually turned into his weaknesses. He stubbornly loved the ML and he did make mistakes pursuing his obsession. He ruined almost everything- his status, dignity, future and health protecting a bunch of ingrates all cause of a single promise. I also liked

how decent and mature he was in dealing with his daughter's relationship with ML while they were still divorced.

But during the later part of the story his character did somehow devolve to being slightly naive. Cause given the number of times he got into trouble for his calamitous beauty I'd assume he'd have learnt to get a bunch of good bodyguards to follow him around 24*7... he never did. And considering how intelligent he supposedly is I found this a bit ridiculous. And given how much I loved the initial adamant spunky poisonous nature of his, this was a bit disappointing to me. Then again, I guess becoming the hero saving the beauty was the only way to help the ML 'redeem' himself cause MC is far superior to the ML in everything except his physical strength & stamina 😗

And the ML? He doesn't deserve MC or the daughter.

Personally I would've preferred it if MC was allowed to move on and find a good spouse who truly and thoroughly cared for him and his daughter. Cause ML failed at being both a good husband and a father. I can't even stomach the years of debauchery and abuse but what became the final nail in coffin was

how he stood by and watched his family and lover bully MC into preterm labor. Not only did that lover of his bribe the servants and doctors to try and kill both MC and the child during childbirth, of which they did succeed in killing the baby and nearly the MC too, the ML on realising that it might've been the lover's doing responded with a-"I know what you did. So go buy a mansion to live peacefully, I'll even pay for it..." 🙂 TF????? He. Killed. Your. Child!! Goddamnit I can happily read abuse/yandere stories but when it comes to killing children to get to your goals....I just CAN'T- (ノಠ益ಠ) ノ彡┻━┻ and I don't even like kids much... so I really can't understand how ML could treat the mu*derer of his own child so well.

Oh Wait. Did I mention that this child was conceived through r*pe? While their first child was conceived by a dub-con where the ML kept calling out his lover's name...🤢

Ahh it's not over yet- ML then further acquiesced that feticidal scum following him to a royal hunting contest... what status were you lending him by taking him to an important official gathering?? After you just lost your child and nearly your spouse too to this guy's machinations!! AND while the said spouse was still in bed with questionable chances of recovery.... It was so infuriating that I was happy when this brain-dead scum and his tr*sh family got stripped of their status and exiled cause that SOB lover tried to assassinate the Emporer. It was a pretty lackluster wrap up to an era of MC's sufferings.

Even to the end the MC has to drag his ailing body to go kneel before the Emporer's palace for hours ruining his legs permanantly to beg for mercy for this tr*sh all cause of his pointless love and a single promise to ML's dying father. I really felt that he'd already sacrificed more than enough for these ingrates over the years and shouldn't have saved those who condoned the mu*der of his child. But then again this is an ancient China-ish setting and the customs of those times did give tragically unnecessary importance to filial piety and promises. It's understandable but still infuriating.

And where's the f-¢#ing redemption??? You think everything will magically become 'daijobu' if he said he regretted it and went and gained military merits? He's still a failure as a husband and father. He was never around during the first pregnancy or childbirth and after what happened during 2nd pregnancy he became completely irredeemable to me.

Into the tr*sh you go~

(ノ`⌒´) ノ~ (o°o) 🗑️

TLDR: Author seems to hate MC. As even during the wife chasing the one who got abused was smh still the MC😢. MC deserved better and ML doesn't deserve MC. ML didn't suffer enough [docked the two stars exactly cause of this (and I'd have docked more if it wasn't for how well it was written and translated). The way the scum didn't get much abuse but MC got abused into accepting his supposedly redeemed a#$ left me feeling very very angry unsatisfied]. I really don't wanna say it's a HE considering how easily our MC ended up with the ex-abuser+rapist+adulterer ML. I'm disappointed but it's not my life or my story. So whatever makes them happy🤷🏻

I read it for the angst so I'm satisfied. It's well written and well translated. I'd recommend this novel but not the relationship. Read the tags before you proceed. <<less
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Sonata123 rated it
September 20, 2021
Status: c61
First of all, my great respect to the translator for smoothly translating this incredibly flowery prose. Like really, the author likes to use at least two adjectives with every noun, three or four metaphors in a sentence. Not to mention an obligatory description of the MC's incomparable beauty in every second chapter (and the ML's manly beauty in every third one).

As for the story... it is short. I've read it in half a day, the translated chapters, and I don't think I'll read the rest. The truth is I... more>> did feel invested into it, in the first half. That's why the second half was all the more disappointing. For me, it started like whoa and ended like flop. In the first part, the MC was fantastic, strong and tragic, and my heart was going out for him. And the ML was - well, he was scum but it seemed, not beyond redemption. So, I was particularly looking forward to the second half - the redemption itself.

But... redemption? What redemption? The ML saying: "I made mistakes, I want to make amends." Amends for what?

Your lover killed your and the MC's child, in the process putting the MC through unimagjnable suffering. Your actions completely ruined the MC's health. What amends can be for that? And let's not forget: already knowing that his lover killed their child, what the ML says to him is "Buy yourself a house, live your own life". And then proceeds to go hunting with him, while the MC is on the verge of death and their baby is dead.

Oh, he earned military merits? So what? One can be a good soldier but a despicable being - and that's the case with the ML.

In the end the whole redemption arc is mostly: someone tries to r*pe the MC, the ML rescues him, rinse and repeat. In the end the author has to make the MC blind (and mute for a while) to let the ML the opportunity to take care of him. Oh, and don't get me started on how the ML is always kissing the MC while he's unconscious, even though the MC constantly rejects him in his conscious (and even unconscious) state. Ah wait, their second child, the one that died, was also conceived during non-con/rape, so what's new.

In the last translated chapter the ML is jerking off on the unconscious body of very sick MC but they are in the relationship again, so I guess it's okay... or not?

But the MC was cool, truly cool in the first half of the book. So it's even more sad he becomes so ridiculous in the second half. Throwing things from the carriage at the ML every day for the whole city to laugh and applaud. Hmm, yes, exactly the Chu Yu we know from the first half of the book.


Sorry, I just feel disappointed; the first half of the novel was real. The second half is so meh.

P.S. I slept on it, and now I think I was wrong. The story is even creepier than I thought at first. I recalled some more disgusting details of what the ML did in the first and in the second half of it, and now I want to bleach my brain to forget them. Eww. <<less
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rebelontherocks rated it
June 2, 2021
Status: c1-10
First of all, the translation for this is amazing, there are no words to describe how smooth and fluid it feels to read this, and the translator deserves full credit for that.

The author deserves full credit for writing beautifully, and with such gut-wrenching vividness that I sometimes need to stop reading to process it. It's like everything unfolds in front of your eyes like a watercolor painting as you read, that's the best way I can describe it.

Danmei reviews don't often comment on the quality of the writing and it's... more>> a shame, because some danmei is beautifully written, and Zhao Qin Mu Chu is stunning.

I've never read mpreg before, to me that was something that existed only in the realm of kinky fanfic. Well suffice it to say this novel changed my mind. If like me you're a little hesitant about the mpreg, don't be. The author made the wise decision of not trying to explain it with convoluted world-building, it's a thing that happens and everyone accepts it and the story moves on.

I love Chu Yu so much, he's such a strong character, and at the same time he has this wounded fragility to him that just makes you want to bundle him up and give him a warm cup of tea.

I love forward to seeing Qin Zheng grovel a lot at his feet *-*

The angst is delicious, I can't get enough of it.

Please give this novel a try, you won't regret it <<less
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seagullfan rated it
March 10, 2023
Status: Completed
If you want to read something that 90% consists of the descriptions of how beautiful the MC is and how he is tortured in various ways by other characters and the author, seek no further, this is the story for you.

The MC is r*ped several times by the ML, suffers several r*ape attempts from other characters, goes through several horror-inducing childbirths, is tortured, completely loses his health, goes blind at some point, I think there is probably more, I just forgot some.


If you want to read about the ML who is at least marginally sympathetic, about his regret and his redemption, if you want a crematorium - then no. You won't find it here. The ML is so disgusting that the MC

accepting him back makes me feel some kind of contempt towards the MC. Man, can you have some self-respect or something? The scummiest thing among the scummy things the ML does is probably going on the hunt with his ex when he already knows that the said ex killed his baby and nearly killed the MC. I'm not sure what kind of mentality one should have to go hunting side by side with such a person as if nothing happened.


And I can't even call the ML a scum gong. He is, like, not a scum gong by choice. It is his natural state, so to say.

I have to admit the suffering of the MC in the first half of the story is described very vividly and you have to be heartless not to sympathize with him. But exactly because it is so extreme, I felt the need of the same extreme redemption on the ML's part. And there the story fails abysmally.

Like, the ML comes back, and the first thing he does is starts interfering into the MC's life. As if he has the right to do so! Does he even have some shame? And the author makes the MC such a damsel in distress simply to give the ML more chances to get closer to him.

Excuse me, the MC is described as the most feared official in the capital, his brother is married to the emperor, but there are always various marquises and viscounts who try to sexually harrass or r*pe him, all for the sake of giving the ML a chance to rescue him.


But the final thing that annoyed the hell out of me was:

the MC and the ML have a daughter, a wonderful, strong-minded, very likable girl. And in the end of the story the MC gets pregnant again. And his health is ruined, having a child is extremely dangerous for him (but does the ML care? Hahaha, no.) To keep the child or not to keep the child? Sure thing, the MC descides to keep it and one of the arguments is that their daughter is a girl, after all. This casual contempt for women, as if a daughter is not good enough, was really chilling for me.

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Purple Rain
Purple Rain rated it
June 24, 2021
Status: --
One of the better books in the angsty danmei genre. According to my personal taste, I'm a huge angst lover, and I don't mind it when the plot is full of dogblood, but what I can't stand are weakling mc's whose lives are easily toyed & destroyed by the rich & powerful ml's. I hate those kinds of plot, and find them to be more frustrating than emotional. That's why I gave this novel 5 stars, bcuz while the plot may be a bit typical, MC is an absolute delight.... more>> He's the type of character who could be a villainous second female lead in those court drama shows lol. He's beautiful, smart, rich, powerful, proud, & noble. His self esteem is as high as his social status. He's also at a higher position of power compared to ml. Although he's in love, like crazily in love, with the ml, he doesn't let himself be trampled upon by the ML at all, facing him with a cold arrogant expression all day long. I think the contrast between his proud & noble self, & his unrequited love hidden deep inside is quite interesting, as well as a little heart breaking, to read.

In that sense, some might compare him to Chu Wanning from erha, but compared to CWN, this MC is more complex, & a bit more human. (Don't kill me. I'm a diehard Erha fan too.😂). I like that although he's so in love with ML that he's ready to throw away his own life for ml's sake, he's proud enough to pull out that sincere heart of him & throw it to the face of ML & his family who didn't treat him well enough to deserve his sincerity.

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bluedrop rated it
April 3, 2022
Status: Completed
Holy sh*t I have not encountered an ML I loathe more in years of reading. The last time maybe was a similar harlequin romance novel. Like I usually love angst and scummy MLs as long as there's sufficient groveling in the end and a redemption arc. BUT HOLY CRAP WHAT REDEMPTION??!? THERE WAS NONE


I loved the writing and loved the MC but holy crap I HATED reading this it was Hella painful without any satisfying (for me) payoff in the end. I just kept wishing for any guy LITERALLY ANY... more>> DUDE who could treat the MC the way he deserved and sweep him away and give him some much needed healing.

I would have given this 5 stars just for the writing alone and the MC but dayum I can't even give it a score with how much I loathe the ML and I can't get rid of the bitter taste in my mouth. <<less
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ricoerrr rated it
April 3, 2022
Status: Completed

mc: chu yu

ml: qing zheng

summary: ... more>>

MC had been infatuated with ML since childhood but ML never had the heart to pay attention to MC as he liked someone else. Ml's family is on the cusp of ruin and so MC, with his high status and wit, marries himself into ml's family and singlehandedly keeps it afloat. However, ML had always been at odds with MC since the marriage and spends his days playing around in brothels. MC even bears him a child but ML remains absent. Until one day they decide to set aside their differences to raise their daughter together, and a semblance of romance blooms between the two. But before things progress any further, ML comes across his old lover again, the two remain ambiguous and hold secret rendez-vous behind mc's back. The old lover schemes to replace MC as ml's wife and causes MC to have a stillbirth. Having failed to kill MC, he schemes to kill the emperor, dragging ml's whole household down with him. MC and ML divorce, and ML is exiled.

four years later, MC takes a high government post, and ML climbs the ranks to become a renown military general. They meet again, and ML pursues MC with vigor. However MC is in poor health and a living target to many corrupt officals of the court. He suffers a kidnapping and loses his vision and voice. ML spends months nursing MC back to health. Once better, they formally reconcile and remarry (with ML marrying into mc's family this time). ML gets pulled to war, and MC follows him.



surprisingly loved this novel. Its a 4.5/5 from me, half a point docked off for reasons ill mention at the very end. In typically wife chasing crematorium fashion theres love triangles and theres cheating but the second half of the novel when qin zheng pursues chu yu in full earnest is incredibly tender and loving I do think its all worth it in the end u.u


qin zheng started off as a good for nothing playboy despite being a married man. Though I didnt find him particularly scummy until a good twenty chapters in when he was pursuing chu yu and keeping meng hanyi by his side. The scumminess comes from how he was being a wishy washy two timing a**hole; not man enough to commit to one person and not smart enough to realize whos best for him. The part of the novel that infuriated me was when he realized meng hanyi killed his stillborn son and tried to kill chu yu, but he did NOTHING about it. No charges, no punishment, no nothing, even going as far as protecting the perpetrator. And not only that, qin zheng took off with chu yu's stillborn son without as much as giving him a chance to mourn properly. He thought he was being helpful but it was downright cruel. I was so LIVID. Shithead got his retribution, at least, as did his whole family. F*ck around, find out.

he got a damn good beating over the next four years - and rightly so - that humbled him enough to realize how much hes taken for granted. Without this little life lesson he wouldve still been frivolous and fickle at heart, wouldnt have chased chu yu with the same sincerity and fervor, and chu yu wouldve never accepted him back.

the second half of the story takes a completely different tone; qin zheng goes to pursue forgiveness and reacceptance while chu yu tries to move on. It wasnt quite as frustrating as the first half because the unbridled love and affection qin zheng showered chu yu was so overwhelming it truly felt like it offset the angsty bits. Qin zheng got to play the hero once again and chu yu falls in love a second time just like how he did the first time. Then came their second marriage and I simply swooned the whole time. Qin zheng marrying into chu yu's family, chu yu showering him with gifts he never got the first time (sobs), qin zheng breaking betrothal etiquette, qin zheng wearing a brides veil (!!!!!!!), and chu yu blessed with another pregnancy. Its happy all around, and I think the story ended beautifully.

HOWEVER. One thing I did notice (and it peeves me immensely) is how qin zheng never gave a proper apology for his past transgressions. No heart to heart talk, no acknowledgments, no nothing. Not even an off screen mention of a proper apology. Chu yu never received closure of what happened to his dead child and (in the extras) those nightmares haunted his third pregnancy. Im disappointed, to say the least, I expected better from qin zheng.

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Reyleisha rated it
March 1, 2022
Status: c71
Rating: 5/5- Definitely the best scum gong redemption novel I’ve read so far.

Agree with most of the comments that praise the translation. It is indeed magnificent.

The story itself is really well written for its short length. You do feel immensely invested in the characters grief and journey towards each other but you also respect the fact that they also understand why they ended up in those circumstances.

... more>> There’s a very realistic portrayal of emotions and pain. I think chapter 28 left me in extreme tears.

Do I believe the couple should be together, in all honesty- no. I think they were ill fated and will probably remain so. But love is nonsensical in many ways so their ending is sort of fitting.

I’m also still trying to figure out what happened with the Empress and Emperor? Are they together or what even happened?

I recommend this to those looking for a fresh perspective on angsty scum gong redemption stories. It’s well worth the read. <<less
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August 19, 2021
Status: c34
ML is a piece of sh*t through and through. Personally I like reading angst about the main cp but this was way too one sided (at least so far up till the halfway mark of the novel). MC kept being wronged repeatedly by various parties, all of which were pretty much caused / enabled by ML.

ML seriously lacks the resolve to commit to anything and doesn't think with his brain. His indecisiveness led to

... more>>

mc's miscarriage. Felt that his thought was also not executed well - he seemed very whimsical? I knew what I was getting into when I started this novel (affair/having a lover) but the execution and over-simplification of the whole love triangle made me want to spit blood at him


Personally I don't understand why MC is willing to go through so much for him, just leave him and let him rot! I couldn't read past


chapter 34 because here they finally divorce. And I know whatever redemption arc ML goes through after this chapter will not be enough to make up for his past deeds.


Might pick this up again but for now I think I've had enough of this spineless ML. <<less
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h1kar1 rated it
August 17, 2021
Status: Completed
Binged-read the whole chapters in 2 days, what a fascinating story! Please bear in mind that this is not for the light-hearted as the tags have warned, a lot of angst, suffering, mpreg, difficult childbirth. If not for the knowledge that this is a HE, I might've dropped it since there are so many angst. But this is a perfect story for angst-lover just like me.

I fell in love with the MC, he is such a fascinating character. He's pretty much flawless, breathtakingly beautiful, smart, proud and extremely resilient. His... more>> words are venom-like but inside he's soft and kind. He's like your typical tsundere, but he takes it to the extreme. His only flaw is his deep love for the ML, to the point he sacrificed everything for the sake of ML. His silent love and devotion are truly moving.

As for the ML, a lot of times I just wanted to smack his head hard, he is a kind person but with weak resolve. Fortunately, his character grows significantly in the later part of the novel, otherwise I'd have given up this novel.

A big appreciation to the translator (leihuos), their translation plays a big part in my enjoyment of reading this novel. It's smooth and easy to read with explanations to the cultural references. I mtl'ed the rest of the chapters, while waiting for the translation to come out. <<less
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Evesneon rated it
September 7, 2021
Status: Completed
The daggers.
Initially I wasn't impressed with the ML. What made the MC fall in love with this man? Childhood fascination? A promise given and sworn?

Then we went to the middle of the novel.
The hurt, the despair, the letting go... snagged my heart and it kept me going through.
But I'm glad it ended the way they did.

Worthy of being the top few novels in my list.
Thank you translator-sama for your quality translations. So much of a pleasure to read!!
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Indelible Faith
Indelible Faith rated it
January 26, 2022
Status: c71
To be quite honest, I'm not very sure what to feel about this book.

Qin Zheng and Chu Yu have a truly terrible start to their marital relationship because CY literally forced the other into a relationship by appealing to QZ's father, thus making QZ break his prior promise with his childhood sweetheart. Why does CY actually do this, how he behaves with his new family after his marriage – well, frankly it doesn't matter – the start itself is terrible for them, and thus it follows for nearly five years... more>> after.

At the beginning, when CY truly liked QZ, QZ wanted nothing to do with him. Then, when QZ started reciprocating because he wanted to try for a better relationship with his spouse, CY was already emotionally drained. In the midst of this, the old flame returns and the drama starts anew.

What kept me hooked to this dog-blood drama was it's beautifully lyrical writing style. There is very little overarching plot honestly; it's mainly about their life together all the sufferings they endured before becoming a happy couple. Though even at the end, I have no idea what exactly makes their relationship work; apart from their shared life as spouses, their child, and their now mutual attraction.

Having complained so much, I do have to agree that this is a very very gripping novel and I couldn't put it down at all, managing to read through it in about 5-6 odd hours. The writing is truly equisite with all its poetry references and metaphors. Also, reading about CY and QZ's chaotic marriage and relationship makes you very curious as to how it will end, and end happily at that.

With all that said, it is a complete rollercoaster ride of emotions while reading this story, so if you're in the mood for that, I do reccommend it. The translator has also done a tremendous job in translating this!

3½🌟 <<less
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jiche rated it
November 30, 2021
Status: c71
By far the best angst and character development. The translator has done an excellent work on ZQMC. Have you ever read a novel that made you question in each chapter if this is a HE or BE or an open ending? Have you ever read something so angsty that it nearly made you have a fever? Lol. It's that wholesome. If you aren't one for the SUPER HEAVY angst, please move yourself far away. After reading the main story, I am definitely curious of this author's other works. People weren't... more>> kidding when they say it is packed full of angst. The translator has done justice to the novel, with plenty of helpful footnotes and amazingly smooth reading quality. Please know how much I admire you for making this so beautifully translated.

Just for the sake of everyone's mental and general health, this is a HE.

I'll be patiently here for the extras. Thank you so much for sharing this masterpiece with us, dear translator: leihuos. Since the novel is not on any purchasable platform now, tipping/ buying the author's other works on Changpei is also appreciated. <<less
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takame rated it
July 17, 2021
Status: Completed
The prose is pretty good! well-written and the translator is awesome as well for translating it all nicely. Alright, so the I am fine with scumbag MLs+dog blood combos. Heads up! this is one of them. HOWEVER, it's a different thing if ML himself is involved with another lover. I can't cry much or throw out some sympathy bcos I'm too annoyed lol. Good news is, the (cardboard) white moonlight died halfway the story w/c made me felt better. Aside from that I enjoyed reading the rest. The bun is... more>> a girl and she appears a lot.

Though I don't approve Mc's self sacrificing actions no matter how noble it may be at the expense of his health. But I guess it's necessary to drive forward the drama. As I have read about plenty of scum gongs with different ways to make up to their shous, this one is refreshing...


when the decision of remarriage came, ML volunteered himself to be the wife and enter his ger's family registry LMAO.


As for the elder bro, Idk, I don't get elder Chu's relationship problem. Perhaps it got lost in translation somewhere but as I understand, he and the crowned prince (turned emperor) had a spat before the time jump and they were already reconciled at mc's remarriage.

Unlike others I've recently read, I appreciate that the Gers in this story are treated somewhat like full-males... even if they could get pregnant, they can still have career advancement w/o any criticisms/prejudice and could compete with actual men to get key positions in the government <<less
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Weebn234 rated it
June 18, 2021
Status: --
This is a great book. I cried a lot, I particularly liked it because the MC is not like the other soft MC's. The ML loved the wrong person and he figured it out when there was nothing he could do about it. The MC does not like to look weak so he hides his emotions, suffers alone, and act cold. But in reality he had love the ML for more than 10 years but the ML loved someone else. MC has a daughter. During the chapters ML started getting... more>> along with MC until he met his old love. Sh*t went down hill from there.

MC has a miscarriage

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keighlysays rated it
July 26, 2022
Status: Completed
Two flawed characters who learned to love each other at the wrong time. Two characters who made promises to people they shouldn’t have kept. It’s those promises they made, the MC to ML’s dad, and the ML to his white moonlight, that were their downfall. This is a novel about weaving through the paths carved out by fate and trailblazing a new path to finding love. The MC is a witty, sharp-tongued, albeit proud and stubbornly in love. The ML is a kind person whose biggest flaws weren’t with his... more>> actions, but rather his inactions and weak resolve. Together they doled out the perfect recipe for a disastrous relationship.

Angsty novel that’ll grip at your throat and underhandedly put you in a chokehold when you’re least suspecting. Frustratingly bitter, anger-provoking wife-chasing crematorium, you know the kind of novel that’s considered an acquired taste and a delight to some while an absolute nightmare to others. Heed the tags, if you’re chill enough then proceed, if not, this novel is not for you, so move along.

Quick synopsis: MC married into the ML’s family when he was only 16, and in doing so, forcefully separated the ML and his white moonlight (Mei Hangyi) while driving MHY out of the capital. ML resented MC for chasing away MHY, having searched for him to no avail, and thus wasted his time in brothels and indulged in booze and s*x, while simultaneously whittling away his youth and ambition. The MC is captivating Lu beautiful, intelligent and extremely eloquent with his words, slicing into the ML’s pride and dignity with his every word. Their relationship was dangling off of past promises, past sentiments and guilt. At one point the ML decided to turn his life around and treat the MC better, but then MHY returned.

At first I thought the ML was a little shit, albeit a tolerable POS. That lasted for a short while until he turned into a massive turd, a total shithead with peanuts for brains and a weak resolve that ended up costing him years of groveling and suffering. To me, even if he was met with the same amount of torture and agony that the MC had to endure, or even if the suffering doubled, he’s still irredeemable.

He was still redeemable up until he found out that Meng Hanyi was responsible for the death of his stillborn son. The grief he had when he felt the loss of his son, the fact that the MC almost died trying to deliver his son, was that worth peanuts to him? That he could brush aside MHY’s heinous actions AND even oh so generously tried to honor the last of three wishes that he promised him when they were young. BOY, your honor and promises need not be kept when the vile vixen you’re furtively harboring feelings for be out there trying to mu*der your spouse and unborn son. How he treated Marquis Jing in prison when MC was kidnapped and tortured may have been more extreme, but that’s the behavior someone ought to feel and have when their spouse and unborn son were targeted, not continuing to grant them their final wish. He’s a fool through and through, and even after getting back with the MC, he’s still trying to eat his tofu while MC’s unconscious, this total shithead is like a digimon that keeps evolving, but he becomes a bigger and bigger turd with each digivolve. I can’t reconcile with a character that cheats, no matter how much suffering and groveling in the second half of the novel. Had he not try to live in peaceful wedded harmony with Chu Yu prior to his old flame returning, I might give him some credit. Had he not known how difficult Zhen’er’s childbirth was and how weak MC’s body was carrying his son, I might forgive his ignorance. But he knew, knew that MC was weak, knew that MC was carrying the son he begged him to keep, knew that childbearing was not easy for the MC, but he still didn’t bother to check up on him after rendezvousing with the home-wrecker. The way he wanted to have his cake and eat it too was what made him absolute scum and completely hopeless to me. But alas, I’m also not Chu Yu, and also not a fictitious character whose been secretly in love with a turd since I was 7, so I will end my rant as thus.


While I still don’t like the ML, I will admit that it is because he is so human capable of making grave mistakes, the kind that indirectly causes harm without intentionally going out there plotting revenge. It’s almost like it’s worse, to lead somebody on and hurt them that way thinking that he can satisfy and have both in his own delusional world. One can say he’s heartless while trying to straddle two boats due to guilt and past sentiments, but while I can understand his reasons to an extent, I can’t excuse him for it either. I’ll give this novel a 5/5 for how immersed I was with the story, characters, eloquent prose and translations. A big thanks to leihuos for introducing this novel to the western audience, and bigger kudos to the amazing translations. <<less
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coldsoba12 rated it
November 4, 2021
Status: c71
words can’t describe how angsty this sh*t is like the tag are there so be warned :)

Like I initially thought oh maybe this gonna be like an enemies to lovers but boy it was a whole unrequited love to disappointment and tragedies for the MC. Don’t get me wrong the ML is tr*sh for the first half of the novel but his character growth made it worth me still reading it.

... more>>

yo I couldn’t stop crying when he went to divorce the ML and the lines “they were just the wrong person at the wrong time 😃😭 but I understood perfectly that the MC needed to close their relationship off because he deserved more 😪


the way the novel is written and translated as well is done so well just like how other comments mentioned. The prose in the novel just made it highlight the hurt and anguish that progressed in plot. <<less
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enaillig rated it
July 8, 2021
Status: c60
This is just beautifully written. The pain, the angst, everything is vividly portrayed. I cried so much.

At first I was losing interest, because the ML doesn't appeal to me too much. In contrast to the 'domineering', 'obsessive' scum gongs that I'm familiar with, Qin Zheng is different. He's passionate, not obsessive, and most of all, HE UNDERSTAND REASON. But he has weak resolve... and that's his fatal weakness that caused him to lost everything.

Chu Yu is a strong and resilient fighter, not in a physical sense but both in emotional... more>> and mental sense. Despite the hardships, he endured and endured... but alas, there's always a limit to how much a person can endure.

The main couple both have reasons for doing what they did and they paid heavily for it so you really can't blame them. Moreover, their actions are justifiable. Their relationship isn't that toxic, they forgive when it's needed, they part when it's time to let go. And that's what I really liked since it's rare for grovelling novels to be non-toxic.

I suggest you give it a try, it's definitely worth it. The political machinations, romance and whatnots are all balance. Definitely not slow-paced. Kudos to the translators as well, they did a very good job for translating this well-crafted novel...5/5 <<less
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May 2, 2021
Status: c5
Hehe, I’m not giving any rate. I tried mtl and skipping through some chapters but oh man, this is not for a good heart. I’m having a hard time continuing and I think I will at least read five day worth sweetness before continue with this story. May god bless you whoever suffer this type of thing or maybe similar to it. The suffering is much longer than I though : (
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Intan.poyoz rated it
January 16, 2023
Status: Completed
I am so tired and annoyed for the ML in the first half of story and hope the MC won't be with ML at the end

But it seems like author want a happy ending and nerf MC a lot to the point of MC seems like a damsel in distress, not like the arogant and aloof young master at the start

The ML not get enough torture

If you annoyed with as*hole ML this is not for you, if you like angast best, this is perfect
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