Your Memes Are Better Looking Than You


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Gu Wei, the popular yet controversial lead dancer of boy band T.ATW.

Jiang Xun, a god-tier professional esports player.

One day, after a certain variety show aired, these complete strangers became a trending topic together.

Gu Wei’s Anti-Fans: Do these two have anything to do with each other? Gu Wei is absolutely shameless. He’ll try to leech fame off anything that moves, even esports legends. Ignore him, ignore him!

Fans of Jiang Xun’s Technique: If our God Xun wanted to, he could buy this whole country. If he’s playing around with some nameless celeb, he’ll just play until he gets bored and moves on.

But before long, an unexpectedly heated controversy sparked around the two:

Jiang Xun slacks off during a livestream to promote a celebrity!

Jiang Xun’s little brother Jiang Ying says he’s being forced to defend his nemesis Gu Wei against anti-fans!

Gu Wei, Jiang Xun… a shocking affair?!

Netizens: ???

The two do have talks of an engagement brewing between them, but it wasn’t Jiang Xun who Gu Wei fell for first… it was Jiang Xun’s reaction memes.

When Jiang Xun first met Gu Wei, he came away with the impression that Gu Wei was his diehard fan. He never would have imagined Gu Wei was only a fan of his memes.

Gu Wei: Ge… I think your reaction memes are better looking than you.

Jiang Xun: Little Gu, you’re a little rebel, aren’t you?

Then, affection gradually began to grow between the two. Gu Wei finally mustered up the courage to confess his feelings to Jiang Xun.

Gu Wei: Jiang Xun, I think I’ve started to ship us.

Jiang Xun, fiercely: You’re late. I’ve already become your stan.

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107 Reviews sorted by

auraizen rated it
September 17, 2021
Status: Completed
Enjoyable story, nice and sweet

Wouldn't reread it but also I read it all in a day and don't regret doing so either.

There are slight dark themes featured later on (child abuse, depression and mental health struggles) but a super fluffy story overall.
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izayaYY rated it
July 23, 2021
Status: Completed
Cute story full of sweetness and comedy, with adorable cast of characters. I find it ridiculous and futile when readers complain endlessly about a book's character profile or content. Yes this MC is an innocent and naive character... so what? In real life, if someone you know is too naive or lazy or spoiled or s*upid or s**tty or whatever, no amount of complaining would change things lmao. If you don't like a fictional character, just quit and say you don't like the character setting... no need to whine extensively... more>> and write an essay about it lmao. It's not like your extensive monologue can change things... yeah... just like in real life. <<less
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You gotta be kidding me
You gotta be kidding me rated it
May 20, 2021
Status: c69
I love how the misunderstandings did not dragged on and was only used briefly to make the readers laugh. I love how this is too feel good that I can't keep myself fron smiling and giggling every single chapter. I love how Gu Wei's genuine fans are toooo pure, loving and supporting -especially Sunny !! I love you giiiirl!!-, they wouldnt waver even if tons and tons of anti fan diss on their idol and remained loyal to Gu Wei, protecting him every single time. I love this, I love... more>> it so much im cryiiing. Obviously it have many weaknesses, but it wasnt something you can't overlook. The MC is a bit of an airhead, but it is funny af and it was mostly because he's too pure and genuine. The Male Lead is pe*verted, sometimes--no most of the times, but he clearly have boundaries set. Once Gu Wei felt discomfort he'll stop, and he wouldnt do things to Gu Wei when the latters defenseless ---UNLIKE SENIOR BROTHER WHO FEELS UP HIS SHIDI!!*GROWL AND USES HIS PYTHON BODY TO GET OFF DISGUST***--. Gu Wei and Jiang Xun is obviously not flawless, but it is that fact that made you like them even more. OVERALL THIS IS A GOOD READ, I WILL DEFINITELY COME BACK HEREEEE ONCE IN A WHILE. <<less
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April 17, 2021
Status: Completed
this is a double combo for me!!🤪 I love entertainment and esport genres and this have both... no excessive dog drama or anything.. I read this for a day stright! that🤣🤣🤣
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Ouryane00 rated it
April 10, 2021
Status: Completed
FFWX is real!!!! The ship has sailed!!!!

This novel is just so precious, I swear! So so good!! Don’t miss out on this gem!

The fluff is just right! Not too sweet and not too mild either, everything just feels so realistic fluff!!

Weiwei is so precious, I’m a little hedgehog now! Gonna change my UN to Little Hedgehog’s Ouryane lol
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ChronoH0 rated it
February 22, 2021
Status: --
A super cute read with not much difficulty in their relationship progress. Both MC and ML are pretty charming and have great chemistry.
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linolino rated it
May 4, 2024
Status: Completed
Pretty forgettable and kinda nonsensical story. There's a bit of E-Sports, a bit of Entertainment Circle and tons of netizen comments.

  • ML: cringe, while trying to be flirty/sexy, casually engages in s*xual harassment when he first meets MC. MC is bland and a pushover. Relationship feels very imbalanced.
  • Be prepared to read a lot of social media posts, netizen comments and WeChat messages. It's almost like these are more the focus of the story than the actual relationship irl
  • Your Scandals Are Way Cuter Than You is way better. Contrary to popular belief, it's not a sequel. It shares the same universe, but can be read as a stand-alone without knowledge from this novel.
Wouldn't recommend, but recommend The Pheromones Say We Have No Chance and YSAWCTY by the same author instead.
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rocketsigns rated it
October 14, 2023
Status: Completed
i don't really write reviews and this is my first time doing it! (mostly because I feel like many of the readers are already able to echo my sentiments) but as a co-member of weiwei's (mc) defense squad, I felt it wrong to not put my two cents in about some reviews talking about how unlikeable MC is.

this is by no means the best novel ever written (hence the 4-star rating), I say I definitely stayed more for the cute dynamic between several of the characters and much of the... more>> plot as opposed to being overly critical about the writing style. if you're looking for a novel that'll change your life, this probably isn't it. the novel is overall funny, pretty light-hearted with some elements of pain due to what the MC has been through, and heart-warming.

i think the parts that hit my heart the most mid-read was whenever ml:


established the fact that MC deserved all the love he was getting. it wasn't only that ML was doing all he can so that mc's image was cleaned up, but that he actually had an existing fandom and a group of people behind him that were always willing to stand by him regardless of ml's presence or not.


in this manner, I think there's a sort of hurt/comfort genre slipped into the novel. contrary to what others may say that MC might be (and he honestly is) clumsy, reckless, naive, and honestly, pretty s*upid when it comes to social media handling (😭), he's also very earnest, hard-working, kind, and honestly just doing his f*cking best in a place where many people are outright just against him.

he honestly didn't have the best adults around him like... his mom abandoned him after finding someone new and his dad deadass said be an artist so you can talk to more people and get rid of your depression... LMAO (f*ckyourdad. jpg).


MC is young, timid, and earnest and he's only 18 at the start of the novel, it makes a lot of sense that he's still trying to figure the world out and just doing his best. I enjoyed his journey a lot and absolutely love how the ML supported him kindly and consistently along the way (even if he is indeed a big p* /nsrs). I cried alongside mc's journey in the same way all his fans did and you can bet your ass i'd have been in his defense squad from the start if I was in the novel as well.

while we're at it, p.s.

f*ck his agency, man. can't believe it took the ML intervening before y'all actually actively tried to protect weiwei.

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isgrne rated it
September 18, 2023
Status: Completed
I gotta be honest I was really enjoying this story right up until the last chapter when

... more>>

ML straight up just starts having s*x while MC is still asleep? Completely without discussion right after their first time together when he knows MC has issues with intimacy.


Like, did I misunderstand that and it's not what's happening? I probably could have pushed past it and moved on but then ML said this:


"You're finally awake?" Jiang Xun asked, hovering over him. "Good. It's more interesting this way."


and then continued to make MC feel like he was in the wrong for something he said before they even knew each other? Just the whole mental process of "I'm not actually mad about this but I think it's funny to make him anxious and want to please me" in this particular scene made me feel differently about every other time that's happened in this novel

it also kind of seems ooc for him to suddenly act like this about mc's intimacy issues when he was so careful and sweet about them before this? He just completely brushes them off and acts like they don't exist.

It's just really left a bad taste in my mouth. I rated it a 3 despite how much I liked it right up until that point because I feel like it affected my enjoyment of the whole story and I'm not going to be able to reread this without thinking about that during all of ml's "teasing"

I get that it'a a common trope for tops to suddenly become super pushy about having s*x after they've gotten together but it always rubs me the wrong way and this just kinda elevated that to a whole new level.

Also, while it's not framed this way in the novel ML has a lot of power over the MC. MC is barely 18 and this rich famous man has stepped in and solved all of his issues for him, MC ends up really attached to him and finally feels like he has a family when he's with ML and his family. It's the trope of, I was finally able to move past my depression and history because of you. This, combined with how pushy ML gets about s*x and him constantly enjoying making MC think he's mad to coerce him into things bc MC feels panicked and guilty really doesn't come off that well to me? I've seen so many people like this novel and never seen any mention of it so maybe I'm misunderstanding or overreacting? I honestly really wish I had not read this chapter and left off with the one before it because I would have been so much happier with the ending and the novel itself.

Anyways, I don't want to just review that part since I liked the rest. Great translation, good pacing, misunderstandings are solved quickly. Mental health in general is treated fairly well in this novel which was nice. Yes, the MC is naive and the face slapping was very predictable so if you don't enjoy that then you won't like this novel. I personally really liked the MC and felt very attached to him.

If you're just looking for a light, funny read then this one is great! If you enjoy the e-sports genre, don't read it for that. The e-sport elements are very much on the side and not discussed other than in short mentions. The showbiz part wasn't bad but definitely could have been better. Feels like the novel tried to do both and ended up doing neither all that well honestly. <<less
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nanzhuist rated it
August 28, 2023
Status: Completed
Good short read, better if you read this after reading an angst for healing!
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huaisangs.idk rated it
May 14, 2023
Status: Completed
Just finished reading this one and I gotta say, I really enjoyed it!

I've read a sum of great danmei novels this year and this one didn't let me down either. I liked the characters, the writing and the overall reading experience.

The plot isn't the kind of plot that attracts me enormously, especially with the amount of things the author just glazes over in order to create an almost perfect scenario for their relationship to happen (which is indeed the cool thing about fiction, it doesn't have to be realistic, but... more>> here it somehow feels like its missing something, maybe some more worldbuilding).

Overall, it's a pretty sturdy 4 out of 5 and I'll be diving right into the sequel about Jiang Ying ~ <<less
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sbob rated it
March 13, 2023
Status: Completed
Disregarding the arranged marriage (really?) and surprising widespread acceptance of two public figures being gay (with no negativity at all on the homo aspect??), this novel was super fun to read.

Light hearted, very funny (laughed out loud a few times), and even got a bit steamy suggestive at parts (without any actual smut TT). Love how I can envision the. Jpgs without even seeing any of them.

Only thing is I wasn’t that invested in MC’s ‘tragic’ backstory. Maybe the start of the novel needed to have even more angst or... more>> negativity, or reveal his history and weave it into his actions a bit deeper (generally go through it in a paragraph or two, haha) so that the face slapping would be even more satisfying.

That being said, their chemistry and sweetness is off the charts, knew it would be a gem ten chapters in. FFXW! <<less
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Ferroh rated it
January 5, 2022
Status: Completed
Man, I was expecting a very fluffy experience, but holy shit, I didn't see the Depression tag ROFL.

I really liked the relationship between the ML and MC, though sometimes I raise an eyebrow at some parts where the ML "bullies" the MC. However, that little complaint is just a nitpick. A great deal of people probably finds it funny, but I guess I just like it when its the gong/seme/top who's getting bullied ¯\_ (ツ) _/¯
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JuneV rated it
December 29, 2021
Status: Completed

Actually I want to give 4 stars for not getting enough, but when I recalled how I was smiling foolishly when reading their love story, I couldn't bring myself to reduce a star.

This story is really good with warm, sweet moments. How two people slowly get to know each other. ML and MC from the start they are engaged, so how these two people take one step at a time is the plot. ML is one of the best MLs I have ever read. He is... more>> a bully when it comes to teasing our MC but he is mature and caring and lovable. MC on the other hand, poor kid, subjected to abuse, didn't have anyone to take care of him, don't know what is love. Finally he got the meaning of love after he met MC. It touches some topic of clinical depression too.

But I feel like this story really do have a lot of potential like undercurrent but the author just skimmed through it rather than diving deeply. There were so many meaningful moments but they were not narrated deep. That did little disappointed me. Like for example, there is a scene where ML will say MC is finally having a place called home that is ML's place, but the author didn't write MC's emotions there. Here anyone would have felt emotional, loved. There are some others moments like this that needed much narration.

But this is NOT AMAZON PRODUCT REVIEW. So don't hesitate to read this good piece. It really won't waste your time. <<less
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October 21, 2021
Status: Completed
Sweet, simple and enjoyable.

Don't expect deep development of the characters although it touches some heavy topics like depression, abuse and trauma.

Read it if you look for pure fluffy love and ML doting on MC.

Overall a 3.5. Doesn't bring anything new to the table in writing nor is game changing in plot but the sweetness is nice here
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September 30, 2021
Status: Completed
Finished binge reading this story.. It's good.. Not too cheesy but sweet. Interaction between MC, ML and other characters is superb. You won't get bored reading. Highly recommended.
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Michelle-08 rated it
September 25, 2021
Status: Completed
This is an easy, enjoyable read. If you want fluff, meng and dog food this one's for you. I accidentally read the sequel first and since I enjoyed that one, I came here to check.

The story is pretty light and fun to read, nothing complicated. ML is pretty handsy and loves to tease the MC a lot! While our MC although he had a very traumatic experience as a child and was constantly bullied when he entered the entertanment industry because of misunderstandings, still preserved his innocence and perseveres to... more>> reach his dream. Thank goodness for his friends who's always there for him and also our ML who helps him in his journey to healing. Not to mention ML's family, the shippers and the other side characters that are also funny and very supportive of our couple. <<less
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September 18, 2021
Status: Completed
Five star review! No question about it. Personally, I love this type of novel. A perfect twist of fluff and seriousness that deals with the characters life especially MC.

I won't make my review too long. All I can say is give this novel a chance but just a few warning, just dont make your expectation too high. If you are a reader who expect a formal way of writing then you wouldnt like this novel. The style of this novel is written uses the comments from the said viewers or... more>> fans since its an entertainment x e-sport plot. So, you will alway see this type of style on the whole chapter. I just appreciate that the translator did a good job to make it look a bit formal and not too messy to look at.

All I can say, if you enjoy purely romance. ML doting on the MC, no heavy misunderstanding, I think there is almost no misunderstanding going on. The MC healing from his past trauma then this novel is for you. It is very light read since its short which is so sad. I wanted more since I love the dynamics between the main couple. I know this novel is not everyone's cup of tea but give it a chance. I hope you'll enjoy it!

Jiang Xun x Gu Wei <3 Love this couple!! <<less
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Red Rose
Red Rose rated it
August 24, 2021
Status: Completed
That was sweet as hell!

Gu Wei's past is really distressing but the story is full of fluff and sweetness... I love both of their team members... Gu Wei's team members and manager is savage! I wish author had added more of Jiang Xu's team members as well but it was never lacking... A light hearted novel... Who like this type should give it a go...
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terri5fication rated it
July 26, 2021
Status: Completed
It's a fluff piece for sure. Short, simple and sweet is the romance between the characters. For a short read, this is a good story.
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